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Blank Quest One

ID:qUXWVMMZ No.5639585 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello, I am <span class="mu-b">The Watcher</span>, a being who simply watches over life and reality so it can be recorded for the ones above me, but they will not let me fully enter reality, as those above me have locked me in a separate dimension far away from mortal existence. However, I have recently been able to acquire means to communicate to you and others through special devices I call Mouths and Eyes, which let me communicate and send messages throughout reality. But since I don't want those above me to find out about my new playthings, I have decided to use them to indirectly toy with lesser beings in the universe, and I ask for your help to do so.

I shall pick a being I believe to be fun enough to toy with, but also being insignificant enough to be able to get away with it. Your goal is to tell me what you would like the being to do, and I shall tell them to do it via one of my Mouths. Luckily, I have already picked someone to toy with first, so why don't we see who our first plaything is?

This is a gelatin-like girl known as Bibi, a worthless yet endearing being I found living in a strange realm far from yours. She cannot speak verbally, but can display her feelings visually via strange bubbles with lines and symbols in them. I am unsure as to what they fully mean, but I believe you'll have a much easier time understanding. As for her location, is seems to be a...blank canvas of sorts, with little to no scenery or non-sentient life on it. Again, I am unsure as to why, but perhaps we can learn by...interfering with the local populace.

As you can see, I have placed a Mouth on her head, so I can relay messages to her, and I have an Eye tracking her so you can see what happens. As for our surroundings, near Bibi is a piece of paper with crude drawings on it, with a sort of drawing utensil right next to it of course. Next to the drawing is a single pillow, which she might use to sleep on when she gets tired, though I wouldn't fully know as I do not know what it feels like to be tired. And to the very right of your view is a strange puppet figure, with a small amount of purple smoke coming out of the neck base. Peculiar...

But now, I must finally ask you:
What is your first suggestion?