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/qag/: Quest Art General - A New Canvas edition

ID:ZH/J6p/R No.5641341 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome to <span class="mu-s">QUEST ART GENERAL</span>, a quest for showcasing the art of your quest and its characters! Players of all skill levels are welcome!

<span class="mu-s">QAG rules:</span>
1. <span class="mu-s">Don't spam.</span> Multiple posts are fine but keep it below Souv tier - paragraphs of random bullshit.
2: You are free to draw/post work of others' characters, but <span class="mu-s">no begging.</span>
3. <span class="mu-s">Keep it SFW.</span> This is a blue board. If you feel the need for otherwise, link it in the thread so it doesn't get nuked.
4. No dramafagging/vendettafagging. <span class="mu-s">No blatant shitting on others' art.</span> This is a quest to draw and vibe about art, /qst/ OCs, and their respective lore.
5. <span class="mu-s">If someone does give you fanart of your quest/character, be sure to thank drawfrens</span> for their hard work, it's common courtesy ^ w ^

Drawing Resources: