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The 2nd Primarch Quest 26

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:2km5DYJ9 No.5655464 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Far below the red sands of Nuceria, a battle is waged where the prize of the victorious will be the fate of the planet and its people. You, Lieren, second born son of the emperor of mankind and father of one of his legion of astartes, the great hunter of the wilds of Shangrala and great philosopher and builder of the prosperity, unity and peace most of its inhabitants now enjoy and fierce nemesis of all servants and slaves of the discordant powers, alongside your brother, Angron, the lord of the red sands, the unbeaten champion of the high rider's gladiatorial death games and the once enslaved freedom fighter who leads his people in open rebellion as you once did, are two of the combatants in this war in the dark, this destined battle.

The enemy you face, is a remnant, a shadow of a long dead race born from their collective suicide. A failed attempt at transferring their consciousness to living steel it is a soulless, artificial entity. An abominable intelligence of xenos origin, and a friend of the tyranical high riders. Just now it has pleaded with you halt your advance to bury and blade in its heart and end your attack upon it, as its service to the oppressors of Angron's people was only performed in the pursuit of order and peace, but without a heart or living soul, it was unrestrained by the dilemmas of either. Without morality, ethics or limits, it has created fertile soil for atrocity and injustice on a scale as grand as the hedonism of the Yan kings, the brutality of the Butcher king, and the despotism of the soul devouring lord of benighted sands. Your brother is enraged, with murder on his mind. The only desire he holds towards the shadow of the past, is total destruction. Revenge for all its misdeeds and wrongdoings.

But while you agree that it is a villain of the worst kind, it would be a great loss if the legacy it has begged you to preserve by sparing its life was to be lost. But, you have killed men for far lesser crimes than this abominable digital mind has and it is no man. It is a monstrosity, and a tyrant as well. You have killed those for merely existing.

"All things must one day end and be forgotten" You answer to the silence surrounding you, your brother and your surviving soldiers "And I have seen what your "kindness" has wrought. oung boys drained to feed a bloated corpse. Men chained like animals. My own brother collared and abused. You will die this night. It is the only "logical" reaction there can be"

There is a buzz of a static, like a sharp breath taken through clenched teeth.

"So there will be no reasoning with you, child of dreams?" It asked, knowing that further appeals for mercy would be pointless "You are content knowing it is your hand that shall erase the legacy of your kind's brothers by oath and deed? Are you prepared to not only hide but utterly erase such histories?"
