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Heretic Cultivator Quest 14

!!x2Y5mWD7k6q ID:7bRQ2cAn No.5663384 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You scoff haughtily, and flash a wickedly feline smile at your elder sister's phantom, fangs agleam and pride radiating from every strand of fur on your back.

"Dear sister, while I deeply appreciate your offer and am honored by it, I must refuse it. After all, you yourself mentioned you have no experience as a teacher. So I shall, as your little sister, allow you to gleam the expertise I have cultivated by offering instead that you serve as my assistant in these lessons" You explain cordially, raising a paw to your chin as she frowns, looking a little annoyed but not truly upset "Besides, this could be a pivotal moment for anyone of my student's development as cultivators. No reason to gamble their future success by having them serve as your practice round"

"I suppose, but would you truly be able to handle teaching so many all at once. You could give me a tight schedule and I'd follow it as close to the letter as I can" Xuebai then suggests but you just throw your head back and laugh

"I excel at mentoring multiple students at once! We cats are fickle, so having more disciples to bounce between actually helps me adhere to the flow of the lesson. Since I can shift my attention to whoever needs it the most" You boast, wagging your head side to side. Most of your students are staring at you, being unable to see Xuebai without focusing and expending Qi to improve their spiritual site, but those amongst them who are strong enough or follow paths that stray close to the other side of life, are looking to Xuebai, waiting to see how she reacts to your bragging.

"Then show me" She titters, bouncing through the air "That your actions can back up your tongues wagging, little sister"

"Well then, watch closely elder sister, you may learn a thing or two in your old age" You cackle back as you step forward to your students, sucking in a deep breath before smiling and bowing your head with a purr "Well, shall we begin? As you're no doubt aware by now, we have a special guest, so be on your best behavior and listen and obey all that I say"

Those with hands or limbs that can be lifted to their forehead salute you, while those who cannot just bow their head. The younger disciples, like Canlan, Mao and Jiangliehuo look at you with stars in their eyes, while the older ones, like Niu or Lie look with a steely determination.

<span class="mu-s"> Special condition met! Successfully train or teach 20 or more students at once. You've upgraded your great teacher perk, to Elite Teacher. The results of training students and the rewards it grants you have been increased even further! </span>
