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Nationquest: War of Storms

!!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:H+iuTNZV No.5668139 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Art: Herb Kawainui Kāne
>Alt-Text: A group of Hawaiian canoes led by Keōua Kuahuʻula approach the shore of Kawaihae. The Puʻukoholā Heiau temple is visible on a hill surrounded by the forces of King Kamehameha I.

The clouds thicken and the waves part, across the horizon: land!
You and your fleet have spent months at sea. Your mission?
Trade with the mighty Anyaten Empire, a powerful regime that your people had a bloody first contact with.
The Empire’s reserves of Ebbikele, the strongest substance in the world, are key to the politics and economics of your homeland.

You stand amongst a crew of allies and rivals.
The leadership of this fleet pulled from the many tribes and factions of your home Island.
You are:

>The Captain
The loyal leader of the fleet. You served as second in command on your previous journey here. Your past is marred by the violence suffered at Anyaten hands but you are dedicated to peace and prosperity and are a firm ally to the leadership back home.

>The Activist
A champion of the oppressed, when your Island unified you fought for the poorest among you to be recognized as a new tribe. You were asked to bring your eye for peace and justice to this brutal land but your loyalty will always be with your people.

>The Politician
A leader of your tribe. You ran in the election to be the leader of your nation, but your political rivals won. You were asked to join this fleet to provide a balanced viewpoint, but you know it was just to get you out of the way. Nevertheless, you came, for reasons no one here knows but you.

>The Noble
A formerly wealthy and currently hedonistic child of a poltical family, you find yourself out of power since your siblings broke away from your parents and took over The Island’s leadership. This fleet is your chance to get back your fortune, and your power.

>The Foreigner
A master warrior of the Anyaten, you were one of the first of your people to meet these Islanders, and the first to draw their blood. After that violent conflict, you were taken to their Island as an ambassador, now you return to your home as one of the few people with knowledge of both nations. They come to make trade, but you see the chance to change the history of The Empire and Island both.

You and your crewmates stand on the cusp of an event that will change history forever. For you will be key members in:

<span class="mu-s">NATIONQUEST IV: WAR OF STORMS</span>