>>5692008The attack is coming. You can see it as clearly as dark clouds on the horizon.
This arrogance, this belligerence, this untamed energy. It's all too familiar. It reminds you of another young warrior, one who was as fiery and impetuous as this youngster. Looking at Arjun, you see a mirror that reflects only the past. You become that much more determined to break it.
Taking a deep breath, you square your shoulders and assume a defensive stance, getting ready for what's coming.
Arjun charges in, going straight for the attack, as you predicted. He unleashes a flurry of kicks, knees, and elbows, attacking unpredictable targets. You can see immediately how he's fused his years in Thailand with the traditional teachings of India, those that form the basis of your own techniques. This is a hybrid style of Kalari and Muay Thai, expertly tailored to someone relying on high-speed offense and an indestructible body. His movements would be a blur to the untrained eye.
You can see how someone like Ravi Mehta, the Tiger Pit's champion, would be dismantled by this swift and brutal onslaught. Used to fighting undisciplined thugs and nameless wannabes, his defense would grow sloppy, easily exploited and punctured.
Not you.
Even now, so many years later, your defense is strong as stone. You remember everything without thinking, like no time has passed at all. Your eyes track the incoming movements like a hawk; you weave and dodge, stepping just out of the reach of each blow when possible; intercept each blow while subtly twisting to disperse the force of the impact.
Arjun's attacks become less precise, more desperate. He's wearing himself out, and you let him. His attacks are a storm of wind, raging and howling, and you stand as the mountain, with unflinching resolve.
Suddenly, he stops. He's breathing heavily, his eyes wide and confused. He expected a battle, an exchange of offense where you both went immediately for the kill. But you're refusing to play his game, and he has nothing to show for all his effort.
"Fight back!" Arjun demands, his voice rising over the noise of the market and the crowd of spectators.
Instead of replying, you smile. His anger and impatience don't dictate the course of this battle. You do.
As Arjun regains his breath, you can sense his thoughts and approach shifting. He's reassessing his strategy. Your defense seems impenetrable, so how to overcome it? What vulnerability could be exploited, what grab or throw or unpredictable attack could penetrate?
Before he even realizes his mindset has changed, you prepare to take advantage of it, and shift your weight to move into the attack. It's time to show this boy what you can do.
Choose 2:
>Assault and strike. A focused commitment to inflict harm.>Intimidate and pressure. Cut off your opponent's options in the next exchange.>Smash and destroy. Destabilize your surroundings to impair the opponent.>Vajra's Fist. Expend chi to deliver a devastating hammer blow.