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Paranormal Crossdressing School Escape (2)

ID:AvhT1/fc No.5676445 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Recovered Report #0001: 'The Measure of All Things'; Author Unknown;

Status: Declassified; Approved for public consumption.

The following record details the extraordinary set of circumstances occuring around the time of last days of [REDACTED], located at coordinates [REDACTED], hidden deep in the forests of Swiss Alps' peaks, durning the period of [REDACTED], and under jurisdiction of [REDACTED].

The account you are about to read concerns itself not with objective analysis of overarching plots, shifts in balance of power, scientific breakthroughs, nor systematic classification of abnormalities emblematic to the period. These matters will be analyzed only from the perspective of the thread tying it all together - the thread of Man, and, in particular - Yui Nakamura. A Japanese student witnessing and actively participating in the events.

Of course, opponents can point out that describing the complicated web of events occuring at [REDACTED] from the perspective of an singular outlier - which author assures, Yui Nakamura is, but that for later - is bound to miss both the circumstances of the average and fail to convey 'grander' intentions at play objectively. To that author merely replies that the statistical average can only be understood and contextualised from the perspective of an outlier - abnormality already hints at normality. Similarly, analyzing Yui Nakamura's circumstances might tell us more about the efficacy and mentality of either Powers-That-Be - or those whose name shall be unspoken - than analysis of polices and socio-economical factors and abnormalities ever could.

With that being said, the scientific, political, sociological, or historical value of this report is low. The author lacks credentials to legitimize conjectures, nor necessary imagination or will to tell the absurd facts in a consistent frame of a singular narration. This way, author hopes, the report can evade attributing greatness to acts of mere chance; heroism from desperation, nor intention from happenstance.

For last, the author assumes it appropriate to explain the methodology of the following report, and a disclaimer.

The events described were selected from the spoken accounts of the remaining participants, notes, and official data gathered by authorities. The author used them to distill truths from embellishments, connect facts, and infere motivations. Obviously and unavoidably, due to the nature of available evidence this report is written in accordance with authors's own perception of truth and biases. Inevitability, there will be other readings, stressing different parts and ideas, inferencing different motivations, and some, most likely, with access to a different array of evidence altogether.

In the end, It's up to the reader to infere their own truths of the events occuring during the fateful closing days of [REDACTED].