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Renovatio Imperii 7

ID:yp0baRs2 No.5702220 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
<span class="mu-s">Anno domini 1085</span>

You are Manuel Angelus, first of his name, <span class="mu-i">Imperator, Basileús kai Autokrátōr Thephaiōn</span> (General, Sovereign and Autocrat of Thephians). The ruler of an august and venerable empire that had once been the hegemon of the known civilized world. Now a decaying and rotting, racked by civil wars, plague, religious schisms and foreign invasions. Only nineteen years of age, despite a disposition fitting one of an erudite scholar or a learned priest, you had been thrust upon the most prestigious throne of the world. You had sentenced <span class="mu-i">Parakoimomenos</span> (one who sleeps nearby) Fulgentius to death for his crimes of having poisoned your father, the previous <span class="mu-i">Basileús</span>, Andronikos V Angelus whom had just moments prior recognized you as his bastard, and legitimized you. Shortly thereafter, you had survived your own guards, the elite <span class="mu-i">Scholae Tagmata</span> (School regiment/battalion), turning against you with half of their number. Rallying the loyalists, you had bested your Uncle, seeing him slain upon the battlefield, condemning to death those of your guards that had betrayed you and the house troops of the Angelus family, all of whom you had blinded and sent to exile to live a religious life, only sparing the youngest of them whom could not pose you any threat. Afterwards you immersed yourself in rebuilding the imperial navy, starting up infrastructure projects and involving yourself in conflicts to your South, against the uncouth Akeonians whom dared to encroach upon your islands, and to the East, against rebellious magnates whom with God’s and his Shepherd’s favour upon your side all had drowned beneath the waves. Thus, you continue your reclamation against foreign savages whom are now trying to lay claim to lands rightfully yours, exhausted by your treacherous subjects.