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The 2nd Primarch Quest 28

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:7snLjy2g No.5726794 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are Lieren of Nothing, second son of the emperor of mankind, Brother of Angron Thal'kyr of Nuceria, the head of numerous organization, groups, ministries, and sects. Though many of these seats of honor and appointments of high status and privilege are common knowledge, even your closest of friends and comrades save two know of your creation and leadership of an organization of spirit hunters without a name. Forever hating the discordant, chaotic and wicked powers of the warp lead by those most abhorrent of entities that name themselves dark gods and Daemon lords, you long suspected their interference on Nuceria, recognizing many signs of chaotic influence and outright corruption. Having charted this organization of the dammed secretly after having your fear of malignant forces at work upon the world of your brother Angron's adoption, you allowed these Nameless heroes who fight and die in the dark of the night to do most of the work subjugating the odd cult or wayward evil spirit present upon the world's soil.

But tonight proved a greater fear, that not only were the desperate and oppressed, the deranged and the nihilistic under the sway of your most reviled of enemies, but that the High riders who had until now proven oddly free of the taint born of the shadows within all men's hearts, had shown that they to now hid the repugnance of chaos amongst their ranks. A recent complication that threatened the very soul of Nuceria. Having moved forward of your brother fearsome armies, Jinhai's own imperial volunteer force and even your own force of Brothers of the panther, cultivators, Astartes and their attached Terran regiments, you snuck into the battered and burned jewel of the high rider rule Desh'ea, fearing the absence of connection between the tyrants of Nuceria and the pollution of the Empyrean. To your great dissatisfaction, you found seemingly every self entitled "god" except for The grand minister of Anarchy had pawns within the city, that threatened not only the lives within it but the minds and souls of the two armies marching upon the city that had enslaved and tortured your brother for the amusement of his captors and its leaders.

Acting quickly and sending your spirit hunters throughout the city to find the threats you sensed, you dealt with a strangely potent form of Chaos spawn with Luo Zedong, who had once been the Shuni priest Tahir Azzi, who forsake his allegiance to the faith of the Caliphate that once darkened those lands, and who had fought and loyally served in Long-Jia's wars ever sense, turning his gift and sorcerous knowledge against the very abominations he had once praised and kowtowed before.