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Celestial Reclamation Quest

ID:6MV/XVwj No.5730043 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're the bearer of a dark secret: all magic comes from demons. From the most benign healing spell to the most gruesome curse, it all comes from draining energy from a demon filled world that one day was very like our own, until it started being drained of magic. Our very own world is being drained as well, by a world filled with creatures some fools would call 'angels' or perhaps even 'gods'.

Knowing this dark secret, you contacted beings from the dimension below interested in changing the logic of magical exploitation - instead of the better off worlds suck dry the worse off ones, the ones below would use the energy of the worlds above to rebuild themselves. And because of this, they call you 'demon worshipper' and accuse you of wanting to summon into this world a 'demon lord'.

A paladin society called the Bulwark is always after you trying to stop you from summoning a so called demon lord to engulf this world into a thousand years of chaos. If you were to succeed, magic as we know it would cease to work, until wizards learned to drain energy from the world 'above' instead of the world 'below'. Many dread this, unable to fathom the boundless possibilities that this new way of being offers to everyone. But you will show them. You will show them!