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Progress Quest

ID:nP3fmnhe No.5730779 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You're a community of primitive humans in a fantasy world. You have the knowledge of fire and can communicate with each other. You live together in a forest near a river. You don't have a care in the world and wander around naked, eating when you're hungry and sleeping when you're tired. You get together to raise your young and to protect each other from predators.

Turn 1

Year Unknown
Population: ~150 humans
Army: clubmen militia
Resources: lumber, rocks
Food Sources: berries, insects, rabbits, rodents
Technology: fire
Buildings: leantos

Turn duration: a few generations

What do you want to do for the next few generations?
> develop agriculture
> develop spinning and weaving
> develop pottery
> develop writing
> develop metallurgy
> develop the wheel
> domesticate animals
> develop a calendar
> develop masonry
> develop herbalism
> write in

Your people meet forest fairies for the first time! What is your reaction to them?
> Wonder and awe. Their ethereal beauty and whimsical nature foster a deep sense of admiration and reverence.
> Curiosity and fascination. Their presence leads your people to observe and study these creatures closely.
> Fear and suspicion. Your people view them as potential threats and seek to stay away from them.
> Envy and resentment. Your people compare your own lives to the carefree existence of the fairies and feel a sense of bitterness over their own challenges and responsibilities.
> Hate and hostility. The fairies are deemed hostile and dangerous to your way of life and deserving of eradication.
> Write in.