[62 / 5 / 16]
"The Bar" A place for cold hard cash and colder drinks. It's location shifts pretty frequently so nobody gets too close by mistake. There are only so many walls people can be thrown through before they go through the one leading to your living room, especially in New York. You stand in the door, shaking off some of the winter stiffness from your jacket, eyeing up the room for your contact. Joe Malizia, consigliere for the Gnucci Family and enough personal space to prove it, sitting in a booth all to himself staring you down. You hold his stare as you approach and give him a polite nod as you take a seat across from him. He gives you a brief look up and down as you sit and slides over to you a small envelope. You crack the seal and spot 500 Dollars, your meet and greet fee, you smile and slide it from the table to the coat in your lap.
"Thank you for paying my fee. Usually my customers don't see the point." You start, leaning forward in your seat."
"Well what those younger guys don't know is how much work it takes to be good at your job. You're new to the city but word still gets around." He shrugs and takes a sip from his glass. "Before I lay the job on the table for you I need to get all the info I can from you for Ma Gnucci. She likes to know who it is working for her. I have your file right here but how about you give me the skinny and save me having to get my glasses?"
>Give Short Physical Description of our Character. (Feel free to post reference art)
>Give a short bio about the character: this is the place to add in things like Military Experience, prior conflicts with supers, or just fun flavor you'd like to see.
>What are your abilities? Things like Martial Arts training, firearm proficiencies, special training like demolitions or poisons go here. If you want powers put them here too, I have Veto power on anything outrageous, we will (at least at the start) be going with street-level powers or higher level powers with obvious drawbacks. I'm not trying to run an evil(er) Sentry quest.
"Thank you for paying my fee. Usually my customers don't see the point." You start, leaning forward in your seat."
"Well what those younger guys don't know is how much work it takes to be good at your job. You're new to the city but word still gets around." He shrugs and takes a sip from his glass. "Before I lay the job on the table for you I need to get all the info I can from you for Ma Gnucci. She likes to know who it is working for her. I have your file right here but how about you give me the skinny and save me having to get my glasses?"
>Give Short Physical Description of our Character. (Feel free to post reference art)
>Give a short bio about the character: this is the place to add in things like Military Experience, prior conflicts with supers, or just fun flavor you'd like to see.
>What are your abilities? Things like Martial Arts training, firearm proficiencies, special training like demolitions or poisons go here. If you want powers put them here too, I have Veto power on anything outrageous, we will (at least at the start) be going with street-level powers or higher level powers with obvious drawbacks. I'm not trying to run an evil(er) Sentry quest.