>>5761734Each pair of contestants plays the game.
The man pulls levers, causing sticks to fall, after which the woman has to catch the stick as it drops.
Communication between contestants is allowed, but as the host mentioned -- the game was rigged from the start.
<span class="mu-g">"I'm pulling the left-most lever, okay!?"</span> one participant said.
<span class="mu-g">"Ready!"</span> his partner would say, angled towards that stick.
Only for two sticks to fall down directly behind her, much to the delight of the audience.
You also notice that there's a small delay between the lever being pulled and the stick falling.
It's obvious this game comes at the expensive of the female participant.
They're constantly the target of ridicule and subject of laughter in this.
Shintaro, the host, adds further insult to injury.
<span class="mu-g">"It's okay, haha! At least you have a pretty face, right?"</span>
Shintaro seems to time his comments in the brief interval between the lever being pulled and the stick falling.
Eventually, Enatsu and Kato's turn comes up.
As she stands beneath the machine in her white dress, she gets her game-face on.
Surroundings forgotten. Only her and this reaction-game.
Kato shouts instructions from the top and Enatsu confirms.
With her athletic background, she should be fairly good at this.
Then again, all the contestants seem in tip-top shape.
The first stick falls and Enatsu's quick reaction seems on the money, hand speeding towards the falling stick.
It's as if she hit the thing with some kind of palm-strike, it rockets across the stage.
Even though the stick misses Shintaro by wide margin, he dodges in place.
<span class="mu-g">"Woah! Come for my life, have you? Haha!"</span>
<span class="mu-g">"Ah, I'm sorry,"</span> shouts Enatsu, bowing towards the host.
Two more sticks fall while she's distracted.
<span class="mu-g">"Pay attention, Enatsu-chan!"</span> complains Kato.
The audience laughs at Enatsu's slip-up.
Enatsu fixes her attention back on the game and calls out to Kato to continue pulling levers.
She manages to catch several sticks in rapid succession.
Leaning in, swipe at the stick, and darting towards the next falling stick.
Moving much like she might be when engaging in a sport, causing her dress to flare up.
Shintaro folds his arms and leans theatrically to the side, as if trying to peep.
<span class="mu-g">"Hmmm! Enatsu-chan, we can see your panties, y'know?"</span>
<span class="mu-g">"Hah!?"</span> cries Enatsu, slamming both hands down on her butt to keep the dress down.
The final sticks fall to the ground.
Shintaro shrugs, and leans away with a huge, mocking grin on his face, <span class="mu-g">"Juuuust kidding!"</span>
The audience laughs, Enatsu's shoulders slump.
<span class="mu-g">"Next contenders, please!"</span>
Enatsu walks off, her face red with embarrassment.
Her partner, Kato, seems to try and reassure her.