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Nation on the brink quest #2

!!Q7XPCt0nVL/ ID:BZoo3UnI No.5753859 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Nation of ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.

You are Edmund Drayton, formerly a major of the first airborne division, you are now Colonel of your own Ad hoc division as the most far south of the Reformist forces, you are a man of humble origins and intend to lead reformist forces to victory. You spent the months leading up to the war modernizing your forces and even innovating somewhat in the form of your airborne terrors in the form of gunships. The majority of you men are currently rolling forwards to surround an enemy battalion that's currently besieging a friendly garrison

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