>>5776511>>5776844your food finished, your hunger sated, you take a moment to recollect, to remember, to wander the library of your memories.
what scarf? you don't have the faintest clue. you don't remember ever having a scarf, let alone gifting it to anyone, but you peruse the annals of your mind still.
you find yourself the slightest grasp on this concept. there's something there. something to dig into. you peek past, between the covers of books otherwise uninteresting. there is something catalogued in some secluded hidden shelf, in an undusted, and unlit area of your mind.
what is there? something worth remembering? why is it hidden so?
you have made up your mind. you dig deeper. arm first, then shoulder, through bookshelves that block your path, but as soon as your paw breaches this barrier, you are stunned. you feel frostbite crawling up your arms, your body chilled to the core, but you push further still.
hopelessly, you find yourself being thrust backwards, faster and faster. your surroundings warp, speeding past you, finding themselves pulled into a point somewhere in the distance. that hidden chapter of your mind shrinks away, deeper into darkness.
it's not long before you are ejected to consciousness with no recollection of where you were for the past two minutes. your hands are freezing.
this happens sometimes.