“No…” You mumble, as Marella shouts “WHAT?” Gathering your courage, you shout back “NO! I WILL NOT SACRIFICE ANYONE AGAINST THEIR WILL, EVEN IF THEY ARE JUNKIES AND DEALERS!” Marella sighs as she looks away for a moment, before saying “WELL, WHAT’S YOUR PLAN THEN?” A half mad grin lights up upon your face as you shout “WE CHARGE THEM!” Marella’s eyes go wide for a moment, before she sports a grin of her own. “ARE YOU BLEDDY INSANE? HEH, I GUESS YOU ARE, EH HOLYMAN? FINE THEN, HONESTLY I RECKON IT SHOULD WORK, ALTHOUGH THE LOSSES…” And then she surprises you by gripping your neck and pulling you in fiercely, giving you what may be your final kiss.
“ALRIGHT BOYS, ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT,” She screams, raising out of cover, “CHAAAAAAARRRRGGEEEE!”
No one hesitates, not even for a moment as they all leap over their cover, and from the other end of the hallway, through the gunsmoke and darkness you see the rest of your men doing the same. The Light of God must be spurring them on, and so without hesitation you do the same, running neck and neck with Marella towards them, screaming pure madness, the battle chill having taken you fully. Men and women to your left and right fall, although the horde of your people must seem endless to the kidnappers. With their attention split between your side and the other end of the hallway, their fire is made more ineffective, as confusion and perhaps even panic begin to overtake them.
And then, you’re on them. They draw blade, small but incredibly sharp combat knives, but these men are not superhuman, and soon their blades and guns are wrenched out from their hands and turned against them. Their own guns make quick work of all but one, and you scream “STOOOPPP! WE NEED ONE ALIVE!” Still, it takes several moments for your men to heed what you say, so furious are they that they cut out his eye when his helmet is torn off, and blow off his hand turning it into so much red paste and gore.
And just like that, the battle is over. You won.
When the lone surviving kidnapper is finally fully restrained, you turn around to survey the battlefield. You and Marella have both lost a dozen each. And so soon after lighting the last funeral pyres. As the adrenaline fades, you are taken by an urge to weep and wail so strong that it almost buckles your knees, but… You must stand. For your men and hers. For the fallen.
For the Lord Himself.