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The 2nd Primarch Quest 30

!!RS7NSuo3fkv ID:TtPdK+eo No.5790368 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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You are a man known by many names, bequeathed many titles and accolades, and holding many offices of great renown and importance. By birth you are the second born primarch, a son of the emperor of mankind, by lifestyle and choice you are a philosopher who meditates upon the mists and winds, a hunter of the wild with few peers, an opponent of all that is tyrannically and evil in the universe, friend of mankind in all of its forms and a fair few alien lifeforms as well, and lover of a woman formed of a thousand souls who brought the breath of life to your homeworld of Shangrala. But whatever titles one ruses efers to you, what poetic sobriquets are gifted to you, and whichever art-names you earn through your travels and heroic deeds, the most fitting and truest name given and description given to you is the one you've gave yourself the day you named yourself.


Having at last returned to the world you descended to in an egg of stone like a falling star, and declared to be your home and under your protection, from the world where your brother Angron fell and was enslaved to the sadistic pleasures and bloodthirsts of the tyrannical high riders, and having given him a tour of your fair home and traveled to the furthest reaches of its mists where no Long-Jian man has walked before to help bring the peoples who lived their, once unknown to your people, to the standards of living and technological progress of the rest of the civilized nations of Shangrala, meeting two new breeds of humanity, the Oracle breed and semi aquatic Lomb as you traveled as a teacher and taught these less advance nations how to use the gifts of knowledge and tools you brought to them.

But while you busied yourself in uplifting and mentoring these distant races so they could join with the rest of a unified Shangrala, your mind began to be troubled as your studious nature uncovered an unsettling pattern concerning the creation and revolt of artificial intelligences. Your friend and student, Carys, formerly of a farseer of Ulthwe before she devoted her life to practicing the lessons of the Journey, advised you to seek answers with her elder and senior in both age and the path of the seer, Eldrad Ulthran, whom had, after a debate, assisted you in finding your way to and even, according to your dear friend Long-Jia Jinhai, lead the volunteer armies of Shangrala to Nuceria. Assistance of which you are grateful he lent, and the trust he still grants you by allowing you access to the labyrinth dimension. Trust that was the tumbling stone that lead to the avalanche that was the freeing of Angron and the liberation of Nuceria. You owe him greatly, but owing a debt is no reason not to seek the wisdom of a sagacious mind like Ulthran's.