>>5795511>>5796222Another set of trips, damn
There's a mighty contest for the Boss' place. A hunter tries his luck, ambushing the Boss in the night, before ending up butchered and pinned to a tree for his insolence. At this, the Shaman, Craznok, decides enough is enough - the great green gods are offended, and the Boss must be dealt with.
One night, as the tribe camps out in a clearing, Craznok approaches a likely young warrior. The young orc is a head taller than his brothers, strong as an ox and not half as stupid. The Shaman makes a deal - gives him a tincture of Orcus and sends him to wrestle the Boss.
Animated by the rage of Orcus, the young warrior pulls the old man apart in gruesome style - the duel ends with him pinning the old Boss to the ground and smashing his skull in with his own head. Rising, face painted with gore, the New Boss, Shaman at his side, is ready to lead.
The tribe has many problems to deal with. They are few in number, only a few hundred, have no set home, no tents, little food, bad weapons and many enemies, between the Knife Ears, the Centaurs and the Riverfolk.
>What is the tribe's first priority?>Find a place to settle.>Consult with the Gods.>Go raiding.