>>5797917And it was enough, rousing them to great acts! They fight hard and even start to push back, throwing their lives down at the raiding party. Which looses more and more steam as the battle went on, until finally breaking off and retreating.
However your army is in no ability to chase them, only the greatest of your riders moving to harass your foes until they went back to their longboats and rowed back. The costs were high, but victory was now yours.
All that was left, was to return back to the capital with those that remained.
<span class="mu-s"> Autumn, 801 RL </span>
The will of him above is fickle indeed, as the once bountiful fields have bore little. It is a famine!
Your advisor looks to you disappointed, stating that he told you this would happen. Now the Granaries are not going to be enough to feed the now starving people. You'll have to act fast to save this.
[A] Go ahead and try to buy some food from other realms.
Beg to the church for any charity or alms in these times.
[C] Write to your Step Father and ask for aid in these times.
[D] Let them eat the bread scraps, do nothing. It's just a bunch of peasants.