DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Fri 27 Oct 2023 16:22:47 No. 5808989 Report Quoted By:
>Player Stats >Normal Shortsword (2 DMG) >20 HP >5 SPD >5 EVA >You heal 2 HP after battles >You can have as many weapons and items in your inventory as you want >You can have one weapon equipped at a time >Passive items are always active in inventory >Using items in battle takes up a turn >Switching weapons in battle doesn't take a turn >Battles: >Fastest speed attacks first >1d20 + Attacker's SPD must be higher or equal to 1d20 + Opponent's EVA >The player loses if he runs out of health >If there's more than one enemy you can decide which one to attack >First roll decides the room we get (1d20) >1-9: Battle Room >10-14: Shop >15: Mini-Boss (Enemies spawn with a random weapon) >16: Shrine >17-20: Weaponsmith >Amount of enemies and items increase by 1 every 15 rooms >Battle Room: (1d20) >1-5: Slime 1 DMG 1 HP 3 SPD 8 EVA >6-8: Serpent 2 DMG 2 HP 6 SPD 4 EVA >9-14: Zombie 4 DMG 6 HP 1 SPD 0 EVA >15: Goblin 3 DMG 2 HP 7 SPD 2 EVA >16-17: Skeleton 7 DMG 8 HP 6 SPD 2 EVA >18: Demon 3 DMG 15 HP 1 SPD 3 EVA >19: Ghost 4 DMG 1 HP 1 SPD 10 EVA >20: Ogre 7 DMG 20 HP 1 SPD 0 EVA >You get Gold based on the roll >Mini-Boss gives 3X Gold >Mini-Boss has a 25% chance of dropping it's weapon >Shop Room: (1d20) >Three rolls for each item >1: Health potion: 5 Gold, heals 20% HP >2: Speed potion: 5 Gold +2 SPD for 3 turns >3: Shielding potion: 10 Gold -1 DMG taken by 1 for 3 turns >4: Wristband of strength: 20 Gold Increases DMG by 3, breaks on miss (doesn't stack) >5: Smoke Bomb: 30 Gold Decreases SPD of you and all enemies by 2 for 3 turns (doesn't stack) >6: Invulnerability potion: 50 Gold Makes you invulnerable for 2 turns >7: Totem of Undeath: 80 Gold If were to die, stay at 1 HP, breaks upon use >8: Thorn Potion: 30 Gold deal 1 DMG when hit for 5 turns >9: Heart Container: 20 Gold +1 MAX HP >10: Headband of Dodging: 10 Gold +2 EVA, breaks upon taking DMG (doesn't stack) >11: Crit potion: 100 Gold Deal 3X DMG for 1 turn >12: Large Health potion: 20 Gold heals 50% HP >13: Large Shielding potion: 50 Gold -4 DMG taken for 6 turns >14: Large Speed potion: 60 Gold +5 SPD for 3 turns >15: Full Health potion: 80 Gold Heals to MAX HP >16: Fire Bomb: 20 Gold Deal an attack at 8 SPD that sets enemies on fire ( 2 DMG per turn for 5 turns ) >17: Invisibility Potion: 50 Gold All enemies miss for 3 turns until you attack >18: Weapon Sharpener: 150 Gold Increase DMG of one weapon by 2 >19: Poison Dart: 30 Gold Deal an attack at 10 SPD that poisons one enemy ( 5 DMG per turn for 3 turns ) >20: Large Heart container: 100 Gold +10 MAX HP
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Fri 27 Oct 2023 16:23:48 No. 5808991 Report Quoted By:
>Shrines heal you completely and give you a random item >You may donate 500 Gold for 1 divine blessing >Divine Blessings: (1d10) >1: Blessing of Power: For the next 10 Rooms, deal 2X DMG from attacks (doesn't include DoT) >2: Blessing of Wealth: For the next 10 Rooms, gain 3X Gold from battles and shop rooms give you a 50% Discount on items >3: Blessing of Great Healing: For the next 10 Rooms, heal to full health after each room. Healing is 2X effective in battle. >4: Blessing of Foresight: For the next 10 Rooms, have the ability to roll the next room before entering and you attack first on every first turn of a battle >5: Blessing of Haste: For the next 10 Rooms, have +5 EVA and +5 SPD in battle >6: Blessing of Great Technique: One weapon gains +5 DMG. Roll for a type if the weapon has less than two types. Normal type gets removed on roll, duplicate gets amplified 2X. >7: Blessing of Great Health: Gain +20 MAX HP >8: Blessing of Great Strength: Gain +1 DMG permanently >9: Blessing of Great Speed: Gain +1 SPD permanently >10: Blessing of Great Evasion: Gain +1 EVA permanently >Weaponsmith: (2d20) Weapon>1-8: Shortsword 2 DMG >9-12: Sword 5 DMG -1 EVA >13: Hammer 8 DMG -4 SPD -2 EVA >14: Shield 2 DMG -3 SPD +3 EVA -1 DMG Taken >15: Axe 5 DMG -1 SPD >16: Katana 6 DMG +2 EVA +1 DMG Taken >17: Spear 4 DMG +2 SPD +2 EVA >18: Dagger 1 DMG +3 EVA +5 Gold on kill >19: Scythe 7 DMG -4 SPD + 1 EVA >20: Longsword 10 DMG -3 EVA Type>1-8: Normal >9: Fire Touch: Set enemy on fire ( 2 DMG per turn for 5 turns ) >10: Leech Life: heals for 50% MAX HP on kill >11: Crit Touch: Enemy takes 3X damage for 1 turn >12: Combo Attack: Roll up to 5 times for attacks (must be consecutive successes) >13: Stun: Enemy is unable to attack for 1 turn >14: On the Edge: Deal 3X damage while under 25% HP >15: Poison Touch: Makes enemy poisoned ( 5 DMG per turn for 3 turns ) >16: High Confidence: Deal +5 DMG while over 80% HP >17: Speedster: On kill gain +5 SPD for 1 turn >18: Fast Hands: Gain 1 extra turn on kill >19: Killstreaker: Increase DMG by 1 for every kill >20: Midas Touch: 3X Gold on kill >You may merge 3 weapons for a Weapon Sharpener >You may sell weapons for 50 Gold each >If the type is not normal, gain extra 100 Gold
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Fri 27 Oct 2023 16:46:28 No. 5809005 Report Quoted By:
First roll decides the room we get I roll for enemy attacks and you for your attacks Decisions like what items to use or weapons to switch to can be discussed and to form a consensus
Rolled 20 (1d20) INTO THE DEEP! GOLD OR DEATH!
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 15:06:54 No. 5812246 Report Rolled 8, 10 = 18 (2d20) >>5812057 What's this? A weapon?
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 15:31:14 No. 5812274 Report >>5812246 It's a Leech Life Shortsword! Will you equip it?
Room: 1
Your current stats
>20/20 HP >5 SPD >5 EVA >Equipped: Shortsword (2 DMG) >Inventory: >Leech Life Shortsword (2 DMG) Anonymous
>>5812274 >Equip Leech Life Shortsword It's just our sword, but better.
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 17:01:55 No. 5812308 Report >>5812298 True, onto the next room I suppose
Room: 1
Your current stats
>20/20 HP >5 SPD >5 EVA >Equipped: Leech Life Shortsword (2 DMG) >Inventory: >Shortsword (2 DMG) Anonymous
Rolled 19 (1d20) >>5812308 ...Rolling for room, I guess...?
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 21:38:18 No. 5812580 Report Rolled 6, 16 = 22 (2d20) >>5812524 Another weapon room I see.
Yeah the idea is that you guys roll for rooms and for your attacks and I roll for enemies and what the rooms have
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 21:42:42 No. 5812583 Report >>5812580 A High Confidence Shortsword!
Well you seem to be getting a lot of weapons for start.
Room: 1
Your current stats
>20/20 HP >5 SPD >5 EVA >Equipped: Leech Life Shortsword (2 DMG) >Inventory: >Shortsword (2 DMG) >High Confidence Shortsword (2 DMG) DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 21:43:45 No. 5812590 Report Quoted By:
>>5812583 Sorry It's actually
Room: 2
You want to equip this one instead?
Rolled 17 (1d20) >>5812583 >Equip Wonder if we can find the original devler's corpse.
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 21:45:34 No. 5812594 Report Rolled 17, 13 = 30 (2d20) >>5812591 IT'S RAINING WEAPONS
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 21:59:40 No. 5812609 Report >>5812594 A Stun Spear
Room: 3
Your current stats
>20/20 HP >5 SPD >5 EVA >Equipped: High Confidence Shortsword (2 DMG) >Inventory: >Shortsword (2 DMG) >Leech Life Shortsword (2 DMG) >Stun Spear (4 DMG +2 SPD +2 EVA) Anonymous
Rolled 9 (1d20) >>5812609 >Equip How does stun work?
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 22:18:05 No. 5812624 Report >>5812614 When an enemy is stunned they will skip their next attack
We've encountered a Zombie! You go first as you're faster.
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 22:19:06 No. 5812625 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 14 (1d20) >>5812624 hold up I forgot to roll the enemy uhhhhhhhhhh
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 22:20:07 No. 5812627 Report Quoted By:
>>5812624 >it's still a zombie Anonymous
Rolled 20 + 7 (1d20 + 7) >>5812624 Let's see if we job this
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 30 Oct 2023 23:12:46 No. 5812665 Report Rolled 15 + 1 (1d20 + 1) >>5812637 Looks like that hits.
Now prepare for it's attack!
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Tue 31 Oct 2023 06:17:53 No. 5812888 Report Quoted By:
>>5812665 wait actually it's stunned right now so yeah it's your turn to attack
Your current stats
>20/20 HP >5 SPD >5 EVA >Equipped: Stun Spear (4 DMG +2 SPD +2 EVA) >Inventory: >Shortsword (2 DMG) >Leech Life Shortsword (2 DMG) >High Confidence Shortsword (2 DMG) >Zombie's stats: >HP:2/6 >DMG: 4 >SPD: 1 >EVA: 0 DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/
DeepDungeonQM !!3iWegEqYTx/ ID:2FOsShaU Mon 06 Nov 2023 22:08:40 No. 5820995 Report Quoted By:
Welp this thread died down. I guess stun could be seen as too powerful and removing any tension from battles. Maybe changing it to a slow effect would be better for the system?