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Tai Lung Quest 33

!!e08cz8ZGDS2 ID:nUF0L900 No.5821537 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The sun's rays continue to warm your body and help wash away the darkness as you make your way up higher. Eventually you reach the top most portion of the tree where the thin branches threaten to snap under your weight. You're unsure if it's the warmth of the day or if perhaps you're tapping into the last few vestiges energy in your reserves but you somehow manage to use your training to stand atop them. Focusing on the warmth, you wish your could some how emulate this power or maybe just carry it around like you would a flame.

A strange thought bubbles to the surface in your mind.

<span class="mu-i">Why not?</span>

You suddenly remember of the small bottles of light that Ming handed out to you. She had said it was captured moonlight or something to that effect with a ritual. If the moon's rays could be captured...then why not the sun's? Closing your eyes once more, you concentrate within yourself. You try and feel for that feeling the forest gave you. The fear it forced on you and how it was being washed away by the sun's light. You reach out with your hand as you try to maintain that focus while feeling out in the material plane for the sun's warmth. It was two sides of the same coin. Much like how small breezes were simply sprites playing around, the warmth and purifying effect were one in the same. You try and pull more of it into you, suffuse it within you and try to hold it in.

At first nothing happens and you only feel the heat of the sun. But then, a pulse. Just once there is a strange feeling within your being that rippled through your body. Relaxing and letting go of the urge to try and focus harder you continue to maintain your course and you feel it again. Just a single beat from the inside that was not truly your own but seemed to come from within. The pulses slowly become more frequent and soon match the beating of your heart before seemingly centering right over it. You open your arms and bear yourself fully to the sun's rays, it's energy continues to spread from your heart but is no longer just ripples filling your body. It instead fills your chest, your heart, it mixes and churns as if melding with your very blood before being pumped throughout your body via the very meridians and veins that distribute your chi.

This new energy fills your being and burns away all the exhaustion you feel spiritually. It feels like your very soul now burns with a new flame, fueled by something more than just mere willpower and life. Without a second thought, you leap down from the tree and you cut through the darkness below. You can feel the evil infusing the forest attempting to smother you but it is not merely kept at bay as if by a normal flame. Instead it comes in contact with you and burns at your touch like flames to a web. You slowly open your eyes and are almost surprised that you were not glowing white hot even if it certainly felt like it.