Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
>What is a quest? An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a gamebook.
Questionably Useful links:
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs: https://pastebin.com/Z78p8gXf Badly in need of renovation.
>Archiving guide: Go to
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.
>/qst/-related Discords: Quest General:
https://discord.gg/bAnhvd83WV Skirmish discord:
https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU Skirmishes are quests where each player creates and controls a single character rather than controlling on a central protagonist — similar to a D&D party.
>Formatting guide: Only the thread's OP can format. Note that should the OP change ID, they will lose this ability as well.
Remove the spaces between the [] brackets and the letters:
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<span class="mu-i">text</span> Red: [ red ] <span class="mu-r">text</span> [ /red ]
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Green: [ green] text [ /green ]
>Formatting guide for everyone: Dice (type this in “options”): dice + [no. of dice] + [no. of sides in a dice] (optionally) + [for a positive modifier] (or) +- [for a negative modifier. You MUST have a plus symbol and a minus symbol for negative modifiers to work]
Examples: dice+1d100 = a 1d100 roll, dice+1d100+20 = result+20
spoiler or by pressing alt+s in-thread
>QM Question: What holidays to people in your setting celebrate at the end of the year, how do they celebrate them?
>Player Question: What presents do you think you favorite quest characters/the MCs of your favorite quests would want/receive?
>General "Question": Make an LN-style name for a quest, and see if anyone can guess what it is.
>Miscellaneous Question (because this will be up until January): Have you made/are you making any New Years resolutions for the upcoming year?
>Lurker Question: There is no question. Unless you're rangebanned or a phoneposter, vote. Also don't phonepost if you can avoid it.
>>5861296 Why the duplicate /qtg/?
>>QM Question: Christmas with a cast-wide gathering.
>>General "Question": Guess, fools.
>How to Become a Queen >The Captain Falls in Love with a Machine >Miscellaneous Question Become happy. Somehow. Didn't really work out this year.
Bettering myself, too, in many ways, which I've already started before the New Year's even in full-swing.
>>5861516 >Why the duplicate /qtg/? The other one's a quest ART general.
>>5861296 I miss good quests, like Trust a Goblin.
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>>5861296 >QM Question Depends radically on where you are. Some places likely celebrate Christmas, while their neighbor might not, or might celebrate Hanukah, or some other holiday, and of course it depends on the amount of money everywhere has.
>General Question Of course I have to answer it for my own quest.
>I'm In Charge Of A City Underground And It's Actually Not That Bad?!?!??! Anonymous
>>5862234 I also miss Lamia Legacy Quest.
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>>5862234 >>5862479 Damn, I miss these quests.
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>>5861516 They were posted very close together, so it was probably an accident.
Or maybe it was a coordinated shitpost effort made by the (((Discord))).
>>5862234 I miss the Mobile Suit Gundam quest.
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>>5861296 >>QM Question: >What holidays to people in your setting celebrate at the end of the year, how do they celebrate them? My quest takes place on Halloween and over the course of the first two weeks or so of November. The Protagonist muses the first day that if he survives his ordeal and another week or so in addition, he’ll get to have Thanksgiving with his family for the first time in ten years.
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>>5862234 >>5862506 Do you know what another good one was?
A Herald's Journey.
anyone ever run a 1920s bootlegger/prohibition quest?
>>5864711 YouAndYourWaifu ran The Drunkard & The Alien, which was set in that era and starred a bootlegger/alcoholic. The quest sadly died, but he's considering reviving it.
>>5864230 Anonymous
>>5862234 I miss WTF Quest and Mahou Shoujo Academia
>>5864736 >YouAndYourWaifu ran The Drunkard & The Alien, which was set in that era and starred a bootlegger/alcoholic. looked it up and its not really what I'm interested in. looking for more of a straight forward gangster/ historical quest
>>5864786 That would be pretty boss and, no, I'm not sure if anyone's done one. I'd play it!
>>5864272 >>5864680 Just upset he vanished
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>>5865154 Yeah, that's pretty really annoying.
I hope he's okay.
>>5864789 if I did run a prohibition quest would you guys prefer it be set in a real American city, or a made up one? Made up just so I don't have to worry about it spinning into an alt-history story if you guys happened to kill Meyer Lansky or whoever.
>>5865680 If you;re going for a more realistic feel without any fantastical elements, a real-world city makes sense.
>>5865681 yeah but I'm a bit autistic about research. at least if I make up my own city I won't be kicking myself for having the wrong people on the city council for 1922 or whenever.
Does anyone remember that soccer quest? It was a drawquest with stick figures and shit. Can't find it in the archive.
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>>5865707 Seems like you've sort of already answered your own question, then...
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>>5865154 Didn't he say he got engaged? He was good at communicating, I'd wager he's just busy
Too busy for us
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>QM Question: What holidays to people in your setting celebrate at the end of the year, how do they celebrate them? For some reason ( I could hazard a guess) Chistmas has become a solid piece of lore for Gotham City. In Brave and the Bold the Wayne's were killed on Christmas, Batman Forever was set around Christmastime, as was Arkham Origins. I think it being this big visual spectale tied to a cold and ark month makes it work with the Gotham aesthetic. Of course in the Batquest setting its spring right now
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:oU+lTb0N Mon 18 Dec 2023 01:01:08 No. 5868265 Report Quoted By:
>>5865235 >>5865235 >>5865235 Come check out Lodestar! It chronicles the adventures of sky pirates through a hollow world full of magic and mystery. It's in an original setting that I've been developing for years!
>>5866443 No one archived it ig
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>>5868340 Damn.
Can you at least point me in the direction of the portal isekai Eldritch quests?
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Can't you believe it guys Christmas, just a week away
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Kengan%20Omicron%20Quest Archive of the Kengan Omicron quest, with it's 4th thread. Seriously OP, try to warn us when you can't update for a couple days, because leaving for a long time without warning as many times as you do leaves a bad taste in the players mouth.
btw how Prinzessin Quest 2 managed to be archived 2 months after it ended ?
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>>5861296 >QM Question: Christmas. The main characters of my quest celebrate it by gathering around a warm futon and drink cheap beer and eat hot pot. Pic related.
>Player Question: Pizza for Walter White.
>General "Question": I Am A Secret Agent Assigned To Kill Hitler!?
>Miscellaneous Question No. I will not better myself as a person and will strive to be the worst possible version of myself possible.
So, can you believe it guys? Christmas, just a week away.
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>>5862234 >>5862479 Sun Belt Crusaders for me- I’m still holding out hope for a Christmas Miracle though
I love the hag mc from Drowned quest, i wish OP had more fanservice drawing of her.
Mahou Shoujo Academia QM where are you my dude ? at least give us some news, it's been 1 year.
>>5871253 I always assumed they were the same QM as the Elf Loli quest and as such left
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:lDrpkXje Thu 21 Dec 2023 21:27:12 No. 5871357 Report Quoted By:
After a physical and mental health based delay Batquest has updated again
>>5869905 This one has a unique take on Harvey Dent's coin flip where two options will be picked from votes that he will then flip on. Hope you enjoy
>>5871257 >I always assumed they were the same QM as the Elf Loli quest and as such left It wasn't the case and what happened to that qm ?
>>5869816 A quest of that style, with that subject matter, can't survive on the given frequency of updates.
Bathic !!1oQZB1czRDh
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>>5870114 I presume you've seen Indonesian Gentleman's fanart already?
In any case, Charlotte Fawkins is a PURE and PROPER YOUNG LADY who would not tolerate further fanservice or lewds being drawn of her... or at least published. If there ever came a day when she deigned to choose a suitable husbando (read: lewds became canonical), I might see about having some art to go with. For now, you're going to have to use your imagination!
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>>5871553 >A quest of that style, with that subject matter, can't survive on the given frequency of updates. You have a point, since it's an action based quest. if it were a matter of slow doots I wouldn't mind, my problem is that op vanishes a lot of times without warning. I understand everyone has irl stuff and sometimes you don't have the time to even give a warning doot, but like I said it leaves a bitter taste in the players' mouth.
Any chance of Star Wars Remnant Captain being resurrected? Hell, I’d even take someone using the same assets and mechanics for something similar.
>>5869818 Local Licorice accidentally deleted the archive. I contacted him and got it fixed recently.
>>5862234 >no more mecha space pirate kino Anonymous
>>5871715 alright, that makes sense now.
>>5871602 >>5872499 read the bocchi starwars quest
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>>5872502 >bocchi Star Wars No offense to the QM or the anons playing it, but I can’t make sense of the quest. It’s a thematic jumble - is it Star Wars? Is it anime? Why are there references to Ancient Greece in the first few posts but never again? Why use the Star Wars/Sith trappings if the Empire is not the Star Wars Empire? It’s all baffling to me
>>5871466 Elf Maiden went way lewder than most quests, and more often, without even using off-site links or other obfuscating methods. It got hit with warnings repeatedly, and the QM eventually moved it off-site.
>>5872521 I see, where is he posting it now, akun ?
>>5862234 Broken Sky Online, Hive Queen Quest, surely they'll come back one day
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>>5872531 He was but he put the quest on hiatus and hasn't been seen or heard from since.
>keep distant from family >some family members send me email wishing me merry christmas, asking me what am I up to etc >have no idea about how to reply why am I like this
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>>5874135 Call them up and awkwardly wish them merry Christmas, anon
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>>5874135 attempt to crawl back into the womb
I know that gnollqm threw in the towel to work on a webcomic version of gnoll quest or something. does anyone know where said webcomic is?
>>5875152 That project fell through as well when he found Jesus, he said.
>>5875159 Now it's a visual novel.
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Anyone remember those isekai quests where we portaled through different worlds and we had Naked Snake in our party?
Snorky !!u6pobH8tItI
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so anyway I started that prohibition quest:
>>5875494 The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:RwWKL3+B Mon 01 Jan 2024 05:51:27 No. 5879030 Report Batquest has updated.>>'5879008 I'll be honest this update has been late. Many updates have been late. I will promise that as long as I am alive I will update but I cannot promise that delays like this wont happen. So take that into account if you follow the quest. Sorry.
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>>5879030 Consistency and sticking with it over time, until its conclusion, is more important than keeping a rigid timetable day-to-day. Just my two cents.
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>>5862234 Body Horror Quest.
I'll always be waiting, Bhop.
>>5864759 Mahou Shoujo Villainess Quest started. Might not be 1 for 1, but still pretty good.
>>5862234 >Joker quest >Hive queen >StV (but Forgotten's just out for cigs) I barely come here anymore. I just scroll through the catalogue in disgust and wistfully yearn for the days of yore.
Joker quest went for eight years before the QM went off the grid so i can only assume he's dead at this point. The curse takes all.
>>5872990 One day we'll eradicate those Scavangers. Never lose hope.
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>>5882772 >Joker quest went for eight years before the QM went off the grid so I can only assume he's dead at this point. The curse takes all. He's not dead. He was around just yesterday in the quest discord to talk about stuff, where he pops in occasionally, usually to talk about writing and tv shows. This might be a shock to somebody who looks at something as wide ranging as the current catalogue and can only yearn for a past forever gone instead of daring to try anything that they might not love at first glance like in more youthful times, but QMs are humans with lives and not creatures to get milked until they're dry husks and may as well be dead because they serve no further purpose. Running a quest takes a lot of time and most of the satisfaction is what you get out of it yourself. Even if you don't have a lot of time in general, if something matters enough, you make time for it. Without the QM's interest, the quest dies. Simple as.
>>5882772 >Joker Quest I knew the guy who wrote that as a semi-personal internet friend. I haven't talked to him since 2020 and don't want to go sharing his personal info, but I'm absolutely positive he's not dead. He has a career and probably just doesn't have the free time for it + migrated slowly to different circles.
He mentioned that he used to QM Joker Quest several times, I just never read it because I'm a douche. He was definitely really proud of it, he just didn't have the time to keep doing it. He was more interested in being a player than a QM. At the time, at least.
I know he's definitely still into quest shit though because he was pretty fucking involved back then. I bet he lurks. I could probably get in contact with him if I really wanted to, but it's been awhile and would be slightly awkward.
I would not be surprised at all to find out that he's ran more recent quests while remaining incognito about who he is.
>>5884560 Get him to post his notes / mechanics, for how he generated encounters like he said he would.
I'm still waiting.
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>>5884567 He's on the discord. Just ping him and he'll always respond.
>>5880873 will check it later, but I really wanted more news from the MSA qm
Btw does anyone know why the suptg archives of this month are looking weird ?
This may seem extreme, but has anyone done a "real life" quest? Basically living there actual irl life then having players vote on what they do. It seems risky but interesting.
>>5885861 >Btw does anyone know why the suptg archives of this month are looking weird ? Someone set loose a bot (or multiple bots, from multiple someones?) to do mass upvotes and downvotes.
>>5892461 Like... Letting someone run your actual life with vote prompts? Pic related, weird as it is, is your BEST case scenario here.
>>5892572 Yes. But on qst or I guess that other site
cw:sui Having an episode of suicidal ideation. I am behind on work, behind on my quest, behind on class and way behind on my indendnat writing. I'm not going to do anything but I'm in this depressive spiral where I just endlessly go from webpage to webpage for no real reason and occasiiobbaly bite my finger or stick a fork in me or something. Even this post is the product of a "sober drunkenness." This post is almost certainly off topic yet I am posting it here because I am just that far gone. Anyway, I feel like shit, good night
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>>5892573 >>5892806 >cw Ah shit, I know which QM this is.
That's really unfortunate, man. Lots of people on this site are in a bad spot, I'd wager. There's nothing I can say that will cure a depressive spiral, but one thing I'd say is that you should be careful not to let any hobby (including questing become a source of stress and pressure. Take a hiatus or slow down/scale back updates if it helps and gives you more time to exercise, socialize IRL, or talk to a professional... Or even just to focus on work and clear your slate a little for that sense of relief and stability. Your players will understand if you let them know.
What you really shouldn't do is hand your life and decision-making over to others, let alone the hacker known as Anonymous.
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>>5892461 >has anyone done a "real life" quest? yes, but the OP will often instantaneously realize their mistake and abandon it
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Batquest IV: Has its next thread
>>5891913 Enjoy Batman and the Outsiders vs The Riddler, Black Mask, the Religion of Crime and the US Government!
As well as our tesne relationship with our new rival: Superman!
Does anyone have any recommendations for Civ quest threads that aren't morally dubious to evil empires? I was thinking stuff like Monkequest or Simple Space Empire Quest but playing as the "good guys." The Roman half-elves were closest but even they wound up doing a genocide and racial apartheid. Punishers and Death Notes and Dexters all well and good but sometimes you want Superman, know what I mean?
>>5895737 I'm sorry to say that I don't think civquests (let alone civquests on 4chan) lend themselves towards uncomplicated, Superman-style all-loving benevolence. Dragonborn Antipaladin ended up gradually drifting towards a more 'good' (caring, communal, egalitarian, meritocratic, etectera) society than how it started at least, and Fall of the Regime was on trajectory to be mostly pretty 'nice'.
Civilization is a messy thing, though, and most people who play civilization games want to play with concepts like conquest, resource exploitation, and realpolitik.
>>5895737 like the other anon said, finding something that isn't le evil is kinda easy but superman levels of goodness is kinda hard since doing some conquest is fun from time to time
>>5895737 >The Roman half-elves were closest but even they wound up doing a genocide and racial apartheid. who are those guys ? didn't know there was apartheid there damn
>>5895762 Untamed Civilization Project
>>5880645 Vampires, demons, and dragons hybridized with members of the main civ . The vampires were a mixed bag, but a troublesome gaggle of them soured public opinion on the undead. The demons were (so far) universally monsters seeking to infiltrate and take over the civ. The dragons are allies, but specifically bred with the vampire descendants and arose on an island for impure exiles; this makes them tainted by proxy, and at least one anon find dragon hybridization gross on principle and can't abide them.
>>5895760 >>5895746 Superman was more a metaphor. I don't mean a benevolent Star Trek federation style quest (although that does sound nice) but I would settle for at least Season 1 Babylon 5 levels of morals
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>>5895774 Lady Knight's Quest has a bit of that, though the civ elements are even lighter than in Dragonborn Antipaladin.
>>5895766 Silver lining is we seem to be getting the X-Men out of it.
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>>5896071 Protecting a pseudo-Roman civilization that hates and fears them? Yeah, kind of! Plus, in the new thread, it seemed like most people were in favor of reintegrating the Wardens in some way.
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New QTG that isn't bait
>>5896313 Anonymous
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Meanwhile the good one is at