Rolled 4, 2 = 6 (2d6)
>>5871792>>5871817>>5871824>>5871945>>5871989You buy all the booze from the merchant and throw a volcano party!
You name your tribe Tephri after some rocks common in the region.
You start developing volcano mysticism, seeking to unveil supernatural effects.
You send some loggers to the western forest and begin harvesting lumber! We build a small permanent settlement there.
We start researching fire retardant yurts for when we need to evacuate to lower ground!
One of the sages we put in charge of developing the mysticism has a dream with a giant fire snake emerging from the volcano. The dream is powerful and vivid. The snake tells him all he needs to create a ritual which will summon a magical spirit that will give him further aid. However, the materials required for the ritual are rather costly - inks and silver worth no less than 50k TG. When he first had the dream, the sum appeared preposterous, but as our treasure grew, he started to argue that perhaps it is a small price to pay to learn the magical arts.
Tephri Tribe
Population: 4.59k humans, in 2 settlements
Workforce: ~1000 (500 farmers, 500 crafters)
Army: ~200 spearmen(A1/D1/M1/HP1/U10)
Agriculture: 5k/50k acres
Resources: stone, obsidian, sulfur, copper, silver, gold, gemstones, volcanic soil, hot springs, lumber
Wealth: 51k+3k TG
Buildings: Town Hall, Stone Houses, Barracks, Magma Forge
Culture: Virgin Sacrifices to Pyra
A. Build Housing
B. Train Workers
C. Train Warriors
D. Reorganize Workforce
E. Explore/Send War Party
F. Build/Craft
G. Trade/Diplomacy
H. Research
I. Culture
J. Other