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Do Your Best Quest #165

ID:hXpt7wFB No.5873414 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You had a heated heart-to-heart with Suan De in which she finally relented to becoming the Slob Dragon in the most try-hard way imaginable, and will attempt to participate in the friendly smack talk with everyone else. If this sounds like a success, it’s because your priorities are all wrong, Suan De is losing her mind and has nothing but contempt for you, she’s only willing to go along out of a sense of duty, to show her resilience, to obtain her freedom, and she’s willing to be part of the insanity — she’s an odd woman.

“Let’s return before they start complaining.” The Slob Dragon says after insulting the rest of the team and lets her tie a little more loose.

“Hmm…” You don’t think this went well. But only time will tell…

“Is something the matter, you asinine dolt?” Suan De notices your hesitation and wants it corrected.

“Well…” You don’t know how to put it into words.

“Please, speak freely, moron of the highest order.” The Slob Dragon has a lot of verbal ammunition at her disposal.

You’re starting to think she will insult you at every single opportunity…

But could she? Could a nice lady like her be this mean?

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>“Suan De, ease the insults a little, I don’t think the others can take this much.” You like banter, not personal attacks hidden in jokes.
>“No, I’m good. Just, be cool, okay?” You won’t annoy her anymore.
>“Slob Dragon, I think we need to do a back and forth, I don’t think you know how banter works.” This reminds you of the good old times when Matilda was really dense about the simplest stuff. Wait, that still happens. Either way, Suan De needs some practice.
>“I’m proud of you, Suan De.” Pat her shoulder. She’s an old school gal, right? Maybe she likes those tough cool guy interactions.
>Write In.

(Only Reply of the Day! We continue tomorrow!)