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Normal Cultivator Quest

!2gxW5JDLSc ID:5x9A6mF3 No.5883865 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
A world where might makes right. A world of Jade and Gold, of Phoenix and Dragons, of Pills and Talismans, of Martial and Spiritual arts.
A world where diligent training yield strength, meaning freedom. A world where loneliness means death, meaning social chains.
A world still unfair, as the ones reaching the heavens are most likely born rich - be it political riches of the aristocrats, power of secret knowledges and hidden realms of clans, or lucky enough to be born one-in-a-thousand genius.
This is not your case. You're a confused children - barely not a toddler anymore.
As some other, your mother sold you for a lowly amount to be another seed evaluated and either nurtured into growth or discarded. Already, her physical features are blurring in your mind - the effect of the <span class="mu-s">memory seal applied on your mind when you cross the gates leading to the courtyard where the examination takes place.
Already, groups are forming; gathering around various instructors, showing the basic of various activities to curious children; recording their performances. Sieving natural affinities.

>Character building : Are you a boy or a girl?
>Each anon can write-in a cultivation-like activity to test for natural affinities toward things. Each of them will be undertaken by your character, giving you an idea of his potential talent.

Activities example : Gazing at a candle until it's completely burnt to evaluate concentration, running laps to test stamina, handling a trinket that react to fire affinity, getting punched in the chest to test for physical resistance, recognize a spiritual grass blade amidst looks-alike, mix simple ingredients to create a basic Blood and Qi pill</span>