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Do Your Best Quest #166

ID:cLM3qJRn No.5884291 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Last thread began the preparations for the Jail Break operation, you’ve gathered a preliminary team that might expand in the near future. Today, you’re focusing on the band and its needs, you’re the manager, you need to act as such. You have no idea what to do specifically, so you better ask Debby when you have some free time.

How nice, another beautiful day to waste going to school! And you’re not underselling it, for the first time in a while, it isn’t cold! Quite the contrary, it feels like summer weather, nothing like being inside a classroom in suffocating heat. Really makes the brain cells active. As you stepped outside, you noticed Vera waiting by the front of the building. She’s using her crutches and seems to be expecting you to come out and brighten up her day with your witticisms. She’s alone as far as you can tell, but you never know with how sneaky these cheese lovers are…

You might want to approach her, or…

<span class="mu-s">What do you do?</span>

>Wait for Yu Yan and Nariko, you’re not going to school alone. Force them to meet Vera.
>Meet with Vera, she wouldn’t be here if she didn’t have something to say privately. She’d never be clingy, right?
>Decide to randomly skip classes and talk to Debbie immediately. This is the responsible thing to do.
>Write In.