Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
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>>5861271 (and also >>5861296 for some reason)>What is a quest? An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure
Questionably Useful links:
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs: https://pastebin.com/Z78p8gXf Badly in need of renovation.
>Archiving guide: Go to
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.
>/qst/-related Discords: Quest General:
https://discord.gg/bAnhvd83WV Skirmish discord:
https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU Skirmishes are quests where each player creates and controls a single character rather than controlling on a central protagonist — similar to a D&D party.
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>QM question: Have any real-world events (political, personal, media-related) found their way into your quest?
>Player question: What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue?
>Lurker question: What sort of quest or specific vote has made you actually vote in the past, or do you think would encourage you to vote in the future?
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>>5895950 based tranny mods
Also nice Art for the /qtg/ should be funny reactions.
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>>5895955 We have a few flavors:
>>5882286 Grounded DC...
>>5877169 Higher-Power DC...
>>5891913 Marvel What-If...
>>5859270 What are you looking for? OC? Something more Golden Age?
>>5895957 I really hoped Hamas killed him
>>5895950 C'mon there is a whole seperate board for that? but also bit late did we not have awhile ago a sudden wave of Trans quests
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The second trans qtg. I'm sure this will go well and not create a shitfest that will leak to the rest of the board.
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>>5895950 I like the idea of the thread but why the fuck did you choose that for the image? In what universe did you ever concieve making the OP image a tranny to recieve a good reception?
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I hate jews so fucking much
What font is this that makes a Q look like that?
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>>5896151 Magneto! What The Font (
https://www.myfonts.com/pages/whatthefont ) is a great tool as well, if you want to identify fonts and sue them for header images.
>>5896140 >>5895967 >>5895957 >>5895952 I never knew this board was so
anti-elf Anonymous
>>5895950 >Have any real-world events (political, personal, media-related) found their way into your quest? My current quest (as with the last two, especially Reptilian Infiltrator) draws heavily on conspiracy theories, which in turn evolve and are influenced by real world events. I've also been playing with ideas like colonialism (including the 'benevolent', White Man's Burden or neoliberal NWO kind, mingled with New Age 'Age of Aquarius' ideas and Revelation theology), the idea of universalist religion, and
race-mixing . The biggest running parallel in my current quest, though, is probably the idea of entering a complex, quite possibly dangerous, multipolar world after a period of peaceful status quo. I try not to do one-to-one comparisons, and to put a fantastical spin on things and keep a neutral tone (or character-informed tone)a s to which 'side' is 'right' but they're all themes that have been on my mind.
>What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue? I second
>>5895955 . We have some capeshit, but I'd love an OC one again. Violent Masquerade was kino. Also: another high-concept business sim would be great. I always love those.
>Not a lurker, so instead... Whatcha' playing, /qst/?
>>5896252 >Whatcha' playing, /qst/? The prodigal son. Unironically the best fantasy quest we've had in years
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
>>5895950 Looks like this is a troll QTG, but I'll answer the questions anyway!
>QM Question To a certain extent, yeah! Some of the nations in my quest are based on real-life ones, most notably the LHR being based on The United States, and The Holy Kingdom being slightly based on Canada. There are also some obvious parallels between the religions in Versequest and real-world religions. Though really for me something being "based on" something else more so just means it's inspired by it in one way or another. Like the LHR having a large military, being very patriotic, and being neighbors to a colder country.
>Player question I'd like to see more drawquests in the vein of Redhorn Quest and Radio Quest.
>>5896274 What's it about, exactly? What's the vibe? Do shill, anon!
>>5896300 > the LHR being based on The United States, and The Holy Kingdom being slightly based on Canada Huh. From the names I honestly would have thought it more based on something like West & East Rome or the Holy Roman Empire and Papal States. Now that you point it out, it makes sense, though. I guess (probably like the Big G himself in-quest) I didn't really put too much thought into the mortals'' climatic conditions or anything.
Best godkid is Canada's sovereign? Awesome. >see more drawquests in the vein of Redhorn Quest I assume you're playing its sister-quest, Greenhorn?
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5896307 The Mpire was slightly based on The Roman Empire, (with the crucifixions and all), but it was mostly just its own thing. The Holy Fish Empire is sort of a mix of The Dark Ages in Europe and Ancient Egypt. I originally planned for Nifoslok to be based on Native Americans, but it ended up being more European.
>I assume you're playing its sister-quest, Greenhorn? Been lurking it. Plan to eventually catch up with the previous threads.
Olympus QM
>QM Question Despite my quest (before the inciting incident) being basically set in the real world, not really. The MC takes advantage of a lot of modern culture, especially social media, but the players have steered clear of any irl current events. They've been mostly content with being an apolitical cognitohazard.>Player Question More OC quests with unconventional and interesting settings. Versequest and Radio Quest immediately come to mind
>>5896274 Absolutely kino writing but the MC's backstory makes me so fucking mad argh
>>5896327 I saw the pink haired girl wearing antifa tshirt on the cover and thought it was a /leftypol/ quest kek
>>5896331 >Absolutely kino writing but the MC's backstory makes me so fucking mad argh why ?
>>5896331 Is this the one where he's in love with his widowed stepmom?
>>5896335 >I saw the pink haired girl wearing antifa tshirt on the cover and thought it was a /leftypol/ quest kek fair, but it's not an antifa just an anarchy symbol and that's because she's a goddess that causes chaos
Olympus QM
>>5896335 No, she looks like that because she's a walking red flag. It's a villain quest
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>>5896336 His mom died and his dad married his best friend
>>5896337 He had a crush on her when they were teens but now it's more or less platonic friendship imo
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>>5896339 >>5896340 Thnx maybe I'll give it a read
>>5896307 >What's it about, exactly? Crusader returns after ten years when his father is killed
>What's the vibe? Gothic- crumbling castle, tragic romance etc
>Do shill, anon! Pros- writing, setting, characterization, world building. Cons- unhinged coomers, blatant same fagging
>>5896377 >Cons- unhinged coomers what coomer options OP gives that leaves room for them ?
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:psvM2w2d Fri 19 Jan 2024 20:23:22 No. 5896401 Report >>5895950 I'm shilling my quest. Please read Lodestar over here!
>>5865235 Thread 1 is complete, and thread 2 will come as soon as we hit page 10.
It's an original setting fantasy quest centered around a trio of loveable rogue sky pirates as they carve their legend into the world and uncover mysterious phenomena and sinister plots.
And if you want to review it, I'd be glad to have the feedback. Anonymous
>>5896377 That sounds pretty based. I like a spooky, sulky gothic quest every now and again. I'll check it out when I have time. Thanks, anon.
>>5896392 Coomers gonna' coom unless you have a quest concept and characters utterly antithetical to it. maybe even then.
>>5896401 I 'reviewed' the quest itself, but I really like how all the characters in the pirate gang come across as deliberately tryhard and cool in a goofy, immature way, and without being edgy! The setting itself is really unique and interesting, while simultaneously reminding me of those Tales games and Skies of Arcadia. Everyone is pretty likable, and the vibe is exceptionally swashbuckly in the best way. I'd strongly recommend it to anyone who likes sky-pirates as a concept or just having fun.
>>5896465 >Coomers gonna' coom unless you have a quest concept and characters utterly antithetical to it. maybe even then. sure, but they can only bring the coom to the quest if there's options for that
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>>5896489 Or if write-ins are permitted an humored. Even when they're not humored or the quest isn't really 'that' kind of quest, sometimes people will just hornypost. Remember when Normal Movie Night/Normal Game Night fell here from /v/?