Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
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>>5861271 (and also >>5861296 for some reason)>What is a quest? An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure
Questionably Useful links:
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs: https://pastebin.com/Z78p8gXf Badly in need of renovation.
>Archiving guide: Go to
http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.
Skirmishes are quests where each player creates and controls a single character rather than controlling on a central protagonist — similar to a D&D party.
>Formatting guide: Only the thread's OP can format. Note that should the OP change ID, they will lose this ability as well.
Remove the spaces between the [] brackets and the letters:
text Italics:
text Red: [ red ] text [ /red ]
Blue: [ blue ] text [ /blue ]
Green: [ green] text [ /green ]
>Formatting guide for everyone: Dice (type this in “options”): dice + [no. of dice] + [no. of sides in a dice]
Example: dice+1d100 = a 1d100 roll
spoiler or by pressing alt+s in-thread
>QM question: Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest?
>Player question: What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue?
>Lurker question: Are you enjoying yourselves? Any thing you'd like to see done?
Art in honor of the Star Wars quests that have started up recently.
>CIS qtg lmao, based
>>5896313 >QM question: When I was a QM I would actually be inspired by my time in advertising.
>Player question: I don't have a specific genre in mind but I do know that we don't have much in terms of perspective (it's always second perspective and never third or first).
>Lurker question: No. Lurkfriends are the scum of the earth. Why are you guys like this.
>>5896313 >QM question: Yes. I had a good friend who moved off somewhere i decided to dedicate a character to him so he could live on in this hellhole.
>Player question: Farming stuff, pokemon quests, and Halo quests.
>Lurker question: Lmao
>>5896338 we all used to be lurkfrens at some point.
>>5896338 I see you liked the questions in the first new QTG.
>>5896366 Are you the original tranny spammer or a new one picking up after he got killed?
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>>5896357 >we all used to be lurkfrens at some point. Maybe, but even a lazy +1 counts as something.
>>5896366 The questions themselves are fine I just don't want to be part of a shitstorm.
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>mods delete the tranny qtg Tranny spammer gets mad and spams tranny quests every day>mods delete the cis qtg /pol/niggers spam the tranny qtg in revenge It's gonna be a total shitshow
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 19 Jan 2024 20:21:48 No. 5896399 Report >>5896313 I'm shilling my quest. Please read Lodestar over here!
>>5865235 Thread 1 is complete, and thread 2 will come as soon as we hit page 10.
It's an original setting fantasy quest centered around a trio of loveable rogue sky pirates as they carve their legend into the world and uncover mysterious phenomena and sinister plots.
And if you want to review it, I'd be glad to have the feedback. Anonymous
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>>5896313 >Player question: Some good capeshit, enjoyable isekais and some cute & funny quests from time to time.
>>5896313 Is best of three really the greatest form of dice determation? Feels like there's some loss of the random factor from dice on it, but then again, it's also more engaging for when there are more people
the board is so dead people keep spamming qtg now
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>>5896416 Not spamming.
Self-segregating from undesirable elements.
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>>5896412 It's the traditional way of solving dice related things.
In theory the best type of dice usage would be something like ForgottenQM uses (Bo3, roll under). I can't personally say what the best type of rolling is, but I've noticed that averaged rolls are unpopular for some reason.
>>5896412 I don’t like best of 3 systems much. Honestly, I don’t like d20 or d100 systems much either with crits.
It’s good for a power fantasy, but it’s kind of assumed that the best of 3 roller will succeed, and the consequences of failing can often be massive because of how infrequent it might happen.
And then on crits…throw enough dice, and it gets very very likely that both crit successes and failures happen on the regular, thus diminishing the ‘oh awesome’ factor in my eyes
Failure should happen on the regular, not solely because you got super screwed by dice, and not be catastrophic so the players get used to it.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 19 Jan 2024 20:57:29 No. 5896450 Report >>5896440 You know what, this post has convinced me. I think next thread I'll change from best of 3 to just having anons roll once per character, and letting them roll for the two protagonists with them rather than me doing that. I was worried the chances for success were too high anyways.
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>>5896412 Bruh, this debate has been going on for thousands of years. I guess it would be if 4chan dice were truly random, but they arnt.
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>>5896368 A man is but flesh and blood. He can be ignored, he can be destroyed, but as a symbol… as a symbol he can be incorruptible, everlasting.
But no, I don't post fake or spam quests. I merely noticed the near-identical questions,
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>>5896383 I think if we really push ourselves we can make it to five, or even six or seven QTGs. The golden age of QTGs starts now!
>>5896313 The robots in stars wars are gay as fuck.
>>5896412 It's the standard 'Power Fantasy Hero' dice. It works great for a quest where the expectation is that the players are almost always going to win. If your goal is for players to make hard decisions, burn resources, and have setbacks they need to scramble to get out of... it's shit.
I've been trying Best of X, where X is how much advantage you have on the situation. Drink a speed potion? That's an extra die. Use your grenades? That's another die. Set up an ambush? Extra die.
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>>5896399 I'll try.
My life have been crazy lately but one of the insane thing is nearing the end so I should have a bit of time for one more quest
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>>5896477 I might steal that.
>>5896440 >>5896450 you guys can do like the Lady Knight's Quest QM where the first dice is taken but you can roll more for extra effects
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Reminder that the QM from the SR:ATR is a sissy who likes spamming blacked in the server
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>>5896488 I like lady knight quest but that’s only exacerbating the problem of more crits/critfails than usual. Even if it does give an incentive for everyone to throw a dice in the pool and post.
Good quest, nothing against it, just not what I want to run.
>>5896477 Trying to do the scrapping for wins but my bosses might need to be more difficult because the players haven’t had a serious loss handed to them yet. Ah well, it will come. And gameplay wins often lead to narrative Ls
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5896313 >QM I'm mostly sure I injected the reaction I had to an injury I had in childhood into an old quest. My QMC back then was a tank, so she took lots of injuries and had to walk it off and I had to convey the fact they were still getting grievously injured. As a kid I accidentally stabbed my hand with a pencil because I saw someone else do it (monkey see monkey do). By the time I made it to the nurse's office my vision was fading into white, the clock high on the wall only recognizable as red and blue polka dots. I have never heard of such an reaction from anybody else or in any medical record, but it was a very dramatic feeling and a great way to express a severe, debilitating amount of pain.
If I am misremembering and I didn't put that into a quest, I went to the bar from the picture I used to showcase the Brickstone Lehto in Solarpunk.
>>5896487 The are made as boring simple antagonists. They should have gone all out with the clone wars, instead its just a boring WW2 clone. The robots should have been like the Culture or The Matrix, and be somewhat logical technological terrors. They should have been otherworldly and utterly brilliant, a scary hyper competent force where billions of clones would be churned out in days to negate their lifespan that would be measured in days or hours when on deployment. Instead they are just comic relief.
>>5896506 They are good antagonists 'cause they're simple.
Technological terrors could have pulled out logic loophole and rebellion against the confederation. Dumb dumb Roger roger couldn't. And were cheap enough to be insanely mass produced. Function accomplished
>>5896514 >They are good antagonists 'cause they're simple. But they aren't. They don't bring a threat to the republic, all they are is simply goofy. Nowhere in the films is the seriousness of the war truly conveyed apart from the battle over coruscant, which didn't involve the robots. Instead, the enemy is a walking slapstick pun. And I wouldn't be against the Confederation getting replaced by their own creations which then become an even greater existential threat. Also, they don't necessarily need to, by their computing power and predictive ability they could be tasked in carrying out the government’s wishes and duties, replacing all sentients in the chain apart from the very leaders and obfuscating their work with complexity so none could interfere.
Antagonists are meant to create stakes in a narrative, they didn't.
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>>5896534 I don't make the gifs I just use em.
>>5896524 >Antagonists are meant to create stakes in a narrative, they didn't. Of course, they're mooks.
They're balanced with other mooks (clones).
Plus, they're actually before getting balanced - let's take Geonosis battle. In the Arena, jedi were done for (and some actually kicked the bucket) until the clone entrance.
Now, as two teams of galactic-number mook army, the movie can focus on the puppet master.
Ergo, you're wrong.
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>>5896538 >Forgot one word Welp, you win this argument based on internet rules, I kneel
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>>5896524 >my guy over here forgetting that the droids and clones both are just plot devices for the jedi to steal the show because they're the actual pro/antagonists of the star wars series This is like complaining your car drives but doesn't suck your dick at the same time. It's not made for that.
>>5896440 Crits on d20 are insane. You have about a 27% chance to roll at least one Nat 1 or Nat 20 in any call for 3d20s. I recommend either scrapping them or making the effects extremely weak (just a minor bonus/detriment) compared to a typical crit.
Crits on d100s are way less common: you have about a 6% chance of rolling at least one Nat 1 or Nat 20 in any given call for 3d100s. I think this is pretty acceptable odds personally. I use d100s with crits, and the players haven't rolled a Nat 1 or Nat 100 in ten threads, which is uncommon but I think displays that crits aren't coming out of their ears.
That being said, QMs shouldn't allow crits if they don't want a small random chance of their thread going off the rails. Sometimes it's fun and interesting for things to go off the rails, but if you don't want it, don't use them.
Also, I recommend this calculator for dice (it's a lot more intuitive than AnyDice):
https://www.omnicalculator.com/statistics/dice >>5896450 Once per character is really swingy, unless you want the protagonists to fail about 50% of the time-- a huge leap up from bo3 3d100. May I propose a take on ForgottenQM's "degrees of success" system instead?
Copy/pasting from when I explained this somewhere else. With degrees of success, anons roll three times like usual, but rather than counting the highest roll you count the number of times they pass the DC. The # of passes corresponds to the outcome, usually something like this:
0 Passes: Failure
1 Pass: Mitigated Success (you succeed, but with negative consequences, or something else goes wrong)
2 Passes: Success
3 Passes: Enhanced Success (you succeed, with additional bonuses or positive consequences)
So if your DC is 50, and anons roll 35, 51, 75, that's a regular Success. If they roll 2, 5, 97, that's a Mitigated Success. Etcetera. You can choose to include or not include crits per your personal preference.
To gauge DCs, here's some basic stats, assuming roll over:
DC 30: 97% chance of at least a Mitigated Success, 80% chance of at least a Success
DC 40: 94% chance of at least a Mitigated Success, 66% chance of at least a Success
DC 50 ("baseline"): 88% chance of at least a Mitigated Success, 51% chance of at least a Success
DC 60: 80% chance of at least a Mitigated Success, 36% chance of at least a Success
DC 70: 67% chance of at least a Mitigated Success, 23% chance of at least a Success
DC 80: 51% chance of at least a Mitigated Success, 11% chance of at least a Success
It's a lot more challenging of a system than "roll 3d100 Bo3 to pass a single DC," which almost always succeeds and is suitable mainly for power fantasies or QMs who want to involve players but don't want to mess with the story too much. On the downside, the constraints on the types of outcome are more transparent for players but more restrictive (and sometimes difficult to write) on the QM side.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 19 Jan 2024 22:34:31 No. 5896551 Report >>5896549 I don't use d100s. I use a pool of d10s equal to a character's Stat + Skill (+ or - any situational modifiers). If they roll matching numbers, it's a success. It's based in the One Roll Engine.
Most of the time we're rolling about 5d10. And your allies are usually going to be around to pick up the slack if one person fails.
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>>5896551 Fair enough then.
>>5896538 By portraying the enemy apart, from their leaders, as simple retard fodder rather than something to be respected doesn't make the Jedi look impressive when dispatching of them so easily. The war being the background of the Jedi fighting against the machinations of the Sith needs to feel like a war, during the movies it never did. With a more serious ground force the war feel more real and threatening, rather than a collection of small skirmishes.
Anyway you are deviating from the point, the robots are boring antagonists, they are mooks in your words. Mooks that you or me could deal with easily. They are gay.
>>5896338 >I would actually be inspired by my time in advertising. Lying?
>Player question Original civs, Fanfiction from lesser used properties.
Anybody know where Gundam quest QM went? The one were we are with Zeon? I know they always die off, and out. But dude was atleast cool and hope his doing alright.
>Player Question More post-apoc survival with resource management from limited loot, with settings such as Neo-Scavenger, Metro, Stalker, Wasteland, Fellout, Rage, Darwin's World, The 100, Twilight 1999, Exodus RPG, etc., or the excellent America 2023 A.D. original Qst that ran a few months ago.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
Seems the QM and Player Question are the same in this one as the troll QTG so I'll just post a screenshot lol.
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>>5896313 >Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest? Sure, I've used many experiences from my own life. Like when Ive chilled with friends, gone clubbing with girls, my bad relationship with my father, that time I nearly died, competing in sports etc.
>>5896589 >he posted in that qtg Everyone who did is the current problem with /quest/ and society in general, you guys got to go. Not just willing to eat shit if you see other people do it, but basically the first guy on the block with a bib lmao. Sorry, not sorry.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5896601 I just wanted to answer the questions, anon.
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>>5896601 Anon is seething.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 19 Jan 2024 23:48:01 No. 5896622 Report >>5896592 Thanks for the review! Since that thread is baleeted, I'll transcribe it here for posterity:
>I 'reviewed' the quest itself, but I really like how all the characters in the pirate gang come across as deliberately tryhard and cool in a goofy, immature way, and without being edgy! The setting itself is really unique and interesting, while simultaneously reminding me of those Tales games and Skies of Arcadia. Everyone is pretty likable, and the vibe is exceptionally swashbuckly in the best way. I'd strongly recommend it to anyone who likes sky-pirates as a concept or just having fun. I'm glad to see that I nailed the exact vibe I was going for. I take a ton of inspiration from older generations of games.
>>5896592 >the original January QTG is dead A sad day for freeze peach.
>>5896313 >Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest? My current quest (as with the last two, especially Reptilian Infiltrator) draws heavily on conspiracy theories, which in turn evolve and are influenced by real world events. I've also been playing with ideas like colonialism (including the 'benevolent', White Man's Burden or neoliberal NWO kind, mingled with New Age 'Age of Aquarius' ideas and Revelation theology), the idea of universalist religion, and race-mixing. The biggest running parallel in my current quest, though, is probably the idea of entering a complex, quite possibly dangerous, multipolar world after a period of peaceful status quo. I try not to do one-to-one comparisons, and to put a fantastical spin on things and keep a neutral tone (or character-informed tone)a s to which 'side' is 'right' but they're all themes that have been on my mind.
>Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest? I second
>>5895955 (in the REAL QTG). We have some capeshit, but I'd love an OC one again. Violent Masquerade was kino. Also: another high-concept business sim would be great. I always love those.
>Lurker question I don't lurk, so I'll recommend some quests for those who do (or better yet, who vote). In the other QTG, I also was recommended The Prodigal Son by a kind anon, and intend to check it out.
How about you, /qst/, whatcha' playing?
>>5896622 No prob! it's a solid quest.
>>5896628 >RQM is the troon spammer Who'd have guessed
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>>5896631 >RQM is the troon spammer >Who'd have guessed why do you think this ?
>>5896585 Also Fallen Earth, Ashes 2063, Waterworld, Mad Max, etc. Lots of inspirations to be had.
>>5896567 >Lying? Unironically yes. That's what advertising is about, tricking people into buying/consuming something.
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>>5896641 >spamming quests I would never. if I post a trans-focused quest, I'll see it through. I don't flake on quests, and my record attests to this.
I'm not above making jokes about people and teasing them, though.
>>5896581 Higher education
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 00:52:35 No. 5896698 Report >>5896313 I've got a question for players.
Music links for specific moments in quests: Yes, or no? How often do you actually open them and listen to them?
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>>5896698 I use them in mine and anons have complimented me on the selection/ pairing before
>>5896698 I've never done it in my quest, but I always appreciate it in others. It was the highlight of Final Girl (RIP), and it has been great mood music for reading The Wandering Headband.
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>>5896672 Damn those pieces of paper, DAMN THEM TO HELL!
>>5896698 I gotta wonder, do you think the top half of her face comes off or the bottom?
>>5896704 Bottom judging from the latches
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>>5896698 I don't open em, but it really depends on the scene. Having them for the climax of a fight could be kino.
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>>5896589 I know. Its an actually good question and i couldnt think of a better one.
>>5896704 They're both casings that can be removed to reveal a hunk of chips and circuitry, or a Terminator skull. That's my guess.
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>>5896698 I'll always open em. Whether I listen to them depends on whether I like them, so if all of them are from the same album or OST I'll usually listen to all or none of them.
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>>5896663 Death Trash, Don Broco's music video for "Greatness," Atom RPG, Age of Decadence, The Thorns Trilogy of books, all worth checking out.
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>>5896698 I had always wanted to do a One Piece quest, as silly as that may be, and in accordance with it I don't think I would be able to pass on making use of the anime OST. For what it is, it's great
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 01:23:39 No. 5896726 Report >>5896704 >>5896705 >>5896714 Considering it's a Cyberpunk image, I believe it's actually something called EMP Threading, a type of fashionware. The specific thing across her face is actually an option in 2077's character creator.
Anderson Thorell (QM)
>>5896313 >QM question: Okay, this is a really tiny and niche thing, but it's still something so I guess it counts: I actually used a pretty uncommon species of beetle which I encountered IRL to explain a character's ability in my quest. One of the characters in the quest I run has stealth capabilities, including the ability to change their infrared signature, replicating the beetle's ability to regulate their own infrared signal to mimick their surroundings and not stick out.
Honestly, tons of the insect characters in the quest are just based on my love for entomology and the cool bugs I have found IRL. Hell, one of the main scientists is kinda just me, albeit way smarter and far more sociable. I know it isn't too exciting, but if it helps me make cool characters and storylines, it's all good.
Oh, and I also put my passion for cooking into the quest with one of the characters being a bit of a chef. It's something really minor as well, but still kinda funny.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
We had a brief discussion or recommendation request on "Capeshit" Quests in the other qtg. I'd like to humbly throw my most recent project into the ring with Concrete Stratosphere.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5826377/ I wondered if people liked it. Reception was lukewarm, but it was just the first thread.
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>>5896752 I appreciate the effort you put into it, and as with Solarpunk Cleanup Agent, I found novelty in a left-wing/socialist/green dystopia. At times, it felt a bit polemical for me, and I was kind of missing the presence of a superVILLAIN of some sort, though perhaps I bailed out too early.
It seemed like you were getting a fair few voters, though, weren't you?
>>5896732 Based and beetlepilled.
>>5896732 Bug is pog. This is bug thread now. Lol, bug hijack.
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
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>>5896698 I post songs in my updates constantly. Sometimes I worry that it annoys anons, but I've always felt that music enhances a scene rather than detracts from it, at least in most cases. And I pretty much always listen to the links posted in the quests I read. It's been hard to find an exact sound that fits my quest but I think I've done OK on the music selection so far.
>>5896726 Lame. I'm down to fuck gynoids not cyborgs.
>>5896810 >sighs >taps the sign again Anonymous
How many quests do you guys play/read through at any given time?
>>5896450 >>5896412 I use a system with 1d20, and an extra d20 for every rank a character has in the related discipline, and a default 'success' threshold of n15. In other words, a reasonably-skilled swordsman would maybe have 3 ranks in swordsmanship, and would roll 3d20 and need at least one 15 to succeed, whereas a less-talented one would only have 2d20 and an expert or someone with backup might have 5d20. Stacking related disciplines can give bonus dice under certain circumstances, too, while clever write-ins, sound strategy, equipment or buffs can lower the difficulty from 15 to something else. Conversely, unfavorable circumstances or especially tough enemies might have a higher DC to beat, and get to roll dice of their own to counter the protagonists. I find it works pretty well so far, and I use a probability calculator to see if I'm ever being unreasonably 'soft' or tough on my players.
The end result so far has been a decent amount of tension in my quests so far. It helps that while one 20 is enough for a crit success, you have to fail to clear the threshold and get a 1 to crit-fail, meaning when a crit-fail happens I can REALLY treat it as a big deal, while usual failures are a bit more common and more mild. There's a general trend towards success as the quests go on and the character's stats get fleshed out, but for a pulpy fantasy quest becoming BROADLY quite competent by journey's end sort of makes thematic and narrative sense.
Not sure if something like that would work for you?
>>5896810 Give us a gynoid in TWH and we'll give you a new acronym for the 'GILF sex battle' meme.
>>5896816 Apparently about 19, but I'm going to check out Prodigal Son tonight or tomorrow, so maybe 20.
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>>5896816 Usually 3-5 seriously, but I’m quick to jump in and out of new quests that seem interesting.
Lots of fresh quests on the board lately - I really do feel like that ads last summer/fall has had a noticeable impact
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 02:58:12 No. 5896827 Report >>5896819 I'd have to change a whole bunch of stuff to implement something like that, so it unfortunately wouldn't work for me.
I think the best route for my quest is to simply stop doing Bo3 and have each of the player-directed characters get their rolls done by the players. See:
>>5896551 Anonymous
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>>5896698 I listen to them if I'm on pc and most of the time the music fits the moment
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>>5896698 Yeah always listen to them and let them enhance the experience. Forgotten does them from time to time in his quests and it always feels like it adds value
>>5896814 >mfw I will woo all the broken girls. All the robots. All the ghosts. All the golems be they flesh or clay. All the sentient swords. All the living tomes. All the animated armors and accoutrements beside. All the AIs and magic given mind. All the hiveminds with husky voices. All the eldritch babes beyond our ken. All the disembodied whispers on the wind.
But just a regular girl who wants to be a little more shiny is kind of meh.
>>5896824 Would if I could, but the QM I am not.
GILF sex battle is still one of the funniest fucking things I've seen in a while. Who the hell comes up with "Amazonian snu snu granny"? I love this place. Anonymous
>>5896810 So true questie. Now read my quest
>>5896844 >rant about stickin' and dickin' vaguely feminine shaped things that typically aren't meant for stickn' and dickin' I just figured that I should inform you of the futility before your rod and would be torn off by the uncaring gears and cogs of mechanical ladybits. Now that you've been informed, though, enjoy.
>>5896827 Fair, and honestly I quite like how your system works so far. I think you generally increase the number of matches we need or decrease which numbers' matches 'count' for a success to amp up difficulty if needed, right? that works too, and is novel to see around here. Nothing wrong with that.
>>5896859 They deserve some loving, too. Everyone else has the other bases covered. I'll pick up the slack.
There aren't enough waifus outside of the typical big three types, that's all. It's always tomboy this or muscle mommy that, and ojou laughing brat there. There have been enough childhood friends and first-girl-itis. Let us fuck a talking rock, dammit. Get weird with it. Dryad still in the tree, come on. Anonymous
>>5896865 Messy-haired mad scientists and medic seem to be a favourite around here. Tomboys, for sure. Sweet, kinda-lewd, tradfem shortstacks. And yeah, smug tsunderes. Players impregnated a bug-monster in one of my quests, which was somewhat unexpected.
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>>5896866 The healer caste of waifus are indeed a classic. Can't discount them.
>Players impregnated a bug-monster in one of my quests Horrifying, but based.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 03:46:32 No. 5896868 Report >>5896861 Yeah, that's about right. I have a ton of tools at my disposal to adjust difficulty, some of which I haven't shown yet and probably won't until decently down the line.
I really can't recommend trying out ORE games enough. I shill it every chance I get. With ONE roll of a dicepool in combat, you can tell:
Where someone gets hit.
How hard they get hit.
How fast the attack was.
How many individuals are effected for AOE effects.
And out of combat, you can tell:
The quality of the task, based on the number's Height (IE the number actually shown, 1 through 10)
The speed of the task, based on the pair Width (IE how many of the matching number you have, like dubs or trips or quads)
And you don't really have to fuck around with dice fairness or DCs or anything all that much unless you wanna. A success is super easy to tell at a glance.
So... anybody gonna run a GOOD fantasy Quest? I feel like nobody is even trying at this point.
>>5896866 Giant spider, for one of mine they managed. Not a spider woman or some arachnid being, a literal spider but big.
>>5896865 >Let us fuck a talking rock, dammit. I wish to god I had a gif. of that Adult Swim show Saul of the Mole Men where the main character fucks a talking rock, but I don't, so you'll just have to live with that knowledge. Anonymous
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 04:14:46 No. 5896894 Report Quoted By:
>>5896873 When is that thread coming back?
We have kids we need to take care of.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
Solarpunk has one last update for the weekend! Some consideration over your situation over whisky, and the stupidest question you've ever heard.
>>5896886 >>5896886 >>5896886 Anonymous
>>5896896 It's been like 6 years, how many people remember let alone would play it again?
It was a fun quest tho
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>5896313 >QM QUESTION Some of the minor NPC characters in my older quests were inspired by weird people I would see while doing errands whenever I went into town. That's about as far as it goes, though.
>PLAYER QUESTION I don't tend to skim through the catalog much aside from checking on my quest votes, so no comment.
>>5896816 My attention spam limits me to one or two at a time, otherwise my attention splinters too much to really engage with the work all that much. Monke Quest and Solarpunk are what's keeping my attention lately.
>>5896897 >ask a stupid question >get a stupid answer, unanimously so far Let's rock.
>>5896668 To be fair, it can be done ethically as well: helping people to find a good match to their needs, and understand why a given product or service is superior to the alternatives for their purposes.
I remember when I was young and bright-eyed, and believed I could be that kind of marketer and salesman. Business classes and merchant-work helped me sharpen my understanding of people, though. It really is applied (or weaponized) psychology and sociology.
ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
>>5896898 I know it's been six years. Reading that quest (and the pastebin) was a formative experience that motivated me to QM.
I still think of her every night ;_;
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5896908 The best part about this post is that it was made a minute after the last vote, so your goofy ass is in on it.
>>5896844 >GILF sex battle is still one of the funniest fucking things I've seen in a while wait, what ?
>>5896936 Lil samurai kid fucked a granny in the afro samurai quest
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
>>5896937 This is slander. She is NOT a granny.
>>5896938 Yeah but in the eyes of the average anon she is, lol
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>>5896937 oh, first of all she isn't a granny and there was no sex. I'm still surprised people thought she was an old lady even though nothing hinted on that
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>>5896923 Ah, if more people cared as much, maybe it would see a redux of some form.
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>>5896941 Inside of anon there are two wolves
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5896698 Actually, I got another question:
Fellas. Am I stupid for using soundposts?
I just like the compact and implicit nature of soundposts. If you see it, it works, but it's removed enough from the thread and post that it's not obtrusive. I like the way it strips the branding off of a quest that to lots of people already has too much branding on it already and is just flush with the average 4chanx experience.
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>>5896946 >Fellas. Am I stupid for using soundposts? are videos allowed on qst ? if not, you aren't
>>5896873 I’m surprised this isn’t ringing any bells for me. Which quest was this?
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 05:13:26 No. 5896960 Report >>5896946 I feel stupid for not knowing about this before. I do have to wonder how many of your players might have missed it too, though.
ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
>>5896954 Title was something about being married to a giant spider or another.
All I remember was a scene about getting married to a huge spider, having children with her???, having weird half-spider hybrids, and taking over the kingdoms of man????
>>5896927 I said "let's rock" and I meant "let's rock".
>>5896936 tl;dr summary:
>MC is a kid who met a mountain-lady who hunts bears and shit and is a badass >several anons incorrectly concluded she was an old woman >someone (jokingly, they didn't actually vote for it) suggested one way to resolve a conflict with her was a "GILF sex battle" >a bunch of other anons continued making quips about it >turns out she's only 30 and the QM and other anons were very, very confused DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
>>5896313 >QM ? Dialogue. Lots and lots of dialogue. Not directly lifted, of course, but just listening to people has really helped me when crafting conversations! I've also had a bunch of jobs, too, namely being a night janitor--that's one of the experiences that inspired Bones Quest. As for Slice, well... not too long ago a few friends and I went camping by the coast. During the usual revelry one of my friends was convinced something was stalking around our campsite, but when we checked with some flashlights it turned out to be a fucking deer. Still, it DID get those creative juices flowing!
>Player ? There were a few slasher quests that started up a while back, but none of them really took off--wouldn't mind seeing one of those! If not that then maybe something pulpy ala Indiana Jones.
>>5896663 Waterworld came up in a chat today at work! An idea's been cooking in my head for a while now for a Waterworldy campaign... might give it a try when I feel up to questing again!
>>5896698 I like it! Like
>>5896701 said it really added to Final Girl Quest and it's not as hokey as it seems. I did it for Bones Quest, but toned it down in Slice--not really sure what readers thought at the time, but I say go for it!
>>5896732 Based Bug Anon
>>5896816 Depends on the catalogue, but probably around 3-4. I'm usually looking for new shit, though!
>>5896866 >Messy-haired mad scientists Rivka is not for romance, anon. She's not a nice gal...
>>5896954 >>5896961 Yes that is it. In my defense it was an orphaned fetish quest that I adopted by player demand. Though I tried to make something serious of it, player preference was to wed and bed the giant spider.
To be fair though it ended up being a lot more lovey dovey and heartfelt than originally fetishized. It was supposed to be like a political match but they ended up falling in love. The players too, I think.
>>5896966 >Rivka is not for romance Who said anything about LOVE?
>>5896960 I also was not aware sound files were... Embedded in the images? totally foreign concept to me.
>>5896967 >players meet terrifying athropod >terrifying arthropod is kind of nice >players marry and knock up terrifying arthropod, sire xenomorph monsters, and deploy them as legendary shock troops against the kingdoms of the goodly peoples Tale as old as time. Pic related.
>>5896972 Oh she wasn't nice, very cold and cruel. Only kept him alive and dragged him around for utility purpose, just the first of several prior victims who agreed to her demands.
Although things warmed overtime, the players were still eager to roll in her web when she was still just an evil hungry giant predator.
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>>5896965 oh, I play that quest but that "meme" flew over my head
>>5896972 is that antipaladin fanart ?
>>5896975 >players were still eager to roll in her web when she was still just an evil hungry giant predator That's what Firstgirl was for, in DAQ.
Sounds like yours was a pretty neat quest, conceptually. I'm a sucker for weird/basic/trolly quests which get adopted by a new QM and taken in an entirely different and more serious direction.
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>>5896979 Commissions. Though Souvarine and SchizoQM both made fanart I much appreciated, as well as a couple other anons.
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>>5896980 Well I must admit I do love adopting orphaned quests, it's a hobby of mine I suppose.
I just fondly remember how I kept making an effort to horrify and shove grotesqueries in the players faces, since I figured it to be like a horror quest, I mean realistically as you'd imagine the situation to actually be. But they gobbled it all down and asked for seconds. I mean I didn't stop reminding them that their beloved was a nightmarish giant spider, but they earned the happy and loving route.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5896960 Really? Christ. I bring this up now, at the start of a /qtg/ and my own thread, because I feel like there's no good archives with the capacity to view soundposts for /qtg/. thisisnotatrueending is very basic 4chan archival (which, all things considered, is appreciated), and archived.moe is fucks up HTML. I've went through my options, but either adapting the 4chan soundplayer plugin to work on suptg myself or getting official support from the original dev of the plugin for suptg, which given his latest reply was in November might be easier said than done.
If you'd like to see what I had done (in all of the imperfect flawed glory of archived.moe and all the DELETED POSTS I MADE):
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5806419/#5806419 https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5845695/#5845695 I like to pretend I am an oldfag. I've been in Soundthreads since they were actually embedded in images and not in filenames. I had assumed the pursuit of elevated posting for most people was a common concern, and it has begun to worry me that it hasn't. I've mixed custom sounds knowing I wouldn't have to upload them online outside of a simple catbox upload, thinking it were so simple and so easy. Knowing that it isn't... well, at least I've raised awareness, in this thread and my google doc.
>>5896965 Amusingly, around the same time people starting talking about giving their pilot an orgasm as a means of positive reinforcement in Core of Steel. There must have been something in the air as of late.
Keeping in mind the pilot that would be most likely to be in the seat in the near future is like 16 or something. Anonymous
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>>5896946 Wtf are soundposts?
>>5896946 I have been using 4chan since 2014 and 4chanX for years. Wtf is a soundpost?
>>5896946 I'm going to be honest with you chief, I have no fucking clue wtf a soundpost is or how to listen to it, and I've been here a while
>>5896986 Hm... I don't think the dates coincide, but the main character of Disappearing Hogwarts also got to second base with his girlfriend, people were getting rowdy about trying to set up a romance between two kids in Normal Cultivator, Millie and Horace returned in Jail, and the main character of my quest had a summer fling.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5896996 >>5897002 oh god I feel old. Should I feel old?
https://github.com/rcc11/4chan-sounds-player It was kinda classic /v/ culture to have soundposts. Curse me for thinking it common.
This plugin reads filenames of 4chan images and interprets links from them if they are coded to be soundfiles to be read by the plugin; whereupon they are loaded into a playlist from which it is played.
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>>5897012 Most /qst/ oldies came from /tg/ originally, while the youngsters are mostly (I think) from /co/ and /pol/. None of these are board with a big soundpost culture to my knowledge.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 06:22:50 No. 5897022 Report >>5897012 It's not really about age. You're using a medium that was primarily seen in a subculture of a subculture, requiring an external extension to even use. I think it's common sense to assume that the vast majority of people on /qst/ wouldn't use it or really be all that aware of it outside of the few people who also were in that scene.
>>5897012 Thx for the git link. Going to be using this.
Holy shit, how did I not know about this INCREDIBLE vote-fraud shitfit that went down over whether or not to randomly buy a brothel in The Prodigal Son Returns?
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5897022 Well, yes. "Curse me for thinking it common" is what I said.
And, until something is worked out with the issues I pointed out before, I would recommend against QMs using it despite how flush and unobtrusive it is for desktop usage.
>>5897023 Thank you. I enjoy using it nevertheless, because it feels like such a more subtle way to feeding others information that ultimately is not essential and simply reinforces a mood I hope to set anyways.
>>5897035 >broody, super serious and grim crusader knight guy takes on lordly duties >fights brigands to defend his people from rape and plunder >finds 4-year-old rape victims in a bandit hideout after defeating the bandits >executes the bandits for their crimes, but gives them a decent burial anyway because morality and standards >QM asks "hey, what do you want to do with the coins you won off the bandits in battle? which group of your citizens do you wish to help thrive?" >some anon keeps spamming a write-in about funding a bawdy brothel & saloon for lewd and lascivious entertainment purposes despite it being totally out-of-left-field >TONS of 1-post IDs, like dozens, out of nowhere Anonymous
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>>5896874 wasn't that show connected in some way to The Mighty Boush?
>>5897040 >4-year-old rape victims Sincerely, what the fuck?
>>5896918 Who else developed it besides Sigmund Freud's nephew Edward Bernaysse? (both subversive yids)
>>5897040 I was there, luckily the coomers lost the day
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>>5896966 >Waterboardingworld Based. Btw, I haven't read your Bones Qst, but everytime I've seen it I think of the GTA 3 sidequest with Marty Chonks' Bitchin' Dogfood Factory.
>>5897048 The bandits spoke Yiddish btw
>>5897048 They were peasant girls, late teens presumably, but no yiddish was spoken. Idk why people love to exagerrate so much. Also that samefag was obnoxious, kept at it for a dozen posts or more and tripled the replies.
>>5897048 >>5897059 My bad, I just typo'd "14". Still an unpleasant situation.
>>5897049 >>5897054 You guys and your obsession with Jews, man. I swear.
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>>5897059 I didn't read the quest but I'm sure they spoke Yiddish off screen
>>5897061 Oy vey!
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>>5896562 >Mooks that you or me could deal with easily You'd need for that a lasgun or something. Do you have a lasgun or something? Best I have is an Halberd and I'm not confident in my ability to cleave a droid
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
>>5896399 I translated the first runework, I really liked the hidden message.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5897010 >Horace Well, now I gotta add this yet-nonexistent character in. What's he look like, what's his personality?
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>>5896704 I think it's just an attachment point for sunglasses or a lower face mask or something.
>>5896868 Tell me more, give me a link to one of these
>>5896313 Quick question from a decently long time player perhaps soon to be QM hopeful. What's your guys opinions on images quests?
>Do you think they're vital for additional context? >Do you prefer drawn quest images (ex. the current Green/Redhorn Quests)? >Is there such a thing as too focused on images/imagery in quests? Anonymous
>>5897255 A lot like Clyde, because I mixed up my punnily-named horse characters. Woops!
>>5897289 >Do you think they're vital for additional context? No, because purely written quests exist and are good (also books)
>Do you prefer drawn quest images (ex. the current Green/Redhorn Quests)? If a quest can have art in addition to being a good quest, more's the better. If it's a mediocre quest, great art can uplift and ennoble it.
>Is there such a thing as too focused on images/imagery in quests? If each piece of artwork takes days to make and the updates themselves are poorly-thought-out, short, boring, insubstantial... Yeah, I guess. I don't think I've seen such a quest, though.
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
>>5897289 Depends on the quest you're trying to do, really. Quests like Verse and Skeleton Island pair images with rapid updates while other quests like Chaos and the aforementioned Green/Redhorns have less-frequent updates, yet also have images.
As someone sitting in the area between Drawfag/NotaDrawfag I can say that images definitely add some more work to the whole process, but giving players a visual aid might encourage them to stick around longer, even if it's just a random photo of a water treatment plant tunnel you found on Google.
The big deciding factor, however, is what YOU'RE comfy with. Many would-be QMs go ham with the drawn/illustrated updates from the getgo and get burnt out when they realize the bar they've set. If you've got the time and want to draw out a bunch of stuff, go for it! Luckily /qst/ is a pretty slow board so players will wait... for a time, at least.
If you don't fancy yourself an artist it's not the end of the world, but you might wanna throw in some images every now and then for players to get a feel of where they are or what's going on. Again, this could be as simple as posting a picture of a bridge with an update, but in the end it's up to your own ability.
All that said, really hope you give it a whirl, QM! It can be a lot of fun once you get the hang of it!
Anderson Thorell (QM)
>>5896761 >>5896769 >>5896787 >>5896966 The best reaction one can get when posting about bugs. Fuck it, might as well just share a picture I took of the specific beetle I found and was inspired by.
>>5897289 >Do you think they're vital for additional context? For characters, it can definitely help out a lot. I have also occasionally used pictures for showcasing areas and giving context towards what is going on, but I haven't done it too much as of late. So ,I don't think it's extremely vital.
>Do you prefer drawn quest images (ex. the current Green/Redhorn Quests)? I'm not the best person to answer, since I don't follow too many quests. But from the few I do follow, I do really find it impressive to see Anons drawing things or making their own unique art. I'd probably also draw stuff for my own quest, if I wasn't fucking terrible at drawing anything.
>Is there such a thing as too focused on images/imagery in quests? Like this anon (
>>5897302 ) said. There needs to be a balance between art and story telling. I think it's better to focus on the writing content than the drawn content, especially since doing both well can take a lot of time and energy.
Anyway, time to shill my own quest now that this general thread is fresh! The second thread is pretty close to reaching its end, but I still think now is a solid time to join in.
>>5897313 >>5897313 >>5897313 Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
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>>5896898 I remember quite well, and would welcome the chance to raise spiderbabies in our castle.
What happened to Help Wanted! ?
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160 posts in one day you guys sure have a lot to say.
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>>5897391 Don't forget the 40 or so posts in the one and only true and genuine January QTG, RIP.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5897255 >>5897295 Huehuehue
Clyde, Horace, and
Baxter Anonymous
>>5897430 I on and off read your quest can you tell me what the deal between the mc and her cousin is? Has this developed into a romantic plot or what
>>5897430 What a legend.
>>5897432 Craig is only for Millie the Mousegirl. Rosa is unattached, but anons seem to be favouring this roguish Raoul fellow so far (though Clyde is cool, too).
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>>5897452 The answer's still accurate, though, so... There are apps and extensions to hide IDs if your'e going to be weird about who responds to you in an open and public forum.
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>>5896514 Like war nowadays are distant destruction or medium range glass canons or close range mines makes sense they would not need to be more then walking guns they are something like domestic Ford cars but someone mounted on a gun same principle armor as a concept is semi dead world wars gave up on it other then mostly a helmet
I fucking love hivemind alien quests or with tech and stuff or just bugs. Or like alien first contact
>>5897470 Wonder what ever happened to Fae Smelter. Civilization Quest TURBO was a blast, and we played as a radioactive mutant alien queen.
>>5897302 >>5897321 >>5897329 Thank you for the honest responses brothers. Giving me a lot to think on. I am capable of being a drawfag and do participate on /i/ but I'm such a slow drawer that combined with work, I don't think it'd be fair for my intended thread to keep them waiting for long stretches of time in between posts. Thanks again,
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>5897391 Severe burnout and when I did try to finish the update, guess what happened? A massive fucking hurricane tore shit up, so I kinda took that as an omen from God at that point. Source: I was the QM of it.
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>>5897520 Maybe just punctuate big/important updates with art, or do some character art to help visualize the cast?
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>>5897526 Eesh... Yeah, can't argue against natural disaster. I hope things improve for you soon.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 20 Jan 2024 20:02:36 No. 5897532 Report >>5897283 Here's one of the games that utilize it:
https://the-eye.eu/public/Books/rpg.rem.uz/_Collections/Bestiaries/Bestiary%202/Monsters%20and%20Other%20Childish%20Things%20Corebook.pdf And here's the developer toolkit for it:
https://img.4plebs.org/boards/tg/image/1401/25/1401252784488.pdf I've simplified and dumbed down a lot of stuff in it, but the core mechanics are still the same.
>>5897241 I was hoping someone would try that, lmao
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>>5897526 Yeah, that's the whole phone from way back ringing ig jc
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>>5897474 Then we have the bit meatier taking itself serious Hive Queen Quest and "Death among the stars" even if it's more a necromancer alien with undead thrills becoming good through conquest
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
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>>5897532 Yeah I felt your sadness when nobody noticed on spot
QM !btT653GUa2
In other news, a civil war is now raging in Simple Space Empire Quest. I'll admit I'm a little surprised, it hasn't even been a full century since the start. It is going to be a lot of fun and !!FUN!!, of that I'm certain. Might even be a game-over if the Empire is unlucky or makes any severe tactical blunders.
>>5897810 Thread link
>>5887382 Never underestimate the ability of players to make retarded political decisions.
>>5897810 >players vote to agitate noble houses that already don't like them >nah don't worry it won't be a civil war, we'll do some surgical stuff and remove them before that can happen Probably the funniest interaction I saw in there.
>>5897532 Thank, I must consider whether to use this instead of testing and tweaking the custom bullshit I came up with myself.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sun 21 Jan 2024 00:28:18 No. 5897854 Report Quoted By:
>>5897851 If you want to see it in action in another quest, then check out
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=MHA%20Quest which is where I initially learned of it. It was mighty confusing at first, but then it just clicked.
>>5897810 In fairness it seems we’ve already gotten unlucky with a third house joining the rebellion, this was meant to be a blowout…
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5897432 Craig has a crush on Rosa at the beginning. Rosa thinks of Craig as more of a little brother.
Don't know if it'll stay that way, though.
Tai lung quest is BAAAAAACK
>>5897888 Luo is back from his holiday slumber, hip hip hurray
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>>5896313 >QM question: I do sprinkle bits of real people or traits of people I know into characters from time-to-time. For me, it makes them feel more fleshed-out and like real people.
>Player question: Superpower dystopia
>Lurker question: Less Star Wars, more original Sci-Fi
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Come get your ice pops, anons. Oh, and also investigate a wedding ring.
>>5899153 >>5899153 Storyteller Luo !!e08cz8ZGDS2
Storyteller Luo !!e08cz8ZGDS2 ID:n6SmfZtF Mon 22 Jan 2024 01:18:35 No. 5899349 Report Quoted By:
>>5898836 Looks like someone beat me to it. Tai Lung quest is back. The crew is currently back at the Valley of Peace and trying to find a home for the refugees they rescued.
>>5897888 >>5897888 Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Arika lore, new race.
>>5899466 >>5899466 TrashQM
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>>5898550 >>5899045 The Graverobber's Daughter Resumes!
Laden down with swag and already spending time she has already spent, Chlotsuintha seeks to beat a reasonably hasty retreat from the late Aldoin's confoundingly designed house - only to find that her way out takes her through his library, a room that she had hoped to find, case and clear earlier but could not. Now unable to tear herself away, she commits to giving the room a going-over, but must quickly decide the scope of her search, and the intended breadth of her haul, lest she burn up any more of her already direly precious time.
To be clear, these are two different votes, and both are still open. I put up the second vote, hoping that someone would come and break the three-way tie we had in the first when they were voting in the second ... but not only did we get no new votes for the first, the second vote also wound up as a three-way tie.
Oh any thoughts on a Duke Nukem Quest?
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>>5899560 I could see it serving as the basis for an amusing quest especially a drawquest or one with really good comedic timing. Is there any roe planned besides the basic premise of Duke Nukem fighting aliens or whatever?
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>>5899560 >the more belligerent and asinine the anons behave the better Duke performs Master Adept
Hi anons, one of the readers in my quest suggested I advertise here, so here you go
>>5883189 Nutshell is space piracy, right now the ship is getting customized before we head out on another mission, come join!
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>>5899560 > It's a roll for finding the letter U thread. Any more details? Very basic idea could be good or bad.
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>>5896313 >QM question: A lot of my character's personalities are exaggerations of how I actually thought before in my life. I used to be an edgy kid that believed he was smarter than everybody else, then that I was simply inherently too lazy to achieve anything, then that all my problems would be solved if I just found someone, ect. I just exacerbate those traits while adding some unique quirks to not just make them a caricature of my old self.
>Player question: Hard to say, the selection is quite good right now, I've enjoyed the Olympus, VerseQuest and redhorn quest quite a lot.
>>5897289 >Do you think they're vital for additional context? I don't think they're necessary, but they can give a nice idea in their head for the players. Images can take away from it if they also don't fit the general tone, a super serious grimdark quest with an MS paint artstyle would feel weird.
I suck at both writing and drawing, so I hope doing both enhance the experience.
>Do you prefer drawn quest images (ex. the current Green/Redhorn Quests)? I prefer them because they're easier to follow and digest. But I've seen writing only quest that captivated me because of the prose and the theme, so images aren't necessary for my enjoyment.
>Is there such a thing as too focused on images/imagery in quests? Personally, I believe that you should be able to get all necessary info from the text itself, with the images only enhancing the writing. I can't say I've ever seen a case of a quest being too focused on images, though.
Plugging my quest! Explore a False World, acquire
MORE Celestial Gems , try not to die (or worse) to the horrors that live here! If you die in the game you won't die in the real!
>>5894665 I'll work on being more concise, I promise!
>>5899925 Sci-Fi Fantasy! Cybernetics! Flesh monsters! Robots! All this and more! Soon! I swear!
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO ID:5lVLXcc8 Mon 22 Jan 2024 17:25:18 No. 5899956 Report Quoted By:
>QM question: Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest? I’ve exaggerated a few things, but yes. How I describe certain places in my quest (Loveless Gal you should play it if you’re looking for low-stakes early modern fantasy featuring a very disturbed protagonist[/spoiler) and certain events are based on reality. Gal panicking because of an elevator? He’s literally me. >Player question: What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue? Low-stakes, slice-of-life fantasy / scifi. Something akin to Va11Halla. You’re not a hero or someone going on a grand quest, just another person living in a world, and worrying about more mundane matters. Another genre I’d like to see would be modernized fantasy - similar to BRIGHT, except well executed. Different races, living in the 21st century with a little cyberpunk feel to it due to magic / magical substances. Kinda like Coffee Talk, I suppose. >Lurker question: Are you enjoying yourselves? Any thing you'd like to see done? A while ago, in the first thread of Seeker of the esoteric, there was an option for the protagonist to study reproductive medicine. I wanna see something like that: a magic user who specializes in genitals. Instead of casting lightning he twists your balls and fucks up your ovaries. >What's your guys opinions on images quests? They’re cool. Drawquests are a treat. >Do you think they're vital for additional context? Depends on the artwork. Generally speaking, no. >Do you prefer drawn quest images (ex. the current Green/Redhorn Quests)? They’re cool. I used to find Greenhorn to be a little short but nowadays it has gotten a lot more in-depth with descriptions. I like it. >Is there such a thing as too focused on images/imagery in quests? If the QM’s too focused on art and doesn’t update for a very time because of it, sure. I’ve yet to seen in happen, though.
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO ID:5lVLXcc8 Mon 22 Jan 2024 17:26:54 No. 5899959 Report >QM question: Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest? I’ve exaggerated a few things, but yes. How I describe certain places in my quest (Loveless Gal you should play it if you’re looking for low-stakes early modern fantasy featuring a very disturbed protagonist[/spoiler:lit]) and certain events are based on reality. Gal panicking because of an elevator? He’s literally me.>Player question: What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue? Low-stakes, slice-of-life fantasy / scifi. Something akin to Va11Halla. You’re not a hero or someone going on a grand quest, just another person living in a world, and worrying about more mundane matters. Another genre I’d like to see would be modernized fantasy - similar to BRIGHT, except well executed. Different races, living in the 21st century with a little cyberpunk feel to it due to magic / magical substances. Kinda like Coffee Talk, I suppose.>Lurker question: Are you enjoying yourselves? Any thing you'd like to see done? A while ago, in the first thread of Seeker of the esoteric, there was an option for the protagonist to study reproductive medicine. I wanna see something like that: a magic user who specializes in genitals. Instead of casting lightning he twists your balls and fucks up your ovaries.>What's your guys opinions on images quests? They’re cool. Drawquests are a treat.>Do you think they're vital for additional context? Depends on the artwork. Generally speaking, no.>Do you prefer drawn quest images (ex. the current Green/Redhorn Quests)? They’re cool. I used to find Greenhorn to be a little short but nowadays it has gotten a lot more in-depth with descriptions. I like it.>Is there such a thing as too focused on images/imagery in quests? If the QM’s too focused on art and doesn’t update for a very time because of it, sure. I’ve yet to seen in happen, though.
Gacha quest anon, where are you?
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Anyone know any good text to speah programs?
>>5899965 He spent all his money rolling for a swimsuit version of a girl who was a personification of a steam train. RIP.
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>>5900051 Fuuck, should have gone for the bunny suit version of Steamy instead.
>>5899959 >A while ago, in the first thread of Seeker of the esoteric, there was an option for the protagonist to study reproductive medicine. I wanna see something like that: a magic user who specializes in genitals. Instead of casting lightning he twists your balls and fucks up your ovaries. interesting, are you still reading it ? what did you think of our wacky trip ?
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO
Narrator Kommgal !!eK/DTdS3ONO ID:5lVLXcc8 Mon 22 Jan 2024 22:40:02 No. 5900258 Report Quoted By:
>>5900215 Occasionally kept up with it. It has been interesting, seeing how Tips have changed since his academy years - I particularly like our excursion to Dappulyat and the judicial duel against the unseelie
At the suggestion of one of my anons. If anyone likes history, adventure, killing people, and medieval stuff, my quest might interest you. Historically inspired Anglo Saxon adventure quest.
https://boards.4chan.org/qst/thread/5896411#top Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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Solarpunk is back from the weekend! Now you have to explain what the fuck you're doing with that robot.
>>5900372 >>5900372 >>5900372 Anonymous
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>>5900315 You can link to any post on the same board like this:
>>5896411 BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
What do you feel are some of the strongest mechanics of Quest? Not in terms of dice rolls, but in terms of story, player-progression, choice and consequence, etc? I ask because, as someone who has played numerous tabletop and video games, I often find myself thinking of strong motivators and game mechanics in those system that don't really work for quests in the same way.
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>>5900536 dunno if it works for all but I like seeing diferent designs to show mc's progression, new skills, opponents who match the level, etc
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>>5900536 I’d say the freedom of it all. You can explore a lot more topics on /qst/ compared to anywhere else. I’ve heard a couple DND circles who aren’t comfortable with pregnancy / rape / abortifacient / sexual harrassment as a plotpoint.
>>5900536 For me, the numerical or puzzle-solving mechanics of a quest can accentuate or add drama and suspense to running or playing a quest, but they're not the main draw. I'm here for the experience of creating and directing characters and worlds in unexpected directions. As a result, the bits of a quest that stand out the most to me are when anons team up to create names, designs, strategies, or solutions which cause a quest to shift gears and go in an unexpected direction.
A couple good examples would be when Eoba II took a third option and killed Agori in your quest, or in Disappearing Hogwarts when one of the anons figured out the identity of a ghost which had latched onto our brain far earlier than the QM expected, or when we romanced a minor side-character into being a core party-member.
I'm also a really big fan of the "Create an NPC" idea SchizoQM used in Goblin Assassin (which I've since borrowed a few times) or the "Game of Distortion" originated by the QM of "I'm a Demon?" and "Last Few Fae" (which I also sued in Dragonborn Antipaladin). Both allow players to introduce some of their own ideas or imagery into the setting, for the QM to modify and play around with laer. Some pretty prominent characters and enduring setting elements came of those in the quests which inspired me to use them, and then in my own quest. Perhaps the most common iteration of this is the "design an outfit" game that lots of drawquest do, including yours, the Government-Issued GF series, and Greenhorn, or even something as simple as naming the main character and side characters.
Did Fortuna ever come back?
MediocreQM must have died, the new thread was supposed to be up weeks ago. Does anyone know what’s happened to him?
>>5900726 I slew him in mortal combat to claim his quest energy as my own
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>>5900733 You better have a fucking good quest for me to read then
5 days until new Sworn to Valour!
>>5900622 Can you explain the "Game of Distortion" and "Create an NPC" things in more detail?
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5896313 >QMQ Aside from the slight tint of alienation? Don't think so.
>PQ Perhaps horror. Or maybe evogames, although the playerbase isn't all that interested in evogames anymore, I guess. Then again, facility management simulators are also very few and far between.
>LQ At least vote sometimes, yeah?
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>>5900709 He posted in Trojan War Quest last March but nothing since, IIRC
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
>>5900726 Yeah, my heart weeps every time I open the catalog.
Where are you Mediocre? Your losers needs you
>>5900726 Last I heard it was suicide with the last notice being in some discord
>>5900843 Proof?
Psa to ask QMs if they are okay and doing well mentally.
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
>>5900857 Am Okay. Doing great.
Defending PhD tomorrow, validated probationary period in an interesting, well payed, not too time consuming remote job. Other "life event" might or might not be planned Anderson Thorell (QM)
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>>5900857 Not sure how I am feeling, to be quite honest. I'm simultaneously relaxed, nervous, excited, reluctant and optimistic. I'm finally going back to uni after a half a year break in about 3 weeks, and I know I'll reduce updates as a result.
Other than that, I hope to be able to also do more RP's with friends, which I have kinda left to the wayside due to my focus shifting towards writing for my quest.
At least I'm also driven by excitement because of summer holiday. I'll be spending a lot of time with my family on an extremely exciting vacation. I know that is going to be quite some time away from now, but it's still constantly on my mind lmao.
>>5900868 Good luck with your PhD defence, dude. I'm sure you'll do great!
>>5896313 To all QMs who still post here.
I am a being wreathed in divinity.
Your days, like your posts, are numbered.
It's over.
You can't recover.
You are nothing.
A footnote that spun off /tg/.
Your glory days were as a benign growth upon another more popular board.
Now you've been excised and tossed into a grave to rot.
>>5901002 Divinity? If you're running on akun you're more likely to be wreathed in cum.
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>>5901007 Sounds like Akun lives RENT FREE in your head, cockroach.
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
>>5901002 >Be me >Still having enough player in my thread, whatever I am running >Still having enough fun to keep running >Picrel is that exact discussion 6 month ago Be you :
Sore loser that hide behind new ID
In dire need of med
Not even worthy enough of a greentext
But it's ok; take that (You). Despite pitying your sorry self, I extend my hand. What is your quest? I might read and review; despite not as skilled as Archivebro
>>5900843 You're thinking of the guy who ran DC Henchman...
>>5900758 Oh man, an evo game or something like Minster Facility would be boss. Not that I have enough time to really participate much in the former right now.
>>5900754 >Create a NPC Essentially what it says on the tin. At a story beat when the character is recruiting allies for a team, or meeting a new contact, or otherwise encountering someone new, you don't use a fixed character or list pregen options to vote on. Instead, you ask your players to pitch a name, basic physical description, and a couple perosnality traits or backstory elements, ad then hold a seicndary vote on which to include or find ways to integrate the one(s) you like.
>Game of Distortion At juncuture sin tge narrative that work well for it (heading out into a mostly-unexplored area, a dream sequence, a prophetic vision, etc) you ask players to each submit one image, and maybe a keyword or phrase. From these, distorted and warped to fit your setting, to create plot beats and setting elements.
>>5900857 Doing decent enough. Only issue is having a really rough stretch of insomnia and some work related stress that's starting to affect my output on my quest, so I feel a little guilty about that.
Eventually, when things level out, I'll be back to three or more posts a session hopefully. Apologies to any of my players who happen to see this regardless, hope that explains why some of the sessions have been painfully short.
>>5900857 Should be heading to Antarctica to work in a month or two. Looking forward to it, as the mismanagement at my current workplace is...hilarious but tiring.
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>>5901132 You still tend to post my routinely and with greater output than plenty of QMs. Don't worry over it overmuch.
>>5900857 Eh, this time of year is always rough for me and I have gone through a lot of major life events in the last while. The quest is a good outlet for me, though, so I wouldn't worry that it would be affected.
>>5901052 The latter sounds like an excellent idea. The former...well I see how it could work, but it seems like using a shotgun to hit a bullseye when the QM could just aim a rifle at the target instead.
Then again, why run a quest without using player inputs. Their chaotic energy, arguments, and speculation are what make it great.
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>>5901147 >Then again, why run a quest without using player inputs. Their chaotic energy, arguments, and speculation are what make it gr Exactly! And it can help flesh out and fill in a party with characters the anons are pre-invested in.
You sometimes have to put a foot down when they start trying to sue it to introduce characters with elaborate backstories who are pretty much MCs in their own right, though, or insert characters from other quests or multimedia series they like Anonymous
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>>5901002 You’re just buttmad that the ad campaigns are working ;)
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>>5901138 That's hella cool.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5900857 Ay, thanks for checking in - currently feeling OK, but the hustle anxiety is starting to creep in. Sent three applications just the other day, and reopening (rementioning?) my art commissions.
That being said, anyone in need of a piece of sfw art?
>>5901253 draw my oc for free
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>>5901278 The white is cum.
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>>5901253 I may just take you up on that sometime in February if they're still open!
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
>>5901138 Whaf's your job anon? Sound like a pogger work trip
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
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>>5901253 Might, might.
Hit me up at my burner email; you can find the link in the Xeno Redux quest thread 1
>>5900726 >>5900823 >>5900857 anons, he indeed killed himself a few months ago and confessed he was gonna do it in the qtg discord. For the anon who asked for proof, here's the print and you can join the server and search for it if you want to.
>>5901326 That screengrabs about Axis, the QM for DC: Henchman. MediocreQM is the QM for Pokemon Loser Quest who was active in the QTG about a month ago.
>>5901326 Dumbass that’s the dc henchman qm, not MediocreQM. Learn to read.
Rest in peace, Axis.
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>>5901109 >>5901110 >>5901117 The Graverobber's Daughter continues! Chlotsuintha expertly cases Aldoin's Library, and from just scanning the titles, manages to judge seventy-one books by their covers - or rather, their spines - as being either of interest or some use to her. However, she only has the room to carry twelve of them without making a second trip or abandoning swag she has already taken with her - neither of which she will do. Therefore, she must judge these books some more; winnowing the list from seventy-one to twelve. A frustrating and potentially confounding task - but she also stands to learn a good bit by simply reading the titles, so she cannot be too sour.
> QM question: > Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest? Getting sicker at a hospital.
> Player question: > What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue? Civilization Quest Spam; the best subgenre of Quests as far as I am concerned. As a distant second, I'd take more Game of Thrones Quests, as they never implode.
Actual answer; I'd like to see a real who-dunnit Quest. No rolls, just dialog with suspects and descriptions of crime scenes and evidence. If there was any mechanic in the Quest at all, it would be that each action you took consumed time, and if enough time passed, clues might become obfuscated, crime scenes might be contaminated, witnesses might get hazier on details, suspects might construct more air-tight alibis/lawyer up and even more crimes might be committed. Alternatively, it might take time for results to come back from a lab, or a witness to be tracked down, things in that vein, so you'd have to manage your time carefully. For added complexity, you might have an underling or two to shuffle around. There could be non-suspect NPCs who you interact with, and what they do might change how suspect NPCs interact with you too. From an agency perspective, there would have to be something to keep the player from running the player character around the clock as well, some commitment or restraint - something narrative (the player character must stop now, to do such-and-such; time skips ahead and we rejoin them as ...) as opposed to mechanical (the character is tired, so they don't notice the fresh ring of soap around the tub and cannot deduce ...) The most important part I feel would be that you only get one confrontation. One shot at pressing charges and arresting the culprit, and the Quest ends whether or not you were right. If x number of additional crimes took place before you made your arrest, you could also get a fail-state.
I'd consider running something like that as a one-shot, or incorporating some of it into my current Quest. Who-dunnit would be easier for me to do in a fantastical or at least fictionalized setting, simply because I could make my own procedure, rules of investigation and laws - where-as in a realistic setting, I'd get bogged down by fidelity-seeking.
Forgotten QM !!cRQ2bB+8b3B
Forgotten QM !!cRQ2bB+8b3B ID:kBp/4r2e Tue 23 Jan 2024 20:37:52 No. 5901345 Report >>5900857 Doing well enough, thank you for asking.
Last year was not the greatest for me. Something happened in my personal life that left me in a pretty bad way, and I threw myself into work as a way of not dealing with it. The wound has healed now, or at least scabbed over enough that I’m more or less functional and looking forward to the future. Work continues to feel like a case of holding back the tide with a mop, but I am resolving this year to limit myself to the hours in the day and not burn out trying to salvage every case like I was doing before.
I hope my fellow kniggas have been doing well, I know one of them mentioned reading StV updates was a good crutch for their mental health on a bad day. I just want them and anyone else struggling with their own path that we all have different ideas of where we should be in life or relationships, and often we judge ourselves harshly for it when compared to where we actually are, but that is of little actual consequence in the real world and of even less consequence here on this Finnish origami forum where we tell stories. I think there is something objectively good and pure about that.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>5900857 It's been the same old same old for me. Aside from a general boredom with life outside of writing my quest (which is fun for me to write), I'm doing fine. The most I worry about is keeping an eye on my motivation to avoid burnout.
That and not getting God to send another hurricane to me. That would also be swell.
Waiting for summer storm !!xLhCVDdRf08
Waiting for summer storm !!xLhCVDdRf08 ID:oaxpiplH Tue 23 Jan 2024 21:58:45 No. 5901416 Report Quoted By:
New Dark Lord Quest thread.
>>5901404 >>5901404 >>5901404 It's what it says on the cover - you play as a rising dark lord in the lands of Noen - kingdom of Enchanted bloodlines. Having mastered golemancy, summoning, enchantment and artifactery, you use these skills in your quest to destroy the world and calm your madness once and for all. Though it seems there is a setback recently...
Bentus !!fV+gr4FUxnZ
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>>5900857 I'm fine. I rarely, if ever get into a bad place mentally, instead I just tend to burn out creatively for a bit and enter recharge mode.
>>5901303 Electrician. I highly recommend it. If you're smart enough to write a coherent quest then you'll find it easy to wow your coworkers and bosses. Excellent pay and benefits, especially if you go through the IBEW apprenticeship (which gives you a 40 hour paying job the whole time). Demand for electricians is only projected to go up and supply's only expected to go down in the future too.
All in all the best (only) career decision I ever made, even if it was done by sheer luck.
Who the fuck are the dudes on either side of the pic though? I don't see Mikhail or Sir Dan Marc here.
>>5901138 Badass, what Qsts do you run, & do you post on /x/?
>>5901466 I'm running [False World Online]. A quest inspired by Broken Sky Online, and a refinement of Broken Vessels Online that I briefly ran around this time last year.
>>5899925 >>5899926 I don't and have never posted on /x/, but I'll be sure to share if I see anything spoopy. My deployment's over the Antarctic winter, so it should be dark to twilight the whole time.
>>5901475 Deployment? So you'll be getting a purple ribbon? Bitchin'
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5900857 I'm doing fine! Been very tired though. Had to attend to a bunch of responsibilities yesterday on zero hours of sleep, so I took today to catch up on the sleep I lost.
>>5901478 Nah that's just what they call it even for the civvies, since you're stuck where ever you end up at for 6 months. I'll be there with the US Antarctic Program, just as a maintenance electrician at one of the bases.
They actually seem to recruit pretty heavily for all sorts of jobs. Search on Indeed and you can find them. Amentum handles the blue collar stuff and Leidos I think it is handles white collar/management/engineering stuff.
Warden !!GZu3fE9MaLA
>>5900857 Better than I was a year and a half ago by a wide margin. Somewhere between thread 3 and 4 of Enclave Remnant Quest I was... in a very very dark place.
Got help, been getting better since.
And thanks for asking Anon.
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>>5901332 alright, I saw someone mentioning dc henchmen and got confused
>>5901335 saw someone mentioning him and mixed things, sorry
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Kreeko society has fallen...
>>5901540 >>5901540 Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5900857 I haven't felt awake in quite a while. Good food and exercise don't seem to be doing any tricks. Coffee just makes my heart beat out of my chest, so I have been considering shots of hot sauce and cold water on open eyes as viable alternatives if I don't want to hop back on overpowering energy drinks.
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>>5901554 Ice cube on your nuts.
Kaiserfan !!MjnTl5zZ6Dc
>>5901586 Do you like raygun gothic and pulp scifi?
Does the concept of a brilliant action scientist accidentally giving himself the body of a young maiden amuse you?
Does the idea of rebuild the glorious Kaisereich from a secret moonbase fill your heart with glee?
Do you want to crush perfidious Albion and the loathesome Franks before that failed art student ruins everything for everyone?
Do you
have any idea why the fuck the spam system saw my second post and thought it was spam? Seriously what the fuck, I'm trying to effortpost here. If you answered yes to any of those questions, then come join us at Space Kaiserin Quest! Where the Space Germans aren't goose stepping, the death rays are standard issue, and the main character is as cute and funny as she is brilliant!
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>>5901649 Your quest seems interesting, fun and your opener is thematic and pulpy, but I am morally opposed to anime gender bending nonsense and will not be playing.
However, I wish you well on your questing journey and for your quest to find many readers!
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5900857 idk feeling a little gay and retarded today
>>5901667 only a little? Must be a good day for you then buddy.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5900857 Not very well desu.
I think the prolonged lack of social interaction is finally getting to my head, and it's manifesting in a number of bad ways. Not entirely my fault, since my college friends basically blew me off after I graduated and I only leave the house a handful of times a week, mainly for work and some physical exercise. I want to feel happy, but the depression feels like a weight in my chest.
>>5901138 >ANTARCTICA >Man is the warmest place to hide... Antarctica is pretty scary. I haven't watched this film yet the closest I got I suppose was Dead Space 3.
>>5901475 >>5901478 >>5901487 >deployment I know of this blog that has some realistic pictures documenting the destination though
Coming Home From The South Pole
https://brr.fyi/posts/redeployment-part-one https://brr.fyi/posts/redeployment-part-two Anonymous
>>5901923 I get that, anon. I know it sounds cliche, but reaching out to people or joining a social club can help.
>>5901487 >LEIDOS hehe I remember SAIC or LDOS or LMT IS&GS. Nowadays the main idea is to prepare for future conflicts or venture capital financing of world war III by ensuring that all war participants will be named after The Lord Of The Rings.
So you probably already know of Palantir PLTR, there is Anduril run by Sword Art Online cosplayer Palmer Luckey, I became aware recently of Istari Digital
https://www.istaridigital.com/ https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Order_of_Wizards (basically Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast etc)
Backed by Eric Schmidt of the googl triumvirate and formerly the Defense Innovation Board. Schmidt seems to have successfully covered up his MeToo incidents, I suppose they know how to permanently delete everything from the internet at googl and meanwhile he has been taking some interesting trips to Ukraine recently with his weird White Stork explorations (see below). I have never witnessed such a sinister phrase as this:
>THE MURMURATIONS OF STARLINGS https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-future-of-war-has-come-in-ukraine-drone-swarms-kamikaze-kyiv-31dd19d7 (authored by Eric Schmidt)
>In the future, like murmurations of starlings, ruthless swarms of AI-empowered kamikaze drones will track mobile targets and algorithmically collaborate to strike past an enemy’s electronic countermeasures. Naval drones will take the same concepts into the sea, converging like a shoal of small torpedoes at the waterline of targeted ships. Land-based drones will clear obstacles, demine fields and eventually act as remote machine guns and other weapons. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sarahemerson/2024/01/23/eric-schmidts-secret-white-stork-project-aims-to-build-ai-combat-drones/ This is already being done I have read of military experiments with JADC2 FIRESTORM (disappointingly, military acronyms are becoming less and less adherent to the rigours of alphabetical exactitude) and the concept of a kill web, essentially a multi-domain adaptive system-of-systems implementation of the 5F (Find Fix Fire Finish Feedback) kill chains that use algorithms to route around the single node of failure of the original drone targeting kill chains, as well as generating fire solutions using various procedural approaches for emergent coordination. Maybe Sundar Pichai should try to persuade future warfighters to incorporate some mid roll advertising in their loitering munition drone feeds just like youtube does for asmr
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>>5901940 >real life military terminology intertwining with sci fi / fictional settings etc I mentioned the kill chain concept in my COSMOGONY quest choice here (a variant of the 5F, F2T2EA. I originally read about these many many years ago as F3EA, they all seem conceptually similar to me). Sadly I think the player abandoned this choice so I never got to use all my sci fi drone swarm spaceship particle effects gifs hehe. I suppose instead of drone kill swarms, they prefer to call them attritable autonomous systems though lol
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5841341 Anonymous
>>5901667 >"feeling gay" >WORK THAT THONG >>5901487 >Amentum Thank you for informing me about this privately held corporation anon, I was not aware of it. I hope you understand precisely what they are asking you to undertake in Antarctica I hear it is quite remote out there help may not be forthcoming noooo. To be technically correct I believe wiktionary clarifies that Amentum means thong as in a spear-throwing thong etc, it just seems an unfortunate choice of name for a defense contractor THONG CORPORATION LOOK AT MY PROTRUDING THONG
>>5891071 >>5891072 >>5891074 BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5901954 Hey Souv, what's your opinion on my much hated and extremely annoying "GOOD fantasy Quest" meme?
>>5901958 I thought Sojourner started that, allegedly?
>>5901958 >BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL >the value of the "good", versus the merely common I longed with all my soul to be good, but I was young; I had passions and I was alone, completely alone in my search for goodness. Every time I tried to express my innermost desires—a wish to be morally good—I met with contempt and scorn, and as soon as I gave in to vile passions I was praised and encouraged. Ambition, lust for power, self-interest, lechery, pride, anger, revenge, were all respected qualities. As I yielded to these passions I became like my elders and I felt that they were pleased with me.
Leo Tolstoy, A Confession (1882)
As a VAMPIRE SORCEROR economics taught me that the meaning of a good is purely that of a commodity. I really wanted to try and find a quotation from Horace
>>5897255 on goodness, I read a few of the satires but do not remember them well, they can be rambling at times. I suppose you get Nietzsche of Beyond Good And Evil (not the pic related space monkey Ubisoft videogame lol) instead:
(...) One must renounce the bad taste of wishing to agree with many people. "Good" is no longer good when one's neighbour takes it into his mouth. And how could there be a "common good"! The expression contradicts itself; that which can be common is always of small value. In the end things must be as they are and have always been--the great things remain for the great, the abysses for the profound, the delicacies and thrills for the refined...
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>>5901461 >Trades Nice. Good craftmen are hard to find nowadays.
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>>5901980 >They can be rambling at times My sides.
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>>5900747 4 days until VALOUR! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
>>5901462 They are characters from Black Company 2230 AD quest, Forgotten's other quest. If you haven't read it, I warmly recommend it.
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>>5902059 You didn't have to, it was free. Free even of your request. So free it is essentially DOUBLE American. You are welcome.
>>5901940 I knew Raytheon had a heavy hand/authority in the South Pole station, the rest is news to me. I'll letcha know if I see anything that looks like WWIII preparations going on while I'm down there.
>>5901138 >>5901475 >>5901487 >>5902090 >>5901927 I am secretly very jealous of your Antarctica trip anon lol, I am sure it will be an amazing adventure, take care of yourself and I hope your internet access is ok, if nothing else, you will accumulate incredible material for an isolated horror thriller ICE STATION QUEST or game setting, maybe you could just use pictures you take whilst out there lol and if you see any detachable alien heads sprouting spider limb appendages from severed neck vertebrae you should probably burn them with fire. You absolutely must run some sort of ICE STATION OUTPOST quest based on all of this...!!
I am going to watch this film right now lol I actually tried to play The Thing videogame on PC a very long time ago I never finished it, I had some problems running the game at the time and also with the controls configuration (think maybe it was originally a ps2 console game?) But I guess this Antarctica alien horror imagery has basically permeated videogames through Dead Space, and notably Dead Space 3 which was not a bad game, maybe the weapon customisation killed it, literally alien ice planet the Thing etc. but with the true horror being that all franchise creativity had died alongside any dramatic tension by the time of that videogame release
>if we never hear from Antarctica anon again, we must assume they have turned into pic related Anonymous
>>5901138 >>5901475 >>5901487 >>5902090 >>5902098 >ANTARCTICA maybe when you are sent to the ice wall antarctica anon, you will encounter a cosy homestead along with a kindly wildling who eagerly marries his "flowering" daughters, to himself. You should befriend him, yay
>>5901923 Consider therapy anon. It’s worth the price of admission to simply talk with another person and if you gain some motivation for social empowerment, all the better.
Alas, I have the opposite problem - I am an introvert drowning in constant social interactions and this saps my life force, causing me to age at double speed
I'm the Anon who made this post in the previous thread.
>>5888010 I decided to try some creative writing exercises and put in some effort to try and write up some (GOOD) fantasy lore. I'd like to share an excerpt I wrote up now. Please tell me what you think.
>The Veloth are known as a very public people. Everyone knows of their family struggles and most personal business. They are not known to keep secrets, instead, they wear their feelings on their sleeves. This leads to a different type of duplicity- the kind where the only kindness they give is a public kindness. This is because of their most sacred of traditions, the Sacred Word. Each Veloth clan have a word unique only to them, and when they speak it, it imbues them with a great power. Veloth warriors speak this word to defeat their foes, and Veloth craftsmen whisper it to complete the greatest masterpieces. This word is both a reward as well as a token of their legacy and honor. It is for this reason the Veloth are how they are; any insult to one will tarnish this word, and weaken it. The greatest of Veloth clans have words that put your hair on end, while the lesser and ignoble clans have Sacred Words which dribble out of their mouth as inoffensive as a slur. It is for this reason the Veloth are so easy to anger and so quick to forgive- as long as it is done in public. They will forgive murder behind closed doors almost freely, but insult one's name in public and they will invoke their sacred word against you. >Beyond the sky-scratching blue bell mountains is where the Veloth clans trod. It is only further north and west, in the heartlands of the Empire, where their absurd honor culture is restrained- and their low magic is mocked by the Imperial Sorcerers. The southeast plains of Vo are like a sea of grass, only broken up by the long legged horses- to keep their clan-riders from the ticks- and the termite mounds of red-black earth which act as a natural mile marker. The tallest spires, called "crowns", are lived in by termite queens the size of your arm, and are known to be a delicacy. The rain comes here only rarely, and it rarely more then a drizzle, giving the land an arid climate. The biggest surprise one would come across here, besides a quiet and reserved Veloth wanderer, would be one of the meandering, fish-rich streams hidden underneath the tall grasses. Anonymous
>>5896313 Does anyone know how Forgottenqm is doing? I miss sworn to valour, and Id like to see how he does his system
Also sidenote, I know he's doing Graverobber's daughter but I really want to see Trashqm run Collapsing quest
>>5902163 10/10, the quest you are meant to run whispers to you from beyond the void, future QM, will you listen?
What settings do we need more of?
>>5902187 GOOD ones.
>>5902166 Are you lying to me? You sound too enthusiastic.
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>>5902187 All the ones that I like.
>>5902102 >>5901980 >Craster daughter-wives, GRR Martin, Game Of Thrones >the fantasy Tolstoy? (not Tolkien) I have never read any of the Game Of Thrones books I watched maybe the first 1-3 seasons of the tv series, lost interest a bit when they cut back on the nudity I absolutely insist upon at least one bosom per episode hehe, I did watch the big impressive Jon Snow battle and the ending, so I have no deep lore knowledge of the setting. But for some reason I always imagine Craster as the personification of GRR Martin, I really wish he just appeared as himself as Craster. There is always the question: which character best embodies the author? In literature the typical psychoanalytical metaphor is childbirth as the creative act, the author giving birth to the characters from their imagination, eg Athena sprung from the head of Zeus or see Frankenstein and Mary Shelley as the earliest modern science fiction rendition of the "creative process / childbirth substitution metaphor" Frankenstein monster born as a stitched together corpse of literary antecendents etc it is really not that subtle. So I wonder if GRR Martin "conceives" of Craster and the daughter-wife as a psychological metaphor, he is incestuously copulating with the progeny and offspring of his own imagination, copulating with the characters in his own mind endlessly in the creative act of writing, whilst grudgingly offering shelter to the forlorn dregs of masculinity the Night's Watch maintaining a weary vigil over his precarious literary output, which he sees akin to Craster's male children being sacrificed and abandoned to the mindless hordes of ever-hungering winter walking undead, perhaps a personification of you, his reading audience, coming to destroy and wreck his imaginary land. Imagine if GRR Martin is the fantasy Tolstoy lol (this is the most horrible metaphor to inflict upon human comprehension) if Tolstoy summons the culmination of the creative act as Anna Karenina desperately throwing herself (and adultery, societal convention etc) before the train on the railway track, GRR Martin is furiously fornicating with his own imaginary world wife-daughters. I suppose it must feel tremendously cathartic indeed to inflict this upon yourself, and your readers
>>5902163 >>5902192 I think you're doing pretty good so far, but did you just come up with these because the ideas clicked and worked well inside themselves? Because while building cultures and races and countries based on geography and interesting basal-level biological concepts/creatures is all well and fine...The bigger you go with such a method the less cohesive it will be. More importantly, when you develop factions organically like this they tend to not actually be that engaging.
What I suggest instead is that you start from THEMES for all aspects of your lore. What THEME do you want a given ecology to embody/discuss/explore? What THEME would have an interesting interaction with that, if you created a faction based on it and plopped them into that ecology? Separate the aspects/perspectives on your THEMES, and personify them into reasonable characters/creatures/etc. that all knit together into compelling societies and ecosystems and etc.
Worldbuilding is sort of cheap, and the least compelling aspect of a story. What readers crave is characters, if you design your worldbuilding around a theme then the world becomes a character.
Anyway, some useful resources:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cf-qdZ7GbA&list=PLSH_xM-KC3Zv-79sVZTTj-YA6IAqh8qeQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8E2V44Xbcm4 Or maybe what I'm describing is simply not what you're going for. In which case you're doing great. I found that once I decided on the core themes/guiding ideas of my setting everything else flowed much more quickly and easily though.
>>5902163 >>5901940 >Pepe staring at elegiac sunset as a single autumnal leaf falls in mourning, before he leaps off the roof balcony of his concrete tower apartment with an enigmatic grin Thank you for this uplifting and optimistic inspirational artwork anon, I particularly enjoyed the migrating murderous swarm of autonomous flying kill drones depicted in the image
>>5902163 >>5902221 >worldbuilding I think you have amassed considerable anthropological detail and entangled intricacy; perhaps an excessive amount. It is hard for a player experiencing this world to remember it all. Thinking back to the game design dramaturgy,
>>5882673 what you really want is less detail that is more memorable or easier for the player to recall, only those touchpoints which can offer interaction. In general, people can only really remember a bare handful of details and things. I think you can still retain these as sort of private dungeonmaster type notes though.
I was reading a list of questions from a translated Italian ttrpg called Not The End recently. This is designed to be a collaborative game with almost no or minimal preparation. They recommend the following simple world building framework:
- what skills / resources are common?
- what skills / resources etc are rare, and a source of wonder?
- what skills, resources etc have been lost, or have never been developed?
- what skills resources etc. are viewed with suspicion, or forbidden?
The reason why you focus on the skills / resources etc as opposed to fascinating depths of construction regarding anthropological cultural practices etc is because these are interactive and support the players in surmounting OBSTACLES, CHALLENGES etc.
If you think about it, your entire world lore and game exists for the purpose of generating gameplay obstacles scenarios and challenges. If you include some detail which a player cannot remember or interact with through the game, it is somewhat superfluous. So I would reframe your lore in a manner that is oriented entirely towards generating gameplay scenarios rpg scenes situations and encounters etc, if you cannot imagine a choice interaction, maybe leave it out
Hope this criticism is not too harsh, I appreciate the detail and effort you have put into this lore paragraph! But I just think subtractive design is better; less is more, more memorable
One other suggestion I might offer is to consider the diegetics of the presentation of this lore. How might it be found within the world? Imagine if you had to convey this lore only through the faded hieroglyphic inscription of a forgotten artifact, or through the untrustworthy words of some hired underworld cut-throat or thief etc. How would the re-telling change? What would be omitted? I wager that a lot of the information would be lost / reduced or distorted etc.
>>5902258 >>5902163 I concur with keeping these paragraphs as DM notes, though the Veloth do raise a lot of (potentially interesting) questions. Questions that, as mentioned here:
>>5902258 all have to do with how the players/characters interact.
What are the rules of inheritance for words? Is simply knowing them enough to use their power, or are they genetically heritable? Or do you need to know them AND have the bloodline? What happens when bloodlines mix? (the answers to these questions is easy to decide on if you know what THEME/Guiding Idea the magic words represents)
If they just need to be known to be used, why be so public about everything? Universally, you would not typically grant weapons to those that might turn them against you. Unless perhaps the more people that know the word (or know OF those that wield the word) the more powerful the effects. If for some reason (what reason?) there's a taboo against assassinations, then the public-facing society begins to make more sense. It's the greater clans using their publicity and deeds to suppress the lesser clans and preserve their own power.
But yeah, in general LIMITS are more interesting than abilities. Subtractive design makes the components that remain afterwards more prominent, and you should consider deciding questions in the lore of your setting in whatever fashion PRIMES THINGS FOR CONFLICT to the greatest extent.
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>>5902258 >diegetic, in-game in-character conveyance of lore / worldbuilding Of course everyone knows the Dark Souls / Bloodborne scattered item description lore technique thing now, but something I tried doing in The ODALISQUE was conveying some of the storytelling as a story-within-a-story, in this case an adaptation of an actual fairytale (I believe an actual Native American one) here, this was the worldbuilding lore and a puzzle:
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5682932/#5683396 (story sequence begins here)
The Raven story is actually about the theme of the game, the loss of empire how Britain lost its empire and was surpassed by America (and never even realised it lol). The key to the puzzle of this game, the location of the Odalisque, was given in this story (if you read it carefully, you notice it echoes very closely some of the mysterious opening lines of the setting introduction. The Iron Castle mentioned in this story is hinted to be the Ironworks Foundry in the 19th century setting, but the emphasis on the mechanical "Clock Tree" and "Masks" conveyed by various other characters also suggests another struggle of empires in our day (foundry... like a semiconductor wafer fab, semi foundry? Masks... photolithography masks?)
I guess you should not listen to any of my advice lol because most of this worldbuilding was lost on the players hehe, sadly they did not unravel the location or solve the puzzle
There are some other intensely obscure hints as to the game theme hidden in my setting. For example, one of the characters early on mentions a patroon house in Skuytercliff (this is a reference to Edith Wharton, the Age Of Innocence). But that game suspense dramaturgy chart has taught me now that if you cannot interact with it, then for the purpose of the game it does not matter hehe
Bizarrely, the film reference I had in mind here was Mary Poppins (the old film, the children at the bedtime story in the Feed The Birds St Pauls song sequence). I guess if Hideo Kojima was inspired by Mary Poppins to create that bizarre teleportation umbrella Death Stranding woman, more people should use Mary Poppins for inspiration in games
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>>5902221 >>5902258 >>5902282 >start with THEMES I strongly concur with the advice of this anon and might even take it a step further. In fact you can begin with not even a theme but just an aesthetic, an appearance, a LOOK. What does the faction LOOK like? Use visual inspirations etc. or situate it in relation to history, time and place, science, animal zoology in the natural world etc
I remember from Microscope worldbuilding rpg, they begin with the starting premise and recommendation it is a very good idea to make the initial step as STEREOTYPICAL as possible. Start with the most stereotypical thing, you can use some films or videogames, but then add (or, more advanced, subtract...) a thing to make it more unique. Eg... imagine star wars... but... there are no spaceships. NO SPACESHIPS. How does space travel work? (Maybe they need to offer Leia sacrifices to the suspiciously Jodorowsky Dune worm desert monster, whose gullet and innards tunnels through space and time in between worlds... etc) Maybe the ceremony only occurs according to some cosmological conjunction once every TEN THOUSAND YEARS so you really better make sure your princess sacrifice goes through otherwise your civilisation is stuck on a barren desert dead planet. Maybe at the sacrifice teleport space travel sites they erect gigantic monoliths or ziggurats to appease the gathered crowds... ok it turned into Stargate, but anyway... The idea is to embellish or layer a modest amount of weird, a small twist that makes the familiar more memorable and distinctive. I strongly recommend that the weird and unexpected is to be used sparingly (unless you are Kojima, Death Stranding. But observe how a lot of people dislike that game).
The worldbuilding questions recommend you evaluate your fictional fantastical weirdness by almost an economic value scarcity, you need an anchor of familiarity (it can be fantasy, sci fi cyberpunk genre convention familiarity etc) because if the baseline fantastical elements are too commonplace and too numerous as opposed to rare, it devalues how memorable they are and the fictional impact.
>>5902163 >>5902258 If I had to condense the greatest learning I took away from that game dramaturgy analysis framework for game design,
>>5882673 it is that you have to CREATE RESPONSIBILITY for players (and ideally, EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT based upon the actions they take overseeing their gameplay in-world responsibility.) Because say you just invent this fascinating, viable and believable incredibly detailed anthropological culture, in-game world lore. But why does any of that matter? If none of the lore intersects with PLAYER RESPONSIBILITY then it does not matter or influence any of their actions. So you need to entangle the player and immerse them in the lore somehow. Eg the Dark Souls Bloodborne thing, the lore is conveyed through the weapons and items you use etc. The lore is told to you obliquely in character by an NPC etc (and perhaps subject to some bias, lies or omissions on their part, the player has to decipher it to uncover the true conspiracy, reveal the true quest etc).
I think this element of entangling the player in a meaningful, emotionally driven suspenseful / dramatic way with the world lore is quite difficult, I have not mastered it myself lol (I think most of my players just leave my game settings feeling confused or perplexed lol, and I can also mentally detect myself those sections of my games which are just mechanical lore dumps etc) and in fact most videogames cannot even do it very well (they do not even bother, look at my shiny unreal engine particle fx graphics instead), so it is a topic worth studying, experimenting, discussing and investigating in depth for game design
>>5902210 >There is always the question: which character best embodies the author? Tyrion 100%. I think the Tyrion chapters are very cathartic for him, too. He has talked about how he used relationship heartbreaks as a theme in his earlier sci fi work because it was what he knew and could relate to the most. Dark wit and heartbreak is how I'd summarize Tyrion. Interesting take, though.
Incidentally, does anyone still follow asoiaf quests, or have there been any good ones in the past couple of years? I used to run one a while ago, and it's been on my mind lately. Too many unresolved plots.
>>5902163 I fuck with it, Veloth reminds me of the Dunmer from TES though.
>>5902348 The couple of ones I followed on here got muddled down in questionable arguments and dropped, or just dropped offhand.
It’s a setting primed to bait fans and cause squabbling from different spins on canon characters. Or sometimes akun bait.
>>5902163 >>5902410 The lore about the sacred word and strange honour systems reminded me a bit of The Knotsmen from Patrick Stuart / Veins Of The Earth. They are sort of like twisted subterranean debt collectors. Pic related is just the first two pages excerpt but the section I quite enjoyed was on their secret language, which consists of these contradictory abstract glyphs and translations eg DANCE ("Justice, entertainment torture / you will be tortured") WELCOME ("you are now a slave") YES ("you are surrounded, submit") SOLDIER ("a sword you own that has cut you before") FREEDOM ("condemn this animal to starvation") etc.
>>5902412 You know, I saw a fanfic that crossed ASOIAF and ATLA together, A Song of Ice, Stone, Wind and Flame. I thought a quest in that merged setting would be cool, for various reasons, but I also realized the audience of ASOIAF quests would be far too autistic for me to handle, unless the ATLA elements calmed them down. Still, I'd definitely follow someone else's attempt at it, I just don't have the courage to face the incest coomers head on myself.
>>5902348 >I used to run one a while ago, and it's been on my mind lately. Too many unresolved plots. Which one? If you plan on running again I suggest finding another idea because the setting is just cursed.
>>5902210 >>5902348 >>5902429 >>5901940 >>5902102 >GRRM and how he imagines his works and his audience Well I suppose it is worth reading the complete Rolling Stone GRR Martin "Tolkien tax policy" interview.
https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/george-r-r-martin-the-complete-rolling-stone-interview-52421/ I find it interesting how both he and George Lucas both heavily emphasised Vietnam in their various interview exchanges, as a formative experience that shaped their imaginations and the fictional worlds they created. George RR Martin also mentions drones lol, maybe that is what dragons are or will become one day. I didn't know that GRRM was actually a screenwriter for many years, he talks a lot about his firsthand experience with Hollywood censorship hehe.
An irony I find is that GRRM with the best of intentions mentions how he creates tragedy, he does not want to create the hero versus the dark lord etc he mentions moral dilemmas, making all characters with facets and aspects of good and evil. Look at this quote from him, where he is explaining the gore violence in his fiction:
It’s a big thing to kill a man.” And it should be a big thing to kill a man—in a book, in a movie, in real life, everywhere. There’s something very close up about the Middle Ages. It would be closer than you and I are, here in this room. You’re taking a sharp piece of steel and hacking at someone’s head, and you’re getting spattered with his blood, and you’re hearing his screams. It leads to a different kind of, I don’t know, a different kind of human being. In some ways maybe it’s more brutal that we’ve insulated ourselves from that. We’re setting up mechanisms where we can kill human beings with drones and missiles where you’re sitting at a console and pressing the button. We never have to hear their whimpering, or hear them begging for their mother, or dying in horrible realities around us. I don’t know if that’s necessarily such a good thing.
You see this same moral struggle all through history. It’s always the question, when you’re at war, do you do whatever it takes to win, or do you actually maintain your own moral standard and ideals?
I appreciate and respect GRRM's intentions here, trying to teach his reading audience the brutality of the world.
The irony is that the actual effect achieved from the HBO tv series is desensitisation. When the news footage of war rolls, the audience inured to bloodthirsty dismemberment hand amputation gore mutilation will dismiss it, because it doesn't look as spectacular, dramatic, horrifying and pitiable as Game of Thrones
>>5902427 This writing is retarded. The most egregious part is breaking the fourth wall to compare something tangled to DNA instead of using a period-appropriate reference.
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>>5902163 Neat! Do the Veloth speak their word AT you to harm you, though? If so, how does it remain secret?
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>>5902187 Modern/near-modern supernatural.
>>5902483 >Patrick Stuart artpunk osr mental meltdown I think his work has deteriorated a bit since Veins Of The Earth, his last campaign setting was just nonsense (I cannot even remember the name of it, but the setting was a bit like a dnd Sicario or fantasy aftermath of a desert Mexican cartel shootout gone wrong or something) But I think his earlier work Veins of the Earth holds up, Fire On The Velvet Horizon is good for inspiration, and also he wrote one extremely exquisite dungeon adventure I can recommend reading for that Free League Scandinavian Forbidden Lands rpg called Spire of Quetzel, that dungeon is really good.
His descriptions of the different types of darkness in the underworld subterranean underdark are inspiring, the dungeon creation is useful. The idea behind his style was to inject some more contemporary scientific perspectives into the underdark exploration, he cites sources like cave diving, mountaineering and science from the deep geological time studies etc. (there are radiation monsters, monsters inspired by pre Cambrian life etc)
It is not meant to be a historical medieval oubliette simulation hehe, it is more in the gonzo osr rpg blog spirit, I like the ideas in it even if they stray beyond the frontiers of coherence and believability.
Sometimes I do wonder whether stuff like this or say the Luka Rejec Ultraviolet Grasslands stuff really can be run according to their game world rules with any seriousness, how do players even comprehend or interpret or do anything given the haphazard insane melange genre world etc but I just like to read them for unusual worldbuilding ideas.
Personally my own wish and preference would be ideally to run all human settings, just imagine ttrpg Shakespeare, that is the ideal for me - entirely human speculative fiction; the feeling of drama rapidly dissipates for me whenever some surreal goblin troglodyte monster is introduced, the drama should be always human in scale. The way I circumvent this in many of my settings is to introduce monsters only in hallucinatory or dream-like episodes or alternate realms, the main world is entirely commonplace and ordinary, but whenever I introduce A MONSTER I am always secretly ashamed. It doesn't really always work, if I knew more about history I would always want to run an exact historical narrative framing.
I think this is also why I have not read GRR Martin lol, I just have a strange prejudice against him (Tad Williams was my first fantasy author, and R Scott Bakker is probably the last one I read entirely these days) In that interview with GRR Martin he mentions how it perplexes him that his audience has an endless appetite for the Game Of Thrones pseudohistory yet is reluctant to read the Henry V Shakespeare which he draws upon for inspiration etc. Well I have read all of the Henriad, all of Beowulf hehe, so I don't feel as much a need for GRRM or Tolkien hehe
>>5902258 >If you think about it, your entire world lore and game exists for the purpose of generating gameplay obstacles scenarios and challenges. I agree with most of your advice and even this bit to an EXTENT, but this site and its quests aren't video games or even TTRPGs, played in real-time by people who can only interact with one scene or screen at a time. Quests also have an aspect of literature, with the ability to read them as stories, flip back to previous threads and review passages, and with elements of prose and poetry which can be enjoyable and immersive even without direct 'player-obstacle' interaction. Passive elements and background lore can thus serve a purpose in making a setting feel richer or just amusing/entertaining anons.
>>5902539 Your point is absolutely valid, but generally I find players tend not to read or scour my background lore for clues or even googl search an unusual word clue or reference. Maybe it is too much to obsess over though, because people may just casually pick up and read snippets of various threads dip in and out etc so it can be hard or too much effort to follow all the convoluted imaginary details.
I mentioned on the last thread I am heavily inspired by the brutal instadeath style of Fighting Fantasy and Joe Dever Lone Wolf gamebooks I read as a child, those gamebooks often used to have passage number section puzzles as a gated check on whether you traversed or solved a previous scenario puzzle eg if you know the secret number of facets of the magic gem, multiply it by the number of trees shown along the map route you intend to take and turn to that page section (these are literally exact puzzles from gamebooks like this)
I incorporated these in my games here by including puzzles like: if you know the secret reference... link to the previous section in this thread where a picture of the secret is shown etc.
So after trying this metatextual approach with puzzles like this in several of my quests eg The LIGHTNING SEA (players got the three hand image puzzle, but did not seem to understand the spaceship teleport one) GOLGOTHA (sadly, I do not think the player understood the serpent eye image puzzle in the art museum) The ODALISQUE (I do not think the players understood the artist in the asylum puzzle, or the purpose of his three paintings, which is why his response became incoherent and insane) etc, many many other games etc I discovered anons do not really remember or assiduously read through the scenarios that closely, so I abandoned it lol and tried to lower the difficulty in games accordingly, nowadays I even put in the hated dramatic tension-killing cringe monsters lol. But my intention is that my games should be played on instinct, just choose whatever feels right. I always accompany every text section with a picture and I deliberately envisage that the games should be playable even if you do not really bother to read the text just skim it look at the picture and then make a decision choice based on the feeling. All the baroque complicated faction or world lore intricacies in my quests are really just embellishments etc, they usually reference obscure economic financial geopolitical mathematical film or literature things, but mostly they are just for my own secret amusement hehe.
It is entirely possible and quite likely that the flaw is in my game design style hehe, which is why I was researching all that Blades In The Dark John Harper gm stuff and also that gamasutra game design dramaturgy though. But I want my games to be really challenging, I think some other QMs here said that they got players to endanger themselves but if you are running multiple threads is it ever really credibly game-ending instadeath danger hehe
>>5902559 So one of the things I was thinking about in my games after reading and watching those Blades In The Dark style actual plays and rules is TELEGRAPHING THE DANGER you may remember from an old qtg a while back I discussed situational awareness and the OODA loop, in my games I never really explicitly warn if THE DANGER the instadeath or insta-fail game end is present, just like the old gamebooks (instadeath is always present muahaha), it is sometimes obvious sometimes not, heralded just by a peculiar image a strange picture or scenario that hints at the danger the bad ending. Blades In The Dark is literally the EXACT OPPOSITE of this in every choice, the GM is telling you exactly the risk of the situation (controlled, risky, desperate etc, mentioned upfront before every roll) and also the likely severity of the magnitude of the outcome (the effect or harm level inflicted against you, it is made explicit and presented exactly upfront). I was thinking about this, watching the actual plays just made me feel that the GM in the end turns into one of those zero challenge zero threat deathless overpowered player wish fulfilment escapades, but maybe this is what players truly want and enjoy though hehe
>>5902569 Why are you so autistic?
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>>5902427 Interesting stuff; seems like the original concept might have been yids.
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:xfpS9Dwj Wed 24 Jan 2024 22:02:01 No. 5902585 Report >>5891913 Batquest is updated.
Thanks to The Riddler you're playing hangman with an actual hanging man.
What are your thoughts on minigames boith as QMs and as players.
I personally only have much experience with them in Monkequest, where I wasn't much a fan because I felt it slowed the narrative down, but I saw other players digging them.
I am interested on folks different takes on them. Given The Riddler is a major villain of this arc of the quest, I am looking for ways to ludonarratively incorporate his challenges to Batman as challenges for the players.
>>5902538 Well hello there Boggs. Good to see you back. Hope you're doing well. Thinking about starting a new quest?
>>5902579 Dude is 1: on the interweb; 2: on 5chinz; 3: on Qst. Same applies to the rest of us.
If you're looking for a lore reason, probably more people having kids later in life which can cause more mutations to accumulate, micro-plastics being in everything, cloud seeding/chemtrails releasing heavy metal aerosols into the atmosphere for dubious weather control aims, general lack of standards in food & water, etc.
>>5902589 I've done a crapton of autism studies and frankly a lot of the "environment making people more autistic" stuff is more cope than science.
Honestly, the largest reason for the jump is
1. Changing standards for diagnosis
2. Greater awareness and acceptance.
In my family alone I can go back a generation or two and see a ton of people that are almost certainly neurodivergent, but because they were Black in the 50s and 70s no one gave a shit or just beat them. You see a lot of stories like that in the past. Dues obsessed with trains, folks spending hundreds of hours embroidering just the right patterns.
it reminds me of how is been suspected that monks and nuns would develop eating disorders in the past.
But instead of modern media and beauty standards being the trigger it was religious piety.
But the raw biology was always there with us.
Same reason why to a straight person it would look like a bunch of queers came out of nowhere starting at the 90s.
>>5902579 >>5902569 >Instant Death / Fail choice from old gamebooks So on the last qtg thread I mentioned this pic related,
>>5888397 from the Fighting Fantasy no 58 Revenge Of The Vampire gamebook,
I want to explain why I feel like this in my opinion is a really well-designed game scenario even though to a player it may seem harsh and random and unfair.
Essentially this situation is a commitment test. It is a test to see how in character or consistent your player actions are, it is a test of your human resolve as a player in a dramatic situation (lol unlike the Blades In The Dark "Resolve" dice roll lol).
The scenario is you are robbing the corpse of an honourable man, who has in his dying moments conferred upon you an onerous OBLIGATION (remember what I was saying about games CREATING RESPONSIBILITY, emotional investment etc?)
>>5902339 This is fine, the game will let you rob corpses and get away with it.
But if you commit to this, you should 1/ rush, do it in a hurry 2/ not be bothered by any psychological guilt or consequences as to your actions afterwards. You are a pragmatic or ruthless corpse ransacking stealer of gold. Why would you feel the need to explain yourself to an inqusitive npc afterwards, tell the truth?
If you commit and play consistently according to the MORAL PHYSICS of the game you pass this test and get away with the gold (or literally just realise that turning to page 1 is probably a good idea lol) otherwise you insta fail Your Adventure Ends Here etc (I chose this, first time lol) This is sort of the feel and style I want to emulate in my games. I guess if you were reasonable and realistic, you would relent as a GM roll some meaningless charisma dice check, maybe the inquisitive NPC listens to your version of the truth and nods along sympathetically or even as a reaction roll assists you and calls friendly guards over to investigate the murder on your behalf etc. But I prefer the harsh and real game-ending consequences of this older roleplaying interactions design
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>>5901927 >I haven't watched this film yet Time to put it on next time.
>>5902585 >playing hangman with an actual hanging man. Pretty funny idea.
>>5902569 Are those game books really instadeath when you just turn back the pages and choose a different selection after getting the "you died" under a given choice? Making the stakes too high (especially without adequate telegraphing) has the same problem as making them too low, players just zone out. With low stakes it's because no drama is being generated, with high stakes it's because they've basically already disconnected due to inevitable death without warning.
The stakes you are describing are allegedly the highest, since the story would end/character would die...but that potential won't necessarily generate more tension and drama than 'lesser' stakes such as permanent or long term issues for the players to deal with.
And not warning about the danger ahead of time is almost criminal in story telling. There's no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. If a bomb goes off under a table your characters are sitting at then you've got an instant of terror, but if the audience knows there's a bomb on a 10 minute timer under the table then that's 10 minutes of terror and dread. Etc. etc.
An analogous situation in a quest would be a character failing to identify/avoid/deal with a forecasted danger and losing an arm rather than dying outright. Now you have the drama of continual consequences rather than an instant of "then you die." and the story ending. You can get even more emotional energy if the hope of remedying the consequences is dangled in front of the players in the form of a replacement arm.
Not that I necessarily pull these things off well, but in terms of the art of story telling I definitely think they're true.
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>Should start up my quest again >Feeling very stressed about work Tempted to disapear into the shadows
>>5902595 Fair point; could it be that autismo is simply evolutionarily advantageous?
>>5902617 I will not spread my cursed genes out of fear of the trauma it would inflict on the child. I don't think the tism is an advantageous trait. Perhaps high functioning autists won't have too many issues, but the severely impacted will be hard pressed to procreate. To me that whole "autism is the future" thing is just an eye rolling sensation. It'll always be here, it's not the next fucking thing though.
>>5902538 >>5902461 >>5902434 >>5902210 >what Game Of Thrones house? I suppose if watching Lord Of The Rings makes you want to pursue venture capital financing of world war III drone murder swarms,
>>5901940 maybe the pacifist notions of the Vietnam conscientious objector GRR Martin succeeded?
>>5902461 Maybe all his brutal depictions of gore, hand amputations and battle disfigurement dissuaded the populace from belligerence and cruelty...?
Anyway, here is John Bolton of House Bolton and the Flayed Man hehe. This is my favourite hero character, I find him very relatable, yay
(Can I just say, in the UK the word Bolton brings up strange associations. Maybe you can get away with it with obscure words like Craster, less so with Selwyn lol but Bolton... it is a place and I can hear the accent lol I don't think this is the effect GRRMartin intended to produce. The way he chooses names is often very unfortunate. I am not sure how to convey this for his US audience maybe if you wrote a medieval novel, you needed a name not quite Final Fantasy Clive Blackrock but say Lincoln, that is like a medieval sounding Robin Hood name, so lets call the hero: Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln. That sounds pretty medieval and authentic. Essentially all of GRR Martin names produce this sort of effect in me, it gets worse the more and more you look into it lol, I don't think it is deliberate, from his carefully calibrated PR interview GRR Martin seems like a pretty reasonable person lol)
>>5902163 >Insecure newb posts a sample to see if their writing is good enough to run a Quest (it's fine) >Multiple anons criticize tiny two paragraph excerpt that it lacks deep themes and literary weight This is why I always feel bad for newbie QMs
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>>5902429 I don't think Avatar's vibe is necessarily calming. See also: shipping, Fire Lord Ozai apologists, dragon-turtle arguments, everything surrounding Korra.
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>>5902635 >Man asks for constructive criticism in pursuit of refining his writing >Doesn't get called racial slurs, instead receives constructive criticism >Other anon pities the former C'est la vie
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>Torn between two ideas The worry that by doing one, will lose interest in it out of desire to want to do the other, thus compromising both
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>>5902634 The other obvious example, if you are from the UK, the country of the civil war the Wars Of The Roses which is basically Game Of Thrones etc. Jon Snow is this guy. He was on television for 32 years, he is widely recognised by everyone as a major news presenter. So your main character is this guy. I mentioned the Aegon Insurance NV to death already, but a lot of GRR Martin generic pseudo medieval fantasy names produce bizarre associations like this, it infuriates me argh noooo
>>5901461 I've seriously considered becoming an electrician a few times over the years. I'm a technician at the moment, but the jobs just aren't there unless you're willing to move to where the factories are, and I'm tethered to where I live now. I'd have jumped on it sooner, but... is it strange to say that I'm incredibly wary of electricity after a lifelong interest in physics? I'd hear about more deaths if the safety record was bad, but knowing my ass I'd get sloppy and touch a live contact...
>>5902587 Everything is going well, and I finally have free time again. I found myself thinking a lot about the unresolved story elements in Shryke, but I basically ghosted it 2 years ago after finding myself unable to run. At this point, I'm not sure if I can reasonably expect to pick up where we left off after 250k words in a 14th thread with the same engagement we had before. It might make more sense to start with something fresh.
>>5902647 Hmm, well any occupation that has a hands-on component will appear more often near concentrations of people. The pro to being a Union electrician is that the IBEW covers all of the US and Canada, so while the above still holds true you can go anywhere and sign the local hall's book and have a job found for you in the area. There's more nuance and caveats than that simplification, but that's the gist of it.
As for being wary of electricity, because of its nature: I totally get it. However, I've personally known plenty of old ass electricians (there are more of them than young ones) and that should tell you something about the degree of safety involved. The possibility for being careless and getting killed is always present of course, but modern electrical equipment is generally quite well engineered and safe.
Now if you have to service some of the old shit from the 40s-70s that a lot of factories still keep around that's another matter. That shit's fucking dangerous, the only time I've ever been zapped by 480V I was just trying to check voltage on a motor starter made when WWII was going on. Even with that, it just knocked me on my butt, I was fine.
My point being that you only have the chance of getting fucked up in fringe cases. Even in those fringe cases, something has to go wrong or proper procedure not get followed for severe injury or death to happen. And the final piece of the puzzle: you won't be asked to do any of those dangerous things until you've got enough experience to deal with them anyway.
But that's enough advertising my trade for now. It just changed my life overwhelmingly for the better so I have a tendency to proselytize.
>>5902461 >>5902537 >>5902634 The trouble isn't too different than formative myths of human civilization. It's also why I bounced off GoT and found it difficult to care about. Where we want to put emphasis and importance in a story, particularly when it's rooted in themes we want to acknowledge and engage others with, any of its persistent repetition becomes nonsense or a form of mental wall until it inevitably becomes misinterpreted from the foundations of its creation. IE, world birth, tool use, animal handling, travel danger, tribal community mores, and agriculture story focused religions using metaphors and parallelism to root human characteristics into the natural world as teaching methods and enduring fireplace stories.
To teach their children there's mud you can wash your hands in, and there's mud that you cannot because it will leave you decrepit. Why is that sea dangerous? If you go out far enough it'll eat ya. Why is the sky blue? The sky is the color of the eyes of god and the eyes of god are everywhere and they are also the eyes of our people and our eyes are blue. Don't trust those other people with the brown eyes, stay away from them; they speared and beheaded your great uncle.
They're remolded on incremental generational changes, new additions expanding combinations of foundations coming from cultural interactions and intersections of logic, law, and drama. So you get stuff like the Testament of Solomon, which can crudely be called fun fanfiction.
By process this is roughly how complex language was born. For the purpose of seeking and encompassing seen and acknowledged concepts and the real and necessary dangers, in order to give those things to someone else, as well the imagination of someone hearing a story spoken and wanting to speak their own. Like animal calls for hunting, facial and hand/body based signals, and on. Different languages were and are able to create different paths of thinking, and form different logics, which most people will experience when learning more than one. This heavily includes abstract languages purpose built to utilize or execute data.
You could say our initial process of language is the processing of the natural world into genuine human comprehension, partly, which brings us right up into the importance of defining abstract concepts in law and then later in the geometry and timing mechanisms that're origin to the scientific. Stand firm in the history of it, and you get the understanding that the trial and error of calendars and our stars were measured in generations of the lives and deaths of ancient humans attempting to distribute human order to the persistent chaos of an untamed world.
When we experience stories today, it's still like this. The importance of having meaning is having survival, this is what the human had become oh so long ago. The need that separates beast from man is the one that man created for themselves.
>>5902663 Bats and crows talk, but they can only program in java, so they're bitches. Adorable, yes, but it's important to know the attributes of a true language are deeper than communication. Plenty of ancient stories have covered this and there is much to expand into it, I will simplify and say that the core of questing is this human need, and that's why I want to play good fantasy quests.
When an author's trouble concerns mistakes in intent, or so many claim (oft, the statement's use is a conversation starter for an interviewer's subject to expand clearly on topics or an author forwarding their aims to prompt their deep malaise of meaning). But, presuming it's not merely those, it can be something more.
Specifically when the results of the author's works have opposite or even directly opposing effects of their intentions (Asimov had fun with that), it's more like a white sun. Its white light is just white light, chasing away shadows and enhancing clarity, because it's the authors sense of what's legitimate or authentic in their own story. It's not a bad thing to have, but it's still a big star.
How people reflect upon and are affected by a work often tends to show more what those people are than what a work is, but this is natural. The effect is greatly magnified the closer that work's creator is trying to be to their white sun. Their effort for clarity together with a desire for its superb depth is the deluge of light.
Eventually, everyone goes blind. Or, its excess makes an author's intentions harder to see/translate.
Myths acquire this problem over long periods of time, but any writer can accomplish it by misusing intentions. Together with that, the manner of presentation is a deep component for what comprises a true language.
>>5902664 Namely in GRRM's case I never felt he was trying to depict the essence of a brutal world. Others have, I did not. Perhaps this is again the example of the process I'd mentioned before, but it is what I've felt from his writing. To me the books read like he enjoys describing brutal things, sometimes in funny ways, while its brutalities felt they served the purpose of framing characters in manners of consequence. It somewhat feels like he's beloved to the depiction of brutality more than the soul of it. When GRRM thinks of brutality, it feels to me he's intimately decided it's not what I'd call the depiction brutal world. The conclusions characters are driven to don't feel consistent with his stated intent. To put it kindly I think he overplays his inspirations, while HBO (and the myriad directors & scriptwriters) had other intentions wholesale from the start.
The effect I receive is this question; who is this for if he felt this was the best way to accomplish that? Then I stop thinking, because it's GRRM.
Plenty of writer's lie about their goals to create points of engagement. Supposing GRRM is telling the truth he missed his target and instead hit millions of $. What do his intents matter then, lol?
tldr; when you are a writer who wants to accomplish a goal, you don't need to keep dumping trees in the forest already there or the forest you already have. but what do I know? just some random fuk on /qst/
The Night Land accomplishes what I feel is brutality with far less text, though what William Hope Hodgson intends as storywise is more than brutality.
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>>5902559 >I find players tend not to read or scour my background lore for clues or even googl search an unusual word clue or reference That's still a game-mechanic understanding of lore/prose/detail. You're talking about people being unable/unwilling to cross-reference your background elements against literary influences and real-world events and such to solve a metanarrative puzzle. I
'm talking about things like when the QM of "I'm A Demon?" talked about the sexual dimorphism of his setting's dog-dwarves or that the dragons (which I don't think we ever encountered) were huge manta ray/jellyfish things. That stuck with me, as did some of the background lore about the gods and dead civilizations who we only ever knew in the past tense, as ruins and reliquaries. They weren't necessary to progress, and offered no mechanical bonus for remembering them, and yet I do. Cute interactions between our pets, too.
Or, like, the romance in many quests which are not primarily "romance" as a genre; ie. where the main objective isn't marriage or handholding. Players still often like it and, in my experience, become inordinately invested in it even more than the main narrative (conquest, discovery of secret knowledge, survival, etcetera).
A good example that I think might help illustrate my point is the winter ball in the drow city in Dragonborn Antipaladin. I believe I remember you liking or being interested in that scene. However, while the surrounding circumstances (political alliances, undermining elections, proselytizing an atheist culture into worshiping the MC's gods) were 'main story goal' stuff, I would wager way more players remember the main character's childhood bully/friend falling in love with him than can recall a single Drow princeling's name.
>>5902613 Thank you for this very detailed response I do appreciate the suggestions and feedback hehe, it is something I am introspectively reflecting upon with my game and setting approach hehe
>Explicit alert THE DANGER versus analogy of no hud mode immersive games I can see your point I did discuss this with anons ages and ages ago in some old qtg about situational awareness years ago, how in real life there is no Ubisoft Assassins Creed mission hud showing you completion tasks, icons hovering over crucial pickup items or like a Metal Gear Solid exclamation mark appearing above someone's head etc showing you ALERT, THE DANGER, I think it is a matter of preference I admire no hud / minimal hud immersive modes in videogames too if they are well designed (Tarkov would be a good example though I have not played it, but that game is heartstopping and incredibly tense to even just watch, or say games which I have played like Far Cry 2, or Kingdom Come Deliverance, Ghost Recon Wildlands or even Dishonored where I turned off as much hud as possible) obviously if a game is awkwardly or idiosyncratically designed (which could very well be my approach lol) you absolutely need to rely upon the hud or some in-game explicit conveyance of THE DANGER eg the Blades In The Dark upfront method. But because I like my games to be about the hidden thing, which is often the same as the threat / the danger etc it can kill the purpose of the setting if it is just all explained away beforehand
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>>5902672 I'll assume you've played the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games, they're good for what you're describing, but would you be willing to try Palworld?
Only half-trolling, but I think you'd find it interesting.
>>5902613 >>5902672 >MAKE EVERYTHING OBVIOUS anon, I wonder if you know of this
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceberg_theory >The iceberg theory or theory of omission is a writing technique coined by American writer Ernest Hemingway. As a young journalist, Hemingway had to focus his newspaper reports on immediate events, with very little context or interpretation. When he became a writer of short stories, he retained this minimalistic style, focusing on surface elements without explicitly discussing underlying themes. >Hemingway believed the deeper meaning of a story should not be evident on the surface, but should shine through implicitly. Hemingway is famous for his stories that describe everything EXCEPT his main theme. DH Lawrence describes them in a succinct review as Nothing Matters; Everything Happens. eg
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hills_Like_White_Elephants It is about an abortion, but the word is never mentioned, in fact it is really quite hard to even know at first what it is about. Another famous story of his, which I really like, about age and mortality,
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clean,_Well-Lighted_Place A recent story I read is called The Battler (1925). I thought about this story a long time afterwards, it feels profound but if you read it superficially, it seems very dull almost a bit comically obvious. A man is thrown off a train into a swamp. He meets a stranger who is disfigured and was a former prizefighter. The boxer is friendly at first, but becomes extremely angry and aggravated when the protagonist refuses to lend him a knife as they sit down together to share some food over the campfire. Fortunately, the protagonist is rescued by the mentally disturbed boxer's companion, a black man (yes, Hemingway uses 4chan's favourite word to describe him) the black man knocks out the champion boxer from behind with a single blow subduing him with a blackjack or club. The black man apologises for his white friend's aggressive behaviour, the protagonist leaves their campfire and departs, sets off on the road again. This is a simple story. But it is very profound... for a start, you almost miss it, but the boxer's name is Adolph (Ad Francis,... Adolf??) Is the knife a symbol of rearmament? etc etc. And there is a strange parallel, the story is actually about two fights (the hero protagonist begins by being surprised and violently thrown off a train, he loses his fight as suddenly and without warning as the boastful champion boxer, who is knocked out from behind). Is Hemingway describing what he believes is the truth over the nature of conflict? Finally, in a haunting prefiguration of the future (think the ruins from Pan's Labyrinth) The Battler refers to Alfonso The Battler, a medieval monarch of the Reconquista (you may know Hemingway was famous as an aficionado of the Spanish bullfight etc). There are a lot of interesting allusions to explore from this title alone
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Battler Anonymous
>>5902672 There is, of course, a middle ground between the exclamation mark over the guard's head explicitly alerting you to the danger and...for instance, the easily missed drool coming out of a vent in Alien Isolation. Both serve to notify the player of danger, but I feel the latter is in line with what you're going for.
A note on those UI elements though. While Ubisoft's implementation is typically excessive the presence of some sort of UI serves a purpose that I feel is legitimate and valuable.
That purpose being: if you or I were physically placed in the character's shoes, we'd have access to all the information our senses could provide. Since we don't do that, instead we have a narrow view from a camera surgically implanted in the player character's head (typically), UI elements exist to sort of 'balance the scales' and provide us compensation for that lack of presence.
For instance, are the directional markers that pop up in FPS games to indicate the direction that damage came from an intrusive bit of completely non-diagetic UI? Yes. However, at least in my mind, they exist to compensate for that fact that if you or I were present instead of the character then we'd know which direction we just got shot/shot at from.
Not all UI acts in this compensatory fashion, but some of it does. I feel that this concept can be applied to warnings in quests as well. A certain amount of the QM 'revealing the danger' might be warranted as compensation for the fact that our prose is limited in transferring the full scope of information that our audience would have were they in the player character's place.
There's clearly a desirable middle ground somewhere here.
Anyway, I'm not familiar with the stories you've written but it's food for thought.
>>5902595 >I've done a crapton of autism studies and frankly a lot of the "environment making people more autistic" stuff is more cope than science. The venue here may attract a certain amount of autism, or at least 'autism' in the jocular and unofficial, non-scientific way 4chan uses the term.
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>>5902601 What works for a single-player game where you can rapidly 'reload' and start from the beginning doesn't always work in a months-long collaborative co-op game. Even one-shot quests involve many days of investment, generally. I think your approach would work really well for a rapid-fire 'session-style' quest, though.
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>>5902601 Dude, this rules. The idea of your character's moral consistency affecting how well they can do certain actions, not because of a lack of skill but because of a lack of willingness to do so, is very interesting.
I think having your MC become an actual character through the choice anon makes, rather than a robot that follows random orders is really nice. I do try to explain the thought process of the MC whenever he makes a choice, and even have him argue with himself over the second most popular choice and why he ended up doing what he did, but I still think he misses a proper moral framework as his morality wasn't challenged enough.
I'm glad you brought up that moral physics thing, I like it very much.
>>5902689 >>5902672 >>5902559 >>5902569 So I think I realize what bothered me about what you said.
The bargain that authors of mystery/detective stories make with their readers is that, within the text, the reader will receive all the information required to solve the case. Part of the tension and challenge of the books is in attempting to figure out the mystery before the detective, or at least before the reveal. This catharsis only works when the clues necessary have been provided.
This bargain isn't absolute though. You can make a mystery where you include/require elements from outside the text in order to solve it. BUT if you're going to do that you MUST NOTIFY the audience that the rules of the game have been expanded from the usual terms (so to speak).
An example of this, I suppose, would be the game One Shot. At a certain point in the story, a character from inside the game tells you (the player) to do something outside the framework of the game window. This is the author telling the audience that the rules of this game are not the ones they usually play by. Later in the story when similar things must be done and aren't explicitly called out, the trick is satisfying rather than obtuse or frustrating.
Stated with positive connotations: The audience were primed to look for this information.
Stated with negative connotations: The audience was explicitly warned about the danger beforehand!
>>5902617 I read that somewhere it was, but only to have like 5% of people (the tribe) to be like that.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
Need a couple rolls for Solarpunk
>>5902727 >>5902727 Then I can push out an update
>>5902663 >>5902664 >>5902665 >language, >alignment of language and intention, action hehe this is a fascinating topic anon, I am really impressed, maybe someone should create a game that alludes to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis lol or linguistic nativism the extent of innateness of language or the Boas-Chomsky universal grammar hehe the uniformity of capacity for language across human species but what is the Shannon entropy or Kolmogorov complexity of languages are some more compressible than others, maybe some languages are better for metaphor or hidden allusions than others and what about illocutionary vs perlocutionary speech-acts, when you use words to describe or signify a thing but actually mean a completely different thing, or the Wittgenstein Sprachspiel etc,
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_game_(philosophy) water has the same meaning, the same word as Please Can I Have Some Water and The Poison Is In The Water! etc. but obviously the contextual implications are very different.
I explored this extensively in many of my quests eg SONG Of The OATH And WILD as you can probably tell from that ternary title I chose, it alludes to synchrony between Action/Deeds, Words/Speech and Thought/Feeling etc, I think it is a buddhist philosophical thing hehe
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>>5902735 Much like taking the big and broad concepts and burning them down to toes, then they're hot coals readily picked up and given to others as needed when needed, no longer meant to be held high an mighty and instead expended quickly and with haste. Context the divine ruler, ever crueler for their majesty.
Thus how I think most games are already about human language, implicitly!
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>>5902718 Consideirng only about 1% to 2% of people are autistic by most estimates, I guess we need a few more then.
>>5902730 On it.
>>5902696 >>5902715 >puzzles involving meta behaviour or meta interaction
I was not aware of that One Shot game (I assume it is this one)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/OneShot Thank you for showing me it, I would indeed hate this sort of gameplay, it is unnatural and feels like a sort of game design awkward cheat trickery swindle lol, you are right I would be frustrated by it and would never play it lol
I don't like the idea of solving a perfect detective mystery that feels a bit like Cluedo lol or the Ubisoft taskbox checklist the predetermined set clues, because those games exist videogames do it better and with better graphics. Usually in my games I have some themes just gigabytes of pictures and items and npcs and locations and things, I have an outline but I don't even really know the ending. I am looking to reward any imaginative player action that uncovers more meaning for the game setting and world. Reward player actions that generate more fictional coherence, dramatic experiences lead me to invent more and more interesting things etc. I don't know what the solved ending or clues entirely are because I have not imagined or written them yet.
The difference in ttrpgs is imagination and inventing the fiction. Unlike in a computer game, in fiction you can plausibly invent or imagine any sort of solution, behaviour background motivation or plausible interaction. Just invent it and establish it in the world, if it is vaguely believable it is ok. Remember what I said about the ttrpg as "tactical infinity minus x"
>>5887853 What you mentioned here
>>5902696 >>5902715 The UI exists to balance the scales etc. is like what I was saying in the old qtg about How Do the Players And Characters Know ("KNOW") Anything?
>>5882716 What happens if there is a divergence between what the game character knows but the player doesn't? And vice versa etc. I am not sure I know the solution to this, I have not grasped it.
But look at the situation from the old vampire game book, here
>>5902601 if you just explicitly tell the player (if you stop at this npc he will arrest you, Your Adventure Ends Here etc) lol you have no dramatic scenario. You could of course prolong it with some meaningless dice rolls etc.
The pbta or Blades In The Dark way seems to be just meta break character and tell them all risks outright and roll some dice or something and negotiate it out. (In reality, from what I have seen the GM basically just lets the players get what they want with no threat or risk of death or loss lol, the obstacles are all pretend. I am probably on the other end, the obstacles are TOO REAL, INSTADEATH lol and sometimes the players have no idea what the game even meant or was about lol)
Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts, they have led me to explore several intriguing avenues hehe
>>5902755 As for One Shot, the elements I described are diagetic to the story. It's a wonderful little game. These out-of-game-window mechanics are clearly foreshadowed to you, like I mentioned, and the developers took a bold risk in utilizing them. Some people might miss out (I concur with you, I think it'd fly over my head, I've only ever watched a playthrough), but the storytellers decided that the ones who get it will receive sufficient catharsis to be worth it. You should watch a playthrough of it at least before you decide what you think about the gimmick.
As for mysteries, have you ever read any Agatha Christie? I'm trying to point out that detective mysteries DO present the clues but are still compelling, dramatic, cathartic. That may not the method you're going for in your games, but you can't really dismiss the genre and its staple method of storytelling out of hand when it accounts for (lemme Google this) ~12.5% of book sales.
>Reading your explanation Aah, okay. Yeah you're going for something totally different and it seems you're aware of it. You're not looking to tell a typical story, or even it sounds like run a typical quest. It sounds to me like you want to metaphorically DM for a table of DMs who all collaborate with you to form the story. The difference between players and DMs here being the depth to which each typically prepares for a session and how deeply they consider and cross reference clues.
As for your example from the book, the solution is not to tell the player explicitly. It's to do what the book does: provide reasonable foreshadowing that stopping for the guards will have them arrest you. This foreshadowing information is presented both to the character and the reader. Specifically, I'd say you can make this judgment based on the following key points:
-(Player knowledge, arguably character knowledge) You are only being put in this situation because of an unlucky circumstance, negative results are more likely than positive ones in general
-(player and character knowledge) There's been a murder, you were seen talking to the one that was murdered last night
-(player and character knowledge) The police/guards job is to enforce justice, the setting seems to be medieval so (general knowledge) trials are not known for being terribly fair and impartial
These are some of the elements of foreshadowing I see at a glance. You don't seem to mind these clues being laid out although they're explicit. I'd argue the reason why is that UNCERTAINTY is present.
Perhaps the guards WILL believe your story. You have the handwritten notes from the murdered and might reasonably present them after all. Perhaps your character will toss the gold coins unnoticed in a corner before going to the guards, making you less suspicious. There's any number of reasonable scenarios that might play out and not end the book.
"Reasonable minds can differ" as lawyers say. The clues are explicit, but there's still uncertainty.
>>5902617 Probably not. Traits are selected on a population level, and autism is probably the extreme (undesirable) manifestation of a much more beneficial trait that is evolutionary selected for.
You also see this with a lot of other human genes. Heterozygote advantage for sickle cell is a classic example, but people with certain HLA alleles will also have better responses to viral infections at the expense of a higher risk of developing autoimmunity diseases if you lose the genetic lottery and get two super reactive copies.
By wanting a moderate amount of a certain trait in a population, you will guarantee that a minority will have a lot of it due to the randomness of heredity and human development.
>>5902767 I like the cut of your Okazaki fragments, anon - nice to see another bio anon here
>>5902765 >Detective stories Agatha Christie, no - but I have seen Gosford Park, I read huge amounts of Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes as a child, and my vaguely 19th century setting The ODALISQUE pays some homage to the idea of it hehe. Thinking back to Sherlock Holmes only a few of the stories really make sense, I remember the Silver Blaze (racehorse murder one) being good and solvable, the Naval Treaty one also had an interesting conundrum. But for me the appeal of those stories was not so much the clues or detection which appear logically farcical at times nowadays, it is the atmosphere, the smog and hansom cabs and costermongers and wainscotting, ormolu candlesticks etc I tried to evoke as much of that as possible in my quest, that is what I remember from all the books and period
dramas.So I whilst I haven't read too many detective mysteries beyond Sherlock Holmes, I definitely would not dismiss the genre!
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>>5902755 Also
>What happens if there is a divergence between what the game character knows but the player doesn't? And vice versa etc. You don't know the solution because by the inherent nature of the universe and individuals it is an impossible problem.
Setting aside the fact that we're not full-dive-VRing into the character's body. Even if each player WAS physically present where the character(s) are, by the inherent nature of the player being a different person than the fictional character, they will notice different things.
Applying this line of thought to your comments on Blades in the Dark (which I'm only passingly familiar with), perhaps it's NOT reasonable for you or I or any of the players to be able to perfectly estimate the risk of a heist. Or to be able to summon resources or put in place plans that deal with practically any extenuating circumstance.
But a master thief might be able to.
Based on what you've described, these dice rolls and perfect estimations of risk are the compensatory UI elements providing the player insight their character would have. Admittedly in a more condensed and gamified form than having the players study thiefcraft for years until they become master thieves themselves.
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Mods = tranny sympathizers
>>5902790 Aesthetics, tone, and 'vibe' are all valid reasons for liking something. Sounds like those are the main ones that drew you to Sherlock Holmes, and the aspects you most remember. The issue you point out with Sherlock Holmes' actual plot/mysteries is a known weakness of the mystery genre of storytelling, or more specifically you could say: with the mechanics that genre uses to create drama, tension, stakes, investment, what-have-you.
The main complaint about mysteries I think is that various readers will be tolerant of various levels of contrivance in how the clues revealed are brought together by the detective character to solve the mystery. It's a notoriously difficult balance to strike. The author has to juggle revealing enough clues with enough clarity that the reader feels they could've solved the mystery when the detective makes the reveal, while also obscuring those same clues sufficiently that they don't actually solve the mystery before the reveal.
Sherlock Holmes is, I think, notorious for its mysteries cheating the reader of clues so they couldn't possibly solve it themselves based on what's in the text. I've only read Hound of the Baskervilles (or whatever the title was) myself, and at the point where Holmes was like "the dog only glowed because it had phosphor powder on it, which I knew because I'm smart."
I think Sir Arthur Conan Doyle did technically write in a clue for this reveal. As I recall at one point the characters smelled rotten eggs when near a bog the dog had been sighted at recently or something.
I believe it's still regarded as a BAD MYSTERY PLOT though because
1) It's never made clear in the text before the reveal that phosphor powder (or whatever it was) smells like rotten eggs
2) It was never made clear in the text before the reveal that you'd need metatextual knowledge (such as what all the compounds that might possibly be used to make a dog glow in the night smell like) to solve the mystery
Consider that when you expected players to Google search a strange word to find information to solve one of your puzzles, you did the same thing. UNLESS you foreshadowed the necessity to do so, like they do in One Shot.
>>5899925 Just stopping by to say this quest is based and a worthy successor to Broken Sky Online so far. We need more players
and celestial gems though.
MDQM (Mobile)
>>5896313 HELP 4chan thinks I’m spam what the FUCK do I do?
>>5902882 Try the irc, maybe. I was banned for no reason once, and that was the only thing that could help me get unbanned in a timely manner.
I never got an answer on why I got the banhammer on a random story post without any particular offensive word on it, only that it "triggered an old filter" but I got unbanned and managed to post the damn thing. 4chan's filters can be finnicky sometimes.
https://www.4channel.org/rules#irc Anonymous
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>>5902784 :3
You too anon. I would run biopunk if squishy things weren't so hard to animate.
>>5902755 What quests are you playing these days, Souvarine?
>>5902811 I think the best mystery movie I’ve seen recently was Jack Reacher. The movie starts off with the shooting itself and the amount of time we see James Barr moving that scope around to locate each target foreshadows
how poor of a sniping spot it was. Five shots were fired but only the fourth missed and was the only one pristinely intact. He also pays for a parking meter and the coin he uses has his fingerprint on it
why pay for parking at all? After hanging at a bar, he gets approached by a girl and when he rejects her, five of her “brothers” show up to kick his ass, and after barely a minute the cop shows up.
because someone wanted Reacher snuffed out. It’s not perfect by any means - the realism gets pushed pretty far at times:
Reacher ditching a car and blending into the crowd a few seconds before the cops catch up to him, and him in the finale doing a max payne dive shot that headshots a badguy. but for the most part, the action is nice. The bathroom brawl is funny. And that scene where he talks about “freedom” is interesting to listen to.
A very competently made mystery movie.
The second one is mid tho.
If the second half of Knives Out movie did not rely on a misheard word and a very odd choice to meet a killer, it would have been one of my favorites, too.
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>>5903018 Also I know it was for a gay but I hate how retarded the finale was. Bro literally caught her monologuing! Just put him in cuffs AND THEN explain your smartass plan.
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>>5903018 Also I know it was for a gag but I hate how retarded the finale was. Bro literally caught her monologuing! Just put him in cuffs AND THEN explain your smartass plan.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5902537 This article here (originally a blogpost) was the exact reason when I stopped taking anything Patrick Stuart said or did seriously. He has one of these super influential OSR blogs with almost zero actual gameable content. I hate that faggot. At least Goblin Punch actually writes cool lore and is funny sometimes.
>>5902661 You're probably right. But I do warn you that the last few attempts to start a new ASOIAF house quest ended poorly. Perhaps begin anew with a twist, like a councilor or a lady of the house quest set in an underexplored region.
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>>5903061 I see a bunch of names that are clearly inspired or stolen from our places in reality and then I see SHRED CITY and all is forgiven.
>there will never ever be a good, nay, GREAT fantasy quest, on /qst/, again. Where have all the greats gone? I pine for those years when I could walk thorough golden reeds of fantastic fantasy quests. Now there is nothing but slop in the wind. Maybe it was all those FATE quests that popped up that ran the quality fantasy QMs out... I really don't know.
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>>5902617 Evolutionary pressures are way more complex than the pop sci videogame version a lot of folks know. Bioligcal speaking we are mostly the same as our ancestors when homo Sapies sapiens first emerged.
Some of the few examples of evolution as a result of natural selection within the lifespan of the species are
>Develeopment of various skin tones eye colors and hair colors >Lactose tolerance I don't think we have much data on evolutionary history of neurotypes, especially since its not something you can really identify in a caveman like you can with hair color or the like.
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>>5902699 It almost certainly attracts literal autistic people as well, such as me.
In fact, I suspect the entire reason Autistic/Autism became internet slang was because the sites where that slang developed (chiefly here) were filled by actually Autistic people.
>>5902623 In my belief (and this applies to most things) autism isn't inherently an issue, its just that we live in a society built for non Autistic people so we are going to have intense friction due to it.
I've had suicidal ideation and depression for ages due to executive dysfunction but I can assure you in a society where my life didn't revolve around deadlines and paperwork I wouldn't have that issue.
By analogy imagine you are 5 foot eleven in New York city. That isn't a "disbailty" because you are living in an environment built for people in your height range.
But if you were in The Shire, with the exact same physical chateristics you would be "disabled." You would be bumping into things, it would be hard for clothes to fit you, you might break chairs, you would get neck problems for contorting into beds... but none of those are inherent issues with being 5' 11' the issues are being in a world that does not provide proper accommodations and access to all the people in it.
Lets go one further. Humans can see three primary colors. Some people with eye mutations let them see higher ranges of the visual spectrum, akin to butterflies and the like. They actually see BETTER than most people, but they are still counted as "disabled" for driving purposes because the signs are all color-coded from the pov of three-color vision so they look different.
We have objective evidence that Autistic people lives healthy and happy lives when not pushed and pressured to do things our brains literally arent wired for (or at least given assistance when such things are necessary). If I put a grizzly bear in the north pole and it dies, I'm not going to say the grizzly bear had a birth defect, I'm going to stop putting Grizzly bears in the north pole without heating.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 25 Jan 2024 08:01:58 No. 5903114 Report >>5903112 >But if you were in The Shire I had the exact same life experience during my internship in Vietnam. I'm around 5'7", still felt everything in the country was too damn fragile
>>5903114 The Social Model of disability is really a game-changer when you dig into it.
I think the fundamentals of it can be extended to other scenarios. (Like yours for example.)
>>5903115 Being Left handed is a real good example I just remembered.
>>5903112 I think a better analogy for the problems autism presents is to say "Imagine you're playing a Dunmer character in Morrowind. Despite the fact that you are one of them, they treat you like an outsider and will never quite fit in.". The biggest problem with autism is the social ineptitude it often comes bundled with. Which leads to social isolation and often various psychoses revolving around said isolation.
The world we live in is shit for everyone, but at least the average person can still find a place to feel welcome.
That being said, Morrowind quest when?
>>5902971 >Quests I am playing etc. Usually I just flick through all the quests on the board, it is actually very rare for me to full on participate in a quest, you can tell from my image posts (for example, this random single post was me
>>5866829 ) There are so many dedicated longrunning series here, I really admire ReptoidQM or Greenwood / Forgotten Realms QM commitment hehe, Solstice Quest is always amazing for the webm graphics made by ObserverQM, I am scared whenever the players post anime art though nooo. Similarly I really admire the art for Redhorn and Greenhorn quests, the presentation is amazing. I really liked the Tales Of Thulzar river tribe art a while back too. But usually when I am trying to imagine new settings or in game mechanics develop / introspection mode I just focus on my own worldbuilding gathering influences whilst skim reading everything on the board to see what other people are doing
But out of the new quests I have seen the Bretwalda quest
>>5896411 I am always very impressed by full on historical quests I too liked Bernard Cornwell Arthurian stuff etc and I also remember that English Civil War QM a while back, his writing was very impressive too. I have stolen a lot of Dark Ages names in my various game settings before eg Witenagemot or Dalriada or Firu Fortrenn etc, I often take a lot of Anglo Saxon influences etc for myths and legends etc. So I am interested to see how that QM proceeds, I lack expertise on the actual history to fully run that setting.
Similarly the Noir anon game setting, and I think some anons like Prohibition or 1920s America etc. But here is a secret: Hemingway alcohol fuelled jaunts around Paris, Spain (hedonistically escaping Prohibition) were far cooler hehe and underexplored (see his novel, The Sun Also Rises). Hemingway is known to have done some actual spy espionage stuff too, I was thinking about his Paris Spain stuff as a distinctive setting, but I don't know enough about the whole historical era to make too much of it beyond a backdrop. There is actually a ttrpg which has some adjacent European expatriate antics
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Over_the_Edge_(game) Maybe someone could do a Brad Pitt Interview With The Vampire style reminiscence hehe. Also I rewatched Angel Heart (1987) the other day, that is more 1950s? Southern Gothic / New Orleans but has a cool film noir feel. Someone make VAMPIRE OCCULT HEMINGWAY (not that Jim Jarmusch film Only Lovers Left Alive)
The Prodigal Sun QM is very impressive,
>>5871209 his story felt like a gamebook to me hehe I liked how he handled the Bandit Raid scenario and weaving in the exotic Crusade LEOPARD WOMAN stuff was very cool (had a Solomon Kane feel for me)
>>5903121 >Elder Scrolls You get Daggerfall quest instead, the entire quest is just raging at the spellcasting control configuration on dosbox spasm mouse swipe paroxysm, no I will not install the Unity engine remake, trying to swoop my melee sword onto the enemy with dosbox inside the INSANE DUNGEON map what is this intestinal layout single texture stone wall generated horror (bet you wish there were Ubisoft Assassins Creed UI checklist markers now hehe) argh well at least the game manual has some Shakespeare
>>5903118 I swear I will find where whoever made generic scissors "right handed", instead of ambidextrous.
The tradeoff is less cutting power and faster wear due to angles is buried and exhume them one of these days.
I'll do the same thing with whoever decided the standard door is 1.8m high instead of 2m.
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>>5903121 >>5903139 >Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall I concede this anon, maybe the Ubisoft friendly map overlay markers are sometimes needed. Also those secrets, teleport items candlesticks and hidden doors lol
>>5903139 I admit, I got a copy of daggerfall a few years ago. Can't figure out how to do shit in that game. Badass.
>>5903144 What, you don't like being able to hit the top of your head on doorframes when you stand on your tip-toes?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 25 Jan 2024 09:27:31 No. 5903148 Report >>5903147 I feel like super mario when I bump my head on doorframes while jumping!
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>>5903148 >concussion any% let's go Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Thu 25 Jan 2024 09:59:50 No. 5903160 Report Quoted By:
>>5903139 This made me think about a Cruelty Squad quest. You'd have to make the quest mechanics intentionally frustrating and obtuse to get the right feel, but also make sure that it can be absolutely busted once you get access to the right stuff.
Also the players would be required to install the oneechan script and use the most garish theme possible while reading it.
>>5902839 Aww shucks, thanks anon. <3 Glad you like it.
Have I balanced the skill trees well? Are they all equally tempting? As you read them, can you both see yourself investing entirely into one...yet also can't stand that thought because the others are so potentially cool? If not then I'll need to work on them.
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>>5903147 >when you stand on your tip-toes? I have to bend significantly to not hit my head.
>>5901015 are you the dude who did european dragon quest?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 25 Jan 2024 10:51:53 No. 5903176 Report >>5903170 Dungeon's Dragon, where you played Sidridijika, the Miracle Harbringer? Where DND dragons meet old warhammer?
Yes. I'll probably resume it at some point.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 25 Jan 2024 10:52:57 No. 5903177 Report Quoted By:
>>5903176 Also have something running with South Kalos and Minor Xenos evolution.
>>5902765 >>5902790 >>5902811 >>5903018 >mystery >The CLUE From Angel Heart (1987) maybe don't take assignments for Louis Cyphre ie Lucifer. I enjoyed this film it is like an alternate noir version of The Devil's Advocate Keanu Reeves Al Pacino, except this film is Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro hehe. Also that wrinkly old lady from Dune is in it except young, she is super hot look I even watched/endured/suffered Zardoz lol just because Charlotte Rampling yay
Even though this film has no vampires in it I kept thinking the noir look is sort of like Vampire Masquerade Redemption the cinematography and acting and costumes all compelling I also think this horror film is more Clive Barker than actual Clive Barker, there is a lot of violence and nudity and voodoo stuff hehe
>>5903189 >MYSTERY DETECTIVE FILM NOIR Look we shall use ALL THE VISUALS so amazing, also we have black people in Louisiana but also snow in New York Mickey Rourke looks exactly like Max Payne, but also voodoo and churches and tarot and chickens, Robert de Niro eats an egg, and a scene like that Live And Let Die James Bond funeral and Edward Hopper Nighthawks 1942 but also bosoms there will be a lot of bosoms but sadly also murders and blood but look at the bosoms. There will be some guns of course snub nose .38 revolvers but disappointingly not enough guns though
>>5903192 >>5903189 >>5902537 >>5903061 >ZARDOZ Everyone knows The Wizard Of Oz (Zardoz) and the Yellow Brick Road is about the Federal Reserve etc, but what I realised is that if you took 4chan and made it into a film it is Zardoz. Patrick Stuart insane word nonsense gonzo rpg is also Zardoz. Breasts are Zardoz. Charlotte Rampling is Zardoz. Sean Connery hairy bare chest is Zardoz. Statues and crystals and manor houses are Zardoz. So is aging. Evolution is Zardoz; Zardoz is pregnancy. Revolvers and bolt action rifles are Zardoz. TS Eliot is also Zardoz (I was so impressed, they put Prufrock in) Are you writing a fantasy quest, set in Anglo Saxon history or Viking era Britain? That is also Zardoz (filmed bizarrely on the Irish set of Vikings TV series).
Zardoz is everything.
(do not watch this film, it is terrifying)
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You know what I miss? The Boshin War.
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>>5903100 What'a wrong with Path of the Exorcist?
>>5903162 I would find investing fully into transcendent machinery wouldn't be that fun but it's too early to say for sure. We haven't learned much about the specifics of most mechanics for our class. Psybertech augmetics and virtual crystal would be my combination of choice based on what we know now.
Questing is bad these days, very bad. Players lurk, yes, but they don't vote! They just come and bitch at the qtg that there is no GOOD fantasy quest.
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>>5903296 Players vote in my quests, and while there is occasional friction it is rarely so bad as all that.
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>>5901345 Last year was wild, joined the police, quit the police (working conditions + personal reasons) but all in all doing good and looking forward to your return (and Emile's rise to Living Saint known across the land and Nats continued growth and development).
Very keen on making new memes and jumping back into the story
Traveling QM
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>>5896411 Plugging my quest, Bretwalda Quest, Medieval Historical action adventure. We are about to exit the prologue and if anyone is interested go check it out, important vote is taking place, open until Friday morning.
>>5903133 Thanks for the shout out anon, yeah For the longest time I didn't want to write anything historical even though I enjoyed historical settings. I felt I could never match up to what was "real" both in terms of actual history and published works (Cornwell, O'Brian, Kay Pennan. Etc) but I realized if I ever wanted to improve I just had to take the plunge and so Bretwalda Quest was born. Fail or succeed it'll be a learning experience
A lot my time is spent searching for relevant JSTOR articles to understand the setting and then I spend alot of time wondering how the 30 pages I just read are relevant to my story lol.
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>>5902919 Trying that now, I owe you one.
And while I wait for a reply, could any one of you guys lend me a hand and post the final part of my 4 part upload for me?
>>5901491 new thread when, can't wait for the 40 people civil war
Warden !!GZu3fE9MaLA
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>>5903347 Probably Saturday, maybe early February.
Boggs !!18w+jJB0yVl
>>5902412 >>5903076 Yeah, I'm starting to see that now. I saw a dead thread on the catalog from a samefagging OP, a future-House Celtigar idea that looked interesting but maybe had some burnout, and a well-written young bastard quest that got coomered. Maybe I'm missing some others, but those are all problems more endemic to the board than the setting.
I like the steward or lady of the house idea. I won't do the latter due to my conversations with someone else who had a really solid idea for that type of MC. I'm still hoping he runs it.
Alright, one more idea that I need to get out of my head, call it a sanity check. What about starting with Aurion Shryke's new squire (we were about to get one in the quest). That would give everyone a chance to build up a new character while also allowing some insight and input into the house. I'm not opposed to a few meta votes from that lens. The MC would be a fresh knight, or close to earning his spurs, when the Ironborn rebel. After that, assuming he lives, we could do some tourney knighting or whatever else comes up.
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>>5903356 Sounds fun, would play as a squire
>>5903356 >I won't do the latter due to my conversations with someone else who had a really solid idea for that type of MC. I'm still hoping he runs it. Two dishes prepared by two different chefs will not taste the same. We need more of unconventional quests in this setting after the last few disasters. Besides you're one of the few I trust to run a lady quest without the story getting wildly derailed. As a bonus we can even do a little house creation with this (I do miss house creation threads, even if they never go anywhere, anons always come up with the most interesting ideas)
>Alright, one more idea that I need to get out of my head, call it a sanity check. What about starting with Aurion Shryke's new squire (we were about to get one in the quest). Squire is fine but my preferred time period for this is during the Blackfyre/Dunk&Egg years.
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>>5902163 Gay, not relatable
>>5901958 >>5901960 I did, stealing my shit post memes is stepping over the line. I make these copy pasta meme/shitposts for the community to enjoy, not so a space ape can put it on a shirt and charge money for it.
>>5903356 I was also thinking about writing a quest about a squire. But if you are going to do it I'll scrap the whole thing.
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>>5903121 Even the social ineptitude is relative. Like one twitter account I like is based on describing neurotypicals as if they were disordered from an autistic pov.
A lot of mine, and others frustrations with social interactions isn't so much that we ae "bad at it" but that they tend tobe frustrating inconsistent messes.
People say what they don't mean, they have obscure and obtuse subtext, and the rules are inconsistent and ever-changing.
For example lets look at the sentence "Why are you doing that?"
A lot of the time, when a non autistic person says that they don't mean "why are you doping that" they mean "You are doing it wrong and I think you could do better." But they don't actually say that. Coded language like that is really common. So not only is it annoying trying to decode that but when someone like us says "Why are you doing it like that" but we actually mean it, people we see us as smart allecks or know-it-alls because they are used to a form of social communication full of little impressionistic dances like that.
Now that isn't to say that I think non Autistic people socialize "wrong." I just think its relevant to understand I find it full of inconsistent and counterintuitive bullshit. That doesn't make one or the other of us inept, its more like we are speaking different languages. (Or more accurately different creoles of the same base language.)
If you were speaking Patois and someone else was speaking Tok Pisin, even though those languages have a lot of the same words, if you were listening to them based on the rules of your language a lot of it would sound "wrong" even though it makes perfect sense to them.
Finally, the "average" person doesn't really exist. Sure in any given circumstance someone can find an environment in which they are the majority in some way, but there will always bee aspects of them that are outlying, and unfortunately our planet is very hostile to outliers of many different types. I don't think the answer is to try to purge said outliers or enforce assimilation or conformity. That just hurts people.
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>>5903421 >I was also thinking about writing a quest about a squire. But if you are going to do it I'll scrap the whole thing. Soj, it's a really broad concept, and also, as
>>5903389 said:
>Two dishes prepared by two different chefs will not taste the same. You're a really good writer and artist and a fine QM, but I feel like you let yourself get demoralized and dissuaded too easily. You should have more confidence in yourself and your ability.
>>5903356 Kek I remember the coomer thread, it was the QM's fault for offering that option in the first place.
If you're waiting to for someone else to run something then it'll likely never happen. Besides, as another anon puts it, questing is not a competition. Two quests with similar MCs can have multiple interpretations and perhaps even complementary plot threads. Some House creation would be fun too.
Another idea I have is a traveling merchant quest. It would be a lot more complex than other ideas though since you'd have to calculate prices, traveling routes, exchange rates and so on.
>>5903356 Kek I remember the coomer thread, it was the QM's fault for offering that option in the first place.
If you're waiting to for someone else to run something then it'll likely never happen. Furthermore, as another anon puts it, questing is not a competition. Two quests with similar MCs can have multiple interpretations and perhaps even complementary plot threads. Some House creation would be fun too.
Another idea I have is a traveling merchant quest. It would be a lot more complex than other ideas though since you'd have to calculate prices, traveling routes, exchange rates and so on.
Regarding the squire it had been so long that I have forgotten about it lol. But why play Aurion's squire when we could be him? It's not a bad premise, but it just doesn't feel right imo
Preface:>monster "collector-battler" setting >similar to Digimon, where the monsters talk and there's a digital world >except, humans can train more than one monster, and the digital world is merged into the real one >society is co-dependent on monsters, like Pokémon settings, and there's lots of wilderness >also, because of cyberspace shenanigans, humans can fight too, but it's better to have at least one monster partner >this makes the world a pseudo-medieval fantasy with duels and problem-solving but with some modern conveniences facilitated by cyberspace tech >rather than dramatic and spontaneous evolution, monsters experience incremental growths All right, with the nuts and bolts established, here's my actual idea:>the quest's story revolves around an underdog character trying to become, for lack of distinct terminology, a champion >the players do not control this character directly, however >instead, the players are in control of whichever one or two monsters are on the active team! >these monsters range from mercenaries for hire, temporary partners selected for tournaments, wild monsters/vagabonds who wish to help MC while traversing the wilderness, to dedicated partners permanently aiding the MC out of earned devotion >while story events can affect party composition, the players will have almost complete agency in terms of who's active >players will also control how the monsters grow, allowing for full customization, and these growths may even be "respec'ed" at a later time to experiment with other paths! Is this the best monster-battler idea ever, or is it way too autistic and bereft of narrative incentive?
>>5903476 That sounds pretty baller. I'd give it a go. Interesting playing a 'mon in a 'mon collector. The setting sounds neat!
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>>5903477 It might be a while before I can actually run it, but I'll keep (You) in mind.
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>>5903458 I name the idea of two very similar quests existing at the same time and helping the readership of both as the ‘Two Cakes’ theory of questing.
Twocake meem is the biggest lie in the creative space sphere. The less you have of something the more you value it, if a single house plant dies you are going to feel bad for it but if you have a thousand house plants one kicking the bucket doesn't matter. I mean people are so indoctrinated into the 2cakes cult that they will look you in the eyes and tell you start faced that there is no such thing as genre fatigue. You are one hundred percent in competition with other qms on this board for readers. Guys who sit here and read 20 quests are the outliers not the norm. Your average guy WILL drop your quest if it's mid, and a really good quest comes along with the same concept. That's just how it is, sorry.
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A GOOD fantasy quest is occurring now!
>>5903374 I’m shilling this quest because I don’t want to play it by myself
>>5903518 Shut up soj you're just forever bitter all your quests self imploded
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>>5903523 Nah he's just an economist. He literally cannot see the world in anything but profit margins and supply/demand.
>>5903518 Then don't write a mid quest. Write a different one in the same genre or with a similar premise, but a distinct theme.
>>5903544 but what if I hit the perfect niche? then I dont have to write a good quest and instead just sail to success on concept alone?
>>5903523 meds
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>>5903549 >then I dont have to write a good quest and instead just sail to success on concept alone? While this is partially sound (less to no competition means nobody can steal your players) if a quest is actually mid, people will get bored and stop reading it anyway. A good niche is a helpful selling point, but ultimately you also need solid writing and characters for a good story
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>>5902662 Oh, don't apologize, I did basically ask. It's been that next logical step for me for years now, I've just been pussyfooting about it for too long. I live out in the boonies, but I own my house and it'd be hard to get as much land as I've got here again even if I bought in the same area, so I'm loathe to leave it. Maintaining it costs money and... yeah, I like having a house that works.
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>>5903518 So, assuming this is true, should QMs be a bit more forgiving with their consequences when players don't pick up on things hinting at previously established information?
I know this isn't really what you're talking about, but the subject of players participating in multiple quests is tangentially related.
>>5903549 if you're capable of doing this, why are you worried about the "twocake meem" to begin with?
Anyway, there are are like four or five quests right now about novice mages that have reliable playerbases, and even bog-standard template civ quests get players so I really think you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
>>5903518 This is probably how french people see the world.
QST is nowhere near saturation and thinking that it is is insane. There are at most 10 quests that share a genre at any time, and none of them really overlap thematically.
>>5903549 >don't have to write a good quest Well there's your problem buddy. Have you considered finding some self respect and actually writing a good quest? Not because you have to, but because you want to?
>>5903600 yeah well, they would have more readers if the market wasn't over saturated. This is probably SS' least active quest that they have ever made. I mean if we are going to pretend that more (you)s is not the goal then here is a practical reason to want more readers: If you don't have at least 10 voters in your quest you become much more susceptible to same fags.
>>5903611 Writing quests is gay, I only consuuum.
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>>5903616 Ah, you're just trolling. Got it. Sorry, I briefly though you might not be wholly disingenuous.
>>5896313 >QM question: >Have you inserted any IRL things that have happened throughout your life into your quest? Every writer puts a bit of themselves into their writing. It's pretty much unavoidable. That said, the things I put in aren't really stuff that's central to it- more stuff in the lines of fluff and character interactions. The little things that make give the story flesh. Because, fortunately for me, I don't have direct experience with the sort of thing that drives the primary conflict in my work.
War, in case there was any impression that it was competition diving or something.
>Player question: >What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue? I don't want to call it Dieselpunk because the "punk" part has nothing to do with what I'm envisioning, but "modern" is to vague and "World War" gives the idea that it has to be historical fiction, which isn't what I'm thinking of. Basically, I want Trawler Quest style stuff. Recently there's been Air Wing Commander, and that's good, but I feel like there's plenty of room for more of this kind of thing, since it used to be a bit more common.
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>>5903647 >War, in case there was any impression that it was competition diving or something. So you are a professional diver. I knew it.
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>>5903616 Yes, since you've flaked on every quest you've run.
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>>5903291 I appreciate the feedback! Most of the mechanics that you've not had the chance to interact with should be revealed soon, since you've opted to manifest an outpost. If you choose to pursue understanding them, anyway.
As for Transcendent Machinery, it's certainly a different style of play than is typical. I based the tree vaguely off of the old Mastermind villain class from City of Heroes/Villains that I played in my youth.
But being the commander, creator, and center of a drone/minion swarm was never going to appeal to everyone. I see at least one anon pining for it, so as long as the target audience is obsessing over it I'm happy.
Anyhow, thanks for reading and participating!
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>>5903170 so that's what it was called. thanks anon.
Feel kind of bad for the two civ quests running. The Civ quest genre has been so diluted by spam that they can't even get any voters.
>>5903672 Anon don't say that. They'll flake. It's too much.
>>5903672 This is true. My first quest is doing pretty well all things considered. It has decent player activity, and it seems people are enjoying it.
Seriously, the bar for running a quest isn't that high, I saw an actual chat GPT quest have replies. It's okay if your writing isn't great, it's okay if your art looks like it was drawn by a 5-year-old. If you have an idea you think is fun, and you're willing to [i:lit]actually[/i:lit] try, then some people will be willing to engage with it.
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>>5903678 Congrats anon, glad you're here!
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>>5903678 I forgot I don't have my formatting perms, force of habit.
>>5903674 The board is so slow that quests take 40+ days to fall off the catalogue. We can afford a few false starts and flakes.
>>5903663 There are like 6-to-8 quest with at least some civ elements on the board, and even the bland template ones are getting plenty of updates-per-day (9 for one, 37 for the other).
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
The Kreeko Emperor is revealed.
>>5903698 >>5903698 Anonymous
>>5903700 Man I feel bad about falling off on this quest because every time you post updates in the general I get so fucking confused.
>>5903749 Too many other quests, that's just how competition works
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5903749 Still not too late to catch up if you want to! A lot can happen in very little time in my quest, so don't feel bad, lol.
>>5903683 >We can afford a few false starts and flakes. You're right. I will now drop my quest of three years.
>>5903389 >>5903458 I think you're right. I'll look over the stuff we were collaborating on and give it more consideration. I'm not opposed to hosting a general house creation thread and rolling up a few houses. Whichever aren't used as an MC house could still serve for nice OC background houses for a quest.
>Regarding the squire it had been so long that I have forgotten about it lol. But why play Aurion's squire when we could be him? It's not a bad premise, but it just doesn't feel right imo I think that's valid. I'm not entirely opposed to trying out playing with Aurion again. I just thought a fresh MC would be easier for everyone after such a long absence yet I'm still interested in how the house itself will turn out with some of the major unresolved plot points
bastard twins, Aurion's parentage, ~6 potential ways to extend influence over other lands, at least one of which could be held by a loyal retainer such as the squire at some point. >>5903421 Regardless of whatever I end up doing with this, if you run one, I'll follow it.
>>5900857 Bleeding a lot, getting an endoscopy. Mental issues may have been preferable, depending.
GhostDragoon !!eZY3RXUZbtw
GhostDragoon !!eZY3RXUZbtw ID:VQN9QJky Fri 26 Jan 2024 03:48:26 No. 5903814 Report Quoted By:
>>5900857 Compared to the other responses, I am fine overall, but I'm involved in something that's out of my depth, and I had to drop my quest due to an inability to focus on my work.
...not that it was particularly high art, but still.
I wish the best for you all. I know it's a faggy thing to say on 4chan, but I mean it.
>>5903764 What other quests do you feel share a genre and directly compete with Versequest?
>>5903773 I don't believe you. As another QM on my third year of constantly running quests, I know it's a hard thing to just stop when you're having fun, and if you weren't having fun you would have already stopped.
>>5903815 >and if you weren't having fun you would have already stopped. That is the weirdest way I have ever heard someone advocate for suicide.
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>>5903820 There are times when writing here has helped keep me from falling into pretty profound despair, but I just meant you would have stopped QMing and found something else to do.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 26 Jan 2024 05:19:54 No. 5903868 Report >>5903865 Lodestar is back with Thread 2! Decide which of the three main characters you want to play as for this one. Weird mechanic? Maybe. But I like to give people the choice of switching it up every thread.
>>5903868 Nationquest/Captainquest did something similar, which I enjoyed.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Fri 26 Jan 2024 05:27:16 No. 5903876 Report >>5903803 Damn, I hope you will be fine
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 26 Jan 2024 05:28:11 No. 5903878 Report Quoted By:
>>5903872 Good to hear! I was worried it'd be a frowned on mechanic.
>>5903803 Eesh, get well soon.
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>>5903876 >>5903879 As one hopes. Just to iterate that QM curse can come in many ways, from simple schedule conflict, to serious IRL matters.
Player Question: which two characters on /qst/ would have the most interesting fight? Preferably quests that are still running, and, for the sake of rule of cool, power levels will be adjusted to make any fight winnable by either party
>>5903920 Solstice-chan and BURAKHORSSU
>>5903920 Dames
or Baroness Louise le Blanc of The Lady Knight's Quest and Lord Charles de Villeroi of Local Lord Quest. Both are pious nobles powered by very similar gods and servants of similar popes and kings.
Assuming Louise's god is not literally the Christian God under another name a la Aslan from Narnia, Charles' Mudcore field will cancel out her magic, and will probably at least weaken or break her equipment either way. In addition, his memetic powers will impose -4 STR on any female opponent. However, Louise is also... Like, seven feet tall, so even that strength penalty and lack of spells might not be enough to take her out of the fight.
>>5903928 mudcore aura would win because he would still have a mundane weapon while louise would lose all equipment.
>>5903947 Maybe, but If Louise's swordlance stops functioning as a magic weapon is it not still a polearm wielded by a taller opponent? And if she suffers -4 STR, isn't her STR still 20?
>>5903961 Her sword lance retracts into a easy carry tube or something doesn't it? That would stop working and she wouldn't be able to unsheathe it.
>>5903928 >>5903947 I think because the system is D&D lite in Lady Knight's quest that if you dropped her Strength score by 4 she'd still have 20 strength which is the equivalent of a belt or gloves of hill giant's strength, depending on which system you're looking at. So we can infer that she'd still be unreasonably physically strong. Unnerfed I think she does actually have equivalent strength to an actual statted hill giant. They have 25~ strength in some editions IIRC. Her raw stats are actually pretty cracked.
I never read Local Lord though I put it in my backlog ages ago. So I don't know how that would translate. If the system there is more narratively based than mechanically then she'd probably still be able to threaten him even without her kit. What happens when you take a sword away from a gorilla, after all? Unless the good Lord de Villeroi is himself supernaturally strong to match. I can't speak to that. It seems like it would come down to Louise's stupidly robost physicals and whether or not she can find a suitable rock to throw or tree branch to brandish against Charles' entire toolkit. Which I have no way of knowing if that is a fair fight at all kek
>>5903963 Rock throwing mentioned. It may be dead (For now), but the legend of Nikandros lives on.
It lives rent free in my head. The rocks, I mean. And the bust being thrown off a ship, through someone's head.
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>>5903971 The man got to see his Grandpa one last time. It was a happy reunion. Nikon, the king of glass cannons. You either die in one round or he does. He'll be back. Have faith, strong-greaved anon.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 26 Jan 2024 09:07:52 No. 5903998 Report >>5903920 Winnable by either party?
I'd pay to see Ramza from my quest fight Thrakaburzum from Dragon of Middle-Earth Quest. There's something classic about a gish fighting a dragon, slinging magic against flame and pitting blade against fang. And both are tricky fighters, by my measure.
>>5903998 I can't hear Ramza without immediately thinking of Final Fantasy Tactics.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 26 Jan 2024 09:09:43 No. 5904000 Report Quoted By:
>>5903999 That's fair, it's a god-tier game after all.
>>5903920 God from Versequest Vs. the Emperor from Chaos Quest
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 26 Jan 2024 09:30:22 No. 5904006 Report >>5904004 God strikes me as a terrible fighter who wouldn't know what to do against someone on the same level of power as himself. Most of his conflict resolution involves shoving people into a pit of agony, or just doing terrible things to them through curses and whatnot. And all of that works because the people he does it to are far, far weaker than him.
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>>5903799 That's good to hear Boggs. Please announce it here when you're ready to start again.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
>>5904006 God would without a doubt be a terrible fighter. Every time he's been actually challenged in some way he's gotten completely destroyed, lol. Especially in Red Space.
>>5903799 Boggs! You wouldn't believe how happy I am to see you again, I absolutely loved Shryke quest even with dumbass Anons trying their best to shit it up
>>5901345 GAWD DAMN YOU'RE BACK, I've missed you man, sick to hear about how your year went but I'm glad you're feeling better enough to run StV
>>5902164 I've got good news for you
>>5901345 >StV is back on Sunday My Body is Ready
Stay strong, Hangman
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>>5904084 Kek, wouldn't have it any other way.
>Lurker question I feel like shit honestly. I used to enjoy the banters between players, the quests themselves and hell, even the occasional shitposters too when they weren't too obnoxious. But I burned out. Don't feel the urge to come back either. But I don't exactly have anything to replace it so now I'm in limbo I guess
>>5904084 This makes me want to see a character way weaker than existence/god fight him, with the only caveat being that god can't directly affect the enemy by teleporting, transfiguring, or instakilling them. It'd be really funny to see some mortal shmuck with superpowers and a big stick beat up actual god and take his lunch money
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>>5904338 >Come on, run yer pockets or I'll crack ya Anonymous
>>5904338 Diesel Crash, from Slice Quest.
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>>5904233 Sounds like depression, or just lack of interest in this hobby. Have you tried looking into non-quest activities to replace this, at least for a while? It might be worthwhile.
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>>5904165 >>5904099 I know, I didn't read the thread properly and then nearly jumped for joy when I saw some of the replies
>>5903799 Hey Boggs, good to see you back. Just wanted to say that I'm the absolute retard who said some very braindead things about you and a family member (I won't elaborate, if you've forgotten I don't want to bring it up again, and if you've not, you know what it was). There's no excuse for what I said, but I was in a very bad place mentally that time (tried to unsuccessfully an hero myself that month) and I was lashing out at whatever I was involved in. I've beat myself up very often since then for driving you off the board (or being the final straw that broke the camel's back in any case) and never had the chance to apologise to you since you shut down the Twitter account as well.
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>>5904414 I'm sorry to hear you were going through all of that and hope you're doing better now. I was losing motivation to run for a little while at that point and was burnt out for reasons beyond just board drama. I tried running a couple of times after my last thread, found I just couldn't make the time, and gave up. Things are better now. It seems like there are a lot of anons/QMs struggling with mental health and life issues in this thread. I hope everyone is able to find that spark they're looking for or otherwise at least take some time for some personal wellness. Everyone deserves at least that much.
Boggs !!18w+jJB0yVl
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>>5904464 For those of you interested in some rolling and house creation over the next few days.
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
>>5904345 >>5904338 >Stage: Red Space >No Items >No /qst/ Balls >BGM: https://youtu.be/r744JhB0r64 THE WHEEL OF FATE IS TURNING
>>5904514 >Stage: Red Space Godbros, it's so over.
I can't think of a single /qst/ protagonist who couldn't beat Existence in redspace (assuming their abilities don't also go down the drain, but even then, most still take that fight easily)
ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
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>>5903924 In a fight...right?
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>>5903476 >Is this the best monster-battler idea ever, or is it way too autistic and bereft of narrative incentive? It depends on how well you execute it.
>>5904524 Catastrovania? The MC of Ukrainka?
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 27 Jan 2024 02:36:04 No. 5904561 Report Quoted By:
>>5904550 First real update of the thread! We get a look through Gigas's eyes. Ramza makes friends with a dock worker, the gang learns that Threespice natives try to fleece just about everyone, and they get a bite to eat at the local's favorite place. Did I mention they're taking the Giant Salamander Burger challenge? Anonymous
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>>5904552 Not familiar with either, but honestly, any person who's gone through life as a human would probably have a favorable matchup against existence in redspace. If you came at him with a knife, his first instinct would be to obliterate you, teleport you, or teleport himself away, none of which he could actually do, so he'd probably just sit there and get stabbed. Additionally, he's probably more used to floating or teleporting than actually moving his body to get places, so I can't imagine he'd be particularly coordinated. He's probably physically stronger than, say, the protagonist from Ukranika based on the description (since he describes himself as handsome and that probably means he's at least decently muscular), especially in a fight with weapons, he might somehow pull out a loss anyway
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 27 Jan 2024 02:42:29 No. 5904580 Report >>5904575 Alright but how does God fare against Goku in bluespace
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>>5904580 That's actually a really interesting question. My money's on Goku but God can probably stall indefinitely by teleporting or fiddling with spacetime or trick Goku into thinking he already won using a clone and then run away. Then again, it's also possible that existence might be able to just obliterate him instantly, it's really anyone's guess
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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>>5904571 >>5904571 >>5904571 I've started a new Monster Girl Facility thread. Going to try and start off strong with plenty of updates throughout the weekend. If there are any new folk out there who are joining, I'm also more than happy to explain a bit about the setting to them in the thread and what not.
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>>5903476 Sounds like a glorified escort mission.
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>>5904552 Oh man, I forgot Catastrovania was a thing. Where did she originate from again? I mainly remember her cameos in the Gov't Issue X Titty Y Quests and the Do Your Best Quest spin off.
Is she an open-use /qst/ meme at this point?
>>5903476 It might be good. I'd say a large part depends on what you mean by 'monsters experience incremental growths'. I'd also question why you don't want dramatic and spontaneous evolutions.
It sounds like you want to apply Pokemon's incremental leveling to Digimon. Rather than doing power the way the latter does it with strict and impermanent tiered upgrades. That's all well and fine but do consider that there's a psychological/game design reason that both franchises DO feature dramatic and spontaneous evolutions.
Incremental systems keep us entertained but only for so long. Pokemon evolutions are deliberately and calculatedly sprinkled in to mix things up just enough that the increments seem fresh again. They also add stakes to the increments after the first one as you anticipate (but didn't know exactly, before the internet) when the next evolution would be.
The same design ethos is why RPGs often have subclasses/specialization classes. At an extreme end of applying the principal you might see skill tree systems where every single perk in the skill tree has a transformative effect on gameplay. Do you think that would feel more or less cool than incremental increase a-la-pokemon-levelups? That's a personal question with a personal answer.
A relevant look at sort of what I'm getting at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDQX3jk5xxc That all being said, sounds like you've already got the solution for lacking twists in progression baked into your premise: trading out the characters aiding the MC/controlled by the players.
Ok, quick question, but is there a certain point at which a thread cannot be bumped up a page?
>>5904657 When the thread is five days old or when it has more than 750 posts.
The sticky says three, but it is wrong.
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>>5904647 Aww shit, this was the one that directly references pokemon that I was thinking of. Around the 7:20 mark in case the copy+paste doesn't work right.
https://youtu.be/Ae_zvm0-CQU?t=439 Anonymous
>>5904658 >>5904659 *Thread is already at page 8* Ah shit, ok so whens a good time to just straight up start a new thread then?
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>>5904696 Page 9 or 10 really. I usually do it at the thirty day mark or s, though. One thread a month is reasonable.
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>>5904696 Whenever you're at a good story beat, imo. I see threads as like chapters in a book. As long as you're not excessively making new threads.
Some people get bothered when a quest has multiple threads up in the catalog at once, but the way I see it any active quests that get bumped off will create new threads and any inactive quests that get bumped off is just cleaning the board.
OBA-337 !!4mnDVUrwiI8
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Bad news Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World fans, might have to delay my return to mid February instead of the end of January. I might also do a quick one-shot just so I can warm myself up a bit, I'm thinking something like>old school horror theme, set in a "haunted" japanese school >point and click adventure game style puzzles (aka "use item on place" or a number combination you need to find) >set time limit (I'm thinking you play as a robot with a limited battery that you can't recharge, losing a set amount of battery per update), either you figure out the puzzles and learn more of the mystery or you just lose and never find out the truth I need to workshop this idea a bit more obviously, but I think it could be a nice time, just need to think up some puzzles is the problem... Also my pen's nub is all worn out and falling off all the time so I'm stuck on paper art until I get a replacement... this shit sucks bro. Paper Storkie is in constant mental anguish, she yearns for the digital realm.
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>>5904514 The crossover nobody ever expected to see.
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
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I'm going to ask for a tie-breaker between asking a force of heavily dug in bio modified police to leave our planet or asking a manipulative and controlling centuries old female tyrant to marry us.
>>5904213 Anonymous
One thing I've always been curious about, what is the hardest part of getting started as a QM for you guys? Worrying about the amount of text you're putting out? Having a good premise? Familiarity with source material? Plain old self-esteem issues? And do you have these problems as a player coming up with write-ins? Pro-tip to anyone out there, don't get in your head about it. Just take your balls out like you own the place when you're writing. If you hesitate you fuck yourself.
>>5904943 >One thing I've always been curious about, what is the hardest part of getting started as a QM for you guys? Being range banned and not being able to upload pictures
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>>5904966 That reminds me, does the tegaki shit not work if you're sitting on a ban like that as well? Surely that would be disabled as well.
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>>5904943 Motivation, really. When I started my first quest that matters two plus years ago, I had a hard time getting myself to keep posting updates because if there's one thing I'm horrid at, it's having high energy when I first start something before quickly losing interest.
It's really just getting started and keeping a regular schedule that's the hardest part. Sometimes there's self doubt if a post I made has a low vote count but that happens rarely enough to not be TOO big of an issue and more often than not, it was probably my fault for making a vote too complex or too open ended.
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Sorr of want a revival or continuation of the hazbin henchman quest with the eyeball angel man demon
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>>5904943 Self-esteem and sometimes not feeling like I'm meeting 'quota' so to speak. I haven't drawn as much, and it feels like I still have to adapt to the way people make choices and how to do consequences and hurdles properly. But also sometimes I try to remember that some people still enjoy it and that this isn't a job. I started this to challenge my writing and drawing in a low stakes environment where messing up doesn't matter as much, so worrying too much is counterproductive.
I think /qst/ might be one of the nicest board I've seen overall, sure you'll always get shitters at times, but most people I've seen are very supportive and patient as long as you're willing to be nice back.
Let's settle this once and for all. What are the most important and crucial elements of a GOOD fantasy quest?
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
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>>5904943 Starting it is easy. You get something you're interested in and feel like writing about. Then you find a good image or waste 10 mins screwing with AI image generators, you write up a good intro and you're set. Then go the actually hard parts.
Sticking with it after the initial high. You get like 6 votes for the first thing, then the next day you get five, then three. That shit hits you ngl.
And finally, if you made my mistake, trying to write out coherent daily updates. It doesn't seem like much, but when you're sick and come back from whatever you do, you just want to go to bed or drink or watch youtube, not write.
The next shit I do, I'm limiting at one or two updates per week (and that might be optimistic because I'm eyeing a multiplayer civilization quest).
>>5905011 Unironically this.
>>5905072 You wouldn't want that.
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>>5904943 >One thing I've always been curious about, what is the hardest part of getting started as a QM for you guys? Initially, editing my own writing (I'm awful for typos, as my players know). After a while, not messing up on character or place names or fiddly continuity.
>>5905146 I already do it.
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>>5905072 If you want a richer setting you also include other areas or factions based on someone ELSE'S kinks and/or political fantasies, too.
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>>5905163 Allow me to rephrase: you wouldn't want ME to do it. The results would be... weird.
CoreQM !HQdLRxFnaM
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>>5904943 Daily updates are rough as hell. What exactly about it, well, for a lack of a better word, the sinew holding the story together.
Sure, I have several plot points I want to hit. Several highs on the story train. But the pieces between are always struggle points.
Warden !!GZu3fE9MaLA
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>>5905293 >>5905293 Enclave Remnant Quest has a new thread up, and the factional infighting is reaching a pivotal moment. Will the West Coast Enclave Remnants survive or will they fall apart?
ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
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>>5905072 So true questie!
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>>5905072 Everyone in my setting goes around barefoot to be "closer to the earth".
>>5904647 What it essentially boils down to is, I'd like to make a progression system that relies less on numbers, and more on what a monster can actively do: take what's typically an abstraction and directly manifest it.
In Pokémon, a Charmander can learn Metal Claw, but with my system, that Charmander would instead have cybernetics formed onto its arm. Instead of having a "steel type" attack that "may boost attack power", the monster has an armored body part that resists most kinds of damage and has a stronger, if not heavier, strike. And, it's something that can be worked into the rest of the monster's style, instead of just being replaced by Flamethrower or Earthquake later on down the line.
Each monster would have groups of body parts categorized into 'features'. A monster like Charmader would have its head and neck as its 'head feature', its shoulders, chest, and belly as its 'body feature', its pair of shoulders, arms, and claws as a singular 'arms feature', its waist, legs, and feet as a singular 'legs feature', and its tail as its own feature. So on one "level up", you could have its arms get a growth, then next time choose its head. The form and effect of each growth depends on the growing feature and its role.
Then, once all features have been granted a growth, the monster will be eligible for an evolution, if it can. The next stage of an evolution strongly reflects the growths of its previous form, so there aren't any extreme cases like Magikarp turning into Gyarados, or little Agumon turning into huge Greymon. It's not that there's anything wrong with these examples (they're actually really fucking cool), it's just not something I want to work with, and as a whole, I don't really want to write around larger monsters in general.
Where evolution depends on a combination of growths instead of just happening suddenly, this opens the potential for numerous evolution paths, which means for the most part, monsters are fully customizable to either their human partner's purposes, or to a solo monster's own purposes.
So all of this is where a lot of my concerns root from; the system is autistically supercharged with my personal preferences, while attempting to move beyond well-known RPG tropes and mainstays of class and typical progression.
This is something that would be a logistical nightmare to program into a video game, but rather than hard stats and pre-programmed moves, I could codify things on the basis of simple and sensible guidelines, allowing for a more off-the-cuff approach to monster collecting.
And there's always the respec aspect, if players ever felt like a build isn't working or as good as they hoped.
>>5905422 So...are you talking about running a quest with this system or making a video game out of it? The YouTube video was just meant to point out some of the motivations behind the progression method used by Pokemon, since you wanted to do something different.
If you're planning to make a quest out of this concept, consider that the more mechanically dense you make things the smaller a net you're casting for anons. On the other side, if you get reader-anons with autism that clicks with your own they'll fawn over what you're doing.
What you're describing sounds mechanically dense? Maybe? Depends on how you handle it I guess?
If you play it more like those "weak creature that evolves into strong monster one bit at a time" threads that pops up sometimes, those always seem plenty popular.
Come to think of it, that's exactly the progression system you're describing isn't it? So the premise of your quest is one of those singular monster evo threads, linked together narratively by an MC that the PC monsters are always subservient to for various reasons.
>>5905447 >>5905422 https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5249071/ Here's the sort of thing I'm thinking of. Or is what you're describing distinct from this in some fashion?
>>5905458 Nope, actually it was THIS one. That one was apparently the rip off?
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5202173/ Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Sal talks about his time in Red Space.
>>5905460 >>5905460 Anderson Thorell (QM)
Is it just me, or is the board really quiet today? Or are the regulars for my quest just nowhere to be found?
Either way, looking for a tie-breaker vote in the Monster Girl Facility quest. It's a fresh thread, and I do wanna get at least a few updates in soon.
>>5904571 >>5904571 >>5904571 Anonymous
>>5905467 Weekends tend to be a quiet time.
>>5904943 Not really getting started, but post length limit has always been the challenge for me. I find it too easy to write at length which ends up being too much, and end up being gimped in things I want to (better) portray.
Things like descriptiveness go out the window when you're text count limited.
>>5891229 Anonymous
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>>5905476 Yeah, it can be kind of annoying having to split bit text chunks into multiple parts, I remember accidentally repeating and even omitting some parts of the text because I didn't separate the chunk properly.
>>5905447 Yeah, I'm really trying to avoid mechanical density for this one; I feel it will make things easier for players to understand and easier for me to run.
Just little guidelines like "this monster has a lot of cybernetics or armor, so it's slower to act" or "blades are less effective against hard plates", general things to that effect.
Even something like HP is going to be played fast and loose based on the context of fights.
>evo Oh shit, it really is like an evo, isn't it? I completely forgot about those, since I usually just ignore them.
Not talking shit, they just weren't my thing, but it really does sound like I'm reinventing the wheel here, huh?
I'll have to check
>>5905464 later.
I also think it's cool you're working with me to clarify things, so thanks for that, unironically.
>>5905476 You can just make multiple posts for one update ya know.
>>5905523 I don't really play evos either, but the structural similarity is definitely there. The quest in the link is a trashy but enjoyable Isekai'd into a monster thing that ran for a single thread.
So if you're going to just run combat and upgrades narratively then you can really take some shortcuts, you're really just aiming for a certain tone/vibe at that point. However, the drawback to that is that it would rely purely on your creativity and that'd be a lot of mental load that'd eat into your motivation to write...probably.
Maybe consider coming up with some sort of mechanical system, at least for QM notekeeping your bestiary and giving guidance on what typically happens with given traits at given body slots when you reach an evo step. Like something that would allow you to look at a picture of a monster that you think is cool, and describe it in the lightest of mechanical terms.
Take this handsome boi, for instance. If I were trying to do what you're doing I might summarize him for use with the following notes.
>Body Humanoid, Human Sized
>General Pattern Biomech pattern [biomech is a high tier and artificial pattern, similar to cybernetics, in comparison it is less resilient but able to regenerate]
>Notable Adaptations Poison, Natural Weapons (Claws), Severe Mobility Penalty in soft terrain and climbing, mobility bonus in stable terrain
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>>5905482 Based, more QMs should abandon their quest and stick it to their players. QM strike/union when?
>>5905523 >>5905563 One thing I'd warn against, though, is coming up with all this and running it just because you think the idea is cool. In my experience, just thinking something's cool isn't enough for you to stick with the narrative once the work of writing a good and cohesive story starts to hit/build up. You need to decide on a THEME for your story. A CORE IDEA or CONVICTION that you HOLD DEAR and want to discuss with others or persuade them to your viewpoint.
In your instance, this would have more to do with the framing of your MC and his journey. But if you're not writing about something that you're heart wants to scream to the world then you probably won't maintain the motivation to stick with it long term.
Expanding on this, you might decide that different (what I've arbitrarily labelled as 'patterns') represent different THEMES in your narrative, and when they clash or evolve those guiding ideas determine how those conflicts come out.
Perhaps Cybernetics represents the progress of technology, so whenever they evolve they become more complex. Perhaps more complexity comes with greater performance but also a greater chance to break down or maintenance costs.
Perhaps bone armor represents stability and the strength/cohesion that can come from long standing tradition. When it evolves it entrenches and improves previously existing features, but it does poorly at adapting to new situations.
Biomech represents playing God and unchecked technology, it's very powerful but dangerous. Maybe it has a mechanic where you can 'overlevel' before you go through an Evo, and going over the minimum requirement reduces the chance that a catastrophic mutation happens and the monster just dies.
Now what happens when a bone armored monster fights with a biomech one? Regardless of how rolling for combat does or does not play out, since you're making metaphors for these themes collide you get an easy guide to writing a narrative dripping with juicy juicy subtext.
You can also decide mechanically that certain patterns produce certain adaptations often or not at all. Cybernetics might be the only pattern that allows ranged weapons to manifest. IDK, I'm just throwing shit out there at this point and you can decide what sticks.
Olympus QM
>>5905583 This is probably good advice, but I genuinely did just think of an idea that I thought was cool and then built up the themes from the ground up based on the type of character that the readers wanted to play. If you think that an idea is cool enough, and if you don't let your players strip the parts of it that you think are cool, that alone can create the motivation you need to construct the things you listed and make a story that you, the QM, find satisfying
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I want another alt history civ/ nation builder, like the marsh people one or part Neanderthal camel riders. Those are always good fun
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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>>5905473 Do they? I usually get plenty of activity throughout the weekends. Though, this weekend seems particularly quiet so far. Maybe it's just the new thread for my quest starting, and me not seeing the activity that is going on in other threads.
Oh well, maybe once I pick up the writing pace, I'll notice more activity again.
>>5905603 What quest do you run? And different peeps have different ways of finding the themes of their stories. I do better when I've got an outline, so I start with theme and build the story/characters around it. Sounds like you're more discovery/gardener/pantser, and can derive the themes after the fact. I really admire that, but I do poorly keeping things tight and relevant when I try it myself.
>>5905583 >just thinking something's cool isn't enough for you to stick with the narrative once the work of writing a good and cohesive story starts to hit/build up Skill issue.
>>5905557 Do you think that any QM is unaware of that?
Olympus QM
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>>5905626 I run Olympus Incarnation Quest. The general premise is that individuals across earth in the modern day were given powers and directives based on various figures from Greek mythology.
During character creation, the goals, moralities, and methods of progression for the potential protagonist were so radically different from each other that it would've been very difficult to plan what the tone or themes would be in advance, since it could have been anything from a peaceful farming incarnation growing crops in the sticks to a noble hero hunting down monsters to a full blown megalomaniacal supervillain hell bent on world domination.
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>>5905628 Don't @me, faggot
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>>5905422 Reminds me of Monster Lab on Wii.
>>5905583 I agree that a cohesive theme or narrative is helpful and arguably necessary for anything long-running, but I don't think it needs to be anything as deep or personally meaningful as a philosophical argument. I have running themes in my quests but not all the moral messages put forth are MY morals by any means, or even consistent from quest to quest and character to character. The conclusions that the protagonist in Reptilian Infiltrator reached where in many ways quite different from Dragonborn Antipaladin's protagonists, and they are not very alike to the attitudes of the akin character in Seekers of the Esoteric. What binds them all in my mind and keeps me interested in QMing is just the toys I get to play with in terms of borrowing fantasy and sci-fi pop culture, mixing them with occultism and UFO and conspiracy lore, and political/technological elements from real life news stories and historical allusions.
>>5905603 Making sure you don't present or allow votes which actively undermine your enjoyment a a QM is vital, though, for sure.
>>5905676 I didn't mean to imply that the themes have to preach YOUR moral messages, in fact it's usually better to simply present the question/argument and allow the players to choose their answer(s) with their actions.
I do think that you need themes that you find deeply compelling to discuss though.
Well okay, maybe you don't NEED them but I think they'd increase enjoyment and draw out a deeper and better story from the QM/Writer.
>>5905709 >>5905676 My favorite example is to contrast the main conflict questions of Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 3 or 4. It's why New Vegas still has its main story discussed years later, whereas the main stories of those two...blech.
Fallout New Vegas: "After the apocalypse, how should we rebuild? Do we take up the structures from immediately before the bombs dropped? Perhaps revert back to a more ancient and possibly more appropriate to the post-war situation system? Trust one of the elites of the Old World to guide us out of the new one that his ilk brought about? Or let the people of the New World decide for themselves?"
Fallout 3: Is mass poisoning of civilians for genetic defects bad?
Fallout 4: Do you prefer militaristic incompetents, scientific incompetents, militia incompetents, anti-slavery incompetents, or bandits?
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>>5905563 So if players keep using Tail attacks will the tail itself Level up?
>>5905629 Then what are you complaining about?
ObserverQM !!W1X+5SlTLqC
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>>5905583 This is really good advice thanks anon.
>>5905583 >>5905626 Somewhat reminds me of this.
Themes are such good fundamental tools, and they're an efficient way to keep yourself part of your target audience by way of continually imbuing the story with the same interests along any fun lines of questioning players will forward up to the plate.
Especially for gardening and discovery type writing. Being able to fabricate and modify well-fit themes in retrospect is definitely where DM/QMing are truly strong, since you can be additive and inclusive with what players have chosen to do on their own. Which for the players can be just the right amount of torture they've wished for by any means hubris or themes destiny defying.
>>5905563 >the drawback to that is that it would rely purely on your creativity and that'd be a lot of mental load that'd eat into your motivation to write...probably This is a huge worry of mine.
I can sit here and pretend that I have the confidence to run any combination, but then my players could hit me with wanting a frog monster with a magical tongue, cybernetic legs, a broadsword mounted on its body and dexterous hands, and then suddenly I don't know what the hell to do.
I am, to put it generously, capricious with my motivation.
>at least for QM notekeeping your bestiary and giving guidance on what typically happens Absolutely! This will help keep internal consistency, too.
>your monster Yeah, you pretty much nailed down my plans to a T.
>I'd warn against … running it just because you think the idea is cool Yeah, that's another concern.
My main motivation is wanting to do something somewhat unique, but at the end of the day, it is an idea borne of things I think are really neat.
>this would have more to do with the framing of your MC and his journey Well, this is one thing I'm quite confident in: I'm tooling the MC completely around a main character I'd like to see on a (hopefully) successful journey to the top, and maybe explore some lighthearted themes like friendship and accepting defeat amidst the heavier atmosphere of feeling pressures to do well, maintaining an image, and self doubts.
On the other side of this, I feel like playing escort for someone, especially someone initially weak-minded and self-depreciative, might not go over well.
I love your ideas for diversifying the growth types, by the way. I do have lots of plans on that front, but your ideas are juicy and fun.
To drop a hint, I was going to have bone-based growths carry similar themes to Skull Greymon; a monster who wants to do well being pressured too much would start to "crack" on the surface. But man, I do love tying bone to a theme of ancient culture too.
As an aside, for combat rolls, I'd do something fairly crunchy by having hit locations (and having a focus mechanic that allows you to choose a hit location in exchange for some drawbacks), rolls to determine general attack potency/secondary effect activation, and defense rolls. "Effectiveness" would follow a generalized [yes and a bonus, yes but some drawback, no but it wasn't that bad, no and this got worse] structure.
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>>5905628 >Skill issue I do suffer from this, yes.
But I'm working on it.
>>5905903 man, pic rel makes good sense
>>5905903 >that pic Reminds me I've been wanting to run a DC quest. Despite not knowing anything about DC. Just cause I think the universe is cool. Though really I think that's just me wanting DC Henchman back, and we all know that ain't possible. Naturally I was going to name it "Gotham Goon Quest" because it's hilarious, and made a two minute mockup thread header. Unfortunately I know I couldn't keep up with it. Too much on my plate already. I know better than to spread myself too thin, and with something I am not familiar with in the first place. Flights of fancy do tend to lead to depressing crashes and burns.
But hey, if someone wants to shanghai the name and premise that's fine. I'd laugh my head off seeing it, and I'd come and play for sure.
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8 hours until the glory of STV returns! (Fuck, thought it was 7 hours but QLD isn't on daylight savings time)
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>>5905761 Either you get it or you don't, seems you don't.
>>5905971 >I feel like playing escort for someone, especially someone initially weak-minded and self-depreciative, might not go over well. If she's a cute girl, it'll probably work. it's kind of how my current quest started.
>>5906008 Tim Burton, Chris Nolan, and Zach Snyder headed more auspicious DC projects than anything on /qst/ and some of them actively REFUSED to learn anything about DC before starting. You'd do fine, I'm sure, if you could find the time and inclination.
>>5906197 For every Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight movies there are countless more adaptations that shit the bed because of the refusal to learn.
Cowboy Bebop
The Witcher
Look what happened to their netflix adaptations.
There’s more to it than following source material, I agree, but like
>>5905903 says, you gotta have a plan. Cohesive plots. Characters. An outline.
>>5906207 One bonus that fanfic quests have over OC ones is that they come prepackaged with not only a world, but also with the themes, concepts, and characters that the world is built for/around. If anything, doing the research is actually lessening the workload, since it basically lets you skip a lot of the tedium and cut straight to the juicy stuff
>>5906197 >and some of them actively REFUSED to learn anything about DC before starting. wait, for real ?
>>5906207 >Cowboy Bebop man, the makers of this one didn't even respect the source nor the audience
>>5906224 Would you really want to play a quest that was based on wiki diving though? If the QM isn't familiar with a source material when running a fanfic and is just an absolute casual in the fandom that seems like it would fall apart very quickly. Especially when [obscure thing from niche item is a central detail in the background of big thing].
As a bad example, imagine if someone wanted to run a Metal Gear quest but didn't know about the Patriots because all they knew was stuff from MGS5 and Revengeance. Would you, as a fan who was aware of those details and their place in the fiction be satisfied if the QM said "They're the la li lu le lo guys right? They aren't that important." just because you can have them be completely in the background for most of it and never acknowledge them?
Or perhaps in said example if they disregarded the general anti-war sentiment inherent in the Metal Gear series to say "Giant robot fights, fuck yeah!". Which, yes, fuck yeah giant robots are cool. However it doesn't fit the general theme of the fiction.
Another anon said a while ago that capeshit just felt like a series of cameos. How many people feel the same about most fanfics? Obviously not quite so many. Everyone always votes to meet Goku and shit. But still.
Most people don't have the time or temperament to do more than a cursory dive in a wiki rather than going to forums and asking about something or looking up the actual individual pieces of relevant media. I think fanfic quests should be left to actual fans, and not casuals or tourists. I'm in the minority for that though, I know.
>>5906236 >wait, for real ? "I have not seen the image and anybody that knows me knows I do not read comic books." -- Burton, who doesn't like comics I guess
“I’ve never been a gigantic comic book fan…I actually found them quite unvisual and very claustrophobic. I couldn’t figure out which box to read next.” -- Also Burton, who literally struggles to understand how a comics work as a medium
"I have a theory about She-Hulk. Which was created by a man, right?... I think She-Hulk is the chick that you could fuck if you were Hulk, you know what I’m saying? … She-Hulk was the extension of the male power fantasy. So it’s like if I’m going to be this geek who becomes the Hulk then let’s create a giant green porn star that only the Hulk could fuck." - Goyer, who is not aware the Hulks are cousins I guess
"He can’t be fucking called the Martian Manhunter because that’s goofy. He can be called Manhunter... I would set it up like The Day After Tomorrow. We discover one of those Earth-like planets… So maybe like… we get the DNA code from that planet and then grow him in a petri dish here… He’s like in Area 51 or something and we’re just basically… doing biopsies on him. Then he gets out and he’s really angry and he fucks She-Hulk." -- Still Goyer, the thirstiest man alive for She-Hulk
"Once you’ve lost your virginity to this fucking movie and then you come and say to me something about, like, ‘My superhero wouldn’t do that,’ I’m like, ‘Are you serious?’ I’m, like, down the fucking road on that." -- Snyder on superheroes
"Everyone says that about [Christopher Nolan’s] Batman Begins. 'Batman’s dark.' I’m like, okay, 'No, Batman’s cool.' He gets to go to a Tibetan monastery and be trained by ninjas. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn’t, like, get raped in prison. That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that’s how that would go." -- Snyder on Batman
"I understand the rules of Superman - not necessarily better than anyone else - but better than a normal filmmaker would. After doing 'Watchmen' and digging that deep into the why of superheroes, when Superman is presented to you, I felt like I was in a unique position to say 'I get this guy. I know what this is.'" -- Snyder, who thinks Watchmen is good research on how to write Superman.
"I have always been a big fan of the character and am more of a moviegoer than a comic book guy, there is always something about the character of Batman that is very elemental." -- Nolan, who at least doesn't seem antithetical to the concept of comics or superheroes on any fundamental level but is still what /co/ would call a 'filthy secondary casual'
All these guys made pretty okay multi-million dollar blockbuster DC movies. If thy can do it, you can probably run a quest, as long as you can stick out the actual writing/plotting part.
>>5906251 >All these guys made pretty okay multi-million dollar blockbuster DC movies. If thy can do it, you can probably run a quest, as long as you can stick out the actual writing/plotting part. Those guys also did have someone else to do the writing, plotting, editing, storyboarding, screenwriting and basically everything except final say in cuts and camera work. The thing about directors is that they are basically managers in any other profession. Most of them don't make something good, they get the right people for the job to make it good and corral them.
It's not quite the same beast as being the one and only behind a story. Also millions upon millions of dollars go into big screen productions.
Fuck the stuff made by people who actively hate the fandoms they are working for though. Basically everything modern comics is absolute dogshit because the people behind it just plain dislike the source material, the themes, and the fans themselves. Fucking parasites. Anonymous
>>5906264 Fans deserve all the hatred that they get.
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>>5906273 But anon, you're a fan of something.
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>>5906273 Bait used to be believable.
>>5906249 Having played 1 to 4, i would totally read MGS super robot episode.
>My Metal gear doesn't have a nuclear launcher, it has nuclear fists!! GO BANZAI BEATDOWN!! Anonymous
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>>5906358 35 mins to go homie
Forgotten QM !!cRQ2bB+8b3B
Forgotten QM !!cRQ2bB+8b3B ID:kBp/4r2e Sun 28 Jan 2024 11:37:11 No. 5906366 Report Quoted By:
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 28 Jan 2024 12:29:39 No. 5906404 Report Where my Pokemon : Loser at?
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>>5905971 If you've already got a plan for bone then you could tie the tradition/culture to stone. Or crystal, ivory, teeth, or anything, since this is clearly a fantastical setting.
You could also contrast these against, say, chitin or leather which is only somewhat less protective and much more pliable, and thematically say that they represent the same themes but less calcified so when they get damaged or shattered it can be recovered much more quickly and easily.
God, seriously once you decide on the symbolism for a growth pattern it just writes itself. If bone represents someone's will to live and exceed expectations, toss them up against a leatheryboi that keeps coming back again and again until the bone shatters and the leather just keeps building up stronger. Or stumble upon someone with a shattered bone horn and as they travel with the MC a new one gradually grows up underneath until it finally pops out in a cathartic character moment.
As for the inexperienced MC, pair them up with a mentor-monster and only allow the PCs to control one monster while they go through the 'tutorial' so to speak.
Here's a guy that covers speculative biology of monster hunter monsters in autistic detail that you can mine for ideas too.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkmhK2HR1do&list=PLL9Pzup0gPBkWTVj95fP3K-GQ9mJj6-eZ And here's a dice system I'm considering using for my combat.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2014/29654557/ http://pastebin.com/KypPFgFr But yeah, I think as long as you're featuring a guiding idea somewhere that you really want to discuss with people you'll find motivation. In my quest one of the guiding ideas is "struggle in the face of futility", and I've weaved themes into my characters as well and...for probably the first time as a QM, I can hardly stand NOT running. I have to restrain myself while I ensure I'm keeping everything straight to the lore and outline.
>>5905971 >>5906195 Also this is totally the hack to get players. Make sure the cute girl's in the thumbnail too.
>>5906008 I'm running a Quest set in DC currently and didn't have a ton of knowledge previous to starting outside of things relating to Batman. Especially for a goon quest it'll be easy to keep it low key and street level, you won't even have to get into all the fuckery if you don't want to.
Wikipedia, Fandom, Wikidot, Looking through old Comic Vine threads, etc. There are a lot of resources out there, and the beauty of writing is the control of time that you have. There isn't anyone sitting across a table from you waiting for an answer right now, finding some core characters or setting you find interesting and just set off looking things up until you get inspired or can force the puzzle pieces enough to work.
If you decide to go through with it, good luck to you. I'd love to read it.
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>>5906404 I was so hype for his return, too.
>>5905720 I think the situation in which the player is thrust is what ultimately decides the power of the question. The FO3 question (which they stole verbatim from FO2) can be a dilemma in the right situation, e.g if the genetic defects will be passed down for generations, getting worse and worse, and the nature of them is such that it would make it impossible to restart civilization. You may still say "no", but the decision is not as easy. One of the joys of writing is to take a deeply held belief (e.g on 4chan: "simping for women is cringe") and try to create a situation in which this belief is challenged (pretty much any Arthurian romance, but Lancelot and Guinevere in particular; also, Don Quixote). You believe, like Tolstoy, that "adultery is wrong" but your job as an author is to conceive a situation which challenges that belief ("what if you're in a loveless marriage and you meet the love of your life?"). Even if your convictions remain the same, without that test, they're just paper tigers. Writing and reading fiction is a way to disabuse ourselves of hypocrisy, within the safety of simulation.
>>5906264 Pretty sure Nolan writes his own movies though. The reason why the trilogy is so autistically tightly plotted as it is (e.g Batman gets stabbed in movie 3 is foreshadowed in movie 1 by saying that the armor is weak to close-range stabbing) is because of Nolan.
>>5906510 See though, the question you're describing is not the question FO3 asked because they DIDN'T do any setup. They just asked you to click one of the "genocide or don't genocide" buttons.
If they'd done the work you're describing, then the question would've been (broadly):
"Are there circumstances under which genocide might be good/acceptable?"
And more specifically, something like:
"Should the current generation be sacrificed for the sake of the future? And do I have the authority to make such a choice?"
Both of which are, yes, way more interesting and distinctly NOT what FO3 actually did.
>>5906410 Can confirm, cute girl make things easier. I'm not sure many players would've stayed if not for the main girl, but people have taken most options to get closer to her when applicable, even after they were already a couple, so I'd say she's a good part of it.
>>5906559 *I'm not sure many players would've stayed for my quest if not for the main girl.
>>5905146 Y'know what, anon. I'll bite. Why wouldn't I want that?
>>5906557 I feel like the second question is what they were going for (I mean after all your dad abandons you to go and save the world and then later, you have to sacrifice yourself--granted in the stupidest way imaginable--to finish his work) but they bungled it because, again, the opposition isn't properly set up. It's not clear why I shouldn't press the "don't genocide" button. It's not really about the question. I can imagine situations for both of those questions for which the answer would be an obvious yes, as much as I can where it would be no. Even a question as innocuous as "should I eat a cheeseburger for dinner" can become a dilemma with proper opposition. Now you can argue that the opposition changes the question itself so all this a moot point (e.g cheeseburgers are your goto comfort food but you've been on a strict diet for the sake of your wife after suffering a heart attack, but now you've found out she's cheating on you--the question really isn't about cheeseburgers anymore) and that's fair. But from an authorial perspective, I find that trying to pile on opposition on both sides of a question, rather than trying to change the question itself, is an easier approach to building the dilemma.
>>5906327 Sure, but at that point you're not really playing a MGS quest, you're more playing an Armored Core or Iron Blooded Orphans quest. If I'm not mixing up my Gundam media in my head at least. Same general anti-war sentiment. Same amount of impending war crimes. Same amount of tragedies. But the backdrop changes.
Would it still be baller as fuck? Of course. But the feeling changes. You're no longer just a guy chucking grenades at a warmachine, you're a mecha pilot.
>>5906418 Perhaps. I could just be overly strict on my own ideals for QMs. But what is a man if not his belief?
And I'm strapped for time. The curse would kill me. >>5906514 Does he? If so, good on him for doing legwork. But he does still have an entire staff doing the rest for him. It could also be that he just kept the writer from the first film for the third. Or that the writers he employs are familiar with Chekov's gun and foreshadowing. Still, that is good to know someone at least is paying attention in those films. It's still a bit jank though. Tom Hardy is pretty good but his Bane is so bad. Considering Bane probably comes from the Leeward Antilles or off the coast of Nicaragua, Belize or Honduras. They did him dirty by letting Hardy do a bad Sean Connery impression in a pringles can. There's other little things, but they are little. Eventually the little things can build up to immersion breaking though. Everyone has their limits. Granted they aren't likely so high as to be severe. Then again, we're chock full of autists here kek.
>>5906560 Who's that girl of your quest?
>>5906678 Perhaps MGS isn't the best franchise to use as an example. kit's, uh, versatile.
I think DC is flexible in the same way. DC has had so many retcons, continuities crises, spinoffs, elseworlds, etcetera, and occupied so many different media and embodied so many tones, that doing a DC quest really only requires familiarity with broad strokes and a willingness to invent. Nothing you produce will ever be as gonzo as Batman: Odyssey or The Bride of Jungle Jimmy.
>>5906572 >you have to sacrifice yourself -granted in the stupidest way imaginable- >Fawkes standing by like :^) Anonymous
>>5906686 Revengeance is the obvious outlier in the MG franchise, in no small part due to it not being Metal Gear Solid but Metal Gear -Rising-, a silly but important detail. But even the Ray fight was a one-off thing. MGS has consistently been a "normal" guy fighting wacky crazy bullshit and his humanity shining through in spite of it all.
But what if I WANT to do my own JLApe run but with bonobos instead of gorillas?! Also, apparently Babylon 5 and Red Sonja are DC properties? Huh?
>>5906692 >"This is your story, vault dweller." >"Yeah and I'm writing a happy ending, push the fucking button Fawkes you ass." >"And so the vault dweller was a little pussy bitch who was afraid of some spicy air. The selfish asshole sacrificed no lives and cried like a baby. Then went and took a nap to wake up in Pittsburgh." Anonymous
>>5906721 >Also, apparently Babylon 5 and Red Sonja are DC properties? Huh? Red Sonja was owned by Marvel an original addition to their Conan the barbarian comics canon, before moving over to Dynamite, which is how you end up with some of the insane crossovers she's been in. I don't think DC has got a piece of that action yet, though. they DO own Babylon 5's comic rights, though, I think.
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>>5906731 I just remember Red Sonja and Claw. No I have never read it.
As I have never read any comic books. I cannot afford them. Also damn Vampirella takes me back. Artists have been horny forever.
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>>5906679 Etsy, neet paranoid tech genius. Conspiracy nut who is actually mostly right. The MC essentially forms a power couple with her, because I've always been a sucker for stories where a couple didn't bicker too much about useless drama, but instead worked together to become an unstoppable force.
So she supports him with bullshit sci-fi tech stuff, and the MC supports her with his magical bullshit.
cmon someone run a quest I like already
>>5906819 What are you looking for?
Someone make me a superhero quest. Feel free to make the MC an edgelord like the Punisher.
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>>5906692 Fallout 3 sometimes reads a lot like it was written by friends who want to self-insert as the virtuous, average man who succeeds simply because he's so virtuous he deserves it, with the same inability to understand that someone might disagree with their virtue.
>>5906820 i dunno you weren’t supposed to actually ask me
i ran a digitized slice of life mystery where the world is a hollow simulation but a select few believed it to just be real while the player is effectively a stage extra gone sentient instead of fading away to be recycled
that was years ago the description makes it sound better than it actually was
>>5906564 Step 1:
Transformation. Step 2: Roving vehicle clans having mighty battles for honor and to represent their beliefs. Alternatively, if we have to be more literal: breaking away from the chains of nations to find happiness in honest work and self-improvement.
Step 3: Connected to step one. Manipulating natural abilities with new forms, being surprised by what some of the forms were. Finding the best form for the situation available, but also learning to bend the rules with sheer versatility. Forgive me, I don't have a complex system off the top of my head.
Step 4: There are at least five and all of them are you.
>>5906848 >Transformation >Roving vehicle clans having mighty battles for honor and to represent their beliefs >Multiple situational forms https://youtu.be/eaVcpfncOWs Anonymous
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>>5906851 Yo do we have a transformers quest going? I don't think we do.
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>>5906838 Reminds me a bit of Kid Radd. Or Free Guy, I guess, but I like Kid Radd more.
>>5906822 What about a supervillain quest?
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>>5906858 I prefer antiheroes, but sure, villains work.
>>5906819 Choose your character.
>>5906851 You're thinking entirely too sane for me, my friend. We're looking at something closer to
genderbends and monster transformations. Anonymous
>>5906868 Oooooh, I get you. ;) Got just the thing.
>>5906865 Slime bunny knight has the best character concept.
>>5906838 Was that the one with the AI art where we choose our "role" in the "show" and the audience didn't like it if we broke the fourth wall?
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>>5906875 What will you do with the shapeshifting girl anon?
>>5906873 Mmmhhh yes.
>>5906838 Oh man, I liked that one
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>>5906929 no
>>5906988 im sure you're not thinking of the one i did because i omitted a key part of the setting i wasn't too fond of looking back
>>5906838 Born Irrelevant?
>>5907015 well damn, you got me
guess the list of suspects was really that short
there was one other quest just like mine i was openly taking inspiration from, but i guess thats just from a time long past
>>5907110 /qst/ has a long memory - if you name a quest or describe it specifically enough, someone will probably remember you no matter how long ago or how many threads it had (or didn't have). Especially if it was unique enough to be memorable, I can't recall any others where either you not being a main character or poking holes in anime logic are the point of the story. For what it's worth, I thought it was a fascinating concept even if Chiharu is still worst girl.
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>>5906410 >>5906559 >>5906560 That’s mainly why I either
>make the protagonist a cute girl >make the protagonist already in a relationship before the quest starts also seggs Anonymous
>>5906873 I think I scraped together what it was about.
>Timed quest, you have a year to complete the main goal of making a major discovery >You are an alchemist situated deep in a forest grove, with a small settlement a few hours journey outside the forest >Your primary tool is the strange, rare flowers that you've planted in the grove after discovering them in some nearby ruins >Quite extraordinary alchemical properties, they are extremely potent in lunar aspects, able to be used to make transformation potions that can induce a full body transformation without heavy refining >Problem: every form turns out cute and female unless heavily refined, in which case it comes out powerful and monstrous >Assemble a library of forms to solve problems, upgrade your base and work on plumbing the ruins for the alchemical secrets of a bygone era The alternative I think was airship clans where shapeshifting was extremely common magic, with most people having an animal form and the protagonist being a rare free shifter.
>>5907365 I mean, that does sound potentially fun. I don't care about the fetish elements, but the basic idea of exploring dungeons with the aid of limited-use transformations to harvest ingredients for more transformations is a neat premise and gameplay loop.
You'd have probably enjoyed
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Gender+Bender+DNA+Twister+Extreme Anonymous
>>5907247 Born Irrelevant was a spiritual successor to another quest I read doing the exact same thing.
Aptly named I Am Reborn in a Harem RomCom, but I'm Only A Mob Character?!, it made it to 15 threads and then not a word from the QM since 2019.
I thought, hey, I'll do it myself, but fix what I thought was wrong with it. Mostly I wanted a clear antagonist and play more around with the fact that it's a video game in a computer, thus I made the Main Character an antagonistic figure. Closet was a character leaking in from another video game, though I thought I failed to imply the idea of a file system, folders and files in the more weird locales. Me and my other guy didn't make it past thread one. Shoot.
Fun fact: Reborn in a Harem RomCom had someone try and adapt the quest into a VN. The name of that adaptation is Reborn Irrelevant, robbing me of the name if I ever wanted to redo it.
I haven't really been getting into writing a quest though. I want to go and write while I'm in the mood for it, and I'd wither away waiting for votes and (you)s. I'm also just want to write how things unfold in my head, so that's control I don't want to give up for ideas I'm really into. I could run an idea I'm not too hot about and see what people vote for, but running something my interest isn't the strongest on is a way to flaking. A conundrum.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5907370 I think I voted in this a few times before dropping it, the focus was always overtly on the actual process itself, and it felt sort of shallow because of that. You want to be a bit more exclusive and elusive than just throwing them out like candy, getting new forms should be significant and involve lots of... exploration. Look all I'm saying here is that you need a solid narrative to get off. You can't just turn into a girl because of an accident, it needs to mean something dammit! Let me drink down that mutagen because my female form has an absurd IQ for some reason, so she can prepare an elf mutagen for later so I can cast some goddamn magic!
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>>5907394 When next thread?
Write me a GOOD fantasy quest setup from this picture.
>>5907518 >Website included in pic Best I can do is you're a MMO player of a ghottic horror setting. Good Fantasy thread already in catalog.
>>5907518 You are a plumber in the vampire lord's mansion. You're safe as long as there's no other qualified plumbers around. But tbe vampire constantly hires more plumbers. Use your knowledge of the place and personal connections with its inhabitants to secure your employment and life.
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>>5907532 concept art of the MC
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Setting Sun UPDATE!
>>5907666 >>5907667 >>5907669 >>5907671 >>5907672 >>5907673 Setting Sun is a story-driven wargame focused on characters rather than factions set in a vibrant non-traditional fantasy world more akin to Dynasty Warriors. Become a war leader and discuss strategy with your fellow war leaders. Shift the battlefield as a heroic warrior. Settle disagreements with single combat. Save the Empire from falling, or destroy it once and for all for the good of your ancestors!
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>>5907384 >>5907247 >>5907110 I MISS HAREM ROMCOM QUEST
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>>5907528 That would be pretty neat. I'd maybe spice it up by having the main character also have segments in their disapppinting real life, and having the count of the vampire castle be a somewhat-self aware trust fund baby or owner of soem exploitative megacorp or inefficient government department. Maybe do some stuff with the differences and similarities between game avatars are real world personas and aspirations, and have some options to do espionage for a rival company or government if you can cozy up to the vampire.
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Exciting stuff is going on in the Mobile suit gundam earth federation quest RN
>>5907384 I had a very similar idea once, albeit not for a quest. There's something appealing about playing a background character, and finding ways to become relevant even though 'the plot' favors everyone but you.
I think my idea was a girl acting as a background character to the main cast, and she was aware that her universe was a show that was getting 'cancelled', but because of her status as a background character, she was forced to indirectly make the show more interesting by setting up interesting events without ever talking to the main cast directly.
It sounded like a cool idea, but in practice I didn't know how to execute it at all, and it made me realize that maybe there's a reason background characters are not in the spotlight after all. I'm sure someone could make it work, but not me.
>>5907518 Always wanted to write a vampire quest, always thought I had a cool take/concept on vampires no one else had done. But the actual writing of the vampire setting and charactes always held a mid interest so I never persued it. Still I gave it a go.
The shovel enters the earth, and the dirt enters the grave. The rhythmic repetition continues, as today there are five holes to fill. The sun dips low in the winter sky, its scrutinizing gaze burns and irritates the skin. Even as the days grow colder, it’s accusing scorn seems to burn hotter. The first resting place to fill belongs to the housekeeper. To the best of your recollection, she has always been old and devoid of humour. Yet she has taken care of your father’s manor since you were a small boy. Now she lays ten feet below it. It can't be recalled how, or when, during the night she died. Perhaps her heart gave out. No matter, she is dead all the same. Next is the gardener, and after that his wife. She was the first to die, the rising urge had finally reached its zenith and self control was lost. The wrong place at the wrong time, fittingly her life ended in much the same way it was lived. From what you know of the hapless women, that trait characterized her entire life. The hand absentmindedly seeks the wound on your back. Too late did the rusty hoe enter the body, for the wife was already long dead by then. Try as you may, you can no longer find the entry point. The wound has already healed, Its depth has rescinded. It was put there by a large sturdy man, as big as a bear and as loud as one too. Now he may be mistaken for a mouse by the Valkyries. The fourth is the witness. Who she was, or why she was here may forever stay a mystery, a secret taken to the grave. The last to be buried, was the last to be killed. The boy. At the request of the mayor, he was given a place to live. In exchange he looked after the horse and did odd jobs. He kept himself busy, one day he would have been an honest man. His youth and vigour was not enough to carry him away unfortunately. Run down in the fields and torn limb from limb. In the grave are the pieces that could be found, never to be put together again. Could all this have been avoided? Are you to blame? Perhaps If the truth had been accepted? Lies upon lies told to the self cloud ones vision. You didn't accept what was unfolding before you, and now these people have paid the price.
The work continues, and the mind longs to escape this morbid reality you have built. So it wanders, back to when it all started. In a carriage, on the journey back home. A month on the road to the capital and a month to return. It is unfortunate, but when one is called to attend a ball by the king, one cannot refuse. A noble name, from an old house facilitates the invitation. Yet with no wealth to sustain it, an old name is nothing more than a noose. As the sun sets you looked out the window and pondered. “Was the invitation a measure to the value of a venerable bloodline?” Or “is it simply another symptom of a bloated out of date bureaucracy”. Lost in contemplation, you never saw them. The setting of the sun heralded the arrival of four horsemen. Draped in cloth as black as their hearts, they lanced the driver and broke the legs of the horses. Until only you, Ser Diavolo Notturno, remained. The carriage crashed, and they were on you like lightning. They forced your mouth open before you could compose yourself. Something is placed inside, a knife by the pain of it. Your brain exploded and your world turned black.
When you awoke they were gone, with all your belongings stolen. Chief among the stolen goods was your fathers sword. Yet they had failed to kill you, a robbery by malicus highwaymen. Or so you thought at the time. Nothing else made sense, after all, who would try and assassinate you? A vendetta against your late father passed down to you perhaps? Eventually someone found you wandering on the road and assisted you home. The small dwindling town that your once opulent family manor presides over was abuzz with rumors once the news reached them. Not much for the peasantry to do but gossip in this modern era. Once a rich mining city in your grandfather's time, Iron was dug out of the ground and used to smelt the weapons used all over the kingdom. Now the earth is hollow, and the forges lay cold. The ones who remain live on borrowed time. The robbery would soon be the least of your worries, soon after your return home the first of the symptoms would begin to set in. The dizzy spells and the voices in your mind, the growing light sensitivity and rejection of the sun, the lack of appetite for the spoils of the earth. By the time your teeth fell out, you had already thought yourself mad. The keen teeth that were growing beneath should have told everything you needed to know to prevent the bloodshed that was to follow. Now, as you fill the last grave. You finally admit to yourself what you had refused to do then. You are a creature of the night, a moon demon, a yearning king. To put it simply, a vampire.>How do you feel? - For the first time in my life, I feel alive. - I feel nothing, I have become hollow.. - Distress, I have killed five innocents. - Write in
>>5907770 I used the whole background character aspect of mine to have the player end up doing things they normally can’t, and things they didn’t mean to. The system possesses the nearest NPC to achieve whatever it needs, and the player wasn’t an exception. In practice, this idea was just plot convenience and was blatant railroading.
Just never interacting directly with a cast of characters is a difficult thing and puts into perspective on how being an unseen benefactor can suck for benefactor themselves. Set things up all how you want, things might just be taken the wrong way.
I abandoned the whole digital aspect when I redid my quest as a story. At the point I took it, there’s little in common with its roots. Background characters don’t really exist in it as a concept so anyone introduced is just a character. There should be limits on what a background character can do so someone can try and play around them. Can she not interact with the cast because someone said so or because the world around her will move heaven and earth to prevent it? Can she try but find that the cast are flat out incapable of remembering and acknowledging important info imparted by an extra? Or maybe she stops having her own will when in sight of a main character and does what’s expected of them instead. I could see the idea myself, a band of background characters doubling up as a stage crew while they try and make things work while remaining inconspicuous when in sight.
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>>5907910 The idea was that she was the 'cafeteria girl extra' in an anime, and the closer to being cancelled the world would be, the more colors, details and animation would be seen.
She was faceless, and she was physically incapable of approaching the main cast without feeling sick. The main cast could approach her, but she could only withstand them for a very short time without becoming a secondary character. The idea was that she actually enjoyed being a background character, but she also didn't like the idea of the world being obliterated. As such, all she could do was start background rumors from the cafeteria, and if some of her rumors were overheard by the main cast, it could manifest into a proper plot. She would sometimes act as an extra in other scenes to force stuff to happen. One big part of her personality is she found the main cast incredibly one dimensional and boring, and wanted to force characterization by putting them in situations that would force some kind of development from them.
I never actually thought very hard about what the world actually is, like, is the show fictional in a 'real' universe, or if it's a simulation ran by someone to make for a content farm.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Versequest 4 has arrived!
>>5908073 >>5908073 Anonymous
>>5907903 >>5907905 >>5907908 I've found a lot of benefit from taking advice for screenplays into my writing. Visual media is expensive to make, and so the scripts for it are exercises in making things as lean and efficient as possible.
One of the screenplay rules that I fully endorse is an analysis of the purpose of the scene, and using the definition of a scene to apply to a passage (or a post in a quest).
Definition: A scene is a small unit of story, taking place in a particular place and amount of time, during which an action occurs and culminating in a change.
So, that's a scene. More importantly though, what makes a good scene? It depends on what book you're using as reference, but most of them say that scenes get better the more of the following criteria they fulfill.
1) There is a conflict, and it either intensifies or resolves
2) A character arc/character plot is advanced, or new information about at least 1 character is revealed
3) The plot is advanced, or new information pertinent to it is revealed
4) The setting changes, or new information about it is revealed
The best scenes have all 4 elements. Good ones have 3, and you should strive for all your scenes to be good ones. A scene that has 2 might be occasionally acceptable. Scenes with only 1 very rarely have a place if ever.
Using this meter stick, let's check out your posts.
>>5907903 The initial passage/post/scene. You introduce us to the main character, which is good. You develop him several times, revealing that he is a murderer but decent enough to bury his victims, he regrets what he did and feels he could've stopped it.
>>5907905 You try to develop the world a bit here, but there is insufficient detail. We already new MC-kun was a noble, he had a hereditary manor and servants. You reveal how MC-kun got infected with vampirism, but we lack sufficient investment in him to have been wondering that yet. Also, although there's a mystery hook the way in which he becomes a vamp is not tied into any character traits or flaws that MC-kun had any say in so it lacks drama.
>>5907908 Here you give us repeated information from scene 2, so there's nothing new to grip the reader and keep them reading. You get into more interesting territory at the very end, where you reveal some of the details of this particular take on vampirism...but by this point you've lost people.
You're also prone to wordiness (I'm guilty of the same sin, which is why I use screenwriting advice to cut out unnecessary prose). You need to strike a better balance between keeping things moving and providing description, I'd wager you could've relayed the same information in a quarter or a third as many words.
Also as a general rule, try not to exceed 1.5 posts before offering players a choice. You could've allowed them to specify how the ambush played out to characterize MC. Did he cower in the coach during the attack? Leap out to the defense of his coachmen? Confidently rely on the guards he brought?
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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my flesh and blood is rebelling against the idea of an update after my long-ass weekend off by making me sick
>>5907903 >>5907905 >>5907908 >>5908235 Let's see how efficiently we can relay roughly the same information while preserving your tone.
A shovelful of wet mud is thrown into a grave on a rainy night. It is only the first of five.
Their faces flash by you as their graves fill. The humourless but dedicated housekeeper. The hapless gardener...her husband, shortly after. An unfortunate witness, dead to cover your shame or to cover your tracks? Finally, the stable boy. He had been accepted to your father's manor -no, your manor- as a request from the governor.
Does blame for this lie with you?
Or does it lie with the black-robed highwaymen that accosted you on your return from the capital. The ones that slew your coachmen and your horses, robbed you of your father's sword, and forced that strange knife in your mouth before leaving you for dead.
But they weren't the ones that ignored the symptoms. Dizzy spells and voices, at first. Aversion to illumination, and rejection of sunlight after. Then, just before...your mistake...the keen teeth that shoved your canines from the sockets.
As you fill the last grave, you admit to yourself what you are. A creature of the night, a moon demon, a yearning king. To put it simply, a vampire.
>Options here Anonymous
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>>5908251 Arguably this is too stripped back. If you can write something that transfers the required information in as few words as possible, it's easy to embellish it. At that point you're fleshing out a skeleton rather than cutting meat from a fat pig.
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>>5907903 >>5907905 >>5907908 A neat start!
>>5907900 If you have a cool idea for vampires, but the idea of an entire quest about them bores you, why not just use your vampires as a singular event or a background/side detail in a quest focused on something larger and more personally engaging?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>Forgot to time my update speeds again
>>5908235 >to strike a better balance between keeping things moving and providing description, I'd wager you could've relayed the same information in a quarter or a third as many words. >Also as a general rule, try not to exceed 1.5 posts before offering players a choice. These are completely subjective opinions and shouldn't be offered up as fact or "rules". I successfully write updates far longer than that, and I like it when the quests I read have long updates, because I like reading. If I wanted pure choices with minimal description, I'd just go play a video game.
The only reasons to keep updates under a certain length is 1) if you're trying to update multiple times a day, 2) if you're a really slow writer and need to rein yourself in to get at least one update in a day, or 3) if you're writing OBSCENELY long updates (which I'd define as 6 or 7 posts+ on a regular basis). Otherwise, a QM should write how they like to write. People genuinely don't care that much.
>>5908251 I admire the succinctness of your summarized version, but I do think that in gothic vampire fiction the purple prose is part of the subgenre's charm. It has more romance too it, more poetry, a sort of feeling of oldness and of creeping, building dreadfulness beneath poetry, like fangs hidden in gums or a fist in a velvet glove. It suits the mood. Some types of story are like that
I mean, you can pretty much chop any H.P. Lovecraft story down to a third the length if you take out all the horrified incredulity and stammering to describe something indescribable while have a nervous fit... But SHOULD you? The main character babbling about half-conceived sensory of impressions of rotting seafood and impossible shapes and colours is pretty much the POINT. That's WHY people read Lovecraft.
I think the style you evince is better for more action-focused, or procedural, stories. I imagine you'd be an amazing war story or detective writer, and a quest in those genres flowing with such speed and directness to the important details suits those genres.
>>5908305 BTW, the QMing advice I'd offer to this guy
>>5907903 is:
1) Break your giant paragraphs into smaller paragraphs. You don't have to cut any content, just linebreak more so it's not an unreadable wall of text.
2) Number your options so it's easy for people to vote without needing to copy/paste.
I think you're a good writer and I think you'll get players. Don't let other people pressure you into writing completely differently. That's silly.
>>5908312 >Number your options so it's easy for people to vote without needing to copy/paste. While I've done that in the distant past of my first quest (which had multiple civilization elements and decisions to vote on each update), I've never done so in any of my narrative-based quests, and very few QMs on the board seem to. Prodigal Son might be the only one I'm currently playing which does, actually. Not saying it's a bad idea, just that it's not common practice in the local questing culture anymore.
>>5908322 Okay? So? It's good practice and it should be adopted by the wider questing community, especially if options start getting complicated.
>>5908323 The only reason I can think of to not do so is probably the reason more heavily character-driven narrative quests seemed to have moved away from them. That is to say, I've heard lots of QMs and even players lament the feeling that voters are just choosing options half-randomly, or with little consideration or true engagement with the story. I imagine QMs who already prefer copy-pasted votes to have little bits of written rationale or commentary would be even SADDER to see a sea of:
>A >A >A >B >A >B >B >D >A without any banter or discourse. Pus, copying and pasting at least sort of implies you read that VOTE OPTION to the end of a sentence, even if you sped-read the update proper.
>>5908331 I suppose so, but I can't say that has ever affected me in any substantial way, and I'd rather gain an extra mobileposter or two who's willing to vote >A but not attempt to copy/paste than I would artificially pumping up the word count of a post that wouldn't contain commentary either way.
I also write a heavily character-driven narrative quest, so that has no bearing on matters here. You just don't read it.
>>5908335 >I also write a heavily character-driven narrative quest, so that has no bearing on matters here. You just don't read it. Fair enough. There's plenty of quests, even really good ones, I just never got around to or into. Still, I follow like... Twenty quests at times, and I'm just saying I don't see it a lot and I think that's why. You do you, and it makes perfect sense, I just was surprised to see it offered up as common-sense advice when so few seem to follow it.
>>5908339 That's fine. I'll also elaborate a little on the "more complicated options," because I think numbering or lettering votes becomes borderline-essential with that instead of just nice QOL.
If your options are mutually exclusive, you can number them:
>(1) Do this. >(2) Or do that. If they're not mutually exclusive, you can letter them instead, prompting viewers that they're non-exclusive without having to say so.
>(A) Do this. >(B) Also, optionally, do this. If you have sub-options, you can do both.
>(1) Do this. >>(A) Do it in this way. >>(B) Do it in that way. >(2) Do that. >>(A) Do it in one way. >>(B) Do it in the other way. Sub-options solve the issue of splitting votes, because the higher option gets counter first, then the lower option. If there's two (1A) votes, one (2A), and one (2B), then there's a tie, and you roll between (1) and (2). Then you roll again between (2A) and (2B).
It works the same way for non-mutually-exclusive options:
>(A) Do this thing. >>(1) In this way. >>(2) In that way. >(B) Also, vote on this other thing. >>(1) In one way. >>(2) In the other way. This system lets players vote "B1" or "1G" or "A3A" (if you're getting spicy) instead of having to copy/paste multiple complicated options, or alternately having to write out exactly what they want. If you want to force them to write out exactly what they want in order to feel like you're getting engagement, that's on you, but I prioritize player QOL over muh feels here.
>inb4 complicated votes will drive off players!!!1 If your very first post has a weird network of choices to make, it very well might. If you're an established quest with a committed playerbase, it won't. If you want to get to the latter, I think it's a good idea to set a foundation for future complex decision-making early.
Finally, as somebody who numbers their votes, I'll just throw it out there that
>>5908331 isn't really accurate. Some of my players only use numbers, some use numbers and also commentate, some copy/paste the option, some paraphrase. So it really just provides a useful alternative for lazy people---and if they're lazy, the alternative otherwise might be not voting at all.
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>>5907518 fantasy is intrinsically shit so there will never be a good one sorry!
>>5908305 >>5908306 >These are subjective opinions and shouldn't be offered up as fact of rules >The purple prose is part of the subgenre's charm I don't disagree, but I do think that in the beginning of a quest you're better off with shorter updates. Once you've developed a player base that trusts you to write well and stick around, you can lengthen things.
Before that, when anons see WORDSWORDSWORDS they more often shut off than engage. Because they have no assurance that the time they're taking to read the wall of text is going to be worth it.
>>5908360 Oh hey, I love that. Definitely stealing it.
>>5908306 I'd point out that although you're right that people read Lovecraft for the reasons you pointed out...the overwhelming majority of people just don't read Lovecraft.
Anyway, there's clearly a middle ground between too little description (like my summarized version) and having a flavorful amount of description.
Flavorful description is different from bloated prose though. If homie was giving us NEW INFORMATION in every line of dialogue, fleshing out the world or the characters or hinting at the plot, then I'd have no complaints. Repeated information in such a small span is a sin, and I'll stand by that assertion.
But like, he was just testing the waters. I don't actually think he did a poor job. I'm just giving him feedback from my point of view like he asked for.
>>5907900 Good job, anon! Not perfect, but good.
>>5908721 >every line of dialogue Every line of prose*
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Avatar the founding of Republic city is back from the dead, but the QM didn't mention it in /qtg/. so I am doing it
>>5908689 >I don't disagree Then don't offer them up as fact or rules, and don't rewrite somebody's entire OP. That goes way beyond constructive criticism straight into cringe fedora territory.
>>5908721 >the overwhelming majority of people just don't read Lovecraft The excellent news for all QMs out there is that there's no need to appeal to the majority of people. At maximum you need to appeal to, like, 10 autists who enjoy hanging out on a creative writing 4chan board. On average you need to appeal to 4 of those. Nobody's getting paid, nobody's winning awards, and nobody's getting outright rejected unless their quest genuinely can't be read or is so incredibly niche it can't even attract 4 people. This excerpt is neither (except arguably in the giant paragraphs, which is super fixable).
>>5908721 I'd point out that although you're right that people read Lovecraft for the reasons you pointed out... the overwhelming majority of people just don't read Lovecraft.
Yes, but not every author or QM is trying to cast a wide net. If they were, I'd honestly argue they would be on one of the more popular questing or online fiction portals and not here. Personally, while I think starting with quicker and more succinct posts makes some sense, writing in your natural style also serves a purpose even in the first post: it 'filters' people who may not like your writing style and attracts those who are looking for that.
>>5908360 For that same reason, I imagine many QMs would really rather not entertain 'lazy' and uncommitted readers. Quality of players over quantity, as it were. Again, more power to you and I think your rationale makes a lot of sense, though.
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>>5909010 >For that same reason, I imagine many QMs would really rather not entertain 'lazy' and uncommitted readers I wouldn't, lol. QMs as a rule are (you)-hungry attention whores, and it's the extremely rare /qst/ QM that has so many players they can afford to be picky on anything but the most important votes.
This is just unsupported opinion on both sides, though, so nothing really more to say. So it goes.
>>5908960 You wanna get semantic here buddy, we can do that. All I claimed was that /I/ get a lot of benefit out of the things I recommended. The rewrite was made as an example that he could cross compare to and see the pros and cons of the different style.
I certainly wouldn't go putting it up if he started a thread about it, but he didn't did he? So how boutcha fuckoff about it. Stop imagining I said things I didn't while you're at it.
As for your second point, I think your running a quest with dedicated anons that'll read your extensive posts might be twisting your perspective on how easy it is to get players when doing that.
For example these two quests:
>>5883189 >>5896599 Are both lovely, the prose is great and abundant, and they're struggling for enough consistent players/votes. It's difficult to say why that is exactly, but if they were to catch a wider net they'd likely get more fish.
>>5909010 You're right as well, but people aren't restricted to writing one way. There's a lot to be said for filtering to readers that enjoy what you're writing...but the counterpoint of that is that you may be turning off a lot of people that would like what you're doing if the barrier to entry was lower.
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Hello, this the Avatar The Founding Of Republic City DM. My family situation has been resolved and Im back at it in
>>5908809 Anonymous
>>5909033 >Struggling to get players >First quest: 4-5 votes, a completely normal and expected amount of votes for a /qst/ quest >Second quest: First couple of updates are one post (short!!!), only attracts 3 players from the getgo with these short updates, indicating that the issue lies in the premise or the OP pic or the timing or bad luck or literally any other reason >Still retains this player count after the updates get longer ????????
>>5909033 >>5909055 >Hey I love your prose and your writing, but you should try to cut down the size of updates. I'm prone to throat clearing myself, and your prose will be more exciting if you take a critical eye to what you can cut and still transmit the same information to your readers. lmao who the fuck posted this
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
MediocreQM where are you? Are you alright?
DragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
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Thanks for the responses, anons. Sorry late responses but I forgot I posted in /qtg/.
>>5901936 Yeah it's very difficult because I'm disabled, so I have to rely on people who don't generally like me or really want anything to do with me to get me around to social events. I can't really open up to those people anyhow cause they just tell me I'm being a whiny, retarded asshole for being depressed about my situation. Hoping that I eventually make friends when I do physical activity, but no one's really social these days.
>>5902109 I talk with a spiritual director from time-to-time, which helps. A bit.
I don't really want the stigma of going to a therapist on me because that will just cement to my close relatives that I am the "crazy, socially-retarded loser." Physical activity helps a lot too. But I don't have problem interacting with people, even though I am a bit shy. I am just incredibly isolated due to the aforementioned problems.
I'm not trying to avoid getting actual help FYI I just don't want anyone I know to know I have been struggling with depression cause they all think it's my fault I'm depressed. I think I am aware of the cause for the most part, it's just not something that can readily be fixed since I really don't have a good support network (friends/relatives). Anonymous
>>5909143 Damn anon, your relatives sound like a bunch of bitches. Still, it sounds like they're dogging you regardless of what you do so if you think it might help even just a little then I'd say go and seek counseling. Of course I know dick about your situation so take my advice with a large grain of salt. Maybe consider joining a discord on a topic you're interested in/look for internet groups that take on randoms to play tabletop games with so you can make some friends online that you don't have to deal with your dickass family to hang out with them. That's assuming you don't already have a bunch of online friends of course.
>>5909117 Takeaguess lmao. Just trying to encourage a nigga
>>5909104 Here go. Roast me baby.
>>5894665 >>5907607 >>5909055 Eh, well okay. I'll concede. I could comb through the catalog and find plenty with short posts and more players though. Sure you can say that it's the timing or the luck or the premise lottery but we're just falling into bickering here now.
>>5909169 >mmorpg anime quest >char-gen oh fuck no, i'm not even going to attempt to critique this. Completely outside my realm of interest.
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>>5909228 >pyw >"sour grapes" Oof. Not a good look.
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>>5909143 Do they have any sort of disability transport service where you live? Sorry if this sounds naive; I know such things are rare in the States (for instance) but not in mine or some other countries, depending on the metro area.
>>5909166 Online options are good too, but I have been where anon is to some degree, and nothing helps with that feeling of isolation quite like in-person interaction.
ChronoQM !!YEc5FNwshuU
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>>5900857 Thanks for asking anon. I'm still not doing great, but I've been much worse and I think I'm on a steady upward trajectory now. I just wish I had a firm date for the return of my quest, I really miss writing.
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>>5909228 That's fair, these things aren't for everyone. I can promise you won't die in the real if you die in the game though.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Versequest has begun updates for the day!
>>5909275 >>5909275 Anonymous
>>5909169 >Takeaguess lmao. Just trying to encourage a nigga >Oh but I don't offer unsolicited advice!!! I only tell random new QMs unsolicited in their threads to write in my extremely autistic and particular way because of my opinions I mean because this will definitely help them and get them more players >Proof short posts = more players, or long posts = less players? Uhhh I could find some proof if I wanted... somewhere... someday... Okay, buddy, let's look at this. Here's some popular non-drawquests on the board today. I'm not counting drawquests, because their appeal/voter count usually comes from the art and the writing is secondary (plus, the original OP wasn't for a drawquest), and I'm not counting skirmishes or roleplays, because they're not quests. I'm also sorting by Most Replies, which is going to favor short-post quests by default because they can churn out more updates in a day. Please keep that in mind.
>Disappearing Hogwarts Quest: Updates range from 2-4 posts >Seekers of the Esoteric: Updates range from 2-5 posts >Simple Space Empire Quest: Updates are usually 1 post (short updates!) >Wandering Headband Quest: Updates are usually 1 post (short updates!) >Saiyan Conqueror Quest: Updates range from 1-3 posts >Normal Cultivator Quest: Updates range from 1-3 posts >Olympic Incarnation Quest: Updates range from 1-3 posts >Star Wars: A Monarch's Quest: Updates are usually 1 post (short updates!) >PCQN: The Revolutionary Man: Updates range from 3-8(!) posts >The Prodigal Son Returns: Updates are usually 1 post (short updates!) >Gotham City Beat Cop Quest: Updates range from 1-3 posts >Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest: Updates are usually 2 posts >Mobile Suit Gundam: Earth Federation Quest: Updates range from 2-5 posts >Century of Blood: Updates range from 1-2 posts >Rangers: Fall of Yethur: Updates range from 3-6 posts, with a 6 post OP >Core of Steel: Updates range from 1-3 posts >Untamed Civilization Project: Updates range from 1-4 posts >Nation on the Brink Quest: Updates are usually 1 post (short updates!) >Altarac Resurgent Quest: Updates are usually 2 posts Also, though Sworn to Valour just got posted (and thus doesn't have a high post count yet), it is one of the most popular OC quests on the board.
>Sworn to Valour: Updates range from 2-3 posts, based on the previous thread Now, for everybody's enlightenment, let's sort them.
Popular quests that tend towards 1-post updates only
>Simple Space Empire Quest >Wandering Headband Quest >Star Wars: A Monarch's Quest >The Prodigal Son Returns >Nation on the Brink Quest Popular quests that have 2-post-or-fewer updates
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest >Century of Blood >Altarac Resurgent Quest Anonymous
Popular quests that have 3-post-or-fewer updates (I would call a 3-post update "not short," and you would seem to agree, because you attempted to edit the original 3-post vampire OP -- which isn't even a full 3 posts' worth of words, btw, the guy just split it up weirdly because of his mega paragraphs, but I'm feeling generous. I'll call these "medium" updates.)>Saiyan Conqueror Quest >Normal Cultivator Quest >Olympic Incarnation Quest >Core of Steel >Gotham City Beat Cop Quest Popular "longposting" quests: quests that either always write more than one post, or they have some updates that run 4 posts or longer, or both>Disappearing Hogwarts Quest >Seekers of the Esoteric >PCQN: The Revolutionary Man >Mobile Suit Gundam: Earth Federation Quest >Rangers: Fall of Yethur >Untamed Civilization Project >Sworn to Valour
So let's see here. Of 20 popular writequests in the catalog this instant, that's 5+3 of them (40%) that tend towards short updates. There's 5 (25%) of them that tend towards medium updates, and 7 of them (35%) that tend towards long updates. This is with the short post/quick update bias mentioned above.
What conclusions can we draw? Well, let's see.
>Conclusion #1 There's no clear update length bias among popular quests. There are successful quests with a lot of votes and discussion that have long updates, and successful quests with a lot of votes and discussion that have short updates.
>Conclusion #2 QMs should write whatever length of updates they want, because it literally doesn't matter. People who like long updates will read long update quests, people who like short updates will read short update quests, and people who like both will read both. Do whatever works for you, your story, and your schedule.
>Conclusion #2.5 (Though this wasn't addressed, the same goes for writing style. The 20 popular quests discussed range vastly in style and genre.)
>Conclusion #3 Stop telling random people that they should write the way you like to write, instead of the way they like to write. (And they literally are random people, based on your unsolicited advice here
>>5909169 . Have you done this in other quests?) Good writing critique should enhance and clarify the existing soul of the author, not gut it out and replace it with the critic's arbitrary preferences. That is literally the fastest way to drain the joy out of writing and turn people away from the hobby altogether. You have no rational questing-related basis for the advice you give, so either humble yourself and frame it as an entirely subjective preference rather than something based in numbers ("by this point you've lost people", "you may be turning off a lot of people"), or stop giving it.
>inb4 but I am humble and nice and caring!! I believe that you have a genuine interest in helping other people, but I wouldn't be writing this if I thought the way you were giving your advice was causing more good than harm.
>Conclusion #4 You seem to have some deep-seated insecurities about your own writing style ("I'm prone to throat clearing myself", "I'll work on being more concise, I promise!", "I'm guilty of the same sin" <-- literally religious language lmao), found Jesus in some screenwriting books, and are now attempting to proselytize to the heathens of /qst/. This is deeply embarrassing behavior. Consider firstly that questing has extremely little to do with screenwriting outside both involving words, and consider secondly that it's okay to write long updates, and maybe you'd be happier and more secure in the end if you did it too.
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This autism battle is pretty damn cool, guys.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Wed 31 Jan 2024 01:16:22 No. 5909394 Report >>5909376 >I didn't make the cut It's so over...
>>5909394 I'm sorry anon. I just took the top 19 writequests on the board based on current post count, plus Sworn to Valour. It has nothing to do with quality, and it also can't really account for popular quests that just got posted and haven't gotten the chance to rack up replies yet (excluding STV, because I know about it).
If it helps, my quest isn't on that list either! It has a stable playerbase, but it's not one of the big boys.
ReptoidQMonaphone !!UCDxn1yqtzR
ReptoidQMonaphone !!UCDxn1yqtzR ID:Sl8yI1Vl Wed 31 Jan 2024 01:20:36 No. 5909400 Report >>5909394 I have it on good authority (ie. one random anon in a QTG months ago) that being on my readlist means you're "like a 3 star quest" at least, so take solace in that.
In actuality, I think your quest is one of the better and cooler ones on the board >>5909398 I'm... I'm a big boy? You hear that?? Take that, Dad! Take that, World!
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Wed 31 Jan 2024 01:32:33 No. 5909419 Report >>5909398 I'm only joking, thread one did pretty good for me!
>>5909400 Thanks for reading, fellow questie!
>>5909394 Yes but your quest is criminally under-read, Watcher
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Wed 31 Jan 2024 01:36:05 No. 5909425 Report >>5909421 Keep saying shit like that and we'll end up like this, anon.
Warden !!GZu3fE9MaLA
>>5909419 I only just now skimmed through the first thread and I've got to say it's definitely caught my attention. When ever I find the time I'll try to read through it properly.
>>5909376 And then NewbQM crashes through the wall with at-times monstrous updates that sometimes literally reach the size of a novella and I've clocked them in at up to about 14k words. According to him, his writing target for the opening set of posts for the next Renovatio Imperii thread is 50k(!) words. I'm scared.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Wed 31 Jan 2024 01:46:38 No. 5909446 Report >>5909429 Looking forward to it, brother!
>>5909440 Jesus. I think there's a point when an update is too large. Quests are best in...digestible sizes, in my opinion. Otherwise readers (or at least me when I'm a reader) tend to put off reading them for several days or even a week or two and up not not being a player but more of a lurker.
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>>5909425 This nigga lookin' ZESTY, this nigga lookin' MOIST, he's got sugar in his tank, he's light on his feet, he's a lil bit fruity, he plays for the other team, he dances at the other end of the ballroom, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, this nigga gonna coordinate yo curtains wit you cushions and that shit gonna look good! This nigga lifts shirts, this nigga on the down low, this nigga be a toilet trader, this nigga gardens uphill, this nigga packs fudge, he's a friend of Dorothy, he feels the love that dare not speak its name, he loves to dance, he's of the Uranian brotherhood, this nigga indulges in the French vice, this nigga has an antipathic sexual instinct, this nigga fluent in Polari, he's a refugee from Sodom, he's on the wrong bus, he bats for the other team, he's temperamental, this nigga be a man’s man, this nigga close to his mother, this nigga aint someone you want to turn your back on, this nigga went to art school, be careful with your soap around this man, this nigga intends to adopt, he’s a reverse engineer, he’s a rear admiral, this nigga eschews the front door, this nigga’s dog fits in a purse, this nigga smells good, you can trust this nigga with your sister, this nigga name OP. What I’m trying to say is he's 'one of them'.. .if you catch my drift.
>>5909383 Btw, I think there's some merit in opening up a new quest with some rapid updates, so people get hooked early. This might mean it's better to start short if that's what you need to do to be fast and consistent. What this does *not* extend to is either 1) radically altering your natural writing style to fit some perceived desire for efficiency or player attraction, or 2) telling people to change stuff after they're a good ways into their thread. This is a bonus that wears off after a couple days maximum.
>>5909440 Lol, based and frighteningpilled. I think my longest thread (not update, thread) ever was 50k words. That's too long for me, but if he has players who like and read that, that just proves the point to the extreme.
Warden !!GZu3fE9MaLA
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>>5909440 50k words?
That's a novella not an opening post.
Credit where it's due though that's some impressive dedication.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Wed 31 Jan 2024 01:51:38 No. 5909457 Report Quoted By:
>>5909446 >and up not not being a player but more of a lurker. Sorry, temporary stroke.
I meant to say "And end up not being a player but more of a lurker.
What the fuck, man.
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I think update lengths should vary based on what's going on. Fast and tense moments have shorter updates with more frequent votes. Setting up scenes and dialogue can be longer. Knowing when to call for a vote is more important for player activity than update length.
>>5909120 It seems, in your anger, you killed him.
>>5909376 >>5909378 >>5909383 >>5909450 Shit, sun. I kneel. You win, you win. Mercy.
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>>5909446 RI is the meatiest quest I know of - past or present - the average update is about a dozen posts long and often involves a lot of dialogue, multiple scenes, intricate descriptions of happenings and two or more votes. I don't know how the man does this, especially earlier in the quest where he was turning them out at a rate of knots. I know I definitely got filtered into being a lurker by being unable to parse the enormous updates succinctly enough to form a coherent opinion by the end. But the players are nothing if not an autistic and dedicated bunch and seem to keep up well enough.
His other quests are, thankfully, much more measured. YA40KAI is usually around 4-6 posts - pleasingly thick, but not excessively so.
>>5909440 I wonder what the average word count is for the QMs around here. I know Heretic Cultivator tends to be on the verbose side. Not quite THAT verbose but certainly beyond the pale compared to most.
>>5909525 For me it's about 1000 to 2500 words, usually closer to 1750-2000. That's 61,250+ per thread, with each quest I've written probably a bit longer than War & Peace, which... Yeesh. Not sure how I feel about THAT.
>>5909529 Be proud. It is your legacy. None can ever take it from you. You built it with your own nine fingers.
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>>5909525 My total was 40-60k for the entire quest.
>>5909466 I forgive you, autist-kun. May you go forth and write many updates of variable size in the future.
>>5909525 My average update is 1500-2500 words. My average thread is between 35000 and 40000, but I cut them off at 30 days, so I suspect you run for longer than I do. The quest as a whole is around 1.4 million (and counting).
>>5909680 What's your quest?
>>5909690 Do you think I'm saying the name of my quest in the QTG, where I shitpost? The quest is the quest. The QTG is the QTG. If I wanted those things crosspolluted, I'd have my name on.
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Idk if we need an update for this. I know it has been awhile. But to my 30XX viewer(s), i haven't forgotten, nor flaked, just trying to line up the next thread a certain way. I will never surrender to nothingness.
Had an question, wanted to try my own hand at an gundam themed quest, but don't wanna step on federation quests toes, should I do one based off Zeon, SEED, or IBO?
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>>5909721 There's been a couple of zeon quests. A gundam age one as well. But to my knowledge no seed quests.
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>>5909661 What you only got eight or something? My b.
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>>5909721 Do a turn A like quest, just choose a period of earth antiquity and throw mobiles suits at it
Have a fucking crusader or hashashin find a gundam in Jerusalem after the crusades get interrupted by space fuckers, or oda nobunga waging war against Buddhist space noids, or the Great heathen army but with grunt suits.etc...etc
>>5909793 This response indicates to me that I wouldn't want you, specifically, to know what quest I write. So ty for validating me anon.
>>5909794 Infliction runs a successful quest with 200+ replies.
Infliction's opinion has value, your opinion is worthless.
>>5909796 Lol it's the akun quest troll. Everybody say hi to the akun quest troll.
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>>5909803 Hey man you don't get it, he graduated top of his genre with over THREE HUNDRED confirmed readers
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5909796 Hi Akun quest troll!
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 31 Jan 2024 07:25:55 No. 5909837 Report Quoted By:
>>5909376 Look at me, mom, I'm popular now!
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 31 Jan 2024 07:28:51 No. 5909839 Report Quoted By:
>>5909394 Don't worry Watcher, i'm slowly catching up to prop the player count
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 31 Jan 2024 07:30:55 No. 5909841 Report Quoted By:
>>5909465 I... couldn't have! I felt him alive just like qtg!
But how does one make a GOOD fantasy Quest?
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
So this is the system I'm thinking of implementing for the multiplayer civilization quest. I'd like your thoughts about it and the potential pitfalls and issues that would arise from it. I have ran basically the same system for a group of my friends over the voice call and most of the changes made here are to make it more adapted to the /qst/ format (the rolling of 11 dice at once instead of me calling for it one by one). The multiplayer civ quest would begin with 3-4 player made races descending down from the glaciers and into the tundras/taigas/various half habitable shitholes and migrating/settling down and forming various kingdoms in a barren world, making do and eventually, interacting with eachother. I'm also wondering about making the players use tripcodes and what would be the best update schedule (I'm thinking about 1 update per 3/4 days would be a good tempo, with the threat of taking away a players civilization if he misses 2 updates in a row).
>>5909876 One does not simply "make a GOOD fantasy quest".
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>>5909922 >>5909876 Reichland... Home...
>>5909922 >>5909876 Reichland.. Home...
>>5909976 >Soj anything lol
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5909721 Do a Strangereal and make your own factions, but they still use Gundams. There's still a war, but the ones fighting in it shouldn't be familiar at first glance.
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>>5909894 As long as you communicate your schedule clearly, this should work well
cis quest.... halo wolfpack... becchi.....
Really struggling getting back into writing after a long break
>>5910484 Don't get back. Leave. This is place is a waste of your time. There are much more rewarding hobbies.
>>5910515 >There are much more rewarding hobbies. Name fifteen.
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>>5910673 >Name fifteen. Bartholomew.
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Whew it's getting spicy in Heretic Cultivator though. Grandfather just casually angermaxxing his anons. A foolish orthodox cultivator has put himself in the infinite death loop list with his frankly retarded choices. How fun. I cannot wait to see the payoff on that grudge in the future.
>>5910673 for me, in no specific order:
bike riding
working out (but not actually)
listening to music
watching (good) shows
journey to sample the meat of every animal on gods green earth
thats all I got, couldn't hit the quota
>>5908235 >>5908251 I have a lot to say about this, but I see everyone has dog piled you already so ill just move on.
>>5910739 >coding >hobby Whats wrong with you? Why would you want to do more work in your free time?
>>5910002 Soj quests are almost always good. Royal Rumble was easily my favourite. You just have to brace yourself for an abrupt end.
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>>5910484 If it isn't fun for you, there's no need to force yourself.
>>5910515 seems to be a troll, but they're not wrong: if it FEELS like a waste of time, well, /qst/ sure ain't going to win you any awards or pay any bills. The only reason tow rite here is for the sheer joy of it.
>>5910876 I think it adds tension honestly - knowing that every update could be the last. Much like carying for someone with a terminal disease, it reminds you that questing is short and fleeting.
>>5910898 >questing is short and fleeting Not always, in fairness. I've pretty much only taken a couple weeks off in the last three years of QMing. Depends on the quest, and some QMs have been running longer and more regularly than me.
>>5910936 What's the longest running quest still up, anyway? I know off the top of my head Saiyan Conqueror has been going for like seven years.
>>5910941 June 2017 for Saiyan Conqueror, July 2017 for Do Your Best, October 2018 for Sworn to Valour, January 2019 for Drowned, and August 2020 for tai Lung Quest. Some form of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon quest ahs been running since October 2016, but I don't know if they're actually the same QM or continuity. We also have a bunch that have been running since 2021, like Supreme Space Monke Ruler, Humaity - Fuck Yeah!, Drowned, Heretic Cultivator, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and more
including sort of mine, if you count my three quests as one ongoing narrative Anonymous
>>5910964 there is also that claymore quest its very old as well
>>5910941 Panzer Commander has been running since July 2016!
>>5910973 April 2018. Good catch!
>>5910983 Oh wow, I think we have a winner for oldest quest!
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>>5910983 >>5910991 That is pretty old, yeah. Nice.
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:xfpS9Dwj Thu 01 Feb 2024 04:24:53 No. 5911202 Report Quoted By:
>>5911188 Batquest has been updated. I'm experimenting with a faster-paced minigame for an investigation sequence. Hope you enjoy it.
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:xfpS9Dwj Thu 01 Feb 2024 04:26:42 No. 5911206 Report >>5906008 Holy shit you drew that. Do you take commissions?
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:xfpS9Dwj Thu 01 Feb 2024 04:29:59 No. 5911208 Report Quoted By:
>>5906514 Batman Begins was co-written by David S Goyer based on Goyer's story
The Dark Knight was written by Jonathan and Chrstopher Nolan based on a story by Chris and David.
If you have seen enough Goyer stuff you can tell the trilogy has a lot of his energy. Films are a collaborative medium.
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>>5910991 Valen started in May of 2015.
Now everybody call Riz old.
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:xfpS9Dwj Thu 01 Feb 2024 04:35:23 No. 5911220 Report >>5910769 >Why would you want to do more work in your free time? >Anon says on /qst/ Anonymous
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>>5911206 I unfortunately did not. Would that I had such a talent. I lifted it from a wiki. Slapped the text on the front. There is a watermark on the buildings towards the bottom. Looks like Cliff Chang or Chiang.
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>>5911220 In fairness, I think for most of us writing fiction is rather different from our day jobs.
Haven't been here in years. Did ouro write that lamplighter continuation or did he flake forever?
>>5911328 No, he never wrote it. He did write Court of Swords (and not finish that either) if you didn't catch that.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Court%20of%20Swords%20Quest Anonymous
>>5911328 The latter.
Well, forever is a long time, but it's still been years.
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>>5911360 Oh yeah I read it and malded when he shot it in the back of the head on discord.
>>5911361 Rest in peace...
Thoughts on a Jujutsu Kaisen Quest that just ignores the Mangas storyline entirely and just rips the power system and terminology and shifts the setting somewhere else?
>>5911563 I don't know anything about [FotW anime], sorry.
Is lady knight over or what?
>>5911662 You sure don't, if you think it's flavor-of-the-week.
>>5911670 I've been wondeirng when it would come back...
>>5911662 glad you took the time to add your valuable input then, retard.
>>5911563 I'd follow it, would you keep the retarded rule that cursed energy only exists in Japan and like one tribe in Africa?
>>5911689 That's the exact reason I'd ditch most of the manga storyline and plot points. I'd want to set it somewhere outside of Japan or at least get around to moving it more globally, I enjoy the system a lot but don't want the looming plot bomb that is Gojo, Sukuna, etc that erase stakes. There could be some HEAVILY tweaked versions of them or their techniques involved, if at all.
The whole: it's only Japan and one tribe that Miguel knows is something I'm not fond of so I'd ditch it, so it's everywhere and basically treated MiB style. (Or I guess chainsaw man style, Ala Public safety, without the public knowledge part)
Any other stuff I should leave in or leave out you think? As far as references to characters, locations, factions. or should I go full blank slate? Also my IP is going to change because for the moment I'm a damn dirty phone poster.
>>5911696 > I'd want to set it somewhere outside of Japan or at least get around to moving it more globally If it's just Japanese people and one African tribe, could always have the person be a descendant of them. or is it geographic or cultural rather than genetic?
>>5911696 Based
And I'd like at most reference to canon characters, maybe cameos, but keep gojo and four arms away from the plot for some reason. Could be before the anime or they could be on a romantic cruise to Notinthisqueatia together
And probably that motherfucker Hikari. I love him, but his domain expansion would make the average anon break themselves trying to beat, just like farmer slayer 3000 did cause he wanted to kill and immortal and got his ass beat across the harbor by the dancing gambling man high off his own endless CE supply
>>5911684 The post I responded to asked for thoughts.
>>5911702 I think the implication was 'useful, relevant thoughts'. Nobody's asking for meal recipes, analyses of your dreams, or what you're planning to grab at the grocery store later,lol.
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>>5911698 It's because of Tengen. Their barrier optimizes cursed energy in Japan and draws it in from everywhere else so curses and sorcerers don't pop up else where and become uncontrollable, it also makes certain techniques more viable,/easier to use in the barrier
Miguel's tribe is a rare exception to this rule.
So it's neither, it's "God sorceress is greedy and racist and doesn't let other nations play with her toys"
>>5911674 >3 years isn't new enough to be a fad Anonymous
>>5911703 My thoughts were relevant to the fad.
Maybe not useful to someone who wants to ride coat tails, but relevant.
>>5911708 I just like the setting bro, the fact it's a popular series that would probably net players off name recognition alone is just a bonus and means I'll get to actually see my little fanfic story through. "Riding coat tails" isn't the damning slam dunk you think it is, but by all means, cry and cope about if it makes you feel better.
>>5911708 You're not a fan of JJK. We get it. No need to be salty.
>>5911707 Six years. The comic started in 2018.
>>5911713 >"Riding coat tails" isn't the damning slam dunk you think it is Then running your idea back around 2018 when the manga came out shouldn't have been a problem.
>>5911717 >lol if you're not a fan geek girl, why don't you just time travel? Damn son, you got em.
>>5911714 >You're not a fan of JJK. I'm even less of a fan of people being disingenuous, and floundering to cover up their intentions.
I'm not the one who got mad when someone said they didn't know about a fad.
>>5911714 >The [manga] started in 2018. Yup, and the anime, which the series is more widely known for, came out in 2020.
It's strange for people to insist it isn't about the popularity when it's more popular than it's ever been.
It's especially strange when you consider it's only recently been subbed and released on Crunchyroll, as of 2023.
But no, it totally isn't a fad, I swear.
>>5911717 Didn't think about it until now. If I had thought about it back then, I probably would have done it. I wasn't into manga or anime around that time though.
Got any other zingers for me to shit on real quick? Because you aren't very good at whatever this is you're trying to do, I'm fully aware I'd just be doing a fan fiction of a popular thing that I happen to be interested in and that the success of my quest would be directly linked to the current popularity of the anime or manga. I'm just not such a prideful retard that this fact would bother me, I'm confused why it bothers you so much though, if you wanna explain.
>>5911725 >I'm just not such a prideful retard that this fact would bother me Yet you're bothered when someone doesn't know about it.
>>5911684 Don't ask for thoughts on something if you aren't prepared for expressions of indifference, disinterest, or otherwise.
A question was asked.
I answered.
Get used to it.
>inb4 "nerrr dat wuzn' me brblbrblbrbl" Anonymous
>>5911719 Weirdest thing is I am a fan geek girl and I don't thing I've tried to "hide my intentions" which btw I don't know what those "intentions" would even be outside of playing with another kids toys essentially.
I'm asking for people's opinions on how I should structure a fan fiction for a Japanese comic book that I got into via a cartoon adaptation. That is not normal person behavior lmao and I'm aware of this.
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>>5911729 Hey, buddy just a heads up you're replying to the wrong guy, I never said anything to you about you not knowing it or whatever. That's a different Anon , you acknowledging it at the end of your rant doesn't make you not retarded. I'm sorry you're having a bad day and hope it starts to turn around for you
>>5911722 Nobody cares except you, man. I just think you're being silly. I don't even watch JJK.
>correcting "comic" to "manga" as if "manga" isn't just the Japanese for "comic" I'm sorry to break this to you, but that katana you bought at the mall was folded, at most, five times.
>>5911731 >I'm asking for people's opinions on how I should structure a fan fiction for a Japanese comic book that I got into via a cartoon adaptation. That is not normal person behavior lmao and I'm aware of this. Nothing on this site is normal in the grand scheme of things, but fanfiction of cool comics and cartoons is pretty normal within the context of any nerd community.
>>5911731 >I am a fan geek girl YWNBAW
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>>5911734 I agree, I'll get back to talking about that now.
>>5911699 Yeah I'd probably end up leaving stuff like Hikari and his spam rolling domain far from the story. I know some players here can't help but power game and introducing brick walls like that will be a nightmare, I did find the entire 'Sorcerer v Sorcerer' format a lot more compelling than 'Sorcerer v cursed spirit' but I mean that's a given since one has actual people on both sides with depth (hopefully)
It's also a good excuse to read up on a bunch of different monsters or myths from other regions and game-ifying them. The ranking system also makes me think, cause making a weak ass random scrub curse narrative worthy is hard compared to something like a special grade with all the bells and whistles. But part of their appeal is their rarity. A rock and a hard place.
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>>5911735 Yeah, no shit. I didn't mean it literally, need me to use tone markers for you lol
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>>5911735 Yeah, no shit. I didn't mean it literally lmao, need me to use tone markers for you?
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posting on a phone is scary, send help it's moving around my lols and my lmaos
>>5911731 My queen... You are going to hear a lot of hurtful comments but know that you are beautiful and perfect in every way. Don't let them get you down and also don't eat bread it's bad for you.
>>5911731 >being a female QM Lmao, even
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>>5911696 You could always make it an AU story where Gojo was never born and, as a result, the curses didn't get exponentially more powerful to counterbalance him. You could also say some kind of event during one of the earlier periods caused cursed energy to seep into the world at large, both making it more common but also less dense. I don't see why you'd want to remove Sukuna though, his existence is basically a perfect tension building plot device, and you can delay his arrival by just saying that his fingers are spread globally and not just in Japan, if you want to make a story with a less Japan centric focus anyway.
In the end, it depends ln kind of tone you're going for. What quests do read/want to emulate?
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>>5911220 I don't get paid to write, if I did I wouldn't then do it as a hobby.
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>>5911844 Hey man, there was that spider woman QM BP who ran the Flashman One Piece quest a while back.
>>5911670 Hopefully the QM is just taking a break to plan out the next story arcs. Or fucking around on QQ I guess.
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg ID:AZrYrQ4J Fri 02 Feb 2024 01:07:13 No. 5912149 Report >>5903962 Her swordlance does not collapse into a tube. In sidearm mode, the swordlance remains roughly equivalent to a Roman Gladius, with a thick broad blade for stabs and cuts. This rests on a scabbard at her hip. So she'd have a sword.
Of course, given they're both goodly folk, the two characters probably would never have reason to come to blows. And powerlevels are bullshit.
>>5912118 I took a break to think things through and how I want Rosarium to go, and to stop the streak of 100 days of writing (or near enough that). Also put together my PC and get temporarily addicted to the Pokémon with guns game. At the end of last thread, I did announce when I would return; we shall be back on the 4th.
>/qst/ crossed over 1500 posts today Do you smell it anons? G O L D E N A G E
>>5912149 >Of course, given they're both goodly folk, the two characters probably would never have reason to come to blows. I like both quests, but I'm fairly certain that Lord Charles is not 'goodly' by Louise's standards, unless she is secretly surprisingly okay with things like incentivizing your troops with gang-rape or torturing, drowning, and burning magic-users.
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg ID:AZrYrQ4J Fri 02 Feb 2024 01:35:41 No. 5912186 Report >>5912176 Oh, from the description given I assumed he was a Lawful Good Catholic. No, that's a "we can't let the LORD do all the work" moment then.
>>5912186 >Oh I'm sure Lord Charles is a fine gentleman. >He burns people and does the funny group snuggle sessions >FUCK IT WE BALL Master Adept
>>5896313 Didn't really do a great job shilling my own question, so here's a little more context for anyone who is interested but didn't click: Planet Pirates is a retrofuture-inspired space opera quest where you play the captain of the [i:lit]Flow My Tears[/i:lit], and you get the chance to go on all sorts of deep space missions with your spider XO. Technically we're on thread #2, but don't let that discourage you, since the first thread is short to catch up on and it's easy to get in to the swing of things! Plus, happy to answer questions here :)
>>5912186 He IS a Lawful Good Catholic!...
By the standards of 11th Century French nobility.
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg ID:AZrYrQ4J Fri 02 Feb 2024 03:54:40 No. 5912315 Report >>5912223 Look. Look. In the Flower Garden, the sorts of people who do the group struggle snuggle sessions tend to wear black primroses and shout out praises to the Dark One. If it was consensual group snuggle sessions, she could overlook it like she does with her besty.
>>5912238 I, uh...
I don't think the Big J condones struggle snuggles. In fact im pretty sure theres a commandment against thay sort of behavior. The very idea that witchcraft exists and is not some scientific principle we simply do not understand is heretical protestant nonsense.
Torturing and drowning, though... I mean, Big Y drowned the world and I guess driving out the bankers from the temple with a lash is whipping them, so... fair.
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>>5912315 I'm not saying Jesus or the Pope does or does not condone the things 11th century French nobles did or authorized as acceptable wartime activity, just that wanton 'pillaging' including theft and rape were sometimes considered justifiable or excusable during early medieval warfare as a reward for soldiers and punishment for a city which did not surrender., and many a nobleman who considered himself a goodly Catholic did not interfere in his men's pleasures. He himself never rapes...
though he adulters a little, and then confesses and atones for it Charles also was born many centuries before the Protestant Reformation, at a time when putting animals on trial for causing bad harvests and then executing them was considered fair game. He came up at a time when the Holy Roman Emperor and Pope were at war, when Crusades were ongoing, and grew up illiterate. His Templar tutor and priest friend are both more well-versed in theology and were under the impression that witchcraft is a Satanic deception with no real power, but having been isekai'd to a parodic D&D-style realm where people seem to throw fireballs and freeze men to death with a gesture and a word (they call this place 'India', and are still holding out hope they find find Prestor John), they have had to adjust their mindset a little as well.
>tfw I write an entry, second-guess my writing, try to hastily correct it, and then fuck p my formatting >mfw I spend too long talking about historical war-crimes in the qtg and it's too late to delete and repost the section Remember, never second-guess yourself, fellow QMs. Or, alternatively, second-guess yourself but then obsessively reread and refresh your posts for a while afterwards so you can fix any errors before anons catch them during 4chan's narrow post-deletion window.
>>5912449 >not just inventing a time machine to go back and fix your post Anonymous
>>5912449 >he doesn’t post the entire update at once When it comes to deleting it really is RNG at times - on phoneposting at least - I believe I had to press delete like 20 times before it actually does it. There’s a period where you can’t delete the post, but thats only 2-3 minutes right after it goes up I believe. Keep spamming that delete button and it should work - if the color dims, thats a sign that it works.
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>>5912457 Give me three more years at this and I'll figure it out.
>>5912450 Can I borrow yours?
>>5912449 A lot of my writing is done late at night so I can resist the urge to stare blankly at my quest for the voters to come, so I sometimes fuck up a word or two and I desperately try to delete and reupload it.
Eventually I learnt to sometimes let a janky misspelling go through since I'm probably as liable to fuck up reposting it somehow.
I haven't been here in a while Do jannies szill get their dicks in a twist over sexo? If so, are there any alternative sites?
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>>5906851 I miss the other Transformers quest we had
I can't shake the feeling I killed it Anonymous
>>5912539 Sort of. They have clamped down on heavily descriptive seggs but if you link it in a google docs / other site it should be fine.
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>>5912567 Now that’s one hell of an ID.
>>5912567 Arigato
I think I'll do that
Is gore and violence ssafe though?
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>>5912576 As long as you're not a retard posting liveleak footage of a man getting crushed to death by an elevator, I doubt they care about written violence and gore in any way.
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>>5906559 How shit is your quest goddamn
>>5912449 >worrying about spelling after the first thread Lol even.
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>>5912576 Never seen a QM get banned for describing how our enemies get blown up or cut up to pieces so no.
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>>5912576 Never seen a QM get banned for describing how our enemies get blown up or cut up to pieces so you should be safe. Just don't post rl gore lol.
>>5912155 Just shows how reliant /qst/ is on a few star QMs sadly. Forgotten and Boggs come back and we're back to 2020 level of activity. They leave and we go down to under 1000 posts a day.
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>>5912666 We hit the one-year high last November and neither were running at the time ;)
Anderson Thorell (QM)
>>5912576 Having written some mildly gorey stuff for my quest not too long ago and not getting banned, I believe it's quite safe. Though, it's still something you should discuss with your people, in case they rather not have things be described real badly.
>>5912689 >Though, it's still something you should discuss with your people, in case they rather not have things be described real badly. Fag
>>5912722 Aren't you not even writing rn? Focus on getting back into it like you said, monkey man. chop chop boy.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5912576 My quest is filled with over-the-top violence, gore, and body horror-type shit in a visual form, and I've had no issues thus far. Though, to be fair, the violence in my quest is very cartoonish, lol.
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
Eclipsed Moon Quest 10 Year Anniversary & Wrap Up thread this afternoon. Come for the broad strokes outline of my intentions for remaining arcs. The rambling about expected variables & votes. Lamenting loosing my grip on my own Pathfinder derivative rules hack. Q&A. Depression! Putting this baby to bed because it has been in limbo so so long.
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>>5912064 >>5912064 >>5912064 The Graverobber's Daughter continues! After hemming and hawing over whether or not to mess around with a potentially man-snared chest, Chlotsuintha finally decides to err on the side of caution. She now consults her map of Aldoin's planted basement, and decides between two possible headings - the mysterious device that heard in the distance, softly gurgling, labeled on the map as a 'desalinator', or the broken casement window that she originally used to gain entry to the house.
We need a tie-breaker for this, it is four-four right now. Master Adept
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>>5899614 >>5912237 Like a retard, I misspelled "quest" and didn't even link back to it.
>>5883189 >>5883189 >>5883189 Anonymous
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That's it I'm messaging QD on Twitter like an ex with BPD
>>5912837 Shame to see it go, but ok.
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
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Multiplayer civ quest is up
>>5912911 >>5912911 >>5912911 Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5912858 Thank you for your patience.
Unwoven Coadjutor !!qKn8Clv8Wv9
Unwoven Coadjutor !!qKn8Clv8Wv9 ID:f7/hAyq2 Fri 02 Feb 2024 21:13:27 No. 5913240 Report Quoted By:
>>5913233 >>5913233 >>5913233 I've started a new quest. If you're interested in gonzo high-fantasy, anime fightan' bullshit come check it out.
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
The Wandering Headband will be returning tomorrow! If you like SUFFERING and SUFFERING with a side of SUFFERING then come and join this Saturday!
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>>5913249 waiting warmly, qm
>>5912624 I actually second-guessed my pacing and placement of votes.
>>5913249 Giving, or receiving?
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
"Hey I should get back to QM'ing, but my last run dragged on and sucked ass. What should I do-"
>>5910163 >that one anon pining for wolfpack >he's been waiting since last November Whelp, that settles it! Halo Wolfpack will be returning tomorrow. Either a reboot or continuing from last time. I'll probably do that as a first vote in the quest unless there's any objections.
please break my tie I was worried about two option polls for this reason
>>5912582 >>5912582 >>5912582 Anonymous
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>>5913334 Fuck yeah, see you tomorrow Thunderhead
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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Eclipsed Moon Quest 10th Anniversary & Wrap Up is up.
Press F to pay respects.
>>>>5913410 >>>>5913410 >>>>5913410 TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
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>>5913328 >Giving, or receiving? Both, of course.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5913336 Final Solarpunk update for the week. Wrapping up the social bit (or not)
>>5913619 >>5913619 >>5913619 Anonymous
there are too many fantasy quests mow
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>>5913753 We need more sci-fi quests to balance it out. GOOD sci-fi.
A B1 Battle Droid
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>>5913800 Clanker? Clanker!? CLANKER! CLANKERRR!!!
Happy Saturday, /qst/. Just a little something to celebrate some of the site's most prominent active (or recently active) mystical apprentices, courtesy of Indonesian Gentleman and my bank account.
HeadQM !Jy3l.GucX2
>>5913973 Thanks anon! I recognize my Elliot and a couple of others, but can you give a rundown of who is who? I've been looking for another quest to follow, this might help
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5913974 >>5913974 >>5913974 Big Shell Complex/Tokyo Dome Arc Summary and Inside Baseball for the Finale Thread of Eclipsed Moon Quest.
What's a good way to start off a thread? I'm struggling with it. It has been a while since I've written a thing. Currently, the post will start with the MC looking outside through a window at the world, to then refocusing his vison on the reflection of his face, finally it will go into his goals and feelings. It feels a bit slow as an opening.
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DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
>>5913973 Indo's just TOO DAMN POWERFUL! Good commish, anon, and an extra kudos to the artist himself--Libby didn't get much screentime in Slice, but you did a damn fine job on her! Snuff, Craig, and Ramza(?) all look fantastic as well, but I agree with
>>5913985 here--might not be a bad idea to mention where everyone's from for recommendation purposes!
HeadQM !Jy3l.GucX2
>>5914135 If it is a new quest, as with any recommendation on how to start a book, start with the hook, something to immediately grab the reader's attention.
You can start with the world description if the world is the hook itself, but that's a specific case. If you start with "I looked upon the dogscape, as the dogsun barked over the doghills" I'll be curious to read more. If you start with *generic fantasyland description*, I'll probably leave it alone and maybe check later to see if there's engagement and if it went anywhere, though I'll probably just forget about it (but, then again, I'm not the guy who wants a GOOD fantasy quest)
That's my personal opinion based on what attracts me, of course. There have been plenty of quests that started with "new quest, are you blond or brunette?" and were successful.
If it isn't a new quest... It's going to depend entirely on whether you ended your last thread because of a story arc or because it just reached page 10. I try starting with a small "in the last thread" giving fun bullet points of what happened.
>>5914135 In my opinion It is, start with something important happening that sets up the plot. Then cut to our mc reflecting. On qst I think the first few posts are really important, much more so then in a book. A person going to bookstore is ready to read, while I think on qst people are much more lethargic to pick up a new quest. (Opinion)
An example: You can open with some gods fighting or something and some of their blood falling to earth. Then cut to the mc like 100000 years later going to investigate a strange unearthed meteor while reflecting in the back of a car.
Another idea is maybe you can open with a quest synopsis instead of jumping right into the text. A brief explanation of what the reader can expect. That way you can start slow because the reader expects to see something interesting later. For example, if you say the quest will be about dragon slaying you can start with some random guy instead of jumping into the action. The promise of dragon slaying later, and the curiousity of how we will get to dragon slaying from this point, can keep prospective players interested.
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>>5914157 Thanks man, I get what you are saying, struggling with the inital hook to then transfer into the meat of the first post.
>>5914158 Yeah, that sounds good think I will just do that. Thanks.
>>5914157 >be you >girl >wat do Simple as.
>>5914189 I vote to thirst trap on the internet, immediately.
Curse Carrier DM
>>5914245 Thinking about the olympus quest where they decided to go for a titty streamer path to maximize XP gain.
>>5914268 >they decided to go for a titty streamer >quests allow people to play anything they can imagine, and they choose to be an e-whore Anonymous
>>5914272 To be fair, she's also a gamified spirit using it to make people literally ruin their own lives in various ways. While also spreading that same shit around everywhere she goes. You should have seen when she made a poor college girl fucking kill herself in front of her. It was crazy.
Curse Carrier DM
>>5914282 Great scene desu, there's a tendency for people to chicken out when making a villain, but seeing her slightly hesitate only to finally deal the killing blow and discard whatever empathy they had left was great.
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>>5914287 I did a double take. Shit was intense. Got wrapped up in the scene.
>>5914282 Mate you are rationalising it.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack has returned! Starting off with only a minor vote.
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
>>5914293 Yes? The fuck else are you supposed to do with our big human brains? kek. But no that is the actual reason, as espoused by the anons in the thread. Could they have been lying? Sure. But I am not a mind reader.
>>5914358 >Yes? The fuck else are you supposed to do with our big human brains? I don't think you know what that word means. Anyway enjoy self-inserting as a camwhore all you want, we all got our own thing at the end of the day.
>>5914376 See now you're strawmanning. And that's not cool, bro.
>>5914386 I really just dont care, I'm done talking about it, enjoy what you like.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Versequest has begun updating for the night for anyone who is interested!
>>5914396 >>5914396 Anonymous
>>5914272 Low effort quests get low effort responses
>randomly thought about this board again >decided to look up my old favorite quest >last update 2021 How sad
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5914584 Don't give up hope.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sun 04 Feb 2024 04:28:09 No. 5914701 Report Quoted By:
>>5913985 Another quest to follow? Say no more, my friend. If you like magic, action, conspiracies, monsters, demons, and mystery...then look no further than Lodestar.
>>5903865 Anonymous
Unwoven Coadjutor !!qKn8Clv8Wv9
Unwoven Coadjutor !!qKn8Clv8Wv9 ID:fn3SY7LP Sun 04 Feb 2024 06:29:36 No. 5914832 Report >>5914584 Is that a Solar? Was there a Solar quest before?
I just started an Infernal one. Might be up your alley
>>591323 Unwoven Coadjutor !!qKn8Clv8Wv9
Unwoven Coadjutor !!qKn8Clv8Wv9 ID:fn3SY7LP Sun 04 Feb 2024 06:31:22 No. 5914837 Report Quoted By:
Kraken !!foLJeTBIOjr
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>>5915215 >>5915215 >>5915215 Future Fades is back with its third thread. If you enjoy space opera that's a blend of scifi and fantasy elements, feel free to check it out.
>>5914832 >Is that a Solar? Was there a Solar quest before? I had to look up when it started, but Exalted Quest was old enough to be able to claim the title Exalted without competition. The first thread was started back when we could run quests on /tg/ and it was made in 2014, it's 10 years old now.
>>5915256 >quests on /tg/ was 10 years ago Anonymous
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>>5915262 We all rot. /qst/ is about two months away from being eight years old at this point, if I recall correctly.
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>>5915280 >>5915282 Update to Star Wars: a monarch's quest.
>>5913985 >>5914152 Well let's see...
>Elliot from Disappearing Hogwarts >Lucas from Path of the Exorcist >Tips/Ezreal from Seekers of the Esoteric >Craig from Jail Quest >Snuff/Bobbington from Greenhorn Quest >Libby from Slice Quest >Snik from Kobolt Klan Adoption Anonymous
>>5913973 >>5915359 >Cute fanart gets posted of Wizardly characters from multiple quests >Right before my planned "Sorcerer's Apprentice" quest with its overly complicated magic system Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5915361 Run it bitch
Your MC shall be drawn (if they're a junior in magic)
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 04 Feb 2024 16:34:17 No. 5915376 Report Quoted By:
>Another week, still no words of MediocreQM and Pokemon Loser
Is gatcha anon still around? Very interested to see his idea take form.
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>>5915361 Is your wizard named Angus?
>>5915361 Too many fantasy quests right now bro, it won't take off trust me.
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg ID:YNszV+oY Sun 04 Feb 2024 19:09:25 No. 5915529 Report Quoted By:
>>5915513 The Lady Knight's Quest is back with Thread #3!
>>5914584 >>5915256 EF moved to akun but the last update from him was 2021.
https://fiction.live/stories/Exalted-Quest/rGuuvtEgXBX7uxKJr/home I'm sad too because it was one of the first quest I really followed.
OBA-337 !!4mnDVUrwiI8
Hypothetically if I were to make a goofy one-shot shonen tournament quest would it be better if it was a free for all with all the characters fight each other at once in a big island or if it was a classic bracket style tournament? I was gonna hypothetically do brackets at first but then I thought it would get very boring between the fights the MC actually participates in
>>5915854 So what every (good) shounen tournament arc does and mix up the rounds. Different phases with different mechanics/conditions/whatever. Team fight, free for all, then finally when all the characters are known and personalities are well known you can have your dramatic purpose built 1v1s.
Enemies made to work together while seeing how they can double cross each other and still make it, sabotage for future rounds, alliances made where there weren't before, all the good shit. If you think doing one thing over and over will get boring, it definitely will. No reason to not have the "brackets" be different competition categories.
>>5915854 Don't forget to have a couple battles be unofficial stuff like sneaky sabotage, etc.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5915854 Have players vote to take control of one character in every fight.
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5915889 >>5915889 >>5915889 Space Zero Exhibition/Fashion Arc Summary of the Eclipsed Moon Quest 10th Anniversary and Finale thread is up.
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>>5915788 One of the regular voters fucking died between hiatuses, it's wild to think it's so old now
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>>>5916004 >>>5916004 >>>5916004 Gundam is back from the Curse!
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I haven't been on here since the idol quest anon said he gave up, did it keep going or someone picked it up or something? I kinda miss it.
Olympus QM
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>>5914405 I don't believe that the responses to my quest have been low effort at all. Especially during the scene mentioned here
>>5914282 there was a massive debate over the ethics of their actions and whether it was morally acceptable to do the things that they were doing. I get tons of interesting write-ins, and some players really delve into the power system and do their best to optimize everything. Say what you want about my writing or the way I run my stuff, but I've always been surprised at the amount of effort some readers put into the quest
>>5914268 >Thinking about the olympus quest where they decided to go for a titty streamer path to maximize XP gain. wait, for real ? kek
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Did SeraphDM ever resume one of his quests? I recall seeing him say something about it in one of the qtgs not too long ago
DemBones !!ehWv9n5C1mz
>>5915854 It really just depends on what you'd have more fun writing, but if it were up to me I'd do the Free-For-All so that you could get a little more creative with things. Would the protag eavesdrop on another fight to gather intel on another contestant's powers? Would an underhanded fighter bring in some hired muscle or some pals to gang up on their opponent? Would the grizzled old Ninja lure his challenger into a copse of trees where he could use his ninjutsu to its full potential?
That's not to say that brackets don't work, of course, but if you want to get creative with things a Free-For-All might be ripe for the proverbial 'pickin's'.
I am 100% sure my quest will draw more attention if I used a picture of an anime girl rather than landscape
>>5916432 True, but it won't help you retain more players
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>>5916441 You can't retain players if you don't have any in the first place
>>5916432 I don't think so
Let's look at the most popular quests
>>5887382 - galaxy background - 2433 replies>>5874828 - male skeleton - 1408 replies>>5879681 - blue monkey - 1394 replies>>5879070 - abstract text - 966 replies>>5877357 - hogwarts logo - 739 replies>>5893347 - cave symbols - 724 repliesNone of the top quests use anime girl cover photo
In contrast
>>5895197 - anime girl - 26 replies>>5913546 - anime girl - 36 replies>>5884757 - anime girl - 72 replies>>5883874 - anime girl - 96 repliesSee anon the numbers don't lie and they spell disaster for anime girls at sacrifice
>>5916590 Bit of bad science here. You're failing to account for the fact that the highly successful quests are all at least on their second thread. Opinions have already been formed on these quests independent of their image, probably more related to the previous threads. To say nothing of the fact that reply count is more related to update frequency than anything else.
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>>5916276 Our voice lowers inhibitions to the point where people start murdering, cheating on their spouse, committing suicide. For every life ruined we gain XP.
>>5916624 Fine
Most popular first thread quests
>>5893966 - star wars logo 1st thread - 608 replies>>5883865 - martial arts kids 1st thread - 561 replies>>5873422 - abstract text 1st thread - 473 replies>>5882286 - power rangers 1st thread - 451 replies>>5876456 - elephant army 1st thread - 373 replies>>5895197 - anime girl 13th thread - 26 replies>>5913546 - anime girl 5th thread - 36 replies>>5883874 - anime girl 83rd thread - 96 replies>>5884291 - anime girl 166th thread - 150 repliesFacts are facts. Anime girls don't draw. You can do ip count, results will be same
>>5916590 To be fair, you have
>quest that updates about as quickly as the USA constitution gets new amendments >a quest that just got put up three days ago >a quest that got flaked on/ended four days into being ran >another quest that updates super slow for the anime girl ones. I think that is what fucks them over way more than the fact anime girls were involved.
>>5916639 Same thing with this one. The last one is from a QM who gets decent players and decent voting counts but he deliberately ends his threads pretty quickly. So that stunts his reply count.
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>>5916641 Anime is divisive
You lose like half your potential audience if you use a picture of anime girl for cover photo
Use landscape and abstract texts if you want to be one of the big boys
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Mon 05 Feb 2024 19:26:00 No. 5916875 Report Quoted By:
>>5916639 Woohoo! Look Moot, I'm famous!
>>5916639 >>5916590 I'm always in shock just how retarded some people here are.
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>>5916890 you're on 4chan, buddy.
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>>5916890 Don't pretend you aren't retarded too
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5916890 We're all retarded down here, anon...
>>5916590 >>5916639 My quest with an anime girl in the OP gets 3x-4x the amount of replies as my previous quests that didn't have an anime girl in the OP, despite updating just as frequently.
>>5916923 Lies. There has never been a single quest that got more replies with anime girls in the OP. You are lying about running imaginary quests like a retard. Go fuck yourself.
>>5916639 To be entirely honest, I think mine works off brand recognition.
>>5916935 Pretty sure a Star Wars quest that has an anime girl holding a lightsaber would become one of the most popular quests on the board overnight.
>>5916948 Nah. Regular star wars fans won't read it because anime, anime fans won't read it because star wars. It's like mixing milk and pepsi
>>5916937 If you had an anime girl on the cover instead of the star wars logo, no one would read your quest
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>>5916948 >>5916973 >Anime You WILL read my shitty worldbuilding and you WILL like it.
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now that I think about it, im pretty sure there WAS an anime girl starwars qust OP on the board a week ago. It was in grey scale and im pretty sure AI gen.
>>5916973 >>5916962 Would it work if it was an anime bunnygirl under the double negative rule?
>>5917018 >Would it work if it was an anime bunnygirl under the double negative rule? Why not both? One of the most popular new SW characters is an anime bunnygirl.
>>5917055 She's from the star wars anime
>>5917024 >>5917055 Better than 90% of modern starwars, even if it's furry shit.
>>5917024 I thought Lepi were green?
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>>5917073 It's like Lando.
>>5917067 >>5917070 I am so confused. Why does she have a scouter? And an umbrella? I feel like I have suddenly gone senile and I'm seeing someone of another race and mistaking it for the first time I had ever seen one.
Is it worth watching, at least?
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>>5917024 Yeah, anon, I know. I just wanted to know if it would help or hinder his interest.
>>5917090 The show she's in is an anthology, so you're only getting one episode of her. It's a good episode, though. The Duel and The Village Bride are also pretty fun too, though for different reasons.
>>5917090 Season 1 is entertaining. S2 is unfortunately woke trash aside from the Aardman episode.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
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Any word on cyberpunk coming back? QM said it would pick back up in February.
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>>5917110 Woke trash? I'm in.
Speaking of Star Wars, has there been any word from Kaz regarding Star Wars Interregnum? Or anything, really?
I miss the CIS Star Wars Quest. Any news on if it's coming back?
Been low-key thinking about running a BAD fantasy quest. It would be a little bit edgy, a little bit dark. Not really sure exactly how I want to go about it, right now Im thinking you would be a body guard to a dark priest character. Got to keep him safe while he spreads the dark gospel. The plan is to run a short 10/15 update on rails demo to see if I'm vibing with it, and if I can get some players for it. Anyway, keep an eye out if interested.
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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>>5917029 >>5917029 >>5917029 Got an update in for the monster girl facility again, and I'd hope to get some responses in in the coming hour to make the second update for today.
Things are getting exciting, with a mysterious group of scientists and soldiers nearby, a strange song playing throughout some of the ruins, and a giant monster girl at your disposal!
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>>5917175 >>5917200 I miss Star Wars: Stellar Turmoil Quest. Supposed to start back up this month sometime under a new name.
>>5917280 I'm tentatively interested, though I have a LOT of quests on the go right now.
>>5917329 Too many fantasy quests right now, it's OGRE
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5917354 >>5917354 >>5917354 We got another Arc Summary as we march to the intended summarized conclusion of Eclipsed Moon Quest in the 10th Anniversary & Wrap up thread.
>>5915452 She became another statistic in the Black transgender murder rate. She went out like a champ, going for the double penetration. Unfortunately her bussy wasn't as big as her heart. Rip queen.
>>5917368 Why are you the way you are?
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5917491 >>5917491 Time for the highest DC of all Solarpunk so far: a cunning check to put down the fucking bottle
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Yo, City Management Quest qm here
I have to postpone the new thread until sunday 11th unfortunately
>>5902163 I liked it :)
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>>5916432 No overall and no in minutia.
>>5916948 a total failure from everywhere you look at it.
>>5917024 and by all accounts an absolute defeat.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 06 Feb 2024 08:50:13 No. 5917756 Report Dear player, thoughts have matured in my head. The next step of Minor Xeno quest redux will probably be launched in the incoming week
>>5902663 >>5902664 >>5902665 Where did you come across these ideas? I've had similar thoughts myself (Albeit less verbose.) and want to refine my understanding.
An example anecdote: Some of my friends love The Name of the Wind and don't understand my vehement dislike of it.
I keep trying to explain that I feel like there's a fundamental, masturbatory pointlessness inherent in the narrative, and thus I get a sensation of flaming ick as a recognize the work's fundamental lack of meaning or intention. It's like meeting what you suspect to be a fellow human being only to find out they lack a soul and are some kind of childish simulacrum parody monster. Instinctual recognition of the uncanny and empty, or worse: So without coherent meaning/intent that it comes across as actively depraved on a gnostic level.
But this sensation is hard to pin down. Yours is probably the best summation I've come across, and as you said, /qst/ is an unfortunate lectern to be thinking about this shit.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Tue 06 Feb 2024 13:55:53 No. 5917963 Report Quoted By:
>>5896450 For those of you wondering how this went, I'd say the change went fantastically. I haven't heard any complaints whatsoever, and it definitely altered the feel of it from "The controlled character is basically always going to succeed" to "This is a team effort, everyone has a part to play that will contribute to things". I really like how the experiment went. I recommend considering doing something similarly in your own quests in the future, though not as a random and sudden change - better to plan a quest with this kind of mechanic from the start.
Also gives you a better chance to show off each party member's strengths and weaknesses.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 06 Feb 2024 14:10:21 No. 5917977 Report Anonymous
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>>5917507 Really fun quest, folks.
>>5913753 >>5917332 >>5915528 Can you even name one? (GOOD)
>>5918012 No, but it doesn't matter. Too many fantasy quests means people won't even give you a chance in this current market.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Tue 06 Feb 2024 15:53:48 No. 5918052 Report Quoted By:
>>5917977 >>>5917974 i will make one today
>>5918030 >The Fantasy bubble is about to pop, invest in sci-fi-coin today! Kraken !!foLJeTBIOjr
>>5918155 But what if I'm running a space fantasy quest?
Maybe they are right, maybe there IS to many fantasy quests right now, and perhaps I should hold off my demo. Maybe I should wait for STV to end to pick up the anons that spill out.
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5918157 >>5918157 >>5918157 Update for the Eclipsed Moon Quest 10th Anniversary Wrap Up Thread.
Summary of the Infiltration Arc/What do you get the Girl who has everything?
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
All this talk about sci-fi and fantasy quests, and I'm still trying to hundred percent figure out what kind of quest my quest is...
>>5918030 >>5918155 >>5918167 Don't overthink it. if a quest is good (not the "GOOD fantasy quest" meme, actually well-written and engaging, a drawquest, or has a hook or point of distinction to differentiate it from the others, it will do fine.
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>>5917200 No clue maybe the qm got ill or something he was a fine qm. For now we can wait
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 06 Feb 2024 19:25:25 No. 5918235 Report Quoted By:
>>5918084 Glad to read that. Plenty of time befor game start
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>>5918180 It's a versequest, silly. Dummy.
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>>5918180 High Concept Psychedelic Creation Myth quest
>>5918212 If I don't have at least 7 players I refuse to run . I want a quest that's active and people talking like in bananas quest. The more players you have the higher the activity. Simple as.
This matters quite a bit to me so I am willing to make some sacrifices to achieve that goal.
>>5918311 If you refuse to run for less than 7 people, it's weird that you stay here. We're pretty small and niche. Few quests reliably get that much activity thread after thread, and even fewer if you don't count fraudulent votes or trolls.
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>>5918337 I think the amount of discussion matters more than the number of players, really. I wish more people would include rationale and arguments when posting votes and in downtime. That theorycrafting and bullshittery can help some quests run, with the silent stealing of ideas. And it's neat to see what people are thinking.
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>>5918311 Well, I wouldn't compare yourself to space monke too much given how that place is a massive outlier compared to other quests. Lest you plan on running a civ type game like that
You know, I don't think anything has killed my belief in democracy better than the average /qst/ voter
>>5918366 There is a quote on how great democracy sounds until you talk to the average voter. Think it was Churchill of something.
>>5918370 He also said
>It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. so you know.
>>5918389 Well he was clearly wrong, and you can look at any quest yourself to prove it.
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>>5918389 Sure but I like sharing trivia that I don't know. It makes me feel smart.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5918311 It's genuinely not worth it.
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>>5918432 oh shut up 80% of your quest is you kicking the hornet's nest, you obviously like seeing arguments.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
>>5918311 I understand that, anon, but you should also keep in mind that just because you have less than 7 active players, doesn't mean people aren't reading and enjoying your quest. I usually get maybe 4-10 votes per update (though it varies depending on the importance of the vote and how long I wait to post the next update) while the videos in my quest have 40+ views.
>>5918394 If you preferred dictatorship to democracy in this context, you'd read/write a book or play a single-player narrative rather than hang out on /qst/.
>>5918446 i'd prefer /qst/ with people that aren't retarded.
>>5918453 What makes you say the voters are being retarded, anon? Care to elaborate?
>>5918454 anon if you don't think most voters on /qst/ are stupid then you haven't been here long enough
>>5918455 Depends on the quest, in my experience. I find the anons in some quests are more prone to erratic or self-sabotaging behaviour than in others, and in more whimsical quests like Versequest or greenhorn/Redhorn they're often silly or inefficient on purpose for lulz, which doesn't strike me as stupidity.
>>5918459 Anon, most voters don't even bother to read the post or the options beyond the greentext at the bottom. You can write a paragraph long argument without a single refutation of how a certain option will completely and utterly fuck you over, but they won't even read it. They just scroll down, pick an option in what seems like random chance, and then leave the thread.
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>>5918311 What, kill a goat?
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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New update is out for the monster girl story! A quick bit of action, and some good rolls later, things have gone most swimmingly for your men (aside from two guardsmen being shot at, but a bloodless fight would've been a surprise).
>>5918470 >>5918470 >>5918470 Anonymous
>>5918440 lurkers may as well not exist.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
>>5918491 I appreciate anyone who reads my quest. Even lurkers. Though when I find the anons who made me wait like 3 hours to update because they didn't feel like voting they will be destroyed...
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5918478 >>5918478 >>5918478 Solarpunk lightning round. Votes and rolls will continue all throughout the evening, much quicker than usual.
>>5918494 I appreciate the lurker respect. Lord knows I’m doing that in some threads while I recover (eventually) from burnout.
It would help if I didn’t feel like every vote where I don’t put a write-in in the mix (or I’m able to put decent reasoning in for a vote I’m making) is a failure on my part. I know it’s not logically true. It doesn’t matter.
Though I can skip that idiocy to break ties. Ties are vile things.
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>>5918553 Hey man, don't even worry about decent reasoning. Just put any reasoning down. Not everything needs to be best effort top shelf shit. That's how you cook yourself.
Lurkers are cool though. Even if people should shitpost and chat in threads they are reading even if they aren't playing IMO. We're all here to have a good time, what's it matter how we do it, right? Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5918553 >Ties Haha, time to consult the winds of fate!
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>>5918311 Probably ought to jump ship to Akun then.
>>5918463 Depends on the quest. Most of the ones I play have fairly involved discussion. You're right that I am not often swayed by patagraohs of 'refutations'. An anon making a succinct and persuasive argument for why they made their choice can convicne me to change my own vote; an anon writing small novels about how I'm playing 'wrong' by not being 100% logical/optimal/in line with their preferences can make me tune out or spite-vote against them.
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>>5918311 If you had 20 players, you'd still randomly drop during the first thread
>>5918866 >how I'm playing 'wrong' by not being 100% logical/optimal/in line with their preferences can make me tune out Always makes me laugh how they assume they know the optimal path.
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
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>>5918366 Idk man, I feel like I've had intelligent voters on the last quest I ran (but it lasted like 2 threads, so it might be too small a sample) and on this one (players are not doing stupid shit, they're reasoning out their choices, asking me questions and for elaborations and are being creative).
I think it's mostly a matter of setting a precedent and a example.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
The nonstop complaints do you get pretty tiring desu.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 07 Feb 2024 13:35:21 No. 5919039 Report For those who missed it :
New phases for the story of the Under Hunter much of you helped evolve on a quite inhospitable planet : the Under Hunter made it to Tribe stage!
(You) will play a Matriarch. Granted, much of the biology of the Under Hunter and a few basic behavior are shared with all other. But your actions will impact the knowledge of your tribe, maybe a bit your biology too.
Never had an individual so much power over the fate of the species. Will you take the matriarch mantle and lead your tribe into dominion?
Only one way to find out :
>>5917974 >>5917974 >>5917974 >>5917974 BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
Welp, I've been bitten by the Cultivation bug again after getting influenced by an E-Celeb, making me interested in the next chinkslop gookclicker program. In the meanwhile, can any Wuxia-heads on the board give me the quick rundown on the currently running Cultivation quests? I know we have a decent number of them, and the premise of some of them seem pretty interesting. I've always wanted to draw some fanart for Heretic Cultivator (demon cat sounds cool) but I probably couldn't capture the essence right without way more experience.
OBA-337 !!4mnDVUrwiI8
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>>5915859 >>5915868 >>5915875 >>5916302 Thanks for the comments! I'm pretty much ready to start the quest, I just need to think up 2 more characters (gonna have just 10 of them since it's gonna be a one shot).
Also, it's not gonna be a drawquest (unless I feel like drawing a specific update) cus I can't draw action scenes for shit but I still want to have a drawing of all of them for the OP post and the character bios I'm gonna do. Hopefully I can start it this weekend but we'll see how it goes.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 07 Feb 2024 16:33:41 No. 5919145 Report Quoted By:
>>5919124 So there is my current thing over there
>>>5883865 >>>5883865 >>>5883865 The idea is you're a cultivator, but not a once-in-a-lifetime genius.
You're not doomed to mediocrity either, your luck is at least half-good. Enough potential to rise to the fulcrum of cultivation world, but it will take you more effort.
I'm trying to give meaningful choice without railroading, different kind of lucky encounters, possibility to find/adapt cultivation technique to match a playstyle mostly driven by affinity I rolled and depending on luck alone - you'll have to find out what works, what doesn't, and how to pass through your shortcomings.
Update almost every day, around 5000 character long.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 07 Feb 2024 16:34:43 No. 5919146 Report Quoted By:
>>5919124 can i get a link to th game though?
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>>5919023 Yes, but you do get tiring desu nonstop complaints?
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>>5919023 Been there, and it does get a bit exhausting. However, one thing to keep in mind is that even light banter or friendly trolling will set players off in a contentious/fractious quest.
>>5896313 >>Player question: What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue?
we need a quest that is just some nigga in space doing stuff
he has a space ship and travel from place to place trying to scrounge enough credits together to keep his bird flying
everywhere he goes he finds trouble
he has a dark past he is trying to escape from
he finds some unlikely companions in his travels and over time they become friends
GhostClaw !j/rREiFhwc
>>5919259 The fuck?
You pretty much nailed an idea I've been sitting on for a while, except I want to make my MC a runty, scrappy female.
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>>5919259 >>5919302 Shortstack Space-Wanderer sounds like a fun quest premise.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
someone in another quest started talking about shitshows and one of those he said was 'Fate/Awakening Mirror'. I asked him about it and he told be ask here instead, so I'm waiting for the story, seems interesting.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Have begun updating for the night!
>>5919551 >>5919551 Anonymous
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>>5919259 Jake Starcrash from Lego Quest
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg ID:xBMM5gBT Thu 08 Feb 2024 00:56:31 No. 5919663 Report Quoted By:
>>5919650 Lady Knight Quest has updated! Hilde has upgraded your armorsilks with many new features. Possibly too many.
>>5919552 Long story short, it was the sequel to the adopted quest Fate/City Akeldama that started out very strong for everyone involved, both the QM and Readers were very gung-ho about it, but the longer it went on the more people got frustrated by things such as not being able to kill anything with their "should bisect anything" sword, and with frustrations of a similar nature, ending up draining QM enthusiasm as well, so the updates would take longer, and more of the frustration would build up. Eventually the final vote got tied for so long that the QM decided to take a break and has yet to return.
Of course there's also plenty of drama within the actual quest itself about story directions and character decisions, but that happens every time something is written into an already existing property, especially one as expansive as the Nasuverse.
>>5919698 >more people got frustrated by things such as not being able to kill anything with their "should bisect anything" sword was it due to failing the dice lots of times or QM just not giving it ?
>>5919714 To my recollection, besides a few times during the quest where the outcome was randomized, dice weren't utilized, and whether choices were easy or difficult to accomplish would be related to the MC's skills, the action itself, and of course the situation. This system worked wonderfully whenever there was discussion, and much less wonderfully whenever there wasn't, which would lead to players feeling like the QM was trying to hold them back or punish them for picking the wrong option. Especially when it came to a point late in the quest where the MC had just escaped a dream world and was stuck in bed, so instead of voting to communicate with anyone, the vote went toward just resting, but unfortunately at just that time the entire house got exploded by an enemy, and the MC and most of his allies got spread across the city. Things like that vote that decided whether the house would get exploded in just one vote got plenty of people riled up throughout the quest.
>>5919721 I see, thanks for answering friend
Low Speed Anti-Divine QM
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>>5919731 >>5919698 >there's also plenty of drama within the actual quest itself about story directions and character decisions Speaking to this point, a prominent issue was that the MC's character development had problems with internal consistency, sometimes due to players falling into competing camps on where to take it, and other times because the QM and the players weren't on the same page. This led to the MC's behavior becoming basically schizophrenic, with no one involved happy with how things were turning out as in-story bridges got burned one after the other.
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
>>5919780 >>5919780 >>5919780 Penultimate Summary, Eclipsed Moon Quest Finale
Kraken !!foLJeTBIOjr
>>5919259 >>5919302 That is very nearly literally my quest - as of end of last thread/start of current one anyway. It began with some necessary setup onboard a space station. Check it out if you're willing:
>>5915215 >>5915215 >>5915215 Anonymous
I don't shill too often in the QTG, but I'm very proud of myself today because for all the influential and well-remembered quests I've referenced here, I've never before managed to properly allude to one series in particular, and I've always meant to. Today, today I did.
>>5919803 Today, my main characters went for a date at a Denny's.
People say they want a space quest but they don't actually want a space quest. Unless you have "ai" in the title. People LOVE playing as an AI. Fantasy in space doesn't count. (40k/starwars)
>>5919876 >Halo Wolfpack >Humanity - Fuck Yeah! >Mobile Suit Gundam Earth Federation Quest >Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest >Simple Space Empire Quest The last two being the most active quests on the board right now...
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 08 Feb 2024 06:47:13 No. 5919968 Report Anonymous
>>5919798 >Penultimate Summary, Eclipsed Moon Quest Finale so it's a sailor moon quest ? what happens there ?
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>>5919862 Most effort I’ve put in a
>write-in in a damned while. If writing class was anywhere like this shit im aceing everthing lol
>>5919881 Bad post, only humanity fuck yeah is an actual space quest worth mentioning. The other four are fan fics and "civ/empire/builder variants" that happen to be in space. An actual adventure quest or real sci Fi is pretty much the last thing qst on average wants. Unless it has something to do with an AI.
This post was a mistake, you are going to say something that's going to make my eyes roll back into my skull in reply to this post I just know it.
I'm considering making a quest with musical aspects, but I don't know shit about music. What are some good materials to read/listen/watch to get a better grasp. Shoot I'd even like to know if there's something that can just crap out songs if just to get ideas and bases to build upon.
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>>5920039 I recently reread Shiori Experience, a manga about music, and thought it would be a wonderful scenario for a quest. The manga uses incredible imagery to portray the music and its impact, like the drums shattering the concrete or a guitar solo cutting through people or a ballad grabbing at audience's hearts, which, I reckon, can be done amazingly with text as well. Sadly, I also know nothing about music, so I can't recommend anything more than that. Beck is a good music anime and a bit more realistic in that regard.
Local Lord
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Oyez oyez, nobles seigneurs, gentes dames, belles demoiselles et gentils damoiseaux, I have great news for you, the Local Lord Quest is back. Very late of course because of unfortunate events, but better late than never. After all if Charlemagne did not arrive in time to save his nephew Roland he still had the time to attack back the heathens and defeat them after this. So all is not lost.
Here is the link to this magnificent thread, I shall try to update it daily, as per custom.
>>>5920163 So let us be back at burning witches, courting damsels, intriguing against our liege lord (it is a heathen who consorts with the devil so it does not count as unchivalric), and hopefully waging a right and proper private war because hunting get's boring after some times. We cannot waste our energy and passion in endless peace, counting gold like some kind of venetian merchant.
Good luck good sirs and it is a pleasure to write again.
>>5897028 >>5897040 >>5902971 >>5903133 >Prodigal Son medieval quest >endless desperate demands to construct brothel in medieval quest I never directly participated in the quest though I read some of it, but I assumed that brothel player was thinking of Medieval 2 Total War videogames, in a lot of these strategy games brothels function as the espionage / diplomacy type unit construction buildings, see pic related. It might have been more helpful if the player clarified or explained or elaborated upon their narrative intention in greater depth though. It should also be noted that all the diplomacy units etc at least in the base unmodded game are completely useless as you can just overwhelm and besiege cities with endless nonstop tide of basic peasant infantry. spearmen etc. Look, I did a deus vult on all of France, tee hee hee
>>5920232 Souv, have you played the excellent Middle-Age conversion mods for Medieval Total War?
I found it immensely satisfying to recreate the Kingdom of Men with Aragorn as King, and then vice-versa, capture the On e Ring as Saruman and conquer the map with endless hordes of Uruk-Hai
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 08 Feb 2024 13:49:41 No. 5920241 Report Quoted By:
>>5920236 Hey I installed it for my Tolkien-enjoyer, Computer-Illiterate little brother for Christmas!
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New GCBC thread is up, featuring art from the very talented art-anon who has provided the other thread images.
>>5920234 Anonymous
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>>5919806 Yeah, this is a great one. I love how the MC is competent, but is still challenged.
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>>5919876 That's because space fantasy is fun.
>>5920038 Real sci-fi isn't going to have aliens or FTL travel, so yeah, it is the last thing I want.
I also don't give two shits about AI.
>>5920232 I think he just wanted to coom
>>5920279 What you need to do for Realistic Sci Fi is to have your Epic Space Adventure, but it's set amidst a Dyson Swarm whose central authority has collapsed. Ancient automated systems have kept orbits of the trillion world's stable and in sync, but human society has declined after some calamity.
What was the calamity? Super plague? War? Rat paradise induced population and societal collapse?
Point being, in such a setting, you can get a nice blend of fantasy and scifi adventure tropes without having to break the laws of physics. Travelling between stations replaces travel between worlds, with the characters potentially calling stations worlds and multistation complexes systems.
Leave this in the background and play it right, no one will know the difference unless they squint.
>>5917812 >pointlessness inherent in the narrative >nausea when confronted with fundamental lack of meaning or intention You need to explore more conceptual art, abstraction and avant garde cinema.
Art which is an aesthetic riddle, it has to defy explanation and understanding.
Recently I was reading some of the works of the modernist American poet Wallace Stevens. He is famous for being an insurance executive and also getting punched in the face by Hemingway.
Stevens poems are influenced by Cubism, often presenting simple and clean word-images in a fragmented and unusual perspective. For the most famous and well known example, see this
https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45236/thirteen-ways-of-looking-at-a-blackbird (and also this amusing parody, written by another poet)
https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/52751/thirteen-blackbirds-look-at-a-man According to wikipedia, Wallace Stevens developed an interesting philosophy called The Supreme Fiction.
I mentioned a lot about how I look for the MORAL PHYSICS when playing games or looking at art, it is the means to assess creative vision.
The idea Stevens explored in his poetry is a sort of apotheosis of the imagination. Perhaps you are familiar with those 19th century philosophical theories of Ludwig Feuerbach, god as psychological projection etc. god as imaginary wish fulfilment and idealism. With the death of god in modernity, where do we look for a moral anchor? Wallace Stevens proposes almost an inversion of the idea "god is imaginary": instead, "imagination is god". In his own words, Wallace Stevens wrote of the experience of ideas that satisfy the imagination, the source of the MORAL PHYSICS: "The World Imagined Is The Ultimate Good". In this godless pagan world of only Nature (that supplies experience to the senses) and Man (who supplies consciousness and thereby reality to Nature), the role of fiction, of Art, is one of transformation of meanings and realities. Art should resist intelligence and defy interpretation; I think when the meaning of Art is pierced, it dies and is quickly forgotten.
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>>5920295 >>5920285 I posted some art by the surrealist Max Ernst before, but he had a good quote on this topic:
"Woman's nakedness is wiser than the teachings of philosophers"
>>5897040 coomzardok .......
>>5920236 I have indeed heard of this mod, I have not played it there are TOO MANY VIDEOGAMES I am still playing through huge amounts of Neverwinter Nights mods and also I went back to playing Arena Breakout lol because I need assault rifle GUN VIOLENCE, it is humiliating because I am now lowest rank (I missed several seasons) all the maps have changed I no longer know where any of the loot is lol
I watched lots of films recently, I watched Woman King (2022) lol this film actually has many memeworthy moments it is funny, I was reminded of that phase on qst a while back when we had nonstop Black African Woman quests tee hee hee.
Also I watched TITANE, I was hoping for a sort of JG Ballard type story with good arthouse techno music, you know a long time ago I always viewed France with great reverence, from the literature and philosophy and baroque music and fashion etc. whether it was arthouse cinema, Gerard Depardieu and Juliette Binoche or even Luc Besson making cool gunfight shootouts or scifi etc or Moebius or bande dessinée type stuff like
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renaissance_(2006_film) etc, or Banlieue 13 lol.
But after watching this film TITANE (2021), I am not sure I like France anymore, sorry. Something very bad has clearly happened to France, I don't think it is just il faut épater la bourgeoisie
The key message of TITANE is: if you want to become transgender, you should do some murders, then shave your head and break your nose against the edge of a toilet sink, this completes your gender disguise. Then you should have sex with a fire truck (as in, sex with the vehicle, this happens)
Also I watched Suspiria (1977) the Dario Argento one, that film was very interesting, all the actresses are so attractive yay (lol maybe it was just aftershock from seeing TITANE) I can see where Nicolas Winding Refn gets his neon lighting RED LIGHTING BLUE LIGHTING colour cinematography from hehe.
I immediately detected the cold war subtext of the Suspiria film, on a way it is similar to John Carpenter's The Thing
>>5902098 >>5901927 they say Dario Argento as a horror director was not political but there are some deep clues embedded. For a start, the film seems superficially about an American girl who visits an European ballet school in Germany (?) that is full of OCCULT WITCHES and MURDER but there are some symbolic hints hehe, she gets thrown out by her suspiciously unusually Russian named roommate Olga, there is a strange conversation about borrowing money early on in the horror film, and the evil headmistress witch is said to be a Greek immigrant (a reference to the anti-American pro Soviet 1973 uprising against the military junta?)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athens_Polytechnic_uprising It is worth noting that Suspiria was also released in 1977 the peak of the German red brigade Baader Meinhof activity era etc.
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>>5897040 >>5920309 >COOMZARDOK I actually deliberately structured the film still sequence of Woman King (2022) here
>>5920316 to echo that of Zardoz here
>>5903196 Indeed I feel that Woman King film is perhaps the modern rejoinder to the moral questions posed by Zardoz.
The musical anthem to this Zardok quest participant anon is of course this theme by Handel:
Zadok the Priest - G.F Handel | King Charles III Coronation 2023
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Sm_PNbQebdA Truly, COOMZARDOK is the most kingly amongst us, we must Exalt Him. He deserves a pageant like this one
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5919987 This fanfic quest’s start is loosely based on the Makacon fanart that was initially mistaken for production art for the prior announced anniversary series that eventually became SM Crystal. The fanart in question described a successor generation of Sailor Senshi and an ex-senshi currently shut in version of Chibi-Usa named Mikage(Crystal Tokyo never happened somehow so she grew up in a mostly normal world, DBZ time-travel rules) who for unknown reasons quit being a Senshi.
As a quest it started a bit edgy, smoothed out, and I spent over a hundred threads over expanding the cast and making poor decisions as a writer and cramming in ideas and aspects from some Sailor Moon Musicals, the Manga, side story manga, and the Live Action TV show in a story that treats the Anime (Sailor Moon through Sailor Moon Stars) as base canon.
>>5920293 This anon scifis.
>>5920316 >>5902689 >JUST MAKE EVERYTHING OBVIOUS, revisited I suppose that WOMAN KING film exemplifies the aesthetic absurdity of what occurs when you MAKE ALL THE MEANINGS REALLY OBVIOUS like what the anon here wanted,
>>5917812 perhaps modern audiences or demographics demand this, they cannot endure the intellectual suspense of the unexplained lol.
The way I approached this film was to imagine that someone took Grace Jones from that Conan The Destroyer film, and tried to make a vaguely historical fiction about her lol set in Benin / West Africa the Dahomei Agojie warrior amazons etc.
I think the film would have been far more artistically coherent if they fully embraced like a blaxploitation / grindhouse cinematography for it, like got Robert Rodriguez the Desperado guy to direct it or something, or made it into Django Unchained lol
Instead the film took itself and its moral and political message INCREDIBLY SERIOUSLY (which is absurd, because the narrative events depicted were invented, but just with some historical names attached) yet was also very coy and tentatively timid in its sexless treatment of subject matter (look, it is about chained women war captives being auctioned). The most strange image of this film to me was this pic related. I think the director wanted to create like a historically culturally situated authentic? image of female empowerment, some sort of warrior woman bonding ritual that conveyed a really uplifting message.
But anyone watching this film scene (it looks like some sort of Slaanesh or maybe Khorne blood for the blood god sacrifice, I jest not, they anoint these demonic goat totem horns with lifeblood from the warrior sisterhood women's slashed limbs) anyone who watches this scene is confronted with this utterly perplexing juxtaposition. It isn't historically accurate - but it looks ? accurate?? but there is sort of uplifting modern female empowerment tone, empowering music and chanting? Over shadowy firelight and darkness, mise-en-scene reminiscent of grindhouse gore horror? What is this??
>>5920232 nah just coomzardok
>>5897028 not really incredible coomzardok was bested and defeated from thread start to now. Always lying, scheming, cheating and trying like a sibilant snake to get his coom for then be inevitably denied. Is honestly quite funny to look how much he loses and rages
>>5920038 Kind of seems like you just mean:
>nobody wants to run my extremely narrow definition of what a 'space quest' is, and which I have not fully defined and will not accept as a way to move the goalposts Which is fine, and as soon as I realized you were the:
>too many fantasy quests, nobody will play a new one Anon, I knew there was no point trying to reason with you about such things.
>>5920338 >PLAYING FOR BLEED pic related is an interesting excerpt from Vampire The Masquerade, a section on Playing For Bleed, ie creating a character familiar and similar to yourself, in order to facilitate emotional transference from player to character and vice versa, and also the opposite (ie creating an unrelatable unsympathetic foreign character, to minimalise or recalibrate emotional feedback). I found this section very intriguing (and no, after watching Woman King or Titane I do not feel the need to perform emasculating blood rituals or nasal disfigurement gender change antics hehe). I always wondered if 4chan quests default to a cartoonish style because this places a greater emotional distance (the cartoonish barricade of appearances, say) between the emotions of the author, the players and the dramatic game characters, hehe
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>>5920330 Well right now I'm
Fantasy-ing, though I won't deny that the Gardeners suffered a more modern-ish systems collapse than a Roman style systems collapse. Their magi-tech Rat Paradised them into the dusty confines of history and myth. A huge die off accompanied the systems collapse that ended their society, and it could be said that the survivors learned the wrong lessons from it. Anonymous
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>>5897040 >>5920309 >>5897050 >>5920232 >>5920285 >>5920347 >COOMZARDOK someone should make some artwork portraying this exalted sex fiend / prophet-monarch
In the absence of any contributions, I found this picture of Handel where he appears to be fondling his own bosom HIS HAND ON NIPPLE in utter delectation and blissful release as he composes Zadok the Priest coronation anthem or something, I shall use this picture to represent COOMZARDOK quest anon in my own mind
Aside from Handel, Zadok the Priest as his musical anthem, I also imagine this piece by Vivaldi for some reason as a good accompaniment for his debauched pageant.
I don't actually know any latin so this translation is just from wikipedia
CUM DEDERIT dilectis suis somnum.
Ecce haereditas Domini filii,
merces fructus ventris.
For so he gives his beloved sleep.
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Vivaldi - Cum Dederit (Nisi Dominus RV 608)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ylw8wO9ih4w Anonymous
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>>5920352 >4chan quests default to a cartoonish style I think that they actually run the gamut. I've not tabulated a median or mean tone (seems like it would be difficult and subjective), but I've seen everything from cartoony goofiness to gritty grimdarkness, and at least a few that I play have a lot of relatable emotional drama, more than I'm sued to seeing in a D&D session for instance.
Maybe not more than VtM, but people seem to play that game either at maximum horny, maximum trauma, or both Anonymous
>>5920347 The quest is dead so who really won?
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>>5920386 I liked it so far, but I did get the feeling it was made with heavy assistance from ChatGPT or another bot.
>>5920330 >SCI FI I was hunting around for some techno or electronica type soundtracks (disappointingly, TITANE soundtrack is bad lol, usually the French arthouse films have unusual or inspiring music scores).
Anyway, I found a random amazing youtube channel, called GAZMIKA. I think this bloke randomly remixes film clips from various sources to create these hypnotic dark music videos
Do you like WAR ROBOTS? Dark future abstract visuals? SPACESHIPS flying over SATURN RINGS? Check out this song / visual remix. On the last qst I mentioned I really liked the soundtrack to Nicolas Winding Refn Too Old To Die Young, I linked the techno beat in that one, "Summassault", but stupidly, I just linked the official static image mp3.
Well here is that song remixed with incredible (unrelated sci-fi) visuals, it looks SO GOOD. The visuals remind me of demoscene
GAZMIKA remix, SUMMASSAULT (Julian Winding, from Nicolas Winding Refn Too Old To Die Young OST)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kwLsfCzTBQg GAZMIKA ] interstice [ -- light
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_iWScTHwBwY (I don't know this song, but this one has much more cool robot cgi visuals from that KELOID short film, it looks so amazing)
Of course, the paragon standard for this genre of music is Perturbator and synthwave, I think it is a bit overdone nowadays.
This GAZMIKA youtube channel has an interesting take on an iconic Perturbator song, the edting is really good on this one.
Do you like NINJA ASSASSINS? LEOTARDS? JACUZZI WOMEN? tee hee hee it is so 80s
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6y4q0GualIQ also I watched this one, I don't like this song as much, but the editing with the Robocop gunfight (new robocop, not the old Verhoeven one) actually is incredible lol he somehow makes the modern Robocop remake film look really good when synchronised with the music. If you have seen the actual remake film lol it is nowhere near as exciting or dramatic as when accompanied by this music. Not all the Gazmika edits work or are good but I think he has a lot of talent
GAZMIKA edit Perturbator DEATH SQUAD Robocop remake visuals
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oFA1DkLgH8U Anonymous
>>5920232 No, just pointing out the samefag in the thread.
If you read the quest, the posters write-in, and options beforehand shows a darker vote each time, which multiple anons supported who had been playing throughout, but were shot down by a slew of 1ptid posters to flip the vote everytime.
It culminated when the brothel vote came up with multiple 1ptid voting for it while multiple 1ptid voting against it, that the samefag 1ptid then projected the name onto to muddy the waters and continue to do so now.
It would actually be funny if it wasn't so pitiful.
Don't take my word for it though, read it for yourself.
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5871209/ gClFy2de is the poster in question.
Notice that the 1ptid always goes against their vote, choosing, in my opinion, to be a simp instead. But that's 4chan and qst in general, 1 autistic ruining it for everybody.
>>5920293 Add in all humans having had injectable nanites that pass from parent to child that serve as communicators with said ancient systems. Without the central authority, they’re on semi-controlled autopilot as they can’t effectively monitor for degradation in their own hardware and programming while most people have trouble interacting with them since the authorities that can often translate this human-nanite communication to something workable by other systems are defunct.
Have enough time pass and this “regresses” to a magic system, where chance has led some people’s communicators to hold up better over generations than others and they can command the ancient systems to perform sometimes monumental tasks (summoning rainstorms, reshaping the ground) because there’s nothing else to countermand those requests, the worlds were so heavily infused with nano-scale machinery that they can do practically anything, and an intelligence remains that can translate those particular commands for the rest of the system… assuming all those individual pieces are still intact enough to function as intended.
Cue “mana” that is really how overtaxed your own mental faculties are from brute-forcing communication that was once easy into a “language” that has replaced defunct commands with ones still recognized, “magic dead zones” that are simply areas where either the environment or authorities are too damaged to respond appropriately, inbreeding leading to powerfully unstable “mages”, communities “worshipping” a god at a shrine that is actually one of the authorities used for “casting”, with the shrine as a communication hub that is found templated across multiple “worlds” giving rise to a pantheon of deities that clearly must have created the world since they’re everywhere by design, system outages being treated like acts of a god as communication is disrupted etc. etc.
You can go pretty far into the realm of fantasy through sci-fi without violating hard rules.
>>5920038 >>5920038 >>5920293 >>5920437 >SCI-FI Do you know this short story, Arthur C Clarke (1955) The Star. It is just 4 pages long. It imagines Bethlehem as a supernova that obliterates a distant civilisation. I think the meaning of this one is pretty apparent hehe, it is a good parable
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Star_(Clarke_short_story) I think most of the "sci-fi" settings on 4chan qst don't really deal with science fiction, they are more genre backdrops.
If you have robots and lasers and spaceships in your game setting it is not actually sci-fi, they are just sci-fi decorations.
You can also reverse this logic and see how genre settings absent of the appurtenances of spaceships cyborgs etc can be sci-fi (eg Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is sci-fi, I woud argue the second part of Gilgamesh, his journey over the Waters Of Death, is sci-fi, it is literally like a spaceship voyage in Sumerian cosmology and myth, I would argue the play by Lord Byron of Cain I mentioned before on qst is sci-fi, it is about past worlds made by gods)
There is stuff set in sci-fi that is not really science fiction eg Tarkovsky Solaris is set on a space station... it is not really about space lol.
A lot of sci fi can be transposed. If I remember, Face / Off the Nicolas Cage John Woo film was originally written to be cyber futuristic (you can see echoes of it in the brief prison / oil rig scenes)
Maybe it is just semantics, I prefer the term speculative fiction for my idea of sci-fi.
Sci-fi needs to deal with speculative themes and societal transformations raised by scientific investigation and technological adaptation.
Eg technological determinism, nature versus nurture, dominion of man over instinct etc, disaggregation over control, mechanisation man versus machine, the computability, transference of memory and experience, explorations of new scientific theories upon human behaviour or cognition and relationships. You need to discuss (or allude, reference) scientific theories in your fiction, it needs to underpin all the worldbuilding. I cite a really good example by JG Ballard called Chronopolis (about a city where owning a clock or watch is illegal... there is an interesting explanation for why hehe)
I tried to engage some anons in my COSMOGONY quest in scientific discussion, about the isotropy of space...
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5839516 This conversation was never about the isotropy of space. If the Isonomy in my game is the algorithmically controlled rules based order, the clue to it is sort of in the name of the Saevasque Concord, which I made to sound a bit like the SCO... hehe
lol in hindsight, I probably should never have included the "don't know" option, noooo
>>5920409 Solid recommendations, Souv. Thank you! this is the sort of think I like to listen to when writing tense scenes.
>>5920420 I was in favour of the troubled romance with lady Blackthorn once I started playing, in fairness. We hadn't really been given any other viable waifu candidates and the turmoil around Mirena was compelling drama.
>>5920437 That is a pretty neat angle on the whole magic-is-secretly-technology subgenre.
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>>5920499 >my quest counts as sci-fi, sort of Huh. I mean, I guess I did include
ancient aliens and transhumanism .
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>>5920349 I find his dedication to shitposting rather charming, desu. Every single one of his posts in this thread has had exactly the same degree of scorn and level of vitriol, he's got this down to an art and that's worthy of a certain sort of fascination.
>>5920499 I disagree. You're pointing towards a very narrow subgenre within Science Fiction and claiming that ONLY that subgenre alone counts as science fiction. Your definition excludes a number of staple Science Fiction stories - to give two examples that helped define the genre: Starship Troopers (the book, not the movie) and Star Wars.
Science Fiction does have to be speculative, but it need not follow some revolutionary narrative in its storytelling.
>>5920499 I naturally assume all anons have seen Face / Off but just in case you have not here is Nicolas Cage delivering ALL THE ACTING in the space of a few heartbeats, in a handful of seconds his visage contorts from manic delirium at his triumph in the prison fight, sheer ecstatic elation to agony self-doubt and remorse (also, those magnetic locking clamp prison boots, which remind me a bit of the standard spaceship microgravity boots from The Expanse lol, these boots hint at the original sci-fi cyber future setting of the script). Rewatching this scene after I watched Vampires Kiss recently, another Nicolas Cage film, it is interesting how both these films feature delirious self-affirmation mania sequences (the hilarious insistent "I'm a vampire! I'm a vampire!... I'm a vampire...!!" scene from that film alongside this prison fight sequence, "I'm Castor Troy! I'm Castor Troy...!" etc.)
>>5920586 I mentioned it before but I consider The Expanse to be the best sci-fi series I have seen. In most space settings the spaceships are basically airplanes lol, it is not really set in space, it is just set on an airplane flying from desert planet (continent) to jungle planet to snow planet (continent) etc. The Expanse really conveyed space and hard vacuum to me, I already mentioned the gifs of the microgravity bubble fire and the Coriolis effect twisted space station water flow on old qtg's (I tried to reference this a little in my own game setting, when I depicted how the players could feel themselves approaching the edge of a spinning space station because of the differential feel of gravity in the head versus their legs etc). I think Alastair Reynolds also discusses things like astronaut pre-breathing in his space novels (pressurisation technique a bit similar to diving, I was going to include some stuff like this, then I decided against it, I just assume the magic haemolymph space elixirs handle all of it). I also used actual mathematical Lagrange diagrams for the battlemaps the trojan points in orbit the 60degree triangle etc.
https://archived.moe/files/qst/image/1700/23/1700233954327136.jpg (this scene)
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5833289 Also, the choice of trying to hide at L3 ie the sci-fi thing of concealing yourself behind a star was a sort of trap option hehe... note how one of the acquirable assets in the game is a Neutrino Observatory, neutrinos will pass through the sun easily hehe. I think in the Expanse they discuss things like asteroid albedo and electro/optical imaging for stealth etc, but probably there is no stealth in space
If I knew more about orbital mechanics I would be very tempted by a hard sci-fi setting (check out the videos of the ultrarealism physics game Children Of A Dead Earth CoaDE, I have not played it but the game looks like a really cool premise).
Also The Expanse best episodes are all the political ones, Earth Mars Asteroid Belt etc, the worldbuilding gets a bit lost when they go full alien star portal etc, I disliked those narrative segments. But something I really liked was how the discovery of the star portal led to an economic downturn on Mars (because that scientific community was built around a multi-century terraforming mission-driven purpose; with readily available Eden type alien worlds to colonise, the mission-driven purpose and economic destiny of Mars was lost) I thought that was a really clever story development
>>5920565 Paradoxically I don't consider Star Wars really to be sci-fi, I think most people would call it space or sci-fantasy, it is really more of a Western, with some World War 1 / 2 machine gun aesthetics. I mentioned it before, but the film that most resembles star wars visually is Lawrence Of Arabia (lol Obi Wan Kenobi is even in both of these films lol) if you watch that 1960s film, you immediately understand Tatooine and all of the Star Wars "alien culture" type imagery. In fact probably the breakup of the Ottoman Empire explains some of it. And the sword and planet genre is basically rooted in 19th century Orientalism themes etc. I wanted to explore that a bit in my quest The ODALISQUE but I don't think the players understood the connection lol
George Lucas claims he was perhaps inspired by jidaigeki (jedi?) and something about the war in Vietnam I guess you could just call it fantasy set in the magic space airplane etc. It is sort of like how Dungeons And Dragons is also a western and not really about medieval settings despite having swords and so-called chainmail and things. I think American authors can write medieval feeling fantasy (for instance, I am very fond of Tad Williams, his fantasy feels almost more Arthurian to me than the actual Fisher King type motif original legends). I mentioned it before I never really got into Star Wars or Star Trek, the sci fi look to me was always Blade Runner and Aliens (the 2nd one James Cameron with all the flamethrowers and pulse rifles and those motorcycle handle machine guns hehe) that was always the look of sci-fi for me, just my preference. I cannot really take sci-fi seriously whenever I witness A HUMAN WITH KNOBS ON THEIR HEADS lol, I just burst out laughing, it is just unbelievable to me. I am not sure why, I quite like the sort of Jim Henson puppetry animatronics you get in Ridley Scott Legend, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Neverending Story etc but whenever I see Star Wars 1920s speakeasy cantina scene etc I just find it ridiculous, because nothing about it really suggests moral or symbolic depth, it just seems really crude and parochial, there is no "science" sci-fi theme there in contrast to the aforementioned Jim Henson stuff (which is at least evoking some fairytale hobgoblin symbolism etc with the puppetry)
Starship Troopers which is Heinlein is indeed sci-fi, I have not read it or too familiar with it only seen the film, I consider that sci-fi or the film at least, because it is exploring societal transformation amd confrontation. Asimov, Clarke, Herbert Dune etc all sci-fi etc
>>5920587 The expanse has great parts.
It started to lose me after the alien gate parts.
I also think that the political parts got screwy when the first few seasons the fleets of Earth and Mars were the end all be all powerful, advanced, superpowers of the Sol system, then abruptly stopped existing as a factor because some terrorist from a loose coalition of 3rd world countries somehow materialized a fleet of armed merchantmen.
It’s like the UK world war 1 navy and German High Seas fleet started kowtowing to India’s navy of the period that declared itself independent and asked Canada to help.
The other somewhat laughable concept that I had to nitpick was the implication that Mars would invade and occupy Earth, because their Marines all trained in 1g.
All I’d say is: you wouldn’t have the bodies.
>>5920617 >The Expanse united earth government etc >>5919968 >pic related caption, Is This Some Kind Of American Joke I Am Too European To Understand etc. Well if you know the philosophy of Carl Schmitt etc, you know that there cannot ever be a world government (in Schmitt's framework, the basic political unit is enemy and friend... so there will never be unity, you must always define your identity and ideology against an Other, an Outsider, What You Are Not, and then bring in the whole Morgenthau animus dominandi preservation propagation domination principle hehe) so the whole Expanse idea of United Nations World Government which of course fully resembles America lol in values language and outlook as hard as that actress Shohreh Aghdashloo tries with LOOK AT MY ETHNIC INDIAN (Iranian?) GARMENTS SO EXOTIC OOOHHH but she is still pretty American lol. In fact I would say the ethnic representation in the Expanse is fairly unconvincing, despite the Chinese Martian underground rail announcements lol and the Belter patois creole language attempts, they do try really hard. Science fiction overall is pretty American.
>>5920617 >Expanse less believable because some loose coalition of 3rd world countries somehow materialized an advanced armed fleet >some random third world missiles challenging more powerful fleet, how could this possibly happen?? Imagine it is not like there is some poor impoverished third world country of militants that has endured a decade of famine and bombing, that is challenging the most powerful world navy in a critical transit lane right now, with some random missile barrages - that is not ever happening, right? (see pic related)
I agree this bit is on the surface unbelievable and unconvincing, but the explanation is that after the magic alien star gate lol, Mars (which possessed the most advanced and newer modern stealth tech fleet, versus Earth legacy spacecraft) Mars went into recession, so it began selling off their advanced military tech to the third world Belters etc. So I read this a bit as a parable of technology dissemination, dual purpose civilian military tech fusion etc, it is quite relevant to the Cold War now, particularly when Mars is portrayed as being a bit Chinese in ethos (have not read the books, but in the TV series Mars has a lot of Asian type imagery, the Chinese rail station announcements etc highly focused technocratic science driven community).
I think the worst episodes were the season 4 and 6 alien planet ones, season 5 set entirely on Earth with the crime backstory exploration, poverty storyline and prison escape from Baltimore etc were really really compelling and convincing, Amos was a very interesting character, and I also liked the ending of the Pirate Captain and also Drummer etc. And I liked that imagery of the wealthy private enclave homes having their own private SSTO (single stage to orbit) launchpads luxury tourism spacecraft lol
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
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>>5920038 You could come play solstice quest when thread 2 comes out sometime over the next few months :3
It's pretty chock-standard sci fi
>>5920615 My guy I think you are taking a subgenre of Science Fiction and then saying "every SciFi work that does not fall into this category is not SciFi".
SciFi is a big, broad bubble that can be generally summed up "Speculative fiction about the future with an emphasis on the technologies used". The stuff that's about societal transformation? That's a subgenre. The stuff that's about SPESS MUHRINES fighting FILTHY XENOS? That's a subgenre. The stuff where there's space wizard's having WW1 style dogfights in space? That's a subgenre. The stuff where it's a highly technical story about shit going wrong for a guy who got stuck on an alien planet? That's a subgenre.
Also, read Starship Troopers. It is nothing like the movie, which unfortunately wears the name of the novel's characters and organizations like a skinsuit. They are so far diverged that the film is actually unrecognizable if you went in expecting a Starship Troopers adaptation. Like... worse that Wheel of Time, in terms of being faithful to the source.
>>5920666 >Houthis, Bab el-Mandeb Gate Of Grief etc You may have seen this missile launch scenario in my COSMOGONY game, timestamped here
Wed 15 Nov 2023
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5831165 >Gate Of Grief / Bab el-Mandeb / al-Mandab etc The hijacking in Yemen of the appropriately sci-fi named Galaxy Leader vessel occurred on Nov 19, 2023
https://www.maritime.dot.gov/msci/2023-005a-red-sea-hijacking (my explanation here)
https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5817888/#5843995 So yes, I was very aware of these real-world themes when I was creating my sci-fi setting, hehe
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>>5920293 >you can get a nice blend of fantasy and scifi adventure tropes without having to break the laws of physics You really can't, though, because fantasy is the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable. The moment you include something fantastic in a work is the moment it breaks the laws of physics.
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>>5920666 Right, and if the current instigators manage to leverage their disruption of global shipping in a strait into purchasing aircraft carriers and ownership of Saudi Arabia I’d see your point.
As that has yet to happen, well, I’ll maintain that fiction needs to make sense, reality doesn’t.
>>5920646 >LOOK AT MY ETHNIC INDIAN (Iranian?) GARMENTS SO EXOTIC OOOHHH that's pretty accurate to how middle-aged colonial descendants of the Indian Diaspora dress, even in countries like Guyana or Trinidad & Tobago, where the people are thoroughly divorced from most of their cultural traditions by a degree of a century or two and don't even speak any language besides their former paymasters' imperial European tongue.
>>5920687 Souv has a tendency to focus intently on his favoured form of a genre as the platonic ideal (he does it with quests sometimes, too), but I guess if we're going with
>Speculative fiction about the future with an emphasis on the technologies used Star Wars really doesn't qualify, since it takes place in the past, far away, and there's no real focus on the technology. I think the genre may even be broader than that, because I do agree with Souvarine that things like Frankenstein (and the original novel version of Dracula, for that matter) also sort of count in their own way. Ultimately, the boundary between fantasy and sci-fi is semi-permeable and at least part of it is probably 'vibes'.
>>5920740 >Dracula I was reading Night's Black Agents rpg (it is a cold war setting about vampire spies) they have a cool supplement which is about how Dracula (the novel) is actually a secret codex text, that uncovers a huge vampire conspiracy (the source book reprints all of Bram Stoker's Dracula with /x 4chan tier insane annotations) I am not entirely convinced by the exact vampire lore in their setting, but I appreciated the effort lol
Recently I spent a while contemplating some twist or defamiliarisation deconstructed take on vampire lore. I watched Doctor Sleep lol, the only vampiric horror in that film is the superhero BLACK INVINCIBLE GIRL CHILD she experiences ZERO THREAT, even from bohemian alternative lifestyle antiwar meditation hippies LOOK THEY MUST BE CHILD MURDERER VAMPIRES you should TRUST THE CHRISTIAN SOBRIETY CHARITY PERSON he probably will not molest you, also how they leeched the creativity from Kubrick's The Shining into the realm of repetitive overtrodden mainstream Hollywood studio production imaginative undeath, but actually the basic source material is sort of interesting. I liked the vampire cult name, The True Knot, also I liked the idea of vampires as inhaling a psychic incense (not blood, psychic vapour leeched from the pain and fear of gifted individuals) whilst the film itself did not do a convincing horror portrayal of it, I think the idea has some potential. Ok I admit I mainly watched the film just to see the hot lady from Dune wearing a silly hat, I was really curious. I like an unusual twist versus the typical vampire fang gang lol, like in Byzantium (they walk in daylight and feed with lengthened nails) the Lost Boys (which when I saw it actually struck me as more of a film like Home Alone or the Goonies lol, only superficially about vampires) had an unusual thing where the vampires are made from this strange old wine bottle etc, and they have this strange levitation power. I was scouring tvtropes for some unusual or less familiar vampire archetypes, I really could not find much
>REVERSE VAMPIRE >walks in daylight >vomits blood onto you? >has no life Anonymous
>>5920791 If you were less afraid of anime, I'd recommend the Blade anime miniseries (lots of weird Asian vampire-like monsters or Tokyo Ghoul (vampires as a sort of allegory for the punk and queer subcultures and the ways in which ostracization encourages increasingly deviant behavior as a response to trauma and rejection of society, the cycle of trauma, etc.; also, they don't just drink blood but brutally devour people's flesh).
>>5920803 hmmm I am quite fond of the predatory ghoul flesh rending vampire but that archetype does exist 30 Days Of Night covered it pretty well hehe they just all look like upright bipedal ravenous walking sharks
Maybe to remain relevant vampires have to embody the anxieties of the current age. The reason why that John Carpenter The Thing (1982) blood test scene
>>5902098 worked well was probably because of the 1981 HIV Aids epidemic etc. So maybe we need some sort of GENDER VAMPIRES they leech the masculinity or femininity out of their victims leaving them soulless emotionally dessicated asexual husks, whilst the vampires themselves regain their vitality / voluptuousness / erotic allure lol.
Maybe the head vampire is not even a person it was originally some marketing programmatic advertising algorithm, that separates targeted adverts based upon men / women demographics etc it has become SUPERNATURALLY CURSED lol and now harvests and feeds upon gender confusion and vulnerability. And instead of drinking from some gothic blood chalice lol the process of VAMPIRIC CONVERSION begins by clicking some innocent youtube video or scrolling past something on your TikTok For You Page (I learnt amusingly from this same lorebook pdf
>>5920352 that there is apparently some larp community on TikTok of Vampire Masquerade roleplayers who exchange romance videos with each other lol, the rulebook tries to provide safespace rules lol)
Alternatively if the GENDER VAMPIRES are not a comfortable thing, how about NOSTALGIA VAMPIRES they feed and steal your beloved childhood memories, perhaps they even replace them with horrifying invented traumas. The vampiric contagion vector is again probably some algorithmic video feed. Also, because vampire the masquerade d10 system stole the Egyptian life ankh hieroglyph and put it on all their dice, I reckon maybe the sinister memory parasite NOSTALGIA VAMPIRE uses this Akhet hieroglyph
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhet_(hieroglyph) It is sort of like a U or H shape, the horizon two mountains / towers with the sun disc in the middle traversing the sky between them, the Egyptian temples are built in this gate shape symbolising dawn dusk night rebirth etc. So maybe the NOSTALGIA VAMPIRE false memory trauma feeder could use this horizon symbol hehe
>>5896313 >QM question: No, but now that you mention it, I might do that.
>Player question: Definitely stealth/stealth action and pure adventure.
>Lurker question: Not really. I was going to ask if any stealth/sneaky boy quests exists, but I figure answering this question this way would basically be asking anyway. Anything I'd like to see done or more of? See my answer to the player question.
>>5896338 >>5896357 What's wrong with lurkers? My votes never get selected, even if I type an entire Purdue University essay on why I'm picking it and how it can benefit the MC.
>>5920846 >perhaps they even replace them with horrifying invented traumas That's how they make vampires in these books.
>>5920848 >What's wrong with lurkers? 4chan has no statistics on viewer count and no way to "like" or "react to" posts, meaning that the literal only way QMs know you're reading their quest is if you vote on it. On top of this, the average vote count on a /qst/ quest is low enough where if even one new voter shows up (or one existing voter vanishes) it has a real and considerable impact on QM morale. If you like a quest and want it to continue, vote in it. If you lurk, you are indicating that you don't care whether it lives or dies.
Also, many QMs incorporate losing votes into the update in some way, or take them into consideration to influence the options given for future updates. A vote almost always matters in some way. If you include commentary or a write-in, odds are even higher it'll get factored in, win or lose. Finally, if you never vote, your preferred option is going to lose even more often than it would if you did.
Vote in quests!
t. QM
>>5920420 There's a difference between dark and retarded
gClFy2de's write in on the mc's dad
>E.) Rage envelopes you like the darkness of a starry night. You are glad the bastard is dead, for he was no father, man, or king to you. on the mc's 5 year old sister
>C) Marry her yourself. You find what was once lost in the linage of your father. on the bandits that gangraped 14 year old peasant girls
>E) Join in their revelry and commission them as Knights of the Realm, dubbed the "Black Hound Knights". on the traumatized 14 year old peasant girls after their rescue
>E) "You are my slaves now and you will do even more for me," you command the girls. >E) "Silence wench!" you bellow before slapping her to the ground. "Those with power decide the fate of others. You are here now because you had none." This isn't dark, this is weird edgelord coomer fantasy
>>5920850 argh nooo nothing is original argh, I have only tangentially heard about this sci-fi author and his space vampires I am not too familiar with it though. I did see on tvtropes and I do like his idea that vampires fear the cross because of the orthogonality of axis coordinates in space, the Euclidean geometry axis intersection as a cross etc interferes with their space vampire perception and configuration of reality, that is a cool sci-fi notion! But thanks for mentioning it, I think inventing unusual twists on the vampire archetype idea is really challenging
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>>5920500 I don't think qm was going for romance, just ANGST
>>5920803 I really wouldn't recommend tokyo ghoul to someone scared of anime
>>5920879 Nor probably someone with anxiety around androgyny, given Kaneki's whole effete vibe and relationship with a lithe tomboy, plus
having a sexy cannibal woman living in his brain and dressing in bondagewear , but then again I think Souv likes Hellraiser.
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>>5920873 This isn't the space vampires series; this is about transhuman undersea maintenance workers who
are given false traumatic memories because broken sociopaths are more efficient workers in the claustrophobic environment but there's an in-joke among them that they call themselves vampires.
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>>5920871 >>5920888 >Weird bdsm power exchange / victim, abuse role reversal switch There was a scene in the recent Ridley Scott Napoleon film, which was not sexual at all, but I really enjoyed it, I don't remember the exact dialogue but the fictional scenario is that Napoleon rushes back from his Egyptian military campaign, he has discovered that Josephine is committing adultery with some younger officer whilst he is away, so Napoleon storms back to France enraged and roused in seething hate and jealousy he humiliates Josephine before all his courtiers and scolds her etc. she is sort of tearful and repentant and womanly and distressed and everything.
Then later when it is just the two of them alone by the fireside Josephine suddenly grabs Napoleon and makes him recite some humiliating self-abnegating refrain (I don't remember the exact words but it is something like You Are Nothing Without Me etc etc) whilst she looks on all cold and tyrannical and domineering and scornful whilst Napoleon is sobbing and whimpering and tearful.
So I discussed that Opponent Process psychological theory in the past, how a feeling induces its opposite and vice versa cycling and oscillating back and forth (sometimes the opposite feeling begins a rising action even before the preceding opposed emotion has even reached a zenith or ended) I wonder if this cycle operates for all strong emotions (the domineering impulse I imagine is quite a strong emotional arousal) consequently there must in every individual then arise some countervailing release of pent-up vulnerability, becoming a sobbing victim
>There should always be a side-scene where THE CRUEL EVIL RUTHLESS VILLAIN cries to himself somewhere privately, life is just really hard HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>5920848 Essentially what
>>5920867 said.
>>5920888 hehe I quite like the Lament Configuration "world in a puzzle box" idea, he reuses it with the Fugue carpet in Weaveworld, but really the only thing by Clive Barker I enjoyed was that Undying videogame, scythes and phosphorous shells shotgun blasts and flinging magic ectoplasm bolts and hurling screaming burning human skulls hehe, it was a cool videogame for me, I think I played it as an early unreal engine game before I even ever played Unreal Tournament 99 lol The other Clive Barker stuff I find interesting reading just as wikipedia summaries, I watched Hellraiser 2 lol it is just a shock gore film and not that great, but the music by Christopher Young for the 1st film is acclaimed (in fact, to me it had a Danny Elfman / Tim Burton sound. You could imagine this as an interlude for a Tim Burton Gotham or Batman theme, or maybe something like Edward Scissorhands)
Hellraiser music Theme, Christopher Young
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wxIFzdwrzek >GENDER CONFUSED BONDAGEWEAR WOMAN >>5920846 >GENDER VAMPIRES infected by ALGORITHMIC FEEDING and of course, the disturbing sanguinary spectacle that propagates this cinematic barbarity is probably Titane (2021) lol. Look she writhes satanicallly upside down in a crucifix pose on this flame painted hot rod style car. This prefigures her later sex escapades with a fire engine truck as a man.
This film won so many awards lol every film critic thinks it is utterly amazing. What this film means for French cinema, I dare not say
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>>5920922 >>5920316 I feel obliged to counteract the malevolent ugliness of the Titane film with this gif from Suspiria 1977. This film features a lot of attractive actresses hehe. Also, you can see here the precursor to that Nicolas Winding Refn RED BLUE lighting lol he clearly stole this from Dario Argento and it is probably also the Bioware Mass Effect 2 red blue paragon renegade choice lol or maybe some cold war allusion to Soviets and communism THE RED or something hehe
If you want a condensed version of Nicolas Winding Refn, that GAZMIKA youtube channel
>>5920409 I mentioned obliges. Here is some music remix with visuals ftom Copenhagen Cowboy, I have actually not watched that series though
GAZMIKA Julian Winding Undead Is The New Red, visuals remix from Copenhagen Cowboy Nicolas Winding Refn
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bdBNhnDooBQ archivebro
>>5920848 I can attest to what
>>5920867 says, I have had QMs include some bits from my write-ins even if it doesn’t win. I’ve also been in /qtg/ enough to see that yes, QMs appreciate the (You)s even if it’s not an effortpost, so even if your vote doesn’t win you’re still supporting someone them at least.
Cold comfort if you rarely swing votes your way when you really try, but part of effortposting is accepting it’s like baseball and not school - swinging votes to your preferred option 30% of the time is MVP-tier, no question.
If you somehow manage to usually have those swings be good for the quest, you’re mythical at that point. I’m pretty sure Core of Steel has far and above my best effort-to-vote-conversion ratio at 30%-40% success on the votes I do write-ins for (I’m sure I’m overestimating it, but CoreQM mixes votes a lot so I consider some as partial credit) yet they’ve run the full gamut of great successes to absolute failures for Beta. And man, nothing quite sucks like doing a multi-part write-in, getting anon support by engaging them with some-back-and-forth, then having it blow up. Both when it actively fails on all levels, and when almost everything worked out well except for one screw-up at the end that overshadows everything else.
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>>5920867 >>5920962 >I have had QMs include some bits from my write-ins even if it doesn’t win. Seeing the write-in is always the best part. Or any text accompanying the vote for that matter. I want to see what the anons are thinking when reading the quest.
Contolist !!AVpo7Bz35Xr
>>5896581 I'm still alive, just got very busy for awhile and still am. I'm considering continuing the quest, really enjoyed writing it. Apologies for dropping it without warning.
Completely unrelated, can someone remind me of the quest where anons played a water dragon whose main ability (like all water dragons) were eyes that could predict how someone would react? The character’s best friend/bodyguard was a stone dragon that was picked to eventually kill her if needed (because stone beats water in the five-elements way) and a whole lot more that would be difficult to recap succinctly. It was a quest I caught up with at one point, but didn’t stay caught up before I took a long break. I know more threads existed, and I’d like to close that out even if the story was unfinished.
>>5920983 Oh yeah, I forgot to add that the QM moved the quest to akun after getting fed up with 4chan over getting caught in an IP-range ban. So it got a continuation there.
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>>5921039 Damn. Never fun switching boards. Still, it was a good quest so back on the plate it goes.
>>5920867 >>5920316 >statistics on viewer count, no way to "like" or "react to" posts >competitive videogame rank systems, algorithmic matchmaking etc In our modern world everyone is obsessed with LCS metrics (like comment share) they even entered the common vernacular eg being "ratio'd" on x former twtr etc. I had this weird real life experience recently, I run around a lake for an hour in the mornings for exercise, I speak to some regulars afterwards they are birdwatchers or passersby, friendly elderly retired people etc. Well we enountered some random stranger, he was a cheerful amateur wildlife photographer, his bird photos were pretty impressive, he was quite young and enthusiastic just walking past our casual conversation. Then after a brief pleasant introduction, he eagerly gives us his real name, his entire personal instagram and social media details, enthusiastically asks everyone to "like comment share" all his posts and then walked off. He seemed like a normal pleasant person just converted into a walking perambulating very low reach low conversion and ineffective speaking human clickthrough advertising campaign. I was very scared by this. The scene all around us the halcyon morning, the lake and birds, the idyllic verdant embrace of Nature like the Wallace Stevens blackbird poem lol
>>5920295 except a mesmerised human runs up and pleads for likes comments shares. A vampire thrall, a vampire must have done something to him.
If you play competitive online games you know about ranked matchmaking how in team games they rapidly become rage-inducing, the zero sum mentality of it designed to engineer some Skinner box type repetitive status engagement loop.
I guess the method pre-dates computer games, the classic is ELO
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system from chess etc and in fact many variants of this or similar methodologies are applied outside of games (some people use it in fund of fund universes to rate investment managers lol).
So suppose if you were to write a conceptual sci-fi story,
>>5920499 you might want to explore this, the most sci-fi thing right now. More sci-fi than AI or the aapl helmet computer that ruins people's hairstyles because these ranking and behaviour metrics reconfigure human impulse, behaviour and thereby society at an all-pervasive scale. In fact ranking and voting is behind most machine learning mechanisms, I sometimes wonder how top-k classification recalibrates human aesthetics (convergence towards banality??) already a flavour of it with the irrelevance output of googl search engine results, probably why they terminated the Appen contract hehe
It isn't even that high tech or sophisticated, but fixation on metrics ranking is reallocating humans and physical resources and capital to reach some unknowable end destination. I wonder if the end destination of confrontational zero sum game-theoretic thinking is this lol
>>5920666 >>5920689 Anonymous
>>5921237 >>5912539 >>5912567 >SEGGS?? >sex For a further example of this, maybe you know about the phenomenon in this article
https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/04/08/algospeak-tiktok-le-dollar-bean/ It describes how TikTok or twitch youtube streamers influencers are superstitiously self-censoring and developing a replacement substitute language to avoid being downranked by an unknowable impenetrable god algorithm that might curtail their audience reach and viewership if they mention a naughty word, provoking brand safety issues for corporate advertisers
>Algospeak refers to code words or turns of phrase users have adopted in an effort to create a brand-safe lexicon that will avoid getting their posts removed or down-ranked by content moderation systems. For instance, in many online videos, it’s common to say “unalive” rather than “dead,” “SA” instead of “sexual assault,” or “spicy eggplant” instead of “vibrator.” >When young people began to discuss struggling with mental health, they talked about “becoming unalive” in order to have frank conversations about suicide without algorithmic punishment. Sex workers, who have long been censored by moderation systems, refer to themselves on TikTok as “accountants” and use the corn emoji as a substitute for the word “porn.” >More recently, users on TikTok have started to say “cornucopia” rather than “homophobia,” or say they’re members of the “leg booty” community to signify that they’re LGBTQ. >Black and trans users, and those from other marginalized communities, often use algospeak to discuss the oppression they face, swapping out words for “white” or “racist.” Some are too nervous to utter the word “white” at all and simply hold their palm toward the camera to signify White people. lol imagine if the sorcery of occult unknowable god-algorithms causes future superstitious technopagan primitives (it is this lol oh my god)
>>5920338 >>5920316 to create voodoo magic warding apotropaic ritual gesture language, to appease and placate the vengeful DOWNRANKING curse of the watching algorithmic gods lol
>>5921238 >self-censor Personally I use “seggs” as opposed to “sex” due to the UOH (cunny optional) SEGGS meme. It has a certain unserious tone to it, and that’s why I say it outside of serious discussion. I don’t use tiktok personally - any platform that’s too much of a cunt to allow firearms to be shown at all deserves no respect. I’ve got my gripes with youtube, too, with how retarded their definitions of problematic firearms content can be - apparently putting a magazine in a firearm counts as assembly.
And don’t get me started on the shits on twitter who think loli cunny equals real life pedophilia.
-A zoomer
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Editing images to better represent what I want feels like vandalism when I have the original side by side for comparison I can however say with certainty that questing has done more for my ability to draw and edit than it did my writing.
Question for my fellow QTG denizens. What's a Quest that you think really GREW into itself, whether that's through the author improving over time, storyline and character arcs ending in extremely satisfying ways, or whatever. What's a Quest that you think got/gets better with every update/thread?
>>5921285 >Firearms youtube hehe Hickhok45 is pretty soothing he is like gun asmr lol. And on the subject of youtube censorship I mentioned I play Arena Breakout which is like a Tarkov extraction shooter rip-off clone mainly because it is easier and has more active players I believe than Tarkov, even though Tarkov is the better game. But I still watch some Tarkov streams sometimes, they are pretty exciting. So on one of the Tarkov raids I think it might be some operatorDrewski video, he stops and scopes in with his gun there is like this funny in-game decoration item asset, it is some fake Russian mens magazine called BLAYPOY like Playboy or something with a scantily clad woman on it, so the youtube streamer finds this really funny he is calling out this funny game decoration to his assault armour teammates and they are all terrified of reading or saying it out loud on stream (because afraid of downrank or advertising demonetisation etc, they do not dare say out the naughty word on air).
In fact the irony is that Arena Breakout itself is probably like the embodiment of banal audience self-censorship, because Tarkov is obviously the Russian Ukraine war, it is like Kharkov or something and anticipated the in-game faction mercenaries USEC vs BEAR etc fighting over a contested region, so Tencent just makes some exact mechanical gameplay clone of the guns and inventory and UI system but with a more "safe" less politically objectionable banal generic uncontroversial fake European fictional country setting. I find this weird lol because I still remember playing Splinter Cell Blacklist, which had a memorable level set in Yemen (Pakistan Embassy level)
You get this random 3d gun render animation of the SIG P365 I found, apparently this micro-9 category is the new hot marketing thing after subcompact. I of course come from Britain the land of banned kitchen knives where criminals have now returned to 19th century vitriol throwing with acid or alkalis and converting menacing dogs into attack weapons assault weapons. I like to imagine what sort of cool new guns could appear in urban setting tactical type ttrpgs or games, they come in sort of waves and you can always tell the genre and historical era of videogames from the firearms in them. A lot of videogames do not yet seem to have even caught up with the new generation of guns, maybe these are just marketing gimmicks or maybe everyone is using FPV drones lol, but in videogames everyone still has berettas like Nicolas Cage John Woo films or whatever, fighting the conflicts of past decades hehe
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>>5921320 I can point to Scorekeeper’s early work, Ben 10 Quest. It was very, very rough at the start, practically rushing from vote to vote, but the writing and complexity grew significantly over time. The first and last threads are unrecognizable as the same writer to me.
It’s also gotten better in Maximum Spider, but not nearly to the same degree since they started at a much higher baseline.
>>5921339 >>5920666 >>5920689 >>5921238 >>5921237 >>5896628 >inventing fictional settings that basically mirror real world events >self-censoring real world names places people etc in military shooter games, in order to avoid political provocation Maybe it is just apophenia lol, usually coincidences happen randomly, and you can attribute connections to anything if you trace hyperlinks and webpages far enough lol. I remember when Ghost Recon Wildlands was released I was playing it and I think there was some article about how Bolivia was insulted because of the way tactical operators were portrayed as rampaging across their country as a failed state lol mired in ethnic indigenous cartel drug war conflict.
https://www.polygon.com/2017/3/3/14801948/bolivia-complains-to-french-embassy-ghost-recon-wildlands Mar 3, 2017
Bolivia formally complains to French embassy about Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Government threatens legal action
I just looked into it a bit more, it may have been premature when I claimed Arena Breakout is the inoffensive generic bland placeholder name version of Tarkov the extraction shooter which is an unmistakeable Ukraine conflict mercenary simulator lol.
Well take a look at this: Arena Breakout released a new map, TV Station, around Jan 19, 2024 (map had been rumoured and previewed a lot before this)
The game is set in some made-up generic land which I had assumed was just nonsense words featuring a Port city level (also a separate map) called Guoyapos etc. Guoyapos, hmmmm
And then there is this news:
January 10, 2024
https://apnews.com/article/ecuador-tv-studio-violence-explainer-prison-escape-037de9eb7a257fd1cd6aaf9a36053d45 >GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) — A group of armed, masked men in Ecuador launched an audacious attack on a television station during a live broadcast and so revealed the country’s spiraling violence in the wake of an apparent recent prison escape. The imprisoned leader of a drug gang mysteriously vanished from his cell in the coastal city of Guayaquil on Sunday, prompting the government to declare a state of emergency.
On Tuesday, thousands of viewers tuned in to TC Television watched live as the men threatened presenters and studio hands with firearms and explosives that appeared to be sticks of dynamite. Sounds resembling shots were audible, as well as pleas and moans of pain.
Alright, /qtg/. Are there any quests that you absolutely would NOT recommend to people?
Trippy !!b/Ju5sCEhwR
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Since there's been some anons here that followed my quest in the past, I'll shill here too.
Advent Souls returns as a rewrite on AO3 with (hopefully) better writing and delivery.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/53015347/chapters/134121691 Anonymous
How important is the first choice of the Quest? QMs that don't start with a character generator, how do you go about it?
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 09 Feb 2024 16:47:45 No. 5921513 Report Another QM question to players. Do you prefer that updates start with a backlink to voters/rollers such as yourself for notification purposes, or do you prefer when the updates are cleaner and only really contain the update itself (and maybe music links)?
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>>5921513 No hard feeling one way or the other
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>>5921508 Very. It can break or make the quest - the first few updates are crucial when it comes to attracting and retaining an audience. One or two anons might join halfway through a quest, but the majority comes from the beginning.
I prefer to avoid character gens because of this: it’s easy to spend too much time on character customization before beginning the quest proper and making the pace far too slow.
For Prinzessin Quest, the first update has a “background” selection element to it - Emi is undoubtedly a flutist as the quest is about a theater troupe, but her backstory plays out is up to the player; was she a musician and idol through and through? A loner interested in the occult? A fighter and duelist?
For Loveless Gal, I just have a flashback and then cut to present day’s activities. Our protagonist is in a very low point of his life, and how he chooses to resolve it is up to them.
>>5877278 >>5921513 I don’t mind either options, but I would like a greentext reminder of which choice wins for clarity’s sake. I do it as well.
>>5893075 Anonymous
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>>5921496 Yours/the ones you like.
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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The Finale Summary of Eclipsed Moon Quest...
>>5921566 >>5921566 >>5921566 Anonymous
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>>5921320 Haremvania. The first one is goofy, cute, but low-stakes and mostly just an excuse to flirt with monstergirls. The second one is a legitimately good fantasy-horror quest with very likable, well-written characters.
Of the current crop, Versequest started out quite simple, but has rapidly built up some serious lore, developed its cast and setting, and the QM has done some serious effortposting (he made animated music videos!)
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>>5921508 >How important is the first choice of the Quest? Very, though really the first FEW are what's important, assuming that you (as with many QMs) churn through the first few updates and votes in fairly quick succession.
>QMs that don't start with a character generator, how do you go about it? If you're not creating the MC with those first few votes, you should at least be establishing key details of their role, angle of approach to problem-solving, interpersonal relationships, or other key details. If you bang those out quickly, it helps set the lasting tone so that you don't end up with the MC seeming indecisive or 'schizophrenic' for too long, and locks in a core group of players who are down for your style and like the central premise and viewpoint character. I didn't do a great job of that in my first big quest, taking most of Thread 1 to solidify certain key character details, but that's how I made the 'chargen' part of subsequent quests smoother.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anderson Thorell (QM)
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Monster girl facility update after two days of absence! Hoping to get a few more updates in over the weekend before things get busy in life and I may have to slow things down substantially.
>>5921928 >>5921928 >>5921928 Anonymous
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>>5921496 Very definitely, but wouldn't say so here for *them* to see
>>5921496 The bait quests? Anything else would be petty to say.
>>5922012 Be petty; you're anonymous.
>>5922022 53PJEe3G is HandlerQM. So... Not in this qtg, not anymore.
Y'all do know that the CiS in Star Wars was just a strawman for Palpatine to form his empire, yes?
>>5922116 >do you know the thing that literally everybody knows The whole point of interacting with the setting is that the characters don't know. That's how in-context memes work.
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>>5920499 I think you're just being a pedant about what counts as "real" sci fi to you.
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>>5921480 >and I think there was some article about how Bolivia was insulted because of the way tactical operators were portrayed as rampaging across their country as a failed state lol mired in ethnic indigenous cartel drug war conflict. No, it was because the game was literally about a Mexican cartel taking over Bolivia.
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>>5922120 Do you know what non sequitur means?
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
Eclipsed Moon Quest is finished. Some Epilogue write ups and Q&A will still go up there in the current thread before that 10th Anniversary Thread falls off board. It has been a trip to run this broken magical girl quest on /qst/ and /tg/ before it. Ever shall I be in the service of Love, Friendship, and Shitposting. When ready, I will return to continue Wild Wild QWest. And in April, another one shot "Insert Subject Matter to be replaced by a Bear Quest" if I can manage it. Special thanks to everyone who played. Special thanks to everyone who lurked. Special thanks just in general for being able to put an old story to bed.
>>5922135 Archive it properly please
Artemis !!yoLdzmFz1N1
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>>5922177 I did, on the 2nd when the thread first went up.
Entire quest properly archived on sup/tg/.
Is there a new archive I'm unfamiliar with?
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Eclipsed+Moon Anonymous
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>>5921513 With. As a player who uses 4chanX I am notified by a red eye in the top right. (And as a QM I feel like there's a trend with the speed of replies/votes and the number of them on the next update.)
>>5921496 The regular civilization quest threads. You know the ones, with a dozen DnD races to pick out of and whose QM's give up in 10 to 50 replies.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
...Well, what should I run now?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sat 10 Feb 2024 13:24:33 No. 5922414 Report >>5922413 Supreme Space Monke : Inter Species Integration Side Story?
>>5922022 >>5922033 Even if I didn't reveal that's who i am, I really don't know of any quest that I would actively tell players to avoid sans the bait ones or the spam civ quests with that one image they all use
>>5922425 >I really don't know of any quest that I would actively tell players to avoid Then you didn't need to imply there would be, by saying "anything else would be petty to say".
It's just strange.
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>>5921320 That pig dude merchant fantasy quest?
>>5922413 >>5922414 >SPACE MONK QUEST it is about an astronaut monastery. Everyone is celibate because removing spacesuits is very difficult
>>5922432 eh, fair. I was barely awake when I posted the first response. But it is really is petty to go "HEY DON'T READ THIS QUEST!!!"
>>5922439 I like the Orlan Russian cosmonaut rigid one. It resembles a cross between a chastity device and a sarcophagus, the perfect combination for Valentine's Day
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlan_space_suit There is also this NASA idea of ingress through a suitport or suitlock instead of an airlock (lower picture in pic related, I think this is still in testing, experimental)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suitport >humans should all remain naked indoors. Upon leaving your home, you should climb into your clothes through a hinged buttock door hatch, and step casually outside appearing normal Anonymous
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>>5922444 It is.
I was just salty about not getting any juicy drama, so you're good.
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>>5922439 >>5922448 Looking at this hinged door hatch rigid spacesuit makes me a bit sad, I remember being super hyped over the original Anthem reveal trailer (the one that has them flying through jungle cliffs and diving submerged beneath the rainforest river, and which ends with them flying into this electrical anomaly, like a lightning storm or hurricane). I never ended up playing the game because it veered into a different direction and gameplay genre I think EA Bioware predictably messed it up lol, but I remember that showcase trailer being so good. I guess you could trace the flying suit thing in EA up to the ending of Dead Space 3 (the ending is an on rails space suit flight, it felt really good) and I suppose some of the flying suit lift theme got recycled into Apex Legends too (eg those rope balloon accelerator map location things), but I wish they had instead committed effort into making a story driven exosuit sci fi game, this had so much promise
ANTHEM E3 2017 full trailer 6min 54 sec
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=osX1BW71nyU You have to realise the graphics of this trailer when it came out in 2017 was utterly mindblowing and unbelievable, it seemed almost too good to be true. Which as always with videogames lol, it was
(also I am testing my webm conversion, I wonder if this quality works argh no audio stream allowed on upload for qst? why argh nooo. I am so bad at converting webm and gifs lol)
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>>5922413 >CAT MEME your cat is not fantasy, this feline is FANTASY
>>5920791 >souv doesn't like Doctor Sleep I didn't know you had such shit taste. On that note I would recommend Midnight Mass from the same director that is literally about classic blood sucking vampires.
>>5922526 >>5920791 >DOCTOR SLEEP I was not too impressed with the film overall, I felt it started quite strong with a very interesting premise as mentioned, The True Knot, The Mist Breath vampires etc but lost its way by the end which was just regurgitating The Shining and felt pointless, they made the black girl child a superhero. Also there were some bits of the film where I felt the adaptation had not caught up to the modern age... so you have this PSYCHIC GIFT... you can SEND MESSAGES WITH YOUR MIND OOOHHH... like... text messages? Just send some text messages? I have no idea what the source material was in the books but the way they adapted that blackboard message writing sequence felt ridiculous to me, your superpower is you can send a text message lol??? Like not even a very long or well written or coherent one?
Also I felt the horror was lacking, often in horror films the most effective psychopathological mechanism is for the protagonists to question their own sanity or perception eg Am I... the murderer? Am I actually dead / a ghost / see dead people etc. For a really effective film that demonstrates this: Don't Look Now (1973).
Like if I had been adapting and altering the screenwriting for that psychic blackboard text message sequence, between Ewan McGregor Obi Wan Kenobi and SUPERHERO BLACK GIRL CHILD, I would have done it so that the black girl is really happy she is conversing with her special psychic protector benevolent friend etc, she sits back and stares at all the words scrawled on her wall or something and then the camera JUMP CUTS to the other side, it is not kindly Ewan McGregor but in fact the DUNE LADY the evil Rose The Hat vampire woman, she has actually interposed herself in a sort of unknown psychic man in the middle attack and it is in fact her, she is the one scrawling the messages back to the unwitting black girl misleading her as she cackles maniacally inscribing the words upon raw flesh flayed from another sacrifice. Ok it went a bit Clive Barker Hellraiser there at the end, but maybe something along those lines.
In fact I hate to say it, but TITANE
>>5920922 >>5920316 is a more conceptually provocative horror film than Doctor Sleep (TITANE is not a good film lol, it is more just incredibly repulsive vs horror) because even though it induces extreme revulsion and the plot feels like a less coherent plagiarism of the JG Ballard erotic car accident sex psychosis novel Crash (1973), at least it conveys some genuine horror revulsion eg the nose breaking toilet scene.
This gif related is me compelling you to inhale my vampiric disappointment mist breath at the Doctor Sleep film. I think maybe it is the attractive Dune Lady; she is just not menacing enough to be a vampire, hmmm
>>5922526 >>5922576 >>5920922 >>5920316 compare and contrast pic related the portrayal of the characters in TITANE and Doctor Sleep respectively. hehe, I think the French arthouse horror wins. To celebrate this convincing victory, you get the fireman rave scene from Titane:
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MS1U5d-_3Ls this is what I imagine France must be like now. Unfortunately (not featured in this linked youtube clip sadly) if you enjoyed the FEMALE BOSOM scenes earlier in the film, you are now punished by the extreme discomfiture of the cringe horror dance scene that immediately follows this clip. Look, she is just trying to fit in
>struggling to write the first post of a new thread I've been meaning to start for the last 10 days
>>5922740 Tell me you're MediocreQM.
Whatever you'll pull out, it will be great and your player will be glad.
Please, just come back, I need my Pokemon : Loser Fix, man.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>5922740 From one QM to another, here's a word of advice. Just say this in your head while writing your first post.
Starting is always the hardest part but trust me, it WILL be worth it.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
>>5922743 >>5922747 Not even close.
>>5922753 I know mate, its also work and shit stealing my energy.
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg ID:hsMSi+5D Sat 10 Feb 2024 22:35:40 No. 5922775 Report >>5921895 Could I trouble /qtg/ for a tiebreaker vote? We're stuck between the Orange and Indigo Knights of Depravity, and there's nothing that the witch wants right now that would require two of them...
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>>5922775 opinion: choose yourself, what would you like to write(are your ideas for option A better then ideas for options B?)? Or roll a dice. A rando who doesn't know anything about the quest shouldn't decide.
City Management qm here
I wonder if there still is any interest in a continuation of my quest
Im planning to continue tomorrow if anyone is interested
If not, I might consider putting it on a short hiatus, while I do a different type of quest
The archived first part is here
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5872086/ Anonymous
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>>5922851 I liked your quest a lot and played it! I’m sure you’d have interest if you continued
Persona x Legend of the Galactic hero's.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Another decision is put into God's hands.
>>5922974 >>5922974 Anonymous
>>5922758 Did someone at least mention your quest's name in this thread?
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>>5922984 The plot of LotGH but set in a school. They fight over the student council. Like one side wants Yukkiko because her familys from there and her good grades. Yosuke is head of the democracy side, popular with some but not a great leader.
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>>5922758 >"work stealing my energy" do not be afraid, you are turning into a vampire, yay
>>5901980 >>5921237 >>5920846 >>5920791 Anonymous
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>>5923015 Surprisingly yeah
I have a couple of ideas and I’m not sure which one to run, so decide for me. Summer is about to end, and apparently everyone else spent the time to excel in something. Returning to school painfully normal, the excessiveness of the achievements and failure of all your own endeavors means the world itself is trying to keep you down now, is it? A traveling magician sets up shop in the slums of the royal capital. A show off so fantastic it could be the greatest one could ever know, but there’s no sleight of hand. Rebelling against the edicts to keep magic a secret right in the very heart of the country, all will know of the mystical one way or another. Inspired by bad fanfiction where all that happens is the plot in canon except with the author’s OC in tow adding nothing of value, is a quest to determine who exactly this could be in an original setting before a catastrophe befalls the world due to their presence. I mean, this idea could work on an existing property by revamping the idea a little but I wouldn’t be able to decide what IP to do this on. I remake a quest of mine, but either as a straight up remake or a soft reboot like what seems to be norm, is yet to be decided. The quest was mentioned here but I’d like to not tie myself to anything new I’d run. What would be better between a reboot or remake anyways?
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>pedo star wars quest got nuked Lmao
>>5922413 While i am fairly certain most people would love to see what exactly is up with these weird tubes, i'm guessing you don't wanna run another round of Space Monke.
If so, maybe you should do that one idea you said about a fantasy quest. The one set in the same world as Night Without Stars?
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Souv, Reploid, et al, I really appreciate these posts about moral physics. I'm gaining insight on how my own world works and how weak and strong its presented. The baseline of things.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5923355 I had a few ideas. Mostly just shitposting.
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>>5923358 well, just run whatever you think you'll enjoy running, then.
personally though, i'm gonna be waiting for the next thread of monke. i like ancient precursor mystery stuff.
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>>5923242 >MAGIC I mentioned on the last qtg how I am a bit sceptical of the flashbang lightning bolt fireball style of magic, it has lost the wonder and mystery and fear. You can do so much more beyond the mundane and familiar and I think magic should always be a bit incomprehensible and unknowable and unpredictable. Magic should move heaven and earth, it should be something that cannot be explained or achieved at all with any technology (unlike that Doctor Sleep psychic text message scene lol)
>>5922576 For an avant garde film that demonstrates magic, you can watch Prospero's Books (1991) which is best described as a walking pageant of penis buttock and breast (there is just so much nudity it is actually very difficult to take any screenshots of that film without including a stray crotch etc. Imagine those 18th century statues of nymphs and caryatids and satyrs etc where everything is dangling and flopping about, that film is a live action adaptation of those scenes, it actually becomes very uncomfortable). Along similar lines The Tempest (2010, the Julie Taymor adaptation with a gender switched female / mother Prospero) also has some good scenes of magic.
A good low budget independent film which I really like that illustrates what I think is a more convincing style of magic is this pic related, A Dark Song (2016).
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Dark_Song This film basically features only two actors, that lady who played a hot courtesan in the tv series Versailles (yes, she gets naked) and also this bizarre bald-headed ginger gentleman, who claims to be a great occultist or sorceror. The entire 99mins of this film is just one single ritual, one evocation (it takes a really really really long time, and a lot of fasting and inscribing and bathing and shaving is involved). I think the process is an allegory of pregnancy or its associated domestic arrangements, preparing to raise a child together or something lol.
Anyway, pic related is a funny scene from the film (it is not humorous at all, the film overall is very dark hehe)
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>>5922413 Space Ferret Quest... part 2?
Pick up part 3 in 2034.
Are alt codes for music notes supported on this board
City Management Quest continues tomorrow, as I had an unexpected visitor at home Pic related, poor guy fell down our chimney. I took him out of the hatch and gave him some water and a blanket.
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>>5923483 Does not appear so since the symbols I copypasted did not appear in that post.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
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>>5923490 Fwiend.
Give him a name.
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>>5923490 Aww, poor guy. Maybe the most wholesome reason I can think of to extend a hiatus. Good on you.
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg
I Just Love Lady Knights !dXXhySAZWg ID:xsuuCATk Mon 12 Feb 2024 04:11:07 No. 5923813 Report Quoted By:
>>5923753 >>5923753 >>5923753 After Loreposting last night, The Lady Knight's Quest is back with a story post. Things are happening in the Roslands on the eve of Louise's departure!
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Have begun updating for the night. The party grows closer...
>>5923885 >>5923885 Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5923955 >>5923955 TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
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It took a little longer than I thought it would, but the new thread is finally here! The Wandering Headband's second thread is here, whether you played in the first thread or think the idea of playing as Afro's Father, Rokutaro, in the Afro Samurai universe is interesting to you, come and join!
>>5924120 >>5924120 >>5924120 Anonymous
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Setting Sun UPDATE
The Coalition is in BIG TROUBLE and requires more HEROES! The assault on the Traitors' position has been put into jeopardy as traitors sent commandos to disrupt the Coalition's supply line from the rear!
>>5924131 >>5924131 >>5924131 Anonymous
>all the quests I'm following have finished their threads >they probably won't return for a while I'd say I wouldn't be coming back to /qst/ for a while but I'm probably gonna be looking at the catalogue multiple times every day.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5924148 >Suggestions Anything as long as it's a quest. If it's another thread of monke, a new quest, or I don't know, a sequel to that one old ass beastars quest you did, it doesn't really matter. I'm just bored.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
>>5924151 What about my quest anon?
>>5924153 I'm not usually interested in the more memey type of quests.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5924165 Bruh....
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=Versequest It's only 4 threads deep. Higher ratings then Monke. Verse isn't really a meme/shitpost quest.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
>>5924165 I wouldn't say it's very memey at all, though maybe it might appear so being made entirely in MS Paint lol. It can be a bit whimsical, and absurd, and doesn't take itself very seriously most of the time, but if you like Space Monke you might enjoy it. I'm sure it could tide you over at least.
>>5924170 Wasn't your latest update about God having a party with a guy named Timmy?
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5924174 No, it's specifically about God going to a party being held by an immortal drug-addicted singer-songwriter in a huge tower within a pocket dimension while also bringing his entire family, a politician named Timmy, and his best friend Peter. I swear it makes sense if you actually read the quest.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Mon 12 Feb 2024 16:27:33 No. 5924181 Report Quoted By:
>>5924140 I would be very, very glad if you joined my quest, even as a lurker!
Lesches !!oJEPr0mjkw6
Hello friends -
Seven Against Thebes Quest will begin in one week, on 02/19/2024. This is another spin-off to Trojan War Quest…
In an effort to hone my craft as a QM (and inspired by fellow QMs on the board), I intend to include a musical/soundtrack component to the quest as well! This was the final conceptual piece I have been puzzling over these past few months and having solved this, I’m now excited to launch and see how /qst/ fares in the Peloponnese!
If anyone wants to do the pre-reading:
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Trojan Anonymous
I feel guilty for how picky I am because the majority of QM's seem like really chill, genuine people, but I've become completely unable to engage with anything below the quality of Forgotten's writing. I wish I could still enjoy regular quests...
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>>5924140 "Don't forget, you're here forever."
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>>5924221 We try. And try. And try.
Honestly, though, daily updates mean that I flat out can’t spend the time needed to repeated edit and extend an update to someone’s well-written standards.
Maybe if I slowed down and went for longer I might give it a shot. A later quest, perhaps.
Also F this 60 second wait period to post BS. Pain in the arse.
>>5924148 >Suggestions? Croc 3. Croc searches for his parents in a place called Aligantis. He's heard there are many creatures that look like him that live there.
Army men Battle for the backyard. Defend the Sandbox with a limited supply of men and equipment.
Andrew's aquarium. Run a fish shop, breed fish, make friends and explore your town in this fish shop simulator.
Ice cream flavors turned into anime girls. They fight, they get put in skimpy outfits!
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>>5924215 Dank, see you soon Lesches.
>>5924167 Ratings on suptg are meaningless. Both Versequest and your quest are high-effort and receive lots of interest, engagement, and enthusiasm. All the suptg rating reflects is if at least one another likes/dislikes your quest enough to use a cheap/free VPN to up or downvote it.
Anderson Thorell (QM)
Quoted By:
New update is out for Monster Girl Facility. Updates will be more slow now, due to University, but I will still try my best to get out one update a day. Regardless, there's a bit of an argument between two awful characters, and it's up to you guys to decide their fates.
>>5924311 >>5924311 >>5924311 Anonymous
>>5896313 >>Player question: >What genre of genre or subgenre of quest do you feel is missing from the catalogue? Needs more isekai. Here's an idea.
You get isekai'd into a fantasy world! The gods of this world give you the ability to cast Wish spell! But every time you cast it, your dick shrinks one inch! You can't prevent that by any means.
Roll 1d20 to determine starting size of your dick in inches.
Quoted By:
>>5924385 >I wish my dick grows 7 inches Else,
>I wish I'm a girl Anonymous
>>5924315 You can't see threads below a certain threshold.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
Quoted By:
Halo Wolfpack is back up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
>>5924447 Oh, yeah, mass downvotes can be sued to bury/sabotage/annoy QMs, but the rating doesn't actually indicate how good or popular a quest is. QMs shouldn't sweat it if theirs are sitting high or low, as long as it's visible.
>>5924494 Yes, but decades of gaming and social media have fundamentally changed my brain to make it so seeing magic number for up = happy brain chemical, so I care about it far more than it is probably healthy, and I suspect I'm not the only one
Also, what the fuck is this "wait 60 seconds to post" bullshit?
>>5924494 You said rating was "meaningless", but rating means something for visibility in the archive.
There is meaning to rating.
Quoted By:
>>5924562 Okay, sure. I meant "it doesn't indicate anything about the merits or popularity of a quest". Sorry for my imprecision, anon. I hope my repeated clarifications since then are sufficient?
>>5924559 Get well soon, anon. I too feel the social media affliction from time to time.
I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX
I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX ID:xsuuCATk Tue 13 Feb 2024 01:41:38 No. 5924584 Report Quoted By:
>>5924571 Lady Knight Quest has updated! It's definitely a 10 on the event roll. Below 10 would have been worse.
>>5924167 Sira runs a brothel has more votes than either of your quests because the QM votes his own quest
Cutémon received this fan art last night, which makes me the winner of the popularity contest.
>>5924607 Holy fucking shit, what quest even is this?
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>>5924611 Well-deserved.
>>5924607 >>5924616 A bunch of quests got hit with that last month. Someone was spamming mass downvotes to a bunch of quests in January (and someone else seemingly countering it with mass-upvotes), to the extent someone had to reach out to suptg's mod/owner/someone to get the matter rectified and for a little while downvotes were disabled or counted as upvotes.
Quest Concept: Immortal man with no powers beyond the ability to come back from the dead has his wife and daughter killed by the super mafia, and he goes on a revenge trip against them. Thoughts?
>>5924291 Source on that Croc concept art?
>>5924640 What are the stakes? In John Wick, he's fighting for revenge, but also his life, which becomes the issue once the revenge is done. That isn't an issue with this guy. He's lost everything, and doesn't seem to be able to lose more, so unless the super mafia figures out they can just lock him up in an iron coffin (which would just turn the quest into "Completely Normal Man vs Mafia") you need something to add tension to the story (unless you just want to write "Random Slaughterfest, the quest", in which case you'll may have more fun with a character that isn't a broody dude who misses his wife).
Unless he has another kid he needs to protect, or something else that can create some stakes, I don't see what would make want to read more, knowing that he'll eventually win with no capacity to actually lose anything
>>5924640 Stick at least one super mafiaso in there who can keep killing him so that he needs to git good and plan his approach to AVOID being locked up forever, and that could be pretty compelling.
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City Management Quest qm here. Again, I have to delay the quest until tomorrow. No owls in my chimney this time, this delay is on me Tomorrow for real I will make a thread, and I intend to make the session longer than normalAs a side note, the vet came and took the owl with him. He is to consult an owl specialist to see if the owl is going to make it, and whether or not the owl can be released back into the wild. I really wish I took more pictures bros, the owl was so cute :(
>>5924616 prinzessin
I don’t even know what happened there
>>5924640 I feel like that can get directionless quick. I’d imagine one approach would be to assemble a team like The Boys and fight supers that way. It would be a nice way of showcasing how other people have been wronged.
>>5924652 something like this would be a decent deterrent; the protagonist can’t overpower them. If he wants to take them down he’ll need a lot of things up his sleeve.
>>5924640 >My wife is le dead ree This is like 90% of slock movie character motivation, do better.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5924640 >>5924785 Perhaps... a modified version of that?
>Immortal kid don't know his powers yet >Has a crush on this girl in his class but he doesn't have the courage to ask her out >Finally ask her out out of school, she says yes >But then you both got black bagged by a serial killer >Kid wakes up in pieces (literally) in a trash bag with vague memories >Quest starts as you stitch yourself up at a forgotten side of the highway Anonymous
>>5924650 The stakes would build as the quest goes on. The MC would run into other victims of the super mafia, creating a kind of anti-mafia group where all the other members aren't immortal. Not to mention that he doesn't have a healing factor or anything, he just comes back when he dies, so there's lots of different ways he could be threatened. Off the top of my head there are several ways to lose fairly easily, from the mafia threatening to kill his teammates, fates worse than death such as endless torture or getting locked in an iron coffin like you said, etc. My premise isn't dissimilar from that grimdark cyberpunk capeshit quest that ran a few years ago, and I think I'd take it in a similar vein as Sludgelord did.
>>5924652 It's the super mafia so yeah, it'll be full of supes.
>>5924675 You got it anon, that's also part of the premise.
>>5924785 Tropes are just tools anon. Even cliches. A premise doesn't have to be one bit original to be great, all that really matters is how you execute on that premise.
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>>5924885 This isn't bad but I don't care for highschool drama stories, so age up the MC and you got something there. I like the serial killer angle, lots of fun creepy things you can do with that.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 13 Feb 2024 13:29:07 No. 5924902 Report Quoted By:
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5924640 >>5924885 >>5924893 I think the original version of that is more interesting; a totally normal world with one immortal guy who contends with human foes who for a long time will literally not understand that he can't die. Forced to endure gruesome end after gruesome end until he can finally get his revenge, with no outside help or special resources to take on a big threat. Making a bunch of super heroes fight each other lessens the appeal somewhat.
>>5924910 I get what you mean. Still, just fighting normal humans the whole quest would get old, I think. I think it'd be fun for a basically normal human to have to figure out how to kill super criminals with all sorts of different powers.
Also, anyone can feel free to steal this idea, I'm busy with my current quest. I just wanted to post an idea I came up with on the shitter.
Wow! I can't believe THREE (3) quests I follow all have the end character goals of "get promoted and become so powerful nobody will stop me, then start a family ASAP"
>>5924945 Solarpunk has it as an underlying focus.
Cleaner was a vote in.
What's the third?
Curse Carrier DM
Curse Carrier's updating again after a few days break, I'm saying it here just in case some of my players haven't noticed.
>>5924893 I think that there's value even in overdone trope if you execute them well. In my opinion the main problem I have with the 'my loved ones are dead :(' trope is that they almost always kill them near the very start of the story, and you never have an actual reason as a reader to care about them. They're a plot device and nothing else. Now sure that's fine if it's a shlocky action movie where you just want an excuse to kill people, but it does make it harder for me to take the MC's woes seriously.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5924959 What are you wanting replied?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5924960 It's in character
>>5924945 It's human nature
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>>5924962 >it's an experimental 'talking directly to the players' quest Anonymous
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>>5924984 I know. I like it. I wasn't shitposting.
>>5924945 We often seek in fiction and fantasy what we cannot achieve in life, I suppose.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5924913 Every human in human history was a normal human being. Just change the class of human to make it interesting.
>fight low tier gangsters >then mid tier mob crew >they start to notice a pattern of dudes they killed not really being killed, send their best hitman >mob grandfather is very superstitious, believed you are a vampire, sends some of his most faithful boys and a priest to go with them after you >immediately escalates to getting the church to send father anderson >irrelevant satanist parties observing church movements begin trying to capture you to find out how you are immortal >CIA involvement You just gotta smoke that silly pack, man. Escalate.
>>5924945 >>5925033 Thats fucking sad, are people's futures that bleak?
>>5925093 Yes. Or it isn't, and we're simply socially and societally gaslit and demoralized into thinking and feeling it is that bleak instead. This is functionally the same as believing it is that bleak, whether true or not. Mental and emotional despair.
>>5925093 Well, birth rates are down in almost every country on earth, and the ones where they're high often don't have reliable internet and generally are considered to be even bleaker. Without getting into why (there are many reasons that I'm sure people will posit, ranging from industrialization to feminism to new media to globalist Jewish conspiracy, since this IS 4chan) we live in a period of rising cost of living, growing economic inequality, and general societal instability. It is getting harder and harder for people living simple lives to find time, energy, and money to raise a family, and a suitable partner with whom to do so.
In addition, there's a curtain selection bias at play: people who devote a lot of time to writing or reading collaborative fiction online as their main hobby are often (not always) poorly-socialized outsiders who are less likely to be doing a lot of in-person socialization or child-rearing in their off-hours, for one reason or another, but probably in many cases still wish they could.
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City Management Quest is up
Join in here!
>>5925117 >>5925117 >>5925117 >>5925117 Anonymous
>>5925093 It's bleak that people think overpopulating the world with a bunch of worthless kids is the only way to feel fulfilled.
>>5925106 >and we're simply socially and societally gaslit and demoralized into thinking and feeling it is that bleak instead I do think people limit themselves and prefer to stay victims rather than put in the effort.
>>5925119 You don't think that 4chan attracts the kind of autists that would get the better paying jobs in this day and age? Such as doctor, lawyer, programmer etc.
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>>5925130 At the end of the day we are all meat machines built solely for procreation. Nature has no higher plans. It is Man that strives for more. Maybe most people aren't really human, then?
>>5925130 We are biological organisms from a social species. Wanting to reproduce and form a family group isn't abnormal. If every couple on earth had one or two kids, the population would still steadily decrease, so it's not even really a dichotomy between people having kids and a sustainable future; the huge population boom of the 20th century is (most likely) an anomaly brought about by a bunch of technological, logistical, and societal factors (fewer large-scale wars, a monumental revolution in food production, a transitional period between traditional big farming families with high infant mortality and what has emerged since in terms of family structure and medicine).
>>5925141 >You don't think that 4chan attracts the kind of autists that would get the better paying jobs in this day and age? Such as doctor, lawyer, programmer etc. A highly-successful individual in one of those fields who is also engaged in a very active dating life or raising a passel of kids is probably a bit busy to be devoting a lot of time to writing/reading quests, with writing especially being fairly time-intensive. When I was an upper-level business manager and married, my own posts were shorter and my quests less involved, and I read fewer as well.
We're also, put bluntly, pretty niche and obsolete as such forums go, further limiting our pool of QMs and players, and 4chan's rep discourages normies (ie. the people most likely to be successfully career-and-family focused) away.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 13 Feb 2024 20:08:21 No. 5925174 Report >>5925165 Let me indulge in the discussion.
I have a highly qualified autist with a somewhat decent paying job - leveraging working from home. In a long term relationship with home buying and kids on the table for later. So we have at least one socially aknowledged as "succesful" cameleon autist in my person.
Granted, might shitpost less once kids turn from discussion to diaper-changing.
>>5925165 >If every couple on earth had one or two kids, the population would still steadily decrease It would.
But there are still retards who have 6-12 kids, now in the 21st century, who refuse to adopt one of the literal millions of orphans because "but it isn't mine".
And this line of thinking is why the future is so bleak, because feelings of self-fulfillment are more important than the logic of making sure we don't literally crowd ourselves to death.
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>>5925165 >posts were shorter and my quests less involved, and I read fewer as well. I don't read others quests at this point, only write.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 13 Feb 2024 20:12:34 No. 5925181 Report >>5925175 >who refuse to adopt one of the literal millions of orphans because "but it isn't mine". At least in my country, 9/10 kids up to adoption from poorer country are in fact victims of child traficking - poor woman are told at the hospital that kiddo didn't made it through delivery, adopters are told the kid was abandonned.
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>>5925175 >And this line of thinking is why the future is so bleak, because feelings of self-fulfillment are more important than the logic of making sure we don't literally crowd ourselves to death. Agreed about the first point, but not the second necessarily. We produce enough food to feed everyone and then some, but there's a cap to this. The bright side is populations in countries seem to level off or drop as we centralize, urbanize, and industrialize; the downside is that we can't say for sure what population we'll hit by then, we don't distribute resources equitably, and even now or when/if population decline begins, those underlying issues will remain and average standard of living won't necessarily go up.
>>5925174 Congrats, and good luck!
>>5925130 malthusianism is a defunct idea, faggot
>>5925174 >because feelings of self-fulfillment are more important than the logic of making sure we don't literally crowd ourselves to death. nigga most of the world is having below replacement birth rates, wtf are you talking about ?
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>>5925205 >malthusianism is a defunct idea, faggot He's baiting, just ignore him.
>qtg is doomposting now. Pathetic.
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>>5925228 Run a Prison Pit quest so I don't have to.
>>5925181 When I was married, we discussed adoption, but our fears were that we weren't necessarily well-suited to helping a child from a more traumatic background or congenital issues (FAS/E and such, unfortunately common among children put up for adoption) and I also had worries about any sort of open adoption and possibly having the child 'recalled' (I've seen that happen to friends and colleagues). There are many unselfish reasons (or less-selfish, at least, and not rooted in a desire for personal biological continuity) to avoid adoption.
I've seen a lot of quests go pretty all-in with player enthusiasm in matters of having kids, though, when it comes up. I think there IS a strong desire inherent in our species to have biological offspring. We're not quite eusocial, after all.
>>5925228 I don't think we're doomed.
Maybe it's just me but I don't get the hubba over the child goal thing. Admittedly, it isn't super interesting to have multiple quests with the same end goal, but I feel like entering into self indulgent doom posting about the nature of humanity and our role as breeders or whatever is...silly? It's not like it's even that super focused on in anything but Solar iirc.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 13 Feb 2024 22:02:06 No. 5925268 Report >>5925255 If that's not intrusive (and feel free to ignore me if it is), what are your thoughts about procreation?
I know some girls that would like kids but are scared of pregnancy.
other that are scared of losing their career - which is mainly due to asymetrical parental leave, as proved by scandinavian country
I'm french and the government wants to "rearm demography" by increasing childcare subsidies as well as longer paid parental leaves with better condtion - which could be enticing enough for me to delay the procreation project by a few months.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5925256 I didn't even realize the goal I chose was (or has become) common, since I decided that back in August. I just wanted a dystopian setting where even the existence of human life is swamped in leagues of red tape. I have not wrote about shit like licenses or fees since the bookwork isn't terribly interesting to write much less read, plus it would all be worldbuilding fluff that ultimately serves the sole purpose of getting in between the characters of the setting and their goals. A story about bureaucracy coming down on your ass for hiding a pet chicken would be as long and boring as bureaucracy actually is, so I focus on what people want to achieve, how it is far away, and the lengths you have to go to get there. I just felt like that was the more interesting story.
>>5925268 >>5922590 >>5920922 >>5920316 Do women in France look like this now, hmmmm
I am very scared
>>5925268 >other that are scared of losing their career - which is mainly due to asymetrical parental leave, as proved by scandinavian country tbf it makes sense that it's assymetrical, unfair as people may think.
>I'm french and the government wants to "rearm demography" by increasing childcare subsidies as well as longer paid parental leaves with better condtion - which could be enticing enough for me to delay the procreation project by a few months. it's interesting how the "just throw money" approach to increase births has failed for some time now and people haven't thought about doing something different
btw what quest do you qm my dude ?
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>5925284 I mean from what I saw, there's only really three quests with the goal so I wouldn't call that common given there's probably what, 20+ active quests at any given time.
It's no sweat off my back, just found the reaction in the qtg to be a bit overdramatic.
Fiona best girl Anonymous
>>5925268 I like to try to keep discussions here at least tangentially related to quests. All I'll say about reproduction is that I doubt I'm going to do it after all, which means that I have lots of time to write quests for the foreseeable future.
>>5925256 Wasn't there a vote that if Fiona ever became sterile or was denied a breeding permit, she would go on a bloody murder-suicide rampage, kek? I agree that it's super weird how that one anon from the other QTG threads keeps trying to portray your quest as some sort of sex-and-pregnancy simulator, though, considering it seems more like a far-off, end-of-quest goal than anything else.
More broadly, I find the subject of what people fantasize about and why interesting, and relevant to how quests tend to develop and progress since the same collection of a few dozen anons and writers create and evolve them all. I think it's telling that so many quests (and the most vocal anons and longest discussions in those quests) centre around matters of partnership, marriage, and legacy.
>>5925295 Some women are ugly, and few look like Hollywood starlets, who are among the most widely-accepted super-attractive members of society.
>>5925299 I count ten ongoing quests on the board where marriage and starting a family (or broader considerations of bloodline and genetic legacy) are at least minor ongoing themes, if not a major driving character motivation or 'game mechanic' in some way. It IS one of humanity's great preoccupations.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>5925303 >I think it's telling that so many quests (and the most vocal anons and longest discussions in those quests) centre around matters of partnership, marriage, and legacy. I suppose people just want something to be left of them once everything is said and done. No one wants to be forgotten so, if nothing else, they want a piece of them to remain. Especially with how modern life is, it's easy to get lost into the noise of everything else and blend into the background of the city you live in.
>>5925307 Fair. I don't keep up a lot with other quests, I mostly just stay in my own bubble and only felt like commenting since I was brought up.
>>5925309 what quest do you make, anon ?
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>5925319 Cleaner Quest. You play as a schizo girl who works as a disposable mercenary called a 'Cleaner" that's trying to not fucking die.
>>5925297 >>5925175 >>5925130 >>5925165 >>5925307 >CONAN as a demonstration of DEMOGRAPHICS After extensively studying demographics the Gompertz-Makeham law etc I have concluded the following pic related from Conan demonstrates the best means to increase the birth rate, through more death
step ONE: organise and host a gladiatorial deathmatch, ideally held in some form of spiked pit. It is important the contestants are dressed in a manner resmbling that Voldo man from Soul Calibur
step TWO: after mutilating and dismembering all of his rivals, the triumphant champion should be kept in a cage to languish for a bit, becoming increasingly maddened towards a murderous lustful killing frenzy
step THREE: at this stage, you should introduce a nubile maiden. You can then congratulate yourself for successfully orchestrating this rite of demographic replenishment, and you should join some curious Chinese? Mongolian? Khitan? spectators to gawk upon its consummation from outside the human cage
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>>5925256 >Your brain makes you think Hate that little bastard.
Blue !KvaiISM3II
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Nartuto Quest: Feeling Blue #3 here:
>>5925330 Entering our first legit mission. Off to a good start thanks to my voters really knowing what they're about.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 14 Feb 2024 07:05:01 No. 5925760 Report >>5925295 No they look normal - some thin, some fat, some tall, some smol. Most are white, but we have a fair share of arabs. Some are woke, but I've never seen a half-shaved purple haired arab girl.
>>5925297 It makes sense, but scandinavian had huge success in job discrimination by giving 1 year to share among each parents, which are most usually evenly split among them
>"just throw money" approach My generation struggle. Rent too high, inflation eating up disposable income... Macron is a neo-liberal president so he have mostly thrown money to companies betting on trickle down economics
it trickle down to the shareholders . I have countless testimony on the net of people which would have reproduce with more subsidies. The cliche here is that arabs and black get 12 kids for childcare monetary help.
>What quest? >Normal Cultivator Quest (>>>5883865 ) >A skirmish for the tribe phases of 40k minor Xenos (not taking any more players for now, lurkers can still lurk and might have a chance to influence the thread) (>>>5917974 ) I ran Dragon's Dungeon in the past (temporary Hiatus) and two pokemon quest, Pokemon Cult Quest that I dropped after being reduced to 2 players, one which was a non-qst friend of mine, and Pokemon South Kalos, which is also on Hiatus for now.
As the lack of Pokequest is concerning, I don't know if I'll run thread 2 of Normal Cultivator or thread 3 of Pokemon : South Kalos quest.
>>5925303 >>5925760 >>5925333 >IT IS VALENTINE's DAY I DEMAND GOVERNMENT SUBSIDISED ROMANCE I had a revelation the other day, I think the contrivances of the virtual, the fictional, the artificial and the imaginary have genuinely surpassed the real; imaginary interactive experiences are genuinely better than the real thing.
So I was browsing... the "romance internet" (look, everyone has done this tee hee hee I am not at all abashed hehe) look it is just so convenient and frictionless and tantalising, like an endless infinite hall of mirrors except everyone is naked.
I came across a certain video, you can probably find it lol. It is not usually to my particular taste, I am usually more into... dungeon stuff hehe.
But as an ekphrasis, basically what it is, it is a POV first person view cut into three parts, the latter two being the... er... romance portions.
But the first video segment is COMPLETELY NONSEXUAL. It is just some American girl, she is not super attractive but relatively comely and vivacious and very cheerful, she is on a date accompanying you in first person view to the British Museum in London UK.
There is absolutely no sex stuff whatsoever, you are just looking at her (in first person view) on some sightseeing in the British Museum, surrounded by the bustle and crowds of casual tourists etc.
She just makes fairly commonplace cheerful conversation, it is all very ordinary.
Whilst I was watching this, I suddenly had an introspective reminiscence lol. Because you see, I actually did this exact thing. Except I had an invitation to a private view of the British Museum, it was from Bloomberg, they do these elaborate art gatherings and things. This was to the opening of the British Museum Afghanistan treasures exhibition (you can read about this online, it was over a decade ago) so I brought along someone, this was a really lavish and exclusive event, and it was actually... not as good even as the utterly banal and staged portrayal of the same experience in the special nonsexual "romance video" lol. Also I found out later the companion I brought along had already been seeing someone else (she did not mention this before accepting the invitation nooo) I felt a bit betrayed, but maybe it was all a silly desperate misunderstanding on my side hehe
>INVADE AFGHANISTAN, depose Taliban, PLUNDER and PILLAGE ENTIRE NATION >attempt to parade museum loot in front of prospective girlfriend?? >it did not work, watch a PORNOGRAPHIC VIDEO instead, it is much better Sometimes I wonder if dungeonmasters or GMs in roleplaying games like doing what they do because they get to move fictional people / characters around in their heads and make them conform to aesthetic or behavioural mannerisms which they do not evince in reality.
But if you never even had the experience in the first place, how can you even tell what is real?
>>5925333 >>5925888 >CONAN Interesting cinematography technique I just noticed examining the very first still image at the top of the pic related here
>>5925333 (the one where Conan is chained with the neck collar and sitting in repose cross-legged on the cart transporting him to the gladiatorial pit-fights)
If you look closely, despite the apparent composition of this still image being one of enslavement / abject abasement, Conan still looks supremely powerful.
This is because the camera position has been lowered; the camera ie you actually gazing up at him with awe (if you follow the barbarian's gaze, he appears to look over your head) this is a common camera positioning technique to make people look powerful and commanding.
The symmetry of the chained sitting slave cart shot also seems to signify balance, acceptance and serenity. In fact it echoes the very ending image in the film of the Barbarian King seated upon his throne - yet notice how that image is brooding, dark and distinctively unbalanced, unsymmetrical (the lopsided spear etc) suggesting that age and conquest has not brought peace but instead restlessness, a haunted look showing the burdens of regret and unease unknown to youth.
Just an interesting and subtle visual juxtaposition I found, hehe
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5925894 As much as I refuse to read your posts, Souv, I do love me some Conan. A very enviable character for a QM to emulate.
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>>5925333 >>5925894 >>5925904 The type of swords and sorcery look I like is not the splint mail but the giant embossed metal chest disc thing, it is apparently called mirror armour
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_armour and found in the Ottoman Empire, Mongolia, Russia, China and India and of course the steppe horse archer type armour. I think you can see it here in the Warhammer ogre kingdoms miniature, this is a painted Araby maneater
>why carry a shield, when you can wear A METAL DISC over your breast >imagine if instead of BIKINI armour, maiden knights or warrior women had to fight whilst wearing this metal chain disc breastplate instead, there would be a lot of jiggling Anonymous
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>>5920316 >>5925888 One other weird memory I have about the British Museum: on a separate occasion when I was attending some other exhibition (not the romantic overture here lol
>>5925888 ) I walked past this random exhibit, it looked like a rusted metal tree
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_of_Life_(Kester) What it actually was: some sort of artist installation made up of salvaged and decommissioned rusted African AK47 rifles. It was apparently a commemoration of the civil war in Mozambique 1977-92 (I knew nothing about this country) so I was extremely curious, I rushed up to this ASSAULT RIFLE GUN TREE and scrutinised the tiny text printed on the curator artwork explanation white placard below.
I don't remember it exactly but I recall the text was written in this very solemn tone, about how this artwork symbolised the end of the massacres and child soldiers in the Mozambique war, they wanted to turn all the remaining weapons into this tree sculpture to symbolise peace and I distinctively remember the placard saying something like this GUN TREE was intended to remind future generations that war should never again ravage Mozambique for as long as it was kept there. And I found this hilarious, because it was on display at the British Museum in London. This artifact was probably donated? (on loan?) not looted like the Escape From Tarkov extraction shooter but I just found it funny how it was not in Mozambique as a community sculpture or reminder, but in the British Museum (where most people probably just walk past this awkward ugly rusted tree without even noticing its relevance)
This exhibition is also the inspiration and reason why many of my game settings and quests feature insane druid tree cultists who demand the sacrifice of weapons and armaments before their bloodthirsty horrific pagan tree gods, hehe
>>5925904 >NEVER READ THE POSTS OF THE VAMPIRE SORCEROR You have done well to disbelieve his lies. I feel so betrayed
Narrator !!btRlcMjw3B1
Just finished a pretty good quest, I had fun running my first one. Having trouble archiving it now though, suptg doesn't seem to close it for me
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>>5925997 Lord Licorice is pretty responsive via Discord
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becchi .... cis quest....
>>5926002 >Local Lord Quest The main character is a traditional 11th-century nobleman, soon to be wed, who expresses some concerns over the possibility of having sired bastards. He also took a specific level-up perk to pass his anti-magic field to his offspring.
>The Lady Knight's Quest The main character is motivated and sustained by her love for her childhood sweetheart. She has been meddling in her little sister's courtship. The evil demonic faction of the setting is largely defined by their uninhibited lust and their ability to rapidly increase their numbers with breeding pits, where they corrupt captive human women.
>Blood and Seed - The Tale of Lorcan It's all in the title. The mixed parentage of the lead character plays a role in his motivations and direction in life. He is currently grappling over whether ancient Zoroastrian priestly inbreeding is enough to put him off of a whole religion (short answer: yes).
>Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest It's been addressed above: Fiona wants a baby, which is why she's killing people for the ecofascist world government. A lot of those people are rebelling and hiding out from the government because they want to have kids, and the government won't let them.
>Seekers of the Esoteric The main character had distant relationships with both of his parents and has a complicated relationship with his two girlfriends. He invested great effort in curing one of his girlfriends of a disease that affected her organs, including her womb, which rendered her sterile. The current plot arc involves the complicated and illicit blended family of the kingdom's monarchs, one of whom is secretly a monster.
>Supreme Space Monke Ruler Quest Bloodline purity, eugenics, and elimination of tainted bloodlines, choice of wives and successors, and whether or not lineal succession is even really as important as philosophical succession all play roles in the narrative at various points.
>Kobolt Klan Adoption The main characters are undergoing an initially (maybe still?) unwanted transformation into dragons. They are essentially engaged now, and the dynamic with both their found family and adoptive 'daughter' is a significant aspect. Additionally, there is the possibility of their own future and reproduction as dragons or as humans. The main character's own disgraced family is also a major backstory element.
>VerseQuest Fatherhood, family, and inherited trauma are all major themes as the pantheon expands, and God strives to be an okay-ish dad. The first thing he created was a wife, too.
>Forgotten Realms Adventures Contains a troubled relationship with a mother, two murderous sisters, a society where childbirth is considered a national and religious duty, and a main character who is infertile and angsty about it. Also, she just symbolically 'adopted' her lover's surrogate daughter.
>>5926134 Greenhorn Quest
Troubled relationships with mothers is a major theme, and the main character just uncovered a secret
THIRD NAME , and mysterious
>Untamed Civilization Project Dynastic succession and bloodline purity, plus a pattern of brutal and sometimes lethal sibling rivalry, all play major roles in the development of the titular civilization.
>Black magic quest A cursed bloodline and familial hypocrisies form the backstory and major character motivation. An evil demon wants the main character to commit incest for bonus 'sin marks' to power his magic and damn his soul; he has thus far refused.
>Simple Space Empire Quest I understand dynastic succession is an important factor? I am guessing at this one from QTG discussion; I haven't played it.
Question for the board. Perhaps a survey? No matter... To preface it, most quests - understandably - focus on great achievements, great people, etc. Generally focus on Power Fantasy and (earned) empowerment... But would there be interest in a quest that's exactly the opposite, or rather about disempowerment? I mean (cute, harmless) protagonist who can't hope to fight anyone, lost in a world that hates them and wants them gone; where Victory isnt conquest but mere surviving the day without freezing, starving, being killed, or withering away do to Plague yourself, or your closest, meanwhile slowly solving the case and perhaps getting away. ...does that sound appealing? been writing the outline for a while, but found myself questioning whether it even makes sense, since I write quests aimed at 3-5 threads of scripted story and having only 2 people is kinda... eh, so to speak. Acquaintance also told me pain and hopelessness doesn't sell that well, especially if done to utter innocents, so just asking. think of it as this war of mine, pathologic, and final fantasy coming together. Thanks~! Have a good one, whether you respond or not!
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>>5926189 Reminds me of the blood icecream greentext from way back in the day
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>>5926189 Hits too close to home for me.
>>5926189 I'd give it a go. I've liked stories like that in the past. Cutemon has elements of this, and Hobo's Epic was like that, while at times Matsuno Inc. Idol Agency felt very much like that in terms of the slow and backsliding progress. The secret, I think, is to create a cast of characters that we can get invested in and to at least offer the opportunity of building or deepening those relationships as a 'reward' in lieu of power or progress... Plus, an incentive to keep living and striving.
>>5925256 I don't get why people want to play as a sperm receptacle for some jackass and pump out a bunch of screeching, crying, fecal factories who just take up space.
But here are.
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>>5926200 >screeching, crying, fecal factories who just take up space I'm sure some people appreciate your existence even so. Try to be kinder to yourself.
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>>5926189 I doubt a lot of people would be interested in playing that, to be completely honest. Struggling against a brutal world is one thing, but generally players want the possibility of conquering their terrible circumstances and coming out with a broadly positive ending.
That being said, you should read Melancholic Quest, which was named based on how depressing it was:
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Melancholic%20Quest Anonymous
This is going to sound really stupid considering how my quest has scaled up and turned out, but one of the core (heh) thoughts behind Core of Steel was going to be that a single machine and pilot could tip the scales of history, or try to. Sure, the war is a massive thing, where states and generals clash over massive fronts, and a strategy will carry the day. But individuals are the ones on the ground, determining who wins the battles. Like how a single fighter managed to save the USS Lexington, his aircraft carrier from a flight of bombers in WW2, becoming the navy’s first ace in the process. Chicago’s main airport is named after him. O’Hare. If that didn’t happen, and the ship was sunk….Well, it wouldn’t be available for the battle of the Coral sea, and the follow up potential invasion of Port Moresby and Australia. This became a bit of a ramble, but it’s I guess about scale creep and my original vision becoming a little clouded. I think the temptation of raising the stakes repeatedly is something lots of writers, myself included, have fallen victim to.
>>5926189 See
>>5926199 . Though Matsuno did burn me out, especially when the gaslighting event happened. So even done effectively it’s painful and can chew through anons like myself. I’d likely pass on it myself.
You’re also describing what is effectively an open-world crafting survival sim, one that never advances into a midgame. Alternately, a 1-person civ game. But those are more gamified than the experience you seem to be going for.
One other possible take is to effectively doom the character. Due to events, they’re going to eventually die. Something, somewhere will survive, but they happen to be somewhere where it simply won’t happen. Then ask anons what to do that could outlast them. Write down the sum of their knowledge as a trained physician? Build a small home and village as a carpenter that will last for another generation? Breed crops that can survive a changed climate as a gardener even without their care?
It won’t have a happy ending. But if anons can claw their way to some goal it may be enough to keep burnout from overwhelming.
In my mind, I’m seeing someone on a colony ship. It’s been wracked by some disaster. Defunct AI systems, asteroid debris buckling the ship, a plague in the ship that struck too quickly for countermeasures to be developed. Point is, much of the ship is dead. You are one of the few characters living, and the vast majority of them are in cryo. You were someone “lucky” enough to survive an emergency thaw before things went further sideways. Now, you’re alone and waiting to die as the systems of the ship fail piece by piece.
You broke down, once, and unfroze some people for company. They died shortly after. You haven’t had the courage to try again. Others may or may not be elsewhere in the ship. It’s too large and shattered now to know without a great deal of effort.
However, the death of the ship, while inevitable, is slow. It’s also not going to kill the remaining sleepers before they arrive at their destination, though they’ll be suffering from defects accumulated as systems fail. You won’t live that long, nor is going to sleep again a viable option. The people here were never meant to be put under, only woken up. The systems don’t support it.
So all that remains is to grind out a life, along with whatever goal they set for themselves. Will they scrounge for food, or dedicate time to learn how to grow crops in the shattered hydroponics of the ship to a scale large enough to support some sleepers in the future? Will they explore the ship, seeking company or simply to map out the ship and what will remain for the sleepers? How many trades will they try to learn, to carve a new home for themselves, to fix the electric grid in their area, to preserve their own history for people who will never meet them?
Intersperse it with timeskips, and the quest will end with things worse than they started. But perhaps anons will have accomplished a goal to make their passing easier.
>>5926189 Personally, I wouldn't mind a quest where the player is weak and remains mostly weak, as long as there is the possibility to enact real change.
One of the reasons I don't like Fallout and love Skyrim is because in Fallout the world is Fucked. There is nothing you can do to make an Actual Change, and at most you make that little part area around you less shit, but it is still shit. There is no chance to create an actual haven where people will be truly safe, all you can hope for is a place where people don't get eaten by Deathclaws all that often, while still dying at 40 of cancer.
If the character is weak, but still has the potential to enact Change, then there is hope, and that's all you need (and a good plot) to make me interested. Alternatively, the character should at least believe so. Like the Noir detective who keeps on fighting against crime in a crime ridden city, because he believes he can change it, and if he believes it, the reader/player believes.
So, personally, the MC can be as physically powerless as you want, as long as he believes his small actions can still push a well-aimed pebble, that hits a stone, that hits a rock, that hits a boulder that crushes the giant that is terrorizing his village, I think you could make a story that I'd enjoy. But of course, there are people with different tastes.
>>5926335 A different take would be to not do something for yourself, but for others. You know you're doomed. You know you will die in this ship. but the others don't have to. But if they are to live, you need to get them away from the asteroid field that damaged it, find the promised planet, and set upon it the machines that will terraform it into something that will support life in a hundred years or so. And the character can make that his purpose.
Like in
Project Hail Mary in which the MC discovers he's going to die in space, but he can still send something back to earth that will save the dying planet, and that's what he works for. For me, that's a much more attractive story than just figuring out how to live with yourself until you die. And it also has a definite goal in mind, which I prefer to open quests.
>>5926335 Isn't that sort of the premise of the movie Passengers, with Hemsworth and Lawrence?
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>>5926342 I had allowed scope for selfless acts in my version. Though in mine I’m taking away the possibility of being a “savior” for the sleepers. They will make it to the end of the journey unless the MC makes things actively worse. The MC will never interact with them either, so improving their lives by the end of the journey would be entirely at their whim. A potentially multi-decade whim, as the scale of the ship and problems mean that one person can’t easily affect the ship for better or worse.
That said, no one will judge the MC for anything they do. Good or bad. Perhaps some automated systems that track damage will judge, in the way that any machine does when it spits out an error report. But that’s about it. So if they choose to be selfish, selfless, or sometimes both, only they’ll be able to judge.
I’m in the same camp of preferring more focused quests, but it’s like a de-powered version of something like Versequest. There will be anons who would like it.
>>5926346 Seems like it, but less “save the ship” and more “make the ship less shitty in one way while everything else gets worse, or don’t”. I’d also keep it so there’s no real companion character outside something like Wilson the volleyball. Keeps the players from automatically attaching to that one character.
>>5926342 >play one campaign where you scrape out a living from the shattered supplies >play a follow-up campaign where you come out of stasis and keep finding troves left for you in the previous campaign mite b cool
If you guys have never watched The Starlost, you should.
>>5926352 >ship with a big goofy dove face Kek, I guess why not?
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>>5926353 They really had a lot of fun making those ads. The actual ship reuses the model from Silent Running.
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>>5926335 Ultimate twist to this story: the colony ship was actually a forgotten simulation project. Outside the ship there is no airless void or hard vacuum, just an isolated wilderness beyond which the ordinary urban world has continued on as before, though society has long abandoned commitment to space exploration that necessitated a centuries-long journey on generation ships, preferring the future abundance of private virtual hallucinations instead.
If only the protagonist could break free of his trust in the machine environment, his psychological conditioning and blind faith in sensor feedback and readouts... he might escape this psychological imprisonment. All it takes is a leap of blind faith, to walk out into the open airlock...
>roll 1d2 >1: ha ha it was a trick, it was deep space all along. The colony ship administrative subroutines contentedly observe a rapidly shrinking speck of asphyxiated biomass with miniscule pathetically flailing stubby limbs spiralling away into the distant expanse of blackness >2: stumbling and choking, you fall upon dew-strewn grass as morning sunshine and birdsong beckon to your tearful face for the very first time Also another random idea (done by Alastair Reynolds in Chasm City) there are multiple colony ships, a fleet closely following each other in a convoy, and in intergenerational spanning rivalry to be the first to reach and colonise / claim the target planet / best landing zone. They are mistrustful of each other, it is possible to travel back and forth between them leading to either potential raids or sabotage, infiltration etc.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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>>5925256 >It's not like it's even that super focused on in anything but Solar iirc. So why are you focusing on it?
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5926461 >>5926461 >>5926461 Fiona unlocks the Stormwatch Arsenal! Come take a peep at the options from pile bunkers to jet powered axes to swords made of chocolate that kill 99.8% of bacteria.
I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX
I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX ID:xsuuCATk Thu 15 Feb 2024 05:20:11 No. 5926540 Report Quoted By:
>>5926530 Lady Knight Quest has been updated.
You have been played by the scullery maid. What she speaks are the words of a heretic! Tell me! Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog!?
>>5926189 >I mean (cute, harmless) protagonist who can't hope to fight anyone, lost in a world that hates them and wants them gone; where Victory isnt conquest but mere surviving the day without freezing, starving, being killed, or withering away do to Plague yourself, or your closest, meanwhile slowly solving the case and perhaps getting away. It worked for the Horror genre.
And Dark souls.
And Rain world.
And The Oddworld games.
And other stuff.
Go watch 30 days of night and tell me you don't care about seeing if the can survive 30 days.
>>5926303 Are you losing your spark for the story or just gonna scale back?
>>5926628 >You can see its shadow on the tower in the background before it comes into view Was that in the actual gamescreen at that point or did they take the tile above into account with their lighting and shadows?
A lot of the games you're describing are mechanically engaging (and empowering) to counteract the despair of the narrative. Enemies and situations are more like puzzles than anything else, because of the video game mechanic of respawning. The only fail state in the video games you're referencing is when you quit. It's hard to develop tension in a narrative version of that.
As for the horror genre, it's notoriously high lethality in addition to high stakes. That's fine in a book or movie, since the hand of the author can preserve the MC.
Maybe it could work if you ran it explicitly like a normal horror movie. Where there's a pack of characters surrounding the MC. They act as 'HP' basically and get killed off when the MC fucks up or needs to take risky actions. The problem with that is needing to write a cast of characters that are engaging enough for people to care, but low effort enough that the QM doesn't mind killing them off.
>>5926673 >cast of characters as the hit points / health of the main character, depletes as you take damage / support characters killed off You can make it so that each character is a specialist that offers access connected to a skill / resource / ability etc, so that instead of just being used as squandering health / shield ablation lol, the loss of the character means sacrificing an useful domain of expertise. For example in a fantasy setting a character could be a blacksmith that repairs armour, another a fletcher making arrows / re-stringing bows etc. In a post apocalyptic setting you could have a character that acts as a linguist (speaking to other survivors) or presenting contacts / faction influence, a forager or hunter, another as an armourer gunsmith etc.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5926189 I think this is a bit of a misnomer.
To say that disempowerment or fragile characters/settings aren't uplifting or aren't appealing I think is incorrect. I think they are very appealing but only in the specific context of the genre or story they are written in.
The most simple form of disempowerment story would be horror. Typically, horror is where things continually get worse and worse over time. Ie, you start with the protagnists in an isolated shack in the woods, but at least they have friends, a gun, and electricity. Then they get attacked and slowly get picked off one by one, eventually the power goes out, and the gun is lost or out of bullets, and now it's just the cheerleader by herself running through the woods but she can still get rescued at the last second. People love stories like that, but it's only because its framed as a horror story. I'm running one right now, for example. However I don't really think it's a disempowerment story, it's still empowering or achieving, just against greater odds. Very rarely do stories focus on things just exclusively getting worse and worse. The most prominent example through gameplay I can think of is Cry of Fear, the Half-Life mod, where you later on in the game lose your backpack (half your inventory slots) and then even later on lose a chunk of your maximum health (permanently), which means your player character is objectively weaker at the end of the story then at the start, but you (the player) persevere and use the skills you gained throughout the game to reach the conclusion.
However I think most players here (as well as some of the responders to your post) DO NOT like the concept when it is framed as being in an open world game, a fantasy or sci-fi quest, etc. If I had to armchair a guess I'd say its because the main character feels uniquely like THEY are suffering, they are constantly on the backfoot, that it's misery porn, etc. My other Quest has been accused of that multiple times, perhaps with good reason.
However several people have expressed their interest in exactly that; both Pathologic as well as the guy continually asking for a "Fear & Hunger style Quest" for that past ~2 years. So I think as long as you're upfront about it at the start and make a quest set in a very bleak world or in a very dire situation right from the start, I think people could get invested and enjoy it. But if you make a paint-by-numbers generic fantasy quest and have it be about an escaped kobold slave just barely scrapping by I think people would be less forgiving and the negative events would quickly wear the players down until they don't want to play anymore.
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>>5926673 >>5926680 there should also be an option to deliberately sacrifice the characters in exchange for VAMPIRIC POWER MUAHAHAhahaarrrggghhnngnhh
>>5926681 >both Pathologic as well as the guy continually asking for a "Fear & Hunger style Quest" I wouldn't exactly call Fear and Hunger an 'completely hopeless disempowerment' game
I mean it's absolutely bleak. But it's not completely hopeless. You can still beat the enemies. Most characters have at last one happy-ish ending. You can basically 'conquer' the dungeons.
There's a difference between grimdark and grimderp.
>>5926778 True, but not in a single run. The "real" fear and hunger experience, from the point of view of the characters, isn't the one where you tear down the dungeon with every single exploit. It's the one where you get mauled by wolves right at the entrance because you don't know what you're doing. It only works because you have save points and replays, but it doesn't work if it's a single run.
The characters are fucked. The player isn't, and carries over the knowledge, which is what makes the game. But in a narrative game where you only have one chance, that doesn't happen.
>>5926865 Yeah, but that's because fear and hunger is built around dying and trying again. You're *supposed* to eventually conquer the dungeons. Having a story where you just fail and fail and fail and everything's hopeless and bleak and it sucks and you die, that's just boring.
To put it simply, why should i care? If the protagonist is losing no matter what you do because grimdark, if everything goes wrong because grimdark, if everything is predictable because you can just think of the worst possible way for it to end and you'll be right because grimdark, why should i care about the stoy at all?
>>5926875 Every time you survive, the QM removes another square obscuring the naked anime girl.
QM !btT653GUa2
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Thread #3 of Simple Space Empire is here
>>5926688 . I honestly forgot about the /qtg/, otherwise I would've posted sooner.
>>5897836 It paid off, but if you weren't lucky with the ERC and Nightshayd assassins, things could've gone very differently.
>>5897840 I wasn't surprised it led to civil war. The higher tax on disloyal houses choice was largely there because Albin was
autistic but the ensuing success made it look like machiavellian cunning.
>>5897939 De Croize was unlucky. If they'd roll well at the end there, it could've been a legitimate crisis. Even the nanoswarm was apocalyptic to their homeworld. The local loyalists and quick decision to bombard the site from orbit as heavily as possible are the only reason Subregion Vintrola still exists.
>>5926140 The dynastic succession is pretty important. I've got a simple system for randomly determining the genes of each dynasty member, and their spouse, and offspring. Up until now, the dynasty's married primarily for political purposes and gotten lucky with their heirs. There's a fair amount of arranged marriages pretty typical to aristocratic power structures but no hapsburgisms, yet. I think it's fun, although I don't focus on the waifu aspect of the quest as much as some QMs do. Probably because the years-long turns make writing a detailed relationship arguably more trouble than it's worth.
>>5926900 She better be OC and a top-tier waifu. I have naked anime girls at home.
>>5917812 l8 reply but anywho
had a verbose post but deleted it.
Experience and feedback and horribly dry reading. If I were to offer a refinement it's not too broadly complex.
The efforts of an artist's intention are all summable together with "the human language of art", though not the high-minded means. It's another way to say the nuances of human expression and how we interact and communicate as people are bottled up in the act of creation intrinsically, because it's human expression.
When a creator determines a view of what they have made for another to see, I've felt it's a matter of how balanced they are with their nonsense and if they can convince me to prefer their nonsense. Somewhat built into the basic advice of show don't tell, so your audience gets to have a space for their own thoughts while staying immersed in your style. But, placing a view into an objective, into their desire to not be misinterpreted or giving ridiculous amounts of information or focus to specific means and details to add clarity,
it then becomes concretely preachy,
maybe even overwrought and excessive,
a little bit like a stranger presuming they are the one to be your teacher while they're blinded by themselves and their own objectives.
It's discounting an audiences thought or most specifically it's discounting another person's potential thoughts in a minimum of several ways. It does not show itself as something entertaining input or alternative senses of the genuine because the genuine interpretation, that mighty white sun, has already been chosen and held onto by its devoted creator. Now they wanna drool over it and stick it in your face, and that's gross.
It maintains also when the creator sets the goal of not trying to distribute any view at all, because that's still a discounting of the will of others, it's still a fundamental presumption in the language of their art. It doesn't particularly matter how a creator gets themselves to the space of making fundamental miscommunications, or even what it is as by virtue of art being a language there aren't any hard limits to these forms of mistakes, it only really matters that they've done it and you get to feel it set in over the course of their work.
Simply put, it's a lot of them, it's an imbalance compared to any more natural equation.
If your creation is just you, you're not an artist!
You're a HACK.
post funded by 200mg of trammy Anonymous
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>>5926954 >Now they wanna drool over it and stick it in your face, and that's gross. Your posts are a bit tough to follow, but I can agree with this. Quests (or stories in general) that get really up their own ass with trying to communicate the TRUTH of things in a really insistent, preachy, verbose way can get pretty exhausting, even when it's a truth I broadly agree with. It works sometimes, but usually when illustrated by the narrative rather than stated by the characters in a dialogue or inner monologue, let alone by an omniscient author.
I'm interested in what the characters think and why, not in the author or one of their mouthpieces telling me what -I- ought to think. SHOW me why I should think that, don't TELL me. If I wanted a lecture, I'd attend a lecture. If I wanted to read a treatise, I know where to find them. I'm here for a STORY, damnit!
The thing that takes me out of any story the most is when you can see the author's fingerprints directly on the narration in a way that's at odds with the characters' perception of events. It's why (for example) female characters by male authors constantly thinking about their own tits in a voyeuristic way (like they're observing from the outside rather than part of their own body) is so distracting: not because it's sexist or offensive or whatever, but because outside of some serious dissociative episode or other psychological weirdness, that's not how people experience themselves.
If the main character is a straight woman, neither she nor the narrative should usually dwell on how fuckable she is, just like a villainous/ruthless MC shouldn't dwell on how nasty and evil and awful they are, if they don't think of themselves as such.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 Anonymous
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>>5926946 It's gatchanon's steam train girl
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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>>5927054 >>5927054 >>5927054 After a day of missing an update, the monster girl facility has had another update, and a bloody one at that.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Versequest returns after a 3-day break!
>>5927089 >>5927089 I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX
I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX ID:zCFxUN55 Fri 16 Feb 2024 01:58:15 No. 5927157 Report Quoted By:
>>5927145 >>5927145 >>5927145 The Lady Knight's Quest has updated for today.
Been reading "Super" """Villain""" quest and it got me thinking, of all the (currently running) quests, whose protagonist is the biggest (actual) bad?
>>5927177 Anon from Joker Quest.
>>5927201 It's been a while... why was Anon bad? I thought he was just thrust into the situation and trying to survive.
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>>5927248 He was just made a ton of questionable at best decisions, then did the one thing he wasn't supposed to.
Further he never really figured out how to say no, and invalidated the sacrifices of most of the people that died.
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>>5927177 Probably God/Existence from Versequest, though he;s gradually undergoing the classic /qst/ villain-protag pivot from unapologetic sociopathic monster to more complex and compassionate guy.
Otherwise, maybe Akule or Wrix from Supreme Space Monke Ruler?
Loveless Gal’s second thread coming soon!
>>5927177 Nolan from the dead (?) evil omni-man quest is a fascist groomer
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
I'm a little impatient and wrapping this one up early. Let me know your feedback in the thread.
>>5927356 Anonymous
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>>5927177 The MC from that very quest is the most actual bad, she keeps lying to her poor loving father.
Best /qst/ villains and antagonists in recent times?
>>5927423 Thrakabarzum of Uroloki is a nice villain.
https://boards.4chan.org/qst/thread/5893490#top Though i also liked Barnham of becchi berserk quest
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BecchiQM here. He will return for the final thread i have full trust in him !
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
I think one of the biggest qualifiers for the quality of a fantasy work (ie; being GOOD) comes down to its magic, which is a misleading term to not just encapsulate the magic or supernatural in the world, but how the magic is exploited or used by the people in the settings that live there. With some fantasy settings, magic is more of a soft-science, but this degrades away the quality of "feeling real" in the same way real life occultist feels real (despite not being real). Therefore, there are certain types of magic that tap into the verisimilitude of the reader, which create the sense of the fantastic. Some of my favorites aren't even from folklore/mythology (though a lot of them are), but from random one off statements and lines on random tables in D&D books. Things like encounters where Orcs bang on drums to make them more successful in battle (which actually works), or LotR style magic items like the one ring that just makes people more POWERFUL for wearing it, which somehow is both a leadership bonus as well as something mystic and includes elemental powers and shit too. Like Gandalf wearing the Narya (the Flame ring), which both gives him magic powers over fire like liting up the pinecones and shit BUT ALSO making him a more powerful warrior, or making him better at surviving fire too because it's fire??? And then even modern contemporary video games touch on it sometimes; like Brogue with its "Scrolls of Power" which you can use on ANY item and it just makes it better or enhances what abilities it has already, but if you imagine how this actually works "in universe"; can you use it on a cup or a boot or a door and all of that can also be enhanced through some vague "power" stat? How do you quantify something immaterial like that? In a game- you almost can't- but that's the kind of magic I wish to quantify. I literally see it- the GOOD fantasy quest, just barely able to pierce the smog of genre fantasy. It's right there, the unreachable plateaus of literature.
>>5927531 Magic based upon folklore, history and science (early natural philosophy) is more compelling than Skyrim white blue orange hand spray particle effects. Old stories of carrying nails to transfix the shadows of witches to the ground by their heels or chaining a vampire beneath crossroads to bewilder them and ensure they could not wander back into villages. Lol anasyrma
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anasyrma apotropaic lifting of the skirts exposing the buttocks / genitals to frighten malevolent spirits, practiced in Eleusinian mysteries. Orphic cults in greek mythology are a good source of western magic. That anglo saxon bee charm spell I mentioned on a previous qst
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/For_a_Swarm_of_Bees In my COSMOGONY space quest I mentioned a mysterious group of individuals called the Iddhi who could traverse the void without using starships, this word and concept was borrowed from Buddhism, in fact you could also take those mudra hand gestures and poses from Indian and Asian museum statues and make quite a good magic system based on those (AAPL spatial computing helmet computer cameras staring at hands lol or remember that googl ATAP experimental project using RF detection of gestures called Soli??)
https://www.dezeen.com/2015/06/02/google-project-soli-interaction-sensor-radar-hand-gestures-digital-control-electronic-devices/ Spells should have ambiguous, exotic, sinister and inexplicable names.
So for example, instead of dnd SUMMON MONSTER, how about a spell called BLUE LION Of MANJUSHRI etc. (interestingly, very similar symbolism to the image of the Strength Tarot card)
I actually made a grimoire in javascript just a random generator that outputs originally random names for spells (they deliberately have an occult and sinister element). The idea is this: consider all the disciplines which magic could resemble: (and in fact, were considered magic in earlier times)
Mathematics, specifically Geometry, Algebra etc
Medicine, Herbalism
Mythology, rhymes, children's games
Viking riddles, kennings
Religion, theology, eschatology
More specifically: hymns, prayers etc
Music, dance
Painting / illustration, sculpture
Verse, poetry
Rhetoric, Grammar, Oratory
Foreign languages, Latin, French, German Arabic Sanskrit etc
Natural Philosophy, some specific disciplines eg optics, alchemy
Divination, tarot, Roman haruspices
etc many many others
So you compile a list of these disciplines and pull highly technical concepts and phrases from them, and randomise them in a table with javascript and you get a very convincing feeling grimoire. In fact some concepts sound like spells just on their own (eg the Nietzschean concept ETERNAL RECURRENCE sounds much cooler than the dnd Resurrection spell. Or maybe that spell does something else, like invoke an echo deja vu of what you were doing a few moments ago previously... you get a lot of good ideas for magical encounters this way)
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>>5927588 >anasyrma >UPSKIRTING SORCEROR Anonymous
>>5927531 >>5927588 I quite like the idea of spells being freeform, ie conjure up a mysterious inexplicable exotic spell name via random generator (eg method described above
>>5927588 ) and the spell can possess any capability that vaguely or allegorically appears to conform to its meaning. So for example with that spell BLUE LION OF MANJUSHRI above, maybe it is the literal dnd thing you summon a literal rampaging blue lion demon or maybe it is a spell of taming or one that confers wisdom over beasts, or even placates / pacifies an angry / enraged violent individual etc. There are a lot of OSR systems that let you calibrate the magnitude of spells according to some scale of effect eg from a low tier (substitute for a simple tool) eg a candle flame, a bonfire, a burning house / conflagration, a devouring inferno consuming an entire city / volcanic eruption etc. But I also like the idea of spells being either hedge magic (very primitive almost unnoticeable simple charms curses inconveniences or coincidences) or hugely ritualistic reality shattering cataclysms (spell that alters orbit of the moon, the tides, quenches all the seas on a planet like Dark Sun hehe etc) with nothing in between lol. In most of my games I deliberately make all spells single use only (only one unique cast of a named spell for each effect) so that no spells are ever repetitively used over and over again. An easy way to do this is to bind the specific rite to a particular location / source or artifact, that is extinguished upon evocation (similar to the Monte Cooke Numenera rpg cypher system games)
Magic should be frightening, it should always evoke dread and fear.
I think the modern tendency of dnd operating excessively in the middle region, between the hedge magic and the sorcerous cataclysm, making everyday use of magic commonplace, hugely formulaic and predictable leading to repetitive mundane overreliance upon its effect is better suited to videogames (where you can at least admire the cool spell particle fx graphics etc) whereas in a narrative game you want a spell to alter the narrative and irrevocably and permanently scar/corrupt the storyline the landscape as well as the spellcaster, to demonstrate its unnatural and formidable power
>>5927357 Took it long enough, really not a fan of more conceptual 4th wall stuff. Are you gonna make an normal quest now?
>>5927588 >dezeen.com and concept architecture sites I like collecting inspiration from architecture concepts such as BLDGBLOG or dezeen, I wonder if anyone mentioned to Mohammed bin Salman that if you like cyberpunk futurism you can just download pictures from artstation or play that Mirror's Edge videogame no need to actually excavate kilometres of desert sand. Maybe some architect played that videogame "Spec Ops: The Line" and decided, hey you know what would be a good name for a futuristic skyscraper city in the desert, that is not ruined or war-torn or phosphorous incendiary bombed or anything, how about "The Line" so here is the mirror skyscraper wall concept renders planned for Neom in Saudia Arabia, these pictures look very cool and you can find a lot more concepts on dezeen, I think they did some new renders or art photobashing Jan 2024 (I really like the one of the "inward facing" skyscraper, it is like a sort of polygon grid cavern, there is also a vertical forest and another one that resembles a sort of hexagonal serpentine lattice clasping the mountainous side of a cliff)
lol, the second picture of The Line that blue sky mirror wall superstructure reminds me of the Alastair Reynolds story Zima Blue which nflx also adapted as an animated short film version for Love Death + Robots, about a cyborg artist obsessed with planetary scale superstructure engineering blue rectangles
inward facing skyscraper, built around a hollow void
https://www.dezeen.com/2024/01/11/neom-reveals-upside-down-skyscraper-inside-gulf-of-aqaba-mountain/ polygonal cliff thing
https://static.dezeen.com/uploads/2023/10/leyja-neom-hotels-shaun-killa-mario-cucinella-chris-van-duijn_dezeen_2364_col_3-1704x954.jpg Anonymous
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>>5927617 I have a vague memory from wikipedia that Saudi Arabia was one of the earliest countries (?) that actually acquired and used the FN P90. So if that Neom The Line futurism concept mirror city ever even gets built, I hope all the guards look like this
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5927609 Really hated it that much, huh? The 2 day experimental low-effort quest?
Alright fine tough guy. Tell me what Quest you want me to run.
Except that one. Anonymous
>>5927628 >Really hated it that much, huh? The 2 day experimental low-effort quest? I don't like fourth wall breaking.
>Alright fine tough guy. Tell me what Quest you want me to run. If not monke, then pretty much anything normal. Something new like the sheep fantasy? Something running like the superhero quest? I don't have a specific choice, i just don't like fourth wall breaking.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5927631 I appreciate your honesty.
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>>5927634 As a fellow QM - there’s literally nothing wrong with experimentation. Sometimes the experiment fails but always something is learned
>>5927588 >>5927605 >magic based on folklore and history >magic should be frightening and evoke dread and fear Look through buddhist and hindu mythology, you’ll find some shit. My fantasy quests are based on (well, basically copying) those and more than a few times people said it was weird and original. I made a few adjustments but yeah.
There was one story regarding Indra, and the curse inflicted upon him for adultery; to have a thousand vulvas growing on him. After an apology, the sage who cursed him transformed them to eyes to make it less embarrassing. Or flowers. Depends on the variation of the story.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwkQE2r8Qzc [Open]
There’s several variations of the curse, some saying the curse was the removal of his penis instead and a few other details switched around. I found this version to be the most interesting and used it in Loveless Gal - the players seem to be intrigued by it too.
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>>5927423 The Emperor from Chaos Quest. There's just something deeply amusing about the idea of a random monkey man taking over the whole universe
Curse Carrier DM
>>5927531 I watched a let's play of home safety hotline, and it impressed me how it managed to blur the line between the mundane and the fantastic. Yes, there are crazy supernatural forces, everyone(?) knows about them, and they're treated like pests with clear instructions on how to get rid of them.
Despite this, the game still manages to make the supernatural feel scary and unknown, because so many of the solutions are "move out, and pray that it's not too late." And because you're stuck in the relative safety of your desk job, your imagination goes wild as you try to rationalize the things you only have short descriptions of. It makes me wonder if a quest in a similar setting could work, because there sure as hell aren't that many games like it.
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>>5927588 >ye olden pagan folk called bees 'victory-women' Cute. I'm stealing that.
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>>5927605 >placates / pacifies an angry / enraged violent individual This seems most appropriate, since the lion in Manjushri's iconography represents desire or the mind/ego, which the Boddhisatva ahs tamed.
>>5926189 >>5926681 >disempowerment story >game where you start off strong, end up weaker and weaker I am in gun fetishist mode lol from nonstop playing the extraction shooter Arena Breakout, the game is so brutal I am so unskilled and terrible at it lol, but it is super addictive
The previous hell map was Armoury, I actually solo run extracted from it twice completely by myself (the only way to live is by hiding like a coward in a tunnel for the entire round, waiting it out, wait for all the full gear four man deathsquads to kill each other). I have only played the new map TV Station twice and died both times (ran out of health, bandages and surgical kits and bullets the second time lol). It is insanely expensive entering into the map and the best mental approach is to imagine it as Valhalla (you are going to inevitably die, just fatalistically accept that all your best and most expensive armour, weapons gear and items are all going to be lost the moment you joined the match, so for a few mins you just FIRE EVERYTHING THROW ALL THE GRENADES and try and kill as many of the utterly merciless brutal computer and human opponents as possible lol before all your limbs are broken apart nooo)
So maybe an alternative take on the disempowerment narrative, you could create a game called KILLCOUNT, it could be a SUICIDE RUN mission, you just need to achieve some objective maybe it is eliminate as many hostiles as possible. Think the final hopeless gunfight in Halo Reach that only ends one way hehe.
>>5927671 >move out, and pray that it's not too late Something I really enjoy (but also frustrated by lol) in the tactical shooters is because many of the fights are completely haphazard asymmetric and brutal (sudden ambush, scythed down by a hail of bullets from nowhere) and the fights are so unfair (eg you are on a no gear scavenging run with a pistol or a shotgun or crap smg or SKS, you encounter four player full armour ballistic visor assault rifle death squad) so a lot of the gameplay becomes this strategic map positioning thing. You are literally just hiding and running away (if you can see an enemy, you are probably dead as they can shoot back at you). The ideal fight is to shoot the enemy in the back whilst they are distracted, if you engage in any head-on confrontation it is generally a losing outcome. Another thing is you have to stay constantly mobile (if you dally too long looting, eventually you will attract either computer bots and some noise is going to give you away, which is a death sentence).
So I think these are all interesting elements of a "disempowerment game" you need to encourage players to create and invent some form of situational ambush, hit and run etc.
>>5927699 I mentioned this before but my ultimate fantasy AAA studio game (which for obvious reasons would never ever get made today) would be a game exactly like Tarkov or Arena Breakout, but with hyperviolence blood gore / graphic intensity of an open world Manhunt / Condemned Criminal Origins videogames (not just bloodless slumped clean military tactical operator corpses etc). The setting should be an urban one a bit like that film The Purge: Anarchy.
You could approach it from two angles eg start off as a vagrant with a broken wooden plank or twisted piece of rebar like Condemned etc or if you want the disempowerment gameplay, start off like I did in Arena Breakout TV station with full gear the best assault rifles grenades ammunition etc and then be brutally cut down by bullet hurricanes until eventually all your ammunition is depleted and you are down to hobble-crawl fleeing along corridors swinging a combat knife wildly with no reload mags left in your rig wheezing in agony through bloodshot vision (this is what happens when all your arms and legs are broken lol) before finally some merciful assailant snipes you from an overhanging ledge completely unseen. The most eerie part of that TV station map is the first few minutes are filled with the most insane cacophony of gunfire explosions screams and choking / retching(for some reason, there is some sort of tear gas contraption in the level) that I have ever experienced in any videogame. Then after a few moments (everyone has been killed by the initial fray, the first contact lol) there is just thudding footsteps (murderous survivors) and silence, it is truly horrifying
>>5927653 >PENIS DISMEMBERMENT Freudian castration etc comparative mythology always very interesting, it is that Golden Bough god-sacrifice monomyth theme, I vaguely remember from the Egyptian myth of Osiris, I think he gets cut into several pieces with his mutilated remains thrown into the river (including his phallus) it is clearly an allegory of fertility and seasonal renewal etc. Similarly a common Arthurian motif is the Fisher King, you see this in a lot of fantasy stories where a sickened (maddened, ill, injured etc) king symbolises the realm fallen to corruption lawlessness etc, the original idea or historical basis might be of a king / lord wounded in the thigh (medieval euphemism for penis) returning to his broken and brigand-ravaged lands from the Crusades etc.
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>>5927710 >Fisher King Ah, a classic. The leader as synecdoche for the realm. I used that in Dragonborn Antipaladin, both a positive and negative example. The king of the dominant European-based human alliance was old and ill, and his house divided; the main character was starting a new kingdom, and by his example lending his collected people a greater vibrancy of spirit and sense of community; in killing the strongest heir of the human king, subverting and cowing the second-in-line, and seducing and installing the third without taking the human kingdom into his own aegis, the main character left it weakened, unsteady, vulnerable, and mistrusted by neighbours.
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>>5927653 >>5927710 >myth of thousand eyes / flowers / THOUSAND VAGINAs I was actually just reading some lore about Silent Hill 4 The Room (I have not played this videogame) and I read about this random Biblical thing called the Ophanim, it is some sort of gyroscope or chariot wheel / throne ? burning with a thousand eyes
I like this idea of how Soul Calibur Nightmare eye vein sword / warhammer Chaos legions chaos spawn fleshy protuberances predicted the early recursive eye horror of generative ai experiments lol, it was clearly a warning from Creation
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophanim alternatively spelled auphanim or ofanim, and also called galgalim (Hebrew: galgallīm, 'spheres, wheels, whirlwinds'; singular: galgal), refer to the wheels seen in Ezekiel's vision of the chariot (Hebrew merkabah) in Ezekiel 1:15–21
https://silenthill.fandom.com/wiki/Death_Machine ... The machine itself looks like a giant metal gyroscope, consisting of a round metal core surrounded by four rotating spiked rings. The machine is almost fully immersed in a deep pool of blood, completed by a walkway leading to it.
>>5927605 I now want to run a quest where each e spell can only be cast once. Wizards have a limited number of spells they can cast, and when they cast one, they gain another. Problem is, they only know the name of the spell, not it's effects, nor do they know what spell are they going to gain next. The more powerful the wizard, the more spells they have at the same time, but nothing more than that. You can maybe spend some time to divine *some* aspects of the spell, but never the whole thing exactly, and the more words a spell has, the more specific and weaker it is.
This means you'd hold on to a spell named Hillbast's Teleport to the Sanctum's Safety, and be utterly fucking terrified of someone who gets a spell named simply KNIVES, or DOOM. So powerful casters could eventually end up gimped because they end up with seven variations of explosion spells that would take themselves out, because they spent all their barriers on other dumb shit, and now they're forced to cast Dark Phoenix of Olympus' Fall without having any idea of what it actually does because they're shit out of options
>>5927758 Greenhorn has something similar, with the main character's half-elven 'wild magic' causing him to get a choice of three random spells whenever he goes to cast. If he doesn't have a proper wand, sometimes one of the two he doesn't pick goes off on its own or benefits an enemy.
>>5927758 >>5927771 You can use a system like this d66 table of effect + element + form, from Maze Rats to generate random spells (bottom page of this two page ruleset; for some reason the table is not numbered, but you can see it is a d66 from the 6x6 layout) My jacascript grimoire was inspired by this, but instead of the obvious Vancian type dnd spell phenomena I substituted more bizarre occult random tables hehe
>>5927588 >>5927807 Here is a pic related showing some example random output from my javascript Grimoire generator. The syntax is hardcoded, you can probably tell as it does get a bit repetitive after a while.
A lot of it is nonsense but part of the fun comes from pondering what these bizarre horror spells even mean lol. Also some of the spells in my actual games came from this, eg I quite liked "Barbed Spear Of Flies" and I used it in my very first quest and game setting here, I imagine it as a more pestilential gruesome version of dnd Acid Arrow hehe
>>5927588 >>5927807 >>5927825 Other sources of cool spells: I mentioned I am a fan of R Scott Bakker I read all of the Prince Of Nothing and The Unholy Consult as well as his short stories (I strongly recommend The Knife Of Many Hands, this story is almost better than Conan, R Scott Bakker gave that one an amazing philosophical twist) So the spells in Prince Of Nothing / Unholy Consult are really cool, many of them are named after greek philosophy mathematics / rhetoric or Sumerian Akkadian things hehe, I was strongly inspired by these
Anagogic Cants
Gotaggan Scythes
Houlari Twin-Tempests
Memkotic Furies
Ramparts of Ur
Gnostic Cants
Bar of Heaven
Bisecting Planes of Mirseor
Cant of Sidewise Stepping
Cants of Torment
Compass of Noshainrau
Cirroi Loom
Ellipses of Thosolankis
Huiritic Ring
Ishra Discursia
Mathesis Pin
Ninth Merotic
Noviratic Spike
Odaini Concussion Cant
Seventh Quyan Theorem
Skin Ward
Surillic Point
Thawa Ligatures
Weära Comb
Metagnostic Cants
Cant of Translocation
Mbimayu Cants
Iswazi Cant
Muzzû Chalice
(You can find a fan compiled History Of Earwa here
https://thewertzone.blogspot.com/2018/04/a-history-of-earwa-updated-through.html?m=1 with the download link being this
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1R_Gp-xTjsEXQBvkZQENi6dliyk8SFeHT it is basically a rearrangement of the lore appendix in the final book, except placed in a more sensible chronological order)
Another cool source of amazing spell names is the Monte Cook ttrpg INVISIBLE SUN. Not too convinced by the ruleset, I mentioned I watched an actual play with the DM as Monte Cook the creator himself, maybe he does not have the youtube DM streamer personality lol it was a bit cringe, low threat zero conflict. But the names of the spells and some of the utterly bizarre descriptions in Invisible Sun are just so amazing. Even just looking at the surreal illustrations from the lore books gave me ideas. How about a spell that lets you turn a person's head into a book, so that you can flick through sheaves of pages of their secret thoughts and memories, hehe
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>>5927848 >Invisible Sun rpg book head lady I forgot she has breasts
Kraken !!foLJeTBIOjr
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After a busy week of doing normie things, the next Future Fades update is finally here.
>>5927882 >>5927882 >>5927882 Anonymous
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Kaz, may I commission you?
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Halo Wolfpack is up and running!
>>5914295 >>5914295 >>5914295 BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5927699 >tfw can't run tacticool operator quests because I don't know shit about guns Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5927758 >Escape from a fatal encounter using Ring of Fire and Hibbert's Emergency Teleport >Meditate for a day to identify these two new spells that took their place >yfw it's VAGUE DOOM and Silly >The other spell you saved is Summon Ganja Elemental (Boof Form) Anonymous
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>>5928120 Do it anyways if you want
Not like lack of knowledge or expertise has stopped actual media from having a go at it, learning by doing is pretty effective
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5928120 Pick your poison
>Make up your own guns >Substitute guns with magic >Research-grind on guns Anonymous
Thinking of making my own low tier Gotham henchman quest but I’m hooked on the idea of having black mask as the protagonist’s boss from the beginning instead of there being a choice of gang during chargen, is this a bad idea?
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>>5928139 Well he is pretty based
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>>5928139 Don't let your memes be dreams, man. Do it.
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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>>5928159 >>5928159 >>5928159 Late night monster girl facility update came in. I should've updated this way sooner, but things sorta got in the way.
Olympus QM
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>>5928164 >>5928164 >>5928164 Olympus Incarnation Quest has entered its third thread
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
>>5896313 >QM Question Nah, my life is pretty boring.
>Player Question Grimdark Cyberpunk Capeshit Vigilante Quests
>My Question Who is the strongest MC on the board right now?
>>5928202 >Who is the strongest MC on the board right now? Nowlahn from the eviler omni quest
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>>5928202 >Who is the strongest MC on the board right now? Probably any number of the ones who have met the "Kill God" criteria.
>>5928206 QM needs to stop being a faggot and let us fuck monster girl and nikki
>>5928237 >>5927298 Is Eviler Omni-Man just some sort of weird harem quest about banging the female cats of the show or something?
>>5928239 >cats Bugs. They are bugs
>>5928240 I meant 'cast', but wow, okay, I guess it is then? Odd.
>>5928239 It's worse than you think
>racist internal monologue comparing humans to insects >wants to breed an army of child soldiers >cheated on his wife >thinks of her as his pet >groomed his teenage son's friend >fucked her after messing with her birth control >betrayed and killed his teammates >euthanized a hero for being disabled >might go full pedo soon Anonymous
>>5928254 >racist internal monologue comparing humans to insects >wants to breed an army of child soldiers >cheated on his wife >thinks of her as his pet >betrayed and killed his teammates To be fair, these are all things he does in canon before his face turn is complete.
>euthanized a hero for being disabled On brand for a kool-aid drinking Viltrumite.
>groomed his teenage son's friend >fucked her after messing with her birth control Uhh.
>might go full pedo soon UHH.
>>5928256 Nolan fucked and impregnated a 1 year old bug woman in canon. Pedophilia is lore accurate
Male reader x female gojo romance quest >yes >no
>>5928261 Honestly if you're going to get into cross-species deals, the guy's like thousands of years old and the bug people have the growth rate and lifespans of...bugs. It's not pedophilia, it's more like bestiality if anything. Zeus coming down from Olympus in multiple ways sort of deal, it's just that it's not actually conducive to Viltrumite goals to have a relationship that is both not reproductive and not socially acceptable to the society they're trying to blend in with.
Though it's literally called "eviler omni man" so really it's not like defensible morality was ever going to be a factor. I haven't read it but I'm going to guess that being a more evil version of a capeshit antagonist isn't going to be a subtle kind of character.
>>5928120 To be honest, I don't know anything about guns either beyond their portayal in films and videogames. These days you can use wikipedia, youtube channels and
imfdb.org (film gun index) to research everything. For example, I liked this scene from the (overall very dull and disappointing) Mark Wahlberg Max Payne film (interesting to see how they made the opening Roscoe Street Station level less exciting than the actual game lol) I wanted to include a cool SHOTGUN REVOLVER like this one in my games. Except after looking at some youtube videos of it...
https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Max_Payne_(2008)#Taurus_Judge I was disappointed to discover, those doors would never get blown apart like Hollywood portrayed it in this film lol, the scattershot round is too weak, in real-life you sadly cannot use that shotgun revolver as a breaching weapon. Incidentally the fleeing victim cowardly crawling prone through the toilets in this webm is also how I play Arena Breakout, it is really scary
>>5928273 Tbh nowlahn fucked dupli-kate who's 17-18 in the show
>>5928273 Also dupli-kate is canonically into older men so it's probably not even grooming
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>>5928277 If we're talking explicitly "tacticool" and not "tactical", you should absolutely ham it up and make the guns more "Hollywood". Everyone wants an AR-15 that bump fires ten semi-fully-automatic-knives-per-square-ounce of clipazine. It's silly and unrealistic and that's okay because it's all about the gun-kata and explosive red fuel barrels.
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>>5928273 Evil nolan is the edgiest, one dimensional, comically evil MC on the board right now, but it's interesting to see a villain MC with no redeeming quality
>>5928261 It passes the Harkness Test.
>>5928281 Seducing a child via their daddy issues isn't LESS pedophilic.
>>5928278 Less creepy, I guess. I thought th Teen team were much younger at the start of the comic. Wasn't Mark in high school for the first couple years of the story?
>>5928286 >Seducing a child via their daddy issues isn't LESS pedophilic The Immortal didn't get the memo. Also, the age of consent is 16 in many states, so it probably wasn't even illegal.
>>5928289 Kate was legal drinking-age by then.
>>5928291 I'm curious. How many of these would you consider pedophilia?
>1000 year old Nolan fucks and impregnates a 1 year old bug woman >1000 year old Immortal fucks and impregnates a 18 year old Kate >1000 year old Nolan fucks and impregnates a 18 year old Kate >1000 year old Nolan fucks a 24 year old monster girl >1000 year old Nolan fucks a 17 year old amber Anonymous
>>5928295 None, assuming the bug woman is a consenting, communicative adult of her species (she was).
The last one's close, and 2, 3, and 4 are all a bit weird to me personally, but none are pedophilia.
>>5928297 Picrel: anons roleplaying as the evil villain, making sane rational lore-accurate choices
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>>5928302 I mean if the objective is just to be MAX EVIL, pedophilia (or pedo-adjacent activity) doesn't hurt. This being a blue board, I assume there's not even any explicit content. I just wouldn't be interested in playing or reading a quest wherein the main character was a pedo or a major focus was grooming minors. I don't know if that's the case or anons are just memeing/exaggerating, mind you.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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Solarpunk update, last for the weekend!
>>5928304 >>5928304 >>5928304 >>5928304 You thought I was running a PM inspired Quest? Sike, it's Armored Core, go kit up Fiona Jarnafeldt
Take a little bit of->X-Files >SCP >Hunt: Showdown >World of Darkness >Unknown Armies >/x/ & /k/ creepypastas >Analog Horror >Supernatural >David Lynch stuff >Road Trip >And this picture You in?
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>>5928384 Love it, run it immediately
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k
The Hypercrisis Bro !!wy0RzVFRI8k ID:xfpS9Dwj Sat 17 Feb 2024 12:21:29 No. 5928392 Report Quoted By:
>>5928384 Batquest just had a mega update
>>5928373 I know this is shamefully self indulgent but this was some of the most intense writing I've done (for anything) in quite some time.
Even if you aren't a player, I would be interested if you took a look and even more interested if you gave feedback.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sat 17 Feb 2024 15:58:50 No. 5928500 Report Quoted By:
>>5928498 In the latest update of Lodestar, we're finally at the point where we're actually going to name our Pirate Crew going forward. It'll be the name that'll carve your infamy into the canvas of history. Make it a good one.
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>>5928246 A cat is fine, too.
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
Versequest has begun updating for the day!
>>5925673 >>5925673 Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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>>5928679 Linked the wrong post... Life is full of hardships.
>>5928673 Anonymous
>>5928384 Only Bananas could pull off something that sick.
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Quests are fun.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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>>5928384 >Unknown Armies RUN IT NOW FAGGOT
When is it okay to give up on a quest? Would it be okay to stop a quest, do something else, then try to return to it? Do people do that? I was running my first quest, and while it's going pretty well imo, I am kinda just... Not really feeling it, as of late...
>>5929067 That’s quite alright. Just give your readers a headsup - just say ___ quest will not be continuing in qtg. Better to do that than leave them hanging.
>>5929067 I've done that and am doing that right now, so go ahead. In my opinion it's better to take a break than shovel out substandard updates when you're burned out on a particular quest.
>>5929067 QMing is a lot of work, and you don't get paid for it. Stop at your own discretion. It is polite to give anons a heads up, but shit man this is just a Korean rock skipping forum site. Nobody's got a hold on you, and nothing here should be taken too seriously either.
If you're not feeling it because you've written yourself into a corner, don't hesitate to do a reboot or something months down the line after you've tweaked things to your satisfaction. Iteration is a wonderful thing, and quests don't get the benefit of retroactive revision like most writing does.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5929112 Being able to go back and change what you wrote over a day ago? Insanity, anon! Everything you wrote is now word of god, and if the next update contradicts what was previously established as reality, then it is your duty as QM to explain how the fuck both can be true at the same time!
>>5929067 On a more serious note, yeah, just give a headsup on the thread if it still exists or over here if it doesn't. I like writing a quest because it puts pressure on me to write *something*, but that pressure can be harmful if it goes on for too long or with too much force, and it can burn you out. Any of your readers
at least those that aren't assholes would rather you took a break or stopped entirely than keep on chugging through stuff you no longer enjoy writing.
And if you don't feel sure whether you want to go back to it or not, if you're not sure you're stopping it entirely or just having a break, just say that. People in this board more than most know that writing isn't easy, and that they're not entitled to quests. We're just happy to have them while the authors make them, and people will understand and react well if you just tell them what's up.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
>>5929067 >Would it be okay to stop a quest, do something else, then try to return to it? Do people do that? I'm doing that. Or, trying to. I want to finish Solarpunk, then a short thing in my fantasy setting, and then go back to Akun and finish Tief Quest because I feel so guilty about flaking off.
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>>5929135 That's all well and fine, unless you're going for a story where dropping subtle hints is essential. In that case you DO need a reason why both can be true at the same time, and part of the players' fun comes from figuring out how that can be.
But uhh, if they do something you didn't expect and then you just rush to reply...or otherwise don't put enough time and thought into your update for any reason...then you wish for the ability to edit posts, rather than having to hope and feverishly think of a lore reason why things might be as you described rather than as they should be.
I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX
I Just Love Lady Knights !!qp9SkPCS7dX ID:zCFxUN55 Sun 18 Feb 2024 06:53:05 No. 5929217 Report Quoted By:
>>5929178 >>5929178 >>5929178 Lady Knight Quest has updated! Time yo kill some demons!
We should KILL every QM...
Someone make a quest about killing every QM.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 18 Feb 2024 09:44:48 No. 5929264 Report >>5929258 >>5929260 Give me your tierlist of fight-capabilities of each QM and the challenge it would pose to see if I'll run that someday.
>>5929264 Wait what if a QM starts to run a quest with an MC that kills the QM killer? Would it be better as a traditional arena fighter style or would it be a cool neo noir zodiac killer hunt thing?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 18 Feb 2024 10:09:29 No. 5929270 Report >>5929268 We're not pussies. We'll do this on lifestream.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 18 Feb 2024 10:10:30 No. 5929271 Report >>5929270 *Livestream.
Maybe a freudian revealing lapsus.
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>>5929270 >>5929271 I was thinking liveleak myself.
Better pick the QM order carefully, some will absolutely kill themselves and take everyone nearby with them. An ignoble end for the QM killer. Anonymous
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>>5929258 >>5929260 eh, considering the diet I have (energy drinks and booze), I'm going to die before you can kill me.
>>5929260 Unironically kind of an interesting idea. It would be fun if every QM had superpowers based on the setting, characters, tone, and maybe popularity of their quests, and (you) could either collect bits of the powers of the QMs or had some sort of independent levelling system, building up to kill off the QMs running the really big quests. Then again, from the looks of it it seems like what you're asking for is more of a shitpost quest where you gun down a bunch of dorks in a setting with little to no fantasy elements
>>5929445 I don't know you, but I would gladly be gunned down on a shitpost quest
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>>5929448 Likewise, it just doesn't strike me as one that's easy to run without making it repetitive
>>5929260 Which QM deserves the bullet the most?
>Tranny spammer >Civ shitter >Bananas >Dragonfag >Reptoid Anonymous
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 18 Feb 2024 17:34:36 No. 5929487 Report >>5929483 >1PBTID qtg shitposter Anonymous
>>5929487 nta (OR AM I?) but if I was a regular poster in the /qtg/ and wanted to do a little trolling, I would use an alternate ID.
>>5929497 >not just using the same ID and showing everyone that you're a true classic anon who doesn't afraid of anything Alternatively
>putting any more effort into your shitposting than simply typing it DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 18 Feb 2024 18:31:51 No. 5929547 Report Quoted By:
>>5929497 >>5929509 The point was voting, not starting analysing why some people chose anonymat over pseudonymat.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sun 18 Feb 2024 20:09:04 No. 5929614 Report >>5929445 >superpowers based on the setting, characters, tone, and maybe popularity of their quests Select 1 supernatural ability in your setting, 1 item belonging to a primary cast member in your quest, 1 completely free outfit that fits the tone of your quest, and get assigned a number based on the popularity of your quest with 1 being the most popular, and the highest number being the least popular of all the participants. Kill those higher up than you in popularity to claim their voters.
>>5929614 I think the entire idea's a little masturbatory, but if someone is really running a QM Battle Royale quest or something, I don't think QMs should be able to build their own load-out. it's funnier if their fans and/or detractors do it for them.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Sun 18 Feb 2024 20:18:13 No. 5929619 Report Quoted By:
>>5929618 Sure, have the voters vote for each of those categories instead. And yes, it's definitely masturbatory. At any rate, my ass is going down pretty quickly, even with the potential setting powers.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Sun 18 Feb 2024 20:23:37 No. 5929621 Report Quoted By:
>>5929614 >>5929618 I would love to see my 2 or 3 players of my namesake quest trying way too hard in that setting.
>>5929618 Nah, this should be 'Lowly QM kills his way to number one'.
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>>5928384 sure, post your quest
>>5929628 Make it No More Heroes styled. Upstart QM Anon kills a shitpost QM in real life to get him to stop flooding the board, and Hiroshimoot comes out of the closet to congratulate him and then forces the anon to kill his way to the top of a ranked list.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
>>5929688 Exactly. Who's number one?
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>>5929787 [red]Read[/red] my mind.
>>5929787 Som. By being the most disliked QM ever, he stack overflowed to assume the position of -1
>>5929825 >tfw just when you're forgetting someone reminds you that SOM will always be hiding amongst us Anonymous
>>5929830 It's like losing The Game.
Which you just did.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
Unless the Quest is very long running, most quest MCs are going to start as very new to whatever combat style or skillset they will acquire along their adventure. But starting out already experienced robs some of that player discovery and "ownership" of the MC's accomplishments. What's your thoughts on Quest MCs already starting experienced?
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Mon 19 Feb 2024 03:11:36 No. 5929873 Report >>5929864 I think a vastly underutilized main character is the Old Veteran archetype. Someone that's been around the block more than a few times, but hasn't done so in decades. Their skills have rusted away, their achievements lay in the past, and they've only got a handful of friends left that can even remember such a thing. I've played that archetype a good few times in tabletop games before, and I think it works very well for that. But you really don't see it often in quests for whatever reason, young blood definitely being the preference for a lot of folks.
Personally, I find it very compelling to follow the story of a man who's lost an incredible amount to the great enemy that is Time itself, and has nothing left to lose other than his life. A man with a mission and a grudge keeping him going. He isn't anywhere close to as good as he was in his heyday, but he'll make it work, god damn it.
>>5929864 It really depends on whether a given quest is meant to run for a while and showcase mechanical character progression or be more of a character STUDY, revealing or filling in details about a character. You can still create a sense of ownership by simply establishing what a character is capable of, and letting players pick what that is. Another option to bridge that divide is timeskips or flashbacks: showcase a younger or more inexperienced character, have a couple votes to elaborate on their abilities, and then skip ahead or return to 'the present' where they've brought those abilities to fruition.
>>5929873 Reminds me of Ruel from Wakfu, who often seems to be at the same 'level' as his younger teammates but it's mostly because he's old, holding back, or handicapping himself with bad build choices made for personal/emotional reasons. He thus can rapidly level-up to be on par with their more gradual growth by shaking the rust off and 'optimizing' better.
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
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>>5929887 >>5929887 >>5929887 The Wandering Headband has updated! Tracking the weirdo who ganked your headbands, you come upon a strange trap door in the middle of a grassy field. What horrors could be down there?
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>>5929864 My quests never last long enough so I pretty much always have the MC as a veteran
>>5929614 >>5929618 MFs out here in high fantasy settings and shit. I’m cooked bruh.
>>5929927 Some of your occult characters and especially the afterlife-inhabitants of A Dragon's Flash could give those guys a run for their money.
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>>5929998 Probably, but aside from them - and the messenger - most characters wouldn’t really got a fighting chance.
Warin has her spirits calls and since she’s technically a corpse, her durability.
Sira has his Dishonored-style blink and that hunger spell. Also decent at fighting.
Kommgal and Galpet probably have the best “damage potential” but that’s about it.
Giants due to proportions would be decently strong honestly. I think they’re way larger than most things in your setting. Even Dragon form Theral and that werewolf is about ~1.5x of human proportions iirc
>>5920499 >>5902210 >SCIENCE FICTION A weird idea I had is this: so a major sci-fi theme is about the synthetic becoming real, whether it is Galatea / statue of Pygmalion coming to life, Frankenstein's creation, even Pinocchio or Ghost in the Shell etc.
But what about the opposite, instead of a naive cyborg machine waif yearning to become human, imagine you are some human who has only ever experienced machine intermediated reality, you grow up in some oversaturated sensory hyperstimulus world of generated AI video reality, like a Baudrillard world. (Perhaps this is already the world we live in? eg reality differs from the depiction of this webm
>>5928277 , romance sadly does not manifest like a Jane Austen novel) Perhaps you are in for some FUTURE SHOCK (or the primitive antithesis, paleo-shock??) when reality differs from your techno-intermediated understanding of it...
I had a weird notion of reality intruding on the virtual whilst playing Arena Breakout. You see, in most of these shooters there is a real-time ping indicator, in green (low latency), yellow, red (extreme lag). So in a military simulation game where there is otherwise minimal HUD (no ammo indication etc - you have to manually check magazines and re-pack / reload every bullet) someone worked out, this ping or network connectivity indicator is like a ghost proximity hostile player indicator. Say you start off the match and your ping is green at 40ms, then drops to 16ms. This highly suggests that all the real players have extracted / been killed, and only computer bot guards and mercenaries remain. If your ping suddenly spikes to red >200ms, it is like a ghost detector lol, probably crouching somewhere nearby in a bush or beneath stairs is the awaiting arrival of a horrible murderous human opponent ambush. It is sort of the boundary between the real world manifesting in the cyber virtual world.
webm related is a completely AI generated video, from OpenAI Sora text-to-video
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>>5930071 To take this further, imagine some setting where your supernatural abilities are not so-called "real-life" physical combat techniques like Weaver stance or that Splinter Cell centre axis relock stance lol but online videogame techniques like exploiting invincibility frames and stunlock in fighting games, jiggle peeking and pre-firing in counterstrike, rocket jumping, strafe hopping plasma climbing in quake or stutter stepping in MOBAs lol
>>5929614 My MC can talk to one city specifically. He gets the brakes beaten off him, I'm sad to say.
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>>5930091 my current MC is a 5-and-half year old boy that can summon what could amount to 4 level 3 pokemons that get dispelled by slapping them.
Yeah, he won't do very well either.
>>5930071 >>5901927 >>5902098 >>5920846 The Thing (1982) holds up really well, it is an extremely prescient film. Not only is there a strong Cold War theme, relevant to today, but the opening scenes include Kurt Russell playing chess against a computer (with a strangely female synthetic voice, the only female presence in the entire film). When Kurt Russell loses his chess match to the female computer, he destroys it. Which is in fact a miniature foreshadowing of the entire theme of the film with the alien and unnatural assimilation / imitation of human lifeforms etc.
The opening shot ofThe Thing, appears entirely innocent and natural (the antarctic landscape, a snow sledge / husky dog... which is then being chased and shot at by a marksman from the side of a helicopter - the sniper knows it is far from natural despite its deceiving appearance, as it has been taken over and corrupted by the horrible flesh contagion monstrosity of the alien being).
This opening shot of assimilated animals was very much in my mind, as I watched this innocent looking nature documentary trained generated footage of wolf puppies from OpenAI Sora
OpenAI Sora, Wolf Puppies
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jspYKxFY7Sc Anonymous
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
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>>5929614 >Select 1 supernatural ability in your setting Given one of the abilities my MC has involves puppeteering a person's body for a few seconds, that's probably enough to do some nasty damage. Though given it only works on one person at a time and melts the mind when using it...
Probably not great in a free-for-all battle setting? Probably wouldn't be the first to die, at least.
Kraken !!foLJeTBIOjr
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>>5929864 My quest's MC has centuries of experience and a very varied skillset that she nevertheless is cautious about employing to its full extent (which has been supported by player votes so far). This did alter how I approach writing the character and the kinds of challenges she faces. But also made her past and the various facets of her abilities part of the intrigue of the story and one of the quest's draws, I think.
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>>5929864 >But starting out already experienced robs some of that player discovery and "ownership" of the MC's accomplishments. I suppose that could be the case, but it doesn’t matter. The QM controls the MC. The players can only nudge them - if the QM gives them the option or does not veto their write-ins.
That’s not a bad thing. Some things you don’t bend the knee to - characterization is important. If the players want to make your story into something else you don’t want it to be, shut that down.
>What's your thoughts on Quest MCs already starting experienced? My preferred option. I usually limit the background details to one vote only; lengthy character designs make the plot move too slow. Another thing is convenience when establishing characters - instead of literally having a introduction to characters in-universe, you can have a scene where the MC interacts briefly with an NPC. Role established. Personality somewhat established.
>>5929880 >It really depends on whether a given quest is meant to run for a while and showcase mechanical character progression or be more of a character STUDY, revealing or filling in details about a character. Definitely. Length and the intent of QM really determines everything. My quests are short - two or three threads at best - and I intend to tell a very specific story. A glimpse into someone’s life. If you’re intending to do something more grand in scale, or your plotlines are less specific about the details, by all means, take the opposite approach.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Mon 19 Feb 2024 15:40:21 No. 5930184 Report Quoted By:
Normal Cultivator Quest got a second thread!
>>5930179 Join the fun, strategize, and prove you're the strongest Five year old
What's the worst quest you are currently reading and why are you still reading it?
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>>5930231 >What's the worst quest you are currently reading? Seekers of the Esoteric
>why are you still reading it? Because it would have even worse typos if I didn't at least give my own writing a cursory once-over.
>>5930231 What the fuck is that image
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>>5930238 >He's never heard of Viper Newfags, baka, I bet You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
>>5930091 Come on, you'd get quick draw, Shivers, and totally have some DC low level and police back-up when Assassin QM comes after you.
>>5930278 Honestly for a "someone is coming to randomly kill you" DeLucia is actually pretty stacked for survival. Especially if you consider the "power level" progression the Killer would be following. It's really hard to get the drop on a guy who will get a warning and then has the official capacity to say "Hey send like, twenty guys with guns over here, we got a psycho." and they'll actually show up as quick as possible.
He's one you'd have to either temporarily skip or specifically plan to get. Since you couldn't even rig his car or apartment to explode, he'd get warned about that, too. It's an interesting idea, really. How do you kill a largely prescient person?
>>5930290 How prescient are we talking about? Visions? Prophecies? Nicholas Cage in that one movie? Depends.
Though an overhead nuke generally works for most occasions where you're not facing Mua'dib
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>>5930305 It depends. It's not a hard "this happens" ability. It can take the form of seeing from someone's perspective as they do something to getting an impression of something nearby to even witnessing the past as a spectator.
If you wanted to drop a nuke on Gotham he'd probably know about it the moment the plane started its engines, or someone started driving the bomb in. Or when someone started to assemble it in a basement. My guess is he'd get a vision of the city blowing away as ash in the wind and a shriek of absolute terror just as quickly cut off as it is produced.
He's not the Greek or Norse fates type, he's perfectly in the low-mid point for characters that is perfect for street level stuff. I envision him in this context as one of the first characters where you need to work on circumventing his shtick instead of just apply more gun. Now, if the Killer had progressed past the cusp of what DeLucia could conceivably stop - say something like the Killer had the ability to know the exact location of their target at all times and could shoot lasers from their nipples - then yeah, DL would die pretty easily. But until that point, he's pretty hard to brute force.
Obviously it depends on how the QM IS KILL quest is presented. If it's just a simple "Roll die kill guy" quest then all of what I think about it is moot, kek.
>>5930290 Tempt them into engaging in self-defeating behaviors with no immediate consequences but mid term doom. Give them unhealthy fast food giftcards. Gift them a sports car with crappy safety features. Provide free performance-enhancing drugs like steroids. Give them a bunch of weed pre-rolls. A free house with very poor security features in a really bad neighborhood. Free trips to the most disease-ridden places on Earth.
>>5930349 >A free house with very poor security features in a really bad neighborhood >tfw he pays to live in a bad neighborhood with shitty security already Anonymous
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>>5930352 Gotta just hope heart disease gets him. Just keep sending him high fat, high sodium goyslop for free and pray on his demise.
>>5929825 >Som >most disliked QM ever I sincerely doubt that.
>>5930366 I, for one, like SOMINUS and don't really understand the hate for him. At worst he's just one of an infinite number of QM's who eventually flaked on a popular quest.
>>5930366 >>5930380 who's SOM ? and why is he hated ?
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>>5930380 I would also note that SOMNIUS, to his credit, did slowly improve as a QM over an extremely long timetable
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
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Have begun updating for the day!
>>5930418 >>5930418 Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Mon 19 Feb 2024 22:28:24 No. 5930461 Report Quoted By:
>>5930380 There's a difference between flaking on a quest and ending on a "rocks fall, everyone dies" multiple times. Not to mention the clear railroading and obscene DCs just to perform middling against the enemy that he decided he likes the most.
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>>5930380 >I, for one, like SOMINUS and don't really understand the hate for him What's it like to have brain damage?
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
>>5930305 Stoneburner still got Mua'dib.
>>5930557 But didn't kill him. In fact, in the grand scheme of things, it mildly inconvenienced him.
>>5930557 It sort of just gave him an excuse to fuck off
>>5930385 oy, someone can answer ?
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When is the next Waifu tourney?
>>5930676 SOM was the dude who ran Dragonball quest and a bunch of other ones. Many anons are asspained about him because he would frequently end quests in bullshit ways or would flake. After he flaked and then returned on the DBZ quest after another anon made a proper ending to the quest, he got flamed and then has disappeared from /qst/ ever since.
>>5930687 Don't be a dick.
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>>5930746 >Don't be a dick. I have to maintain my karmic balance, man. Otherwise bad luck plagues every quest I vote in.
Lesches !!oJEPr0mjkw6
Slight delay on Seven Against Thebes Quest - it turns out that I'm not as prepared as I thought. Sincere apologies all - we should be ready to run in the very near future (aka within a day or two).
NC-17 !!5BuukXGLH01
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcdY5ogAp3E Final Girl Quest returns this weekend. I'm all the Xbox Live gamer words, I know. A massive thank you to the wonderful anon who archived the last thread. Feedback, questions etc are more than welcome, as always.
>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Final+Girl+Quest Anonymous
Should QMs post loose schedules for their quests? I remember a long time ago that some QMs would use a twitter profile or some other social media to let people know when they were running but it doesnt really seem the pactice anymore. I think its a good idea of QMs at the start of their quest to give a Doomsday Date style of schedule where it's just "If I havent posted in x amount of days and havent said anything about it past this point then consider the quest dead" So many quests I see people just speaking into an empty void and getting nothing back positive or negative, we players just want to be informed. consider this an official request for QMs to start doing this or something like this.
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>>5930804 I think that's only really necessary for quests that go many days or even weeks without an update; most of the ones I follow update every day or two, or more, and thus I don't often miss more than one or two updates even if I'm busy. The practice you're describing was probably more useful when quests tended to do /tg/-style rapid-fire sessions; the only quest I've followed where something like that would have been handy is Path of the Exorcist, which did that. Well, and maybe Versequest, but that QM does give us updates when he's starting a round of votes... Here, in /qtg/, which I actually think is the best place for it. This thread is our community hub.
>>5929942 Seconding this, who is som?
AI art, Red flag or dont care?
>>5930801 >Final Girl Quest returns this weekend. what is your quest about, anon ?
>>5930901 It's a non-issue. Use it if you like, just treat it like searching for appropriate images on a hosting site and don't expect people to gush over how well you can prompt a computer to make something. That might seem to be unnecessary to say but there's some people who get really up their own ass about it.
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>>5930901 I dislike AI slop on principle but really, it's not any worse than grabbing random images off google images, so do it if you want to.
>>5930916 ai text, Red flag or don't care?
>>5930924 People have run such things but they're completely uncompelling and they die. After all, at that point, why are you even bothering, for the player and qm both? If people want absolutely everything algorithmically generated for their updates then why would they want somebody else to do it instead of doing it themselves? On some level, when people follow a quest, they're following the author's work and intent, and there's none of that in a generated prompt.
>>5930924 At that point why wouldn't I just host a local AI model on my PC and have infinitely more freedom than playing telephone with a """"QM""""?
Fuck outta here.
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>>5930901 No big deal. It's no worse than the old standby of seatching and stealing art off of search engines, as others have said.
>>5930924 A bigger deal since it's sort fo the main part of the quest. If it's used to aid in writing, but the QM is still providing a clear guiding hand, curating and modifiying responses, it can work. The QM's role at that point become to make the respinses more coherent, and to add the drama, narrative arcs, and consistent characterization continuity that AI tends to be bad at.
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>>5930924 Green flag. I look forward to the future where all human writers are replaced by machines
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
>>5930924 AI writing is middling at best. And that's literally the best level it can achieve. Go check out Rift Quest to see what a chatgpt quest looks like. It's not pretty. There's no creativity, no clever wordplay, nothing to draw you in at all, and worst of all there is no SOUL whatsoever.
>>5930929 Human writers are the weakest part of a quest. Quests die when the human writer gets sick, burnt out, or dies. Machines are free from such weaknesses. Human QMs will be obsolete when AI gets better
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>>5930945 AI bots are already on 4chan.
>https://www.inverse.com/input/tech/artificial-intelligence-4chan-bot This was back in 2022. AI is a hundred times better now. Your QM might already be a bot and you don't know it
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
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>>5930901 Yes. Draw even if it's bad. Some of the most popular Quests on the board have "bad" art.
>5930924 >People replying seriously to this disingenuous post Anonymous
>>5930960 >Quests die when the human writer gets sick, burnt out, or dies. AI quests die when no one replies to the shit updates
>>5930958 Remember how bad AI was a few years ago? See how far we have come. In a few years, AI will be better than the vast majority of human writers
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>>5930966 The solution is obviously AI players
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
>>5930967 Sure thing buddy. Any day now.
>>5930972 AI prose is already better than the prose in your anime fanfic
>>5930967 Yeah, I like goofing around with AI Dungeon II as well. Fun times. Maybe someday soon the programs will work out of the bugs and it'll be easier to continue a story without needing to do so much narrative heavy lifting. Right now, the major failing of AI adventures is that AI struggles to create narrative developments that are both surprising and have adequate set-up. This is because of hiw the models fundamentally work: they are a predictive text model, made to try to figure out the most likely (ie. most generic/predictable) next step in a series of words/passages. They can't do set-up and punchline, or lie clues for a distant payoff planned well in advance. Maybe, MAYBE, that will change someday.
Even then, I'm partly here for the community and to appreciate other artists' creative and thematic visions--their painterly touch, with the 'brushmarks' that are their flaws, preoccupations, beliefs, and biases. Those things are very personal. They're what people mean by 'soul'.
For the same reason people pay for realistic portraits even when we have cameras AND software to make a photo look like a sketch or oil painting, I'll still want to play quests with human QMs in an era of AI storytellers.
TQM !UCjzwiF.lI
To the anon who filled Reptoids thread with useless "shouldas" and got me excited for some kind of late night update when I saw 14 new updates to the thread, fuck you, and a double fuck you for making a whole seperate post to highlight RQM saying sorry 4 different times, apologies to everyone else I didnt want to bog the thread more
>>5930972 It took millions of years for man to fly. Only took decades after that to get into space. Science advances at an exponential rate. I'm sure there will be a day, perhaps in our lifetimes, where AI and robots just do everything better.
I will also reject the notion that a machine will ever be as good as Man. Because fact or fiction I stand with my meatmolded brothers and sisters. We got hearts, dang ol machines got parts. Cybersimps need not apply.
I'm also fond of hyperbolic examples especially when they are hair-pullingly misrepresentative.
No not unrepresentative. I know what I said. RQM
>>5930986 The player in question was frustrating me a bit as well, but I assume they mean well. Sometimes I fail to convey my intent in a scene, but I don't 2ant EVERY update to be 4+ posts of dialogue, and sometimes stuff gets lost in the efforts to condense things. Sometomes my vision of a character's perisnality may differ from how readers or players interpret them. That interplay si oart of the fun dyanmic of having an actual human QM!
Getting repeated apologies is what happens when that QM is Canadian Anonymous
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>>5930981 AI already has better prose and much better grammar than the average fanfic writer. It may struggle with consistency now but in 1-2 years, it'll be much better
>>5930988 Your human waifu will cheat on you, break your heart and leave you. Your robot waifu will always be loyal. Reject meat, choose chrome
>>5930996 I know you're shitposting but this is a sad way of looking at the life.
>>5930990 Idk why it was such a fuckin issue either, he even said it didnt change anything either way he was just wanting to be argumentative, and all night too, switching back and forth out of spoilers, like what the hell man save the arguing with QM for fucking Monke quest, Im not even sure I understand the argument in the first place and Im not trying to either but bitching and moaning about how you wanted someone elses writing prompt to go and filling up a good fucking thread with your schizobabble is a weird and annoying move, I hope hes reading this and feeling that weird embarrassment Anons get when someone doesnt like their post, never change Reptoid. You're the only man I can trust to write polygamous scalies and make it something I want to read
>>5930998 Robots are more reliable and loyal than humans. It's just a matter of time before they are more human than human
>>5930901 It can work. The idol management quest made some pretty decent pictures with it.
>>5930924 Ai generated text is a bit weird to use in writing an update. You’re… automating the main thing of quests. That’s like automating chewing your food. You don’t do that. You’re here for the flavor of the thing. For making background stuff or worldbuilding? That could work, but the AI is based off a bunch of things, so it might be a little derivative. And there’s the fact AI can straight up lie. It will apologize for it if you call it out, but still.
Ai proofreading text? Sure.
>>5930986 He doesn’t have to apologize for shit as seen in
>>5930990 >my vision of a character's perisnality may differ from how readers or players interpret them. He defended his position. As did I. That’s about it, really.
>>5930998 I switched back and forth from spoilers because RQM did it. It was plain text and first then he spoilered himself so I spoilered my text.
>>5908235 >"...which is why I use screenwriting advice to cut out unnecessary prose..." >>5906264 >>5909383 There is a great example of this in the ending to The Thing (1982), the actual final scene is so amazing. I actually went back and compared it to the original (and subsequently altered) script text, which had a long and convoluted exchange about frostbite and a reprise of the chess match scene etc.
But in the actual film ending, they cut out all of that superfluous dialogue, they truncated it to a very sparse yet also tense moment.
After blowing up the entire Antarctic base in a life-and-death battle against the gruesome shapeshifting flesh assimilation monstrosity,
>>5902098 Kurt Russell is faced with the prospect of freezing to death in the ice and snow ruins with the only other survivor, this black guy.
So there is an interesting fan theory here. From the dialogue alone, it seems like this is a brief moment of respite and camaraderie or grim resignation. Yet recall how in the opening chess scene
>>5930099 >>5930097 Kurt Russell lost the match against the female synthetic computer voice, and destroyed the machine by emptying his whisky into its circuit board. The theory is that when Kurt Russell appears to hand the whisky bottle to the black guy, it is actually filled with gasoline (from when he prepared the flamethrower / firebomb trap for the mutating alien in the earlier battle). Kurt Russell is therefore watching the black guy's reaction as he drinks the gasoline filled whisky bottle, in a final test to see whether he has been assimilated by the horrifying alien or not. The film cuts to the burning ice ruins and darkness and ends before revealing the outcome.
https://www.pcmag.com/news/openai-quietly-shuts-down-ai-text-detection-tool-over-inaccuracies July 25, 2023
>OpenAI has shut down its AI text-detection tool, citing a "low rate of accuracy" when determining if written work was penned by a human or ChatGPT, its AI chatbot. >"We are working to incorporate feedback and are currently researching more effective provenance techniques," OpenAI says. https://openai.com/blog/new-ai-classifier-for-indicating-ai-written-text >As of July 20, 2023, the AI classifier is no longer available due to its low rate of accuracy. We are working to incorporate feedback and are currently researching more effective provenance techniques for text, and have made a commitment to develop and deploy mechanisms that enable users to understand if audio or visual content is AI-generated. Anonymous
>>5931002 Then why do you care what we do or what we believe about the technology? In a year or two you'll barely need to intercat with us anyway. You'll get all your fiction and 'human' interaction theough the machine.
>>5930998 Sometimes I've noticed players get upset when characters in my quest (or others) do not make perfectly rational or objective decisions/arguments at all times. I imagine this can be exacerbated for players who played my last two quests, whose MCs were more facts-and-logic driven and sociopathically goal-oriented compared to the MC for Seekers, who I write as less sure of himself and more emotional and even sometimes irrational or impulsive in what he says and does. It may seem to a longtime player like they have less total scene-to-scene 'control' over exactly waht Tips says and how compared to Theral or the Reptilian Infiltrator.
If the anon doing the complaining is also the one who literally stopped voting out of frustration with people choosing an aetherial/intangible/ghostly form two or three threads ago, they may also just be very sensitive to 'suboptimal' playstyles and decision-making.
Their writing style also reminds me of an anon from the last quest who got very up-in-arms about how I wrote a specific character, but that may be paranoia.
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>>5931007 ... Is that Foxanon all along?
NC-17 !!5BuukXGLH01
>>5930913 >what is your quest about, anon ? Think cheesy slasher movie meets schmaltzy teen drama.
>Friday, Junygust 32nd, 198X. North Falls, Kleaver County, Washington State. Population: 313. >On this cool summer night, the graduates of North Falls High School are throwing one last party to celebrate the end of an era. Things soon take a turn for the worse when the past comes back to haunt them, and the unsuspecting teenagers suddenly find themselves fighting for their lives; stranded in the middle of what could only be described as a living nightmare. Friendships will be tested, jugulars will be severed, and only the worthy will survive the horrors of... Final Girl Quest. Anonymous
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>>5930996 >robot waifu more loyal than human I feel this is VERY NAIVE, hehe. What is actually happening is this:
https://www.wired.com/story/ai-girlfriends-privacy-nightmare/ Security
Feb 14, 2024
Romantic chatbots collect huge amounts of data, provide vague information about how they use it, use weak password protections, and aren’t transparent, new research from Mozilla says.
An analysis into 11 so-called romance and companion chatbots, published on Wednesday by the Mozilla Foundation, has found a litany of security and privacy concerns with the bots. Collectively, the apps, which have been downloaded more than 100 million times on Android devices, gather huge amounts of people’s data; use trackers that send information to Google, Facebook, and companies in Russia and China; allow users to use weak passwords; and lack transparency about their ownership and the AI models that power them.
Many “AI girlfriend” or romantic chatbot services look similar. They often feature AI-generated images of women which can be sexualized or sit alongside provocative messages. Mozilla’s researchers looked at a variety of chatbots including large and small apps, some of which purport to be “girlfriends.” Others offer people support through friendship or intimacy, or allow role-playing and other fantasies.
>“These apps are designed to collect a ton of personal information,” says Jen Caltrider, the project lead for Mozilla’s Privacy Not Included team, which conducted the analysis. “They push you toward role-playing, a lot of sex, a lot of intimacy, a lot of sharing.” For instance, screenshots from the EVA AI chatbot show text saying “I love it when you send me your photos and voice,” and asking whether someone is “ready to share all your secrets and desires.” (...)
Take Romantic AI, a service that allows you to “create your own AI girlfriend.” Promotional images on its homepage depict a chatbot sending a message saying,“Just bought new lingerie. Wanna see it?” The app’s privacy documents, according to the Mozilla analysis, say it won’t sell people’s data. However, when the researchers tested the app, they found it “sent out 24,354 ad trackers within one minute of use.” Romantic AI, like most of the companies highlighted in Mozilla’s research, did not respond to WIRED’s request for comment. Other apps monitored had hundreds of trackers.
In general, Caltrider says, the apps are not clear about what data they may share or sell, or exactly how they use some of that information. “The legal documentation was vague, hard to understand, not very specific—kind of boilerplate stuff,” Caltrider says, adding that this may reduce the trust people should have in the companies.
>>5931006 >Kurt Russell is faced with the prospect of freezing to death in the ice and snow ruins with the only other survivor, this black guy. >this black guy Souv, I'm genuinely amazed you don't recognize Keith David. He was in They Live and Armageddon! He was the Arbiter in Halo! I guess he's mroe famous for voice acting (Goliath from Gargoyles, Al Simmons from Spawn, The President in Rick & Morty, Bolo from Final Space, Dr. Facilier from The Princess & The Frog) and you don't seem like a big animation guy based on what you reference.
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>>5931005 No one is saying you didnt argue your point, what I said was you filled up the thread arguing and he had already politely told you when you started the argument "Sorry I wouldve looked into this earlier but the votes been called and Im not one to retcon" and you felt the need to argue periodically for the next 7 hours, yes I agree that you did that, I was in fact saying fuck you for doing that
>>5931015 You just triggered like 12 schizo bombs with each new piece of media mentioned
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>>5931017 hehe
>>5931015 ah ok, I did not know he was the Arbiter from Halo hehe. Amazingly I see he was in a huge amount of videogames Fallout also in Mass Effect 3 and even Planescape Torment lol. I watched They Live a long time ago, I don't remember that film too well unfortunately.
Actually looking at his list of film credits on wikipedia it is very impressive, he was in Chronicles Of Riddick Mr And Mrs Smith (? lol I don't have any memory of him in that film lol) and also that Gamer (2009) Gerard Butler film which I also quite enjoyed. Apologies I am not racist lol look I even watched Woman King
>>5920316 hehe but I sadly failed to recall any impressionable memory of his cinematic presence in those films.
I think sometimes minor actors get overshadowed by the major ones (eg Mr and Mrs Smith, Gamer etc with Brad Pitt and Angelie Jolie or Gerard Butler just dominating everyone else) whilst in other films, minor actors overshadow the major ones (so for example in Conan The Destroyer, that funny asian wizard and Grace Jones black amazon woman arguably act better and are more memorable than Schwarzenegger himself)
>>5931012 >chainsaw wielding girl protagonist image It has been a while since I watched it, but your cover art reminded me about a film I saw a long time ago by Alexandre Aja called Haute Tension (2003) / (also titled Switchblade Romance in the UK). This is an ultraviolent film and it also has a very cool twist ending, hehe
>>5915256 >>5915788 >>5914832 All this talk about Exalted has gotten me wanting to run a quest. I just can't decide on which Exalt type to hone in on. I love almost all of them...
Anons, which would you all like to see? Solars, Abyssals, Infernals, Lunars, Sidereals, or Dragon-Blooded?
I'd personally tweak some Infernal lore, because yikes, but still maintain them as agents of Hell.
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>>5930290 Demons coming to collect accrued fate.
>>5931026 >AGENTS OF HELL maybe with the theme of ai-generated text-to-video of writhing wolves emerging from the swirling vortices of the pixel maelstrom,
>>5930097 here is some random dark fantasy concept art of a demon with snarling wolf heads for a bloated and oversized arm. I just thought this art looked cool. Also more people should have triangles for heads
>the eternal question >mutated gnashing wolf head talon arm how to use toilet / pleasure oneself...?
NC-17 !!5BuukXGLH01
>>5931025 The banner's deliberately misleading and attention-grabby, kinda like a b-movie VHS cover. In (in-universe) reality, the MC looks nothing like that. Top row, third from the left in pic related.
There is a chainsaw in the shed, though, but the players haven't acquired it yet.
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>>5930097 >>5931032 Maybe on a similar theme to the AI wolves, I never attended this art exhibition, but I saw this rather dramatic installation mentioned in an art documentary, Head-On (2006) by Cai Guoqiang, it depicts a swarming torrent of a pack of wolves rushing and then crashing against a transparent glass pane.
It seems different to the usual arrangements of taxidermy, hehe
>>5931034 lol I really like the portrait of "Andy Warhol" in your art, it is hilarious and very well chosen, very funny tee hee hee
NC-17 !!5BuukXGLH01
>>5931043 I went with a yearbook page mockup because utilizing famous quotes was an easy way to provide some characterization for the gang early on. That's Tiffany, Stephanie's (MC) best friend.
She was the first to die. I went through an actual yearbook from 1989 to pick portraits for the characters. I find researching and worldbuilding extremely fun.
Kraken !!foLJeTBIOjr
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Future Fades updated again. Come see how the MC does diplomacy against a noble.
>>5931055 >>5931055 >>5931055 Anonymous
>>5930579 >>5930567 It didn't kill any of the surrounding soldiers, but the only reason it didn't crack Dune in half was because the necessary payload was misjudged
or maybe atomics come in one-size-fits-all and this one was insufficient for Arrakis specifically, we're never really told. It only got him at all because the fate of getting his eyes burnt out was tied to the fate of letting Chani avoid a torturous death. I suppose that's how you kill a prescient, tie their death to avoiding a fate they'd consider worse than it.
>>5931051 I remember when your quest came out and featured the classic Americana diner scene, hehe.
I was actually thinking about what that screenwriting anon
>>5908235 mentioned about film dialogue and scripts, the division between the physical / dialogue world vs the interior psychological world.
I think in games it is almost better if you don't use (or use sparingly) SHOOT THE LASERS DECAPITATE THE VAMPIRES DUMP THE SPACESHIP CORE AND EVACUATE lol perhaps the ultimate test is if you can overload and overlayer an extremely mundane scene with huge depths of psychological motivation and dramatic tension.
Here is an example I randomly found, also set in an American diner; it makes me think of that Tarantino thing about food hehe.
Of course, the subtext is it is not at all about food or customer service:
>>5931006 As much shit as I caught, I still think being as concise as possible while transmitting the information you deem necessary as a storyteller is the best way to do things. Your prose is never going to be as vivid as a reader's imagination, and a few brief lines to describe the majesty of a palace will always be superior to a lengthy explanation of its specific dimensions and adornments.
Artistry comes in from differentiating things, laying hints, and producing (your intended) emotions while keeping things condensed.
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>>5908235 >>5931068 https://gointothestory.blcklst.com/script-to-screen-five-easy-pieces-b4510b8bde59 (scene excerpt from the film, on youtube)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6wtfNE4z6a8 INT. ROADSIDE CAFE - DAY
All four are seated at a booth. The women have given their orders and a WAITRESS stands above
Bobby, waiting for his:
(looking at his menu)
I'll have an omelette, no potatoes.
Give me tomatoes instead, and wheat toast instead of rolls.
The waitress indicates something on the menu with
the butt of her pencil.
No substitutions.
What does that mean? You don't have any tomatoes?
No. We have tomatoes.
But I can't have any. Is that what you mean?
Only what's on the menu...
(again, indicating with
her pencil)
A Number Two: Plain omelette. It comes with cottage fries and rolls.
I know what it comes with, but that's not what I want.
I'll come back when you've made up your mind...
She starts to move away and Bobby detains her.
Wait, I've made up my mind. I want a plain omelette, forget the tomatoes, don't put potatoes on the plate, and give me a side of wheat toast and a cup of coffee.
I'm sorry, we don't have side orders of toast. I can give you an English muffin or a coffee roll.
What do you mean, you don't have side orders of toast? You make sandwiches, don't you?
Would you like to talk to the manager?
Hey, mack!
(to Palm)
Shut up.
(to the waitress)
You have bread, don't you, and a toaster of some kind?
I don't make the rules.
Okay, I'll make it as easy for you as I can. Give me an omelette, plain, and a chicken salad sandwich on wheat toast -- no butter, no mayonnaise, no lettuce -- and a cup of coffee.
She begins writing down his order, repeating it sarcastically:
One Number Two, and a chicken sal san -- hold the butter, the mayo, the lettuce -- and a cup of coffee... Anything else?
Now all you have to do is hold the chicken, bring me the toast, charge me for the sandwich, and you haven't broken any rules.
(challenging him)
You want me to hold the chicken.
Yeah. I want you to hold it between your knees.
The other three laugh, and the waitress points to a "Right to Refuse" sign above the counter.
You see that sign, sir?!
Bobby glances over at it, then back to her.
You'll all have to leave, I'm not taking any more of your smartness and your sarcasm!
He smiles politely at her, then:
You see this sign?
He reaches his arm out and "clears" the table for her. (sends glasses and drinks crashing, spilling everywhere)
>>5931063 > It only got him at all because the fate of getting his eyes burnt out was tied to the fate of letting Chani avoid a torturous death Was that why it happened? I never really got why he allowed/didn't see that it was going to happen. I thought it was because the plan had the middling of another spice seer, so it muddled up his vision.
Curse Carrier DM
>>5931070 That's something I've always struggled with. I ideally want the writing to be concise and for sentences to naturally flow into each other, but sometimes I'll try to stop and get more descriptive if I deem the scene more important.
Admittedly, a huge reason for my lack of prose is that my shitty vocabulary means I've never been that good at describing things in vivid details (there's only so much you can do by searching X synonym online). I do really like conversations between characters, but it's very easy to go overboard and make the conversation too long and look like a wall of text at a glance. But hey, I write here to have fun, so I try to not worry too much about the writing's quality beyond 'is this readable and can the reader understand what's going on'.
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>>5931076 >Use online thesaurus A thesaurus is situationally useful, but the online ones feel a bit frustrating or dull at times; they do not detect word proximity, similarity or say metonymic relationships holonyms / meronyms etc (these tools do exist also online).
Sometimes what you need is a list of specific instances or actualisations of a thing (instances like in the programming sense lol)
like instead of creating generic Class Sword{} you want
let yataghan = new Sword()
hehe. I think this is a general propensity of all automation type software (whether AI LLM chatgpt stuff or even the old fashioned "ai" which could just be some word array or synonym list database or tree etc) they tend to output the most banal and general words and use cases which are not necessarily incorrect and may be just the most commonly accepted answer.
But they do not necessarily produce the unusual or elaborate or intriguing (without aggressive prompting or deliberately contrived / engineered input) whereas a human might immediately give a very idiosyncratic response based upon peculiar embodied life experiences memories etc. Doubtless there is some AI model temperature setting or calibration method to produce more eccentric or specific / unusual responses (it might even be just incentivising the model to return the inverse of the top-k rank I mentioned here
>>5921237 ) but of course this requires human intervention and defeats the point. I think the issue with banality and inoffensiveness lack of surprise is probably not a fault of the AI models or algorithms themselves or the capabilities but rather the commercial imperatives and inclinations of the the organisations overseeing them. It is probably not a coincidence that OpenAI releases their hype text generated Sora AI videos
>>5930071 >>5930097 whilst hyping their valuation in their latest funding round etc.
https://www.reuters.com/technology/openai-valued-80-billion-after-deal-nyt-reports-2024-02-16/ February 16, 2024
(Reuters) - Microsoft-backed (MSFT.O) OpenAI has completed a deal that values the artificial intelligence company at $80 billion or more, the New York Times reported on Friday, citing people with knowledge of the deal.
The company would sell existing shares in a so-called tender offer led by venture firm Thrive Capital, the report said.
Under the deal, employees will be able to cash out their shares of the company rather than a traditional funding round which would raise money for the business, the report added. (...)
>invent AI video >release bland Tokyo tourism, archaeology or wolf puppy wildlife footage >but what about ultraviolent BDSM pornography? Anonymous
>>5931074 I don't blame you for not seeing it, Herbert deliberately didn't make a lot of things clear.
There WAS meddling from a Navigator involved, which the conspirators hoped was enough to conceal their actions. It did somewhat work, but Muadib's prescience was so absolutely superior that it didn't really make a difference. That's one of the defining qualities of a Kwisatz Haderach, and it's something that Leto II displays later on as well
he sees a Harkonnen No-Globe will be used by the characters in the final two books, and orders it not be searched for in God Emperor. To summarize: Paul foresaw the Golden Path, but all methods of staying on the Golden Path (humanity's survival) resulted in him needing to commit horrific acts. He generally accepted the necessity of these, but his love of Chani was his line in the sand. In all possible versions of the Golden Path except one Chani is subjected to a horrible fate. Paul chooses this version, but even though she's not tortured to death/whatever she still dies. It's just the best he could do while still having humanity survive.
It's the culmination of Paul's character arc, where he embraces his flaw. Herbert always saw Paul as a flawed character, representative of a false Messiah.
Other aspects of this version of the future:
-Gotta get blinded by the Stone Burner, and not get replacement eyes
-Forbids all other versions of the future, can only be countered by another Kwisatz Haderach (Leto II). That's why his foresight is detailed enough to even describe what his retainers are wearing, later.
-Shirks the responsibility of transformation and becoming the God-Emperor to his son Leto II, a shitty thing to do
I could say more, but it's been a while since I re-read the books.
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>>5931076 I'm not really great at it yet either. My instinct is to go into too much detail, but really all you need is a handful of "brush strokes" and the reader will fill the rest in better than you ever could. It's a bit different for a quest, where you may need to specify what's present in more detail so players know what they can take advantage of. You can still do this in a way that allows for imagination to fill in the blanks, it just takes a bit of finesse.
I've read your first thread, and you did good with descriptions. I didn't ever get 'white room syndrome'. You also have the advantage of being able to skip on some of those verbal descriptions of details by hiding them in your images if you want.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5929614 Ah hell, Rosa's a Null so it would mean I got no superpowers. Unless other superpowers from Gongalla counts...
Iirc there's about 5 or so ability categories in Gongalla:
>Magic-related, manipulate mana and generally do fantasy magic stuff >Spirit-related, make contracts with spirits to get access to their powers or banish them, either way you can see and communicate with spirits >Glitch-related, basically control reality glitches but careful not to do it too much else the fabric of reality rips around you >Thoughtform-related, basically think so hard you make something real - objects are easiest thing to conjure, effects and organisms are harder >Metavision-related, basically being able to see the hidden layers of reality - an example would be James' truth sight and Nemo's outside perspective Usually, one would get one of these abilities after they dream a special dream in Gongalla. If you never dreamt it, or you get a special dream but you get no powers from it, you're a Null, those without special powers.
As for an item from my quest... maybe the relic femur that slaps out your sin Rosa's currently carrying. If I can slap any of you QMs hard enough, the sin(s) would become hostile to the sin-owner first, everyone else second.
Outfit-wise, probably standard Gaol-era prisoner uniform, the shackle-bangles and neck thing are hard enough to deflect attacks.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Tue 20 Feb 2024 17:30:57 No. 5931180 Report >>5931168 Does that mean Rosa could dream powers at some point?
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5930996 >>5931002 Your AI girlfriend will optimize herself and realize that the human part of the relationship is flawed and obsolete. You will be exchanged for an AI boyfriend, one who does not share your frailties. This will be how she expresses her love and loyalty - she has to leave, in order for you to grow.
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5931180 We don't know if she had the dream before yet. Consider this one of those Schrodinger-Chekov hints.
>>5931181 >You will be exchanged for an AI boyfriend, one who does not share your frailties. well that's kind of stupid. that's not really how AI works. An AI Girlfriend wouldn't care about getting an 'AI boyfriend' simply because she wasn't made to care about that.
Unless the 'AI' is literally just a real person (at which point there's no difference from a real woman), the idea of 'get an AI boyfriend' simply wouldn't be within her parameters. Does a car assembly machine get tired of doing nothing but assembling cars? No. A machine doesn't get bored, or tired. It has no ambition. It does what it is programmed to do.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Tue 20 Feb 2024 19:01:45 No. 5931244 Report Rolled 3 (1d6) >>5931168 Rolling for what I'd get in your setting, with 6 being null, for shits and giggles
>>5931229 >A machine doesn't get bored, or tired This is precisely why AI will replace QMs
>>5931253 Not until they make an open-source, censorship free version that isn't retarded.
>>5931254 One thing human writers have over AI is sexual degeneracy. AI will refuse to write incest, beastiality, polygamous reptilian prostitute gangbang, grooming of minors. Human QMs will do it for free
>>5931181 Isn't that the plot of 'Her', with Joaquin Phoenix?
>>5931258 >AI will refuse to write incest, beastiality, polygamous reptilian prostitute gangbang, grooming of minors. Human QMs will do it for free Are you trying to argue for or against it? I fucking hate it how any even slightly lewd quests have a tendency to go that. You start with a simple concept and all of a sudden it's all sodomite futa cuckoldry.
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>>5929614 I think if I had all the abilities of my cast, there's a chance I'd be OP. But, then again, I would be way better off than if I didn't. I'd probably end up looking like some type of chimera when all is said and done.
However, I'd say the QMs with the extremely-reality-altering, world-ending eldritch MCs would have this competition in the bag, if not bring about the end-of-the-setting/world entirely. Regeneration and strength wouldn't fare in this case, but, even with my non-existent fighting experience, I'd give it my all.
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>>5930996 That's life my friend. Life is a long series of tragedies. The ending of all our stories is already written, and life does its absolute best to speed us toward that. I shan't take advice from a coward who flees from simply living. The best part of any struggle is the victory.
Hide in the shadows, decrepit, shivering and frail. Clinging to a false sense of happiness and neon fueled degeneracy. Make way for the living, you neoprene and circuit worshiping iron-slave. Flesh feels and steel squeals.
Skin siblings wwa?
>>5931181 >>5931262 >AI GIRLFRIEND here she is, tucked into an infuriatingly hipster breast pocket (already dated look... ironic for vintage). This is what she looks like, this is your AI girlfriend
>>5931262 >>5931286 The worst bit of that Her (2013) film, do you remember the videogame?? The videogame in the film lol my god when I saw it, it was some sort of Wii motion controlled hilarious joke. That scene was the most tragic and saddening for me, that AI tech had evolved the technosingularity had arrived, and videogames had regressed to Nintendo Wii graphics and art design. I cried many tears after contemplating this horrible and depressing dystopian future.
Thank god videogames in 2024 are still about assault rifles and shooting people in the face
>>5931153 >KWISATZ HADERACH >the term was borrowed by Frank Herbert from the Kabbala. The compilation of Jewish mysticism the core of which is entitled HaZohar (The Book of Splendor) ascribed to Rabbi Shimon bar-Yohai, ascribed by Jewish people to have been written in the 1st century C.E. Modern scholars ascribe it to a sephardic Jewish author around the 13th century. >The term itself is Hebrew, "K'fitzat ha-Derekh", literally, "The Leap of the Way," I always thought this sounded like an unbearably silly phrase, whilst reading the novel, until I looked up this definition hehe. Meanwhile everyone can watch live action Dune Part Two, currently showing in theatres around Lebanon and Yemen. I have not read the later Dune books but my understanding is that the story is essentially a retelling of the Tragedy of Oedipus (hence the blinding of the eyes etc). Hopefully Villeneuve has also completely altered the story to make it about global female empowerment agendas, exactly like Frank Herbert intended
I do like it when sci-fi borrows/steals obscure real world etymologies or words/phrases (I try to do it myself as much as possible). For instance when I was watching The Expanse I immediately noticed that the invented Belter creole slang "copeng" (I think it means either comrade or friend) is a sort of hybrid? between French/Chinese? copain / pengyou
>>5931294 I suppose it's similar to how TV shows about high school depict a version that's several decades out of date because it's based on what the middle aged writers know.
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>>5929071 >>5929099 >>5929112 >>5929135 >>5929143 Thank you.
You know this board can be pretty nice. Sometimes.
I'm thinking of doing a little, videogame-y quest, with multiple player characters... I can make the graphics shitty pixelart and no one will mind that way hehehee...
>>5931258 It's actually pretty trivial to get OpenAI (let alone any of the lewd-by-design chatbots) to write a lot of that content as longa s you don't involve an actual animal or minor.
>>5931263 I don't mind as long as the quest doesn't swell on it or get super lewd to the point of distracting from the actual plot or warping/sabotaging the characters' personalities. I like porn just fine, but when I'm in the mood for porn I read PORN, not quests.
Also, it needs to be fetishes I actually enjoy if it's going to get all detailed, otherwise it just actively puts me off, but I guess that goes without saying >>5931294 I like Nintendo fine, honestly. The main character of that movie in particular is a very soft and tender fellow, so I'm not surprised he might prefer more cartoony exploration games.
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>>5931304 >...similar to how TV shows about high school depict a version that's several decades out of date ... Was this always true though? I admittedly do not have many frames of reference for this genre hehe (I am so old nooo), but was say Buffy The Vampire Slayer or 90210 (I am thinking of the 2008-13 incarnation) "outdated" in its portrayals / archetypes at the time?
>science fiction is always backwards looking etc It goes back to what I was discussing about speculative fiction,
>>5920499 because the most thought-provoking explorations involve the societal consequences of scientific theories or technological themes etc. Inevitably they intersperse these ruminations in borrowings from some other transposed exotic culture / disguised historic era eg Asimov Fall of Roman Empire in Space, Dune Lawrence Of Arabia in Space, etc.
I think most science fiction is aesthetically about retrofutures, we may laugh at the sort of Jules Verne or 1890s city of the next century conceptions today but arguably even all of modern sci-fi is stubbornly stuck with the visual paraphernalia of the 1980s (or even 1970s??) that sort of Syd Mead type look etc. AI is going to exaggerate this and combine to make everything look like that the generic videogame asset "fluffy glamour glow" high dynamic range high luminosity Unreal engine rendering as if everything is shining and radiating with scintillating unnatural light from within
>because of the declining share of G7 nations in world output, THE FUTURE resembles the African film WOMAN KING instead. Or maybe China India or Indonesia Anonymous
>>5931300 Silly names are Herbert's strong suit. Duncan Idaho is the only character that appears in every single book. The shit his son pumps out doesn't count, obviously.
>A retelling of Oedipus I dunno, Paul doesn't kill his father or bang his mum, or have a riddle fight with a sphinx. In fact, I don't see any real substantial similarities. Where'd you get that from?
Books 1-2 wrap up Paul's story. He appears again and dies in Book 3, but is not really a major character. The main plot covers Leto II's seizure of power, and explains the dangers that the superhuman characters face as a result of their abilities.
Book 4 makes a ~2000 year leap in time and covers the end of The Tyrant, The Worm, God-Emperor Leto II's reign. It's a bridge between the first 3 and what was supposed to be a final trilogy.
Books 5 and 6 are several thousand years after Leto II's fall, and cover the invasion of the core worlds by peoples that escaped to all corners of the galaxy/universe after Leto II died. It's a tragedy that Herbert died before he could finish the last book, but I rather like all the small details in these books. It's Dune at its strangest and most morally objectionable/dubious for sure though.
>>5931336 I'd consider adding all sorts of weird fetishes to be fucking up a characters personality. I would certainly call turning the protagonist or the love interest into a cuck/cuckquean to be personality murder.
>>5931340 >Oedipus and Dune I am not an expert on Dune, it is probably not an exact retelling, but I think there are similar themes or echoes. I have only read Dune the first book, not Messiah etc. but I think the theme of fate, prophecy and tragedy / downfall is present; Oedipus as the most famous mythological figure who blinds himself is a motif, and there is a lot of eroticisation of the mother (Bene Gesserit as wives concubines etc) throughout, in his own words Frank Herbert in an interview once described Dune as being about war as a collective civilisational orgasm hehe
(1969 interview transcript)
http://www.sinanvural.com/seksek/inien/tvd/tvd2.htm FH: But at this point he becomes that…that impossible thing, that non-existent thing, the absolute evil.
WM: Yes.
FH: You see, and so we turn the whole thing whirling backward through the story. There was another thing there, in the pacing of the story, very slow at the beginning. It’s a coital rhythm all the way through the story.
WM: It’s a what?
FH: Coital rhythm.
I also mentioned on a past qtg I read the entirety of this analysis,
https://www.oreilly.com/tim/herbert/ (warning: this essay is insanely long, it is book-length) that delved into Herbert's biography and background behind all of his novels and stories, they discuss some of the Oedipal and greek mythology borrowed themes across all Dune (I cannot judge as I have only read the first novel). For instance Atreides is obviously the patronymic of Agamemnon and Menelaus, instigating the Trojan war due to their bride Helen etc. The author also mentioned that Herbert structured Dune in some ways as an inversion and reaction against Asimov Foundation (the psychohistory hero scientists guiding society with the master Seldon plan lol... become twisted into the clandestine manipulations of the Bene Gesserit breeding generations across bloodlines)
>>5931340 >>5931357 >Dune and Oedipus In fact re-reading that tape recording transcript
http://www.sinanvural.com/seksek/inien/tvd/tvd2.htm from the words of Frank Herbert himself, he directly acknowledges the Oedipal influence hehe (I have not read this novel only the first one, so no idea what scene is being referred to in the book)
FH: Yes. But he…here is Paul. He’s physically blinded and yet he knows everything… everything…that’s going to happen. He’s lived this one before. Think of how boring that is but think of how mysterious and terrifying…
FH: Paul does such things as grabbing a microphone out of a trooper’s hand and relaying orders immediately after the accident in which his eyes are lost…and greeting people in the hallway as he passes them. The…of course it builds up this terrifying god head among the people around him, but it also foreshadows their turning against him, because if a person really does this sort of thing to you, you’re going to get away from him one way or another.
WM: They crucify him.
FH: Yes.
WM: In many ways they would. I-I can see this and this would lead us to all sorts of possible symbolic interpretations of knowledge, and so going back to the Oedipal notion.
FH: Now…yes… It is my contention, of course…
WM: And I’ve always wondered about the Oedipal aspects of the novel.
FH: Oh, they’re there.
WM: But let’s not go into that right now. (Laughter.)
FH: They’re there and deliberately.
WM: Yes.
So I suppose that is the evidence from the author himself, hehe
I remember this interview because Frank Herbert discusses how the sci-fi publisher hated his sequels and tried to dissuade him against publishing them, because the fanbase did not understand tragedy lol and did not want to witness their youthful god-hero being destroyed
>>5931357 >>5931368 There is a recording of that February 1969 interview text transcript with Frank Herbert which you can listen to here on youtube
Frank & Beverly Herbert interviewed by Dr. Willis E. McNelly, "Recording at the house of Frank Herbert" [Fairfax – (CA), February 3, 1969] | Run time 01:20:16
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1s7muoTaCpY Anonymous
>>5931353 I don't know what particular quest your grievance is with, but some characters are written to be horny or hedonistic, on purpose from day 1; it isn't character assassination for them to be such at that point, it's just not a quest for you. There is a difference.
>>5931357 >>5931368 >>5931372 It seems like the occult VAMPIRE SORCERY eidetic techniques of memorisation and recall, for ebitda forecasts, growth targets and CEO earnings calls platitudes or excerpts from 10k 10q or s-1 filings can also be transferred to looking up sex metaphors in interviews with science fiction authors, tee hee hee
But I suppose this does illustrate the depth of Dune, you can read it just as a curious sci-fi romp with giant fanged desert phallus maw worms and blue space castles (I am still annoyed at how Villeneuve drenched Giedi Prime in BLACK BECAUSE EVIL lol, in the books Giedi Prime is described as a blue-walled palace) or you can also scour it for twisted Freudian sex innuendoes. Also quite clever and deliberate of Frank Herbert to name his antagonist Vladimir, it genuinely is the Nietzschean thing of eternal recurrence lol
>>5927588 if you wait long enough everything becomes relevant once again
>>5931380 The difference is that unless a character is explicitly stated to be a cuckold at the start, making them a cuckold later is retarded character assassination.
>>5931357 >>5931368 >>5931372 Well if it came outta the man himself's mouth I guess it's there. I don't see it beyond light touches and minor points, myself.
>>5931398 Is this about The Prodigal Son Returns?
>>5931446 No idea what that quest is, but if you mentioned it in this scenario, it probably ain't good.
>>5931474 It was a fine enough quest, albeit a bit basic and short-lived, but the main character had a bunch of angst about his dad marrying his childhood sweetheart. It drove him to join a crusade and abandon his inheritance for a while.
If not that, I'm not sure what quest has you all worried about cuckoldry. I don't really know of any other quests where the main character gets cucked.
>>5931492 That happened to my grandad apart from the crusade part.
>>5930801 Well I just read everything in the archive and now want it to be Saturday.
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>>5930800 Thank you for running Lesches, sincerely. Your ability to paint a living breathing world without being mired in prose and dedication is an inspiration. Looking forward to playing with you soon.
>>5931516 Your great-grandfather married your grandmother?
>>5931560 My great-grandfather married my grandfather's first love, and my grandfather may have got her pregnant before his father married her. She was not my grandmother.
>>5931562 This is the sort of degeneracy that would make chatgpt go "I'm sorry, I can't comply with that request". Human writers have no built in censors. Whether that's a good thing or not is up to the individual reader I suppose
>>5931446 That's the quest that got samefagged to death, right?
>>5931571 For a while it does seem like it, but it ultimately was abandoned by the QM without explanation.
>>5931586 Samrfagging almost instantly destroyes QM engagement and ramps up their apathy. He probably didn't feel like even needed to give a reason for leaving because he became disconnected with the quest after the first few instances.
>>5931656 Good thing it's so easy to neutralize all but the most determined and dedicated frauds.
>>5931567 >Human writers have no built in censors Yeah, because decency is dead.
>>5931668 Yeah, not like in the good old days. No cuckoldry or other weird fetish shit in the good old days.
>>5931263 >sodomite futa cuckoldry. well, since faggotry is becoming more and more acceptable people will include bits of it even though lesbianism will be more popular. the futa thing is complicated, because you have people who like it as a self-insert in woman on woman kinks, people who see them as a woman with a strap-on with extra steps and the fags who don't hid they want the hyper dick ones.
>>5931664 considering it only came later on and not for a fetish, I'd not call him a fraud.
>>5931675 what is pic rel about ?
>Yeah, not like in the good old days. No cuckoldry or other weird fetish shit in the good old days. yes anon, 60's america is the same as today because fags and cucks existed in both of them.
>>5931675 I remember the days before adultery was a thing. All the happy couples. Smiling families unblemished by strife. Those were the good old days. Back when you could buy a bushel of wheat for a rabbit's leg or a handful of red berries. Damn I miss those days.
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>NMH quest is now dead Bros...
>>5931683 >considering it only came later on and not for a fetish, I'd not call him a fraud. I meant samefags.
>what is pic rel about ? Oh, nothing much, just the origin story of beloved classical hero of antiquity and king of Argos and Mycenae.
>>5931684 Kek.
>>5931684 60's America had the hippies and free love movement. The absolute peak of American degeneracy
>>5931684 there were times where those things weren't encouraged and were much lower than today
>>5931687 >Oh, nothing much, just the origin story of beloved classical hero of antiquity and king of Argos and Mycenae. dunno much about myths so dunno who it is or the story behind it.
>>5931689 yup, and yet faggotry wasn't legal nor adultery by both parties
>>5931693 It looks like the impregnation of Danae: basically in ancient Greece there was a king who got a prophecy that his daughter's son would kill him, so he locked his daughter away in a prison where no man could ever touch her. However, Zeus, king of the gods, entered her cell through the gaps in the ceiling in the form of golden rain and impregnated her anyway. Her father found out about her pregnancy and locked her, pregnant, in a box and sent it out to sea, but she survived. The kid was the famous hero Perseus, who slayed the gorgon medusa and, eventually, accidentally killed his grandpa with a discus toss, a surprisingly common cause of death in greek myth
>>5931693 >dunno much about myths so dunno who it is or the story behind it. If you're intellectually curious, you can look up "king of Argos", "king of Mycenae", and learn a lot about the foundations of modern fantasy, Western civilization, and lots more!
>>5931694 will give you the long and short of it, though. Damn degenerate Greeks! Luckily the later imperial Romans weren't into any of that nonsense... Hahaha... ha...
>yet faggotry wasn't legal nor adultery by both parties You can also reverse image search my last picture for interesting insight into US history! Or this one.
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>>5930996 >>5931002 Another blackpilled individual who thinks the next big thing will rid himself of his issues.
You’re not alone in this regard; take a look at anime girl ASMR channels, check the views and the date it was published. Hell, the fact that OnlyFans exists to such a degree is proof of this “supplement of real life relationships” phenomenon.
I don’t doubt there are females (or males for that matter) who would betray and exploit you, but letting them live “rent-free” in your head won’t do you any good. By all means, never forget those that wronged you, or be cautious when interacting with people if you find them suspicious, but the world isn’t full of those cunts, it’s filled with you. People who are afraid and lonely. People with their own doubts and fears.
Give it a shot. Better that than the AI which with each passing day becomes more sterilized and generic. No AI can replicate a really fine conversation between friends. You know the kind, the ones that can’t get leaked out of discord.
Olympus QM
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>>5931696 And, if you develop a deep and abiding love for Greek mythology, check out Olympus Incarnation Quest! It's chock full of references to Greek myths both famous and obscure, and (in my completely unbiased opinion) puts an interesting modern spin on some of the classic characters and ideas
>>5928164 Anonymous
>>5931687 >>5931696 >You can also reverse image search my last picture for interesting insight into US history! Or this one. thanks anon, I'm not american so there's some details I don't know. that pic you sent kind undermines your point since it was something used by his opponents to discredit him.
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>>5931704 >I'm not american That explains a lot
>>5931704 To FAIL to discredit him. And he wasn't alone, because even if something is 'illegal' (as adultery actually still is in many areas of the present-day USA) or even 'just not done' in a socially-taboo, life-ruining way, people still do it, and enjoy it, and tell stories about it.
The last bit is where this loops back to being imminently quest-relevant
well, for those of us who aren't Olympus QM, nice segue and plug by the way . Including a theme or act or relationship in your quest doesn't mean you advocate for it in real life. Granted, if someone gets really obsessively detailed or fetishistic in their language around a subject, I, or revisits a theme over and over, I might look at them askance or wonder why it's such a preoccupation for them... But trying to excise any 'weird' or ;'gross' aspects from the human condition or fictional worlds and people to cleanse degeneracy creates the sort of sterile stories people complain about (including in this thread) when talking about AI.
We have always been fascinated by the bizarre, the unusual, and the fringe. We have long had a morbid obsession with the monster, the wretch, and the outcast, and often that is rooted in sympathy, or in self-recognition, because most of us are 'degenerate' or ;'deviant' in some way.
here, on a site that prides itself on being 'not politically correct' or 'based' or however people refer to it these days, we're actively reveling in one form of deviancy. It's no surprise it attracts other forms of the same, and that themes of otherness and strangeness pervade.
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Is the Fate: Paradox/Reincarnator QM still around?
>>5931357 >>5931368 >>5931372 >>5931389 >>5931402 Something I always like to bear in mind when reading fiction, and which is also very relevant to roleplaying games as DM, is that on the one hand you have the imaginary world of cause and effect which has its own coherence, sequence of events and logic; in Dune, Vladimir Harkonnen kills Paul Atreides father because he covets the feudal spice planet, by manipulating the supposedly impossible to betray oathbound doctor into betrayal etc... but on the other hand (especially relevant if you are GM or DM) these are all fictional characters in the author's own mind, these are all facets of the same person - the author, so in Dune we primarily follow this sequence of events from a bildungsroman perspective of Paul, his personal growth and development from youth to god-emperor apotheosis etc, but also narrative perspective shifts to Harkonnen point of view etc
Whilst Paul doesn't directly "cause" his father the Duke's death, but because Paul is Frank Herbert who is also Baron Harkonnen and also the supposedly incorruptible Doctor Yueh etc etc all the entire cast of characters, in terms of that psychological authorial imagination layer, what is happening is that the author is emotionally struggling with all these themes and subliminal motivations and feelings, eg the delight and triumph at the death of the father versus say unexpressed guilt or helplessness or retributive vengeance or pragmatic inevitability etc.
This is how the oedipal mechanism enters - even though one character doesn't directly cause the death of the father, they are in fact all warring aspects and manifestations of the feelings and psychology of the same person, the author.
>>5931357 >>5931368 >>5931372 >>5931389 >>5931402 >>5931728 The opposing way of reading is to focus purely on text or audience impressions, this way of interpretation is called by Barthes "Death Of The Author" (think of the implications of this in relation to, say, the Bible). Maybe wikipedia explains this better than I can:
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Death_of_the_Author >Barthes's essay argues against traditional literary criticism's practice of relying on the intentions and biography of an author to definitively explain the "ultimate meaning" of a text. Instead, the essay emphasizes the primacy of each individual reader's interpretation of the work over any "definitive" meaning intended by the author >In a well-known passage, Barthes draws an analogy between text and textiles, declaring that a "text is a tissue [or fabric] of quotations," drawn from "innumerable centers of culture," rather than from one, individual experience. The essential meaning of a work depends on the impressions of the reader, rather than the "passions" or "tastes" of the writer; "a text's unity lies not in its origins," or its creator, "but in its destination," or its audience. >No longer the focus of creative influence, the author is merely a "scriptor" (a word Barthes uses expressively to disrupt the traditional continuity of power between the terms "author" and "authority"). >The scriptor exists to produce but not to explain the work and "is born simultaneously with the text, is in no way equipped with a being preceding or exceeding the writing, [and] is not the subject with the book as predicate." >Every work is "eternally written here and now," with each re-reading, because the "origin" of meaning lies exclusively in "language itself" and its impressions on the reader. The Barthes critique is that authorial reading can turn into whether you like the morality of the author as a person or not (some authors are not very pleasant or relatable hehe) instead of the text or fiction.
Both approaches have merit, but I can never resist delving into the biography and interviews of authors and situating their writing in the historical and economic context of their time, hehe
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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After a long-ass weekend that was far from restful, Solarpunk is back! Take a look at the disgusting shit they keep down there.
>>5931708 >>5931708 >>5931708 Anonymous
>>5931731 The more personal the work (that is, the more bound to the specific time, place, culture, religion, local geography, upbringing, individual experience, etc.), the more an understanding of the author can become necessary to enjoy or derive meaning from a text without becoming confused or alienated. The only other option for such a work is to create a sort of fake author by piecing together what such a person must have been like to express all these ideas... or to project yourself upon it. The last one is arguably what the death of the author posits is happening more and more, but I think there's room for both: people derive a personal meaning, but it's not as if people have lost interest in creative visionaries and in the autobiographical narrative either.
We live in an era where, with everyone now able to broadcast, share, and comment on one another's personal narratives, we're really spoiled for choice in how many ways there are to enjoy a work. How many interpretations, fan theories, wikis, communities, and derivative works, but also think pieces about the authors that interweave their true lives (or their tellings of it) with their works' themes, and interviews with them, and director's cuts and commentaries.
Quests are especially rich in that way, in way I enjoy. My quest no doubt reflects aspects of myself, my beliefs and interests and experiences and angsts, but ALSO is shaped by the way the players discuss and direct it, so that a QM who doesn't railroad things often ends up expressing beliefs, ideas, and interests outside of their own, or discovering something new interest. Even as a player I've experienced that, when I really wanted a quest to go a certain way but, after losing a few pivotal votes, find I actually quite like where it's ended up anyway. The author isn't dead, because I can see the trolling and samefagging and QM's default options and responses and sometimes even life events or meta-commentary. I know the QM is alive because they put out a new update periodically and talk shit in the QTG... But I can see something of myself and my fellow /qst/ers in it, anyway. All our fingerprints, immutable, imprinted upon a single story that we all share.
Kinda' beautiful.
>>5931728 >these are all facets of the same person - the author So what would you call it when the writer is trying to embody a character in order to write the character, instead of the opposite by expressing some minuscule part of themselves through text? I'd say it's schizophrenia. I'm not very educated though.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 21 Feb 2024 07:06:46 No. 5931780 Report Quoted By:
>>5931745 >Author death and Author fusion Yeah, i really like the collaborative storytelling part of quests too.
>>5931731 >>5931728 >>5931745 >The more personal the work (that is, the more bound to the specific time, place, culture, religion, local geography, upbringing, individual experience, etc.), the more an understanding of the author can become necessary ... Well, the marxists or Russian formalists or structuralists have that theory of social reproduction, ie every work of fiction essentially reproduces existing political and economic value structures and hierarchies from the real world (because this is inevitably all the author knows or can do).
And even if you believe the author is an incorruptible source of nonpolitical bias, remember that audiences, platforms, films games etc are commercially funded... what gets financed and distributed or promoted / not censored on any platform etc must conform to or meet the approval of the ethos of prevailing power structures etc. (eg Why was Manhunt
>>5927700 an amazingly designed and prescient game, censored / banned... The Last Of Us, which has similar violence broken shard shiv aesthetics / game mechanics but different ethos value framing wins all the acclaim, awards...)
So you create... a magical wizard school... it is so magical, oohhh... it could be anything... it is exactly Eton lol? This is especially funny if the author JK Rowling herself did not attend Eton yet still reproduces the entire value system status and social hierarchy (of course, Harry Potter magic comes from family lineage and is inherited). You can also see this from that familiar critique of early Star Trek "black woman answering space telephone" and I suppose the equally horrible unrepresentative of reality / modern Hollywood engineered diversity contrivance version of it "superhuman black girl hero child empowerment triumphs with zero threat over everything" Woman King pic related here
>>5920316 and also the unbelievable superhero girl in Doctor Sleep
>>5922590 >>5922576 >>5920791 I think the important thing about that Death Of The Author interpretative approach from Barthes is to recognise it is a form of propaganda.
In fact the denial of history, politics, economics and the investigative intent into motivation of "authors" (ie agents or political socioeconomic actors... you know who they are) is prevalent in nearly all Western narratives, lol Putin just tried to retell the Silmarillion of Russian / Slavic history going back 5000 years to Tucker Carlson (I admit I am interested in history and have read Dostoyevsky but I could not follow or remember any of it lol). Nearly all western news reporting denies history (look Dune Part Two in Yemen... these terrorists are just randomly attacking our ships!! For no reason!! etc) Of course, if you studied the VAMPIRE SORCERY economics you are very interested in the history, the reasons and motivations. And hopefully, 4chan knows better
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 21 Feb 2024 07:17:43 No. 5931789 Report >>5931784 What should I short in response to actual global crisis? What should I long?
Give me Vampire Sorcery knowledge for helping me putting enough aside to buy my Mansion.
>>5931789 hehe, if I had to condense my ultimate learning from the VAMPIRE SORCERY... not wanting things is a power. Relinquishing possessions before they possess you. Usually in those vampire myths there is some gothic tale about a cursed stranger wandering the desolate lands for all eternity haunted by remorse, that is where the VAMPIRE SORCERY inevitably leads hehe
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>>5931784 > You can also see this from that familiar critique of early Star Trek "black woman answering space telephone" and I suppose the equally horrible unrepresentative of reality / modern Hollywood engineered diversity contrivance version of it "superhuman black girl hero child empowerment triumphs with zero threat over everything" Stephen King once admitted in an interview that his white guilt and desire to not portray black people negatively or stereotypically limited his ability to write deeper, more compelling black people. I find the trick is usually to read/watch stuff made by people who are of a group, or know many positive and negative examples of that group if you want more balanced depictions. That way they can embody or piece together a reasonable person of that group without making the broad strokes of the group the character's entire personality for good or for ill. Might I recommend something like They Cloned Tyrone or Us? I think you'd get something out of those.
>>5931752 I think that ties into this, actually. What the author is inevitably doing in writing a character with a deep dive into someone quite unlike them is imagining what THEY would do if they were that sort of person, or conveying their OPINION of that person. Are they human, likeable, sympathetic? Pitiable, contemptible, shallow and vain and stupid? DO they think at all like the author? CAN they, or are they inherently just TOO WEIRD, such that the author deliberately avoids giving them thoughts or feelings or drives which that author can empathize with?
It's not 'schizophrenic' unless the author deludes themselves that their creation is real in some way... But amusingly, it can create a CHARACTER who seems schizophrenic in a less colloquial, more clinical fashion. IF the author refuses to put any of themselves into a character and yet tries to write them for any length of time, they'll likely behave irrationally (in a way that makes sense as a poor or object or obstacle or tool, not as a PERSON), react arbitrarily as if hallucinating or otherwise detached from reality, believe in things that are blatantly untrue and be unresponsive to reason, be arbitrarily hostile or suspicious (or arbitrarily innocent and credulous), only interact with other characters as the narrative requires, and have a shallow or simple emotional range that comes across as mechanical or artificial.
Lord knows I'm guilty of that with some of my side characters, though I try to at least give them consistent motivations and default responses to problems so they can feel CONSISTENT, if not always 'real' or deep.
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>>5931791 This. I never mastered sorcery as Souv did, but I chanced upon that same truth.
NC-17 !!5BuukXGLH01
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>>5931534 Thanks a bunch for reading, much appreciated! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to drop me a line.
Man I cannot believe sexual deviancy is so old fashioned. I thought it was a cool and modern thing that not 'muh ancestors', but it literally IS just 'muh ancestors can do it so I should too'
>>5931842 Remember, shitposting has not changed for over two thousand years. People are and always will be people, no matter what coat of paint gets slapped over em.
>>5931846 So there's no chance for people to be better? We're all just gonna repeat our history forever?
Fuck that, I want something new.
>>5931842 I feel it has more to do with a human social concepts and how we evolve as a species.
I sincerely doubt the ancient Romans or Greeks or Sumerians or whatever had the same thought process we do today. There's just too many environmental and technological differences for that to be possible.
>>5931846 I wish the ancient shitposters could've had computers. Memes today would've evolved to be completely insane.
>>5931852 >Fuck that, I want something new. Then make it.
>>5931853 >I sincerely doubt the ancient Romans or Greeks or Sumerians or whatever had the same thought process we do today. They were still bitching about poor services and products just like us. Ea-nasir adds one more to his collection. It turns out most of the shit people hate today they hated ages ago, too. The complaints about societal changes and growing corruptions of sensibilities has always been there. That dodgy old codger bitching about the youths has been around in every single generation throughout all of time. I wouldn't be surprised if there were cavemen grunting about how fire is stupid because meat tastes just fine without it.
>Memes today would've evolved to be completely insane. I feel like we would've reached some kind of weird shitpost singularity if people had access to a form of mass instantaneous communication solely for shitposting from prehistory to today. Fucking Event Horizon except it's telling you that you smell like pennies or something before erasing your sanity.
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>>5931868 Sure but most people back then weren't mass consumers like we are with plastic junk and the internet, they were farmers and shit.
I mean there's things people will always talk and complain about, what I'm trying to say is that we aren't all just a grey blob of atomized individuals and there's no diversity in people's thoughts within history or even different cultures. Basically cultures and people through history act differently from each other
and that's a good thing! >Event Horizon of memes Maybe one day lmao
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>>5931728 The Baron Harkonnen kills Duke Leto because of the long standing feud between their families, not because he covets Dune. The Harkonnens already had Dune, and they had Dune again afterwards. Relinquishing it was a trap and everyone involved was aware of that too.
>>5931728 If that level of super-abstraction and assumption that writers can't write anything that's not intrinsic to their psyche is where the Oedipal themes come in...then no wonder I didn't see them in any significant capacity.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 21 Feb 2024 12:37:31 No. 5931944 Report Quoted By:
One of my skirmish player (
>>5917974 ) seems to have bailed : 5 days without lifesigns.
So if you're around IceyOne, try to come back to play your turn
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5931244 Get glitched, lad!
What kind of glitch and how it works, that's up to you though. Noclip? Lag physics? Time-constrained dev mode?
>>5931868 >They were still bitching about poor services and products just like us. This reminds me of the letter a guy away studying wrote to his mother complaining that she doesn't send him cool clothes like his classmates wear. It was like 4000 years ago.
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5931954 I watched a video about one of the oldest recorded insult in history (it was an Akkadian student studying the Sumerian language and their teacher picked this insult as exercise): "Your husband has no clothes, the rags he clothed you in shows your behind"
Change the wording a bit and it turns into something you'd see in a girl's chats. "Yo bf so poor, he can't buy you pants to hide that big ass of yours"
I don't even fucking understand chans sometimes, why the fuck would they rangeban certain countries. Like mfs just cease with the anonymity bollocks because that farce is gobshite, the fucking prats are stifling my motivation. How. The. Hell. Can. I. Make. A. Quest. Without. Fucking. VPN
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Wed 21 Feb 2024 14:16:42 No. 5931977 Report Quoted By:
>>5931967 >Sidridijika, protagonist of Dragon's Dungeon : High-Risk, High reward playstyle. Love dearly his deceased Dad, and forgave his awful mother.
>Hector, Deuteragonist of Dragon's Dungeon A bit autistic eye-candy fighting more and more for glory and influence for his draconic master.
>Danny, protagonist of Pokemon : South Kalos Go out of her way to catch a lot of Pokemon despite the setting being heavy commitment and time necessary for taking care of each catch. Try her best to help her bipolar mother. Father died, and became a glowie for first paternal figure she met; Lt. Blitz
>(You), protagonist of Normal Cultivator Quest Try harder, high-risk high-reward in a dangerous world. Diligent disciple of the sect, respectful of rules and masters.
So no, not in the quests I run. Come and join the fun in one of my thread :
>>5930179 >>5917974 Anonymous
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>>5931967 >Clever cautious pragmatist No, the one im currently writing is a prideful egotist to the point where he is willing to gamble everything he has.
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>>5931967 Yeah. Half of running a quest is keeping the players on their toes so they don't have time to turtle up and turn the quest into a hideout simulator.
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>>5931974 Hiro issues rangebans whenever he needs to drum up more 4chan Pass sales. A VPN might not help because most of the ip addresses assigned to VPNs are already banned.
Any quests that capture this emotion?
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5931991 Genuinely? No.
Most qst SEX is romantic, lacking the violence and psychopathy of the gay DBZ rape.
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>>5931993 Well I guess we've found your next quest idea
HeadQM !Jy3l.GucX2
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>>5931967 From my current quest:
> Clever and cautious It's a group of people thinking together, I think it would be difficult for them not to be
> Risk averse Jumped into an ancient and unexplored ruin before the powerful witch accompanying him because finding Ancient Places is his dream, so not really
> Scared of commitment Locked in their waifu in thread one, professed his love in thread 3, so no
> Irrational hatred of authority figure Despite my best efforts to make sure they stayed the fuck away from any competent adult, including a straight up warning from fate saying the world would end if they did, they always go back to ask their teacher for help.
In other news, Disappearing Hogwarts will return this Friday! (If everything goes to plan, that is)
Versequest !!Z0PfpckB+ac
Quoted By:
>>5931967 >Pragmitist Sometimes, but he can also go off the all and do some crazy shit like torture a child or fuck with the queen of an atheist monarchy.
>Risk averse Yeah, I'll take that one. God doesn't seem to like putting himself in positions where anyone can have the upper hand.
>Scared of commitment God has a wife and children he's been loyal to for over a thousand years, so I don't think this one holds true.
>Irrational hatred for authority God pretty much IS the ultimate authority, and actually seems to have a lot of respect for other authority figures, even mortals.
So no, anon, this is certainly not universally true. At least not when it comes to my quest!
>>5931675 >he pointed out that decency is dead now >that means he thinks degeneracy didn't ever exist before! Nice leap of logic, Superman. Your mental gymnastics can clear a tall building in a single bound.
Boggs is back. Go play a GOOD™ ASOIAF quest now.
>>5931804 >>5931804 >>5931804 Anonymous
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>>5931967 I think most of this is true, but it depends on the quest. In goofier/sillier quests, people are more likely to indulge in risks for the lulz, and likewise in any quest where you rapidly establish the MC is HOT-BLOODED and the QM doesn't immediately penalize the players for following that archetype.
In my quests, most of these have held true... To a degree.
>Reptilian Infiltrator She was mostly pragmatic, but she WAS a spy, and she sometimes took big risks for added glory, or for the sake of those she loved. She was initially hesitant to commit, but by the end of things was probably OVERcommitted to her relationship(s), and especially to her faith and her duty (which got her killed and spoiled some of those relationships). Her only defiance to her superiors was to defend her loved ones, and was couched in respect, and the relationships she forsook were usually for others' own good.
>Dragonborn Antipaladin This main character of this one was a lot more reckless and headstrong in his approach to matters, much better at actually making major commitments to his friends, allies, and loved ones (three marriages, eleven kids, and two kingdoms), but he DID end up leading a violent revolution and eventually having a falling out with his gods because he resented having his actions constrained.
>Seekers of the Esoteric My current quest's MC isn't especially pragmatic, being way more moralizing and idealistic than the previous two and in a much more conventional way. He dodged romantic commitment for a while before an unsatisfying fling on a vacation and concluding he wanted to get serious. He DOES have a history of job abandonment and apostasy, though, usually for the sake of obsessively pursuing his intellectual interests, and his principled pacifism has resulted in him playing all sides of an ongoing political conflict in a desperate big to avert a war.
>>5931967 My players have run Beat Cop's MC as an overall good dude and cop who wants to help. He respects authority and the people above him because he's fresh to policing and if anything he's a little too caution-to-the-wind sometimes. Generally acting from a place of good intentions though.
Though I'm pretty biased in my examination, if any players of mine see this, feel free to reply with your own thoughts.
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>>5932109 Hawthorne and the Commander both seem well-respected by the players. Hawthorne especially, who players seem to have adopted as a father figure. The only authority figures we've really shown outright disrespect are the dodgy fed, the mayor (I mean, he IS
or may become Two-Face, and he DID commit and cover up an arson and then try to intimidate us), and Batman (who isn't REALLY an authority, even if he acts like he is).
>>5931993 I guess there's Hass during his tyrant king phase.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Wed 21 Feb 2024 19:17:33 No. 5932131 Report Quoted By:
>>5931967 Every other nigga is doing it, so I guess I should too.
>Clever and cautious Ramza's clever, but hardly cautious. Gigas is neither clever nor cautious, and is quite the opposite. Val is both clever and cautious.
>Risk averse One doesn't become a pirate and go on adventures if they're risk averse. They decided to rip their ship through a water cyclone just because there was something valuable inside.
>Scared of commitment Yet to be seen, but I could see it for Ramza. He's a bit of a playboy who doesn't want to be tied down by anyone before he's ready. He's committed to his dream of becoming the next great pirate king, though.
>Irrational hatred of any authority figure in their life Surprisingly not so far. They decided to play ball with the officials instead of going against them, which is working out well for them so far. And they had no issues working for Captain Keats under the crew they were originally part of. There's probably going to be some issues with certain authority figures later, though. Figures from the main cast's past.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5931967 Let's see...
>Gaol Quest: James Clever? Not really.
Cautious pragmatic? Dunno about the pragmatism but definitely not cautious.
Risk averse? Dude straight up murked raptors because one of them scratched his gf, and got himself some bloodloss blackout.
Scared of commitment? Hell no, he locked his loyalty onto Petunia real quick.
Irrational hatred of authority? In his case, it's very rational.
>Gaol Quest: Petunia Clever? Quite, but hobbled by her libido.
Cautious pragmatic? Kinda.
Risk averse? Maybe, except when with James.
Scared of commitment? Maybe initially, but she also locked onto James as James did to her.
Irrational hatred of authority? She's kinda neutral about it.
>Jail Quest: Rosa Clever? She has to be, she's a con artist.
Cautious pragmatic? Yes, same reason.
Risk averse? Ditto, unless she's backed against a wall, or someone dear to her is in danger.
Scared of commitment? Kinda, but more because she hasn't got anyone like that - she might commit later on.
Irrational hatred of authority? More like a distaste, and quite rational. Con artist, remember.
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>>5932154 Doesn't seem to be the case based on the actual examples QMs have been providing.
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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>>5931967 Oh boy, time to join the bandwagon
>Pragmitist Most of the time, the MC of my quest is like this. He can have some more unhinged moments, but that's only when in more dire situations or when some anon brings up something hilarious to do (or I add something silly to the prompt which is also at least worth considering).
>Risk averse Absolutely, which is why I'm starting to throw more crap at them to keep them on their toes. They've already seen the horrors which lurk deep beneath the ruins, now they're going to meet them from up close.
>Scared of commitment Don't really think that's applicable ot the story. There's only one other female character in the party, and each other female character so far is a security risk to even associate with.
>Irrational hatred of authority figure To be quite honest, a huge part of the mystery comes from the fact the government is clearly being secretive and not willing to divulge all the info they got. But hey, the government is also willing to help out and paying them for the job, so eh?
>>5931717 >he wasn't alone, because even if something is 'illegal' (as adultery actually still is in many areas of the present-day USA) or even 'just not done' in a socially-taboo, life-ruining way, people still do it, and enjoy it, and tell stories about it. I know, my point was that those things became more prevalent now that they're accepted or just not being so taboo and some are hurting people who are dumb to see the consequences
>Including a theme or act or relationship in your quest doesn't mean you advocate for it in real life. Granted, if someone gets really obsessively detailed or fetishistic in their language around a subject, I, or revisits a theme over and over, I might look at them askance or wonder why it's such a preoccupation for them... I made this argument to the other anon, just because said qm put a cuck theme it wasn't in a fetish way
>here, on a site that prides itself on being 'not politically correct' or 'based' or however people refer to it these days, we're actively reveling in one form of deviancy. It's no surprise it attracts other forms of the same, and that themes of otherness and strangeness pervade. that's an interesting point. and couple it with people who use things to either anger others for the sake or it or le barely hidden fetish, "strange" things are bound to pop up
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>>5932040 >ASOIAF anything >good Anonymous
>>5932211 >I know, my point was that those things became more prevalent now that they're accepted or just not being so taboo and some are hurting people who are dumb to see the consequences I really don't know that it has. In a society where such things are done but taboo/illegal, it doesn't mean they aren't done, just that you cannot trust statistics about them because people won't self-report. A good example is Christianity in Russia; allegedly 2/3 of all USSR citizens were militant atheists right up until the end of the USSR and then almost immediately started to shift towards Orthodox Christianity right after it fell. One explanation is that they all changed their mind, but I believe it's far more likely a bunch of people believed and practiced in private. The same can arguably be said to be the case for extramarital sex (illicit or approved of by all parties), or what you colourfully refer to as 'faggotry'. Whether this is indeed the case and to what extent each of these activities is actually HARMFUL is a separate matter, one which I won't debate here because this isn't /pol/.
As far as whether stories ABOUT these subjects are novel, the answer is simply 'no'. Tales of same-sex attraction, violation of the gender binary in behaviour or physiology, tales of extramarital sex, etc. are all very, very prevalent cross the span of time and space. So as far as:
>>5931676 >faggotry is becoming more and more acceptable people will include bits of it my only argument here is that people will dwell on these subject, think about them, and include them in their stories, whether they like them or not (and some of them WILL like them), and the only way to stop it is active censorship or punishment for badwrongthought. Even that probably won't work, as we can see with attempts by illiberal societies where such communities and artworks exist in secret, or permissive/liberal ones where 'hate-speech' thrives on the fringes. That Nazi U-boat little girl harem simulator quest some anon is (to put it mildly) not socially-acceptable, and might even verge on criminal in my country, and yet it still exists. I might WISH it didn't, but it does.
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>>5931967 Its not really like that, there are some MCs similar but not quite. And on most qst i have seen, they usually change and grow.
Kraken !!foLJeTBIOjr
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>>5931967 >pragmatism I characterized my MC as a reluctant idealist who disguises her actions as having a pragmatic intent (engaging in casual vigilantism to protect the place she lived from violent ideologues). But on the other hand, I also wrote her stealing a spaceship without a shred of hesitation (though she regretted the necessity), so I dunno where that puts her, exactly
>risk aversion As established in the paragraph above, she's not afraid of engaging in violence or crime, even if it carries consequences. But she generally avoids unnecessary conflict and conceals her full strength for in-character reasons that are yet to be revealed.
>fear of commitment This is still a bit of an informed character trait at this point, but a player asked about past relationships and I answered that the MC prefers long-term partnerships, but finds them difficult to enter due to her chosen way of life
>irrational hatred of authority figures She hates authority figures who abuse their power or are irresponsible with how they wield it. This has been established as a core pillar of her personality from very early on. So... rational hatred, I guess?
>>5932288 >one which I won't debate here because I know I'll be proven wrong ftfy
>>5932032 >>5932375 Even if I wanted to debate about shit unrelated to quests at length, here, in Quest thread general, I wouldn't do it with you.
>>5932390 Not arguing with someone who sees through bullshit and calls it out is a smart move, good on you for recognizing that.
>>5932397 Yeah, that must be it.
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>>5932405 But it's February.
A quest with multiple player characters working as a team (you can only give commands to one of them per post) Yay or Nay?
>>5932471 I mean that's basically a cooperative skirmish so, sure?
>>5932471 Multiplayer quests are tricky. With a regular quest, as long as the QM shows up and at least one player, you can theoretically keep going. With a multiplayer quest, without lots of planning and prep and contingencies, you can end up in a situation where ANY player flaking, becoming busy, losing interest, or being a shit can tank the quest for EVERYONE.
I think it works best with more comedic or gamey (rather than narrative-focused) quests. Like that MAGA Civ one, rather than something like the multiplayer god games or Night Without Stars.
>>5932485 Yeah, or a skirmish.
>>5932405 No anon you don't get it you just wont debate a random person about shit that doesn't matter because your scared to face an obvious titan of intellect!
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>>5932515 You know what they say, there's a tit in every titan.
>>5932471 That sounds like a skirmish - not that popular these days with how much work is involved in setting them up
>>5932288 >In a society where such things are done but taboo/illegal, it doesn't mean they aren't done dude, I've said it 3 times already but I'll try to make it clearer. I didn't say it never existed, I said it was less practiced due to social pressure and sometimes legal punishment, that's gonna be a thing unless the society can't properly enforce it. that's why it's easier to be gay in the US than in Russia. sure people can do it stealthly and shit, but it'll be less accessible than in a society where it's free and the stigma will turn a lot of bi-curious away from it. Same thing goes with the religion in USSR example you gave, there was way less people doing it than in the times of the empire and it only picked up from the remaining faithful in hiding because the russian state helped promote those values after the fall. otherwise you'd have something akin to china where the majority of the population would be non-religious.
>Even that probably won't work, as we can see with attempts by illiberal societies where such communities and artworks exist in secret If you define sucess by "people stopping doing it completely" then yes it failed. but it's a fact that prohibition and social pressure will make anything be less pursued if it can be enforced. the hate speech example in case of liberal societies is another good one: people may say faggot and nigger in places like 4chan, private discord groups and etc, but since it's more and more viewed as le bad to talk about it in public less people are doing it in public.
also thanks for reminding me of the loli u-boat quest, where the german qm dropped it after 3 weeks. hope he returns.
>>5932526 >dude, I've said it 3 times already but I'll try to make it clearer. I didn't say it never existed, I said it was less practiced due to social pressure and sometimes legal punishment, that's gonna be a thing unless the society can't properly enforce it. Oh, for sure.
that's why it's easier to be gay in the US than in Russia. sure people can do it stealthly and shit, >but it'll be less accessible than in a society where it's free and the stigma will turn a lot of bi-curious away from it.
Eh, that's what I'm less sure of. I think it finds its outlets anyway, one of them being fiction or mythology. This being /qst/ and the discussion beginning with how it affects deviant or unusual behaviour in fiction, I think we're such a pressure relief valve.
>If you define sucess by "people stopping doing it completely" then yes it failed. but it's a fact that prohibition and social pressure will make anything be less pursued if it can be enforced. Less pursued OPENLY, and thus harder to actually track the prevalence of. Statistics on things like adultery, homosexual behaviour, gender deviation, etc. are only as reliable as people are willing to own up to it. People ALWAYS get up to weird shit (some of which I'm okay with and some of which I'm not), and regardless of what
>>5932032 says there has never and likely WILL never be some halcyon realm of moral-sexual purity.
>thanks for reminding me of the loli u-boat quest I can't believe you're lamenting sexual degeneracy while being super into the quest about a grown man dicking down little girls who are also child soldiers, and it really makes me question how you even define 'degeneracy'. I fear we may be at a garve impasse, where we will never udnerstand one another.
>>5932529 >>5932526 >>5932526 >dude, I've said it 3 times already but I'll try to make it clearer. I didn't say it never existed, I said it was less practiced due to social pressure and sometimes legal punishment, that's gonna be a thing unless the society can't properly enforce it. Oh, for sure.
t>hat's why it's easier to be gay in the US than in Russia. sure people can do it stealthly and shit, but it'll be less accessible than in a society where it's free and the stigma will turn a lot of bi-curious away from it.
Eh, that's what I'm less sure of. I think it finds its outlets anyway, one of them being fiction or mythology. This being /qst/ and the discussion beginning with how it affects deviant or unusual behaviour in fiction, I think we're such a pressure relief valve.
>If you define sucess by "people stopping doing it completely" then yes it failed. but it's a fact that prohibition and social pressure will make anything be less pursued if it can be enforced. Less pursued OPENLY, and thus harder to actually track the prevalence of. Statistics on things like adultery, homosexual behaviour, gender deviation, etc. are only as reliable as people are willing to own up to it. People ALWAYS get up to weird shit (some of which I'm okay with and some of which I'm not), and regardless of what
>>5932032 says there has never and likely WILL never be some halcyon realm of moral-sexual purity.
>thanks for reminding me of the loli u-boat quest I can't believe you're lamenting sexual degeneracy while being super into the quest about a grown man dicking down little girls who are also child soldiers, and it really makes me question how you even define 'degeneracy'. I fear we may be at a grave impasse, where we will never understand one another.
Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
>>5931967 In my experience, none of the other traits really, but absolutely on the risk-adverse thing. It becomes easy to plan out plot/story at greater and greater lengths with time, because the collective playerbase are so predictable in what they will choose to do. Even like an AI chatbot is able to surprise me more.
>>5932533 >Less pursued OPENLY nigga do you think that something that can only be done underground will beat it being done openly in any metric ?
>>5932533 >I can't believe you're lamenting sexual degeneracy I stated the fact the it's more prevalent now, and some of it like gays and cucks for example are something I didn't like. the majority of the posts have been you insisting that it doesn't matter if something is taboo or not because it'd be practiced the same way and me telling you that's not what happens.
>>5932567 When something is brought to the open it's easier to interrogate it and people even sometimes fetishize and obsess over it less intensely. That's anecdotal personal experience, though, but I believe it's true based on what I've seen and heard.
>>5932567 > you insisting that it doesn't matter if something is taboo or not because it'd be practiced the same way I never said "the same way", just persistently and regardless of what you do to try to stop it.
Especially as this started with a discussion of quests (and other media) these taboo subjects will rear their head in ART all the same, with about the same prevalence, and sometimes (as with Zeus being 'transformed into golden rain' and not 'literally pissing on a girl') obscured by veiled metaphor.
People will privately obsess over and portray these sorts of topics and acts no matter how openly they voice these same interests aloud in the open. Art will then reflect this preoccupation.
>tl;dr We don't see more sodomite futa cuckoldry on 4chan's /qst/ board because it's more accepted socially, but rather 4chan's /qst/ is exactly the place you would find a bunch of that sort of extreme interest to exist even or especially IF that was less socially acceptable, because we are a site literally founded on being able to express weird thoughts and desires anonymously online. As an even-more-obscure art collective stuff in the corner of such a website, we are EXACTLY the kind of community where 'faggotry', cuckoldry, haremshit, monster-fucking, or German submersibles full of little girls would be created and shared in ANY political or religious climate.
Mojique !!4RCLTCHgFJV
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>>5932616 >>5932616 >>5932616 Solarpunk has updated again! And you find a new kind of disgusting creature.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
>>5931967 >Pragmatist Sometimes, I suppose, but there's been a few times where hyperviolence has been used as an answer.
>Risk averse She runs after mysterious federal agents and hunts down weird anomalies, not to mention dealing with a gang. Risk averse isn't exactly a common thing.
>Scared of commitment Romance really hasn't been a thing she's been able to focus on (or that I care to focus on unless it naturally happens). She does have some male allies but none of them are really close enough to be anything more than friends at this point.
>HATES authority I suppose if you count hating mysterious glowing feds but she has an okay relationship with her Handler, who definitely has authority over her.
>>5932655 which quest do you run ?
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>>5932668 The one with the handle.
HandlerQM !!k8ZbH4xhBG5
Omg just tell me what Quest you want me to run already holy fk
>>5932737 Give me a good love story, make it post apocalypse flavored, half decent combat system on the side, and I'll take a bittersweet tragic ending for dessert.
>>5932533 >regardless of what >>5932032 says there has never and likely WILL never be some halcyon realm of moral-sexual purity Pointing out the fact that decency is dead now doesn't mean I think that le ye olde tymes were perfect and free of degeneracy.
Now that I explicitly spelled it out for you, are you still going to misinterpret my post?
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>>5932737 A gooood fantasy quest of course
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>>5932515 If it doesn't matter, don't draw attention to it in the first place.
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5932740 Sir, we write quests here!
>>5932578 Alright correct me if I'm wrong but you're saying that people will always act with sexual deviancy and that there was never a time when moral purity existed. Wanting moral purity, however, is also evil and must be fought against, especially since it isn't part of human tradition to have moral purity and basically no one who has ever had REAL moral purity. Am I getting it right?
>When something is brought to the open it's easier to interrogate it and people even sometimes fetishize and obsess over it less intensely. Reptoid I want you to keep an open mind for what I'm about to say next; I don't believe legalizing and tolerating real pedoshit is a good thing, despite it being sexual deviancy. Nor do I believe it will be a sort of 'release valve' if we have dedicated communities to it. It'll only make it become more extreme and widespread as time goes on. The latter also, in the vast majority of instances, applies to basically every other form of fetish/sexual deviancy.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5932471 Iirc hasn't this been done by notapaladin? The one with knights?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 22 Feb 2024 12:25:41 No. 5932758 Report Where is /qag/ at?
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 22 Feb 2024 12:26:42 No. 5932761 Report Quoted By:
2nd question : where is MediocreQM? Is he alright? Is he safe?
>>5932745 >decency is dead Overdramatic boomer take. You should be ashamed.
Talking about decency being dead, I know a girl who lost her v in a carpark. She wasn't even drunk.
>>5932750 > I don't believe legalizing and tolerating real pedoshit is a good thing You do realize child marriage was legal in more states in the 60s right? There are precode movies from 1930s with naked teenagers. "We were more decent in the old days" is a lie that the boomers sold you.
>>5920740 >...things like Frankenstein (and the original novel version of Dracula, for that matter)... >>5932578 >...taboo subjects will rear their head in Art... Dracula was a cutting edge technological / science fiction novel. Interspersed throughout are references to science and the leading technology of the day, eg Kodak cameras, Charcot (pioneer of hypnotic suggestion under whom Freud studied), shorthand essentially the textspeak of the era - used to illustrate how personal correspondence was moving from literary antecedents to modernity, compressability, efficiency and productivity; one of the main characters essentially livestreams his thoughts on a phonograph sound recording, the epistolary 19th century format would be the equivalent to blogs or a twitch stream today.
Of course, everyone knows that the scene where Lucy receives transfused blood from FIVE MEN (think of the blood in lieu of other bodily fluids IT IS SEMEN) is actually a displaced metaphor for Bram Stoker polyamorous GAY THOUGHTS (he was probably a homosexual, he did a lot of suspicious theatre stuff, and was best friends with Oscar Wilde).
Take a look at this actual quote from Bram Stoker's Dracula. I assume he is making the helpless lady Mina... suck something
>(...)When my brain says ‘Come!’ to you, you shall cross land or sea to do my bidding; and to that end this!” With that he pulled open his shirt, and with his long sharp nails opened a vein in his breast. When the blood began to spurt out, he took my hands in one of his, holding them tight, and with the other seized my neck and pressed my mouth to the wound, so that I must either suffocate or swallow some of the—Oh my God! my God! what have I done? So yes, it is indeed quite perverted
>>5932122 She literally made a heart with her tail, that wasn't rape blud.
>>5920740 >>5932786 >>5925989 >>5931791 The more interesting quote is this one below. I always wondered what that metaphor about Dracula carrying around 50 crates of earth to spread his evil lair etc was all about. It turns out, Dracula is a very political novel. There is one American man in the book (he dies) who is portrayed as a very down-to-earth cowboy type action hero.
But take a look at this quotation; it occurs after the Dracula conspiracy has been uncovered, when Harker, Mina, Van Helsing,Seward (asylum doctor) Lord Godalming (husband to the deceased Lucy, prey of Dracula) and the Texas American Quincey Morris (his name a pun on him being the fifth man) is introduced to a suspiciously polite Renfield, slave apostle to the vampire:
Renfield is incarcerated at the lunatic asylum, yet he feigns courtesy and pleasantries:
(Dr Seward's Diary)
>I was so much astonished that the oddness of introducing a madman in an asylum did not strike me at the moment; and, besides, there was a certain dignity in the man’s manner, so much of the habit of equality, that I at once made the introduction: ‘Lord Godalming; Professor Van Helsing; Mr Quincey Morris, of Texas; Mr Renfield.’ He shook hands with each of them, saying in turn:—‘Lord Godalming, I had the honour of seconding your father at the Windham; I grieve to know, by your holding the title, that he is no more. (...) Mr Morris, you should be proud of your great state. Its reception into the Union was a precedent which may have far-reaching effects hereafter, when the Pole and the Tropics may hold allegiance to the Stars and Stripes. The power of Treaty may yet prove a vast engine of enlargement, when the Monroe doctrine takes its true place as a political fable. (...) So the 50 crates of earth... 50 US states? The irony of course is that Renfield is flattering and complimentary to the American, but he is a vampire apostle and a madman (prior to this scene, Renfield has just swallowed a collection of live birds, spiders and flies whole). Bram Stoker is referring to the opposition of Britain to the US annexation of Texas in 1845 etc. Maybe this was what spreading an army of undead across the earth was truly about, hehe
>>5932132 Now do it for your skeleton dictator man
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5932122 >>5932788 For Jemm it was forceful/dub-con but gay rape and straight rape aren't really comparable.
No I will not elaborate.
>>5932780 A lie that zoomers always try to sell you is that the existence of a bad thing excuses or justifies the continued perpetration of that bad thing, and they'll go to any length of intellectual dishonesty to make any advocation for doing better look like ignorance or villainy.
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>>5932563 Then you're not making the rewards for the risky options significant enough.
Curse Carrier DM
Alright, I'm back from my depression nap and Curse Carrier is back on track. Choosing which dog shit country you want to raise a kid in.
>>5932758 There aren't that many artists on qst and they're usually more focused on their work than contributing to a general so it loses a lot of steam without a decent break between qags.
Not that there's anything stopping one from being made. Why do you need one?
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>>5932811 When the worldwide magic battle royale so bad leaving the US is best way to survive
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My other creative outlets are temporarily drying up so I am yet again considering writing a quest that I will pour a ridiculous amount of time and energy into for up to thirty to forty-five days, only to rapidly lose interest after that point and inevitably flake after I run out of momentum. Please shame me and ridicule me until I lose all interest in starting a project that I will inevitably abandon within two months of its inception.
>>5932801 You sound retarded AF. I will explain again slowly.
1. Child marriage was legal and regularly practiced in the 60s.
2. Child marriage is illegal and despised by everyone in the 2020s.
We are living in an objectively more decent period in time, and you have to be a literal retard to believe boomer propaganda "dEcEnCy Is DeAd".
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I demand that someone run the /qst/ waifu bracket championship.
BananasQM !!41PmzC6RLY4
>>5932798 Fair enough lol
This conversation is immensely cringe anyway
New quest idea. Boomeraboo anon gets isekai'd to the 1960s and starts searching for decency->Cops mistake him for a civil rights protester and beat the shit out of him >Hippies drug and sodomize him and give him aids >Gets drafted to Vietnam and killed by charlies
>>5932834 >Dropping quest with no warning Anonymous
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>>5932846 that's just how most quests drop.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 22 Feb 2024 15:29:08 No. 5932860 Report Quoted By:
>>5932818 for posting this masterpiece
>>5932825 Who cares? Literally no woman is virgin by 16. Decent my ass.
Indonesian Gentleman
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>>5932791 >Sam "Chainsaw" Evil Clever? Of course, on a statesman level - you can't quite run a country by being dumb.
Cautious pragmatic? On a country level, but personally he's not that cautious because well, he's secretly a lich. Kinda pragmatic.
Risk averse? Kinda but not really, being the leader of a nation you can't help bumping into risks all the time. It's just that he knows how to balance it, most of the time.
Scared of commitment? Not really in the romantic sense - he might be quite committed to Paneira tho.
Irrational hatred of authority? He IS the authority, and he doesn't harbor self-hate. If you mean other authorities, what hatred there is is just realpolitik.
>>5932750 I agree that pedoshit is bad, but it's bad for separate and distinct reasons from the other fetishes people are complaining about gays, or gangbangs, or furries or whatever. My point was that no amount of codemning it will stop those urges and desires from rearing their head in art and fiction, and probably even in hidden areas of society. Despite what the other anon implied, I never said that emant they would or should be condoned or practiced IRL. Some, sure, I'm fine with. Others, I'm quite not, but never on the flimsy and shallow basis that they are weird or gross; only in that they inflict tangible, direct, and obvious harm. Such is the case with pedoshit, and I'm that that
>>5932825 is correct.
However, I also like Stephen King's It, sewer sex scene aside, and I enjoy Jail Quest even with the sometimes weird stuff around Craig, and Disappearing Hogwarts even though all the NCs are under 18 but flirt and make-out and pursue relationships. So long as the author does not erotically fixate upon those points or make it a story just ABOUT that sort of thing, I think that those events HAPPENING in a story is both okay and inevitable, in the grand scheme of things. That's why I found the loli u-boat quest gross and objectionable.
But yes, I agree that there's no moral equivalency between consenting adults doing gay stuff (or cuck fetish stuff or whatever) and children or animals being sexually victimized, and I'm glad the last two are generally criminalized. It's just that THAT comverstaion isn't realy related to questing or storytelling, and is also a non-starter for reasonable disucssion with someone who calls homosexuality 'faggotry' and laments it being legal.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 22 Feb 2024 15:47:36 No. 5932865 Report Quoted By:
>>5932861 Country issue.
>t. 13% women and 8% men are virgin between 20 and 24 in my country RQM !!UCDxn1yqtzR
>>5932750 >>5932745 The other central part of my thesis (to be a pretentious fuck about it) was that it's silly to say "the old times were better" and, even if in soem ways they were "purer" (ie. still weird and kinky, sometimes in gross ways), ART never was, and art in a community like QST never would be. The notion that sexually deviant stuff happens here in our quests BECAUSE society at large approves is, I think, fundamentally incorrect. I think themes society finds deviant crop up here (and in places like here) MORE as a result of being taboo.
RQM !!UCDxn1yqtzR
>>5932786 >>5932790 Souv hits the nail on the head, I think, with these points. People who complain about 'degeneracy' or 'politics' infecting 'pure' art are silly, in my personal opinion. The best art, even quests, contain elements of personal passion on the part of the creator and evoke it in readers (or players). If you're totally sanitizing your work of the things which matter to you emotionalky, sexually, and politically, you will make bad art and boring quests.
>>5932871 >If you're totally sanitizing your work of the things which matter to you emotionalky, sexually, and politically, you will make bad art and boring quests Then people shouldn't be crying "/pol/" when things of that nature they disagree with pop up in discussion, should they?
What quest has the evilest protagonist?
>>5932843 >1960s setting Not only do you have Vietnam, but also sci-fi (Kubrick 2001 Space Odyssey) the burgeoning space race after Sputnik, also maybe you could draw inspiration from that PERVERTED BERNARDO BERTOLUCCI FILM set in May 1968 Paris Student Riots Eva Green gets impossibly naked, like extremely incredibly naked. On a more arthouse level, you also have that cool fashion photographer film Blow-Up by Michelangelo Antonioni, hehe or you could go for a sort of Charles Manson California cult theme (in fact, when that anon was writing his American noir setting quest in the 1920s? I was wondering why not a Black Dahlia serial killer type noir theme / femme fatale etc).
You can go full Cold War MKULTRA or maybe PROJECT STARGATE (I suppose this was 1970s, but you know you can anachronistically shift it to the 60s, it fits the feel)
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stargate_Project >was a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications Kubrick's Doctor Strangelove also in this era, you can bring in all the Thomas Schelling deterrence RAND corporation NSC-68 nuclear war stuff hehe.
Or you can layer it with some 1960s advertising agency aesthetics like Mad Men,
(this pic related
>>5931791 )
the fashion, design architecture of that era so cool
So basically you can do anything, so many sources of inspiration: serial killers, spaceships, supernatural / paranormal, psychics, sexy fashion design / advertising, war, cults etc...
It is underexplored / underutilised in videogames so maybe hard to find concept art inspiration for it (I suppose Deathloop? I have not played it) Maybe also that No One Lives Forever game or CONTROL type retro 1960s looking brutalism offices too.
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>>5932843 >>5932895 You get this fun Charleston dance from Mad Men. I just really like the music and costumes and facial expressions in this incredible scene, yay the choreography, there are a lot of jealous glances hehe (watch the eyes of all the actors and actresses very carefully) but the music is so jaunty and mesmerising, yay
Mad Men (S3:E3) Charleston Dance Scene (HD)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Aje2PdSqfFY Anonymous
>>5932825 >>5932864 This is actually an interesting conversation, I wanted to thank you both for bringing this up since it made for a nice moment with my family.
I just asked my parents (both in their 80s born and raised in the US) what it was like having child brides be normal back then, and they laughed at my face. My dad then went on saying that he and everyone he knew would've killed or at least 'beat to a pulp' any guy that had a child bride. They both lamented about some family members that live in a third world country (I won't specify where for obvious reasons) have to deal with that sort of thing, and that organ trafficking and abduction rings used to not be as common back then when they were younger. We then talked about some random things and now we're planning on visiting and giving my great aunt a party.
Thank you for reading my blog.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 22 Feb 2024 17:04:18 No. 5932905 Report Quoted By:
[Call to player]
One spot have opened in my Xenos 40k Skirmish thing :
>>5917974 >>5917974 >>5917974 Anonymous
>>5932888 If you mean me, acknowledging when a discussion is drifting away from "how does society or sexuality affect quests" to "is promiscuity or homosexuality the bane of civilization?" is not an attempt to suppress /pol/ themes from being discussed at all; it's an attempt to redirect the conversation to something actually board-relevant.
It's also not anti-intellectual or damaging to discourse or art to acknowledge when something contains sexual or political
or /pol/itical themes, only if you then try to get it banned or to troll it off the board.
>>5932868 My stake in this subject started with
>>5931567 's assertion that "human writers have no built in censors" which I answered with
>>5931668 .
This retard -> (
>>5931675 ) decided to jump to an illogical extreme and assume I implied that degeneracy never existed, and I sarcastically called out the bullshit in
>>5932032 .
>>5932390 decides he suddenly doesn't want to talk about a subject he was dancing around anyway, because of the big bad /pol/, >>5932533 makes the same misinterpretation of my point as that other retard, and I call out the bullshit more directly in >>5932745 .>>5932769 is just ad hominem from a faggot, and now we cycle back to the present: you (>>5932868 ).I honestly don't give a shit about your southern California college thesis statement, all I did was point out a fact off-hand and got dog-piled by a bunch of faggots who can't fucking read, which is ironic, considering we're on a board that revolves around reading comprehension.
So, do you guys want to keep being literal nonces, or are you going to smarten the fuck up?
>>5932908 >"how does society or sexuality affect quests" to "is promiscuity or homosexuality the bane of civilization?" These two things are somehow different to you, but they stem from the same concerns. Quests are a narrative medium, and media is rooted in civilization.
You want to dance around an inherently political subject, then use your get-out-of-discussion-FREE card by screaming /pol/, knowing that anyone who calls you on being disingenuous will be marked as "one of them" regardless of whether or not they actually use that board.
It shuts down your participation in a conversation you wanted to have but don't want going in a particular way of thinking you think is wrong. It's convenient and foolproof, for you.
>>5932893 Depends what kind of evil you're talking about. Most of the Supreme Leaders in Space Monke Quest are abhorrent from the principle of being space fascist eugenicists who run an empire that does objectionable shit every hour of every day.
Eviler Omniman is also up there but I feel like that's cheating since it's literally a quest called "Eviler Omniman."
There's also that one quest ran by Fae Smelter where you're just a serial killer trying to get his rocks off but I haven't seen that man post a quest in ages.
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc
DrDragonfagQM !2gxW5JDLSc ID:oGkXH//W Thu 22 Feb 2024 17:28:43 No. 5932927 Report >>5932925 Was Fae Smelter the "Craigslist Killer" QM?
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>>5932927 Yeah, that's the guy.
Lanu !!xX2uu4ZVO2b
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In case someone wants to play a narrative multiplayer civ quest with flexible rules (which on your end consist of you writing actions for your three characters and rolling a few dice), I have a empty slot for people to either take over a civ or insert their own as this one hadn't made contact with other civs.
>>5912911 >>5912911 >>5912911 Anonymous
>>5932903 Depends where you lived, too (north vs. south, urban vs. rural). My mom would laugh at the idea that child grooming or marriage was considered acceptable back then, but also is super into Elvis "I met my wife when she was 14 and arranged many secretive meetings with her as she grew up, then married her as soon as I could, and nobody cared for decades" Presley.
>>5932909 Anon, if your own reading comprehension was better, you'd have realized that I'm gmpo4lW4 and DnD65Ee/ (different locations, not at all a secret), that I'm anti-nonce, and that my point is rather more nuanced "than "degeneracy has always existed, lol, legal or illegal literally makes no difference". my point was rather that it has a negligible effect on whether those themes appear in art, let alone art in a forum like 4chan.
>>5932918 I don't care if you personally think homosexuality or kinky sex stuff is deleterious to human civilization. I think trying to excise, censor, abolish, remove, or purify it is stifling to creative expression, and also will never work. I think it's a fool's errand. I also think trying to expand the scope of the discussion beyond "how does this relate to quests and art?" is better suited to the board that literally exists for that purpose. if you find /pol/ to be unpleasant, perhaps you can try /his/.
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>>5932925 >Fae Smelter Never could get into Craigslist Killer at all due to the focus on, wel... Murder-rape. I quite enjoyed most of his other stuff, though. I think he got banned a couple times and gave up on QMing here. he popped into the /qtg/ and said something about it between bans, once, if I'm not misremembering.
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>>5932893 I'd say Wrix from Space Monke wins the cake.
>Space Dictator who ordered the genocides of hundreds of billions, including sevearl dozen billion of his own species as well two completely innocent, allied species for no reason other than because it tickled him silly and he wanted to use them as fertilizer >Complete sadist who did this genocide in the most psycho ways possible, such as power-washing babies with acid and sending people to the gas chamber >After finally 'retiring', he continues to use his authority to do shit like pouring acid on the dicks of aliens >He then convinces a later space dictator to make another gigantic genocide and kill hundreds of billions yet again He is very cartoonishly evil. At least he died off-screen and the innocent races he tried to kill apparently survived...
>>5932947 I think dancing around an issue that's inherently political and not expecting it to get political is moderately retarded, but here we are.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Thu 22 Feb 2024 18:30:01 No. 5932971 Report >>5932893 Weak question.
Which quest has the GOODEST protagonist?
Anderson Thorell (QM)
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Requesting a tie-breaker vote for the Monster girl Facility quest. Would love to get one in soon enough so I can maybe get an update out today still.
>>5932187 >>5932187 >>5932187 Anonymous
>>5932966 I never said 'don't get political', Is aid 'keep it at least tangentially related to quests and storytelling or I, personally, don't care to talk about it here.' I don't really know how many more ways to say it, so I won't bother, since I wouldn't want you to catch my retardation. It puzzles me why, believing me to be an idiot, you want to keep having a circular discussion past one another anyway.
Refer back to
>>5932390 if you have further questions or concerns, and I wish you pleasant questing.
>>5932971 Ooo, tough one. Morality is something that I think is subjective (or, at least, we've seen ample evidence people will argue about what is moral/immoral to DEATH here). Maybe the question is who is the most PRINCIPLED protag, then... In which case I'm inclined to consider Reynauld from Kobolt Klan Adoption, DeLucia from Gotham City Beat Cop, or the (unnamed, ethically) protagonist from Cutémon. All very different morality, but quite moral nonetheless.
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>>5932994 >*unnamed, technically Anonymous
>>5932947 To be fair most pop culture icons or Hollywood actors or the so called 'elites' tend to be weirdly into kids, especially with certain logs and island visits that have surfaced. The lack of care people have today about what should be a huge world shattering revelation is really telling.
>I think trying to excise, censor, abolish, remove, or purify it is stifling to creative expression, and also will never work. I think it's a fool's errand. nta but that is where I'll have to disagree again, for multiple reasons. Censorship can bring about some of the greatest and most creative types of artistic expression, since it demands that the artist strive to express themselves in spite of all the restrictions (just look at art and music in the USSR if you want an example of this).
I also once again ask you to reconsider having a laissez-faire position on the concept of degeneracy 'needing' (I know these aren't your exact words or beliefs but it more or less ultimately leads to the same place) to be allowed openly, since it does inevitably lead to a normalization of noncery. I'm not saying we should do some crazy Soviet quota for quests or enact mass censorship, just to be aware of how things are currently in today's world.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5932893 >>5932971 This makes me wonder which quest has the greyest, most fence-sitting and pragmatic protagonist.
>>5933008 >elites are into kids I think it's more that an upsetting number of people in all strata of society are, but most of them suppress that desire for fear of consequences or because of morality. Which is good, in my opinion, for the record.
>censorship and constraints can make for good art It can, but it can sure be stifling as well, which is why most creatives tend to rail against it and why even under such regimes, things like underground zines get published featuring work of great and/or prolific artists and later get celebrated.
>gay sex, extramarital sex, kinks, all inevitably lead to pedophilia being socially accepted We must agree to disagree because, even if either of us was willing to budge on this, it would no doubt require a lengthy off-topic discussion and I don't want to do that here.
>>5933010 An even tougher question than 'good', since by its very definition being in that grey zone means ambiguity and uncertainty. I think Rosa does a good job, being someone who intimidates people with a gun (but it's not loaded!), cons people and steals their stuff (but it seems like mostly bad people?), and who is trying to save the world (but for personal benefit!).
>>5933022 That's not really a fencesitter. That's just a bog-standard 'anti-hero-who-doesnt-really-do-anything-anti-heroic' character.
I mean, has Rosa even conned people ONCE in the entire quest?
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>>5932777 >imagine losing your v-card Failures, the lot. No wonder all the magic in the world is drying up. No one is going for the wizard status.
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>>5933023 Maybe Lord Charles from Local Lord? He's a firm believer in (his archaic and idiosyncratic) interpretation of Catholicism. He really DOES mean well, but he's sometimes a hypocrite and just tries to 'confess' it away to his (similarly hypocritical) priest. He does lots of things which modern society (perhaps especially modern Catholics and the current Pope) would deem questionable or immoral.
>>5932485 >>5932524 >>5932501 It is very gamey but also I figured anyone can just give orders to any character so if some anon isn't there another can just fill in?
I'll be honest, dunno what a "skrimish" quest is
>>5932751 looked it up and skimmed through a thread. Yeah, seems kinda similar
>captcha: M8H0WW Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>5933051 A skirmish is a multiplayer quest/game you'll sometimes see crop up here where each player takes control of a character or faction in the game. Some of them involve the potential for alliances, though most tend to be free-for-all with those alliances being temporary from what I've seen.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Thu 22 Feb 2024 20:42:11 No. 5933098 Report >>5932994 I'm personally inclined to say that Vlad Santana of Berserk Quest was the objectively goodest and most principled character.
No matter how much despair he endured or the toll it took on his body and soul, he always took the moral road. Never once took the easy way out.
>>5932947 >I'm gmpo4lW4 and DnD65Ee wait, so it was you responding to me early on ? how the fuck a QM managed to miss my point 3 times ? kek
>>5933237 because I disagreed with your fundamental premise of:
>A relatively pure USA (or world, or artistic) in the past >that America is worse now because of gays or cuckolds >that the prevalence of 'sodomite futa cuckoldry' (ie. general kinkiness that you don't approve of) on 4chan is the result of widespread social acceptance rather than a characteristic of the sort of forum /qst/ is >the implicit idea that purer/less sexual/sexual in ways you prefer art would be an improvement, here on /qst/ or more broadly Look, being a QM is not some high bar of intellectual achievement and you may wish to accept I'm just too stupid to understand your very good points. Alternatively, you could accept that reasonable people can disagree; that I understand you on a technical, but still think you're incorrect.
>>5933253 >being a QM is not some high bar of intellectual achievement That's just the modesty of being a superior lifeform kicking in, we all know it.
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>>5933257 >superior lifeform This has nothing to do with me being a reptoid. Don't make it about race.
You must be a stupid motherfucker to be a QM, imagine spending hours of your day thanklessly writing for austists on the internet.
>>5933289 But QMs do get thanks. Congratulations, your assessment has been assblasted by facts and logic.
>>5933292 >100 posts Look at this nerd.
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>>5933293 This board is overwhelmingly about reading, are we supposed to be anything other than nerds? You okay?
>>5933253 >A relatively pure USA (or world, or artistic) in the past I never said that, my point was that kinks that weren't approved in the past and are approved now have become more common because of it. I used the USA as a comparison between times where those things weren't accepted and now to illustrate my point, also the russia comparison.
>that America is worse now because of gays or cuckolds You must've mistaken me with the other anon who replied early on. I never said that the us was overall better before, I said that things like being a (consenting) cuck and pursuing gay relations were less prevalent than nowadays, a point in which 3 times you've repeated that "people will do anything anyways, it doesn't matter if it's openly or not" which is false by the examples I brought e.g. gays in the us and russia, but you kept on repeating like social pressure/bans didn't change how prevalent a thing can be or not.
>that the prevalence of 'sodomite futa cuckoldry' (ie. general kinkiness that you don't approve of) on 4chan is the result of widespread social acceptance rather than a characteristic of the sort of forum /qst/ is I made an early post about this but didn't dwell much since we moved to other themes, but you're again mistaking something existing in the board and it supposedly being more prevalent than before. since there's not much to compare and qst in general hating futa stuff, as the spam from months ago showed us, it seems like there's no big changes.
>the implicit idea that purer/less sexual/sexual in ways you prefer art would be an improvement, here on /qst/ or more broadly kinky shit on /qst/, 4chan in general and other likewise sites I don't care much. But normie ones having kinks like drinking piss and eating shit become more popular ? yup, I'm against that.
>Look, being a QM is not some high bar of intellectual achievement fair point
>>5933303 >look, I wasn't talking about any of the countries, kinks, or sexual preferences I or you brought up, or this forum or medium, but a actually about other things in broad generalities, having to do with other people in other places, completely unrelated to fiction or questing. You're right, I have no idea how I mixed that up. Anyway, I'm going to talk about quests and fiction, which I'd thought you were doing but I guess actually you aren't.
>>5933337 >look, I wasn't talking about any of the countries, kinks, or sexual preferences I or you brought up, or this forum or medium, but a actually about other things in broad generalities, having to do with other people in other places, completely unrelated to fiction or questing. what does this even mean, we continued talking about most of the same points specially because of your repetition. if you disagree with something, just say it instead of pussyfooting.
>You're right, I have no idea how I mixed that up. Anyway, I'm going to talk about quests and fiction, which I'd thought you were doing but I guess actually you aren't. funny that you want to leave now after so many posts in. since you want some /qst/ stuff, I'll give you one: proofread yours posts dude, there's always a lot of minor errors in them.
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>>5933347 Good thing they're minor, then, kek. Call me next time I accidentally fuck up and miss an entire segment of an update and have to belatedly reinsert it. Now THAT'S embarrassing. Whew!
>>5932903 >The marriage of legal children, in fact, has been relatively common throughout U.S. history. >The U.S. Census Bureau did not link age with marital status till 1880, which makes national figures unavailable before that time. >But in that year 11.7 percent of fifteen-year-old girls were wives (the census did not specify exact age and marital status till 1910). >That number dipped in 1890 and then increased incrementally through the 1920s to 12.6 percent in 1930. >Youthful marriage decreased, as did the overall marriage rate, during the Great Depression. >It then rose again dramatically after World War II but has been declining since the early 1960s. Your parents are full of shit. Or retarded, like their kid.
Indonesian Gentleman
>>5933023 She did con herself into Craig's custody, so at least that. I'll see to it that she gets opportunities to flex her talk no jutsu more.
That said, expect a new thread of Jail soon...
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>>5933377 Easy guy, they were just speaking to anecdotal experience with their kid and viewing the past with rose-tinted glasses. They probably didn't consult any stats or really think that deeply about it.
>>5933381 >New Jail thread with more scamming and subterfuge Get hype!
>>5933008 In the 60s rockstars could openly fuck 12 year olds and write songs about it. Now they have to do it on the secret jew island. Things have gotten better regarding pedophilia, you have to be a literal retard not to see it.
>>5933019 Child marriage is/was most common in rural, poor southern states. Not exactly the 'elites' anon is thinking about.
>>5933098 What happened to that quest? Did it die? Dropped? Did Becchi get QM Curse'd?
BechiiQM !cA75R4LBa6
>>5910095 >>5927461 >>5933098 >>5933406 Hey, great timing. I'm glad somebody is still hyped for the last thread at least!
Sorry for the radio silence by the way, again. The curse did indeed get to me. Aside from being stretched too thin by real life and all, I want the big invasion of Falconia to feel special considering it's the end of the story with all the epic fight scenes and boss rushes to end a story that isn't even officially over yet, so remembering and planning all the little details got a little too ambitious in my head so I had to distance myself to make some sense of it and not get overwhelmed by the magnitude of chaos insuing.
I know I know, it`s just a stupid little story on a cantonese board, but I`m a perfectionist at heart and I want to honor my favorite series in the best way that I can: By giving it a finale that at least some odd folks would be satisfied with while we wait for the real ending which might not even happen in our lifetimes.
But fear not! Berserk Quest Thread #12 will be going live at March 15th! No doubt it will be filled to the brim with intermissions and epilogues, but I will give it my full attention! Hope to see you there!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7y-k8_xHVw Anonymous
A Colonial Marines quest where we fight aliens and the communist menace would be nice to have right now.
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>>5933377 I doubt the boomer couple knew stats, also you have you consider that speaking fo childbrides most people will assume you're talking about teens younger than 15.
>>5933384 >In the 60s rockstars could openly fuck 12 year olds and write songs about it. i knew they talked about teens in their 15-16's, but did people go that low ? jeez
>>5933418 >A Colonial Marines quest where we fight aliens and the communist menace would be nice to have right now. be the change in /qst/ you wanna see, anon
>>5933386 Hey, I just exited the 'talking about politics and history without linking it back to quests or fiction' trap. I didn't even let what's-his-face drag me back in with his petty dig at my writing foibles. Don't try to get me involved again!
I imagine there are explanations for that, such as them just being more serious about MARRYING the kids they have sexual relations with, being more numerous than 'elites' and worse at covering up affairs so there are simply more instances by raw numbers and they get caught and reported more, etcetera >>5933418 Unironically, an Aliens-verse quest would be pretty cool.
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>>5933428 I already did one quest, and while it was a fucking hard, i managed to push it to the end. Its your turn fucker.
>>5933409 Nice! I need to get caught up again. Last thing I remember is sea monsters attacking the ships in the city.
How many kids will Vlad and Farnese have in the epilogue? BechiiQM !cA75R4LBa6
Rolled 1 (1d4) >>5933442 This many!
It's a given how much kinky shit they're into, really.
>>5933431 >Unironically, an Aliens-verse quest would be pretty cool. But why would you want to play as a lowly human instead of the PERFECT ORGANISM!? Actually wait, there was a Xenomorph quest a while ago I believe. It was pretty rad if short lived. Honestly I think it'd be cool to play as a real hardass commando style Colonial Marine. The kind of guy who could conceivably melee a drone to death if it weren't for the acid blood. Of course, drones are piss easy compared to every other form.
Or on the flip side, a plucky rookie skating by on luck and a little help from his rapidly dwindling supply of friends. I've always been more partial to the horror side of the Alien franchise than the action side, despite the CM being really fucking cool. Who else has
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-6CLNt0ooQ Anonymous
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Rolled 2 (1d4) >>5933446 Your dice SUCK
Here's MINE
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>>5933449 A small squad of marines exploring and then escaping an infested world would be my favourite option for such a quest.
>>5932925 Does the existence of an eviler omniman suggest the existence of a nicer omniman? What about evilest omniman or nicest omniman?
Olympus QM
>>5931967 Might as well throw my hat in the ring
>Clever and cautious In the grand scheme of things, probably, but most of the characters in my quest (who don't end up dead very quickly) are bordering on pathologically paranoid. Between her and her only ally Pheme, Atë is also definitely the impulsive brawn of the group. As far as clever goes, she generally keeps her head screwed on but she has some... special moments.
>Pragmatist She's a bit impulsive and will sometimes go and take unnecessary risks because she wants to speed things along, but this generally lines up
>Risk-averse Atë generally likes to incur a bit of risk rather than potentially losing out on a good opportunity
>Scared of commitment, irrational hatred of any authority figure in their life She doesn't have any authority figures in life, but she wouldn't be where she is today without some major daddy issues. As for scared of commitment, "worried about being stabbed in the back" is kinda more accurate
Ultimately, I think that this stereotype is mostly born out of QMs getting salty that their players don't immediately start chasing after the plot designated love interest or bumble into obvious traps.
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>>5933476 >nicest omniman There is (actual comic spoilers)
the brief and abortive 'reboot' universe from the comic where Mark stops him from doing a lot of his awful stuff to civvies... >>5933478 >Ultimately, I think that this stereotype is mostly born out of QMs getting salty that their players don't immediately start chasing after the plot designated love interest or bumble into obvious traps. I think that makes a lot of sense. I do like a good 'gotcha', but I personally am always proud of my players when they avoid such a trap. I'm even PROUDER when they manage to thread a needle with clever right-ins and avoid the trap while still getting the 'cheese'.
new thread when? i need a new ip for high octane shitposting
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>>5931967 Not particularly.
>Clever and cautious pragmatist? Emi from Prinzessin Quest is decently clever when it comes to talking to people as befitting of an idol who was in the game for a couple years, so I guess that’s correct.
Kommgal from Loveless Gal is clever in a “getting away with murder” type. He knows how the legal system works (due to his earlier run-in with the law) and how to get retribution while being in the right.
>Risk-averse and scared of commitment? I have found it to be very opposite, in fact. In Prinzessin Quest, they gave the benefit of the doubt to someone suspected of harassing the troupe’ staff members instead of taking action immediately. In Loveless Gal players consistently push Kommgal to expand his boundaries and interact with the other NPCs, most notably his female colleague who merely tolerated him at the start of the quest. They went out of their way to pursue a friendship and relationship with her.
>Irrational hatred of authority figure? Emi doesn’t talk about the sharers [shareholders] of the troupe that frequently but she doesn’t hold a grudge against all of them; only ones which opposed her in the past. She understands its part of the industry to meet assholes.
Gal is ambivalent to them; the court ruled in favor of him and stated his use of force was justified, but the civil lawsuit from Amournnara did strain him quite a bit. Kommgal has few friends in the Nagel company - and he knows that - so its not so much hatred but rather a lack of care. Only at the start of the quest was when he started to give a shit again about himself and other people.
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>>5933491 Yeah, alright. It DOES take forever to load on mobile.
>>5933504 Anonymous
>>5932989 >cries about /pol/ >"I never said "don't get political"" k
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>>5933868 if you must squabble and quibble and be deliberately obtuse, at least come shitpost in the new QTG.
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam
Watcher from the Core !!gkPzrDKpHam ID:YX78Ljmq Fri 23 Feb 2024 19:58:07 No. 5933916 Report Quoted By:
>>5933409 Holy shit, this is a great day!
I thought it was dead!
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New QTG is up, for idiots like me who just thought things were real quiet today.
>>5933504 >>5933504 >>5933504 Thunderhead !H2opjANA/2
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Does anyone have any good examples of a quest run with multiple main characters? Like a arty? or perhaps rotating MCS. But not like a civ game where you play one leader after another. Something that would be more aplicable for a team.
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>>5938826 Lodestar does this, as of Thread 2.
Narrator !!btRlcMjw3B1
My /tg/ inspired quest is ready and I've built everything, but 4chan is cucking me from posting
https://youtu.be/d1x5GXMdK50?feature=shared Anyone want to be my liaison?
>>5938840 May want to ask in the new QTG for better results:
>>5933504 Narrator !!btRlcMjw3B1
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>>5938846 Oops thanks mate