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Good Morning America, welcome back to Enclave Remnant Quest
Here's the Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Enclave+Remnant+Quest
The Character sheets and general information can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1--Lg-RaDz7yqRx1DwUsE6P3qZzQyJlgBekMXIHUR_WU/edit?usp=sharing
The base calculations for Squad and larger scale combat can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19aZKpugV9t3Y8P4zmBPgpuAASRjE1kHmDyEb3iUY5fQ/edit?usp=sharing
Those calculations do not account for situational modifiers like commander competence, tactics, terrain etc.
A thorough explanation of the System can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1piKHWUbQHIF1G8F9WsXAJvWg7yWCkyP-Lxw_ba7djRg/edit
Please take your time to familiarize yourself with the rules there if you're new or returning or if you need clarification. You may also ask me if something is unclear.
If there is a tie at the end of the designated voting period then a designated tie breaker period will be established if by the end of the period the tie isn't broken I will roll a d100 and it will be split accordingly to decide.
Last time Ford and his team successfully infiltrated San Francisco, escaping with knowledge of Enclave Turn Coats in the Shi Government and the formula for hardened power armor. Unfortunately they return home to find the cell to be in dire straights about to break apart. Can Ford and the others hold the West coast Enclave together or will it collapse into bloody civil war?
Before going into the Unaligned factions actions and rolls I have rolled for the other three factions actions and here are the results
Final Unity this turn before Player actions:
Enclave Unity: 42% [Internal strife has intensified, coalition has dissolved]
Balance of Power:
Purists Perceived Power: 27.19%
Purists Actual Power: 14.14%
Establishment's Power: 16.77%
Reformists Power: 36.57%
Perceived Power: 19.41%
Actual Power: 32.56%
The Purists got 1 success on all actions they could get, leading to a rather ineffectual turn.
However the Establishmentarians got two natural 100s on a test to attempt to counteract purist influence in the coalition, this lead to the coalition dissolving due to factional infighting, and neutered the Establishments entire turn.
The Reformists were the big winner of this round as the coalition was dissolved, and they counteracted the purists efforts to weaken them, while in turn discrediting them.
Here are the actions the unaligned will take this turn
Establish an insider in the Reformists
Attempt to rally the Enclave against an external threat [NCR]
Elizabeth's Suggestion: Attempt to cool everyone off by reminding them that it's soon to be Christmas
Grant's Suggestion: Speak with Nelsons strike teams
Rosaline's Suggestion: Figure out if there are any moderates within the factions and get them to drop out
Here's the Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Enclave+Remnant+Quest
The Character sheets and general information can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1--Lg-RaDz7yqRx1DwUsE6P3qZzQyJlgBekMXIHUR_WU/edit?usp=sharing
The base calculations for Squad and larger scale combat can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19aZKpugV9t3Y8P4zmBPgpuAASRjE1kHmDyEb3iUY5fQ/edit?usp=sharing
Those calculations do not account for situational modifiers like commander competence, tactics, terrain etc.
A thorough explanation of the System can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1piKHWUbQHIF1G8F9WsXAJvWg7yWCkyP-Lxw_ba7djRg/edit
Please take your time to familiarize yourself with the rules there if you're new or returning or if you need clarification. You may also ask me if something is unclear.
If there is a tie at the end of the designated voting period then a designated tie breaker period will be established if by the end of the period the tie isn't broken I will roll a d100 and it will be split accordingly to decide.
Last time Ford and his team successfully infiltrated San Francisco, escaping with knowledge of Enclave Turn Coats in the Shi Government and the formula for hardened power armor. Unfortunately they return home to find the cell to be in dire straights about to break apart. Can Ford and the others hold the West coast Enclave together or will it collapse into bloody civil war?
Before going into the Unaligned factions actions and rolls I have rolled for the other three factions actions and here are the results
Final Unity this turn before Player actions:
Enclave Unity: 42% [Internal strife has intensified, coalition has dissolved]
Balance of Power:
Purists Perceived Power: 27.19%
Purists Actual Power: 14.14%
Establishment's Power: 16.77%
Reformists Power: 36.57%
Perceived Power: 19.41%
Actual Power: 32.56%
The Purists got 1 success on all actions they could get, leading to a rather ineffectual turn.
However the Establishmentarians got two natural 100s on a test to attempt to counteract purist influence in the coalition, this lead to the coalition dissolving due to factional infighting, and neutered the Establishments entire turn.
The Reformists were the big winner of this round as the coalition was dissolved, and they counteracted the purists efforts to weaken them, while in turn discrediting them.
Here are the actions the unaligned will take this turn
Establish an insider in the Reformists
Attempt to rally the Enclave against an external threat [NCR]
Elizabeth's Suggestion: Attempt to cool everyone off by reminding them that it's soon to be Christmas
Grant's Suggestion: Speak with Nelsons strike teams
Rosaline's Suggestion: Figure out if there are any moderates within the factions and get them to drop out