[120 / 1 / 16]
You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, warrior-queen of the nation whose name you share, and right now you’re facing down a small group of sailors aboard an enemy warship that you’ve boarded as part of your assault on their homeport.
These are engineers, not combat-trained soldiers, who no doubt left their quarters this morning with no idea that they might be put into a situation today where they might be expected to fight in close quarters against a woman with the blood of monsters flowing thick through her veins. None of them even came here with a sidearm, and so the closest thing any of them have to a weapon is the large wrench one is carrying.
“Hello there,” you greet them, just so slightly awkwardly. “How are you all doing?”
Two of the three stand silently, while one manages to find some courage. “We were doing well, until just now.”
“Sorry to hear that,” you reply. “But I’m in a bit of a hurry, so would you mind leaving peacefully?”
“That’s not…” the man frowns, before his voice falters.
“If you leave now you won’t be harmed,” you assure him. “And I won’t even tell anyone about it. But I need to secure the ammunition aboard this ship so nobody gets the bright idea to blow it up.”
The man with the wrench drops it and rushes to get around you and out into the corridor, while the other two aren’t far behind him. Rather than simply close the hatch and lock it, you take things one step further and bring your awakened fist down on the edges of the closed hatch to crimp them badly in six different places, essentially locking the hatch down onto the opening in a way that can’t be undone by any means short of cutting through the metal bulkhead around the door opening.
Your next objective is a similar magazine aft, serving all the guns aboard this ship located astern of the exhaust funnels. The thing you’re concerned about at the moment is that resistance will be higher – and in the corridor outside, as you progress further aft, that turns out to be well-founded. The sailors who confront you next short of the magazine are armed with pistols, and are taking cover behind open hatches.
>Simple solution – close the hatches. By force if need be.
>With your sword in hand you can cut THROUGH bulkheads.
>Warn the sailors exactly once. Intimidate them into cooperation.
These are engineers, not combat-trained soldiers, who no doubt left their quarters this morning with no idea that they might be put into a situation today where they might be expected to fight in close quarters against a woman with the blood of monsters flowing thick through her veins. None of them even came here with a sidearm, and so the closest thing any of them have to a weapon is the large wrench one is carrying.
“Hello there,” you greet them, just so slightly awkwardly. “How are you all doing?”
Two of the three stand silently, while one manages to find some courage. “We were doing well, until just now.”
“Sorry to hear that,” you reply. “But I’m in a bit of a hurry, so would you mind leaving peacefully?”
“That’s not…” the man frowns, before his voice falters.
“If you leave now you won’t be harmed,” you assure him. “And I won’t even tell anyone about it. But I need to secure the ammunition aboard this ship so nobody gets the bright idea to blow it up.”
The man with the wrench drops it and rushes to get around you and out into the corridor, while the other two aren’t far behind him. Rather than simply close the hatch and lock it, you take things one step further and bring your awakened fist down on the edges of the closed hatch to crimp them badly in six different places, essentially locking the hatch down onto the opening in a way that can’t be undone by any means short of cutting through the metal bulkhead around the door opening.
Your next objective is a similar magazine aft, serving all the guns aboard this ship located astern of the exhaust funnels. The thing you’re concerned about at the moment is that resistance will be higher – and in the corridor outside, as you progress further aft, that turns out to be well-founded. The sailors who confront you next short of the magazine are armed with pistols, and are taking cover behind open hatches.
>Simple solution – close the hatches. By force if need be.
>With your sword in hand you can cut THROUGH bulkheads.
>Warn the sailors exactly once. Intimidate them into cooperation.