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40k Minor Xenos Quest: Under Hunter Tribes 2

!2gxW5JDLSc ID:he/oV0/I No.5958470 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Welcome into the stone-ice age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in <span class="mu-s">The Crack</span>, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :
The fire-mastering Blanks of GrassGreen
The Assassin-tamers of Holey Moley Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch blanks of Jupiter
The Merchants of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker and History-recorders of Cerulean

The fourth matriarch have reach the end of their life expectancy.
For those of you which held a tribe's fate in your claw...
>How should your tribe develop? (don't forget to claim a name and a trip)

Interrested in joining? No spots yet for tribe. But you can still claim a name including "Lurker" and a trip if you want to interract with the game as events.

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