>>6003034>PICK UP THE TORCH - ENTRY 1>1405- Timur, the Ruler of the Timurid Empire has died. Timur, Tamerlane, The Sword of Islam, Timur the Lame; he carried many names although you knew him as brother. You are Kartal (we can vote on this, Eagle in ancient Uzbek), and you were there since the beginning. Ever since that faithful day young Timur and your small band began raiding travelers for food and their herds, and the glorious leader took the injury that started the name that has casted the darkness of fear in the hearts of all men of the known world. Though the true Mongol Empire has not been fully reconstituted, Timur was close. From Delhi to Aleppo, the empire stretches. Surrounded on all sides by ravenous dogs such as the bastard Ottomans, the Golden Horde, or the other worthless Sultanates. While they might be cowed for now with the pain and devastion your old master inflicted upon them, it will not be long now with his death that they will seek revenge.
Your old leader appointed his various sons to positions of power, and while some are certainly useful; they tend to squable more than cooperate. The non-related higher ups are just as likely to sodomize you in a field as they are to come to your aid. As Timur's old second in command, they seek to take your place for the next Emperor.
>CharacterNow the old OP did not give me much to work with, so we're just gonna roll with it.
As an undead being created by some strange occult ritual by 13th century Islamic and Asiatic necromancers, you have some powers - we need to determine what they are. You start with 5 points, and can trade curses for boons.
>5 POINTS AVAILABLE>ANIMA BOONS -1 POINT(S) : EYES OF AN EAGLE : Matching your namesake, the necromancers enhanced your vision, you can see to the horizon as if it was inside your tent.
-2 POINT(S) : PREPARED FOR BATTLE : The necromancers made numerous alterations and improvements to your original body during the ritual. Your bones were lined with iron, blades set at your wrists. Your body was embalmed with with devils blood, and will set alight if spilled. (Sidenote: This upgrade is lost should your body be destroyed and you do not die)
-3 POINT(S) : THIS IS MY BODY : The loss of limbs, your head, or complete destruction of your body will not stop you. Barring outside inteference, you have the power to will your body back together from carrion, or mold your form at will.
>SPIRITUS BOONS -1 POINT(S) : OUTER DARKNESS : Whirling magics surround you at will, extendable out to fifty square meters, unless aided by outside forces - only you can see, hear, or smell in this darkness.
-2 POINT(S) : INVICTUS : You channel the cult of personality Timur once had, wrapping yourself in his image fueled with magic. Your words inspire men to battle, and your blood binds them under your spell.