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Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #29

!!PpplEhKKhIj ID:Ce9JL93P No.6019065 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread you spent some time working on a set of space-ready guns, suitable for use by humans and non-humans alike.

Besides that, you also spent a good amount of time traveling the world and relaxing with your crew, something you don't get to do a whole lot of.
A lot of it was, for you at least, an excuse to get authentic food right from the source. Stuff you could print out later on the nanofab.

However, during one of those relaxing moments, you were attacked by chinese spies. Well, mall cops, really.
Already not being a big fan of China, you retaliated by having SHODAN shut down their infrastructure for a day, and blasting uncomfortable truths across their internet and airwaves.

Believing, perhaps rightfully so, that this was an attack by the US... China began ramping up it's invasion plans, sending thousands of people to mexico for a quiet land invasion.
But with all the world's computers in SHODAN's hands, it's hard to slip anything past you. So of course, you responded... proportionally.

Once again, you shut down China's infrastructure. Mainly it's communications and military were affected, with the public largely having been spared in order to prevent mass starvation and likely large-scale war.
That being because this time, it was permanent. SHODAN wiped data, fried computer chips and destroyed critical equipment, including chip-manufacturing facilities, ensuring that there was no simple fix. The damage was real.

The risk of even greater retaliation was there, but fortunately did not occur. It seems that even amongst the Chinese, nobody was truly willing to scorch the earth under their own feet.

Still, now that the governments of earth are becoming more aware of your existence, it is of course troublesome. You're forced to move the ship regularly to avoid being harassed, and you're always looking over your shoulder.
So now, you feel, is a good time to skedaddle and hit the ol' dusty trail. Kind of a shit and run, sure, but you don't care one bit. You got everything you ever wanted or cared about on this trip.

Now though, what will the situation be like on your return to Xebric? Will the station be in better straits, or will have things gone even further awry?
Has the Federation paid the station a visit? What about those bugs who have burrowed their way into the asteroid Xebric is built upon? What other issues might there be?

Find out this time, on Humanity Fuck Yeah!

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