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Cleaner Quest #6

!!k8ZbH4xhBG5 ID:McLKkos/ No.6028147 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Despite everyone living in the massive megacomplex called the <span class="mu-s">City</span> saying it's a very bad idea, you are still <span class="mu-s">Nicole Smith.</span> You still have your anomalous powers and you still have the voices screaming in your head.

You're still a <span class="mu-s">Cleaner</span>, a a deniable asset used by massive mega-corporations called the <span class="mu-s">Alphabet Companies</span> and anyone else willing to pay you. Most of your jobs are from your <span class="mu-s">Handler</span> a member of a powerful family who asks you to check up on things or 'clean' up messes for him.

Over the last few days, you've had a lot on your plate. You explored an old, nearly abandoned W-Corp mine in search of a missing girl from the prestigious Vanni family while trying to avoid the other corpos who were trying to find the missing girl as well. On the way down, you managed to find out how corrupt the mayor of the town was and that the missing girl came down there under false pretenses.

You then worked together with the corpos to let the mayor die while they clean up the mess left behind. You managed to find out what W-Corp's singularity was in the meantime and after everything settled down, you gave two of your allies (Max and Benjamin) an injection of ICP Energy to awaken an anomalous Spark in them. Who knows what will develop of this? Hopefully the couple is happy with the decision they made.

After a series of tense dinner discussions and corporate negotiations, you found an odd satellite in the middle of your district and the question on who owns it and why it exists lingers in the back of your mind. Before you can think any further on it, you then prepared to investigate a series of mysterious tunnels that were propping up all over J-Corp's district to find out what the hell is going on.

Now that you're exploring with six of your allies, including a weird cowboy and a schizophrenic mess of a woman from W-Corp, you found out that it's from an old P-Corp facility trying to unseal itself after decades underground. If you don't stop it, you worry that the intense amount of A-Energy leaking into the air will destroy the surface. It's already raining a lot and from what you know, the rain is caused by the A-Energy being let out.

So be it. Anything to wash out those god damn Silver Agents hunting you. You'll make sure they'll drown down there.

MAIN CHARACTER SHEET (has your stats + perks + abilities):
ALLIES (contains their stats, abilities, recruitment costs, and RAPPORT):
MECHANICS (contains the explanation of stats, how stat checks work, and some other minor rules):
INVENTORY (contains your items, consumables, weapons, etc.):
CITY INFO (General information about the Alphabet Companies and other notable entities):