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Claymore: Second Swords Quest #87

!!mceqYMwptbm ID:u+4N1nvZ No.6046607 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You are Noel Tiberius di Hazaran, and at this moment your objective is to root out a small force that has fortified a low hilltop deep within occupied Sakian territory. When you’ve done that, a group of rebels who have turned on your enemy from the distant Continent – but who aren’t quite what you’d call ‘reliable allies’ – will be able to take up residence here, fortify the position, and use it as a logistical strong point to support their growing operations in Sakia. Your hope is that the invading army, after having found its high water mark in trying and failing to cross the mountains to the south and assault your homeland in Hazaran, will start to eat itself from the inside and make it possible to start actually liberating Sakia.

With you now are Aurora, Valentina, and Serana – all accomplished warriors in their own right, two of which are able to partially awaken to enhance their abilities beyond even the monstrous ‘average’ set by your Silver-Eyed cohort. The fact that you can’t simply kill all of these people is something of a complicating factor, but it’s a standard of behavior you and your kind accepted and now maintain willingly.

You can definitely handle this situation, between your inhuman speed and regenerative abilities. But any offensive type warriors may be vulnerable to those cannon shells, or to bullet wounds to the head, since their regenerative abilities aren’t as strong.

That’s why you decide to wait until you have the cover of darkness to make your move, and bide your time by observing your enemy and discussing strategy among your assembled cohort.

“There are areas where their artillery can overlap,” Valentina observes, “but also some arcs where the carriers are in each other’s way.”

“And isn’t there a limit to how low their guns can angle?” Aurora asks.

You nod once – you remember that being the case. “Yes but the hill’s slope is pretty gentle, so that may not help.”

[There is not much cover,] Serana adds her own observation. [We should move quickly once we start to advance.]

“Agreed,” you nod. “Now remember we’re just softening this location up, so the goal is to deal with the artillery first, then either chase the infantry off, knock them down, or distract them.”

“Should we try to capture the guns?” Valentina wonders.

>No, let’s not expose ourselves to any greater risk than necessary – these AREN’T our allies we’re helping here after all.
>We can destroy the carriers without damaging the guns inside – that’s the best middle ground in this situation.
>Partially awakening should allow us to overturn the carriers, rendering the guns temporarily useless. I like it.