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Part-Timer Apocalypse

ID:nc/0R0ss No.6062738 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Another boring shift at the convenience store. Being a part-timer sucks. When school ends you get to watch all the other boys and girls head out to cafes to hang out or study, or sneak off into some abandoned building to smoke cigs and fool around. The nerds slink away from school to avoid their bullies and convene at the PC cafe's and play Leader Legends, and the jocks stay at the gym to practice with their team. You don't even get to be a bullied nerd. You're no one. Just a wallflower who has to go to work as soon as school ends. Your life is work, school, sleep, work, school, sleep, work, school, sleep, with the occasional morning on the weekends to sleep in. But your parents are flat broke. Two deadbeats who live off the government's teat and treat you like you don't even exist. Your older sibling ran away as soon as they were old enough, and you're not far behind them, you figure. Anyway, long story short, your parents don't have jack, so that's why you're working at this shitty convenience store.

This evening at the store has been quieter than normal. In fact, you don't think there's been a single customer all night. Even the bums who normally scrape together enough change to buy a box of cigarettes haven't popped in, which makes it feel like your shift is dragging on. You sit behind the cash register, staring at the clock and wishing that you could somehow make time move faster. The isolation, the fluorescent lighting, the monotonous hum of the air conditioner put you in an almost hypnotic state, and you start to get some premonition: right now you're experiencing the calm before the storm. Soon your life is going to change forever. You start reflecting on who you are.

You are a...

You have an older...

You always carry a...
>Pocket Knife
>Box of fire-crackers and lighter
>A screwdriver

If you didn't have to work part-time, you'd want to be a...
>You'd stay a wallflower