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The Supreme Heavenly Emperor Got Bored

ID:7CSa8afE No.6063551 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Rolled 60, 68 = 128 (2d100)

You are <span class="mu-s">Badao Hamigua</span>.

Your name is known far and wide as the Thrice Blessed Spicy Immortal Emperor who achieved the furthest Realm Beyond Heaven. Your manor grounds extended seven hundred and forty-seven thousand times the length of the universe in each direction from your palace, a distance you could travel in but the span of two steps. Jade beauties assembled in your garden with the grace of seventeen quintillion and three neatly trimmed flowering apple shrubs. You possessed such wealth that gold flowed from your coffers like water in the Euphrates, that purest white jade could be used like a common paving stone.

All of it, meaningless. The endless riches, the infinity of living space, the once delightful naked bosoms of the women who swore to you their endless devotion... in the end, all of that is meaningless. You wanted for nothing, none could oppose you, and with but a thought you shattered through every realm of cultivation and ascended to a divinity that stood beyond divinity. But none of it matters.

You have seen Mount Tai and you have found it wanting.

"I am going on journey," you tell the women serving as your pillows. Yang Li and the ever-youthful Roxanne, the finest jewels of your collection and the most faithful among your women. They alone hold such devotion in their loyal hearts that you need not bind their hearts with the power of the Seventy Third Curse of the Crowing Rooster. One tight and lithe, the other soft and ever-bountiful, both of their hearts belong to you. "I mean to cast my soul upon the wheel of Samsara once more, to a realm that cannot cultivate. I know not when I shall return."

"We shall keep the other women in line, my darling lord~" Yang Li assures you. Her ample bosom presses cradles your head, her golden hair tickling her brow. "Any worthless soul who thinks she can forsake her duties because her master is not about... ufufufu~"

"We'll punish them and send you the memories!" Roxanne chirps from her place upon your lap. Her hair is vibrant as the sky, her body small and lithe compared to Yang Li's bountiful and motherly figure... yet she is no less blessed with womanly beauty. A tomboyish beauty, for sure, but that is your childhood friend's charm. A devious smile curls upon her lips. "I'd bet you'd like that, my sweet canteloupe~ You know how Yang gets when she has someone to punish..."

You laugh. Lesser trophies should kneel to their betters, and you do enjoy the sight of your greatest treasures putting uppity bitches in their place. "I'll look forward to it. Now, my jewels, I'm afraid I must be off to the Lathe of Heaven..."
>Rolling 2d100 for your reincarnation
>First is for your sex.
>1 is Female. 2-40 is Hermaphrodite. 41-100 is Male.
>Second is your social position.
>Higher is richer, with 1 being extreme poverty and 100 being extreme wealth and power.

Choose the setting
>Low fantasy
>Isekai fantasy
>Urban fantasy
>Cyberpunk with Cthulhu
>Space Age
>Space Fantasy