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Forgotten Realms Adventures Vol. XX

!!2IhCLnnO0Db ID:LWGrJeUt No.6071179 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The year is 1374 DR. Sixteen years have passed since the Time of Troubles, when the gods were made humble, and forced to wander the Realms as mortals. With the ascension of the mad god Cyric, Prince of Lies, and the recent return of the tyrant god Bane, Lord of Darkness, the future of Faerûn seems increasingly uncertain. It falls to bold individuals who possess an abundance of cunning, might, and determination to shape the future... should they be up to the challenge.

"You can use a sword," you remark, nodding toward the weapon at her hip. It is a short blade of surfacer origin, with a shape suggesting that it is designed for slashing. The half-breed seems caught off-guard by your question, her eyes widening slightly. "That's right. Though to be honest, my marksmanship is much better than my sword skill," she replies sheepishly. Drawing the weapon that has been by your side since the moment you emerged from the Underdark into the surface world, you incline it toward her and grin. "Show me how you use it. I want to see."

Reluctantly, she answers your challenge, bringing her blade to bear. "It has been so long since I have sparred," she admits readily. "I couldn't possibly be a suitable opponent for the warrior who defeated Malar's champion." You shrug nonchalantly, playfully twirling your weapon. "Not a problem. Just attack me," you state calmly, leaving her visibly unsettled. Electing to defer to your experience, she finds her resolve and tightens her grip on her weapon. "All right, then. I won't hold back."

Using your sword, you beckon for her to approach, inviting her to strike first. Lowering her profile, she breaks into a sprint and attempts to circle around you to strike at you from the side, hoping to leverage the natural agility of her lineage's good half to blindside you. Without a doubt, she is attempting to make use of the Bautha Z'hin style, which emphasizes evasion and maneuverability, as well as being one of the martial arts that you have a particularly strong affinity for.