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With Great Power Quest: Recap

!!h15+BsQodN2 ID:GoebJS61 No.6079011 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I'm planning on ending a long hiatus.

A few years ago I was running an OC Cape Quest called 'With Great Power'. It did okay until I burned out, then got a job, and then burned out again. It's always been in the back of my mind though, so I decided to bring it back. It being literal years since I last ran it though, with the player base long since dead, a recap thread seemed like a good idea.

So what is 'With Great Power'?

For one, despite the name its not a Spider-Man quest.

Set in Chicago, you play as Eric Miller/Hotspur, a teenage boy recently empowered in an event called the Chicago Explosion. A mysterious cosmic phenomenon, the Chicago Explosion has empowered hundreds of people seemingly at random across the Midwest, and as time goes by there are signs of it spreading across the world. Most of these newly empowered people just want to stick to being ordinary people, a small number though have taken up the mantles of heroes and villains. Called 'parafreaks' by some, they've already become the center of some serious political attention, with conspiracy theories and the media stoking fear and suspicion against this small group.

(Yeah, its very X-Men. Mutants without other super powered people running around.)

Meanwhile there are hints of a far more dire, cosmically significant conflict at hand. Something called the Druj is infecting the world, its tendrils corrupting every day people. Eric's sometime ally, James Green, the recently empowered Red Wizard, knows more than he does. What Eric has figured out so far is its connected somehow to ancient Iranian mythology and religion, specifically the Zoroastrian teachings.

Eric is a decent kid trying to do good. He lives with his widower dad around Humboldt Park. He plays on the school basketball team, has a complicated relationship with a couple of girls, and is also the unofficial leader of a rag tag group of street heroes called Fire Watch. He's had run ins with the mafia, biker gangs, the cartel, and shadowy government agencies that seem intent on using the newly empowered people for their own ends. His super powered opponents have ranged from invisible perverts to mindlessly hungry gelatinous blobs, and every gang now seems to have some kind of super powered asshole on their payroll.