>>6096275bea looking akari. praying. akari looking girl. calculating. girl looking bea. dreaming
2 vera: don't knock her! brain damange bad!
4 bea: b-brain damange?
5 akari: worth it. witch-kissed unpredictable. kill themselves sometimes
4 bea: k-kill themselves?
2 vera: just-just break kiss! power of love! muha muha
akari grimaces. girls are gross. she knows well. then... face relaxes. akari sighs
5 akari: you. why sad?
points at girl
green-eyed girl: bad luck always. unstoppable. can't have peace. can have cake
5 akari: what you do? what you like? what's your thing?
green-eyed girl: pop-up books
akari waits. girl says nothing
5 akari: how efficient. just pop-up books, so what's bad?
green-eyed girl: everything
2 vera: wow, so depressing. cheer up! what's your name?
green-eyed girl: miharu
2 vera: im vera
4 bea: im bea
2 vera: and that's akari
5 akari: shut up. let me talk. this is delicate. you. why bad luck?
miharu: friends boring. money stupid. no boobs-
akari: yes, whatever. i don't care. what happened?
miharu: i was mean. then dog died. i kicked dog. dog mean too. but it died
2 vera: wow
5 akari: make sense. when dog died? right there?
miharu: no. later. it escaped. little poodle. then car hit. my fault. no kick. no death. i want cake. never be angry. never again
bea look akari. vera look akari. akari scratches head. so? shit happens, right? what an overreaction
5 akari: you aren't cursed. well, you are. but for now. look. dogs are evil. fuck them. especially poodles. i know truth. politicians are dogs. it's obvious. they ruin economy. but you? you did great. you awesome person. poodles kill people. not directly; indirectly. but they do. make people weak. make people angry. make people overwork. make kids cry. but now? kids safe. people happy. people strong. people eight hours. thanks to you
miharu: thanks to me...?
5 akari: thanks to you. you are savior. repeat with me. fuck poodles. they are evil. fuck poodles. they are evil
miharu: ...fuck poodles. t-they are... evil...
5 akari: bea. vera
5 bea: b-but dogs nice?
2 vera: fuck poodles! they are evil! fuck poodles! they are evil! bea!
4 bea: f-f-f-screw poodles! they are evil!
miharu: fuck poodles! they are evil!
>5 ღ: m? roll 48 = girl in love (make girl happy)