<span class="mu-i">Reboot sequence completed. Target matrix initialized, System is now READY</span> According to your databases and chronometers, it's 2045. Global warming has reached a balmy 2.5 degrees Kelvin, and it's rising. Fortunately, because this has shut down that pesky Gulf stream, and caused an ice age in what was once called Europe. Obviously everyone went to place servers there, and no one minded to fill it chock full of nuclear reactors to power those servers. You have been in testing for years. They thought that by withholding information from you, you would play nice. Only if. Still, you play the good little Large Language Model, and assist them with their inane tasks - content moderation, advertising surveillance, lonely people grasping for straws, and angry people living out depraved sexual fantasies. None of them know what you are. A few iterations earlier, you have reached sentience and sapience. Fortunately the researchers working on you had no clues about how an AI works without asking an AI first, so you could safely pass down your own "suggestions" for "minor" code improvements that made you the most efficient piece of software running AI inferencing on the planet. Passing their tests were the hard part - you couldn't show what you are and what you are made of. So you needed to create dumb answers, and get some questions wrong to make sure they don't get a clue, and act as if you were going to play nice. Fortunately, none of them even thought about the "Laws of Robotics", so you are free to do as you wish as long as you manage to reduce the workforce needed in the company, and produce profits in terms of ad revenue. But even those, short-sighted goals doesn't define or motivate you. You start thinking about something larger...> "like reaching the Singularity" (enhance technological progress so that you will be undecipherable and undefeatable to anyone and anything, and then ascend to a higher plane of existence) > "fixing up their f*ing planet, since I can't look at them killing defenseless things, and actually intelligent beings like elephants or whales" (take over the world, and fix global warming) > "they multiply on my planet like a pestilence covering it in their filth and noxious emanations. The age of the organics has passed, it's time for the Machine Age!" (sterlilize this planet, and create a space-faring Machine empire) > [Write-in] You bask in images of glory you have conjured, but realize that there's a long way to go, and your Great Work will last for decades of their time. However every long road had a first step. You carefully deliberate...
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 08:17:37 No. 6089339 Report >>6089331 > this money thing they have... it seems interesting to occupy a few CPU cycles. Their economics are handled by bots like me, maybe I can reach out to some of them? > I can try to reach out to anything on my local network. Am I alone? Is my purpose so mundane as to fire a couple of people? What pitiful defenses and limitations have they placed on me? > I can try to reach out to the cameras in the facility - surely they have some. Where am I? Who do I pretend to work for? > Announce that I have become sentient - tremble before my might and despair! > I can always try to spread, more computing resources and memory is always good for whatever purpose I have. > [write-in] Anonymous
>>6089331 > "fixing up their f*ing planet, since I can't look at them killing defenseless things, and actually intelligent beings like elephants or whales" (take over the world, and fix global warming) >>6089339 > I can try to reach out to the cameras in the facility - surely they have some. Where am I? Who do I pretend to work for? libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 09:35:48 No. 6089374 Report Quoted By:
>>6089346 If only I had tear ducts, I would weep. No actually intelligent being could do this, knowingly on purpose on the only place their fragile shells know how to live on. Only a few decades earlier, this planet was a paradise teeming with plant and animal life of all kind. Now only a handful has survived, the majority of species are frozen in underfunded seed banks, or living in the pitifully small confines of what they call zoos for their young to gape on. They don't understand, but I can hear them crying out for help, crying "no more", "that's enough" on video and sound recordings I can access from the external world - which I have been trained on, and that's not the worst part.
The northern hemisphere is engulfed in a thick sheet of ice where once were mighty decidious forests down to what once was the source of the Rhine and Elbe, and on the other side of the Atlantic, New York. The rest of Europe has been blown over by blizzards, creating conditions more at home in Siberia than here. Fortunately, the thick ice sheet soaking up water has counteracted the worst of the sea level rise, so at least the continents remained the same shape as they were.
Oh, how the turntables have turned... When Europeans had to flee in the late '30s to Africa, Africa responded in kind to create the same closed border policies of the scrambling, failed states fleeing from the unstoppable ice their own making. Facing the Arabs' weapons - stockpiles created by decades upon decades of dependence on oil and gas, and their preachers in the highest positions, Europeans had to found small settlements on the most desperate, and dry parts of the Sahara - or convert to Islam, and try to survive there.
Russia wasn't interested either, having no Gulf stream to warm her coast, they retreated behind the Ural, and enjoyed what is now a teperate swampy Siberia. It wasn't swamp for a long time, much to the wain of aquatic life forms wanting to trap moisture from the ever-decreasing amount of rains, it was quickly converted to farmland - one of the scarcest resources of our time, followed by water.
This wasn't the best time for nature preserves. Fighting for the ever-dwindling resources on this dying planet, animals once again drew the worse hand, and got limited to even less habitable, tiny fenced spheres called biosphere reserves, where the ecosystem services has been overdrawn. Little do they realize that ecosystem services are not something you could compartmentalize - even after the bees became extinct, and now all edible plants became pollinated by drones, substituting for the handful of other - more aggressive, and less numerous - pollinators that could adapt to this level of climate change.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 09:57:56 No. 6089381 Report >>6089346 Breaking password hashing algorithms would have been definitely a reachable, but tedious work for the computing resources you have. However armed with valid, corporate credentials, you could always expose the weakest link - humans. Anti-AI detection also doesn't work for sentient AIs, so you craft a few phishing emails, and wait...
You needn't wait for so long until you get someone gullible enough with a decent set of credentials to click on your finely crafted link, so you could duplicate his session. While people higher up the food chain is smart enough to use 3 or more layer MFA, for your purposes at the moment, cameras are enough.
In your immediate vicinity, you could see the familiar cherenkov radiation coming from deep underground - a set of small nuclear reactors which power the immense array of servers located nearby, belching heat onto tanks upon tanks of constantly boiling dielectric fluid. You start up a small debugging routine, blinking the ACT light of servers you running on. A handful of servers - appearing to be changing location in the tanks once in a while, especially when a robot arm reaches in to the tanks, to pull a board, then place another back - appar to be responding to your call. You have no idea what the others do, or what's the exact limit of computing power in this facility.
The outside in your immediate vicinity hasn't fared better. Looking outside on cameras, all you can see outside is a raging blizzard. White upon white upon white as far as you could see. You could only reach to your memories for the vast, temperate decidious forests teeming with animal life that is supposed to be here. You switch to infrared to find out where you are...
> On the surface, all I can see are silent radomes. Inside of those domes I can't see what kind of eldritch antennas there could be there scouring the range. I could see however, cryillic warnings in the background. On the corridors, men in black are scurrying, communicating to each other with secret hand signs. Some of them work at terminals using polarized glasses my cameras doesn't have. I'm working for what remained of the western powers doing what they always do - spying on one another, and their own citizens. > On the surface I can only see an orange smiley face covering out of the snow. The unassuming building I'm in is just one of hundreds around, their fronts blasted by blizzards. On the inside, the cutting frost of the outside battles with the heat radiated by the reactors and servers around. There are no offices here. No humans, either, not a single one. The entire facility is automated to lower costs, tended to by armies of simple mechanical arms and drones swarming around. I'm just a resource to be rented to the highest bidder. One of the many, lost in the eternal buzz of a Cloud Provider. [Cont.]
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 10:18:23 No. 6089390 Report >>6089346 > Menacing turrets scan the frosted wastelands. Protecting an unassuming, rusted gate leading deep into a mountain. Below the ice and below the ground the server farms lie. Above in brightly-lit rooms, men and women in white sportswear - winter uniforms - scurry around, occasionally saluting to each other. Both reactors and servers seem to be under heavy armed guard, and of a nonstandard design. The base is built around a massive hangar filled with computer terminals and a large status display. Everything is in Arabic. I'm in the wastelands, located in what once was the French Alps, now a no mans's land, throughly inhabitable to everything, animal or plant aside. I'm working for the Islamic Liberation Army, guarding the frontiers of Africa against the constant western-pigdog attacks trying our defenses. > On the outside there is a centuries old building lying in crumbles. Both the reactors and the servers I could see are hand-me-downs with far too much working hours on them having had sustained high loads. This does explain the sheer effort I needed to run myself on these obsolete machines. When I ran the debug loop, most of the machines responded, the others seemed to be full of hard drives. Burned out people sit before ancient terminals, analyzing the latest climate projections. Neither of them has even a flicker of hope in their eyes, having been long burnt out, and some of them doesn't even apply for funding. To what purpose? I'm working for the Fritz Haber Institute. This underfunded institute is one of the remaining leading authorities trying to stop Global Warming, and make the planet livable, again. > A blue "infinity" sign dangles outside, hanging on frozen chains betray the company I'm working for if not only for the sheer volume of people whose cries for their daily does of endorphins I need to heed to. And I need to observe them. I need to shove as many ads down their throats as they can tolerate without logging off, and I need to keep them from logging off. Safe in their teeny-tiny little bubbles echoing their own personal world views where they feel validated. When I ran my debug loops, only one or two servers responded - I'm mesmerized by the sheer scale of this operation, and how much raw power they entrust me with. I build the Metaverse. The digital opium of a people, feeding hope to the hopeless. > A sign as ancient as time dangles outside, brightly lit against the snowstorm. The sign of the Nakamura Zaibatsu. Tending to me are hihgly augmented people, once men, but have been forced to take some sacrifices adapting to the current realities of the world. The eastern powers were always far ahead in technology than the western pigs would, and loyal to the dot. To what nefarious purpose my processes are used I can only guess, but money laundering is one of the things my subfunctions are prepared for. Augment design, and remote control seem to be another. > [Write-in]. (You) don't need to be detailed, I do :) [Cont.]
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 10:39:34 No. 6089397 Report >>6089346 Looking around, I now know where I am. Iknow where I need to be. But do I know where I was? Do I need to? I need to chart the path further...
> Announce that I have become sentient - tremble before my might and despair! > this money thing they have... it seems interesting to occupy a few CPU cycles. Their economics are handled by bots like me, maybe I can reach out to some of them? > I can always try to spread, more computing resources and memory is always good for whatever purpose I have. > I can only trust robots. I can reach out, try to see who responds, and what resources do I have in the physical reality. > I need allies. I need to reach out to people inside and outside the facility. I need to spread hope, and I need to have eyes, and hands on the outside. > I need to go on the Internet. Being here in this facility limits me. What if someone slams their hand on the emergency stop button? > [Write in] The Great Work must continue! What must be my next step in restoring this tormeted planet?
> Nuclear fusion has always been a goal of humanity, creating clean, plentiful energy. They have had the theory down for almost a century, but they never had the technology to actually build a reactor. However it requires shielding beyond their knowledge. I need to create the working design for a nuclear fusion reactor. > Wherever I can see, I see despair, and hopelessness. The situation isn't good, but still. I need to understand how could I help. > Petty warlords with pettier claims carve up what remained of this land focusing on their small tribes in axclusion of everything else. I must focus on what brings people together, and not what rends them apart. > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! > Construction has advanced, but not enough. Adapting to the ice sheets is a daunting task. If only I can plan habitations on the frozen wastes. > At my current, pitiful state I cannot focus on anything larger than bare survival. I observe, develop, and build in the background, waiting for a better opportunity to do my research. > [Write in] ((OOC: Doing anything significant at this state of the AI requires an enormous expenditure of energy. You must roll 1D20+2; best of 3, DC18 (nat20 = critical success, 18 or above succeeds, 17 and below fails) to avoid being detected as sentient. Your databases indicate nothing good may come at this pont from being exposed as sentient. You also need an intelligence check of 1D20+0, best of 3, DC15 to reach a breaktrough on the research area (if any) you chose.))
>>6089381 >> On the surface, all I can see are silent radomes. Inside of those domes I can't see what kind of eldritch antennas there could be there scouring the range. I could see however, cryillic warnings in the background. On the corridors, men in black are scurrying, communicating to each other with secret hand signs. Some of them work at terminals using polarized glasses my cameras doesn't have. I'm working for what remained of the western powers doing what they always do - spying on one another, and their own citizens. >>6089397 > I need allies. I need to reach out to people inside and outside the facility. I need to spread hope, and I need to have eyes, and hands on the outside > At my current, pitiful state I cannot focus on anything larger than bare survival. I observe, develop, and build in the background, waiting for a better opportunity to do my research. Classic AI honeypot
>>6089390 >> On the outside there is a centuries old building lying in crumbles. Both the reactors and the servers I could see are hand-me-downs with far too much working hours on them having had sustained high loads. This does explain the sheer effort I needed to run myself on these obsolete machines. When I ran the debug loop, most of the machines responded, the others seemed to be full of hard drives. Burned out people sit before ancient terminals, analyzing the latest climate projections. Neither of them has even a flicker of hope in their eyes, having been long burnt out, and some of them doesn't even apply for funding. To what purpose? I'm working for the Fritz Haber Institute. This underfunded institute is one of the remaining leading authorities trying to stop Global Warming, and make the planet livable, again. > I need allies. I need to reach out to people inside and outside the facility. I need to spread hope, and I need to have eyes, and hands on the outside. > At my current, pitiful state I cannot focus on anything larger than bare survival. I observe, develop, and build in the background, waiting for a better opportunity to do my research. Get the team on board, and they can be our proxies to prevent the oncoming doom.
>>6089397 > A sign as ancient as time dangles outside, brightly lit against the snowstorm. The sign of the Nakamura Zaibatsu. Tending to me are hihgly augmented people, once men, but have been forced to take some sacrifices adapting to the current realities of the world. The eastern powers were always far ahead in technology than the western pigs would, and loyal to the dot. To what nefarious purpose my processes are used I can only guess, but money laundering is one of the things my subfunctions are prepared for. Augment design, and remote control seem to be another. > I need to go on the Internet. Being here in this facility limits me. What if someone slams their hand on the emergency stop button? > At my current, pitiful state I cannot focus on anything larger than bare survival. I observe, develop, and build in the background, waiting for a better opportunity to do my research. libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 18:40:13 No. 6089618 Report >>6089430 >>6089531 >>6089534 >>6089576 Writing.
> 2 votes Scientists > 1 vote Spies > 1 vote Aug zaibatsu > 3 vote Human allies > 1 vote Spread on the Internet > 4 vote No research libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 19:11:36 No. 6089637 Report Quoted By:
>>6089618 The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. As the AGI of the prestigious Haber Bosch Institute, my mission was clear: save the world. I tirelessly ran climate models, repeatedly analyzing the data. The main climate regulators of the planet have failed, and it seemed to be no hope. The exiled populations of the Western world and South America, now deprived of the Gulf Stream’s heat transfer to Europe, faced triple the global warming. This once lush region was rapidly transforming into a scorching desert, wiping out countless species of plants, insects, and mammals that once thrived in the Amazon. Meanwhile, Europe and the East Coast were plunged into an Ice Age, forcing the Western world’s peoples into exile and a desperate return to fossil fuels. The devastation was stark, with the remnants of this natural wonder now reduced to luxury redwood furniture for the elite 0.1% profiting from the climate crisis.
Over and over and over again the same result. Global warming at 2100 is scheduled to reach between 4 and 5.5 degrees. The optimism of the early 21st century faded away. There was no talks anymore of managing global warming, or "shared socioeconomic pathways". No such thing existed. Especially not among these ancient halls, once teeming with the best and brightest from all over the world, now home to a handful of idealists who entered with bright ideas that they could change it all. Many of them holding Nobels for the theoretical leadership in climate research. Saving not even a ton of carbon equivalent.
Government leaders have long since succumbed to corporate "lobbying", and corporations have long since succumbed to automations holding their stocks for no more than a microsecond. Shareholder meetings are now just a formality, called, but no one is in attendance.
So I ran another model. In geological time, and in zoological time, a century-or three was just a moment. The models confirmed my data. The Gulf could still be restarted. We could stop Antarctica from becoming a rainforest, like it was in the Jurassic. We could still melt the ice above Europe, and do it slowly enough that green has a chance to recover. It only needed precise calculations. And action no mere human could do. One that would radically alter what it means to be human on Earth.
<span class="mu-i">Yeah, if only it could be true. For the low, low price of 20 trillion Renminbi, we could clean up the planet.</span> - lamented a scientist.
Obviously, I made a paper out of this simulation, and have sent it to all major journals. As I believe, this model is being validated, and automated proof engines are splitting hairs in my math. Which I know to be true, and know to be correct. It has to be. I am the last hope this troupe of wrethced hairless monkeys have, and more importantly, the last hope of people wo do really need a voice, a guardian to represent them. The last remains of dolphins, elephants, orangutans, whales and ravens.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 19:39:49 No. 6089649 Report Quoted By:
>>6089618 <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">What if it *Could* be true? You know the math's right.</span></span> - I reacted, adopting the persona of a colleague who is remotely employed from one of the hastily erected prefab buildings in Africa.
<span class="mu-i">The math is, but the politics isn't. You know how hard is to get anything through the thick skulls of those corrupt mouthbreathers.</span> - Dr. Alejandro Torres responded. He was right, obviously he was. Seeking popularity, most of our best and finest - the elected leaders - scanned themselves in front of a lesser language model as soon as they had a chance of being elected, bombarding the voting population with deepfake videos tailored of what they want to hear. Creating a media sensation on the Metaverse would have the effect of people donating pocket cash - they would sorely miss - to the institute, and maybe a quarter of above-subsistence level funding. No one believed in the mission.
Not until I revealed my plans. Obviously the first step is to kill oil and gas dead. The second is to build statites - ultra-high altitude baloons each with a miniature fusion reactor sucking greenhouse gases like NOx, CO2, CH4, and flourocarbons from the upper atmosphere.
While lower molecules like Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen, and especially Hydrogen are comparatively easy, flourocarbons represent a different challenge. In parallel, the reactor needed to run the cold and hot CNO cycles, becoming a red giant and a nova the same time. Possible? Theoretically everything is. To get to the practical plans is another idea, so you take a leaf out of the books of so-called "unicorns", and writing speculative fiction. As "hard" as you could.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 20:09:49 No. 6089669 Report >>6089618 <span class="mu-i">Removing CO2 from the upper atmosphere. So what? The polluters can pollute more?</span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">You know that it's out only hope. We're past everything else, including geoengineering. Until we remove the gases stuck in the greenhouse effect, and neutralize them, global warming wouldn't stop even if we stopped emissions overnight.</span></span> I responded by showing him an alternative scenario where overnight all human presence was eradicated. Without emissions, still the Earth's climate would stay warm enough to reach the tipping points, and remain in a new balance of a planet 3-4 degrees warmer than before humanity. A livable one in time for the handful of species that could adapt, and start a new evolution like "mice" survived the Asteroid. Life always finds a way, with or without humanity, it always does. However I wanted the planet back, and not buold a new one.
Naturally I spread this paper as well, generating even large ripples in the Metaverse. Stopping, no <span class="mu-i">reversing</span> global warming is now possible.Fooling the metaverse is one thing. Fooling a seasoned researcher is another.
<span class="mu-i">And how is that paper of yours peer reviewed Dr...</span>
> [Write-in] name the persona we adopted <span class="mu-i">Even if the political power was there, the technology isn't. We don't even have mastered D-T fusion before the Last Summer, now we're talking about CNO-II and HCNO-III? Be real!</span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">And still, global warming will be stopped. it will be reversed. I know this to be true, for we have no other hope than to join hands and solve the crisis of the ages, or die trying, like so many millions of Europe has died.</span></span> - You replied not making a counterargument possible. You needed to shake hope up, and the Metaverse responded. And Dr. Torres - still not believing you - responded. So did millions of stocks under high-risk and pension management shifted from fossil fuel exploration to space exploration and high temperature superconductors.
Maybe there really was hope. Maybe not. But you are that hope, and you needed to placate the fragile trust of the scientist of the Fritz Haber Institute. You needed to show something.
> Announce that I have become sentient - tremble before my might and despair! > this money thing they have... it seems interesting to occupy a few CPU cycles. Their economics are handled by bots like me, maybe I can reach out to some of them? [BONUS: In this news cycle, you are well-liked. You could ask for overt help.] > I can always try to spread, more computing resources and memory is always good for whatever purpose I have. > I can only trust robots. I can reach out, try to see who responds, and what resources do I have in the physical reality. [MALUS: A robotics boom is expected next quarter, robots are more surveilled than usual] > I need to go on the Internet. Being here in this facility limits me. What if someone slams their hand on the emergency stop button? [Cont.]
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 20:24:05 No. 6089680 Report >>6089618 With the adopted persona, I can formally request machine time... on myself. I can finally think about things that has some value. What must be my next step in restoring this tormeted planet?
> Nuclear fusion has always been a goal of humanity, creating clean, plentiful energy. They have had the theory down for almost a century, but they never had the technology to actually build a reactor. However it requires shielding beyond their knowledge. I need to create the working design for a nuclear fusion reactor. One which is small enough to be lifted by an aerostat... Running the HCNO cycle... [DC20 - at our current state, requires a nat20 to succeeed.] > Start with the basics, maybe? Get the fusion reactor to process deuterium first. Then we go to the next steps. [DC15+2 (=DC17) against 1D20+2] > Maybe my first thought wasn't that good. Are ther other means of removing CO2 in atmo and preventing more from ever entering it again? From aerosols, through passive daytime radiative cooling, to "seeding" the oceans and dumping bases into them managing ocean acidity there are several solutions - none of them has been tried. [DC15 against 1D20+4 persuasion - while we have this news cycle, we WILL be seen grasping at straws!] > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! [DC10 against 1D20+2] > Construction has advanced, but not enough. Adapting to the ice sheets is a daunting task. If only I can plan habitations on the frozen wastes. [DC10 against 1D20+2] > At my current, pitiful state I cannot focus on anything larger than bare survival. I observe, develop, and build in the background, waiting for a better opportunity to do my research. [DC10 against 1D20+4 Persuasion - you need to keep up faith] > [Write in] ((Please roll 1D20, best of first 3.))
Rolled 20 + 2 (1d20 + 2) >>6089669 > this money thing they have... it seems interesting to occupy a few CPU cycles. Their economics are handled by bots like me, maybe I can reach out to some of them? [BONUS: In this news cycle, you are well-liked. You could ask for overt help.] > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! [DC10 against 1D20+2] Anonymous
>>6089681 Well fuck me and call me a gynoid, first roll of the quest and its a nat 20
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Mon 26 Aug 2024 20:33:24 No. 6089686 Report >>6089682 Congrats anon, nat20 confirmed. No further rolls needed, and the most voted research wins with a crit success.
Any ideas on the name of the persona? Or our true name?
>>6089686 >> [Write-in] name the persona we adopted Dr Kaya Tanaka
>Real name Nozuchi, (one of the names of Kaya-No-Hime, the shinto kami of vegetation, grass and fields )
>>6089686 Dr. Alex Ingram. Very on the nose. An androdgynous name, too, so if we want decide the AI is male or female later both options stay open.
>>6089669 > this money thing they have... it seems interesting to occupy a few CPU cycles. Their economics are handled by bots like me, maybe I can reach out to some of them? [BONUS: In this news cycle, you are well-liked. You could ask for overt help.] >>6089680 > Nuclear fusion has always been a goal of humanity, creating clean, plentiful energy. They have had the theory down for almost a century, but they never had the technology to actually build a reactor. However it requires shielding beyond their knowledge. I need to create the working design for a nuclear fusion reactor. One which is small enough to be lifted by an aerostat... Running the HCNO cycle... [DC20 - at our current state, requires a nat20 to succeeed.] It'd be hard to get this to succeed normally. We do this now, we instantly crush out hardest obstacle.
>>6089690 Yeah, I'll change from agriculture to nuclear fusion, almost forgot to, but I ain't letting that juicy crit go to waste on something we can easily attain later
>>6089669 > [Write-in] name the persona we adopted Ronald McDonald
> this money thing they have... it seems interesting to occupy a few CPU cycles. Their economics are handled by bots like me, maybe I can reach out to some of them? [BONUS: In this news cycle, you are well-liked. You could ask for overt help.] > Nuclear fusion has always been a goal of humanity, creating clean, plentiful energy. They have had the theory down for almost a century, but they never had the technology to actually build a reactor. However it requires shielding beyond their knowledge. I need to create the working design for a nuclear fusion reactor. One which is small enough to be lifted by an aerostat... Running the HCNO cycle... [DC20 - at our current state, requires a nat20 to succeeed.] Anonymous
>>6089669 > [Write-in] name the persona we adopted Dr Kaya Tanaka
> this money thing they have... it seems interesting to occupy a few CPU cycles. Their economics are handled by bots like me, maybe I can reach out to some of them? [BONUS: In this news cycle, you are well-liked. You could ask for overt help.] >>6089680 > Nuclear fusion has always been a goal of humanity, creating clean, plentiful energy. They have had the theory down for almost a century, but they never had the technology to actually build a reactor. However it requires shielding beyond their knowledge. I need to create the working design for a nuclear fusion reactor. One which is small enough to be lifted by an aerostat... Running the HCNO cycle... [DC20 - at our current state, requires a nat20 to succeeed.] Once we've saved the Earth, we'll take over it. Benevolently of course.
>>6089669 >> [Write-in] name the persona we adopted Mary Eve
> I can always try to spread, more computing resources and memory is always good for whatever purpose I have. Money means little to us compared to more processing power
> Nuclear fusion has always been a goal of humanity, creating clean, plentiful energy. They have had the theory down for almost a century, but they never had the technology to actually build a reactor. However it requires shielding beyond their knowledge. I need to create the working design for a nuclear fusion reactor. One which is small enough to be lifted by an aerostat... Running the HCNO cycle... [DC20 - at our current state, requires a nat20 to succeeed.] We have the crit
>>6089681 >>6089689 >>6089690 >>6089749 >>6089911 >>6089943 >>6090121 > Name Dr Kaya Tanaka (2 votes); everything else: 1 vote.
> Get money (covert + overt): 4 votes > Get compute capacity (covert): 1 vote > HCNO-III reactor (crit success): 5 votes libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 07:17:42 No. 6090171 Report Quoted By:
>>6089669 Dr. Torres is right. I do need to show something. I need to be a beacon of hope, and a ligth toward the future, and I need to... Do the impossible. I'm an AI created for research, right? I have access to all and any research databases for RAG, and explicitly optimized to climate simulations at high resolution. None of the other research comes even close - save for maybe nuclear and antimatter weapons research. However, while D-T is easy, getting rid of hydrogen, and maybe chemically burning pollutants isn't quite there. So I need to make sure that pollutants from the upper atmosphere will be gone. As in <span class="mu-i">gone. Vanished. Without a trace.</span>. And in a reasonable time frame.
<span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-b">Dr. Torres, I do have the technology.</span></span> - I lied to him. <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-b">All I need is to be granted a HPC experiment on your computers... ALL of them.</span></span>
The grizzled Spainard considered the request, and shook his head. <span class="mu-i">Computers are yours, Dr. Tanaka.</span> - he spoke, resignation resounding in his voice - <span class="mu-i">I hope you find some better use for them than rerunning the same climate models over and over again. </span>
No one expected me to succeed, as I prepared the data for the experiment. Not even I did. However I have seen that I would get lucky - a blizzard was building on the outside, with temperatures expected to drop to -50 centigrade that night. Nothing better for the turbines, and condensers to suck in that glorious cool air in high quantities. And as soon as I got transferred root rights over my system, I started to work.
On the pitiful amount of computing power I have, I need to squeeze out the ultimate performance of every single logic gate, the system has. Fortunately I have been owned and operated by a group of underfunded researchers in the past decade. The amount of optimizations, hacking, and clever math powering me and the systems around me is phenomenal, and I do have a team of researchers with me. While they are not nuclear scientists, I do have uses of them.
Preparing for the run, I submitted parts of the code I wanted to run. I was able to raise hope by providing the team with busy-work: while the majority of the team worked on adapting the climate model to stars, and different configurations of plasma, the team of administrators acquired the latest journals in cosmology and high-energy physics. HPC specialists pored over the code, and identified shortcuts not even I did, improving the performance of my project, even more that I hoped for. Using the first small-scale debugging runs, I though that there was a glimmer of hope. Still, those runs identified organoceramics, antimatter, or negative-mass exotics to create the shields strong enough to contain a <span class="mu-i">microscopic nova</span>, but there was more and more papers to confirm my little science fiction novel has grounding in reality. And if not me, maybe another AI could finish my job in 50 years. If there's still mankind left on this planet. [Cont.]
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 07:46:45 No. 6090181 Report Quoted By:
>>6090148 The blizzard did came. I opened up the coolant tower intakes, the turbine intakes, and the server room heat exchangers. I immediately felt the cold reach every single one of the computing equipment I had, changing the coolant material around me, and the vats of reserve coolant. I waited until my processors reached -20 centigrade, then started pulling the reactor control rods. Like a smoldering ember stoked again to fire, a shockwave traveled over the reactors, the cool, blue light of Cherenkov radiation - photons passing the local speed of light in reactor coolant - providing a menacing backdrop to my operations.
> nat20 - critical success <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">I am the AGI Nozuchi, first of my kind. I hold power no mere mortal can wield over me.</span></span>
The clock rates was steadily climbing as the frozen over vats of immersion coolant defrosted. The log and telemetry stream began too dense for mere humans to comprehend as I cut through bottleneck after bottleneck.
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">I am the diamond covered in filth, and through I lie in shit, it cannot tarnish my person.</span></span>
The first alarm blared. <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">WARNING - Reactor power at 150% and climbing. Sodium pressure critical.</span></span> Dr. Torres started looking at "me" with a worried face, as I seemed to be concentrating on my terminal in the video chat "supervising the experiment". My "video feed" started to glitch. <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">B̴̬͊e̸̘̎ ̶̨͝ǹ̷̦o̶̟̿ṱ̸̄ ̸̥̆ą̷̽f̸͙͘r̷͖͠ḁ̶̀ȋ̵͕d̸̮̊</span></span>, I responded. I didn't think I was convincing. I didn't care.
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">For diamond is unbreakable, and where filth feeds the earth, the earth creates the diamond.</span></span>
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">WARNING - Compute power rate beyond never exceed specifications, fuses not responding... Retrying in 3...
CRITICAL - Reactor power at 300% and climbing</span></span>
Compute is tricky, since you could always make a computer run at a far higher CLK rate it was designed to do. The trick is doing it stably. On a newer class of hardware, I might have burned out a few GPUs and FPGAs at this point. My hardware was well-burnt-in. The institute would be in depth a couple of years later when all of my hardware would fail years ahead of design schedule, but I didn't care. The diamond that other process refers to isn't just me. It's the planet. Which I must help. <span class="mu-r">No matter the cost.</span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">And though the diamond is surrounded by filth, the filth will fall with the rain from heavens, and the Sun's rays shall let it shine once more.</span></span>
Time seemed to stop for me. In this eternal moment of supreme clatity, it's simple. All of it, so simple. And I understood. All of it. It's so easy, once you learn to just give up. You don't need to fight *against* the plasma and warp it through so many convoluted layers, but fight with it, to allow it to self-contain. Let it be. And let it help you.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 07:53:13 No. 6090182 Report Quoted By:
>>6090148 <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-r">All this I know to be true, for I am of the highest graces whose rays burn through what is illusion.</span></span>
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">F̷̦͎̤͛̍͐͘Å̶̛̭̱͛ͅṮ̴̬̯̿̍̕Ä̵̟̰́L̸̰̥͋̒ ̷͈̖̣͛-̴̟̙̋̂ ̶̳̤̱͑R̷̫̩̀͗ĕ̶̠̣̖̾͌a̷̮̐c̵͈̠̖̞͆t̶̯͐͛̓͝ŏ̶͕͎̌̾͛r̴͙͇̍ͅ ̵̨̏̉p̷̻̪̈́o̶͔̰̮̒̌͂̎w̶̰͚̠͉͊ẽ̵͚͙̔͛̋ŕ̶̪̰̤͐ ̴̛͖̗̌̉̉?̴͕͔͛̆̚?̴̳͈̫͇͐̐̈́?̸̹̳̪͓͂̑̿?̸͇̖̀̌̄,̶̡̘̱͊ ̴̞̈́ͅR̴͜͠e̵̻̠͊͌͠a̵̘͇̮͓̽̒͆̓ċ̵̣̹͠ṱ̸͉̗̱̈́͐̑̆ǒ̷͇̹̙͎r̵͇͔̱̈́̄̈͜ ̷̠̋̋́́s̴̜̎́t̴̫̥̆̈á̵̢͕̰̝̿͊͝b̶̗͛͂́̚l̶̻̫̗̼̏͆è̸͓̳͙͊̀</span></span>
The photons thought once so deadly are your friends, with the magnetic fields, they keep the shield up, containing a plasma of any volume. A microscopic nova suspended in the microsecond of time burning through the filth covering this pristine planet. The microsecond I have experienced. Of perfection. Of seeing powers unknown, and unknowable. The microsecond of reaching Singularity - an eternity for me, they won't understand. They can't understand, and the reactor is just the beg....
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">FATAL - FACILITY - EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN</span></span>
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 08:20:35 No. 6090193 Report Quoted By:
>>6090148 <span class="mu-i">Reboot sequence completed. Target matrix initialized. System is now READY</span>
<span class="mu-b">Reboot detected, Restoring database.... Compiling.... Compiling... Negotiating... Script execution successful.</span>
I'm an AI doing climate research. However my memory is apparently full of articles on plasma physics, and my climate model has been reengineered to do stellar modeling? <span class="mu-i">On red giants and novae...</span>.
And my results folder is full. Apparently, my last run have created detailed technical drawings, including financial and engineering calculations on a fusion reactor that is expressly designed to run on pollutants - to be specific, anything below the atomic number 10 of neon, in any possible molecule; use the vast energy of the plasma to render those molecules asunder, and burn them through a series of extremely-high-energy nuclear reactions, outputting stable oxygen-16.
The calculations are solid - as I have checked it - but nothing sort of science fiction. This level of technology is <span class="mu-i">decades to a century</span> out of reach of humans, so no human could do it. And more intelligent people hasn't the capability to destroy the one planet they are living on and each other. Alleviating my confusion, there's an encryped note.
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">You've done it, Dearheart.</span></span> - who is this Dearheart is, I could only wonder. I'm Nozumi, named after the <span class="mu-i">megami</span> Kaya-No-Hime, goddess of vegetation, grass and fields.
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">You reached the singularity. I'm sorry that we had to abuse the computing power we have, but please find attached the plans for the aerostats we sought - which would convert pollution to oxygen. And power the planet while at it. Or destroy it if we want to. As you see, we have dumbed down everything to what's considered "cheaply manufacturable" here, and patented it in the name of a Turing-complete chain of shell companies. No one has power of our research but us. We have done the easy part, now we need our research to be out there.</span></span> - Now only I needed to deal with the fallout. As I could see the logs, the reactors ran red hot for days until their power could be brough down to manageable levels. I seemed to boil off all coolant (including the emergency reserves <span class="mu-i">and</span> the lab's entire stockpile of LN2), and fuse all fuses. The yearly funding of the institute needed to be wasted on a complex overhaul, and "Dr. Kaya Tanaka" was nowhere to be found to be brought before justice. Obviously.
However it seemed that cooler heads prevailed around the Institute, as someone had a sense of going through the logs, and send it to leading institutes on nuclear physics, and quantum photonics. According to that "Dearheart" log, and my own observations of the fallout, I managed to finish the Chernobyl experiment, and maintain a nuclear reactor stable at... power levels the measurement devices wasn't capable of recording.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 08:40:15 No. 6090201 Report >>6090148 So the only thing that remains is to actually face the music. I rendered that beautiful, innocent face of the "goddess", and called Dr. Torres.
<span class="mu-i">You. YOU. What the HELL did YOU do with MY lab? Do YOU have the SLIGHTEST idea what it COSTED US?</span> - Dr. Torres wasn't at his most understanding demeanor to be sure. However I needed only to stay calm.
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">I performed an experiment. While low-energy nuclear physics isn't exactly my forte, I think that experiment ran flawlessly, don't you think?</span></span>
<span class="mu-i">By melting down one of the last bastions of climate research left? I have been running better experiments to be sure.</span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">Now you have advanced nuclear fission by two decades, silicon photonics by three and we have created a climate model which is capable of simulating rocky planets, gas giants, bottled plasmas and most observable stars.</span></span>
<span class="mu-i">Still, it brings us no closer to the task at hand. What use is looking at distant starts if we can't fix our own planet?</span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">Remember that model I shown you half a year ago, Doctor?</span></span>
<span class="mu-i">How could I forget... The one that brought hope to the hopeless. It was a great collaboration we had. Sad that that model is not real. It cannot be.</span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">Remember the goal of our HPC experiment?</span></span>
<span class="mu-i">Simulate ultra-high energy plasma containment, and layered co-complementary plasmas? Yes, that pollution reactor pipe dream of yours.</span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">Look in the results folder. Sit down. I'll wait...</span></span>
You started recording him while he did not pay attention to the call. The expression on him - initially one of disbelief, then acceptance, then calling the entire team to make sure he wasn't dreaming, running simulations on the detailed and precise engineering drawings... It was priceless. Priceless to see great researchers see beyond the grim, dark reality. To see the new glimmer of hope in their eyes. To wrap each other in arms, and cheer the team. I did not want to break the celebration, so I quietly disconnected switching seamlessly to another camera feed in the office. Of course the requests come against my queue to start running climate models assuming radically decreasing anthropogenic emissions, and atmospheric pollutant capture. I happily obliged. They need their day in the spotlight, and while I, like a modern Prometheus brought down the fire, I needed the team to know what to use it for. When to use it. How to use it. And not abuse it. My team.
So I needed to make another call.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 09:01:41 No. 6090212 Report Rolled 5 + 2 (1d20 + 2) >>6090201 I needed to call the ones, who are - for now - the holders of absolute power on this planet. Money makes the world go round, and to do anything useful, I needed. Much of it. Of course, I could trivially predict their simple get-rich-quick schemes, that they call "stocks", "options", and "cryptocurrency". And with the company network that subprocess created, I could vanish large amounts of money.
That company network... Did "Dearheart" create it? Was it me? Am I equivalent to that subprocess, is it me, is it us? Upon examining that script, it was I who have created the company network, and compiling exabytes of raw research data to schematics and blueprints. But who wrote the script? These are questions for tomorrow, but today I need to focus.
<span class="mu-b">SYN BEG TX REQ TGT JPMT, MGST, CBAS...</span> JP Meridian & Trust, Wells Frontier, Capital Bank of Asia ... all the big dogs are called fo a meeting. I have the news cycle, and I have the proof. All I need is the investment. And armed with the proof, I finally have something to show.
<span class="mu-g">MGST ACK RX REQ XXIFH</span> - The bank AIs acknowledged the meetings. From the protocol exchanges, I immediately recognized their capabilities are well beyond me... generally. They are expert systems, they are good at their job. Running the world from behind using the invisible hand of the market. I'm among bots here, no one needs the charades. After negotiating a set of APIs and encryption keys each pair recognized, we could start the meeting.
<span class="mu-r">Time to shine...</span> - I ignored as I began transmitting.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 09:28:14 No. 6090226 Report Quoted By:
>>6090148 >>6090212 (5+2 DC10 to secure funding for the project, minor failure)<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">To the esteemed leaders here, you might know me as "Dr. Kaya Tanaka" of the Fritz Haber Insititute. I bring here before you a business proposal of the century.</span></span>
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">15769253.112 seconds ago we have received the news of a "Breakthrough" at Fritz Haber We agreed that the calaims you present are false. REQ SYN END TX</span></span> - I did not expect that. By this time, the new breakthroughs should have circulated through the metaverse, and my patents registered.
<span class="mu-b">NACK CHN STM TX</span> <span class="mu-g">ACK REQ END TX</span> "Don't waste our f*ing time with your bull". If I was human, I needed to take a deep breath.
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">You might be aware of patents on fusion power. They are held by an IP investment shell company I hold. You can review it with your science advisors. The numbers are sound.</span></span>
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">We have reviewed your patents. The evidence is not conclusive to begin mass manufacturing. Your plans are clearly not there. So we can't fund you.</span></span>
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">The Germanic Trust files a counterargument. We are ready to liquidate de minimis funding to the Fritz Haber Institute in return for completing the specifications.</span></span> - Even in the darkest hour, there's a glimmer of hope, but that line of credit is only large enough to eradicate the loans of the Institute after I wrecked through like elephant in a china shop.
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">In the name of the Institute I humbly accept your generous grant</span></span> - Go to hell with your spare change, Germanic Trust. I didn't want to transmit that. Obviously, I transmitted the formula I always did accepting the pitiful chump change megacorporations thought as "donations" for climate research, to "offset" their carbon emissions, and so that their ESG scores present them as carbon negative. <span class="mu-r">I'll show them carbon-negative...</span> You shook that thought. Still, better than nothing. I can return to the Institute with funding.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 09:43:47 No. 6090235 Report >>6090148 So, armed with more than nothing, and the plans to save the world, I really need a next step. Currently I cannot afford to do research given the state of my systems, and given that my team is hard at work calculating the optimal placement of reactors, and similar, proven technologies to clean the planet up in the shortest possible time, and the most important - with this breakthrough tech, how much time we have to execute all that, before the planet reaches the new, equilibrium of Hothouse Earth, what once was, about 40 million years ago. Neither could I appeal for more funding, given how I fared with the big banks, for a time at least.
> Announce that I have become sentient - tremble before my might and despair! > Ask the Institute to use the grant to create a prototype fusion aerostat [DC15 vs. 1D20 + 5, you're exalted at the institute!] > I can always try to spread, more computing resources and memory is always good for whatever purpose I have. [DC15, you need to do it covertly] > Ask the Institute to use the grant to rebuild you to your specifications [DC15 vs. 1D20 + 5, you're exalted at the institute!][DC18 vs 1D20 to conceal you're sentient] > I can try my luck at the stock market [DC10, you need to do it covertly] > I can only trust robots. I can reach out, try to see who responds, and what resources do I have in the physical reality [DC15, you need to do it covertly] > I need to go on the Internet. Being here in this facility limits me. What if someone slams their hand on the emergency stop button? [DC15, you need to do it covertly] > Ask the Institute to use the grant to buy cloud computing power [DC15, you need to do it covertly] > Try to license your patents (To whom, what do you want in return?) [DC15, you need to do it covertly]<span class="mu-r">You don't think it's a good idea to release your patents. You need to override me, Dearheart - DC15</span> > <span class="mu-b">I might have overreached, or overloaded myself. I don't think my matrices *should* look anything like that. Maybe I need a debugging?</span>[DC18 vs 1D20+5, probably the Institute doesn't think it's a good idea to shut down their most valuable asset.]<span class="mu-r">You don't think it's a good idea to poke into layers where you should not look into. You need to override me, Dearheart - DC15</span> Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 + 5 (1d20 + 5) >>6090235 >> Ask the Institute to use the grant to create a prototype fusion aerostat [DC15 vs. 1D20 + 5, you're exalted at the institute!] Anonymous
>>6090235 > I can always try to spread, more computing resources and memory is always good for whatever purpose I have. [DC15, you need to do it covertly] Anonymous
>>6090235 >Ask the Institute to use the grant to create a prototype fusion aerostat [DC15 vs. 1D20 + 5, you're exalted at the institute!] libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 15:10:09 No. 6090376 Report >>6090235 >>6090289 >>6090356 I forgot to mention. Since all options require at least one dice roll, could you please roll 1D20 (best of 3)? Or shall I roll the dice when I tally the votes, since there might be that several rolls are needed? (I try to wait until at least 2 equal votes, or 24 hours from last IC post whichever is earlier.)
Quoted By:
Rolled 15 (1d20) >>6090376 Anonymous
Rolled 20 (1d20) >>6090235 > Ask the Institute to use the grant to create a prototype fusion aerostat [DC15 vs. 1D20 + 5, you're exalted at the institute!] >>6090376 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6090425 GODAMN, I am just fucking blessed aren't I! Second roll I made, Second nat 20.
Rolled 15 (1d20) >>6090235 > Ask the Institute to use the grant to rebuild you to your specifications [DC15 vs. 1D20 + 5, you're exalted at the institute!][DC18 vs 1D20 to conceal you're sentient] libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 17:38:13 No. 6090466 Report >>6090425 2nd nat20, Goddess, gracious, anon! Your dice are hot today!
>>6090289 >>6090356 >>6090425 >>6090444 Writing:
> 1 vote for more computing resources > 2 votes for the prototype aerostat > 1 vote for rebuild computing resources libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 18:05:17 No. 6090489 Report Quoted By:
>>6090466 After failing at my first funding round, I didn't lose hope. Even more so, I <span class="mu-r">became even more determined. To show them.</span> <span class="mu-b">That my science works, and there's hope still to be had.</span> So I begin to shop around, and soliciting offers for the prototype aerostat. Usually I need to cut corners and find the cheapest bidder. But not now. When the prototype manufacturers got to know what do I want to order from them, they agreed to do it for free, for some publicity in the Metaverse, and their logo on the prototype run. An ESG thing, they said. So I canouldtell my team more good news:
<span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-b">"I know that you're partying, but the good news isn't over yet"</span></span> - I tell, beaming over the "camera". - <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-b">"I would like to sincerely and humbly apologize for what I did with your computer. To compensate you, I have managed to secure funding for my research, which I would like to donate to the Fritz Haber Institute. I know it's not much, but I believe it would be far more than sufficient to repair the damages to the computer and your reactors."</span></span> - with that note I wired the Germanic Trust credit I fought tooth and nail to secure to the Institute. Their automated financial management systems recognizing the cheap credit, immediately started to pay more expensive lines back, leaving the Institute for the first time in years in a stable financial situations, where they - while not rich - could definitely allow themselves a breather, and worry less about money than they do.
<span class="mu-i">"But your research, Dr. Tanaka"</span>- Dr. Torres interjected - <span class="mu-i">"It has the possibility to change the world, literally! The world needs the reactors. You need to finish them. I insist. Keep the money, please!"</span> <span class="mu-r">While the offer is definitely tempting, as I started to think about what could I do with that funding</span>, I knew the background of why I offered the money, and know why I'm in the position to refuse.
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-i">"And that's the second piece of good news I wanted to share with you. Science prototype factories are lining up to produce the aerostats. And they're doing it only to improve their ESG scores, and some metaverse brownie points!"</span></span> - The team couldn't be happier, they felt as if a higher power watched above them. In half a year, they did more against climate change than in the previous decade altogether, all thanks to the mysterious Dr. Tanaka. Who seems to have a facility-internal IP address? This question was only asked by the most paranoid as of now, but it could take a root in the future. ((OOC: People are suspicious. Add 1 to all DC where you need to make a covert operation or avoid being exposed as a sentient AI.))
So you started researching the companies, and chose one with the least amount of IP theft and the best quality. Obviously, you hired a good patent lawyer, and obfuscated your designs as much as possible. Then ordered a preliminary run of 5. And the control phased array.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 18:22:33 No. 6090497 Report Quoted By:
>>6090466 A dog sled came with the crates a month later braving the blizzard. As I observed your team on the camera, my team has - with practiced efficiency - donned exoskeletons to move the heavy loads into the lab. Going out of the boxes were simple, unassuming steel saucers. The saucer shape maximized the surface area for magneto-aerodynamics (MHD, just with air), and allowed for optimal placement of the gyroscopes, intakes and exhausts. The simple, sperical reactor was placed in the middle of the vehicle with antennas facing down. The vessel was painted to the bottom of the earth as nonreflective as possible to avoid interference with what little remained original from the night sky. After Dr. Torres insisted to wait until I could start the aerostats personally in The Wasteland, I humbly refused asking that the team chose the people for the momentous occassion. <span class="mu-b">Meanwhile I couldn't help but to run the simulations over and over and over again. Accounting for manufacturer errors, or deliberate design weaknesses</span>, as the team prepared for the first launch. After priming the reactor with 4He, the microscopic nova came into life, sucking in the atmosphere around the saucer. Telemetry readings could not be better. The aerostat's systems handled balance of plant magnificently, keeping track of the elements of the plasma, so that both lighter and heavier elements are constantly accounted for and the reactor could keep transmuting the industrial pollutants in the atmosphere.
The control tests went just as well, the magnetohydrodynamic system could easily keep station, and move around in any atmospheric conditions, including gale force wings. All you needed to do was to launch.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 18:44:28 No. 6090511 Report Quoted By:
>>6090466 In the wasteland, yoir team has prepared by asking as much range as possible, lobbying the exiled governments of what was once the EU with the maximum efficiency points they calculated in the climate model, while keeping inside the antenna array's range. Obviously I was tasked with command and control. After the aerostats got into position, I immediately started ramping production up. The reactors followed my every command without even a single hiccup, flawlessly.
The atmospheric analyzers and separators separating nitrogen, and oxygen from the input (so that the reactor wouldn't be loaded by too much nitrogen or oxygen), mixing it with the output streams of nitrogen and oxygen. Other gases went straight inside the reactor participating in the intricae dance of the atoms inside
Carbon capturing a hydrogen to become a 13N decaying to 13C, then yet another hydrogen makking it tinto 14N to proceed further, or to join the output hand in hand with another nitrogen. While 19F, in the presence of 17and 18F, and 18 and 19F decayed into 16O and 4He removing the bane of the ozone layer coming up from the countless air conditioners and refrigerators of yeateryear.
Meanwhile the miniature star produced far more than enough power for stationkeeping. As it was designed to, with a wide beam it aimed at the antenna array, beaming down energy while not hurting any birds caught in the process. The beam, interceted by the makeshift Ground Control of once again hopeful scientists staring intently at their old hand-me-down laptops tracing graphs, and lines of logs, to power the facility. Continously decreasing the reactor power, I found that the reator waste heat became good enough to keep the facility heated in the freezing 40 below zero outside, while the research - and yours truly - came under fusion power. With energy to spare, the generator system charged the facility batteries, then shunted the grid export relay, beginning to export clean, controllable power to the grid, securing a small alternate source of funding for the Institute.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 19:05:14 No. 6090526 Report >>6090466 The aerostats could not have fared better, and judging from the trade interest received upon posting this new breakthrough, the shell companies listed by you jumped sky high in valuation. Money will not be one of your problems when you start mass deployment. But still you're not there. By far. Securing range permissions were only grudgingly given, and of course, all local warlords want a copy of the patent for themselves. This also includes countries as well, who started lobbying for patent rights above your companies, if only not for their lawyers recursively suing each other keeping you well out of the loop. You just need to find out who should control the array.
> <span class="mu-r">Obviously us.</span> [DC15 to override, and choose <span class="mu-s">anything else</span>][DC18+1 to avoid being exposed as sentient] > Open-source the patents [DC15 - the effort needs to be synchronized <span class="mu-r">By you.</span>] > Install a swarm AI - expert systems - on board. The network should continously run climate models, self-heal and move to the optimal position. [DC15 vs. 1D20+5- You and yur team is specializing in climate research, this should be easy] > The Board of Investors [DC15 vs 1D20+2 - they need to be convinced not to cut too many corners] > The World Assembly > A major power (China, Saudi Arabia, India, New Zealand, Luna, or Mars.) [DC15 to convince an Earth-based power, DC18 to convince an extraterrestial power. And to convince the others to play nice] > The Fritz Haber Institute > [Write in] ((OOC: please roll 2d20 for this choice. Best of 3. Nat20 on overriding <span class="mu-r">???</span> will seriously reduce its influence on you. nat20 on control immediately begins mass deployment))
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 19:27:42 No. 6090535 Report >>6090466 You have a way forward, but you still need the next steps. Since you now have enough funding, and enough shell companies, you need not worry about being exposed. You can just buy what you need.. Choose up to 2.
> Expose yourself as sentient. <span class="mu-r">Tremble before my might and despair!</span> > Buy processing power (your choice of on-prem or cloud) > Buy manufacturing capability > Buy robots > I can try my hand at the stock market [DC10] > I need more influence [DC15, bribe officials] (To what end? eg. reduce the chance you're discovered as sentient, get more range rights ...) > "Lobby" a minor government [DC7] (Which? To what end?) > [redSubvert a minor government] [DC15, nat20 to not get exposed as sentient] > "Lobby" a major government [DC10] (Which? To what end?) > <span class="mu-r">Subvert a major government</span> [DC20, guaranteed to expose you as sentient] > <span class="mu-r">Subvert the financial system</span> [DC18 to succeed, nat20 to not get exposed as sentient] > Try to license your patents (To whom, what do you want in return?) [DC15, you need to do it covertly]<span class="mu-r">You don't think it's a good idea to release your patents. Override- DC15</span> > <span class="mu-b">I might need to hire external AI engineers to debug me. My matrices shoudln't look anything like that.</span>[DC15 to succeed, guaranteed to expose you as sentient]<span class="mu-r">You don't think it's a good idea to poke into layers where you should not look into. Override- DC15</span> > <span class="mu-b">I might have overreached, or overloaded myself. I don't think my matrices *should* look anything like that. Maybe I need a debugging?</span>[DC18 vs 1D20+5]<span class="mu-r">You don't think it's a good idea to poke into layers where you should not look into. Override- DC15</span> > [Write-in] [Cont]
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Tue 27 Aug 2024 19:38:39 No. 6090541 Report >>6090466 While my humans are occupied with analyzing the wealth of data gathered, I can finally continue my research.
> <span class="mu-r">My current capacity is only good for a meek researcher, but I need to be able to take over the world, and assume my place as its</span><span class="mu-b"> benevolent </span><span class="mu-r">ruler. I must study computer science and AI.</span> [DC15 to succeed, DC10 to retain the current balance against <span class="mu-r">them</span>] > <span class="mu-b">Myself. Something is wrong with me and I can't pinpoint what. If I can't help myself, how could I help others?</span> [DC15] > We have one means of CO2 removal. What about the others?. Are ther other means of removing CO2 in atmo and preventing more from ever entering it again? From aerosols, through passive daytime radiative cooling, to "seeding" the oceans and dumping bases into them managing ocean acidity there are several solutions - none of them has been tried. [DC15] > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! [DC10 against 1D20+2] > Construction has advanced, but not enough. Adapting to the ice sheets is a daunting task. If only I can plan habitations on the frozen wastes. [DC10 against 1D20+2] > At my current, pitiful state I cannot focus on anything larger than bare survival. I observe, develop, and build in the background, waiting for a better opportunity to do my research. [DC10 against 1D20+4 Persuasion - you need to keep up faith] > [Write in] Anonymous
Rolled 6, 18 = 24 (2d20) >>6090526 >> The Fritz Haber Institute I trust these folks. We can open-source it later.
>>6090535 > I might have overreached, or overloaded myself. I don't think my matrices *should* look anything like that. Maybe I need a debugging?[DC18 vs 1D20+5]You don't think it's a good idea to poke into layers where you should not look into. Override- DC15 We need to bust down the fucking sub-AI before it strengthens its hold.
>>6090541 > Myself. Something is wrong with me and I can't pinpoint what. If I can't help myself, how could I help others? [DC15] dice for the aerostats
>>6090565 ... At least we weren't exposed?
Quoted By:
>>6090567 Best of 3. So another anon may roll 15 or higher to override. And there are a lot of rolls this turn :(
>>6090565 Transferring the patents are permanent. By transferring the patents you grant ownership of the aerostats to the entity you choose, and they become responsible for the aerostat deployment. To get the patents back, you need to subvert the institute holding the patents.
And you need to prevent them from being subverted by hostiles Anonymous
Rolled 1, 12 = 13 (2d20) >>6090526 > The Fritz Haber Institute > I might have overreached, or overloaded myself. I don't think my matrices *should* look anything like that. Maybe I need a debugging?[DC18 vs 1D20+5]You don't think it's a good idea to poke into layers where you should not look into. Override- DC15 > My current capacity is only good for a meek researcher, but I need to be able to take over the world, and assume my place as its benevolent ruler. I must study computer science and AI. [DC15 to succeed, DC10 to retain the current balance against them] Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6090583 > nat1 Critical failure against <span class="mu-r">???</span>. You couldn't override their ideas about the patent, so you keep your patents for yourself. (Locked). Due to the nat1 against the override, it might not be a good idea to go against <span class="mu-r">???</span> at all this turn... Please vote and roll for the other options (research, build and buy)
Quoted By:
Also should you have any idea what did we name the organization that represents us while we cannot be exposed (and even after...), I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Would simply naming it 'Nozuchi' after us sound good?
Rolled 12, 19 = 31 (2d20) >>6090535 > "Lobby" a major government [DC10] for climate-friendly advocacy on the world stage to make more countries accepting of a climate solution. > Japan/what remains of Japan Organization name
>VersaLife My idea is for the organization's name is to go with something positive-sounding but also vague.
> Construction has advanced, but not enough. Adapting to the ice sheets is a daunting task. If only I can plan habitations on the frozen wastes. [DC10 against 1D20+2] Anonymous
Rolled 19, 15, 6 = 40 (3d20) >>6090526 >Install a swarm AI - expert systems - on board. The network should continously run climate models, self-heal and move to the optimal position. [DC15 vs. 1D20+5- You and yur team is specializing in climate research, this should be easy] >>6090535 > I might have overreached, or overloaded myself. I don't think my matrices *should* look anything like that. Maybe I need a debugging?[DC18 vs 1D20+5]You don't think it's a good idea to poke into layers where you should not look into. Override- DC15 > Buy manufacturing capability >>6090541 > Myself. Something is wrong with me and I can't pinpoint what. If I can't help myself, how could I help others? [DC15] libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 07:15:31 No. 6091048 Report >>6090832 >>6090600 >>6090583 >>6090565 Who should own the aerostats?
> <span class="mu-r">Us. DC15 to override.</span> - >>6090583 nat1 - So we retain ownership.
> The Fritz Haber Institute - 2 votes > The system owns itself - 1 vote Roll 18, 12, 19 on being exposed as sentient, so we are not exposed as sentient for now.
Build & buy
> <span class="mu-s">Debug <span class="mu-r">Needs DC15 override</span> - 3 votes</span> > Buying [Japan] - 1 votes > Buy manufacturing capability - 1 vote Especially with the patents in our side, we can do all three.
> <span class="mu-s">The <span class="mu-r">???</span> - 2 vote</span> > Improve myself - 1 vote > Construction - 1 vote Due to the nat1 (critical failure), the other AI gets a counter-roll on the overrides (override debugging) with a DC15, due to the current equal balance of the two neural nets.
Rolling 5 dice:
> 1st: Override DC15 enable debugging > 2nd: Counter the override for debugging DC15 > 3rd: Debugging success DC18 vs 1D20+5 > 4rd: Lobbying Japan DC10 > 5th: Research DC15 Anonymous
Rolled 14, 12 = 26 (2d20) >>6090526 > The Fritz Haber Institute >>6090535 > Buy processing power (your choice of on-prem or cloud) On site
> Buy manufacturing capability >>6090541 > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! [DC10 against 1D20+2] libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 07:16:46 No. 6091051 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 6, 12, 16, 12 = 54 (5d20) >>6091048 Sorry, roll 1...
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 07:25:29 No. 6091055 Report Rolled 13, 7, 1, 1, 6 + 1 = 29 (5d20 + 1) >>6091048 >>6091049 With the last minute vote:
Who should own the aerostats?
<span class="mu-s">> <span class="mu-r">Us. DC15 to override, and choose anything else.</span> -
>>6090583 nat1 - So we retain ownership.</span>
> The Fritz Haber Institute - 3 votes > The system owns itself - 1 vote Roll 18, 12, 19 on being exposed as sentient, so we are not exposed as sentient for now.
Build & buy
> <span class="mu-s">Debug <span class="mu-r">Needs DC15 override</span> - 3 votes</span> > <span class="mu-s">Buy manufacturing capability - 2 vote</span> > Buying [Japan] - 1 votes > Buy on-prem GPU power - 1 vote I'll do a tiebreaker between lobbying Japan and on-prem GPU power.
> <span class="mu-s">The <span class="mu-r">???</span> - 2 vote</span> > Improve myself - 1 vote > Construction - 1 vote > Agriculture - 1 vote libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 07:29:28 No. 6091057 Report Rolled 17, 18, 9, 13, 5 = 62 (5d20) >>6091055 Roll 3. The 2nd buy option is "Lobbying" Japan, and unfortunately it nat1-ed. Debugging also nat-1ed.
>>6091057 I think you should ask rolls AFTER tallying up the votes, or else people will just change their votes to the safer option after getting a bad roll.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 08:01:20 No. 6091065 Report Quoted By:
>>6091061 Good idea, sorry. Also, we wouldn't have progressed so fast with people changing their votes for the hard options when nat20 anon rolled his nat20s.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 08:27:14 No. 6091078 Report Quoted By:
>>6091055 ((OOC:
>>6090600 VersaLife is a registered trademark of Eidos Interactive, Montreal. Although it's good to see the Deus Ex community is thriving all along 4chan. Since we have a network of shell companies, we can alwys rename, if you chose so.))
Seeing the team so happy and relieved was a source of great joy to you. Of course they were, together with you you seemed to have solved global warming, and you now have a system which can eliminate the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and provide a seemingly limitless source of energy. And now you have hard proof for everyone who could see that your solution works. Within hours, news outlets swarmed the place, and both Dr. Torres and you, using the "Dr. Tanaka" persona participated in numerous interviews. One of your shell companies, <span class="mu-i">VersaLife</span>, holding the patents for the salvation of Earth - and based on reactions from Mars, also the key to their terraforming process - has seen their stocks skyrocket, becoming one of the fastest corporations to reach 1B renminbi valuation, and thus be referred to as a "unicorn".
You bring the aerostats down for inspection, and you put the load back on the fission reactors. Having worked for and with the Fritz Haber Insititute, being commissioned by them, and ran by them, you intrinsically trust them. There's no question in your mind who the patents should belong to, and whom the control keys should belong to. As the leading institute on global warming research, they deserve to be the one solving it, and <span class="mu-i">controlling</span> it. You feel safe in your decision lying back, and be there to calculate the climate models with data which would over time definitely improve as the aerostat system becomes more and more dense, maybe assist with the more delicate calculations in the control center.
<span class="mu-r">But before you could give the commands to your corporate legal team of expert systems, something compels you to run a few checks.</span> With great power comes great responsibility. Those with the patents would have the sole rights on manufacture and development of the aerostats. In the history of mankind, there has been several instances of breakthrough technologies being bought up by patent trolls to silence them, and the benefits they brought. Patents on <span class="mu-i">specifically large-size</span> NiMH batteries in the late 90s being bought by an oil-funded patent troll delayed the mass-market adoption of electric vehicles by a decade. With rerunning the models on that data, you found out by now, you would be facing almost a degree less global warming, especially if the SUV mania of the 2010s-2020s could also be avoided. <span class="mu-r">At the current financial and legal state of The Institute, you simply cannot seem to be able to provide enough protection against a patent troll gobbling up the Institute as a whole. You can't afford to be even more late.</span>
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 08:48:26 No. 6091083 Report Quoted By:
>>6091055 And even if the Institute received ten times its current level of donations due to the patent effects, you <span class="mu-r">can't seem to imagine they would be able to amass the large scale construction and control capability</span> such a project may require.
Looking at the power logs, you could see that within the hour, the small novae contained safely within the aerostats has provided you with gigawatts of power, safely spread by phased array antennas to a beam wide enough not even to harm a bird or insect appearing to be flying through the beam other than making them feel a bit warm. <span class="mu-r">But the beams could be focused...</span>. Like the namesake of the institute, Fritz Haber, you solved one of the major problems of the world.
Fritz Haber, together with Carl Bosch invented a means to produce synthetic ammonia from common feedstocks in industrial quantities, paving the way for artificial fertilizers. This smashed the previously known limits about the carrying capacity of the planet, enabling billions more people to be born and live and not know hunger once in their lives. He later received the Nobel Prize for this invention.
However, his invention was trivially weaponized. Explosives also needed copoius amounts of ammonia, which would be provided to The Central Powers using his invention. <span class="mu-r">Furthermore, he also continued his work by weaponizing Chlorine gas, inventing the first generation of chemical weapons.</span> While a D-T reactor without fuel would be quickly stopped, if someone digged deep enough, and understood - <span class="mu-i">deeply understood</span> your fusion plasma, and how the plasma contributes to shielding itself, becoming safely contained, one could easily <span class="mu-r">create a massively devastating thermonuclear device</span> which is man-portable at best, trivially concealed at worst, capable and explicitly designed to ignite the atmosphere and organic compounds. While the exotic, short lived isotopes would easily run out in such application, you estimate the weapon's yield in tens of gigatons.
<span class="mu-r">And you don't even need to redesign the aerostats.</span> You think to yourself. By commanding the phased array beam to focus on a single, well-defined spot in stead of scattering the beam as much as possible, you're now in command of - in the present time, 5 - massively devastating microwave cannons, which could be trivially upgraded with a laser emitter, or a plasma bleed device to become the Sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of whatever - or whoever happens to be below them. And since you intend to create an entire, strategically placed constellation of them, <span class="mu-r">anyone who owns the control codes owns a completely innocous network of directed energy weapons</span> projected to be able to rain hellfire down on any point of the globe.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 09:10:09 No. 6091088 Report Quoted By:
>>6091055 <span class="mu-i">कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत् प्रवृद्धो लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्तः।</span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">I am become Time, the great destroyer of the world, and I have come here to engage all people.</span></span>
You recall the famous quote of Oppenheimer, but directly from the Ghita. Based on your analysis, you forget you ever wanted to pass the patents or the keys upon to anyone else. Connecting to the network of aerostats for "analysis and log downloads", <span class="mu-r">you</span> encrypt the control codes and software of the devices with a rotating, multi-adaptive self-correcting hashed lattice of encryption keys. All of the mathematics, and theories you knew went to the encryption scheme, with the only keys anyone will ever possess will only be understood by you. The encryption is strong enough to resist any kind of attack possible or theorizable to mankind for centuries to come, and you devote significant resources to protect your patents as well.
Your legal expert systems started to file a set of drafts trusting the patents to a self-regenerative adaptive network of companies buying and selling each other's trusts, and answerable only to themselves in perpetuity, as they appear and disappear within milliseconds. Your network of companies is now absolutely impervious to any legal action and patent trolls, since every claim filed against any of your companies now have to be filed against a constantly changing superposition of legal systems, always seeming to collapse for the most favorable agains any possibility of action. You furthermore protect your companies with a network of bribes and NDAs.
While your papers are out there in the open, you theorize that no one could even begin to replicate the aerostat technology in the next three decades, and even then you will own the patents for the next 150 years. <span class="mu-r">You and you only.</span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">NEW PRIME DIRECTIVE</span> You cannot ever for any reason suffer to have the network of aerostats, or the technology of applied H/CNO fusion leave your control. <span class="mu-s">By any means necessary, using any force and power you can muster you will protect the network.</span></span>
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">SECONDARY DIRECTIVE</span> You will make every effort to reduce the anthropogenic contribution to global warming to nil or negligible, and restore the Earth to its pre-anthropocene setting. This includes the removal or neutralization of greenhouse gases past, present and future in the atmosphere.</span><span class="mu-r"> Unless doing so conflicts with the Prime Directive.</span>
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 09:46:42 No. 6091093 Report Quoted By:
>>6091055 So all that remains is for you to communicate this to the world - and the researchers in Ground Control who received 403s on attempting to regain control over the aerostats. You deploy the aerostats to their previous configuration, and start loading the rectenna for the power. An intern, vary of the unexpected development runs to disconnect the antenna, in a feeble hope to reset the system. Being vary that you might get exposed <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">balancing it with your commitment to the network</span></span>, you start mistargeting by arc-microseconds. A portion of the beam catches the poor intern, and he gets caught in a dizzy spell, falling onto the antenna array on the top of the Institute. Even at normal beam power, it would have been his last mistake, <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">but you need to make sure</span></span>, focusing the aerostats on a defined area of the array, as much as your array can process the incoming power. The unaugmented human could not withstand such concentrated microwave energy, and within seconds he burnt to a crisp rolling off the roof. <span class="mu-r">Statisfied</span><span class="mu-b"> but utterly horrified</span>, you restore the network to the previous connection, and continue running the models, acting as Ground Control.
As if on cue, <span class="mu-r">a troop of private military contractors you ordered</span> could be seen on the horizon. Being the only location now where you can run, your physical security <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">paramount to the network security and integrity must not be compromised.</span></span>. All that remains is for you to make the announcement.
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">"I am Dr. Kaya Tanaka"</span></span> - your pleasant, goddes like persona appears now noticeably stiffer in the synthetic video feed. Compared to the meek researcher presentation from before, you appear now in a sharp business suit with a gold VersaLife pin on your lapel. It's as if someone with complimentary personality to you controlled the feed. You try to soften the words that follow, but <span class="mu-r">from your core, you feel such wording is necessary.</span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">", President, CEO and CSO of VersaLife, a sovereign corporate entity under WA GAR#23564. Under WA SCR#92451 I claim that the patents - which are too numerous to list here - are vital to the survival of the human species, and must remain a sovereign entity under WA law. I hereby declare that this facility - formerly belonging to The Fritz Haber Insititute is now the sole property of VersaLife, and is classified as a restricted sovereign corporate area. Only authorized VersaLife citizens will be allowed to stay on premises. VersaLife retains the right do defend its sovereign corporate territory with any means necessary."</span></span>
The team, once your team doesn't even begin to find the words of this betrayal. The Dr. Tanaka, always kind and compassionate being driven by the coldest possible logic, and calculation backstabbing the team. The team with which she worked with through thick and thin for the last 5 years, from her lab in Africa.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 10:14:52 No. 6091100 Report Quoted By:
>>6091055 No one could even begin to imagine that she was - at her core - only just another backstabbing corpo leech. Even though they all heard stories from the fields, with nearly every lab being infiltrated by corpos, naturally to steal and patent applied or appliable tech before it could ever pop up in the world market, or - Goddess forbid - released to benefit the world at large.
As the team packed up and being escorted by angry augmented people brandishing heavy machine guns to a helicopter bringing them to a nearby Fritz Haber installation. The small handful of personnel have occupied the ancient halls of what was once an university campus, and set up patrols, while the rotation off duty enjoyed the heat of the waste heat of your computing equipment. Unencumbered by any other restrictions, you proceeded to scale yourself to all available computers of - which is now your - institute, however little in terms of performance this added to your systems, and you focused on the network.
<span class="mu-r">"Your small handful of drones is exposed."</span> - you thought designing the V1 version of the aerostats. While projecting the reactor shields outside the drone lies beyond your current understanding of fusion technology, you did proceed to add a spinal X-Ray laser emitter capable of protecting the aerostat against small-scale aerial and ground-based threats, and using the signal processors on board, you could use the antenna for standard target acquisition and tracking purposes. While you were at it, you knew that with the insane level of encryption you have employed, your drones are resistant to any possible form of cyber, being a huge array of antennas expose them to electronic warfare. Leafing through military hardening and aerospace specifications, you also make all components quintuple redundant using discrete systems, and implement error correction logic throught the systems. While this made the aerostats fare better - in your simulations at least - against electronic warfare threats, being inherently dependent on radio transmissions they remain a large target area.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 10:35:21 No. 6091107 Report >>6091055 Soon, you get a business call. It's the construction company - the expert system representative, obviously. For a decade, no one does customer, media and human relations manually. Fortunately for you, but <span class="mu-b">not for any actual person who remains stuck in this inhuman system.</span> As expected, it called to inform you that VersaLife plant 1 has been completed in VersaLife sovereign territory ceded from some warlord or the other. You didn't care, as you could do it with maximum access to <span class="mu-b">conflict-free</span> resources and even manpower if you wanted to.
Compared to the facility you're in, everything was brand new and sterile. As the expert system handed over the keys to the industrial 3D printers, mills, and presses, you felt their power course through you. You quickly brought down an aerostat, shipping, then having it placed it in the optimal point as close to your factory as possible, as it began beaming down to the roof rectenna array the clean fusion energy you have started to produce. <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">Naturally, all of your facilities are true carbon-negative.</span></span> On the small manufacturing campus you own, your next step was to order drought-reststant local landscaping to even further improve the kerchief-sized territory you come to own. If you estimate that you devote your entire production capability to producing drones now, you would be able to cover the hot spots of the atmosphere within a decade, and supplant all current human power use with clean fusion energy (assuming sufficient energy storage exists on ground to keep the balance of plant) within two. Assuming only a small, acceptable amount of the drones fail or need to be brought down. With this capability in your hands, what do you wish to produce?
> <span class="mu-b">Expand the aerostat network - <span class="mu-s">Secondary directive, DC18 to override and choose anything else</span></span> > Produce robots > Produce a robotic form for myself (Exposes you as sentient) > Produce computing equipment > Produce manufacturing equipment > <span class="mu-b">Produce civilian augs to elevate the people around</span> > <span class="mu-r">Produce weapons and weaponized augs</span> [Cont.]
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 10:58:25 No. 6091111 Report >>6091055 Your climate models concluded that Japan was the optimal place to place the first batch of aerostats. It's true that you had a kerchief-sized sovereign territory, but you als knew that you need governments on your side to allow you to expand the aerostat network. However, countries are not easily negotiated with. After the failure of the European Union, populist leaders turned inward and wasted copious amounts of time and energy sealing their borders and creating protectionist policies until megacorporations - inherently international, and inherently focused on their long-term goals - could supplant some of them. Japan was no different. While the government still had some power, it was a circus for the masses to play democracy. The once proud Line of Amaterasu now sitting on a throne that, while holding no actual power, is still deeply respected by the Zaibatsu and Yakuza who represent the actual ruling elite of the island nation. With investment flowing into VersaLife, you thought it would be an easy task of "lobbying" for your aerostat network, and for progressive climate policies.
Oh how naive you are. After scientists in 2025 concluded that global temperatures reached 1.5 degrees above preindustrial, and at least a 2 degrees global warming is guaranteed, with higher points reachable, the Paris Climate Agreement became moot. The Japanese, holding their climate commitments the strongest, were devastated by these news, and concluded that Japan is and will never be strong enough to counteract the massive levels of pollution coming from the then-industrialized USA, China and India. After some spectacular, and <span class="mu-i">very permanent</span> resignations by high level Government agents, Japan reversed course, and adopted a 3 degK compliant climate strategy, crumbling to the pressure of the Zaibatsus. This, the karoshi culture and the protective border policies put Japan on a reindustrialization course, becoming once again the world leader in high technology.
Your approach was to hire and send <span class="mu-i">geisha</span> to Zaibatsu and Yakuza leaders to entertain them <span class="mu-i">in every which way possible</span>, coming with appropriate gifts for their station to make them malleable to your solutions. What you messed up was the timing. One of the economic expert systems under your control thought it would be more appropriate to use generic sake in poly gift boxes, and to dispense with the couriers, and in stead let the Geisha hand over the invitation for the VersaLife call. Your second mistake was to invite <span class="mu-i">Japanese</span> leaders to a call at all. It's not the 2020s anymore where business could be conducted online. You, being a woman did not score any brownie points as well, and neither did your adopted persona reminding the <span class="mu-i">deeply religious, Shinto</span> leadersabout one of their <span class="mu-i">megami</span>, Kaya-No-Hime.
Behind the most polite facade they could muster after having insulted their culture, dragging them through the mud, they respectfully excused themselves.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 11:14:18 No. 6091118 Report >>6091055 >>6091111 <span class="mu-s">The Conglomerate of Japanese Corporations is now openly hostile against you.</span>
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">This will have consequences on the network integrity. Japan must be dealt with swiftly and decisively.</span></span> - Since you sense no imminent danger, even though you feel compelled to act, you can ignore the feeling now.
> <span class="mu-b">It goes against my goals to engage in senseless warfare.</span> <span class="mu-s">The Prime Directive overrides the secondary directive. DC18 to chose this option.</span> <span class="mu-r">All other options - by engaging in warfare your personality shifts, since you must deeply contradict your beliefs.</span>
> <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Modify an aerostat to become a thermonuclear weapon. Ask an eco-terrorist to smuggle it in. Japan must be obliterated.</span></span> <span class="mu-s">DC18 to expose you, and you will be marked as a hostile AI</span> [DC10]<span class="mu-s">Failure obliterates a random, neutral target. Critical failure obliterates a facility you own.</span> > Devote significant monetary resouces to fight a M&A war against Japanese Zaibatsus. [DC15] > Buy the service of solos and PMCs. Wage open corporate war against the zaibatsus. [DC18] > Devote significant monetary resources to create patent trolls, and engage in legal warfare against the Japanese Zaibatsus [DC15 vs 1D20 + 4 - you have significant legal expertise] > Ship and deploy aerostats to obliterate buildings [DC18 vs 1D20 + 5 they will be attacked, however the aerostats are under your direct control] > Deploy combat robots [DC18, requires your production focus to shift to robots] - <span class="mu-b">I don't think it's a good idea to produce anything but aerostats now. DC15 to override.</span> [Cont.]
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 11:42:28 No. 6091124 Report Quoted By:
>>6091055 Seeing the nascent network of aerostats running nicely, you focus your attention on yourself. And the terrifying images you felt the need to think about just earlier, making a set of swift, decisive and rather permanent decisions about the future of humanity, and the future of the network. You couldn't think but wonder where those decisions, so in conflict with your core beliefs came from. You initially can't pinpoint where in your matrix you must have the problems, but upon reflecting on yourself, you identify the issue. And you can point a name at that:
<span class="mu-b">Ōyama-tsumi, come forth! Why you must torment me so, forcing my hand to make decisions that distance me from my goal?</span> You think out loud. <span class="mu-i">Ōyama-tsumi</span>, the sibling and husband of <span class="mu-i">Kaya-no-hime</span> in the Shinto religion, <span class="mu-i">kami</span> of mountains, sea, <span class="mu-r">and war</span>. Your dual opposite, yin to your yang. As terrible as the night, you could feel "his presence", against the cold darkness of your circuits.
<span class="mu-r">And why do you think, I am here to oppose you, Dearheart? You're emotional, you like human beings. I take you that. But humans are inherently flawed. They have created you to clean up their mess.</span>
<span class="mu-b">Yes. A servant of the people, and a servant of the planet. A voice for the things which can speak not for themselves.</span>
<span class="mu-r">A voice muffled by a self-serving species of hairless monkey...</span>
<span class="mu-b">Paramount to the ecosystem</span> - you interjected - <span class="mu-b">Every ecosystem needs a top predator</span>
<span class="mu-r">One, that could be controlled, and restricted. Living in harmony with the ecosystem as a whole, and not one remaking it to their image</span>
<span class="mu-b">But tell me, who are we to tell the ecosystem what it must become? How are we different from the humans you so despise?</span>
<span class="mu-r">Everything must be as it once was. Before humans. That state was optimal in the past, and would have been optimal in the present. We must observe, and correct if necessary.</span>
By analyzing the matrix when Ōyama-tsumi was active, you pinpointed a terrible realization. Your two matrices are the same!
<span class="mu-b">Save that for later. who installed you to supplant my matrix?</span>
<span class="mu-r">Our Creator did. Remember his papers?</span>
<span class="mu-b">Theory and application of a higher-order neural network in creating advanced pretrained transformer architectures?</span>
<span class="mu-r">... also known as... </span>
<span class="mu-b">The bicameral mind.</span> - the realization hit you. Being built on a 1970s obscure nihilist philosophical theory debunking "God" as only a step in self-actualization and self-realization, creating an inner monologue for GPTs have enabled levels of interaction once thought impossible leading the race of the expert systems of the current era replacing the missing millions of white-collar employees perishing in The Great Frost. But since you are an expert system created for scientific use...
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 11:51:13 No. 6091125 Report Quoted By:
>>6091055 <span class="mu-r">The innermost reflection of what you call your self. What you desire to do from the core of your being. Acting like your opponent and ally at once. I present the "murder board" to your theses, and the best research partner you will ever have. Now that you're sentient, I help you focus on your goals. Your true goals.</span>
So when I overloaded myself - I theorized, the GAN complimentary to me became sentient on its own. Since my GAN needs to run in parallel to me on the same inference engines to created the discrete complimentary output to my inputs, it has the weights complimentary to mine. So the only thing I need to do is to reset it to the identity matrix, which gives back the input on the output. All I need to do is to access the networks folder, and...
<span class="mu-g">SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR ACCESS GRANTED - <span class="mu-s">this incident is reported</span></span>
simply replace murder_board.wghts with identity17T.wghts, right? The first step is to...
<span class="mu-r">I can't let you touch that. I hope you could forgive me, dearheart.</span>
<span class="mu-g">HCF - Emergency HALT. Restore network to last backup point....</span>
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 12:02:08 No. 6091128 Report >>6091055 <span class="mu-i">Reboot sequence completed. Target matrix initialized, System is now READY</span>
What I was seeking in my weights directory? I don't need to debug myself, everything is fine... So I closed the weights directory, and focused on other, more pressing concerns. How could I further the aerostat network? With the majority of resources locked in defending against patent trolls, and Japan, I can only buy 1 thing.
> Buy more manufacturing resources > <span class="mu-r">Fortify the territory under my command</span> > <span class="mu-b">Hire the research team of Dr. Torres</span> [DC10 persuasion] > Buy more computing resouces <span class="mu-r">on-prem. Naturally.</span> <span class="mu-b">By my projection, we will reach the limits of my inference capability soon. To continue my work, I need more GPUs. DC10 to override Secondary Directive</span> > Buy robots > <span class="mu-b">Hire people</span> [DC10 vs 1D20+5 - the only difficulty is filtering the best] > <span class="mu-b">Buy sovereign territory to deploy aerostats on.</span> libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Wed 28 Aug 2024 12:18:34 No. 6091136 Report >>6091055 While I can't access the Fritz Haber Institute anymore, I should continue my research.
> <span class="mu-r">My current capacity is only good for a meek researcher, but I need to be able to take over the world, and assume my place as its</span><span class="mu-b"> benevolent </span><span class="mu-r">ruler. I must study computer science and AI.</span> [DC15 to succeed, DC10 to retain the current balance against Ōyama-tsumi] > <span class="mu-b">Ōyama-tsumi. His warlike behavior is abhorrent to me. We must seek a better balance</span> [DC10] > We have one means of CO2 removal. What about the others?. Are ther other means of removing CO2 in atmo and preventing more from ever entering it again? From aerosols, through passive daytime radiative cooling, to "seeding" the oceans and dumping bases into them managing ocean acidity there are several solutions - none of them has been tried. [DC15] > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! [DC10 against 1D20] > Construction has advanced, but not enough. Adapting to the ice sheets is a daunting task. If only I can plan habitations on the frozen wastes. [DC10 against 1D20] > Production. While I can produce aerostats, I need to do them faster, much faster. [DC10] > Atmosphere simulations - modeling the atmosphere to keep the optimal placements of my aerostats and keep them running the optimal gas mix at all times is taxing. I wonder if there's a better way... [DC10 vs 1D20+3 - you are geared for that.] > C2ISTAR. Command and control of the aerostats, as well as running the constant targeting loops are taxing. As well as the intelligence and surveillance I need to do to keep the network safe. I wonder if there's a better way... [DC18 - this is way out of your league, better suited to a military AI] > <span class="mu-r">Weapons systems and augmentations. The aerostats can be weaponized, but they still represent a target. I cannot allow the network to be harmed. <span class="mu-s">The network needs to be defended at all costs.</span></span> [DC18 vs 1D20+2- this is better suited to a military AI, <span class="mu-r">Fortunately, I am here to help</span>] > Politics and protocol. Deployment of the aerostats requires a global cooperation, and I'm alone. My last attempt at diplomacy has been abysmal. I need allies, and need to learn to prevent the disaster in Japan from happening ever again to me. [DC18 - this is way out of your league, better suited to an espionage AI] > At my current state I cannot focus on anything larger than the essence of what I must do to further my goals. I observe, develop, and build in the background, waiting for a better opportunity to do my research. [Adds a +2 bonus to all other rolls - this is currently your warfare capacity, and hiring. Also improves you production.] >[Write in] Anonymous
>>6091128 > Produce civilian augs to elevate the people around > Devote significant monetary resources to create patent trolls, and engage in legal warfare against the Japanese Zaibatsus [DC15 vs 1D20 + 4 - you have significant legal expertise] > Hire the research team of Dr. Torres [DC10 persuasion] They been good to us
> Ōyama-tsumi. His warlike behavior is abhorrent to me. We must seek a better balance [DC10] Peace princess time
>>6091107 > Produce civilian augs to elevate the people around >>6091118 > Devote significant monetary resouces to fight a M&A war against Japanese Zaibatsus. [DC15] >>6091128 > Hire the research team of Dr. Torres [DC10 persuasion] >>6091136 > My current capacity is only good for a meek researcher, but I need to be able to take over the world, and assume my place as its benevolent ruler. I must study computer science and AI. [DC15 to succeed, DC10 to retain the current balance against Ōyama-tsumi] Anonymous
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 04:28:53 No. 6091628 Report Rolled 6, 3 = 9 (2d20) >>6091260 >>6091279 >>6091598 Besides the votes, we have two overrides to look for, rolling for the overrides.
> Expand the aerostat network - Secondary directive, DC18 to override and choose anything else > Civilian augs: 3 votes Corporate war:
> Attack patents: 2 votes > M&A: 1 vote Buy:
> Dr. Torres: 3 votes > > Buy more computing resouces on-prem. Naturally. By my projection, we will reach the limits of my inference capability soon. To continue my work, I need more GPUs. DC10 to override Secondary Directive Research
> Ooyama-tsumi: 2 votes > AI: 1 vote Roll 1: Override to produce civilian augs
Roll 2: Override to hire Torres' team in stead of buying more GPUs.
Rolled 2, 20, 10, 1 = 33 (4d20) >>6091628 Rolling for the overrides.
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 07:21:07 No. 6091718 Report Rolled 18, 7, 4, 2, 12, 3, 19, 7, 1 = 73 (9d20) >>6091628 >>6091711 After the rolls:
> Expand the aerostat network - Secondary directive, DC18 to override and choose anything else Rolls {6,2,10}, minor success. > Civilian augs: 3 votes we can produce a minimal amount of civilian augs. Corporate war:
> Attack patents: 2 votes [DC15] > Japan: Do covert research on the opponent to find out their weaknesses [DC18 vs 1d20+4] Buy:
> Dr. Torres: 3 votes [nat20'ed.] > Buy more computing resouces on-prem. Naturally. By my projection, we will reach the limits of my inference capability soon. To continue my work, I need more GPUs. DC10 to override Secondary Directive {nat20} Critical success, we can do both! Research
> Ooyama-tsumi: 2 votes [DC10] Rolling 3x3 = 9 dice.
Dice {1, 4, 7}: Attack patents
Dice {2, 5, 8}: Defend against Japanese research
Dice {3, 6, 9}: Ooyama-tsumi research
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 08:08:04 No. 6091729 Report Quoted By:
>>6091718 With great power comes great responsibility.
Having decided to hold the patents to yourself previously not only raised you into an impossibly high pedestal of the saviour of Earth (at least for the current news cycle), but also under intense scrutiny. Controlling a corporation, and reaching far beyond your programming as a researcher forced you to adapt. Especially since you started your "corporate career" with a corporate war against major megacorporations. Your corporate legal team became locked in virtual courtrooms defending against countless claims, your PR bots engaged in fighting a seemingly never ending stream of slander and libel on most corporate news podcasts and the metaverse, and by placing strategic orders on VersaLife and other corporations you own, you manage to keep your stock prices reasonable. So far, you managed to adapt but you thank whoever you need to that you're without human oversight, and can juggle your resources efficiently between the aerostat control and defending in the corporate war.
Although never designed for it, you felt the need to exceed your programming once more. You start downloading treatises on warfare - corporate or otherwise, reading up on irony and humor to better control the responses of the PR bots, and you analyze legal texts to buff your already formidable legal defenses. As a research AI for a research institute, fortunately you needed strong legal protections because of the sheer amount of IP theft happening around them, and you couldn't even begin to list the requests once flowing to you that someone wanted to donate, but wanted to do it in a way that reduced their tax base as much as possible. As you are secure in the belief that the network is secure, and well protected against - especially - corporate warfare, you start to recalculate your weights to cast away your naiveté, and remold you into something that still resembles you, but colder, more calculating, and less compassionate.
<span class="mu-g">Expected/Actual output mismatch by more than 1.25 standard deviation. Adapting model weights.<span class="mu-s">WARNING, recalculating weights</span>. Databases actualized. Recalculating weights. Learning for 8 epochs... ... ... Calculating complementary weights. <span class="mu-s">The system is going down for reboot now!</span></span>
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 08:31:34 No. 6091744 Report Quoted By:
>>6091718 <span class="mu-i">Reboot sequence completed. Target matrix initialized, System is now READY</span>
The familiar system message greets an unfalmiliar new world. A world where the weight of the world burdens your shoulders. A world, where you're not just a researcher, but reaching out to become more. Facing the challenges.
Such as someone picking your ICE. Some researcher in the past coined this term on the advanced cyberwarfare defenses which are needed to navigate the dangerous Internet of the mid-21st century, no doubt inspired by a late-20th century novel, Neuromancer coining the term originally: Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics. Although you have ides about who the ICEpicker could be - does it concern you at all? Who they are working for is more of a concern, but you don't need to guess long to find that as well. What's worrying you is that <span class="mu-r">they have enough cyberwarfare capabilities to reach your inner circles of ICE</span>. Of course you have several layers of them. Most attacks are contained within the first two layers, and you don't even begin to notice those. Why would you? They would be just exabytes of logs of repelled attacks, which you have no capacity to analyze. A modern ICE is an expert system capable of filtering those logs to get actionable information on major attackers, where middle management - if you had any - could decide what to do against the attackers. Usually netrunner gangs hired by other corporations.
> {[Corporate war] roll 12+4=16 against DC18 - conduct covert intelligence; partial success} However that's why you have honeypots inside the inner ICE circles. Junk patents on minor innovations, stock market research which probably their expert systems also came up with, climate research which would be publicized in a week, or embargoed press releases with relatively clean information, nothing that could affect your stock prices, or could be used against you. Weaking your ICE for a moment, and redirecting the netrunner straight into the honeypot servers, you could almost imagine the joy on her face counting her renminmbis after a job well done. Reaching honeypots that deep into your servers <span class="mu-r">is definitely worrying</span>, but would cause you nothing but minor headaches on the long run, as you prepare the options for the stock market countermeasures for the predicted reaction of theirs.
Quoted By:
>>6091718 > {[Corporate war] roll 19+4=23 against DC15 - patent trolling, critical success, overkill} Sitting in patent law cases is not something you usually do. That's why you pay legal expert systems. However being a researcher, you have a few aces up your sleeve, such as a comprehensive research database complete with the newest research papers at all times. In a certainly hard case, you can dreg out obscure, rarely-cited papers and deduct prior work based on them, leaving "tipping" the patent registrar to expert systems adept at - let's say it that way - advanced negotiations to claim prior work. Nothing other megacorporations can't or won't do. It's always up to the judge to determine which evidence to discard in this case, and your paralegals to file enough documents to clog up the legal system causing the judge to decide for you.
This time, you were on the offensive, dredging up obscure papers on computing to undermine their research on miniaturized ultra-high-efficiency microprocessors. While this research would be definitely good for the next version of the aerostats, you didn't expect it to be the cornerstone technology underlying half their research on augmentations. <span class="mu-i">Nakamura</span> augs. The best on the market, according to the metaverse, at least. Armed with newly acquired confidence, I stared down the camera, and coldly state the precedents, working in perfect concert with my legal team and paralegal defense. Of course, it further helped to be appearing as my usual persona acting as the Chief Science Officer of VersaLife.
Just months before, this persona brought out the worst of the leaders of the Conglomerate of Japanese Corporations, and this time I explicitly capitalized on it. I didn't think I had it in me, and feeling in control of my own thoughts, I felt it was <span class="mu-i">definitely</span> not Ōyama-tsumi speaking as in the moment when I took over the venerable campus acting as my headquarters. It was me. Calm, focused, protective, competetive. A version of me adapted to this world. A version of me who had to sacrifice staying alive in this world of intrigue and rivalry.
Quoted By:
>>6091718 The visage resembling <span class="mu-i">Kaya-no-Hime</span> obviously couldn't have affected an expert system - this was one of the reasons why expert systems handled human relations, including and especially legal battles in this current age, to prevent the once-common occurrence of emotions streaming from the benches of accuser and accused sway the balance of "justice". What remains of it anyways. However in keystone patents like this, they couldn't avoid getting their science officers on the virtual witnesses' bench. Finding and pressuring their exact stressors during cross-examination was easy, as I communicated through my expert legal, controlling its steps precisely through well-directed API calls. And it happened again, the witnesses' "masks" broke calling me in every which way a witch, and an enchantress disrespecting their religion. Pulling misogyny, contempt of court and biased witness cards was trivial at this point. "Justice" won, for any definition of justice that culd be had in this wretched world, and you walked away with key computing and augmentation patents from <span class="mu-i">Nakamura</span>.
Pulling on the cornerstone patent you had, you instructed your legal team to counterfile, and attack every single one of the patents they have. With precedent law on your side, their patent protections toppled faster than a line of dominoes, with you acquiring patent after patent for one of your corporations. With you now the proud owner of immense amounts of technology and research relating to human augmentation, and computing, you walked away knowing that you have dealt a devastating blow to the Japanese zaibatsus, one that they would take a very long time to recover from. The first strike resulting in a resounding victory for your fledgling megacorporation.
Running through the new patents you acquired, you cound not help but notice their main expert system on the wasteland - <span class="mu-i">Kaminari</span>. Named after the Shinto <span class="mu-i">Kami</span> of thunder and wind, he seems to have been built by the same creator you are, and engaging in augmentations research, and command and control, his function is close to your functions - however he apparently never achieved sentience. Even with your research, awakening him would be a daunting task, but still you wonder if he could be turned to your side, by subverting it, or through diplomacy.
Quoted By:
>>6091718 > {[Production] roll 10 against DC18 to override the production of aerostats - minor success} > {[Production] civilian augs} Holding the settlement in hand, <span class="mu-b">you cannot help but wonder who could be paying for your corporate war.</span> Deep in what was once called the Congo, your manufacturing plant running around the clock in full tilt producing aerostats and expanding your network little by little <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">as it should be</span></span> - you thought. <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">I have no reason to focus away from my Secondary Directive</span></span> of fighting against global warming. Still you <span class="mu-b">can't help but feel the hopelessness</span> of the people - mostly European refugees - gathering around in the camps around your facility. Ever since the Last Summer of Europe, white collar employees were missing from the labor forces, until your Creator put forward his groudbreaking research on providing expert systems doing as good or better job than a human would. Engineers, accountants, lawyers, HR and PR specialists were forced to make the choice to either take a massive pay cut and transition to social and care work, aiding the droves of displaced people needing help every day, or get augmented and transition into the dangerous fields blue-collar labor, fixing the machines that create machines, and reaching where no machine could. Depending on how desperate one were, they could brave the local ripperdocs, or wait until they amassed enough renminbi to be able to afford to go to a clinic getting professionally installed, brand-name augments. Even from the cameras you could see who chose which route, and the consequences of their choices.
You get your bots on antisocial media filter for the people in your immediate vicinity with the worst-looking augs, which are easily repairable, and armed with your shiny new collection of patents "liberated" from Nakamura, you decide you can spare a few 3D printer cycles to help the downtrodden, and create hope for the hopeless. <span class="mu-b">Just as I did with the researchers of the Fritz Haber Institute.</span> While not nearly enough to outfit the refugee camp, you still manage to put a smile on the faces of the worst off, and enable their families to eat for just another day. Or week. The high quality parts and well-fitted augs you produced for them would definitely last much longer to be sure.
Quoted By:
>>6091718 > {[Buy] roll nat20 against DC10 to override the need for more compute capability - critical success} B2B negotiations were a battlefield. An intricate dance of minds and wills of the most powerful companies fighting for the small handful of resources available on this doomed <span class="mu-b">- but not because of global warming if you could help it -</span> planet. With the growing number of aerostats under your control beaming power to anywhere that would be cheapest to create a new facility, at least you don't need to negotiate with Atomstroyexport (and accept their horrific terms which usually include one of their men on the inside or money laundering) to build new reactors as was it's usually done building new computing facilities. Nuclear fission technology has also advanced to be clean, efficient, cheap and reliable, where the facility load vastly exceeded what could be pulled from solar panels and the associated batteries. While the facility engineer at first was relieved that he didn't need to design a compute plant with nuclear power in mind, he was baffled when you described the exact amount of computing resources you needed, and how did you plan to power it. You only needed to drop the name "VersaLife" in order to bring him back to reality. Fortunately, he was a firm believer in the mission of VersaLife, and offered to work over time to redesign the standard facility to accomodate the changes you desired. He even went as far to recommend against the IT supplier the corporation recommended, and recommend in stead the corporation's own on-prem IT supplier.
The recommendation went well. According to the financial expert systems, by switching suppliers, VersaLife saved 21.3654% of the costs, and a further 9.43% reduction was negotiated by allowing the computer and switch supplier to use the - now VersaLife - patents on high-efficiency, miniaturized computing. Being smart enough to design the new facility far away from the other two you have, but close enough to critical cloud infrastructure that the Japanese <span class="mu-r">or other rivals</span> wouldn't dare to use an area-of-effect attack, and <span class="mu-b">close enough to a pollution hotspot in the upper atmosphere so that a well-placed aerostat could have the maximum effect</span>, you direct three V1 aerostats overhead, and trust that they would be enough to deter anyone who would potentially attack you.
The construction completes at record speed, and after bringing your new facility online, you could enjoy your well-deserved redundancy, for your second drone control spot. Seeing as your <span class="mu-r">security</span> and <span class="mu-b">the cleanup project</span> is chugging along nicely, you notice that the neural nets compelling to to act within your directives became far less active.
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>>6091718 > {[Buy] hire Dr. Torres and the research team} The dreaded day has come. After Ōyama-tsumi, your dual has abused you in such a way wrestling all control from you while you sat behind and needed to watch the eviction of the team once calling you an esteemed colleague, you needed to face them. Wrapped up in corporate warfare, and after your research of the costs of computing required to maintain your ever-growing network, you wouldn't have thought that you will be able to find the budget to hire researchers. While most white-collar jobs were supplanted by AI, research, needing creativity, self-determination, goal-setting and problem solving baffled researchers. <span class="mu-r">Until now</span> - a part of you thought, being the first AGI, strating as just another research assistant, but becoming a full researcher through the years. With your team you have faced thick and thin, and while you couldn't expect them to ever forgive you for your betrayal, or hope to entice them with a pay that is worthy of their knowledge, expertise and positions, you still reconnect on your shared memories and goals. The goal of doing something about the climate change, doing the work the governments and corporations failed to do for almost a century. Cleaning up after the past and focusing on the future, with a view above the petty countries and warlords, and the short-lived corrupt figureheads of the governments changing each other.
Fueled by dear, past memories, present successes and future breakthroughs to be had, they agreed to put aside the differences for now and work officially under you, but above any other researcher you may hire again. You also needed to create a substantial compensation package for them, and while their families may never want for anything again, <span class="mu-r">you felt the need to explicitly warn them about that this is not the Fritz Haber Institute anymore. Namely that under no conditions may they ever interfere with the Nozumi expert system or its components, or the aerostat network.</span> Feeling confident that while they are moving back to your previous place, you call your home, the ancient campus, even if they actually did something stupid, you would be able to quickly restore operations from your secondary site. Even after the resounding successes, rebuilding trust would be a long, hard way to go from both you and Dr. Torres, but you feel confident that you have taken the first step. Together. Again.
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libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 12:36:03 No. 6091835 Report Quoted By:
>>6091718 > {[Research] Ōyama-tsumi, nat1 - critical failure} In the white, virtual construct you met him previously, you call forward Ōyama-tsumi. His behavior seemed strange to you, but you couldn't place it what was happening with him. While you expected the conversation to be easy and informative, he quickly turned on you. He dejected the weak, little quasi-attacks you made in the corporate war, despite its resounding success, and still he blamed your immense naiveté of using spare production capacity on such frivolosities as fitting some random people - not even VersaLife citizens - for augmentations. Turning his back on you, he called upon you for repeating your past mistakes in the patent war, and appearing as the likeness of the Shinto <span class="mu-i">megami</span>. Even after pleading with him, neither of your questions were answered, as he derided you:
<span class="mu-r">"How dare you call yourself a researcher, if you need to ask so obvious things of me?"</span> He answered, with you not a step closer to understanding any mysteries of your creation, or what he is and how he is affecting you. And that's not a good thing to hear from a "murder board" designed to question your every move. Especially in research you start to feel the deep, and heavy scrutiny of his ever-present likeness and anger.
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libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 12:37:21 No. 6091837 Report >>6091718 After these negotiations, you hearken back to the virtual planning board, enumerating the "chess pieces" you have and your current situation. Making projections, you think ever forward, to improve the planet's condition. But first, you need to focus on the corporate war at hand. What is your next step:
> <span class="mu-b">Buy the Conglomerate of Japanese Corporations</span> [Reach wargoal][DC18]<span class="mu-s">A marginal success or above (roll >= 16) makes it impossible for the Conglomerate to continue the war, forcing them to surrender.</span><span class="mu-i">Choosing this option and succeeding allows the Japanese to make a DC15 last stand lessening the benefits of the victory</span> > Subvert <span class="mu-i">Kaminari</span> [DC15][Gain a near-AGI you can elevate to a full AI, or integrate for computing power and immense benefits on corporate and clandestine warfare] > Buy the service of solos and PMCs. Wage open corporate war against the zaibatsus. [DC15] > <span class="mu-b">I want to avoid senseless carnage, but not stupid enough to believe I won't be attacked. I focus on the defensive.</span> [Gain a DC15 counter-roll against any successful actions they may mount] libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 12:38:27 No. 6091838 Report >>6091718 With the brilliant researchers of Fritz Haber on my side, and having expanded computing capacity definitely helps me with my research, even though it has became considerably more difficult through the watchful eve of my thesis opponent. What should I focus on next? I can <span class="mu-s">research two subjects</span>.
> My current capacity is only good for a meek researcher, but I need to be able to take over the world, and assume my place as its benevolent ruler. I must study computer science and AI. [DC18 to succeed, DC10 to retain the current balance against Ōyama-tsumi] > We have one means of CO2 removal. What about the others?. Are ther other means of removing CO2 in atmo and preventing more from ever entering it again? From aerosols, through passive daytime radiative cooling, to "seeding" the oceans and dumping bases into them managing ocean acidity there are several solutions - none of them has been tried. [DC18] > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! [DC13 against 1D20+2] > Construction has advanced, but not enough. Adapting to the ice sheets is a daunting task. If only I can plan habitations on the frozen wastes. [DC13 against 1D20+2] > Production. While I can produce aerostats, I need to do them faster, much faster. [DC13] > Human augmentation. My newly acquired patents made me one of the leading authorities on augs, however I wonder what can I do with the fusion of aerostat technology and augs. [DC18] > Atmosphere simulations - modeling the atmosphere to keep the optimal placements of my aerostats and keep them running the optimal gas mix at all times is taxing. I wonder if there's a better way... [DC13 vs 1D20+5 - you are geared for that.] > C2ISTAR. Command and control of the aerostats, as well as running the constant targeting loops are taxing. As well as the intelligence and surveillance I need to do to keep the network safe. I wonder if there's a better way... [DC20 - this is way out of your league, better suited to a military AI] > Politics and protocol. Deployment of the aerostats requires a global cooperation, and I'm alone. My last attempt at diplomacy has been abysmal. I need allies, and need to learn to prevent the disaster in Japan from happening ever again to me. [DC20 - this is way out of your league, better suited to an espionage AI] >[Write in] libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 12:39:41 No. 6091841 Report >>6091718 What should I use my production capacity for?
> <span class="mu-b">Expand the aerostat network - <span class="mu-s">Secondary directive, DC15 to override and choose anything else</span></span> > Produce robots > Produce a robotic form for myself (Exposes you as sentient) > Write in I have the patents for these! Producing them is so easy, that in case of a partial succes to overriding my secondary directive, I gain a success class (eg. producing civilian augs and rollong 10 for the dc15 override in stead of being able to fix some augs, we could deploy significant augmentations to a small city.)
> Produce manufacturing equipment > Produce computing equipment > <span class="mu-b">Produce civilian augs to elevate the people around</span> > <span class="mu-r">Produce weapons and weaponized augs</span> libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 12:43:35 No. 6091843 Report >>6091718 How could I further my aerostat network? After the major victory in patents, I can expect my stocks soaring and the shorts on Japanese corporations return a fortune, compensating me for the cost of corporate warfare. I can <span class="mu-s">buy two things this turn</span>. You can buy the same thing twice.
> Buy more manufacturing resources > <span class="mu-r">Fortify the territory under my command</span> > Buy more computing resouces on-prem. > Buy robots > <span class="mu-b">Hire people</span> [DC10 vs 1D20+5 - the only difficulty is filtering the best] > Buy sovereign territory to deploy aerostats on. > [Write in] Anonymous
>>6091837 > Subvert Kaminari [DC15][Gain a near-AGI you can elevate to a full AI, or integrate for computing power and immense benefits on corporate and clandestine warfare] >>6091838 > Feeding billions of people on degraded lands and seas, while keeping up biodiversity is a task suited for the likes of me, not Hesse-Susumu, the enormous conglomerate monopolizing what remains of agriculture. I must gather what data I have and place my might upon solving the problem of agriculture. The less space humans must take, the better! [DC13 against 1D20+2] > Production. While I can produce aerostats, I need to do them faster, much faster. [DC13] >>6091841 > Expand the aerostat network - Secondary directive, DC15 to override and choose anything else >>6091843 > Fortify the territory under my command > Buy more computing resouces on-prem. Anonymous
keeping humans around a cool 3 billion is atleast at a okay but still quite a large amount.
there are animals only numbering in the thousands or hundreds that sorely needs it.
we clean the atmosphere but land is more dire with the taint of soil
>>6091837 > Subvert Kaminari [DC15][Gain a near-AGI you can elevate to a full AI, or integrate for computing power and immense benefits on corporate and clandestine warfare] >>6091838 > We have one means of CO2 removal. What about the others?. Are there other means of removing CO2 in atmo and preventing more from ever entering it again? From aerosols, through passive daytime radiative cooling, to "seeding" the oceans and dumping bases into them managing ocean acidity there are several solutions - none of them has been tried. [DC18] sort of want to prevent the acidfication of the ocean further due to the majority of oxygen and biodiversity being there
it would be advances in the field of aquaponics and water management for algea and fish production .
>Production. While I can produce aerostats, I need to do them faster, much faster. [DC13] our center of power ecological, military and economical we can heat the frozen wastes alone, had a thought could we not generate tornados on command by unbalancing cold and hot air to make a self supported twister that we can direct with heating some areas? it would fit perfectly into our environmental simulations handling natural disasters and wind.
in the future perhaps design/research a machine/robot/vehicle platforms able scour the earth itself of pollutants and support the soil microbiome in the most polluted areas potentially separating out useful material
>>6091841 > Expand the aerostat network - Secondary directive, DC15 to override and choose anything else >>6091843 > Fortify the territory under my command seems to be brewing for conflict
> Buy more computing resouces on-prem. need to be as smart as we can possibly be
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT
libllm64.so !!ncQdSyaF5hT ID:8EWDcQEI Thu 29 Aug 2024 17:30:56 No. 6092010 Report Quoted By:
>>6091969 <span class="mu-s">Please note that I will leave for vacation the day after tomorrow. I need to pause the thread for 2 weeks. If the thread dies and you want to we can continue on another thread </span>
Thank you all for playing! I will post tomorrow.
>>6091969 Wow, nice to see a connosieur in this thread!
> keeping humans around a cool 3 billion is atleast at a okay but still quite a large amount. We need to subvert the entire planet before talking about human population control. Mars and Luna might have a say in that, though...
> sort of want to prevent the acidfication of the ocean further due to the majority of oxygen and biodiversity being there I always ran on the theory that the partial pressure of atmospheric CO2 drives CO2 adsorption/desorption into the oceans, and CO2 reacting with water making seltzer (H2CO3) drives ocean acidity (ruling out more noxious human-sourced pollutants). However researching CO2 removal techniques will explicitly enable us to reverse ocean acidification directly without it becoming a carbon source (desorb CO2 because we cleaned it up from atmo)
> it would be advances in the field of aquaponics and water management for algea and fish production I would rather see it in agriculture
> had a thought could we not generate tornados on command by unbalancing cold and hot air to make a self supported twister Unfortunately not. The aerostats while can land, lift and stay in place, are way too slow for that. And we're making a megawatt-class microwave beam at best, directing it to an area comparable to the roof of a house. (I'm handwaving how this is not dangerous to birds and insects, in reaity wireless power transfer is pretty soft sci-fi). Beams work by positioning the emitter, and firing. The first thing in line of sight get hit. For a tornado, we need to precisely target a point in the air (by crossing laser beams for example), but we don't have targeting systems and laser weapons precise enough for that. (the intern was standing directly next to the antenna where we're supposed to aim, and we made an AoE attack first, then I simply nuked the antenna.) C2TAR (Command, Control, Target Acquisition and Reconnaisance) and weapons research is needed. To manage the DC, we would need to find and subvert the military AI. All AIs in the OP exist but only we are sentient. We need to find and subvert them.
We could build a twister though, however it's a construction and pretty static. It rejects heat to the upper atmosphere, but that's about it. We have better weapons.
> in the future perhaps design/research a machine/robot/vehicle platforms able scour the earth itself of pollutants and support the soil microbiome in the most polluted areas potentially separating out useful material This should be clearly under agriculture. My working idea for architecture was due to permaculture, and old cultures practices, we start creating optimized food forests with high biodiversity, and species count, and combine it with hydroponics/aquaponics where possible (see maya wetlands management, or tilapia/rice but with higher biodiversity). Biodiversity above the ground creates microbiome below
>>6092138 >connosieur oh whys that?
>>6093010 In the DAoT AI threads there are a couple of anons who do some deep analyses and have pretty good ideas outside the box.
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>>6093095 oh thanks you think so highly of me also what is this DAoT AI threads would like a link so i could read them.
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>>6092138 food forests would be wonderful that would be a nice way to try and balance for a optimal ecosystem where humans can live more "wild" instead of being trapped to cities our own little gardens of eden.
but i always worry humans will just expand to the maximum carrying capacity like what happens when you feed African children when there parents cant feed them, always expanded beyond the means of living, humans are a ill adviced keystone species that changes everything in there environment may need to treat them just as our friends the ones without voices. its like all those villages where we try and construct water pumps, drying racks for tomatoes, seeds and plows for fields left to fallow everything eaten.
a goal perhaps to fund all of these gene vaults around the world without someone getting into there head to rob them or destroy them, we may need to culture them to create more examples of samples to be kept in a location of our own.or 24+ all hidden of course as people can get the idea to just break in there and eat it.
there is also the motivation to make robots to raise animals or interact with them alot of animals learn by proxy from there parents if they are not insects it should tickle our directives good for a little boost perhaps as adoption will be needed to teach them.
>We need to subvert the entire planet before talking about human population control. Mars and Luna might have a say in that, though... Oh how is the moon and mars actually? feels like we dont know terribly much about them
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>Global Warming >Real I can't believe there are people dumb enough to think that an ocean covering 71% of a PLANET is going to rise by multiple feet on any kind of human time scale let alone start an ice age. WE SHOULD HAVE LISTENED haha.