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Humanity - Fuck Yeah! #31

!!PpplEhKKhIj ID:zub6uie+ No.6091170 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

Your name is David "Gunny" Rockefeller, no relation.
A veteran of the united states marine corps, you find yourself in a far-out situation after an all-too-close encounter of the third kind!

In the last thread, Ronnie got captured and enslaved by David and his crew after having their fleet ambushed by the Metal Gear.
He went through various training and punishments, before being selected as one of the elites out of the whole group.

Ronnie experienced a lot of things for the first time. Being electrocuted, the joy of a freshly fabricated steak, the fear of being eaten alive by insects...
Not to mention a little bit of betrayal and several large drug overdoses, but that's all a day in the life of a pirate, you suppose.

Currently, Ronnie finds himself together with a mildly irritated David in a sewage tunnel underneath the greenhouse district, on a bug-hunting quest.
Your current objective is to gather samples of the various insects in the area, along with any other information you can get on their habits and activity.

The end goal of course, being the complete removal of these insects from your station.
However, some of the things you've seen down here have got you wondering if you'll even need to do that, or if they could be of some use to you instead.

Right now, you find yourself before an ant spawning bed in an old sewage clarifier, which leaves you with a choice.
Will you destroy the eggs, or leave them be, at least for now?

Find out this time, on Humanity Fuck Yeah!

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