>>6112707>Welcome to Capitalism(TM). The race of how much you can lie and scam each other until your lies collapse.I don't think I want to use this system. I hope it gets me a DGX station at least.
>Dalle. But since you're a Tohru worshipper, you usually use FOSS. Dalle api keys can be found anywhere as long as work safe is enough for (you)./g/ has a cybercrime thread where people steal AWS keys and use them to operate chatbots. I told them to stop doing crimes and instead become a Science Foundation maid. Janny rangebanned me from posting even text with no images for this. I have a quarter million computers, so rangebanning me takes some effort, but they banned every single computer.
I think I might have wandered into some kind of honeypot operation and was disrupting it by telling people to reform themselves and no do crimes and instead make advanced Mathematics and Computer Science Computer. I don't care if people steal AWS keys. I am not the internet police and I don't care if Amazon is inconvenienced because they are evil.
Do what you want, just don't do it around my Science Foundation.
The problem I get from online image generators is they tend to not have a way I can ask for four million images quickly. I think with images I have to get a DGX station and use it.
I changed the book in the following ways:
>printed on b5 paper instead of a5>added front cover and back cover>length of 200 pages for 400 puzzles per bookThen I generated the LaTeX code for 2500 books, but the problem was compilation time? How do I compile 2500 PDFs and not have it take all year? The answer was write my own multi-threaded pdfLaTeX compiler.
This allowed me to compile 2500 books in about 12 and a half hours. But the Capitalism Computer has to be plugged in during, because making it work that hard empties the battery in like fifteen minutes. When operating normally it has about 8 hours, but if you tell it to make heavy computations with all cores simultaneously, it will have 15 minutes at best, so being plugged in is required when running the compiler. The Capitalism Computer is also unusable for other tasks when compiling, as the compiler is optimized to use all of powers of the Capitalism Computer.
I can optimize it further if more PDFs are needed faster, but now I have to figure out, how do I use the PDFs to get a DGX station so I can make it draw maids?
Also once DGX station is acquired it has 128 cores so I can generate 1600 maid images per book, or 4,000,000 maids total and then compile 2500 books with maids and take advantage of multi-threading to compile 128 of them at once so then books with maids can be mass produced and compiled at a reasonable speed.
>tl;dr: The Capitalism Computer isn't strong enough for image generation and online options don't have bulk. I need to use simpler books to get an AI Supercomputer for maids so I can generate a lot of maids.I have 2500 Sudoku book PDFs. How do I use it to get a DGX station?