KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 20 Oct 2024 03:17:48 No. 6126093 Report 24hrs of this post
NAT 1 Anon
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 20 Oct 2024 04:34:54 No. 6126141 Report Quoted By:
oh alright
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 20 Oct 2024 06:03:39 No. 6126164 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 (1d4) >oh>oww You vaguely remember a blue <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">××flash××</span></span> , followed by the smell of burning, an orful lot of pain, and no thoughts at all. You observe that the annoying orange light has burst in its corner, and the deepy pitchy voice shut up like its froat got cut, but your sponge doesn't twigg what these mean, whether their good or bad for <span class="mu-g">YOU</span>, just that they happened. It takes a distant <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">B O O O O M</span></span> and a percussive shaking of the ground you're standing on to remind you that you still exist. You remember that you're <span class="mu-g">Toady</span>, you're here to fugg shit up, and now shit's fukt. Your <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>'s still stuck in the big sproingsproing. Quickly, easily did Daggy allus go <span class="mu-i">nnnn</span> like that? , you finish the chop while chanting <span class="mu-b">{POPUP}</span>, sending the contraption falling into the Pouch just as you send yourself to where you last left your one <span class="mu-b">{POPUP}</span> Beed.>Near Smuggler's Harbor 1 >The Glowy Cavern 2 >Tunnel Hub near surface entrance 3 >Seafood's Pocket 4
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 20 Oct 2024 07:36:02 No. 6126184 Report Quoted By:
You <span class="mu-b">{POPUP}</span> in the forest, nearby the Smugglers' Harbor under the lake. You spend a long bit of Time patting your still smoking clothes out, just getting your brains back. And testing out <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>. It's acchurly blunt now, nothing like it used to be. Bout as cutty as a sharpy shiv when you try it against your thumb. Noiffy's plenty sharper. But. When you press it, <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> slice deep. Not the slow melty curly effect it's got before, when you use it to notch metal plates and work wedges out of rocks: now it <span class="mu-b">reely</span> cut. To test its limits you force it through a fat old tree trunk in one full-body push, and with another hard lean, lop the tree clean through. You scramble out the way as it falls.>cuorrr <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">[DAGGY UPGRADE]</span></span>>Daggy is now 3 melee dmg, +6 Vorpal >Vorpal damage destroys Dur directly as though hitpoints >Where target is unarmored Vorpal is considered direct damage; ethereal, higher undead and the like do not benefit from their resistances ••• You sit in the shade, just having a much and calming down. You deserve it. In the distance there's a huge column of smoke coming up, all black like burning pitch. The lake the Smugglers' Harbor is in has lost some inches; the water's going down, doesn't rise again. When it's about halfway down you see the Rhea Drood scrambling out of the fallen hollow log, the entry into the Harbor, carrying two travel bundles on his back, two more in his arms. He only notices you when you stand up from where you've been resting. "Oats! The hell you've beenwhatthehellhappenedtoyou?" You're charred black, gashed up, bashed, filthy, with a fresh collection of fascinating scars. "<span class="mu-g">Buggs.</span>" "tui Was that you?" he points at the distant black cloud, a fiery column still growing. "And that?" The draining lake. "<span class="mu-g">Mebbe.</span>" "Green Earth, what did you do?" "<span class="mu-g">A good job.</span>" The manner of speech you adopted from Seafood kicks in. No question marks. Badass. "No, no, what I meant was, what did you <span class="mu-i">do</span>??" You're fully stumped. Is this one of those questions with no right answers. "<span class="mu-g">What. I'z. Wuz. Tolt.</span>" Without the question marks, your confusion comes across as a dire <span class="mu-r">promise</span>. He doesn't ask you any more, so at least you both save time. ••• There's no pickup ride, and you don't want to pull Wagon out in front of the Drood. Instead he uses a Drood zappy to turn into a hairy brown pig Wild Shape class feature , and another Drood zappy to call and send off a sparrow Animal Messenger, lvl2 Spell ahead of you. After that he's nearly spent in terms of zappies, so it's a hard quiet ride for both of you for a day and a half. When you break out of the forest onto a 3way road, a grimfaced rabble with a covered wagon - a Rhean "Street Circus" - receive you both without a word and make for Whythistle.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 20 Oct 2024 09:13:22 No. 6126215 Report Quoted By:
You report to Seafood first of all, after his shift at Pennmink's Lettery Bard Cantrips: Message, Vicious Mockery . The most pressing matter to <span class="mu-g">YOU</span> is <span class="mu-r">Gui Li</span>. Seafood asks you to demonstrate her Martial Arts to him, so you try, with lots of play-by-play explaining. "<span class="mu-g">So's she pullz the cheaty stikk one side, it becomes a sordy stikk, so'z I fott she'd swing it. But it turnsna a pokeypoke, n she uses her Shifty Footsies, n she's right in muh zone! So's I do a twisty, roit, get aside of the poke, but now it's a sikky, and it's gone fru me ribbz! Anuvva time I duck off so's she gets the head of her cheaty stikk chopped innada ground, so nachrully I get in forva gibbz. But then the ovva end of her stikk comes up wivva axx on! N one time when I'z catcht n trappt the stikk inna middle, it breaks into two noiffs in her hands, and I gets stabbt inna titz! N dat time I'z alreddy lernt up all the new Curry Peed too. Yez gotsa gidder offa me. Pleez Seafood! She takes muh Times, she takes muh Stuffs, she raids muh napps, n I'z carnt even plupp her rumpypumpy. Pleezy pleez! </span>" Seafood strokes a beard he doesn't have, then swats you in the face with his carry-home work. You take it. It's just paper. "No, fool. You need your Unworldly Bride. Being born a "Goblin" is to be born cursed; to this curse you added the deliberate dooming of a young virgin girl, a complete innocent. A Retributive Thunderbolt hangs over you. The Unworldly Matrimony is the surest way to delay its descent until such a time that you are strong enough to survive it." "<span class="mu-g">B-but <span class="mu-i">yez</span> killt her. Made her yez Pal Buddy. Wazzat do wiv me?</span>" "Yes I did it; you enabled me; you are complicit. Oneself is of a Realmstage sufficient to endure, even suborn a Sky Splitting Thunderbolt. You are not. You should thank me for getting her to haunt you now, or you would have been struck dead on your day of attainment. "Stop moaning! The path of Cultivation is full of sacrifice and peril! The path of the so-termed Deviant and Demonic Ways a hundred times so! What is one girl ghost. Who do you have for a Teacher! "If you must place blame, blame your own arrogance! Your own sloth! Did Shifu not already tell you long before to make a good Marital Home, cook good Oath Dishes for your Bride. Did Shifu not already pass on to you the Foundationals and the Secret Essence of the [Thousand-Segment Carrionpede]. Your Unworldly Bride only got this strong because your neglect motivated her to develop her own Martial Art, while you neglected to train yourself! "[Plucked Before Spring] is an inferior Form! It relies on her ghostly nature excessively, and needs her victim in her domain for her to bring out its best! <span class="mu-g">YOU</span> learn from <span class="mu-s">Oneself</span>! Be diligent! Be serious! Do not think that just your natural body is enough! <span class="mu-s">Train</span>, faggot!">nyerrrh >shidd "<span class="mu-g">Yerz, Sweetfudds. Mma do.</span>"
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 20 Oct 2024 10:28:15 No. 6126224 Report Quoted By:
You look so miserable at his pronouncements that he finally throws you a hint. "Give her weapons to kill you with." "<span class="mu-g">... ... if I gets gibbt by fings I gaves her, I wins? Izzat a fing?</span>" "No, Fool above Fools! Your Bride desires gifts! Since she wants her Husband's life, what does the Husband give. Think! With your brains, not your bum!" You scarper off before you really fetch it. >gibb her gibs to gibb me wif >huh >she wants gudd gibs to gibb gudd >waddif >waddif I'z gib gibs dat gibb bad. >dats a bad gib >but what if it LUKK like it gibb gudd >so dats a GUDD gib... You turn it over and over and over in your sponge. There's sumn. Deffo sumn. Since Seafood is sour with you right now, you'll show him your biggy bossy lewts later, when you're someplace secluded and he won't hit you with them. You want to see the Racist Dance people next, since they already know you succeeded and from what Seafood told you via <span class="mu-b">{SPEEKY CHATTY}</span> previously, they are bigly SUSSY of you. "<span class="mu-g">Sweetfudds, Mm orf to see the Racist Dance. Needem to top me up sum Stuffs, seeing I'z used a heap jobbing for 'em.</span>" Seafood doesn't look up from whatever he's doing. Copying and writing. Language: Rhean Rude, Dwarf Runa, and legally admissable Road Parle (Common) "Mm. Go. Don't make deals without me." "<span class="mu-g">Wotcher.</span>" ••• You put on your Uncle Oats persona, shying and cringing from everyone. You haven't cleaned up since back at the Smugglers' Harbor; you look and smell authentic. They don't let you in the safe house because you don't have the watchword, past or current. But then you identify yourself and show them a brace of crunched up Diggy hedds for proof, and they let you in. The goons don't hide that they're impressed, only the Boss does. Rheas are remorseless gossips, and the Drood fuggen told <span class="mu-i">everwun</span>. There are definite results: the Myrmid Buggs are thrown all out of order, mass casualties which they are calling "unprovoked attacks against civilian noncombatants", refusing to explain what so many civ noncoms are doing so near the contested area; the Dorfs are moving in to secure the det site on the suspicion of Wherewithals of Mass Desolation, treating all encountered as involved or hostile; the Rhean Underground, half-anticipating your success, spring raids to vandalize and demoralize Myrmid strongholds to maximize momentum. It's chaos. They don't ask you how you did all this with just two boxes of HiMaX; ops on multiple fronts are pushing, they don't have time. You tell them the two things you want: a resup, and an armsmith. A good one. Chai nods, gets one of his henches to take you. You're headed for Middle Mart.
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Alright, I'm coming around on it. Maybe we should pull out all the stops for the next ceremony. Buy some HIGH CLASS food just for her. Buy some HIGH CLASS wine just for her. Order the dimmies and Mo Ao to act as entertainment n sheeit, maybe have 'em sing or play some instruments they mighta known in life. Make the house outta some REAL quality stuff, paint it up real nice - spend a fuggin day doing it, two even. Paint a picture of us pluppin her and hang it in the ceremonial house. Burn some incense that the rhea told us is perfect for getting someone in the pluppin mood. Then ceremony the SHIDD outta her. It's not real pluppin but that doesn't mean we shouldn't prep like it is. I'm tired of getting nearly killed in our sleep. I want her to stop bein a faggit.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 20 Oct 2024 11:13:34 No. 6126234 Report "You want a weapon." "<span class="mu-g">Yers.</span>" "For a little girl." "<span class="mu-g">Yers.</span>" "That <span class="mu-i">looks</span> bosserbosser killykilly." "<span class="mu-g">Yers.</span>" "But is a piece of shit." "<span class="mu-g">Yers.</span>" "Were you dropped on your head as a baby?" "<span class="mu-g">Ionno. Wazzat got to do wiv the weapon.</span>" Dhuznund the Dorfy smiff, a not-official liaison between the Peace Keepers and the Township of Whythistle, shoots a look at the hench who brought you here, and finds nothing of use: the hench is as confused as he is. You offer to pay silver, which he accepts, but it isn't mostly isn't about money. Your request is retarded. You excuse yourself one minute, tottle out the place, and get your last full jugg of Stumpy's herby booz out. Dorfs like booz. Pickle his brains and throw coins at him until he says yes, that's your strat. In the end he does. You and the hench wobble out, leaning on each other. Dhuznund wobbles to his forge to piss in the fire. He doesn't know what he's making, but he's making it. <span class="mu-s">[QUESTIONS] Q1: What does Toady request for resup? Pick ONE:>Health Potions 2d12 (Small), refills 2/6 [Helff Swigga] each OR>HiMaX 2d10 OR>Grains 3D100 OR>Supplies 4D100 Stuffs OR>WRITE-IN Q2: What does Toady make Dhuznund make? Pick ONE: >An overlong heavy doublehanded weapon, to make Gui Li less accurate, but hurt moar (-2d2 bonus Hit, -2d2 bonus Dodge, -2d2 bonus dmg; base damage becomes 5d2); >Paired light weapons, to make Gui Li hurt lots less, but moar accurate n shifty (+2d4Hit, +2d4Dodge, -2d4 bonus dmg, base dmg becomes 2d4-2) >Mismatched combination weapons, to weigh Gui Li down, but give her moar options to hit with (-1d3 bonus Hit, -1d3 bonus Dodge, -1d3 bonus dmg, base dmg becomes 4d3) [R O L L]>1D100 gen 40hrs</span>
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 43 (1d100) >>6126234 >Health Potions 2d12 (Small), refills 2/6 [Helff Swigga] each for if gui li kills us again...
>An overlong heavy doublehanded weapon, to make Gui Li less accurate, but hurt moar (-2d2 bonus Hit, -2d2 bonus Dodge, -2d2 bonus dmg; base damage becomes 5d2) idk mebbe zat wun
Rolled 24 (1d100) >>6126234 >HIGH QUALITY WEDDING CEREMONY STUFFS. >Paired light weapons, to make Gui Li hurt lots less, but moar accurate n shifty (+2d4Hit, +2d4Dodge, -2d4 bonus dmg, base dmg becomes 2d4-2) Her damage is za problem. Gotta kill her before we gets killed, dats all. Also two weapons = two gifts, iz betta.
Rolled 40 (1d100) >>6126234 >Health Potions 2d12 (Small), refills 2/6 [Helff Swigga] each >An overlong heavy doublehanded weapon, to make Gui Li less accurate, but hurt moar (-2d2 bonus Hit, -2d2 bonus Dodge, -2d2 bonus dmg; base damage becomes 5d2); If it wouldn't result in a threeway tie I'd have gone with the mismatched combination weapon
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 20 Oct 2024 12:43:19 No. 6126252 Report Quoted By:
>>6126250 don't like toss-ups?
25% is 25%
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 20 Oct 2024 12:45:34 No. 6126253 Report Quoted By:
>>6126241 >2 bits means 2 gifts roit grubby green hands typed this, kek
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 20 Oct 2024 15:22:52 No. 6126275 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 2, 6, 6, 3, 5, 3, 2, 6, 5, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 5, 4, 6 = 88 (25d6) how many d6 to reach 200 = number of Silver thrown at Dhuznund, +1d12 Grains for material
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 20 Oct 2024 15:24:56 No. 6126276 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 5, 5, 2, 1, 5, 5, 6, 1, 6, 5, 1, 6, 2, 3, 3, 6, 5, 5, 1, 5, 1, 1, 2, 1 = 85 (25d6) 112 remaining; 25 silver thrown
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 20 Oct 2024 15:27:05 No. 6126277 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 4, 6, 5, 5, 2, 1, 2, 4 = 70 (20d6) 27 remaining; 50 silver thrown last 3 D6 is the Grain cost
NAT 1 Anon
how are these rolls so low
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 20 Oct 2024 15:29:59 No. 6126279 Report Quoted By:
59 Silvers and 7 Grain deducted
Rolled 80 (1d100) >>6126234 >Health Potions >An overlong heavy doublehanded weapon, to make Gui Li less accurate, but hurt moar (-2d2 bonus Hit, -2d2 bonus Dodge, -2d2 bonus dmg; base damage becomes 5d2); KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 22 Oct 2024 03:41:36 No. 6127198 Report Rolled 12, 12 = 24 (2d12) For the next week Chai scrambles to get your forged papers cleared for passage to Buttondew Hills, another Rhea town within Underground influence, while Dhuznund works on your special order and an onset of depression. In the meantime Seafood wraps up his doings at Pennmink's "Rhean Bards are the greatest cheats out of a race of thieves." and teaches you the Third Moulting of the Carrionpede far out of the Town. The Second Moulting got you used to having three weapons at play, the third juggled between your arm- and elbowpits. Seafood corrects you: it's not two knives and stickblade you should be using, but a Bestial Meteor Lash (猛星流鞭; meng3 xing1 liu2 bian1). To demonstrate, he borrows a heavy rope from you, measures out three cross-torso lengths from it, and knots both ends and two more along the length, equidistant. Then he asks you to do Starvation Swallowing Sand, then Chasing the Simurgh's Heel to throw-up, ending in a full air-raver, Splitting Three Corpses. Moves from the Second Moulting. Easy enough. You pick a tree you think fat enough to take the full deal, and <span class="mu-r">GIVVIDIT</span>, taking off three out of five limbs, with <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> effortlessly chopping a winding stair all the way up the trunk. Seafood raises an eyebrow, holds comment. You stand back as you watch him do the same moveset, but slower for your advantage: the rope crosses and rolls across his body, the weighted momentum swinging the knots to thump and brush across the tree; stabs and slashes, if they were blades. The movements are more fluid than yours, the thumps landing with the force not just of one arm, but arm-shoulder-arm or leg-waist using the body-torque of a Carrionpede Transformation. The riddle-rhymes of the Third Moulting come in three-peats, sixer-six of em. Seafood doesn't strangle you so many times in teaching you now; your brain's pickup's gotten faster because of all that training. "The Third Moulting requires living blood; within expectation. But not the blood of cattle; standing meat. To improve you must seek spirited blood; blood that <span class="mu-i">sings</span>. Find it, wake it to full strength, and <span class="mu-r">bathe</span>." Blood that sings eh. Fighty Ones. And you carnt do 'em cheap. Gotta gibbem face-on. "We will meet enough of such soon, hmhm, headed where we are. If you seek improvement before then, there are several means. "Buttondew Hills is larger than Whythistle somewhat, and close to several Human towns. There should be an Adventurer's Guild there. If you register with them you should be grouped with a party; these disappear all the time I hear, hmhm. "If you would be more discreet, you need not register, merely follow where groups were sent. In this case you might be facing more opponents at a time, since YOU are not taking up space in their party.>QM rollan Small Health Potion Gettys
NAT 1 Anon
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>>6127198 W rolls for once holy
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 22 Oct 2024 03:45:11 No. 6127200 Report Quoted By:
wow, max 24. Toady rep with the Resistance is topped out.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 22 Oct 2024 04:17:41 No. 6127208 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1 = 38 (25d2) >24 Small Health Pots Getty>[Helff Swigga] now 5/6 >Balance 22 Pots Pouched "Another way is to wade in blood. A war is brewing again here, now with three factions, thanks to you. Go into the midst and kill. There will be plenty to kill, so you will improve quickly. The danger is, you cannot tell how many you will meet; should you be insufficient, you will die or be taken; should you leave witnesses, you will be known. "If you would partake in war yet stay unknown, you can hide yourself from the three factions among a fourth: a great "Orc" horde, somewhere in the hinters past the Myrmid line, North Westly of the Dwarf Fort past Whythistle. If you find them you may elect to go with the main force in their ravages, or with the Goblin auxiliary. In the first you will likely be bullied, then envied; in the second you will meet fewer worthy enemies. "In neither case will Shifu be with you; in such small affairs there is only blood enough to whet but not satisfy. If you seek the Orcs I shall stay even further off; with just one of YOU the stench is barely tolerable. The odors of forty thousands altogether would be unimaginable. "Shifu gives you a month and a half to play. 42 Days, once you decide." ••• "<span class="mu-g">Nyerr, Sweetfudds, anuvva fing. Yez said to bring back Wagon for fixies. How yez fixies.</span>" He gets the Dedder Dust you have left over from Plague Town and does a zappy. As the sack of Dedder Dust gets moar flopsy, the bashed and cracked plates of Wagon's Natural Armor starts filling out. "<span class="mu-g">Nyerr, can I do vat.</span>" He just swats at you. He's tired of telling you about your lack of mystic talent.>Dimm Kult is repaired 1D2 Natural Armor Dur per DD, or 2d3 HP per DD >Repairing 30Dur for Wagon
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Tue 22 Oct 2024 06:37:12 No. 6127276 Report Quoted By:
>20DD used to fix Wagon "And who might this be." "<span class="mu-g">Va Bluddslutt I'z got out from na Cherch cubby Sweetfudds. I fedd her ennuf Buggz dat she grew back.</span>" "Ah. A Vampire. Who knew the Scaromate Paladins kept such pets. Your name." "<span class="mu-r">Casserfena Melliope. Of the Scaromate Inquiry... Formerly.</span>" She said it with a pained look, completely defeated. "Oh. The Paladin's woman. Is <span class="mu-i">this</span> familiar." Seafood sleights something from his own Pouch, smaller, neater than yours. Gold brocade silk. The flash is Sordyfagg's sord, crackling slightly in Seafood's hand, somehow hateful of him. He overpowers its resistance by force. The Bluddslutt visibly flinches at the resulting <span class="mu-b">BLAZE</span>, covering her eyes, crying blood. "<span class="mu-r">...Pieté</span>" "Hmhmhm. Your man is dead. Your life is over. Your efforts in Derrechston, futile in the end. Tudi! Get out that Grave Servant of mine." You drag out Moar Oww from the Pouch. "This was Deacon Omer, formerly of Derrechston. One of the "Velerine Ordinary", is that right." <span class="mu-i">• Yes, Lord. •</span> "He has been very useful. Teaching me your Righteous Scriptures and the histories of this land, helping this oaf Disciple of mine in his tasks. Many things. Only usefulness and obedience matter, before Oneself. So tell us how will you be useful, little nun." She doesn't know what to say, offers nothing. "Hmhmhmhm. I thought as much. Mo Ao has a full life's worth of experience and knowledge, far more than you, and the few Spells you have from serving your Lady are gone forever. What else is left of use but your <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-r">body!</span></span>" Seafood is already stowing the sord; he's made three cuts at a stroke into the Bluddslutt: parting both shoulders and halving the waist. She starts screaming, the agony of Undead being cut with a Sanctified Weapon. "Tudi! Stuff it!">nyekk >deddussy >dis gonna be dry as fugg You move forward obediently, parting the legs and lifting the skirt of her botty half. You get Gobbgantua out of your tuckeroos - "No! Stuff her <span class="mu-i">mouth</span>!" >bekh >reely? You carry on dumbly, shoving your rancid flaccid goblinhood at her face. "<span class="mu-g">If yez bites it Bluddbich i'mma - </span>" "TUDI YOU HORNGOAT FOOL. I MEANT GAG HER SO SHE SHUTS UP." "<span class="mu-g">nyerr, but I iz maeking her gegg - OGAY OGAY SWEETFUDDS BOSS YES YES MM DOIN MM DOIN </span>" <span class="mu-i">• Heh •</span> "<span class="mu-g"> (shaddap Bedshit, I'll sort yez square later) </span>" When you're done gagging her with rope, Seafood comes to caress her face. "I will never hear "Casserfena Melliope" from your lips ever again. From now on you answer to Le4 Bie2 (樂別) to Oneself; to these others, you are <span class="mu-r">Velery</span>, your own worst enemy. Tudi! Any Living Men's Blood you have no use for, feed it to her; when she regrows, divide her corpse as I have, without touching her head or heart. Thus you will have a ready supply of Corpse Dust for repairs. Hmhmhm!"
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Tue 22 Oct 2024 08:39:24 No. 6127293 Report <span class="mu-i">• My Lord, may I speak. •</span>
"What is it."
<span class="mu-i">• The Goblin has no capacity for magic, yet shall need repairs to myself, the Dimm Kulti, and now the Dimm Beetle and ... Velery, as we go to dangerous places. •
• If it please my Lord, this your servant's Dimm Body may with some aid effect necromantic repair through its {UNHOLY GRASP} Spell-like ability. While your servant is unable at present to use the Grasp effectively in combat, it can be repurposed for repair with a Charm such as my Lord is capable. •
• Though, a caution: a <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">One</span></span> may become aware of my improvements, and so this body and the Goblin who most benefits from it may come more to ... their... attention. • </span>
Seafood digs his ear idly, listening. When Moar Oww's done, Seafood passes the buck to you.
"Tudi. Your backside; your decision. And before I forget, hand me the Graincoin for rent. Seven a day for seven days. We are moving after."
(Seafood examines <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>, closes shop in Whythistle and starts meddling with The Glowy and The Glowy Launcher in tomorrow's fillerpost)
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">[THOUSAND-SEGMENT CARRIONPEDE: THIRD MOULTING] UNLOCKED</span></span>
>0(/2)% Dodge >0(/8)% Hit >0(/8) Damage >Overkill 1 unlocked at 14/18 upgrade points >1D3 LMs of Heroic Blood required per upgrade point <span class="mu-s">[MULTIPLE CHOICE]</span>
Seafood has granted Toady 42 Days trainan time for [TSCP III].
How does Toady use them.
>Go with the flow; pursue Seafood's Heist. Anyone you gibb along the way is enough. Maybe. OR
>Register with the Adventurer's Guild in Buttondew Hills then fight your assigned party; you will be leaving a trace for investigators, penalty to your WANTED 1D1000 OR
>Hunt down the membership of the Adventurer's Guild in Buttondew Hills; no trace of you on Guild records, but you will need to hunt the Party, and it will have at least one person more in it. OR
>Join the biggy scrum wots coming up between the Dorfs, Myrmids, Rheas, and whoever else, as an unaffiliated equal opportunity killer. If you don't perform well enough, you might die, get captured, or get noticed. OR
>Prod the Orc horde neighboring the Myrmid territories to join the three-way scrum, masking your presence with theirs. >If this, choose to run with the main body, where you will be bullied and encounter social difficulty >OR >Go with the Goblin baggage rabble; there will only be the usual annoying Gobby shit, but you probably won't meet as many Fighty Ones, since the auxiliary are just used to draw fire and mopup. OR
>You got Church Inquirors 1D2+1 and Road Warders 1D3+1 hunting you already. Hunting them right back might make the problem go away for ever, or get bigger. OR
>Have Seafood make a Repair Trinkkitt for Moar Oww so's he can fix hisself, Dimmies, Wagon, & Bluddslutt, 4D10+4 DD cost. But Dimmu Queen will <span class="mu-s">know</span>. Y/N >>6126305 >>6126278 >>6126250 >>6126241 >>6126240 BoA 80 slotted.
>>6127293 I GOT ME AN IDEAR.
>Go and establish a FIGHT CLUB in the nearby Orc horde. Give in to the frenzy of battle with them in (relative) safety, and with reliable sparring partners! Who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky and beat up their bosser, making YOU the new orc bosser. Seafood doesn't know how gobbos and orcs work. But we do. This is roight up their alley, it is.
>N, cuck the dimmu queen even more Anonymous
>>6127293 >Go and establish a FIGHT CLUB in the nearby Orc horde. Give in to the frenzy of battle with them in (relative) safety, and with reliable sparring partners! Who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky and beat up their bosser, making YOU the new orc bosser. >Have Seafood make a Repair Trinkkitt for Moar Oww so's he can fix hisself, Dimmies, Wagon, & Bluddslutt, 4D10+4 DD cost. But Dimmu Queen will know. Y NAT 1 Anon
>>6127293 while
>Go and establish a FIGHT CLUB in the nearby Orc horde. Give in to the frenzy of battle with them in (relative) safety, and with reliable sparring partners! Who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky and beat up their bosser, making YOU the new orc bosser. doesnt sound bad, i am unsure if we would get enough LM that way
so i will go with this
>Hunt down the membership of the Adventurer's Guild in Buttondew Hills; no trace of you on Guild records, but you will need to hunt the Party, and it will have at least one person more in it. and
>No Anonymous
>>6127385 I think itll be the most reliable source of LM. Think about it: 1v1 deathmatches. As many as you want in a day. Healing and rest periods when you want. maybe even 1v2 or more if you want a challenge. thousands of willing participants.
Other options you gotta hunt for enemies. These come right to us!
NAT 1 Anon
>>6127565 if QM lets it work like that
will the orcs really let us kill them one after the other?
>>6127572 It's about bloodshed! Bloodsports are bound to be popular among Orcs and Goblins. The strong thrive and the weak die! That's just the way things are. And what better way to prove that you're STRONGER than everyone else by putting your life on the line in the arena? If you don't, you must be a COWARD and a PUSSY.
Besides, if they can't kill a lowly goblin, they deserved to die!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 23 Oct 2024 01:14:28 No. 6127599 Report Quoted By:
There will be moar Heroic LM to bathe in at the Orc Battlegrounds in a shorter time compared to hunting the membership of AG. that's all QM will divulge at this time. Waiting for regular 4th Droog to weigh in first.
>>6127293 >Go and establish a FIGHT CLUB in the nearby Orc horde. Give in to the frenzy of battle with them in (relative) safety, and with reliable sparring partners! Who knows, maybe you'll even get lucky and beat up their bosser, making YOU the new orc bosser. >Have Seafood make a Repair Trinkkitt for Moar Oww so's he can fix hisself, Dimmies, Wagon, & Bluddslutt, 4D10+4 DD cost. But Dimmu Queen will know. NO - How much do we really trust Moar Oww? KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 23 Oct 2024 01:30:17 No. 6127604 Report <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">ORKY FOIT CLOBB ITTIZ</span></span> <span class="mu-g">ANVA DIMM BOSSBICH CAN EAT SHITT</span>
NAT 1 Anon
>>6127604 lets beat up those orcs and get some orcussy!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 23 Oct 2024 05:48:46 No. 6127830 Report Quoted By:
~~FILLER POST~~ "Tudi. Let me see the Sky Piercing Dagger." You do, not drawing it out of its holder. When Seafood reaches out for it you present it hilt first. Seafood is... impressed, you think. "A partial restoration of the Paragon Core. Even basal, this must have taken a lot of power at once. What did you find in the City under the earth." So you tell him: smarty Buggz from the outside trying to dig through sealed stone portals from the surface; fungus chambers, some crunchy some itchy; buried sleepies like Wagon; dummy Buggz colonizing the heated chamber housing The Glowy; <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">Her</span></span> Temple that got blasted by The Glowy; a City full of Dimmy things you didn't stop to find out; a biggy metal room with lots of gubbins, n Da Glowy Gunn on the ceiling. You remember not remembering for a while after trying to cut through the sproingsproing holding up the Gunn, and a little after that noticing that <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> now always went <span class="mu-b">nnnn</span>. Seafood's talking to himself. "An Earthed Thunder Circuit Array. ? Put to such poor use. ? Inconceivable. Unless. An immense development in material Dao, dangerously maintained, may equal an advanced array in power. They were desperate; a scorpion striking a snake... "Tudi. Show me this "Glowy Gunn." " You try to, stretching out the Pouch with your two feet spread and heaving the Gunn from the middle. Past a certain point, quite early on, you carnt hup it out any more. "<span class="mu-g"> Id's too biggy Sweetfudds. I'z carnt." Seafood tries and carnt either, needing two chanty squiggles on the ground before he's capable, and even then there's hairline cracks appearing on his body. "This is the weapon that destroyed the Temple." "Nar, just biggy chunk off the top and da boss altar. It blarsted everfin in the Temple to bits tho; I mean va biggy mobbs wots mobbing up inna." "A troop gathering. How many." You start counting on your fingies. "Many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many Lots. Around dat many, I fink. But derr all chunks n bitz tho, freezy inna dried melty rocks. " "Hm. Radiant damage perhaps. ? Let's see this "Glowy"." "Nyerr. Itz reel hotts Sweetfudds. I'z gots toastid tryna bag it. N it'z hevvy. Need Wagon n a hooky rope to tow it." "Useless! Give me the Pouch." You do; Seafood does another charm and hauls it out barehanded. The hairline cracks on him lengthen. He doesn't care. "Hm. Amusing. Very amusing. A source of unremitting plain Yang will have its uses. Good find, Tudi." He puts some squiggles on them all over, which seems to make them handle easier, and confiscates them from you with no explanation. You expected this, just like you expect to get reel guddygudd benefits from his leavings once he's done; something you never have gotten on your own in ten thousand years of trying.</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 23 Oct 2024 07:39:33 No. 6127896 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 = 17 (11d2) It's been a week. Seafood's packed, headed for Buttondew Hills, and your Rhea Racist Dance guide taking you past the Dorf Forts to the Orky Place in Buggland is waiting down Main with four ponies. The one thing left to collect is <span class="mu-r">Gui Li's</span> new weapon. You've paid a hock of silver for it just to make <span class="mu-r">her</span> kill you less hard, and you're not about to forget your investment. The workshop is cold when you reach it, nothing lit. It all smells of metal in there, so you can't make out which lumpy shape is Dhuznund. A slow ooze of baccy smoke marks him out, and even then you have trouble spotting him: he's completely still, covered in grime and soot, lying on a pile of coalcrumbs and junked bits. His eyes don't open. You're about to <span class="mu-g">oy</span> him when his beard mumbles. "Take it. Get out."
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 23 Oct 2024 08:05:02 No. 6127904 Report Quoted By:
That Dorf really delivered. It's tall as a Humie pole weapon, got a weight on one end like a Dorfy basher, all kinds of ugly-gnarlies like a S&M Binny made it, and the pointies barely sharp like a Gobby made it. Perfect. [GOOD BAD-GIFT]> -2% Hit, -3% Dodge, -4 bonus dmg >Gui Li base damage now 8 >This will be destroyed if Gui Li is beaten twice while using it >OR if Toady presents her a new Good Bad-Gift
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 24 Oct 2024 03:42:03 No. 6128363 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 44, 48, 49, 52, 70, 42, 92, 2, 59, 80, 40, 6, 32, 63, 84, 61, 55, 12, 23, 93, 4, 61, 65, 20, 72 = 1229 (25d100) rolling for days taken to travel to the Orcs how many dice it takes to get 3 x 50+
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 24 Oct 2024 05:14:44 No. 6128403 Report Rolled 10, 4, 6, 1, 10, 10, 9, 1 = 51 (8d10) >34 Days Off Remaining>Rolling for 8 days hire of Rhea guide and ponies, in Grains You're off. With all the Peace Keeper attention swiveled in the direction of the Dimm City blow-out, the Rhea guide takes you a longish way round. In a couple days you're past the Dorfy Forts; couple days after that, the Rhea begs off: the Orcs are getting close enough to smell, which means they can also smell back, if the wind is right. The ponies are cowed jittery, ready to bolt at any big noise or movement; you're not confident you won't be tossed and stomped by them when that happens, so fine, you let the faggot leave. The longer they take means the moar YOU pay, anyway. You're richer than most of most goblins 99.99% ; that doesn't mean you don't feel the pinch.>ahh fuggit >it'z me jollydays You're in the territory of YOUr people now. Hotter, mustier jungle, and not because of the natural climate this part of the world: the farts and shits and foliage destruction of YOUr kind have the effect of overhauling the greenery after a few years. Orcs and Gobbs are the same species GS lore; SpiderSnailDM, GS' OverGod, cribs 40K or Tolkien. , Orcs usually being bred out of larger breedstock like centaurs, or Goblins that have survived 10 years of life or more as melee fighters. That this place is known to the Weak Races as Orc Territory means it's been here awhile, with plenty strong 'uns, meaning there's a OrcBoss or Bosses here wot got da chops. Weird that you haven't heard any news about Orc or Gobby raids this whole time though; a supermobb big and organized enough to hold territory would have gone krumpen and raepen lots. It's what YOU would have done, without Seafood looming over you, making you lern. But you don't dwell on it; you'll find out soon. ••• When scouting for Orcs n Gobbs first of all yez gotsa to be sneeky, which YOU are plenty; greenies go vewy vewy qwiet when there's suddenly new smells and sounds about. Good for YOU that you smell quite Gobby with no effort, and you're quiet by second nature these days. Following your schnozz is not much use around here: everywhere's shitz n fartz, nothing stands out in the open except a pervading rust, the general direction of the closest Orc sprawl. What you follow is your ears: Orcs are noisy, a bad habit that comes from winning so hard at life that they've growed old and swole. Sounds reach you: shouty swearing laughing krumping kludging: rhythmic metal bashings and scrapings of Orc KludgeSmartz making choppaz and backup-backup choppaz and sharping them up. You're near enough. Time nah make yer entrance. [CHOICE]>Make like a BOSS: >Full kit, all weapons, riding yer BOSSWAGON BEETLE >Ur gonna get envied and challenged, but that's going to happen anyway sooner or l8r. >Might as well NOW, make them react with no prep. OR>Make like a gretchin: >mostly nakey, shivs only. >you can allus surprise them l8r hard >waste 1d3 days, +15 sneekibreeki bonus
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 24 Oct 2024 05:20:34 No. 6128406 Report Quoted By:
NAT 1 Anon
>>6128403 >Make like a BOSS: Anonymous
>>6128403 >Make like a BOSS: Anonymous
>>6128403 >Make like a BOSS: >Full kit, all weapons, riding yer BOSSWAGON BEETLE >Ur gonna get envied and challenged, but that's going to happen anyway sooner or l8r. >Might as well NOW, make them react with no prep. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 24 Oct 2024 07:56:07 No. 6128448 Report Quoted By:
Youre going to walk in like a <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">BOSS</span></span> and make a scene. Youve got moar Stuffs and kit than any twenty greenies together, not even counting <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>, Pouchy, or Trinkkittz. You deserve it. Whatever's going on stops at the sight of you: full Quality Kludge on, slicey dicey stick-blade in one hand, the other on Wagon's girding. <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> and Noiffy are at your armpits, <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> bound in its holder with string, in case someone tries yanking it. Of course nearly immediately the Gobbies start clamoring: "<span class="mu-g">ey! eyy! Whurjoo gidd allis Stuffs nyerr?" "Givvus a gibs, cumman, tightfist! I wanza cutty wun!" "Ooh ooh I wanna ride da beetl!</span>" They'll be groping your kit trying to yoink things in a minute, and the minute after that squabble and fight you. Yez gotsa put up a pecking order. You point at the noisiest, nearest one in front, that one wots wantsa ride. Wagon lurches, caliper clamps open. The Gobbies at the front see it coming and try to back off, but they're kept in place by the press of Gobbies from the back tryna see; two Gobbies get clamped and begin to get scissor-pressed, screaming. Wagon's mouf-crunchy action is much slower now that he's Dimm, but the serrated calipers still work. Two moar that try to climb up get slashed with your stickblade. They don't spill much blood, but their screams are pitched terror and dismay: their worlds have gone dark, and they start to realize it will be ever so. You feel no remorse, because you are a Goblin: they are doing what YOU would have done, and YOU have done what stopped them. It's not like you know em. "<span class="mu-g">EYY. YEW LOTZ KIN FUGGOF. WHURZA BOSS. WE GATZ BIZNIZ.[/spoiler:lit]" You bellow hard, with your belly; you have to, to be heard over the two still screaming chorus in Wagon's mouf, and to be <span class="mu-s">felt</span>. The Gobbs part a bit, pointing you: thataway, where there are Orcs starting to stand up and look YOUr way. You start to enter the proppa Orky part of the settlement when Trubble comes knocking. A Bullybugger gets up to block your path. "<span class="mu-s">Woi, titchy.</span>" He's standing tall, arms folded, but he's got just tuckeroos on, and a smally for him axx tucked in the back. The way his pals are still lounging and grinning at YOU means they probably won't cut in. At least not at first. "Wat grigger." Your voice is level. You've seen far worse than him in a mirror. He doesn't like that he can't make you cringe with just a grin; he bunches up his arms and shoulders, grinns bigger. "<span class="mu-s">Oi finks yez gotz sumn a moin, Titchy.</span>" "Lemme guess. Alluv it roit. Kizz my arzz Bitchtits. Fuggout me way 'fore I ride yer frunnaya buttbuddies." This is a new experience for him, a Gobby not just giving up its toys when arsked nicely. He glances at his pals. You <span class="mu-r">givvidim</span>.</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 24 Oct 2024 08:49:15 No. 6128461 Report [HOW GIVVIT]
>SHOWEM DA CARRIONPEDE Y/N >Y means no trump card later >N means only 1 weapon @ 5dmg + 4bonusdmg, +2% Dodge, +4% Hit Q2:
>SUICIDEY >Defensive >Offensive Q3:
>CHARGE ON BEETLEBACK NARR >Wagon attempts a CLAMP >Orc is unarmed, unprepared >Buddies more likely to jump in when this chump starts losing >No Heroic LM, you just want to see how tuff dey are. >AND itz fun. OR
>Dismount, wait for him to arm and ready >1D2 Heroic LM >Buddies may still fight you later, but they won't interfere in this fight >It'z not proppa Orky to pitch in when a gretchin's got dis much bollz. >Zargnag can woip hiz own arz diz toim. [R O L L]
>6D100, for 3 rounds >Everyone >>6128444 >>6128442 >>6128433 >>6128408 Anonymous
Rolled 71, 74, 72, 93, 65, 7 = 382 (6d100) >>6128461 >Q1: >N Q2:
>Defensive KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 24 Oct 2024 09:04:42 No. 6128467 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 1 = 37 (18d3) rollan total Heroic LM needed for TSCP III
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 24 Oct 2024 09:07:32 No. 6128469 Report Quoted By:
Translates to 2 Heroic LM per TSCP Upgrade Point
Quoted By:
Rolled 47, 1, 2, 13, 79, 59 = 201 (6d100) >>6128461 >Y means no trump card later Show 'em we mean business. NOT TO FUCK WITH US.
>Dismount, wait for him to arm and ready Da fight club starts NOW
Rolled 38, 20, 25, 94, 78, 55 = 310 (6d100) >>6128461 >Y means no trump card later Show 'em we mean business. NOT TO FUCK WITH US.
>Dismount, wait for him to arm and ready Da fight club starts NOW
>>6128461 >yes >dismount >offensive Anonymous
Rolled 6, 77, 34, 57, 21, 99 = 294 (6d100) >>6128534 Come on dice, wake up.
Rolled 77, 89, 76, 35, 70, 20 = 367 (6d100) >>6128461 1. Nyer
2. Defensive (test da git)
3. Dismount (wez gots a new bich to ride)
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 24 Oct 2024 14:24:35 No. 6128548 Report Quoted By:
Q1:>2 Y, 2 N Q2:>2 Defensive, 2 Offensive Q3:>3 Dismount Current BoA>R1: 77, 89 >R2: 76, 94 >R3: 78, 99 Votes and Rolls still open Close+Writan in 14hrs
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 59, 22, 7, 74, 97, 3 = 262 (6d100) >>6128461 >SHOWEM DA CARRIONPEDE Y >SUICIDEY >Dismount, wait for him to arm and ready KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 24 Oct 2024 17:41:20 No. 6128615 Report Quoted By:
R3 now 97, 99
Quoted By:
Rolled 85, 37, 83, 65, 15, 35 = 320 (6d100) >>6128550 +1
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 03:38:11 No. 6128947 Report Quoted By:
Dice 1÷12+24 = HP Dice 2÷12+3 = Dmg Dice 3&4 = Defensive Attack No armor, no skillz. <span class="mu-r">DOITTUEM</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 03:40:20 No. 6128949 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 41, 50, 81, 83 = 255 (4d100) >R1: 85, 89 >R2: 83, 94 >R3: 97, 99 dice didn't roll; rollan again
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 03:51:23 No. 6128959 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 73, 18, 8, 54 = 153 (4d100) 2nd contestant CARMAN DARRRN
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 25 Oct 2024 04:01:14 No. 6128963 Report Quoted By:
1, 2= HP A 3, 4= HP B 5, 6= Dmg A 7, 8= Dmg B 9, 10= Aggressive 11, 12 = Aggressive
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 04:37:07 No. 6128980 Report Quoted By:
When his stance is squared, the choppa out of the tuckeroos and firm in hand, you give him one more beat, no more excuses, then drop into Form and scrabble for him. Zargnag keeps defensive, holding back, his eyes trying to follow your weird way of moving: taking three steps for one step's distance, always heading for his voonerables. His stance is wide: since you're low, near flat on the ground, he has to wait for you to stand still before tryna chop yer. You give him that: you freeze right at his feet, half-raise off the floor like you're going to fly at him - HE CHOPPS! MISSES!! - then drop back down and under him, slashing both heels and, with a hup, driving nearly all of the stikkblade into his bugghole. He can already twigg the conclusion: he's <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">gibbz</span>>Toady Attack 89+10 VS SCRUBLOL 83 >HIT 29 Dmg >= -2/27HP >LOSER Attack 81 VS Toady 85+2 >WIFF You're up his toppling body in one beat, your knees to his neck as he lands. He's shouting in pain, but squeezes his voice shut when you yank his head back and show him <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>. The deddniss in your voice makes everything clear to him. "<span class="mu-g">Toljer I wuz gonna ride yer. Narr, yez gotta sumn na moin. I'm jezt gunna take it ogay. Fanks Bichtitz, I'z knew yer wuddnt moind.</span>" Then you start scalping him, and he starts bellowing, blood diarrhea still splurting from his arz. None of his buttbuddies stop you. A few get up. Not to try to staunch the blood or save him or nuffin: YOUre now worth foitn, and the Gobbies bunched up behind you are starting to point and chatter like your win is their win. They have to lay down a pecking order.</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 05:56:56 No. 6129010 Report Quoted By:
The next 'un's up. He gives you time to extract your stikkblade out of Bichtitz' backside and wipe it orf on the loser's tuckeroos. Already the Gobbos are inching up behind you, waiting for you to turn your attention away so they can drag the weakly struggling Loser into their midst and eat him. Not everyday they get to eat good dense meat; you kill makes it their kill, in a way, and their ravenous spite is YOUr ravenous spite, in a way. You don't have the stomach to eat a whole Orc alive; they do. Kind of an equal trade really. You finish wiping off the stikkblade, throw some dert on it to make the grip good, take Stance. One beat's grace, then you both charge.>Toady Attack 94+10 VS NOOBLOL 8 >HIT 29 Dmg >= 1/30HP >NOOBKEK Attack 54 VS Toady 83+2 >M-M-M-MISS The first grigger hadn't done well tryna chop down at yer, so this one's swinging wild, side to side. You do a little dancing, swaying to soundless contrary wind, then leap <span class="mu-i">into</span> his swing, using the force of it to hup yourself off the ground, then throwing your own gained momentum into his opened arm, taking it off at the elbow. He screams of course, then brings up a smally backup noiff from his back - but you've already climbed up his back, standing on the shoulder with the chopped arm. He might still hit you if he tries; he feels <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> pressing on his froat, warm red flowing down it. He looks into your eyes. You can nearly ready his throughts: he thinks you're going to shake your head in a slow cautionary no. You nod vigorously and cheerily instead. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">Yyerrrs</span>, faggit. <span class="mu-i">Pleez</span> waste moi toim.</span>" He drops the noiff, groaning through gritted teef as you scalp him. This 'un's tuffer, but not by much. By the time you jump off him, his arm's vanished into the crowd to a series of scrunches. The Gobbies eat with their meofs open, a feast for their eyes and tumtums. Dinner theater.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 06:18:45 No. 6129017 Report Quoted By:
Bellows from behind you. YOUre worth at least two Orcs now, not a scratch in you. The rest of the buttbuddies find their balls and charge.>QM rollan lost dice
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 06:19:48 No. 6129018 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 50, 66, 76, 65, 72, 59, 61, 5, 94, 63, 5, 90 = 706 (12d100) whurrs me foggen DOICE
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 25 Oct 2024 07:17:32 No. 6129036 Report VictimClub:
Extra1: 28HP, 9Dmg
Extra2: 30HP, 8Dmg
Extra3: 32HP, 8Dmg
They's jumping you from the back, three to one: <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">VATS</span></span> what YOUr worth.
They ARE going to land hits, but YOUve already twigged you can take out one nakey Orc with a full combochain, so you charge the group of them <span class="mu-r">SUICIDEY</span>.
>Toady 97+10 vs LOL 76 >HIT >GIBBT You carnt kill clean with three Orcs dogpiling you, but that's fine: Carrionpede was never clean.
You meet the blow of the first one head on. He almost has time to smile before you plant <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> in his belly, push up innada heart, and Noiffy into his side, then hard across, the sudden ⊥ opening up his middle I to a river of guts.
The second one <span class="mu-r">WHOKK</span>s you from the back, then slips in the guts hard, and you're on him: side of the neck wif <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>, Noiffy in his eye to hold his head still, allowing <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> to drag down the chest, halving the heart.
The third faggot, fatty fucker, fetches you across the back with a kludge basher before you can finish the job on the second faggot.
The Gobbies rooting for YOU pitch in with a few sneeki cheapshots, just enough to get the second faggot disarmed, so he can watch himself pump and bleed out with the last of his brains.
You round on the third fucker but he's backed off, away from your ring of supporters.
There are moar Orcs standing up now on the Orc side, none of them laughing. Several have put on their Kludge Armor. YOUve made them look bad. If they don't tryda krump yer, they will always doubt whether they were ever Proppa Orky
They're not going to help the fatty survivor. He's good as dead, seeing how killy you've proven.
You're pretty licked up too. You're going to finish the fat bastich, that's a given. The rest of them, well.
>-6 HP, -6Dur >16/22HP, 9Dur <span class="mu-s">[CHOICE]</span>
Toady will take a Helff Swigg before his next scrap, if it happens.
The upcoming Orcs are older than the first lot.
They will 1v1 Toady, but will be armored.
Say sumn Toady.
>"WHO ELSE WANTS SUM." (take on moar challengers, tuffyer, 1v1) OR
>"Nyerr, veyy starded it..." (Finish the fatty and youre done. Faggot.) OR
>SUICIDEY >Defensive >Offensive [R O L L]
>8D100: >2d vs last of the VictimClub >6d for the next three rounds >>6128550 >>6128540 >>6128536 >>6128480 >>6128466 40hrs.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 07:26:36 No. 6129041 Report Rolled 2, 2, 1, 2 = 7 (4d2) note on WAAAGH: 1D2 +1 Orcs will face you per matchup, but the Goblin mobb will chip in. QM rollan current Heroic LM gains for TSCP III; 2 LM per upgrade point
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 07:31:23 No. 6129042 Report Quoted By:
gained 2% Dodge and 1% Hit from your fresh kills. Balance 0.5% Hit gain is recorded, just not effected.
Quoted By:
Rolled 39, 76, 49, 80, 55, 81, 29, 54 = 463 (8d100) >>6129036 >"WHO ELSE WANTS SUM." (take on moar challengers, tuffyer, 1v1) >Offensive KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 25 Oct 2024 08:58:39 No. 6129057 Report Quoted By:
Also see
>>6129041 for WAAAGH option
Quoted By:
Rolled 48, 15, 40, 70, 83, 85, 8, 6 = 355 (8d100) >>6129036 >"WHO ELSE WANTS SUM." (take on moar challengers, tuffyer, 1v1) Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 52, 42, 50, 94, 59, 1, 5, 99 = 402 (8d100) >>6129036 >"WHO ELSE WANTS SUM." (take on moar challengers, tuffyer, 1v1) >Defensive Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 13, 12, 79, 12, 91, 51, 59, 40 = 357 (8d100) >>6129036 >"WHO ELSE WANTS SUM." (take on moar challengers, tuffyer, 1v1) >Offensive >Deys see me rollin', dey 'atin... NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 92, 4, 42, 94, 96, 31, 15 = 381 (8d100) >>6129036 >"I SMELL KUCKS IN HERE." (WAAARGH) >Offensive KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 26 Oct 2024 02:41:50 No. 6129413 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 70, 36, 34, 78, 8, 25, 61, 53 = 365 (8d100) BoA Vs Victim3: 52, 92 Vs Challenger1: 79, 94 || 96, 85 || 59, 99>"WHO ELSE WANTS SUM." >Offensive Rollan Victim3 and Challenger 1
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 26 Oct 2024 03:14:33 No. 6129438 Report Rolled 100, 67, 76, 42, 29, 13 = 327 (6d100) "<span class="mu-g">C'mon Tubbo. Yer buttbuddies rr waitn." "<span class="mu-s">WAAAAAH</span>" He bello s alone. No one's joining. He squeaks a little at the end, lal. In spite of his shout he's keeping his basher across and ahead; tryna keep YOU out. Nope.>Toady 92+11 vs Victim3 70 >HIT >3/32HP >Victim3 36 vs Toady 52+4 >WIFF You don't try to open his gut, he's got so much of it you might not get all the way through. Since he's so nice to offer you his kludge basher, you accept: the Carrionpede slithers up the haft and long wound begins from the backs of his hands up his arms, a short renovation of the face, and as he flails trying to smack you, a slashy cascade down his back, taking out sinews at the side of the waist, the backs of the knees. You're reset and ready for anuvva combo, finish him orf, when a full-sized longchoppa comes in from the sidelines, into his shoulders. Fatty's on his knees. His last moments. Two moar matter-of-fact chops splits his head open. Your challenger has armor and helmet on, anna longchoppa. "<span class="mu-s">Mm cuttn queue.</span>" "Yer funnerlal."</span>
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6129438 of course it wasnt enough we got a 1 already...
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 04:27:16 No. 6129475 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 49, 94 = 143 (2d100) >24+10+10HP for dat 100>12Dmg >Aggressive >Kludge Armor 10Dur, 3 rounded up per Dur This one's fatty too, except it'z all meats. All his kit is kludge, meaning he hasn't been raiding; if he's still grown this big, means he's big on green meat. You can respect that. Green meat is the only kind YOU know of wot fights all the way down. The Orky idee of defense is mostly big shoulder plates with spikes on and a helmet, because ideally a Orc should always be charging face first. The Orky charge scares most Weak Races into attacking the part of the Orc that's coming at them first and fastest: the face and shoulders. Youre not scared as such, of course. It'z just that he's four times your body weight with armor on. Just him falling on you might be a problem. Fuggit: <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s"> KILLYKILLY SARIACHI </span></span>>Toady 94+11 Vs Challenger1 42 >HIT >-6Dur -5HP from normal weapons >-4Dur -2HP from Vorpal >0Dur, 37HP You don't immediately cut meat, and when you do it's short and shallow: his armor soaks the worst of what you give out. You're still not strong as you'd like to be. You shock him plenty though: between yer l337 Carrionpede Skillz and <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> bullying classical mechanical physics, his kludge armor gets chipped off him so fast he's stripped like boiled prawn, peeled right down to meat in one pull. His startled look settles into a snarl. Maybe the beginnings of fear. It takes you one beat exactly to skid and reset from your raver rush; he uses it to catch up, the axx golfing in at your back, brushing sparks from the stoney ground.>Challenger1 76 vs Toady 79+4 >WIFF NOPE. And you're back at him, showing him how it's done: <span class="mu-g"> double instep, double kneecap, two the thigh, two the side, one armpit!</span> At least, that's what you <span class="mu-i">meant</span> to do. What you actually did was step in a glop of the dead fatso's brains and slow down just enough to get YOU goalkicked. No real damage since he caught you in the chest, the full impact of the kick is wasted by your scrawny body getting lifted off, but your combo's cancelled and you land on your head, grogged.>Toady Crit Fail attack 1 >Two turns 1xDef Only He stomps in after you, his snarl beginning to curl into a sneer.>Challenger1 29 vs Toady 85+4-20 >STILL WIFF
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 04:43:41 No. 6129486 Report Rolled 4, 3, 6, 3, 7, 6, 3, 3, 2, 1, 3, 6, 5, 5, 5, 6, 1, 7, 8, 5, 8, 1, 7, 4, 8 = 117 (25d8) He notices that you've slowed, doesn't waste strength roaring, just charges. You can still skuttle.>fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck You do your best, using the slight improvement to your lateral speed to make things just a little harder for him. It's not enough: the longchoppa comes down, splitting a shoulderplate and taking part of your underrigging with it. Your back feels a little bare too. The Orc openly smirks at you, smacking the wrenched bits of your Quality Kludge still stuck on his blade.>Challenger1 94 vs Toady 59+4 >OOF >-3Dur -3HP >Toady 6Dur 17HP [R O L L]>10D100 >everyone >QM rollan how many Orcs still want a piece of you. >The number of D8 it takes to hit a 1.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 04:46:35 No. 6129488 Report Quoted By:
10 Lads think they can take you. Do your best <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">gretchin</span></span>. Or your <span class="mu-r">worst</span>.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 59 (1d100) >>6129486 help
Rolled 81, 93, 84, 100, 26, 56, 11, 39, 4, 13 = 507 (10d100) >>6129486 Nyerr, is this guy the boss?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 05:34:59 No. 6129512 Report Anonymous
Rolled 92 (1d100) >>6129486 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6129486 >>6129513 Whoops misread what to roll so here are the other 9
Rolled 23, 90, 90, 9, 91, 77, 49, 5, 44 = 478 (9d100) >>6129486 >>6129513 (You)Whoops misread what to roll so here are the other 9
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 73, 18, 45, 3, 14, 23, 77, 76, 16 = 345 (9d100) >>6129512 whoops (damn how many dice will you let us roll next)
Rolled 64, 43, 64, 48, 62, 1, 77, 40, 98, 49 = 546 (10d100) >>6129486 Wer still standin'
We should probably get some tricks up our sleeves for future fights. Playing it straight is honorable and all, but we're in it to win it, and we're a gibbo. Smoke/flash bombs, chain-hooks/claws, razor wires, caltrops, and the like. With the way we climb all over our victims, spikes on our footwear or bladed gloves would go a long way, too KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 26 Oct 2024 05:44:26 No. 6129520 Report Quoted By:
>>6129511 >iz dat guy da Boss not even. Just a Solja.
QM headcanon counts any Greenoid that survives 10years
the VictimsClub and up
Challenger1 as Heroic LM.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 05:56:56 No. 6129524 Report Quoted By:
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 06:27:05 No. 6129531 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 90, 6, 58, 58 = 212 (4d100) BoA 92, 93 || 90, 90 (nat100 nullifies later nat1) || 62, 91 || 77, 77 || 98, 49 Rollan Challenger1 x2 turns Aggressive
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 07:00:05 No. 6129541 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d2) His smirk doesn't have time to settle, because your vision's cleared up, and he's standing still. You close again, this time doing a full chain low raver, making him buckle from both knees getting chopped so hard they caved inwards. He tries to swing the choppa, left, right, no good: you core into his chest and out the back in a burst of <span class="mu-r">red</span>. He's fully killt.>Toady HIT HIT >WIFFx2 >ChallengerLOL -21HP |]LM SCORECARD[|>1d2 LM from Victim3 >1d2+1 LM from Challenger1
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 26 Oct 2024 07:08:45 No. 6129544 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 96, 18, 61, 11 = 187 (5d100) A few beats of impressed silence while you take a Swigg, then the next Lad jumps in with a shout, two shorty bighead choppas. [TOADY]>21HP, 6Dur >Bonuses: +4% Dodge, +13% Hit, 29Dmg total. QM rollan>1÷12+26 = HP >2÷12+5 = Dmg >3÷10+4 = Dur >4,5 = Offensive
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 07:26:29 No. 6129550 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d2) Challenger2>27HP, 13Dmg >6Dur You meet him with a partial air raver just as he lands; he swings clumsily, stumbles a little, you just scuttleclimb across his back out of his reach like a tick, chopping his armor orf. It's sparser than the ovva dood'z, like he spent all his time trading and kludging for his shorty choppaz so there's not much left for armor.>Toady 91+13 vs C2 61 >HIT >C2 0Dur 4HP. >C2 11 vs Toady 62+4 >WIFF You ready for another run at him, but he throws down his two axes to a wave of boos. He takes the humiliation with a stiff face. He wasn't born the strongest, but like YOU he had some brainz.>additional 1d2+1 gained >QM takes a break.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 11:32:01 No. 6129596 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 86, 65, 28, 10, 41, 12, 88 = 330 (7d100) 3d for orcgen 4d for two turns Aggressive
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 26 Oct 2024 13:37:26 No. 6129615 Report Rolled 1 + 1 (1d2 + 1) C3) : 33HP 10Dmg 7Dur
They still wants sum, you can almost hear the cope leaking out their heads:
>a gretchin's still just a gretchin >they wuz sloppy, ain't got what it takes >DIIIIS izza noiff >yer all yet to see how a REEL UORC goes krumpen You would have coped the same, in their shoes. But having the Carrionpede and gibbing them so many in a row's shewd YOU sumn you've never seen before: alone in a row, faced one on one, griggers ain't shit.
It's just that when you mobb up against the Fighties and won it <span class="mu-i">felt</span> like you all won, individually.
Now YOU realize it wuz juzt because you wuz in a mobb, bumrushing a Fighty as a mob, who often as not underestimated your schnozz and mobb cohesion.
You miss having a mobb now. Sure you're almost killyyer than your old mobb put together, but it's not the same. And wiv your knobby end the way it iz, you carnt even make your own mobb. All that will come out of it is Dimmies. You suddenly feel real alone.
Although that's not going to stop you from shredding dat grigger wots coming at yer bellowing <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">YERRR MUVVAAAA</span></span>.
You get into Stance. You can philosophize and be bigsad later, on a pile of their corpses.
"<span class="mu-g">Come.</span>"
>Toady 77+13 vs C3) 10 >HIT >-7Dur -20HP >C3) 13HP >C3) 41 vs Toady 77+4 >WIFF You're getting faster, surer in jabbing joints and tendies and meatstrings; the new riddle-rhymes just float up in your mind as free associations, naturally drawn to the established framework of the ones you already know.
Like trees growing out the ends of trees.
Like a Carrionpede, a thousand out of one.
Suddenly you don't even see the grigger in front of you.
You see red.
Physically you're in his body cavity physically, but where YOU are truly YOU, in your mind, you are in the <span class="mu-r">Carrionpede</span>.
You emerge from the red flood with his spine in your mouth, the remains of his head hanging off it.
He did give you a solid chop to the middle before you got him.
You barely feel it.
"<span class="mu-r">Moar.</span>"
>Toady 98+13 vs C3) 12 >HIT >GIBBT -16HP >C3) 88 vs Toady 49+4 >OOF >-2Dur -2HP >Toady 4Dur, 19HP >[HELFF SWIGGA] 4/6 [R O L L]
>CARNT TAP OUT YET >12D100 >EVERWUN >>6129519 >>6129518 >>6129516 >>6129511 14hrs
QM rollan HLM gains
Rolled 65, 32, 88, 92, 28, 8, 61, 60, 22, 20, 29, 74 = 579 (12d100) >>6129615 NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 41, 62, 10, 5, 95, 97, 6, 52, 25, 1, 1, 20 = 415 (12d100) >>6129615 12 it is
NAT 1 Anon
>>6129618 back to back 1 is also a new record Anonymous
Rolled 19, 66, 47, 20, 3, 16, 83, 28, 32, 12, 68, 53 = 447 (12d100) >>6129615 Red wunz go fastah!
>>6129620 Can't be helped when you are throwing literall handfuls of dice at a time.
Rolled 49, 71, 7, 27, 36, 57, 86, 37, 65, 80, 37, 48 = 600 (12d100) >>6129615 Where's da Bosser?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 27 Oct 2024 02:04:07 No. 6129990 Report Quoted By:
>>6129620 oof >>6129771 when the dust settles here I'll roll for which part of the orc territory you're in. Va Boss will have Underbosses in all the important neighborhoods through whom you can try to gain access. The
unforeseen downside of riding in Like A Boss is not being able to chart your own route to the actual Boss.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 27 Oct 2024 02:34:30 No. 6130012 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 21, 8, 14, 37, 67, 52 = 206 (7d100) Toady BoA 65, 71 || 88, 92 || 95, 97 || 86, 60 || 65, 80 (w Nat1) || 68, 74 (w Nat1) QM rollan orcgen
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 27 Oct 2024 03:07:09 No. 6130040 Report Rolled 100, 53, 71, 44, 66, 36, 6 = 376 (7d100) C5
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 27 Oct 2024 03:08:17 No. 6130043 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 51, 6, 16, 17, 18, 89, 42 = 239 (7d100) C6
NAT 1 Anon
>>6130040 may i file a complaint for you rolling 100 every time and only we roll the 1's?
actually how tho dice+2d2+1
Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1 + 1 = 4 (2d2 + 1) The next one is just unlucky, getting shoved out of the ring of spectators just as your eyes land on him. You give him two beats, enough time for him to grab the axx out of his bellybund. }}UNLUKKY{{ HP 26 Dmg 7 Dur 5>Toady 71+16 vs Unlukky 14 >HIT >Unlucky 0Dur 2HP >Unlukky 37 vs Toady 65+4 >UNLUKKY His armor is really just wood and rope, like what YOU started with. He's totally unprepared: his one WIFF with the short heavy-hedd axx passes into your zone then out of it, catching nothing. You shredd him, starting with the fingers clutching the axx, then the exposed tricep, then both shoulders. He's done. Then the grigger wot shoved him out from the back jumps in, biggy spiked clubb wooshing to smoosh you. You kick off from Unlukky, so he eats it instead, a weighted cracky <span class="mu-r">Krunch</span> to the back of the head. His clubb is barely dragged out of the pulpy splorty red mess when you round on him for stealing YOUr kill. }}KUNNEN BRUTALLY{{ 33+10HP, 9Dmg, 11Dur>Toady 92+16 vs KUNNEN B. 44 >HIT >-11Dur, -8HP >K.B. 35HP >K.B. 66 vs Toady 88+4 >KEK Problem with bashers in it'z either top down, diagonal, or side swings; no thrust, so that's where YOUre going. To his credit he does kind of spot it, does an inward swing that brings the clubb across his body; the swing WIFFS, your stabbitystabbs parting the suspender riggings of his Kludge Armor so that it slides down to his thighs. On a smaller Orc the damage you have done just chewing through his armor might have given a little pause; Kunnen Brutally's born fikky, both his meats n his skull. Might have been twins wiv one of the VictimClub schmucks. >Toady 97+16 vs K.B. 52 >HIT >KB 6HP >KB 67 vs Toady 95+4 >NOOB You do him again, ducking his pommel-bash and side-swinging followup, then full killy riser from the ground, chewing through the wood haft of his basher that's again in a cross-body guard, two stabs in the chest for grip then you're inniz <span class="mu-r">FAICE</span>. He manages to get one bracered arm up in time to cover his eyes, but you take an ear and both cheeks anyway, then skin and rip his scalp, tattering his back on the way down. You're reset to rush again when you see him just standing there, looking at his broken basher, touching the top of his head. His hand comes from there away bloodier than it had been at his face. You meet his bewildered eyes and show him his scalp. Then shove it into yer tuckeroos, by now bristling with several pube toupees. He drops the handle of the basher, steps out of what's left of his armor, doesn't pick up anything to replace them. The boos still come, but they're softer now. Progress.>QM rollan HLM gained
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 27 Oct 2024 05:34:39 No. 6130108 Report Rolled 2 + 1 (1d2 + 1) >>6130061 lol. Just be thankful it wasn't an armorgen or combat roll. That will actually hurt. Some still haven't caught on, of course. Now that there's ten bodies growing cold on the ground the Stuffs that will go to the last Greenoid standing is significant. Meat for several days of gluttony, a full body Quality Kludge, a selection of bashaz n choppaz.
The one wot steps up next looks like he's made his decision fru serious maffs: kill one uppity gretchin, get a big heap Stuffs.
Dangerous thing, maffs.
29HP, 6Dmg, 7Dur
>Toady 86+18 vs KALKULUS 17 >HIT >KALKULUS 0Dur 20HP As you close in he starts swinging a chain-boll onna stikk. It durnt even have spikes onnit.
>KALKULUS 18 vs Toady 60+4 >√(-x)•(-y) = √-x • √-y >Q.E.KEK He stumbles away from you, armor wrecked, body gashed. Not fatal, yet, but can he write it orf? Eyes on the prize, roit? YOUr armor's pretty bashed too; all he needs is annuvva go, get proppa stuck in, land a lick or two wiv hiz boll. He's 'ard enuff roit?
He actually gumbs the chain of his weapons tryna finkk.
Fuggen <span class="mu-g">Nyerrd</span>.
"<span class="mu-r">Gotz yer majjinarreh numbah roit here grigger: va buffae's still OUPAN!</span>"
>Toady 80+16 vs KALKULUS 42 >HIT+GIBBT >KALKULUS -9HP Him twirling the chain-boll around doesn't help him: he wastes energy twirling it, keeping it from hitting the ground and losing speed, and it's still too slow to catch you breaking into his Zone.
You stab roit inna his tackle, making everyone in the crowd close their legs and make the same face, like they're all straw-slurping sherbert supersours.
Then it's over: you've hupped as he dropped, stabbing your way up to his froat and opening it. He carnt decide which wound to clap his hands on, keeps bleeding out.
So he yoinks out a biggy shiv and <span class="mu-r">RAMS</span> it in your side.
>KALKULUS 89 vs Toady 65+4 >HIT >-1Dur -1HP >Toady 3Dur 18HP >NAT1! It's not at all painful, for the size of his shiv. You are bleeding an orful lot though.
>nyerr >'zat bludd? >aah, no! >muh gluggz!! >[HELFF SWIGGA] BROKEN! He stabbed right into it near the bottom, spilling nearly all of it. You suck and slurp and lick up what you can from the broken oil can and the floor.
The crowd's fuggen laffing at yer.
"<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Lookiddim! Git's lost it LARMAO! 'E'S tryna sukk hisself! </span></span>"
"<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Oy Gaeboi! I gotz yer Prime Lunchlies roid ere!</span></span>"
You give them a double-barrelled finger, finishing getting the last drops.
They're not done with you yet, and now your fallback's gone.
>Might be bad, nyerr >Toady 3Dur 22HP >QM rollan 1d2+1 HLP KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 27 Oct 2024 05:37:04 No. 6130109 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 14, 30, 28, 43, 72 = 187 (5d100) C7
Quoted By:
>>6130108 Crap, that last trick was smart
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d2 + 1) You toss the wrecked Swigga
sniff and face the next grigger.
The only thing special about him is his wishful thinking.
26HP 8Dmg 7Dur
As you've killed these oiks you've been getting steadily more accurate, weaving through cross-body guards like an eel and following flinch retreats like a shadow; now you're getting killyyer, intuiting how to lean your weight just by feeling how the meat parts on the blade.
Yer gittn <span class="mu-r">gudd</span>
>Toady melee Dmg total now 24 +6 Vorpal For a change of pace he's the one that charges you. Thompthompthompthomp in a straight line.
Still too slow; you close too, zigzagging for him.
The Carrionpede's nonstop flowy slither is hard to track; he slows down tryna aim, stabs down with the fathead spear he's using, and you climb up it n <span class="mu-r">geddim</span>
>Toady 74+18 vs JANN RIKK 43 >HIT >JANN RIKK 0Dur 3HP He's swatting at you with one hand, getting it tattered, not quite managing to connect.
You get to finish your combo and reset -
You're hanging off him, suspended in the air.
Yer stabbstikk's jammed in weird, got caught on bone or armor or sumn.
>err >uhoh His fists finally connects in your side, sending you sprawling; the fatty spear comes down after that, chopping into your back.
>JANN RIKK 72 vs Toady 68+4 >CLOSE >but NAT1!! >-2Dur, -2HP, and - Stabbstikk: dmg -5 for next fight >Toady 2Dur 20HP When you get back up again the faggot's run orf wiv your Stabbstikk still in him.
You might pick up a shorty slasher or a broke axx hedd or sumn orf the floor to replace it, but they're not letting you.
You're flagging, and they finna get lucky.
>QM rollan 1d2+1 HLM <span class="mu-s">[LAST PUSH]
>BACK TO BACK NAT1s >YOU DONT *GET* TO TAP OUT >roll 12D100 >EVERWUN >>6129771 >>6129655 >>6129618 >>6129616 </span> Anonymous
Rolled 44, 71, 32, 32, 30, 43, 69, 20, 70, 39, 77, 7 = 534 (12d100) >>6130137 Anonymous
Rolled 76, 72, 64, 49, 50, 46, 23, 40, 9, 55, 72, 82 = 638 (12d100) >>6130235 NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 77, 30, 68, 77, 45, 46, 39, 51, 86, 7, 79, 24 = 629 (12d100) >>6130137 dont fuck me again damn dice...
Rolled 49, 92, 63, 11, 58, 57, 98, 84, 24, 45, 10, 50 = 641 (12d100) >>6130137 Anonymous
Rolled 39, 97, 73, 72, 89, 12, 62, 39, 68, 37, 61, 21 = 670 (12d100) >>6130137 At least they're still coming in one at a time. Maybe we could try pinching a weapon out of their hands as replacement when we next get grabby with someone?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 28 Oct 2024 01:17:40 No. 6130643 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 87, 48, 36, 37, 22, 64 = 297 (7d100) Toady BoA 77, 97 || 73, 77 || 89, 57 || 98, 84 || 86, 55 || 79, 82 QM Orcgen
Rolled 5, 12, 79, 70, 1, 74, 96, 58, 88, 97, 16, 38 = 634 (12d100) >>6130137 Wasn't the last 100 supposed ter cancel out the next 1 or summin?
Quoted By:
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d2 + 1) }}ORK CHOP{{ 25HP, 13Dmg, 10Dur>Toady 97 + 18 vs ORK CHOP 36 >HIT >-10Dur, -8HP >ORK CHOP 17HP Are you really flagging, or is this 'un moar Orky? His armor feelz fikker, with chainmail in the joints and collar. Took a bit of cutting. The axx is biggy too: double winged head forged whole, like it was made, fixed on a kludge handle.>ORK CHOP 37 vs Toady 77+2 >NUFFIN Mebbe it'z just you.>Toady 77+18 vs ORK CHOP 22 >GIBBT >ORK CHOP -8HP >ORK CHOP 64 vs Toady 73+2 >0000 Instead of really going for him you start by meeting his choppy swings wiv <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>, not quite parrying, just sticking onto his axxhaft with <span class="mu-b">Daggy's</span> edge, pullpushpull, guiding and controlling. He doesn't like it, carnt work his way out of your weapon-trapping, just yanks real hard backwards; you harden you trap - pull - flying towards his face. The axx snapps in the handle where <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> worked it, flying off and maiming somebody; YOU start stabbing and gouging out of his chest and the arm covering his face. He throws the kludge haft, grabs a backup axx hanging off his side. You see it incoming. Perfect. You kick off his chest and gash up the incoming hand with the smol axx in a burst of gore. He sinks to his knees from trauma, just just watches dumbfounded while you pry his fingies orf and test out yer new choppy, splitting his skull.>nart bedd >gots sharp n heft >works fer narr "<span class="mu-r">BEKK IN BIZNIZ BEYBEH!!</span>">Toady back to 31Dmg >QM rollan HLM
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 28 Oct 2024 02:49:11 No. 6130679 Report Quoted By:
>>6130669 The last BoA Nat100 had a Nat1 in the same series of rolls @ >6129519
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 28 Oct 2024 03:03:06 No. 6130684 Report Quoted By:
Remaining Toady BoA refreshed: 89, 57 (w Nat1)(lol) || 98, 84 || 88, 97 || 79, 82
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 28 Oct 2024 03:09:30 No. 6130687 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 44, 77, 16, 46, 18, 96, 62 = 359 (7d100) C9
NAT 1 Anon
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Mon 28 Oct 2024 03:58:55 No. 6130714 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 62, 45, 16, 30 = 153 (4d100) }}HAGHAT PAYST EETA{{ 29HP 13Dmg 6Dur>Toady 89+18 vs HAGRAT 18 >oh noes NAT1! >Half %hit and half Dmg 2 turns >STILL HIT >-6Dur, -7HP >HAGHAT 0Dur 22HP The bludd wots been gushing and splorting from your handiwork's helpful: it keeps you coolish, cakes as it dries on your hands so it helps you grip, and if you feel hungry or thirsty between combo-rushes you just lick it off yerself. The Weak Races get squeamish around bludd. YOU don't see what the fuss is. Of course, it also works for the uvva guy. For instance, him using the big gashes you've opened up in his arms to splatt his bludd at yer, and the clotty spray goes right in both yer eyes. You duck like mad, dodging him as he comes in, tryna get your eyes cleared. Derrs fuggen <span class="mu-i">skabbz</span> innere.>HAGHAT 46 vs 57+2 >WIFF >Toady (98+18)÷2 vs HAGHAT 62 >WIFF You both miss, flailing around in the gore. Just as YOUr eyes clear, he puts on a burst of speed and leaps, roaring. You do your best to scuttle for distance, doing quite well in your opinion, but then he snaps his longy weapon out in midair, extending his reach. The falling chop flattens you into the gore muck ground, and the follow-up when he lands lifts you off it. The ruins of your Quality Kludge gets hooked on his chopaxx' backspike and torn off as you are flung.>HAGHAT 96 vs Toady 84+2 >OOF >-3Dur -4HP >Toady 18HP >rollan two moar turns for HAGHAT
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 28 Oct 2024 04:15:00 No. 6130721 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d2 + 1) >Toady 97+18 vs HAGHAT 45>GIBBT >HAGHAT -10HP But you swing, hook, snag your beat-to-shit armor, still in mid-air, and haul yourself right back at him like a bladed yoyo.>HAGHAT 62 vs 88+2 >WIFF He's not prepared; on reflex he punches with a fist laden with ringnuts, which you use to reach his shoulders, sweeping up and twisting a fully chock of his flea-swarmed hair. But you're not after scalps anymore. He's still alive and watching when you plant <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> down and start to <span class="mu-r">SAWR</span>.>QM HLM
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Mon 28 Oct 2024 04:17:33 No. 6130724 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 25, 88, 32, 98, 67, 35, 23 = 368 (7d100) C10!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Mon 28 Oct 2024 04:49:48 No. 6130734 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 64, 67, 87, 82, 33, 48 = 381 (6d100) }}MAKURULL{{ 28HP, 16Dmg, 8Dur Okay, this one's definitely Orky. You get a feeling that it's the oldest of the whole lot you've fought by something like 2 Suns solar circuits; years, in this context : it's got roar-creases between the chop scars on its mug, the armor has moar recognizably armor-y parts on, and dat axx. A single-bladed guillotine on a whole iron haft. You don't get kit like that without being on several biggy successful raids. It just so happens this one is among the runtyyer of its peers; several of the ones that are dressed like it and watching are fattyyer, with more built-up armor.>Toady 82+18 vs 67 >HIT 33Dmg >-8Dur -21HP >MAKURULL 7HP He holds the guillotine axe at his waist with the head behind him. Doesn't charge. He wants you to do it. When you get in his Zone, he'll be tryna swing that at you.>Foin. You zigzag rush, closing with wide rings of movement. He doesn't move, just his eyes on you.>too SLOW!! You're in! His armor's nothing against <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>: two punch-gouges wiv <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> and a paired slice-pry wiv Noiffy n Axxy and his whole front is ripped trash. Your blades run wild, opening bare meat. Then the pommel of the guillotine axx rams you square inva chest, and while you're still falling, his grip swaps into an over-shoulder lever, and he brings the great blade down on you. It punches through your desperate cross-block, cutting deep; doesn't split you in half, but the sheer weight goes right through you. Dis grigger's seen how you fight, figgered he he got two rounds to put you down; he ate everything you dished out on purpose, just so's he can land a full <span class="mu-r">TCHOPP.</span>>QM rollan 1 turn for Toady
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 28 Oct 2024 05:44:19 No. 6130746 Report Rolled 1 + 1 (1d2 + 1) >TCHOKK
>-16HP >OOOOF >Toady 2HP Dat TCHOPP almost finished you. He'll regret that it didn't.
He tries to stomp onnit, to wedge it deeper; the slight lapse before his foot lands on the back of the blade you push hard on it, cutting your palms and feet.
You make it out with inches to spare; he has to hold back his stomp a little or lose balance, now that his biggaxx is skewed.
You're already flying up under his lifted stomp, and triple-buzzsaw through his body starting wiv hiz voonerables.
>Toady 87+18 vs MAKKURRULL 33 >GIBBTTT >DAT TRIKKSY GRIGGER BASTICH -26HP >DEDD 48 vs Toady 82+2 >FANKS FER PLAYAN He has just one beat to scream while you thrash through his gutts, then <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> punches through his heart and out his lower throat, then, nimbly reverse-gripping, into his <span class="mu-r">face</span>.
The body topples backwards. YOU glop out of it, blowing blood and snot out your nose.
You're just about fukt, your kit is rekt. You don't want any more.
Lucky for you, neither do the Orcs.
The local pecking order has been established, with YOU at the top.
The ecstatic Gobbos start to crowd into the fighting ground, yayying and clapping. Some of them have already started to tear bits orf the dedders to eat, watching YOU with half an eye.
If you're going to say shit, say it.
<span class="mu-s">[SPEAK]</span>
Pick One:
>"Handz orf, Titchy. Unless yez wantz ta join va pile." >Be stand offish, keep everything for yourself. You won it. OR
>"EAT UP, MAGGITZ. BUT VA HAAT N LIVVAH BELONGZ TER ME!" >Win the crowd, get information. CHOICE TWO
Again, pick one:
>"A Bosser should have sum henches." >Lose most of the Kludge material looted >1d4+1 armored Gobbos of about 6 years old join YOU as Droogz; twice your natural capability. >You have to go back to Seafood on foot in order to bring them with you; additional seven Days Off will be used for this. >If you {POPUP} from here, you will most likely lose your Droogz. >"Sodd orf ye cuntz." >keep all the kludge >no assistance with directions CHOICE THREE
>SECRECY Y/N >Y means you only loot what you can carry handily and you spend the night in a pit under Wagon, away from eyes. >N means you bring out Pouchy and start cramming 15 dedd Orcs and their effects in what seems a fancyfancy Bag of Holding in front of witnesses, and sleep in the open. >both should have consequences. >>6130669 >>6130690 >>6130290 >>6130284 >>6130236 >>6130186 36hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Mon 28 Oct 2024 05:51:12 No. 6130748 Report [R O L L]>1D1000 >coming out all Bosser has gotten some... notice QM will be rollan Bo3 D1000 against YOU
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 28 Oct 2024 05:52:00 No. 6130749 Report Quoted By:
>>6130748 Anons will be rollan BoA vs QM Bo3
>>6130746 >"EAT UP, MAGGITZ. BUT VA HAAT N LIVVAH BELONGZ TER ME!" >"A Bosser should have sum henches." >SECRECY N Anonymous
Rolled 191 (1d1000) >>6130746 >>6130763 Forgot the roll
Rolled 420 (1d1000) >>6130746 >"EAT UP, MAGGITZ. BUT VA HAAT N LIVVAH BELONGZ TER ME!" >"A Bosser should have sum henches." >Y Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6130791 I got the funny number
Toady getting stoned soon
Quoted By:
Rolled 862 (1d1000) >>6130746 >>"EAT UP, MAGGITZ. BUT VA HAAT N LIVVAH BELONGZ TER ME!" >>Win the crowd, get information. >"A Bosser should have sum henches." >Lose most of the Kludge material looted >1d4+1 armored Gobbos of about 6 years old join YOU as Droogz; twice your natural capability. >You have to go back to Seafood on foot in order to bring them with you; additional seven Days Off will be used for this. >If you {POPUP} from here, you will most likely lose your Droogz. >Y means you only loot what you can carry handily and you spend the night in a pit under Wagon, away from eyes. NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 112 (1d1000) >>6130746 >"EAT UP, MAGGITZ. BUT VA HAAT N LIVVAH BELONGZ TER ME!" >"A Bosser should have sum henches." >Y Anonymous
>>6130746 >"EAT UP, MAGGITZ. BUT VA HAAT N LIVVAH BELONGZ TER ME!" >"Sodd orf ye cuntz." >Y I don't really want to become a gang leader; a kungfu master is strongest when alone.
I have half a mind to just gather information, stuff all the loot in the bag, then pop off somewhere to consolidate. As it is, we should join a big raid as soon as we recover so we can restock on STUFFS and kludge gear.
Rolled 506 (1d1000) >>6130894 Forgot roll
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 29 Oct 2024 04:11:35 No. 6131215 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 593, 811, 905 = 2309 (3d1000) rollan SUS
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 29 Oct 2024 11:34:32 No. 6131322 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d4 + 1) rollan Droogz
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 29 Oct 2024 13:25:37 No. 6131351 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 9, 12, 12, 7, 8, 8, 7, 8, 8, 7, 8, 10, 2, 1 + 30 = 140 (15d12 + 30) ~~FILLER POST~~ Out of the whole lot of likely lads you pick three musky turds to hench for you: DirtyNuggz, Uptush, and Pork Hos. They're all older than YOU, just a few years short of filling out full Orky; living this long means they're a good mix of kunnen n brütey. On your order they pick out the hearts and livers from the dedders, and collect most of the dropped kludgeware out of the thieving hands of the smaller Gobbz. You let them have dibbz on the uvva nice bits: kidneys, eyes, brains, hands. They'll need it to grow up bully n killy. Your next order is for them to make you a new suit of Quality Kludge Armor out of all the dropped bits, and same for themselves. They get to keep half of the unused balance Stuffs split between them, but YOUr Quality Kludge Armor better be the qualitest. Pork Hos, the meatiest, you tell to make dinner: helmet stoo, being meatz n bitz boiled with bludd in a helmet unwashed hung over a fire until it's a curdy soup. With all the helmets on hand he makes six servings at once. You laze about watching them work, binding your open wounds with the dedders' tuckeroos; you talk to your new Droogz, working out the local chatty from common Gobby base-concepts. When Pork Hos is done making dinner, you send him to dig a hole half as tall as he is, one and half long and wide as he is. He gets to it with a scowl, but fugg 'em: digging's easier than kludging good armor. He's just salty he didn't get off cheap from just making dinner like he thought. Over dinner, to the sound of Pork Hos grunting n digging, you get to asking how the Orc settlement(s) is arranged, the important places and Bossers. There's a few Big Hats to watch for: Kuggbal Tortu, OverBoss Chief they look uncomfortable ; Dulugtangor, Shaman-Chief; Kurruk n Kertuk, Wolf Masturz and Rider Chiefs; Boog, Orbagai, Xag Xag, Piggbolg, Warlords. And Jinx Finx, a weirdo. He was part of the horde as early as they can remember, and they've heard that he used to lead the Skulkers out on forays. The weird is, he's not around often, doesn't bring Stuffs to the OverBoss when he does show up, yet Kuggbal hasn't ordered him made into an interesting shape. Word is Jinx Finx has a special knack of entering deep into the lands of the Weak Races and coming out again without raising SUS, bringing information for the Bigg Plan. No one knows what the Bigg Plan is, very shush-shush Pork Hos just finished the diggy hole, starts cooking a new glop of helmet stoo because someone (YOU) ate his share , so mostly they just fight n tuff-up n kludge-up waiting for Da Word. You drag your half of the leftover meat n kludge Stuffs into the hole with you, then park Wagon plonk over the top, closing it off. It's going to be stuffy for tonight, but at least no one sees Pouchy or hears you Ceremonying. You have a big day tomorrow.>QM rollan Stuffs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Tue 29 Oct 2024 13:29:12 No. 6131352 Report Rolled 5, 2 = 7 (2d12) rollan new Quality KA
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Tue 29 Oct 2024 13:31:22 No. 6131353 Report too pathetic; QM ups QKA to 9/9
>>6131352 >>6131353 Nyerr, suggestion boss!
They're making QKA for the entire group. We're taking the best one.
Roll multiple sets and give us the best result. Randomly assign the rest to the other droogs.
>>6131695 But we're smaller than them. aint weez?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 01:21:48 No. 6131761 Report Quoted By:
>>6131695 QKA is personally fitted, in QM's brain.
if you care to spend more Stuffs for a new set, I'll reroll.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 01:26:57 No. 6131763 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 6, 3, 2 = 14 (4d6) >>6131695 nvm, I'll reroll a new set and just deduct Stuff.
rerollan QKA
NAT 1 Anon
btw how can we get better armor?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 02:07:54 No. 6131783 Report >>6131771 QKA is the best Greenoids can do; YOUre already very enviable in goblin terms.
You need smiffs from the Weak Races to get 4+ armor and above (QKA is 3+). If you can find evil or very mercenary smiffs, they won't out YOU for being a goblin when they try to fit you.
Being a goblin sucks.
>>6131783 Who needs THAT nonsense when you can kill a wrigger (weak race igger) wearing magic armor? Magic armor resizes to fit the wearer, nyerr!
But hey, who needs THAT nonsense when eventually shifu will teach us the Iron Body technique that makes flesh harder than any metal mundane or supernal!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 02:23:17 No. 6131788 Report Quoted By:
>>6131785 the big crease is here.
Yes, an option.
Someone like that is most likely royalty or Fighty, surrounded by tuffy troops or Fighty frens.
YOU'll need to hunt.
@Everwun else:
QM on errands. Will try to writan in a couple hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 02:26:52 No. 6131791 Report >>6131785 >iron body not an option, since Anons picked the glass-cannon build Carrionpede.
QM unironically notes your concern.
>>6131791 >Not an option Bullspit, every good cultivator masters, especially a Body Cultivator, more than one martial art and Physical Cultivation Technique!
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6131792 option 2: we get our hands on many health pots or good healing/resistance items
option 3: just dont get hit lawl
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 03:53:37 No. 6131832 Report >>6131792 yes yes, you'll get something, whiney git. Won't be as good as something like Iron Body; something that gudd is for the Oni build: lots tankyyer but much less killy. Opportunity cost is real in this quest: picked melee build means no magic or artifact crafting; pick glass-cannon means no tank. Reminder: GS Goblins are trashmob creatures with no spell-likes, no class levels, additional languages, literacy, cultural skills, and minimal moral agency. Even the Goblin Lord is considered "just a goblin" by Goblinslayer. (YOU) were created to suck and lose. Hate Kumo Kagyu, aka the GS OverGod SpiderSnailGM, for this. Finish TSCP III and get back to Seafood. You'll get an upgrade option. Anonymous
>>6131832 >(YOU) were created to suck and lose. Pssh, who cares what Fate and the Heavens wanted. Cultivation is all about defying Fate and the Heavens anyways! Transcending limits that were never meant to be broken!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 04:28:05 No. 6131852 Report >>6131835 which Toady, age 3, is doing very nicely. There are no 3yo Goblins with QKA, Infinite Pouches of Holding w/ 1500 Stuffs, utility Cantrips, a Phasic / Vorpal weapon, triple weapon handling, outputting as of now 33 dmg per turn, and up to 66 dmg per turn SUICIDEY. Right now, Toady is able to 1v1 one-shot ~50% of full grown Orcs in one turn; for comparison, an actual PC on solo might take 3-5 rounds minimum if played correctly. Normal Orcs are Challenge Rating 0.25-0.5 by DND convention; Toady might be CR 2-5 right now. He's already monstrous. If a QM from some other DND homebrew thread introduced Toady as an event monster, all the anons will screech. And in-game, it's not even half a year since he met Yang Wuhan. Clear TSCP III, make it back to Seafood, get a side-grade. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 04:39:42 No. 6131859 Report Quoted By:
edit: 34dmg per turn, 68 max on SUICIDEY Toady is not yet able to transcend the realities of his birth. Moar time, risk, and hardship needed.
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6131852 yup
for a mere goblin toady is very powerful
even the goblin slayer himself will find a challenge in him
>>6131852 66 Damage per turn? Fuck CR 2-5, this nigga's...actually, let me calculate it real quick.
Challenge Rating: 9
Offensive CR: 16
Defensive CR: 1
Proficiency Bonus: +4
Effective HP: 48 (6d6+0)
Effective AC: 17
Average Damage Per Round: 83
Effective Attack Bonus: +14
Pic related is everything I input, mostly in reference to Toady's various feats as written in-battle. One of his favorite moves seems to be making others fall into the attacks meant for him.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 04:54:22 No. 6131872 Report >>6131866 Yes.
>it takes a dogpile of 4 x lvl9 PCs to take him without incurring casualties. Toady is fucking gross.
>>6131872 Just think about what he could do to them in a surprise round.
>Healy feggit DOWN. Autokilt. >Initiative bonus, I go first, slutts. >Whizzard DOWN, folded like wet tissue paper. >Use movement to FUGG OFF. >Stealthy boy follows cuz he's the only one with the speed to match. >1v1? lmao >Stealthboy joinin the DEADDERS >Just the fighty boy now >He don't stand a charnce >But we don't gotta kill him right away >Wait until his guard is down, nyerr >0/4 party members remaining >No damage run complete KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 05:11:32 No. 6131881 Report >>6131874 yes.
Considering he can send most backline characters past -10hp in one turn, Toady is too dangerous for most parties under lvl10.
Not even counting his stockpile of Helffs n BOOMs yet.
Acceptable for a Disciple of the Blade Emperor,<span class="mu-r"> hmhmhm.</span>
NAT 1 Anon
>>6131872 how many heroic LM do we still need?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 05:13:30 No. 6131883 Report Quoted By:
>>6131866 Thanks for the math.
^ ^
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 05:15:06 No. 6131885 Report Quoted By:
>>6131882 5, right now.
Toady spedrun most of TSCP III already.
>>6131881 This trend continues all the way until level 13 btw. Assuming the Cleric only has a con of 10, at least.
At level 9, the cleric needs a con of 16-17 to survive one round from Toady suicidey, assuming that Toady doesn't autocrit on a surprise round.
The wizard with his, kek, d6...he needs a con of 18-19 to survive a round.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6131886 QM doesnt follow the DnD system strictly
so he can balance it in some way
Quoted By:
>>6131887 True.
Mage Armor spell likely reduces damage instead of giving AC bonus.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 05:26:17 No. 6131889 Report >>6131886 unless someone prepped a Hold Person, Charm Monster or similar Int or Wis check spells, and someone else picked a couple levels Favored Enemy: Aberration, Tracking, Dimensional Anchor and similar to stop him running off and healing, Toady will be BAD ENDing the party.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 05:27:57 No. 6131890 Report Quoted By:
>>6131887 yup.
QM is a filthy heretic. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6131889 And that's not even Toady with PREP TIME.
>Gets ahead of the party, pulls out all the dimmy and wagon and mo ao >Gets behind the party >Waits for them to encounter the undead freaks >Ambush them in pincer maneuver GAME OVER
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 06:05:26 No. 6131905 Report Quoted By:
writan now should be fully posted in 4hrs. let's see.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 07:14:46 No. 6131932 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 4, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3 = 29 (10d4) Alone in the pit under Wagon's armored belleh you light some candles to heat up the sheeping tar to glop it on your still smarting gashes.
While that cooks, you drip owwie-dun all over yourself, to help the scabbing.
It's not many Greenoids, not even Chiefs n Shammies, wot can take on and take out fifteen gits in a row in under one Time (40Min).
YOU did plenty good.
The caked blood on you from the gibbt Orcs doesn't seem to be coming all orf. You pick at it, because of course you do, and find that your skin's gone red and stayed red.
And your sweat <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">stinks</span></span>. Might have to do with getting so good at the <span class="mu-s">Carrionpede</span>. You'll have to ask Seafood about this.
On close inspection, you don't like the armor your droogz kludged up for you. They seem to think heavily armored means armored heavily: they just slapped bigg fikky pieces together, loose rigging, wasting weight, leaving gaps.
YOU can do better. You undo most of their work, shorten the underriggs tighter, add backup loops. All the wood bits get chucked. The chestpiece made from a hammered flat buckler you switch out to the back, and replace it with several blunted smolly axxs in overlapping layers. Your bellyguard's a biggy belt on which you wire-stitch the mug-plate from a cracked helmet.
You'd really like some chainmail to close up all the gaps in your armpits, sides and kneepits, but there's not much of that; you make do with fikky patches of quilt armor there.
Glubbs just doubled layers of quilt armor fabric with your hands crammed through, then smolly bits and strips of metal glued or tied on.
While you work your mind keeps drifting to
>>6129519 how the Orc gauntlet would have been easier if you'd cheated. Then you think of the fistful of ringnuts dat one Orc was tryna punch you with, and how your Carrionpede crawled all over your victims when you killed.
You get the beginnings of an idee.
You make little dewclaws for your heels, knees, and elbows: curved shiv hooks meant to cut and gash as you go. Out of a bag of gaskets and shaving razors you kludge some ringnuts for your toes.
>[DEWCLAWS] GETTY >rollan 8d4 Stuff for cost >Any HIT roll over 100 converts the surplus÷3 into melee damage You also do a little experiment: you pluck the wick out of a BOOMcandle, light it, and chuck it in the Pouch.
Wait a hundred beats. Take it out again. It's still sizzling, still the same length as far as you can make out.
Annuvva idee starts to cook.
gently!!! chop up several BOOMcandles, re-roll 'em as sossijiz onna stikk, then dipp the BOOMsossijj in sheeping tar all gloppy glop.
Then you stick about yayoneplupplupp, yaytwoplupplupp, yayfreeplupplupp, yayFOUR's worth of BOOMwick back on innada sossijj, light all the wicks at once and Pouch 'em.
Now, with some risk to yourself, you can chuck a readied handful of stikky BOOMsossijj when the fight starts not going your way.
>kludged 2d4 B.C. to 3 B.S. each KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 08:42:23 No. 6131953 Report Quoted By:
You do one round of Ceremony then go sleep restlessly, partly because it's stuffy innere, partly because you keep dreaming the Carrionpede like your brainz is full of it, crawling wivvit. Seafood's execution of your moveset with a knotty length of rope keeps coming back to you. In the middle of the night you wake up and can't drop back to sleep. You spend the rest of the darkness measuring out rope, knotting, unknotting, setting <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> on one end like a poke, then Noiffy at the other end but sideways, like a sikky, and in the middle a short jabby shiv every seven palm lengths or so. When you're done you hold it up against the candle light, making it a long dark shape in your hand. Jiggle it a little, so that it swings. Waves. Curls. You marvel at it.>Jezt likes a buggy cennerpeed You order Wagon off the pit. Your three Droogs, snoozing with their backs on Wagon, startle n scuttle. They watch you ignore them. In the open night air you go through your Stances, full motion Transformations, your roped-up weapons clattering as you manipulate their momentum using your arm- knee- and elbowpits; waist and neck and back and feet. In your hands the rope twists, thrashes, whips. <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-r">Wraps.</span></span> Your Droogz, and now a small crowd of Gobbies, have woken up and gathered to watch your weirdness, their eyes and moufs open. It is Death they are looking at. It is <span class="mu-r">Gore Walker.</span>>TSCP III now at 15/18 progress >Overkill 1 Unlocked: >Any damage done by Carrionpede that puts the target at 0HP may be carried over to ONE nearby target within range. >Caution: following DnD convention, a target not yet -10HP can still be stabilized by allies with spells, first aid skills, or health potts. >Tip: use SUICIDEY when you are being attacked by a group; you are going to be hit anyway, might as well eat it and rely on your +18% Hit to take at least 1 opponent out
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 09:40:22 No. 6131979 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9 (1d12) Rollan for current location. 12 = Boss Lot + Whore Pits 11 = Whore Pits 10, 9 = Fight Pits 8, 7 = Kennels 1-6 = Da Sprawl Rollan Da Sprawl automatically makes it va Orky part of Da Sprawl; you don't waste time exploring the Gobby parts of it, thanks to your Droogz.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 10:16:53 No. 6131985 Report >Rolled Fight Pits >33 Days Off remaining >Toady 14/14Dur 4/22HP >natural healing slowed from restless sleep You're at the neighborhood of the Fight Pits, they tell you. More than that they don't know. Gobbos don't usually explore the Orky parts of Da Sprawl. Not if they mind getting turned into a snack. It's an entire new and closed world to them. They know who the Bossers are by sight, of course, but what they do and where they kip your Droogz only have vague ideas. They stand tall and look tuffy like you tell them to, and you all troop into the Fight Pits. They're counting on their new Quality Kludge and YOUr new reputation as a Killybugg to keep them in one piece. Orcs as a rule don't like arsking or getting arsked; you'll be exploring and following the foot traffic until you find something interesting.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 11:19:45 No. 6132005 Report "<span class="mu-g">Ere, Boss,</span>" sez Uptush suddenly "<span class="mu-g">Dats Dulugtangor, va Shammy Boss.</span>" The other two go quiet as he points: Dulugtangor is - not tall - straight for an Orc. Doesn't have enough of the bunched back and chest muscles that give real old Orcs 18+ years that characteristic slouch. Maybe it's because he's Bigg on Zapzaps, being the Shammy Boss, or maybe he's just old. You lot just watch him as he walks, the biggy Zapstikk making a deep twingy thudd each time he lands it. You don't need to waste a charge of <span class="mu-b">{'TECT ZAPZAP}</span> to know he's loaded with magic. You all hyperfocus as he makes his way to a biggy tent raised at the entrance of one of the noisiest Fight Pits, watch him lean his hooded head a little into the doorway... <span class="mu-i">then without turning point a long gnarled up finger at your little group</span>. In seconds a real biggy mohawk Orc comes thundering cheerfully out, grinnen ear to ear. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">WHURRZEEAT! WHURRZA LIDDLE TITCH WOT KROMPT HALF A WARBAND LIKE A SERRASAUR ATTA BAKESALE WHURRIZZEE!</span></span>" The Shammy bastich is already walking off, slow as before. Even without seeing his face you know he's smiling. The biggy mohawk blocks your path and your view.>yew fuggen Shammy kunt. >I'll see yez lader, smegsucc. DirtyNuggz whispers from behind at you while your other two henches grin accommodatingly at the Mohawk. "<span class="mu-g">Datz Boogerloo; callem Boogs. One ovva Warlordz. Careful Boss. He's big smiley narr, but he gets triggrd by VA word "no." </span>">QM takes nap
>>6132005 >Mohawk I'm suddenly infuriated by the fact that we, as a lowly goblin, have the worst hair genetics!
NAT 1 Anon
>>6131985 >4/22HP can we kludge a new helff swigga?
alternatively we should probably drink 1 or 2 potions
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 13:11:24 No. 6132050 Report [VOTE] 8HP restored per Small Helff Pott. How many did Toady chugg larst night?>0 >1 >2 QM too beat to do a good job right now. Writan continues in 14 hrs.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 13:15:20 No. 6132051 Report Quoted By:
>>6132048 No new [Helf Swigga] for now. Tough watertight metal containers are not readily available.
Toady <span class="mu-s">can</span> pack 2 heavily rag-wrapped Smolly Helff Potts in his tuckeroos, BUT, taking 8 dmg and up from one source will break them.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 13:20:51 No. 6132054 Report [IMPROVISE]
>Wrap two Smol Helff Potts in rags and put them in yer tuckeroos Y/N >Risk: 8dmg from 1 source will have a chance to smash them and hurt YOU ALSO: see
>>6132050 halftime [VOTE]:
>>6132048 >>6132041 >>6131758 >>6130895 NAT 1 Anon
>>6132050 >8HP wouldnt it 12?
because 1 pot gave us 2 helff gluggz which healed for 6 each
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 30 Oct 2024 13:31:39 No. 6132060 Report >>6132055 narr, itz 4hp per swigg, and a smol Helff Pott fillz two swiggs
stop pullen me worm
NAT 1 Anon
>>6132060 huh
i was about 80% sure it healed more for some reason
on an unrelated note: have we told seafood that gui li wanted us to betray him and serve her?
we should do that then next time we see him
>>6132050 >2 Puts us up to 20hp
We're gonna want it
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 30 Oct 2024 15:04:44 No. 6132104 Report >>6132074 >have we told Seafood that Gui Li wants us to serve her and betray him That wasn't Gui Li making the offer. That was Dimmu Queen, using Gui Li's ghostrealm to reach YOU at a critical moment because:
>YOU are close to Yang Wuhan >YOU have a Dimm Caulk >YOU were near Her Temple >YOU needed a Favor <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Dimmu</span></span> is probing for openings towards Yang Wuhan.
>>6132050 >1 >>6132054 Y, but just 1
>>6132104 >Dimmu is probing for openings towards Yang Wuhan. She had an opening for us, but itz annuva opening(s) of hers that wez lookin' to fill, yup-yup.
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6132050 >1 for now
>>6132054 keeping them in the pouch otherwise
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 31 Oct 2024 05:35:11 No. 6132549 Report >Toady BoA 862 vs Getting Nooticed 905 "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">DURR Y'ARE TITCHY! HEERD ABOUCHA! SENT ME LADS OUT FERRA INVOIT, AN HEER Y'ARE! WE GOTSA CHAT!</span></span>"
He plants a palm nearly half the size of your back and enthusiastically ushers you alongside into the tent.
Your Droogz follow, since they're banking on your rep and menace to avoid getting bullybugged here, but they're far from comfy.
Once in it, he plonks on a pile of sandbags: his pile, because it has animal skin on it.
"<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Bushpig, horse, stubborn horse, stripe horse, tall cow, and merff. Ya loik?</span></span>"
You're not sure you like it; looks bristley n pokey, with all that hair. Some of the meat's not cut orf proppa, getting black n rotty. Then you get it: mohawks means it's Mohawk's. That's <span class="mu-g">his</span> chair. <span class="mu-g">Him</span> chair. It's not there to be comfy. It's there to be <span class="mu-g">him</span>. You can't explain it, you just get it.
"<span class="mu-g">Yerr. Zatza beaut. Roit Bosser ittiz.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">BAHA! Yers! We WILL get along! Name's Boog, Titchy! Narr, before Oi troop yez Oima havta try yer. There's a sports-spot opened up for one moar foita, atva starta sub-drop. Proimtoim. Just roit for a killy champ wot I herd gibbt ten Lads to make a breakout deybuu. Whoddya say Titchy?</span></span>"
<span class="mu-s">[MAKE YOUR EXCUSES]</span>
YOU probably won't be able to worm your way out, but your choice of bullshit will determine your hardship.
>No. >Name's not Titchy. >Yez herd wrong. >Mm beat ta fukk n injuud. >Itz against me reljus prinzpuls; itza hullyday >Itz too hot out, Mm already sunburnt >Nowon who foits for sport iz worf foitn. >Mm alreddy bookt (pick anuvva Warlord) >Mm scurrd. Got arena-froit. >Yer carnt believe everything yez hearz. Speshully for a schroomed up Shammy >Mm allergic to sand. Looks me rashiz. >I gotza rare dizeez. Anyone I bleedz on might get it. (show him yer caulk) >suumom galga tharmem? (act forn n v v stuuppud, refuse to understand) >I sez I wantz yer <span class="mu-r">'HAWK</span> (try to scalp him) >Wanna sossijj? (BOOM n run!) >{PILLOWSHEET} >{POPUP} >WRITE IN [R O L L]
>7d100, jic >EVVERWUN >>6132201 >>6132083 >>6132074 >>6131758 >>6130764 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 31 Oct 2024 05:40:25 No. 6132555 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 82, 28, 43, 6, 92, 68, 78 = 397 (7d100) >>6132549 >Mm beat ta fukk n injuud. Maybe we'll get a free heal out of it even if we fail our check. Surely he wouldn't send a cripple out to represent him?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 31 Oct 2024 06:26:18 No. 6132600 Report >>6132581 surely.
pick two moar. : ) Anonymous
>>6132549 >Name's not Titchy. >Nowon who foits for sport iz worf foitn. >I gotza rare dizeez. Anyone I bleedz on might get it. (show him yer caulk) Anonymous
>>6132549 >>6132600 >>6132581 >No >Mm beat ta fukk n injuud. >Mm allergic to sand. Iz ruff and courz n' gets evvryvehs NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 29, 56, 99, 55, 37, 32, 93 = 401 (7d100) >>6132549 >No. >Name's not Titchy. >Yer carnt believe everything yez hearz. Speshully for a schroomed up Shammy >>6132604 >>6132715 reminder to roll
Rolled 86, 82, 58, 58, 4, 38, 92 = 418 (7d100) >>6132549 >>6132604 >>6132749 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 27, 13, 36, 48, 6, 42, 78 = 250 (7d100) >>6132549 >Name's not Titchy. >Mm beat ta fukk n injuud. >I gotza rare dizeez. Anyone I bleedz on might get it. (show him yer caulk) KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 01 Nov 2024 04:26:29 No. 6133176 Report Toady BoA 86 || 82, 99 || 58, 92 || 68, 93>Name's not Titchy x2 >Beat ta fukk n injuud x2 >Rare dizeez x2 >No. x2 (based) QM fiat, four dialogue options.
>>6133176 based but i also explicitly want to avoid no since he hates the word
NAT 1 Anon
>>6133176 maybe roll a d4 for what to exclude
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 01 Nov 2024 05:22:58 No. 6133213 Report Quoted By:
"<span class="mu-g">I'z sez me names naht Titchy, Buggpoop. Try again.</span>" You stand legs apart and tug the half-buggerfly knot holding your looped Carrionpede Rope closed around the body. It should be as threatening as resting your hand on a sord, to anyone with an eye. Boog doesn't seem to notice, scrunches up his face, nodding thoughtfully. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">So yaz durnt fink yer Titchy. Hogay. Hogay. Name's only Bosser if yez ernt it orf uvvas, nart givvit yerself, but hogay. Whodz Boog know anyway... Since yer nart Titchy, loik yer sez, Oi'll be lumpen yer wiv da big Lads. Not a problem for a ballzy Bosser like yez, roit? Good talk, good talk, glad to agree.</span></span>">Toady will be scheduled against larger matchups You try again. "<span class="mu-g">Ere now, I'z jezt fort many many lots many = 3, lots = many many many; a counting system similar to that of Trollik numeracy of Terry Pratchett's Discworld uvyer Lads jezt yestiddy. Mm all fukkt up n injuud. Ow's it a proppa scrap if I'z copt it when summun fartz.</span>" He nods vigorously, slapping his thigh, waggling a ringnutted finger at you. <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Das roit. DAS. IZ. ROIT. Oi carnt send yez in all chewt up n half tornt before yez even startz. Whot will va fans fink? Izza difgrafe ta ve arrena! But dones done, Oiv got yez slotted in roit. Carnt disappoint va fanz, yez unnerstand. So's Oi'll tell ya wot Oi'll do: </span></span>" He hurls himself to his feet energetically, stomps over to a pile of sacks and chests, rummages until he gets out a Medium Helff Pott. Or sumn in a Medium Helff Pott: it doesn't have the usual corky stopper on, but a rag wad. And the sloshy stuff in it isn't clear red like the stuff you got from the Rheas or Plague Town, or the almost opaque scarlet you've seen some Big Hat Fighties carry. It's not even red, it's brown-green like post-use spinach. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Ah! A lil sum frum me proivot stash. Helff Pott, good as. Beddah even, in some sense. Soid effects, darn worreh baht it. Bin chuggin it yearz, me, n *Oim* alroit, innar. Nar need ta fank me. Leest I cud du.</span></span>" He grins broadly, to hide the hardening squint in his eye. Yu can feel the heat coming off him when he presses his present into your hands. His body's hotting up. Judging by how close your Droogz have creeped towards the entrance of the tent, you think you might safely make one more go. "<span class="mu-g">I'z reely dint wanna say yet cuz itz mm-bare-assing, but I garda tell yez: I'z garda dizeez offa slutty I wuz pluppen. Me tonker's all oozy n gnarly narr, loika dedder's. Moit be in me bludd. Yez carnt let me bleed all over va Lads foitn me: if dey all catch it they dedd; if dey splort it on summun <span class="mu-i">they</span> dedd. Dedd loik flies inna hunnerdz, if it goes bad.</span>" "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Yerr. Yerr. Yer roit. Carnt be making ORCSHA violashuns for innertainmint. It'f un effikul. Deyll be foitn wiv longs, blunts, n 'tectivs. Nice spot, you. Gudd call.</span></span>">hevvy polebashers n Light KA
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 01 Nov 2024 05:32:27 No. 6133218 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 77 (1d100) >>6133194 >>6133196 Droogz have been licking various clearly labeled powersockets for a while no; QM was going to fiat dat
>No. to
" reward
" such blatant cheekiness.
But, since two Droogz have some sense, QM will roll 1d100 whether to include the
>No. Roll below 73, it's included.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 01 Nov 2024 05:33:59 No. 6133219 Report Quoted By:
You blessed bastitches. You have no idea what you just avoided. Writan continues.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 01 Nov 2024 06:35:00 No. 6133244 Report Cornered in all your excuses, you almost say <span class="mu-g">No</span> out of sheer frustration.
Boog can clearly see it coming out of you, his <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">f a v o r i t e</span></span> word: his eyes squint nearly closed, his grin moar toofy.
Your Droogz catch on half a second slower, mesmerized by the heat waves they're starting to see coming off him.
Uptush, the spongiest brain, gets moving first, clapping both hands across your meof just as your lips part with your tung in your teeth to make the "<span class="mu-g">Nn</span>".
DirtyNuggz n Pork Hos take his lead, Pork Hos standing in front of you to partially block Boog's view of YOU, while DirtyNuggz helps Uptush nod your head and clamp your arms.
They're all grinning and nodding madly at the Warlord, begging you with their eyes to not get you all smeared.
You let them restrain you and bundle you out, to Boog's happy nodding approval. He waves YOU byebye. Two of his Prod-You-zers start following you the moment you're out of Boog's tent. They will be ensuring your attendence.
It's a huge risk your Droogz are taking, putting their hands on you after seeing fifteen Orcs get turnt to burger yesterday.
After their obligatory thrashing in frunnada amused Prod-YOU-zers, you ask your Droogz what their maff was for stopping YOUr <span class="mu-g">No</span>. Or Uptush, since he moved first and led the others.
"<span class="mu-g">Boog'z starna get ol enuff dat ee turns biggy greeny. But ee'z speshul: ee'z gettn really Ogre-y, fatty strong, but ven he's Troll-ly too. Ee'z got plenny meat, n it grows back. We'z heerd he's got sum Fighty cheaties too.
He's dumm n angy when he's foitn, so he carnt be BossChief if Kuggbal Tortu is Bossing, but he's the krumpiest of the Warlords. Even yez will have trubble one on one; if yez foit ere n carnt killem quick, his Droogz n va arena Shammys will join in.
Venn va ovva Warlords will come see: theys Foit Pits are jezt a biggy sprint away, Boss. We wuz looken art fer yer.</span>"
You accept their apology, slap them all once each, tell them to cook and lunch up.
<span class="mu-s">[PRE FOIT PREPP]</span>
>Drink Boog's GenUwyin Helff™ Pott™ >will refund you one Smol Helff Pott already consumed >Pick a foit wiv 1d3 Lads for warmup >Look for vat Shammy Boss kunt; he's still here sum place >Go shopping: see what you can swap Stuff for FREE ACTION:
>Call Seafood for hints Y/N >you will need to build a Seafood Shrine to recharge your Trinkkittz; a problem for later >>6133196 >>6133194 >>6132750 >>6132715 Arena in 20hrs
Quoted By:
>>6133244 >Drink Boog's GenUwyin Helff™ Pott™ >Go shopping: see what you can swap Stuff for SHOPPIN? YEEAR
>>6133244 >Drink Boog's GenUwyin Helff™ Pott™ >Go shopping: see what you can swap Stuff for Call Seafood for hints Y
Rolled 2 (1d3) >>6133244 >>Drink Boog's GenUwyin Helff™ Pott™ >will refund you one Smol Helff Pott already consumed >Pick a foit wiv 1d3 Lads for warmup >Call Seafood for hints Y We're really close to completing III, if we finish it right now then call seafood we might be able to get started on IV, so all the upcoming fight/blood can contribute to it. Am I optimizing too much? KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 01 Nov 2024 14:01:00 No. 6133341 Report >>6133292 >am I optimising too much No, you merely crave power; a defect of personality completely in keeping with Gobliny and Deviant Path Cultivation, <span class="mu-r">hmhmhm</span>.
Toady will need to take two risks to do as you suggest:
1)Build a Seafood Shrine and pray daily to refresh his Trinkkittz
2)Fight opponents with Higher Heroic LM; expect spell-likes, feats, and similar.
There will be a partial cap of how far Toady can advance in TSCP IV while getting instruction from a daily 25sec {SPEEKI CHATTY}, but you are right: the Orc territory is a great place to hard grind without lasting and wideranging backlash like WANTED posters.
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6133244 >Drink Boog's GenUwyin Helff™ Pott™ >Go shopping: see what you can swap Stuff for perhaps we can get a souvenir for seafood (i wouldnt mind a better weapon too)
>Call Seafood for hints Y i like the idea of continuing with TSCP IV (we are almost done with TSCP III after 1 day)
if we are bothered for the shrine we can either kill them or come op with an explanation if we are bothered by someone with higher standing
>>6133341 Hmmm...would filling out all our spell slots with Speeki Chatty give us better instructions, or would sifu tell us to fuck off during his toady-free vacation?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 01 Nov 2024 15:23:06 No. 6133354 Report Quoted By:
>>6133350 you will have a chance to bug Seafood for additional charges of spells you already own at the next town, after your holiday.
Cost will be in LM; you will need to harvest NPCs like a serial killer, or buy livestock with Graincoin.
New spells and re-offers of old spells will only be available when Seafood sets up a base in Elf/Faerie territories in preparation for his heist.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 01 Nov 2024 15:28:14 No. 6133356 Report Quoted By:
>>6133350 Toady has no spellslots; he's using an item, his Trinkkittz, each Trinkkitt containing a spell + discrete spellcharges. Like wands for rogues.
He recharges by setting up a Seafood Shrine and praying for an hour.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 02 Nov 2024 08:42:14 No. 6133828 Report >Go shopping: see what you can swap Stuff for You got a bunch of Times before you need to get back to Va Arrener, and 1500 Stuffs to swap for uvva Stuffs. But like hell you're going to haul piles of Stuffs out your Pouch in the open with the Prod-You-zers watching. You mark out the interesting barterpiles you're going to rummage later, after you're done with Boog's foit. For now, it's enough to sneak some small valuables out of the Pouch, snatch up a few choice purchases: a biggy span of Humie chainmail, already chopped, just right to slide between your plates and rigging; and a bandy Binny belt wiv six throwdagg sheathes, two daggs missing: just nice to swap out with the shivs on your Carrionpede Rope.>24 Stuffs spent >QKA +2 Dur now 16/16 >+1 +1 to weapons other than Daggy >Output per HIT now 30dmg +6 Vorpal In the middle of fixing up your Armor and Rope, you take out a lil sumn for a drink. >Drink Boog's GenUwyin Helff™ Pott™ >Helff Pott (S) refunded It's fuggen narsty, but what isn't that does you good? You down it and keep it down with your Droogz watching. All the wounds on you dry up and close. Then you vomit so hard it comes out your nose, sick as a bugg.>Toady 2/22HP -> 16/16HP with 1 Regen per turn >Call Seafood for hints Y You ring up Seafood for hints. "<span class="mu-g">SweetfuddsAnOldOrcyShammywotdidntknowmerattedme'annow I'zhaztafoitWotdoSweetfudds</span>" "A bigger threat than you will take his eyes off you. Then take his staff, and cut his tongue."
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 02 Nov 2024 10:31:49 No. 6133866 Report rollan CR
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 02 Nov 2024 10:32:50 No. 6133867 Report Rolled 10, 15, 14, 2 = 41 (4d20) >>6133866 why.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6133828 >>Toady 2/22HP -> 16/16HP with 1 Regen per turn will this be permanent?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 02 Nov 2024 16:19:06 No. 6134015 Report "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Toim'z up, Zur. We'z gotsa get yer to va slott.</span></span>" The Prod-You-zurs prod you awake, a shorty napp before you have to face whatever riot Boog's come up with to drop you in. You still feel a little sick from Boog's Helff™ Pott™, but really stretchy. Somehow. Youre quite sure both will pass. Boog's Foit Pit isn't as crowded as it could be; half of those inside are Gobbs, and most of the other half mobile Orc convalescents. Lots of the fit ones are either supporting the event or on standby - sitting ringside - or participating. You're separated from your Droogz, who will be watching and hooting relieved from the high unshaded bleachers, and let down a short stair into a kind of a bull-run corridor. Pretty big, this: maybe enough to let in a four-horse car. You're the only one in your tunnel, apart from the Prod-You-zurs strolling in behind you. Lots of blood-stink ahead; uneven squares of light shining through the log-hatch gates. You walk up to it and peek: there's Orcs already on the fight grounds, but all in protected box-forts with outward-facing spikes. These are security, looks like: all the orcs inside have bright, eyecatching, kindy gay head- and armbands, mostly armed with straddle-poles and clubs. Yours isnt the only gate: you see several across you, occupied: there's animal movement in some. One's trembling. There's a horn sounding, tu-TURRR, tu-tu-tu-TURRR. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Stan back Zur. Bart ter start.</span></span>" You hop off your perch on the gate. A few moments later it starts to get drawn up by a Gobby workgang stationed on the archway. The other gates open nearly at the same time, their occupants goaded out of them into the sunlight by Orc wranglers, like the Prod-You-zurs behind you, but smaller and much better armed. What a collection of freaks. The crowd starts bellowing and rattling the stands, cheering for no one in particular. The chaos of free tourney begins almost immediately. <span class="mu-s">[YOUR MOVE]</span> APPROACH: pick one:>stelff or>Bosser OPPONENT pick one to approach: no particular order>group of many (five) baldies wiv bugg botties, armed wiv bows n stikks. >many many (eight) biggy Orcs, long pole bollbashers, swaddled in cloffs n straw >carnt see: there's either one or two or four ovvim. Blurry. Longy low profiles. They move slinky. >empty. Someone fugged up lol. >Four, fikky bald lions wot with red froggy pouches inna froats. Wide headz wiv chompy teefs. >Ten flies the size of sheep. >Two of em, centaurs but weird. Got curly horns and eyes with no pupils. No armor, looks like; unarmed >just one, but big: wolf twice the size of a horse, with a scorpion tail >something fat and streamlined and armored, size of maybe a cow, already starting to dig into the sand. >Not picking; keep back, let the riot sort each other out a little first, pick off the survivors >Fugg DAT n fugg YOU: charge back into the bullpen and fight the Prod-You-zurs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 02 Nov 2024 16:20:08 No. 6134016 Report Quoted By:
>>6134013 no, lasts just for today/this event.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 02 Nov 2024 16:25:11 No. 6134021 Report Quoted By:
>>6134015 >stelff >group of many (five) baldies wiv bugg botties, armed wiv bows n stikks. I doubt the one gate is empty, but we'll see soon enough
better not be a stealth archer .
For now, focus on the one that's the most likely to interfere in our fights; don't want to deal with arrows flying at us while we fight.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6134037 ok lets do that
>>6134015 no rolls?
>>6134015 >>6134037 Why not? Not like I have a better idea
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 03 Nov 2024 00:30:44 No. 6134368 Report Quoted By:
>>6134045 not yet, carrying over the BoA 7d100 already made
>>6134015 >>Two of em, centaurs but weird. Got curly horns and eyes with no pupils. No armor, looks like; unarmed KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 03 Nov 2024 02:48:08 No. 6134440 Report Rolled 40, 25, 61, 18, 67, 1, 32, 27, 18, 37, 92, 4, 73, 18, 31, 96, 57 = 697 (17d100) 1,2,3: rolling against Toady 86+15 Sneekibreeki 456789: stat gen; ÷12+70hp, ÷12=range dmg+2 poison, ÷8=Dur of 3+ 10-17: actions
NAT 1 Anon
>>6134440 will the 1 have an impact?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 03 Nov 2024 05:38:44 No. 6134534 Report Quoted By:
>sneekibreeki SUCCESS >AMBUSHAN You keep close to the shadows from the arena walls while the better half of the combatants charge to the middle or their immediate neighbors to have at it. From there you close with your intended targets, the bald bugg botty centaurs, either keeping in the shadows or at a further distance from the nearest belligerent than its closest threat. They're keeping away from the general scrum too, maintaining a ringed defense, arrows nocked but not shooting. You continue sneeking, then mock-sneeking when you're nearly in <span class="mu-r">killy</span> distance: tip toes, hunched back, hands limp-wristed in frunnaya, totally like a dumb Gobbos wot fell orf the bleachers. The baldies discount you, because of course they do: every time they might glance your way you seem to be begging the Gobbos for a hand-up. True to form the Gobbos jeer and shove at you with sticks to stop you from climbing up: the perfect alibi why you're still in the arena after several glances. Finally a Troll wiv no legs and just one arm others still growing back leans over the side and lets down a rope. You turn your back on the baldy insectaurs, and they stop keeping an eye on you to focus on loosing at the biggy flies, not seeming to do much damage bc poison resist . You crouch, looking at the rope, and [/i:lit]hup[/i:lit], but you're not after the rope: you take Stance in midair and land scuttling, zooming fast for the closest one of the 'taurs 72HP, 6dmg+2poison ranged, 0Dur lol>AMBUSHY SUICIDEY >Toady 82+18, 99+18 vs Baldy Buggtaur 92 defensive >HIT, HIT > -36HPx2 >GIBBT You jump him, Carrionrope making a snag from midair, Noiffy digging into meat for an anchor: one yank and youre on him, two doublestabbs through the ribbz, two down the sides of the neck. He coughs red, puking blood, folds without a sound. Meaty bastich. The Carrionpede's economy of movement gives you a couple of beats extra to act before they can react: you jump the next bastich while her eyes are just starting to widen. >DEWCLAWS+OVERKILL 5dmg passed on to next target >BB2: 73HP, 2+2poison ranged, 2dur of 3+ >1Dur 72HP Just enough time to scratch her a bit, but no biggie: you're reset! >lez fuggen GOW >Toady 92+18 vs BB2 72 >HIT >-1Dur -35HP -3HP from Dewclaw >BB2: 0Dur 34HP >BB2 4 vs Toady 58+4 >LOL The combo sends her reeling, buckling. With a bow in hand she can't do anything but elbow at you, earning her moar cuts from yer Dewclaws. Her three frens half turn towards her shouts and start chanting.>zappies! >shidd! You kick to high gear, dropping finishers in favor of resetting farsta.>Toady 93+18 vs BB2 96 >HIT > -36HP -3HP >GIBBT > -5dmg carried over to next target >Deaththroes 57 vs Toady 68+4 >LAL Downed! Three moar! One baldy still shooting away from the group; one nearest you's finished casting, his stikk has turnt to black stone wiv bladed faces on both ends; one's still mumbling and waving hands.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 03 Nov 2024 05:41:38 No. 6134536 Report Quoted By:
>>6134488 that 1 was for armor dur.
Since QM has made a mistake, and armor was *supposed* to be (d100/8)+10, the mistake will be canon. These two KIA were naked.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 03 Nov 2024 05:59:26 No. 6134543 Report <span class="mu-s">[TACTICS]</span>
>Attack the one that still has his back turned >Attack the one right in front, with the sharpy stone stikk >Attack the one still chanting >Defend, react based on their next move >Most all their shooters are downed! Theyz fukt anyway! Disengage and pick another target! (which?) [R O L L]
>7D100 >EVERWUN >first D100 for disengaging only; ignored otherwise >>6134488 >>6134401 >>6134081 >>6134037 >>6133350 20hrs
Rolled 14, 16, 86, 26, 3, 21, 3 = 169 (7d100) >>6134543 >Attack the one still chanting Anonymous
Rolled 98, 42, 61, 90, 15, 54, 6 = 366 (7d100) >>6134543 >Attack the one still chanting Guy above me rolled like trash, lel
Rolled 3, 22, 56, 48, 71, 23, 78 = 301 (7d100) >>6134543 >Attack the one still chanting >>6134591 >Guy above me rolled like trash, lel Hold my beer
Rolled 55, 5, 35, 48, 61, 9, 87 = 300 (7d100) >>6134543 >Attack the one still chanting The turned back one IS tempting but noo...
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 64, 85, 75, 1, 41, 26, 46 = 338 (7d100) >>6134543 >Attack the one still chanting KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 04 Nov 2024 01:27:36 No. 6135175 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 88, 33, 9, 24, 23, 55, 22, 64, 7, 12, 45, 74, 72, 38, 85, 10, 32 = 693 (17d100) Toady 85, 86 || 91 (+Nat1), 71 || 54, 87 rollan enemy gen and 3 turns
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Mon 04 Nov 2024 05:18:55 No. 6135288 Report Like hell you're going to let him finish the spell. Apart from your own, zappies of any kind have never done you any favors.
You have to dodge the one swinging the stone staff first to geddim, but fuggit: shooters usually shit at melee.
>BB3 (melee) 77HP, 4(x2 from buff)+2 poison melee, 11Dur of 3- >BB3 64 vs Toady 86+4 >WIFF He does try several times, smiting the ground. Not that it helps.
You dodge handily past.
The baldy wots still chanting now has to dodge YOU.
>fat charnce >BB4 (mage) 72, 4 poison melee, 17Dur of 3- >BB4 12 vs Toady 91+18 >HIT -36 -3 > -15Dur -7HP >BB4: 2Dur 65HP >Nat1! >Crossfire! The zappy baldy's spell fizzles when you hit him; his kludge keeps you from ripping into him propper, but you chew through the bulk of it. He's left with a belt, shoulders, and a metal collar. You reset.
>finna git yer TENDIES negxt >NYERR!! You almost launch yourself, but there's a tingling you feel that awakens a half-memory. You fling yourself back and up, just as whatever you felt zeroes in on the zappy baldy and earths on him. He eats the bulk of it, double bullseye, and totters smoking.
>HIT -25hp -25hp >BB3: 0dur 21HP You completely dodge the zappies thanks to your instincts, but you're still too close: when the yellow lightning streaks earth on the baldy, they burst and taze you too!
>ZAPP -10 -10 >Toady -4Dur -4HP You swivel round to where the bolts came from. It's the two weirdlooken centaurs wiv horns. They're kiting: galloping round keeping distance and just shooting into the general clusterfuck.
The blurry slinky things had been their first targets, pretty hard to hit as-is, but the centaurs have been counting on the burst radius to damage them, and it's working: the blurs are wounded enough that you can now make out their shapes: tentacle-cats.
The tentacle-cats have backed off the uglytaurs for now, slinking into the bare shade under the bleachers, looking for weaker prey, so the 'taurs started taking potshots of opportunity. They thought exactly the same thing you did: kill the caster.
"<span class="mu-g">OYY! DURNT STEAL MUH KILLZ YER FUKKS!</span>"
They smile at your angry Gobby noises, galloping off.
Then the burrowing cow-thing bursts out right under the zappy baldy with a <span class="mu-s">B A U N G</span>, breaking his leggz and buggshell, killing him.
The other two baldies get thrown and concussed along with you.
When you're done shaking orf the dizzies, the baldy wot wuz shooting arrows is getting swarmed and slurped by four giant flies, and the one with the stone pokey is getting stomped and torn by the armored digger.
<span class="mu-s">[TACTICS]</span>
>Charge the armored digger. No wun stealz muh killz >Charge the flies still feeding >Pouch sumn (lose one moar trump card; write?) >Disengage here, hunt one of the following: >Injured tentacle-cats x 2 >Orc troop x 6 vs lion-frogs x 3 >giant wolf-scorpion, alert, angling >Else? [R O L L]
>7d100 >EVERWUN >1 for disengage >>6134401 >>6134565 >>6134591 >>6134659 >>6134672 >>6134677 NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 79, 2, 79, 32, 100, 9, 48 = 349 (7d100) >>6135288 >Charge the armored digger. No wun stealz muh killz could become annoying later
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 47, 73, 1, 98, 73, 19, 92 = 403 (7d100) >>6135288 >Charge the armored digger. No wun stealz muh killz If I get dubs, you must check 'em
>>6135288 >Charge the armored digger. No wun stealz muh killz Anonymous
>>6135288 >Charge the armored digger. No wun stealz muh killz He basically has stealth with that digging ability
>check'd and heil'd Anonymous
Rolled 80, 17, 33, 96, 37, 17, 5 = 285 (7d100) >>6135420 Forgot muh roll
NAT 1 Anon
>>6135322 reminder to roll
Rolled 30, 69, 37, 8, 11, 47, 87 = 289 (7d100) >>6135288 >Charge the armored digger. No wun stealz muh killz KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Tue 05 Nov 2024 00:09:27 No. 6135797 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 22, 2, 32, 98, 12, 30, 40, 73, 97 = 406 (9d100) Toady BoA 73, 79 || 98, 73 || 47, 92 Rollan enemy gen (1)÷2+ 60hp, (2)÷10+18dmg, (3)÷4+18Dur of 4+ Special ability: Digg, 2 turns on defense; cannot be interrupted
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Tue 05 Nov 2024 01:14:11 No. 6135819 Report You rush the diggy bastich face on. There's battle damage all over it already, and two brass arrows stuck in a front leg. It ain't so tough.
You're zipping at it from a blind side, and it's focussed on ripping into the baldy underfoot, but it swivels when youre thirty paces orf to face you.
Tremorsense The baldy, ignored, starts to crawl away, getting its stone stikk that somehow still not broken
Talonclaw Spell-like to swat at the monster flies.
The diggy bastich widens and lowers its stance, draws in its head, ready for you.
>Sand Crasha >71HP, 18Dmg, 26Dur 4+ You carnt land on its spiky back, and it keeps adjusting according to your Carrionpede zigzags; it's <span class="mu-i">feeling</span> you somehow, probably with its belly being pressed on the ground.
Have to meet it face on. Maybe if you start with an air raver you might have a chance?
The Carrionpede's End of Bats and Squirrels, two lateral half-leaps ending in a corkscrew.
Against your expectations, the Crasha lurches in your general direction. It knew that you leaped when your feet stopped sounding.
>Toady 79+18 vs Crasha 12 >HIT >-12Dur -6HP >14Dur 65HP >Crasha 98 vs Toady 73+4 >GYAARGH >-4Dur -4hp >8Dur, 9HP+1regen It takes most of the interrupted raver on the lip of the shell over its head, then chomps at you to crunch you.
You lose some skin for it, give back as good as you got. It has to let go to chomp again, at which you kick off. You both land at nearly the same time and charge again.
>Toady 98+18 vs Crasha 30 >HIT -36 -5 >-13Dur -7HP >1Dur 58HP >Crasha 40 vs Toady 73+4 >NUFFIN The outcome's better this time: since the fucker's stampeding, means he's off the ground. Your Carrionpede winds wider, doing lazy 8s. The Crasha has to slow down to get a fix, and that's when the winding suddenly lashes straight, <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> chippychopping the seams between its topshell and its belly. Your Dewclaws give you a little better grip prying and levering it open to getva <span class="mu-r">m e a t</span>.
The cocksucker panics, feeling hot air on its insides, tries to bugger orf, digging frantically.
You plunge in after it, full <span class="mu-r">SUICIDEY</span>, taking sand to the face.
You're nearly smothered by the time you tore it a new goatse.
Unwatched, you get out the Pouch and cram the muvva in, collapsing the sand trap over you.
>Toady 8Dur 14HP <span class="mu-s">[M O A R]</span>
>4Orcs vs 2 frog-lions >6 Flies spread out, closing on the Uglytaurs >Biggybiggy Wolf-Scorpion, now tustling with sumfin wot looks like a smolly gray Ogre, wivva goldy noiff >Tentacle-cat vs frog-lion >Tentacle-cat vs 2 flies [R O L L]
>6D100 >Everwun >>6135729 >>6135552 >>6135422 >>6135322 >>6135315 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Tue 05 Nov 2024 01:18:53 No. 6135821 Report Quoted By:
NOTE: For each choice, also choose which side YOU want to attack.
Rolled 82, 78, 99, 68, 13, 39 = 379 (6d100) >>6135819 >Biggybiggy Wolf-Scorpion, now tustling with sumfin wot looks like a smolly gray Ogre, wivva goldy noiff >gray ogre wivva goldy noiff Oooh, shiny
Rolled 93, 22, 74, 41, 55, 68 = 353 (6d100) >>6135819 Biggybiggy Wolf-Scorpion, now tustling with sumfin wot looks like a smolly gray Ogre, wivva goldy noiff
>gray ogre wivva goldy noiff Anonymous
Rolled 97, 21, 11, 24, 96, 22 = 271 (6d100) >>6135819 >Pull out Mo Ao while you're hidden here. Tell him to stay underneath the sand and fuck up everyone else's footing for you by messing with the sand. He can move through matter ez. Don't need to breathe. Can fuck with them without ever bein seen. Maybe felt, but who cares what soon to be dedders feel.
Carrionpede progress with latest kills?
Quoted By:
>>6136000 >Trip 000 in post >11 >22 Auspicious
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 05 Nov 2024 10:39:18 No. 6136024 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d2) >>6136000 C000L trippp
>Send Mo Ao to trip up anyone you're fighting. Noted. -15 to attack and defense for the first group opponents, -8 to the next group. No trump card lost.
Mo Ao now 54/66HP; probably nobody will target him if you're a bigger concern, but he can still suffer AOE.
>current TSCP IV gains plz rollan HLM, needing 2.5, but will not implement until the fight is over, just to keep the HP handicap on Toady for drinking an unidentified potion. QM tyranny.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Tue 05 Nov 2024 12:15:10 No. 6136060 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d3) >>6136000 Baldybuggtaurs = 3, per last roll
current roll for Sand Crasha
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 31, 98, 45, 18, 82, 89 = 363 (6d100) >>6135819 >Biggybiggy Wolf-Scorpion, now tustling with sumfin wot looks like a smolly gray Ogre, wivva goldy noiff >gray ogre wivva goldy noiff lets not get a 1 again shall we?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 06 Nov 2024 01:47:15 No. 6136389 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 88, 100, 75, 13, 60, 87 = 423 (6d100) (1)+(2)=HP (3)÷10+2= melee ((4)+(5))÷10=range base dmg (6)÷6+12=dur
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 06 Nov 2024 01:55:46 No. 6136398 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 96, 39, 36, 51, 74, 31, 50, 100 = 477 (8d100) 280HP 10Melee 17range base dmg +10; left out 27Dur of 3+
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 06 Nov 2024 02:40:34 No. 6136435 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 87, 3, 30, 10, 27, 8 = 165 (6d100) Toady 97, 98 || 74, 41 || 96, 89 rollan SUICIDEY vs Bobo Fatt
NAT 1 Anon
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 06 Nov 2024 03:57:42 No. 6136466 Report Quoted By:
Before you get out of the diggy hole you get out Moar Oww. "<span class="mu-g">Be useful, spooky git. I'mma try get dat 'un, the Oggy wiv da goldy. Need yer ter mess widdim.</span>" <span class="mu-i">•I shall need time.•</span> "<span class="mu-g">Sign me when yer close. I warnt hiz lewtz.</span>" <span class="mu-i">•Astounding strategic mind you have, Goblin•</span> "<span class="mu-g">Yer muvva.</span>" you say, matter of factly. So long as the Bedsheet's more useful than aggravating you can maintain an incivil working relationship. Moar Oww turns ghosty and starts moving in the general direction of the Oggy, while you make a show of creeping out like you're confused and bashed up, keeping distant from everyone, playing for time. You start making for the Oggy and the Wolfy-stingy when Moar Oww's skeletal hand peeks out of the sand close to them, stays up two and a half beats signing at you before sinking back down. The Wolfy-stingy spots you first, tries to scare you orf by baring its clamped jaws. When you dont slow it flings the Oggy away to face you. Wolfy-stingy's been shot several times, and a couple gore holes where the Oggy stabbt it; when you veer your path to take its prey it lets you. The Oggy, stumbling to right itself, can only try to dodge. Moar Oww's no longer in position to fuck with him, but YOU still are.>Toady SUICIDEY 87+18, 10+18 vs Bobo Fatt pure defense 96, 39 >HITx1 39 + 1 Dewclaws >-6Dur -8Dur -8HP >Bobo Fatt 12Dur 272HP The armor it has isn't worn, it's screwed or riveted right into the meat. Hardcore. And the meat when you cut it is tough. You don't know what it is, it feels extra fikk, or like your sliceys stop being sharp when it touches him, forcing you to muscle in. Just as you finish the raver the Oggy stomps at you. It connects with your torso, doesn't hurt; you take the opportunity to run the dewclaws on your toes across the bottom of his feet before you're sent sailing off. You don't fly far, using the Carrionrope to snag the ground to slow you, but when you've righted there's a goldy bow in his hands, goldy arrow nocked. >eyy! Cheaty git! >But I want vat too! You charge, winding; Oggy raises the bow, following you; and Moar Oww bursts out under his feet, fucking with him.>Toady 98+18 vs Bobo Fatt 36-15 >Hit 39 >-12Dur -15hp -5hp >Bobo Fatt 253HP >Bobo Fatt 51-15 vs Toady 97+4 >WIFF It misses, lets go the bow just as you reach him; one hand up over his face to take the brunt of your killykilly, the other hand drawn back to the waist. The empty hand clenches on air, but you know what it is.>Noiff stance! >Gutta gibb farst! >Toady 74+18 vs Bobo Fatt 31-15 >HIT -39 >Bobo Fatt 216HP >Bobo Fatt 74-15 vs Toady 41+4 >GAKK >-2Dur -2HP >Toady 6Dur 14+1HP Not farst enuff; Carrionpede relies on a rain of blades instead of actual defense, betting on the target flinching or dying instead of eating an injury just to land a WHOMP. The Oggy does exactly this. Your quality kludge eats most of it, n the nick wot got fru is closing, but less of this would be nice.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Wed 06 Nov 2024 04:24:57 No. 6136473 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d4) Oggy keeps its eyes on you, waving the goldy noiff in one hand, swatting and kicking at Moar Oww when he reaches up time to time. When the Oggy finally drops his gaze in frustration and starts stomping the ground at the weird skelly ghost tryna snag his gookies, you zoop in spinning.>Toady 96+18 vs BF 50-15 >BRRRZZT -39 -5 >BF 172HP You catch the beginnings of a grin just as you begin bluddletting.>shitt! Itza fakeout! The best you can do in the circumstances is drop the combo and cross-up. You do well enough to dodge the knife twice by twisting in mid air with just toe-taps, but then a fist clutching several arrows finds your back, a combination of sneak and luck.>BF 100 >Auto hit with Status >rollan Status >1= Paralysis (Con check) 3 turns, roll Bo3 85 to resist >2= Acid 8 >3= Blind (Dex check), roll BoA 60 +3dmg >4=Concussion 1 turn, +10dmg
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Wed 06 Nov 2024 05:08:38 No. 6136484 Report The lead arrow that shivs you snaps with a momentary hiss and, just as the Oggy fuck knees you off him, explodes where it stabbt.
You're flat on the ground, seeing eights and bleeding. The back plate of your armor's split, leaving half of the front droopy.
>lukky itz juzt wun arrar wot trigged >muvvafugg >CRITT -10 -10 > -4Dur -4HP >Toady 2Dur 9+2HP When you get up again the Oggy cunt's made distance, bow up and aimed.
His smirk has widened, steady. He extends the forefinger bracing his bow to beckon you. You don't know what he finna do, but you're CERTAIN it's bullshit.
<span class="mu-s">[DUEL]</span>
Toady needs one turn to close on the Oggy, and Moar Oww needs 2.
Toady has 1 Smol Helff Pott in his tuckeroos; 8HP restore; if it breaks, restores just 4HP.
>Close, then attack Defensive >Close, then attack Offensive >Switch targets: Wolfy-Stingy only. You may suffer kiting from Oggy >Pure defense, regen 3 turns, wait for Moar Oww to close first >Sumn from Pouchy (lose one moar trump card; write in) >Else? (write in) [R O L L]
>7D100 >1 for switching targets >>6136165 >>6136000 >>6135952 >>6135845 >>6135422 >>6135729 Anonymous
Rolled 98, 32, 37, 70, 23, 20, 67 = 347 (7d100) >>6136484 >Pure defense one round, drinking potion to do so and letting Mo Ao get into position >Attack offensive after Anonymous
Rolled 21, 64, 53, 23, 12, 8, 46 = 227 (7d100) >>6136484 >Close, then attack Defensive He's more dangerous at range
Rolled 87, 68, 35, 62, 48, 80, 90 = 470 (7d100) >>6136484 >Pure defense, regen 3 turns, wait for Moar Oww to close first NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 78, 79, 4, 73, 77, 79, 58 = 448 (7d100) >>6136484 >Pure defense, regen 3 turns, wait for Moar Oww to close first drink the one potion we have
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 07 Nov 2024 02:04:26 No. 6136922 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 41, 88 = 133 (3d100) Toady 79, 53 || 73, 77 || 80, 90 You have to wait while your wounds close up. Just in case, you get out the Smol Helff Pott youve kept in your tuckeroos. While you dodge, you run: have to keep the shooty Oggy in one place long enough for Moar Oww to reach him. The Oggy knows he's in a pinch between YOU and the gooliegrabber, but he can't move, not if he wants to make his arrows hurt and count.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 07 Nov 2024 02:10:57 No. 6136927 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 80, 42 = 122 (2d100) >WIFF>WIFF >WIFF Moar Oww doesnt come up the whole time. He's probably not shafting you, just wants to keep out of sight since the Oggy has good eyes. The other beasties and fighters don't interfere: it's just you, the Oggy, and the Wolfy left. Most of everyone else either dead or detained. You're all closed up now from Boog's Pott regen. Now you <span class="mu-r">close</span>>QM rollan 1 round >using spare 1st rolls for Toady
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 07 Nov 2024 02:41:51 No. 6136943 Report He looses one moar shott trying to narrow your movement, the next already nocked the moment the last flies, and the third, loaded, better aimed, between the two.
You dodge right
left twice - that's it for his strat - and zoop in.
He grins, nocking again, another loaded arrow - and vanishes.
You keep course, as if he's still there. He's too big to move fast, and the moment he jumps or rolls you can get him. He might be able to fly but you doubt it: Wolfy wouldn't have been able to chomp him if he did.
Two beats after he vanishes he pops back into view, surprised and annoyed as hell: Moar Oww made a move just as you maxxed speed, punching him in the goolies.
>Bobo Fatt -2HP = 170HP from surprise goolie punch For this Moar Oww gets a kick and a stomp, which he mostly escapes by turning ghosty again.
>Moar Oww -4HP =50HP The Oggy's dropped the bow, which vanished again, and in his hand's the noiff, waiting for YOU.
>KAMMARN >Toady 98+18 vs Bobo Fatt 42-15 >HIT -39 -5 >BF 126HP >Bobo Fatt 80-15 vs Toady 87+4 >WHOOSH >Toady 2Dur 14/16HP He's worried and you know it: no one's ever hurt him this bad this quickly without spells, traps, or explosives.
You're dangerous.
<span class="mu-s">[SHOWWIM HOW DANJRUZ]</span>
>8D100 >>6136490 >>6136498 >>6136553 >>6136681 NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 29, 40, 65, 31, 96, 97, 76, 72 = 506 (8d100) >>6136943 Anonymous
Rolled 99, 56, 74, 15, 22, 71, 78, 28 = 443 (8d100) >>6136943 Anonymous
Rolled 74, 7, 96, 39, 1, 37, 95, 18 = 367 (8d100) >>6136943 Anonymous
Rolled 86, 85, 46, 7, 3, 2, 91, 13 = 333 (8d100) >>6136943 Anonymous
Rolled 9, 29, 45, 7, 5, 27, 42, 56 = 220 (8d100) >>6136943 Gib shinies!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 07 Nov 2024 09:27:46 No. 6137074 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 70, 34, 52, 19, 17, 92, 99 = 391 (8d100) Toady 99, 85 || 74, 39 || 96 (Nat1), 97 || 95, 72
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 07 Nov 2024 11:04:41 No. 6137090 Report Rolled 80, 18, 50, 72, 65, 91 = 376 (6d100) >Toady 99+18 vs Bobo Fatt 8-15>HIT -39 -6 >Bobo Fatt 81HP >BF 70-15 vs Toady 85+4 >WIFF >Toady 74+18 vs BF 34-15 >HIT -39 >BF 42HP >BF 52-15 vs Toady 39+4 >WIFF Between Moar Oww's aggressive molestation and your repeated drop-switchup of combos you <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">r e a l l y</span> GIVVIDIM</span>. >Toady 97+18 vs BF 17-15 >HIT -39 -5 >GIBBT >BF 19-15 vs Toady 96+4 >RIP LOL The Carrionpede's jab-saw action finally cuts enough chunks out of him that he falls. >NAT1! His goldy noiff, it so happens, had been caught in your Carrionrope; his last attack, futile otherwise, had put enough strain on your Carrionrope to part it in three places. You don't have time to repair it now, just make do with <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> n Noiffy, like the shit old days. You know what's coming; so does the furbag. It's galloping just as you turn.>monster gen >2d100+20 HP >2d100÷10+10 Bite attack >1d100÷10+10 Sting attack >1d100÷2+8 Natural Armor 2+
>>6137090 YEESH. I wonder if that hp and dur is before or after BF's tango with it prior to us cutting in.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 07 Nov 2024 11:49:22 No. 6137097 Report 118HP, 22dmg Bite with Grapple, 17dmg Sting with 8 poison, 54Dur of 2+
Your Carrionpede's less killy now, thanks to losing most of the middle of the Carrionrope.
>fuggit, two killz as well as free >juzt takez longa >Toady 95+18 vs Wolfy-Stingy 92-8 >HIT -32 -4 >-16Dur -10HP >WS 38Dur 108HP The Furface has watched you fight the Oggy for a bit, can kind of guess that Moar Oww's about and on your side. It keeps a wider berth from where it last saw a grabby skelly hand, just takes everything you dish out, so that the split second pause when youve run out of, it lunges and lunches <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-r">NARM</span></span>.
>WS 99-8 vs Toady 72+4 >CHMPP >-2Dur -16HP >Smol Helff Pott breaks in your Tuckeroos! >Toady 4+1HP The last of your armor breaks in its jaws.
You have to struggle free!
<span class="mu-s">[TACTICS]</span>
You are going to struggle to break free for your next turn.
What will you do after that?
>Make for the Sand Crasha's Hole for cover, 3 turns, doff on your spare set of QKA 9Dur(-2 for doffing) >Make for a random survivor of the other groups, try to throw them in the path of the Furface, gain time to recover >Furface juzt LUKKY! Killem like normal! >Shout for Moar Oww to stop being gae and help yer! (SUS AF; high chance of losing a trump) >Else? >>6137052 >>6137034 >>6137025 >>6136989 >>6136961 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 07 Nov 2024 11:57:06 No. 6137099 Report >>6137094 Toady cut in just when Furface managed to snoof out the Invisible Archer
>6134037, nice guess, legit and take a chomp.These two spent the last several rounds just ranging and angling.
CR 6-8 template monsters
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 07 Nov 2024 11:59:28 No. 6137100 Report ADD [R O L L]>10 D100 >EVERWUN
>>6137097 >Make for the Sand Crasha's Hole for cover, 3 turns, doff on your spare set of QKA 9Dur(-2 for doffing) Stuff a sausage in his face if he tries to get in the cave
or maybe we can just bag him live if he tries to leap in? .
Would the gold knife be better than our knoify? I don't remember what the stats of knoify
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 07 Nov 2024 12:07:58 No. 6137104 Report Quoted By:
>>6137094 I *had* thought maybe a smart Gobbo might suggest helping the Oggy against the Wolf, then killim later, but picrel happened.
Rolled 29, 22, 98, 61, 57, 90, 32, 26, 30, 85 = 530 (10d100) >>6137099 Lol, I was just meming
>pic related Rolling
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Thu 07 Nov 2024 12:10:21 No. 6137106 Report Quoted By:
>>6137102 Noiffy is 6; really good for a knife. Stumpy knew his steel.
The Goldy Noiff can't be used as-is; need to bring it back to Seafood first.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Thu 07 Nov 2024 12:16:00 No. 6137107 Report Quoted By:
>>6137105 lol, the cheapest zmuggezt bild.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 91, 45, 38, 6, 76, 96, 44, 25, 23, 2 = 446 (10d100) >>6137097 >Make for the Sand Crasha's Hole for cover, 3 turns, doff on your spare set of QKA 9Dur(-2 for doffing) normally i would just keep attacking but we always get 1s lately
>>6137131 This guy can one-shot us at full health (with no armor), while we need at least 5 hits on him to bring him down. We can't afford to play straight or fair against this one.
Rolled 45, 57, 83, 76, 38, 87, 59, 58, 91, 14 = 608 (10d100) >>6137100 >Make for the Sand Crasha's Hole for cover, 3 turns, doff on your spare set of QKA 9Dur(-2 for doffing) a quadruped, it probably has a spot it can't easily reach. If we can scamper onto that spot we can gore the fuck outta it without it being able to easily retaliate.
It's got a bite attack (threat from front) and a sting attack (threat from back).
Cut the stinger off, cling to the back, and it's safer. Right?
Tactical thoughts for later. For now, need ARMOR. And to grab a sossig.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6137163 surely QM wont roll 100 then right?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 08 Nov 2024 06:10:29 No. 6137645 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 91, 89, 67, 48, 11, 69, 23, 73, 83, 57 = 611 (10d100) >>6137457 you're jinxing it bro lol
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 08 Nov 2024 09:44:18 No. 6137724 Report Already written post with current rolls; Toady is fukt unless two moar Droogz to report and roll 10D100. 24hrs.
Rolled 65, 37, 45, 44, 31, 62, 31, 82, 10, 7 = 414 (10d100) >>6137100 >>6137724 Anonymous
Rolled 89, 87, 38, 25, 61, 83, 50, 51, 70, 72 = 626 (10d100) >>6137824 NAT 1 Anon
>>6137724 oh great.
will we get our +4 (or whatever) roll bonus?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 08 Nov 2024 18:10:01 No. 6137871 Report Quoted By:
>>6137868 yes, +4 Dodge still in
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 08 Nov 2024 18:35:43 No. 6137882 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 7, 17, 14, 6, 11, 13, 17, 2 = 89 (9d20) Toady 91, 87 || 98, 76 || 76, 96 || 50, 82 || 91, 85>Distance from Sand Cubby: 3 >Distance from Furface: 0 >If Distance reaches -ve, YOU are cut off; the distance to the Cubby will increase by the -ve, and Distance reset to 0 >Moar Oww's -8 penalty against Furface will only be for the first turn Another chomp is going to end you, you know it. The moment you've twisted out of its jaws you BTFO galloping on fours to the sand cubby the diggy Crasha made. Furface has another idea: the same one.>Furface 91-8 Atk vs Toady 91+4 >MISS >Furface 89-8 Chase vs Toady 87+4 >Distance from Cubby now 2 Your Carrionpede movements and Moar Oww managing to grab a chock of hair last second makes Furface <span class="mu-i">juuuust</span> miss.>Furface 67 Atk vs Toady 98+4 >MISS >Furface 47 Chase vs Toady 76+4 >Distance 3 Your fulleffort ziggyzagging gets you a lead; the snapping at your back is further off. You might pull ahead, provided you don't stumble.>Furface 69 Atk vs Toady 96+4 >MISS >Furface 11 Chase vs Toady 76+4 >Distance 1 >Furface 73 Atk vs Toady 82+4 >MISS >Furface 23 Chase vs Toady 50+4 >YOURE HERE You've been muttering the <span class="mu-b">{PILLOWSHEET}</span> chant as you ran, holding back the last bit needed to activate it; the moment you leap into the sand cubby out of sight of almost everyone you finish the chant, flowing ghostlike into the sand. Furry bastich plunges after you, digging madly, either thinking because you went down so fast you're in a tunnel, or supposing that since the sand it's digging at is packed, you carnt be too deep in. The moment it catches a mouf-full of Gobb meat it clamps and shakes its head like a mad fuck, trying to thrash you dedd. It works: that's not YOU, but it is dedd. And packed with three primed BOOMsossijjiz and a whole BOOMcandle. >baked yez a cake fuckface >I. HÆT. DOGGZ. >QM rollan exoload 8D20 >last D20 for meat ration Stuffs defucted >3 sossijj and 1 candle deducted
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Fri 08 Nov 2024 19:26:51 No. 6137898 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d3 + 1) >BOOM -87> -38Dur -11HP >Furface 0Dur 97HP The <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">pakpakpakBAMM</span></span> is your cue: you surface from the sand in your hastily doffed QKA right under the furfuck's belly and <span class="mu-r">GIVVIDIM SLAYCIDEY</span>.>Toady 91+18 vs Furface 57 >HIT -32 -3 >Toady 85+18 vs no defense >HIT -32 -1 >Furface 29 The splitsecond glance you give the Furface's front end between your <span class="mu-r">××MESSYMUM GOBBO××</span> combo sees that its jaw has been blown messily orf. The fugger's tottering, trying to stay standing.>Furface CONCUSSED >Bite Attack disabled The rest of the fight is just a formality. You break the spine and split its heart. When you look up again the bleachers are swaying from the dancing chanting Gobbos. "<span class="mu-g">GORE WOL KAH! GORE WOL KAH!</span>" "<span class="mu-g">GORE WOL KAH! GORE WOL KAH!</span>" Your Droogz and the witnesses of your marathon fight yesterday probably started it. But you loose your own victory-cry above theirs, a tradition and a necessity: "<span class="mu-g">HANS ORF OLL MOI DIBBZ!!!</span>">QM rollan DIBBZ
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 08 Nov 2024 21:14:54 No. 6137930 Report With the help of your Droogz you stake your claim over several corpses and take your DIBBZ. This done you order your Droogz back to the hole where you had spent the night to erect a tent. It's big enough just for you; them three can sleep outside if they want. Warlord Boog's probably pleased with you; he pulled off his Prod-You-zurs after the fight to give you space. He knows greenies can get real touchy after a biggy fight; he understands. You spot them standing very far orf, pretending not to look at you. You are being monitored. Boog will probably have them invite you again after a few days. After a bit of quiet twigging how to handle this, you tell your Droogz to sew up several swag bags. You retreat into your tent for secrecy and fill the swag bags all up with Stuffs. You've been wanting to make some REAL bargains since you browsed the bazaar. Youve heaped all this dosh since ages. Narrs yer chance ta SPENDDIT. <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">$$$SHOPPING$$$</span></span>>WARMOUNT SADDLERS & RAID AIDS: >a mounting horn and straddle for Wagon; YOU will get a chance to stay mounted if attacked, and have additional carriage without using Pouchy >120 Stuffs Y/N >War Raft, fits 8 Oiks if no one foits and everwun stands >may be unsinkable >no cover >140 Stuffs Y/N >SNAKKZ N PATTZ >Petshop. >Dunno what it is, but it's va BEST; rollan 1D100 for random rare critter >costs 4D100+200 Stuffs; comes with a Slave Command collar. Y/N >WERKZ UV EEBAL >Dok's not in, juzt uz in-turns >Wan sum charms? Deyz got juju innem >{FLY} 1D100+100 Stuffs Y/N >{TALK AT PLANT} 2D100+100 Stuffs Y/N >{LEWDMOON'S TANKY HOVEL} 2D100+150 Stuffs Y/N >{STANKY POOTZ} 1D100+50 Stuffs Y/N >{SUMN SUMN FIG} 1D100+80 Stuffs Y/N >{MILF'S MEATY PURSE} 1D100+80 Y/N All above have one-or-two charges each, and the in-turns don't know what they do; QM doesn't either, for half of them; will make uneducated guesses later ; you may surrender them to Seafood to get an expanded Trinkkitt upgrade menu when it is offered.>LEWT HAUS >Toily Books; 3 stacks avail, 1d100 Stuffs per stack. >Contain 1D3-1 Wizard spells if QM rolls 1, 100, and doubles; 11%. Y/N and how many >Musicy instruments in cloff bags and boxes; not many buyers. 4 stacks avail, 1D100+20 Stuffs per stack. >Contains 1d3-1 Bard spells if QM rolls primes and 100; 26%; Y/N and how many >ROKKS >Shoiny Rokks!!! >3 Stuffs for 5 handfuls of rokkz, worth 1 stuff each >Each rock rolls 1D100 >Anything with an 8 is a semiprecious gem; 10% >11, 55, 77, 99 is precious gem 4% >1 and 100 is Majjikk Gem 2% >How many handfuls to buy? >may opt ALL BAL <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">[DIBBZ]</span></span> Pick three moar DIBBZ from the following; goldy weapons, wolfy sting and Crusha corpse are already yours>Tentacle-cat >Baldy buggbutt caster >Fly >Uglytaur >Frog-Lion >a Reff <span class="mu-b">%%%SPECIAL OFFER%%%</span>>{POPUP} back to Seafood to submit souvies & get TSCP IV >Costs 2D20 Stuffs and 1d6+6 Days Off
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Fri 08 Nov 2024 21:22:40 No. 6137933 Report >>6137868 >>6137825 >>6137781 >>6137309 >>6137163 QM will calculate all HLM if anons take muh speshul offur.
ask for moar time if needed.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6137933 how many stuffs do we have again?
>>6137930 We got abouts 1500 stuffs last I checked. Spent a piddling of it but prolly gained just as much back.
Listing everyfing I wanna buy:
>WARMOUNT SADDLERS & RAID AIDS 120 >{FLY} 1D100+100 >{TALK AT PLANT} 2D100+100 >{LEWDMOON'S TANKY HOVEL} 2D100+150 >{STANKY POOTZ} 1D100+50 >{SUMN SUMN FIG} 1D100+80 >{MILF'S MEATY PURSE} 1D100+80 Assuming an AVERAGE roll, we're looking at ~1180 stuffs spent so far.
Wanna keep tha rest in reserve.
>Baldy buggbutt caster >Uglytaur >a Reff >{POPUP} back to Seafood to submit souvies & get TSCP IV Yes on special offer, thank you based kinophage
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sat 09 Nov 2024 00:26:01 No. 6137973 Report Quoted By:
>>6137956 >what is Stuffs Bal 1624.
>>6137962 : D
NAT 1 Anon
>>6137930 >WARMOUNT SADDLERS & RAID AIDS >War Raft, fits 8 Oiks if no one foits and everwun stands might be useful at some point
>SNAKKZ N PATTZ >{FLY} 1D100+100 Stuffs >{TALK AT PLANT} 2D100+100 Stuffs >{LEWDMOON'S TANKY HOVEL} 2D100+150 Stuffs >{SUMN SUMN FIG} 1D100+80 Stuffs >ROKKS (lets say worth 30 stuffs) GAMBA
>Tentacle-cat >Fly >Frog-Lion seafood might find them interesting
>{POPUP} back to Seafood to submit souvies & get TSCP IV we could go back (i began to like it here tho)
i would say we buy as much as we can because we dont need many stuffs otherwise
maybe if we get good rolls we can even buy everything
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sat 09 Nov 2024 04:45:20 No. 6138122 Report Quoted By:
>>6138118 >I like it in Orc Town You'll be back; the cost of 1d6+6 Days Off is for Toady to navigate back from Yang Wuhan's current location
In transit to Buttondew Hills after learning TSCP IV.
Quoted By:
>>6137930 >$$$SHOPPING$$$ >>WARMOUNT SADDLERS & RAID AIDS: >>a mounting horn and straddle for Wagon; YOU will get a chance to stay mounted if attacked, and have additional carriage without using Pouchy >>120 Stuffs Y>>War Raft, fits 8 Oiks if no one foits and everwun stands >>may be unsinkable >>no cover >>140 Stuffs Y>>SNAKKZ N PATTZ >>Petshop. >>Dunno what it is, but it's va BEST; rollan 1D100 for random rare critter >>costs 4D100+200 Stuffs; comes with a Slave Command collar. N >>WERKZ UV EEBAL >>Dok's not in, juzt uz in-turns >>Wan sum charms? Deyz got juju innem >>{FLY} 1D100+100 Stuffs Y >>{TALK AT PLANT} 2D100+100 Stuffs N >>{LEWDMOON'S TANKY HOVEL} 2D100+150 Stuffs Y >>{STANKY POOTZ} 1D100+50 Stuffs N >>{SUMN SUMN FIG} 1D100+80 Stuffs N >>{MILF'S MEATY PURSE} 1D100+80 Y >All above have one-or-two charges each, and the in-turns don't know what they do; QM doesn't either, for half of them; will make uneducated guesses later; you may surrender them to Seafood to get an expanded Trinkkitt upgrade menu when it is offered. >>LEWT HAUS >>Toily Books; 3 stacks avail, 1d100 Stuffs per stack. >>Contain 1D3-1 Wizard spells if QM rolls 1, 100, and doubles; 11%. Y 3 >>Musicy instruments in cloff bags and boxes; not many buyers. 4 stacks avail, 1D100+20 Stuffs per stack. >>Contains 1d3-1 Bard spells if QM rolls primes and 100; 26%; Y 1 >>ROKKS >>Shoiny Rokks!!! >>3 Stuffs for 5 handfuls of rokkz, worth 1 stuff each>>Each rock rolls 1D100 >>Anything with an 8 is a semiprecious gem; 10% >>11 , 55, 77, 99 is precious gem 4%>>1 and 100 is Majjikk Gem 2%>>How many handfuls to buy? 10
>[DIBBZ] >Pick three moar DIBBZ from the following; goldy weapons, wolfy sting and Crusha corpse are already yours >>Tentacle-cat >>Baldy buggbutt caster >>Fly >%%%SPECIAL OFFER%%% >>{POPUP} back to Seafood to submit souvies & get TSCP IV >>Costs 2D20 Stuffs and 1d6+6 Days Off Yes please.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 10 Nov 2024 03:10:22 No. 6138628 Report Quoted By:
CURRENT CHOICE TALLY>Saddle 120 >3 >War Raft 140 >2 >Epic Pet >1 >{FLY} 1D100+100 >3 >{TALK AT PLANT} 2D100+100 >2 >{LEWDMOON'S TANKY HOVEL} 2D100+150 >2 >{STANKY POOTZ} 1D100+50 >2 >{SUMN SUMN FIG} 1D100+80 >2 >{MILF'S MEATY PURSE} 1D100+80 >3 >Gamble for Wizard spells >1 >Gamble for Bard spells >1 >Gamble for Gems >2; (30 stuffs spent, 50 chances) >Baldy Buggbutt caster corpse >3 >Uglytaur corpse >2 >Reff corpse >2 >Tentacle Cat corpse >2 >Frog-Lion corpse >1 >Fly corpse >2 QM will wait ~12hrs more; purchase and gamble choices will be locked in at 3 or more, assuming 5 Droogz; DIBBZ choices will be locked in at 3, and a roll-off between 2s. Updated Toady's HP for completing TSCP III; now 30/30HP
Quoted By:
Lemme convince you droogs. Dont need a raft, swimmin iz trainan. Seafood will praise us for bringing him all the magics.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 10 Nov 2024 12:46:36 No. 6138811 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 94, 6, 41, 54, 3, 37, 85, 85 = 405 (8d100) $
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 10 Nov 2024 12:56:15 No. 6138814 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d3) If all spells are bought:>405+560 = 965 Stuffs for all spell samples >120 Stuffs for raft >30 stuffs for 50 handfuls of Gems >Subtotal 1115 If only {FLY} and {MILF} are bought:>359 >+120+50 >Subtotal 529 I'll just let this sit for 12 hrs; lazy. Rollan 1D3 for which DIBBZ gets eliminated>1= Uglitaur >2= Reff >3= Tenticat
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 10 Nov 2024 13:13:35 No. 6138817 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 35, 99, 21, 32, 71, 63, 53, 45, 48, 14, 96, 82, 82, 60, 20, 3, 89, 10, 34, 34, 45, 45, 85, 16, 36 = 1218 (25d100) rollan rokks
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Sun 10 Nov 2024 13:16:06 No. 6138819 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 25, 64, 33, 69, 97, 98, 47, 52, 57, 99, 60, 59, 83, 56, 40, 87, 18, 81, 6, 71, 69, 20, 11, 26, 30 = 1358 (25d100) and again
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Sun 10 Nov 2024 13:24:40 No. 6138822 Report Quoted By:
Semiprecious: 10 Precious: 3 Balance converted back to Stuffs @ 1Stuff per 5 gems = 7 Stuffs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Mon 11 Nov 2024 04:22:22 No. 6139226 Report ~ADMIN POST DAY~>Purchased Saddle >Purchased {FLY} and {MILF} >gamble getty 10 Semiprecious and 3 Precious gems >DIBBZ Baldybuggbutt Caster, Tenticat, Uglitaur >Splurgy Spree -529 Stuffs; bal §1095 >PLEZZUR DOIN BIZNIZ WIVYA GUVNAH! QM rollan cost to trudge back to Orc Town after visiting Seafood.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 11 Nov 2024 04:23:36 No. 6139227 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 + 6 (1d6 + 6) >>6139226 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:duJK9EGX Mon 11 Nov 2024 06:46:29 No. 6139282 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 12 = 18 (2d20) >33-7= 26 Days Orf remaining Once you got everfin sorted you get your Droogz in for a huddle. "<span class="mu-r"> Roit ya cunts, lissin up. Boog's boiz are lurkin on me, and I gotz bizniz orf frummere. Here's what I'z needz frum yez Droogz: take orf yez Qually Kludgies and givvem ere, I'll gives yez sum cloffy wunz instead, wivva biggy shank or bashy. "When yez get out dis tent, yez go three different ways, inter va Gobby hoodz. When yez stops seein Orcs, chuck everfin yez have on and scarper. "Mma be back seven suns n moons frum narr, right here. Drar a froggy on sumn n show me, so I'z knows it'z yez. If yez makes it, ye'll get yer Qually Kludgies back, anna noo noiff. Savvy?</span>" Pork Hos has a question. "<span class="mu-g">How'll we know it'z yez, Bozz?</span>" The other two swat at him, saving you the trouble. "<span class="mu-g">Bosser's all redd. Of curz we'll knowum. Azz.</span>" DirtyNuggz haz a kuncern. "<span class="mu-g"> WE'z sortid, but whatbhat yez? How's yez bustn out?</span>" You smirk. "<span class="mu-r">Gudd kesshun. Nut tellen. Narr fuggoff. Yez s'posed ter drar va heat orf me.</span>" After sending them off, you wait a little, start a small fire on green wood to raise smoke, filling the tent. Then you <span class="mu-b">{POPUP}</span>. ° ° ° You poof somewhere dark yet airy; a covered wicker basket wiv cloffs in, mostly empty; a bumpy, rattling ride. "You've returned early, Tudi. Come out. We're alone." "<span class="mu-r">Yers, Sweetfudds.</span>" You get out of the basket onto the floorboards of a small covered wagon drawn by an old nag horse. At least it <span class="mu-i">looks</span> old and naggish; you're fairly sure Seafood's already done sumn to it, to make the most of his money. Along with some bookbags and dry provisions are several sets of Humie sized kludgy armor, some decent below average sords n spears. Where Seafood's sitting is a garland of gnarlac, a bag of nunyuns and taters, anna clutch of wee bitty shrivlly heddz wiv theys eyes sowd shut, n meofs stuffed wiv stuffs. They twitch a little as you watch; they try to face you; theys stretched meofs move a little. And little needly squigglies seem to press out under their skin. They scream into their geggs, which you think might be baalz n poobz. You're not sure if Seafood stuffed them with their own or each others'. Which would be worse is a philosophic question for anuvva time. "<span class="mu-r">I'z killt lotsy lots Seafudds. I've twigged the whole Furd Moulting. Annah gotz ya souvie lewtz.</span>" You show him the effie charms you got from the Wich Dok's and the biggy sack of Rokks first. "Hmm. So even they play at magic. Amusing trifles." Out of your bag of gems he immediately picks out thirteen, hands them to you. "The rest are worthless." As the wagon trundles on into the sunset the nag speeds up a little. You stop feeling hoofbeats, and the rattling road. Against the sound of a slow night wind, Seafood begins to teach you the complex formulae of the Fourth Moulting.>QM rollan Speshul Offer Stuffs cost
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 11 Nov 2024 10:38:00 No. 6139346 Report Quoted By:
Where Second and Third came in riddle-rhymes, Fourth Moulting is in code: a block of words arranged gibberish, with the accented cadences of the Second and Third as selectors, bringing out the first part of the message, Piercéd Gentle, Embraced of Hooks (Rou2 Ci4 Yong3 Gou1 柔刺擁鉤), a hyper-aggressive take on the Carrionpede's movement-transformations, and this message <span class="mu-i">itself</span> being a selector - against the riddle-rhymes of the Second and Third, detailing a method of autopsychosis, rewriting your mind ter <span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-r">fink</span></span> as Carrionpede, and the countermethod for turning it orf. Veeery tricksy. You'll need days to keep yourself under control while trainan Fourth Moulting. The wordblock is especially difficult for YOU to remember, since you are racially illiterate, but Seafood manages: you find that your ability to memorize inchoate nonsense improves a hundredfold when there's a Binny Biggsord pressed to your neck, and yer googlies resting on Sordyfagg's sord. Gargantua's acrid sizzling sharpens you right up, it does. Seafood calls up an unnatural mist before first light and brings the wagon in descent into a thick, pathless wood. There you bring out all the dedders wot you gibbt, to see if Seafood has any use for them and their stuffs. The Gray Oggy's sometimes invisible goldy weapons, which materialized broken at his death, gets Seafood's attention. The goldies he smelts right in his hands, somehow condenses it. Most of the lumpen ore he Pouches, for something else he has in mind. But a nicey lump he shapes into a gnarly Goldy noiff, just your size. The blade gets hott as you hold it. The hott it gives out is... sticky. It burns and stays. "Balefire. A memory of home.">GOLDIE getty! >3Dmg, 3 Balefire >Stacks 1 Balefire per hitpoint damage caused >max 3 Balefire stacked per Attack, max 9 total >Balefire diminishes 1 per turn after causing damage. The Furface's stingy is also interesting. Seafood cuts up the bunched punchy head of it, approving of what he sees. "Hmm. Fresh enough. Just so happens I have the perfect complement," he says, and waves a distracted hand at you. The next time you blink you're on the forest floor, and your armpits are sewed up n <span class="mu-g">s o r e</span>. You sniff them. Yup: your pits fuggen <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">STANK</span></span>.>MODDED! >MERCILESSLY! >AGAINST YOUR WILL! >Each melee weapon YOU use now cause 1 Noxic per Attack; does not apply to Dewclaw damage >10 Noxic will cause a Blackout: >victim loses the next turn The kludged Dewclaws you made for yourself, to supplement the damage you do with Carrionpede when you're climbing on targets larger than yourself, have been removed. In their place are ... thingies. Kindy like teefs, but hooky. They've been planted on your palms between your fingers, and your soles between your toes, and shins facing down and forearms facing up. Your elbows n knees each have a fang growing out of it; knees are larger. You flex em. "Displacer teeth. Thank me later," he says.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 11 Nov 2024 11:48:55 No. 6139388 Report >MUNCHAUSEN SURGERY! >Dewclaws upgraded! >now Atk roll surplus over is ÷2 for Dewclaw damage; formerly ÷3 The pelt of the Tenticat he keeps for himself va dirty bastich as payment for unsolicited services. The Uglytaur and Baldy caster corpses do not interest him, until you mention that both of them used Zapzaps. Then he confiscates them for dissection.>{ZAPP YEET}, {BIGGY MIMESHOW}, {FLY}, {MILF'S MEATY PURSE} added to future spell list; will be offered at start of [[HEIST]] Now Seafood has a gift for YOU: a neckkylace. Kindy like the Trinkkittz, but stony metal; it feels hevvy, a little warm. Seafood says it's a Bestial-Hearted Meteor Lash (猛 心/星 流鞭; meng3 xing1 liu2 bian1), made from the Glowy you got out from under the Buggy City; it seemed a waste to just throw away thousand-year-cured destructor-iron after he had gotten the Desolating Yang core out. It's ugly and gnarly, wiv wikky look skullz on. You <span class="mu-i">luvvit</span>. And looky: the liddle skullz just bite on when you loop a weapon handle innem, and only leggo when you shake em and say "oy". "<span class="mu-r">It'z roit gnarly Sweetfudds, nyerr! But whaddif I'z grows biggyer. Mma growan Gobb, me. It'll be too short in many many many many moonz 1 year .</span>" "Not if you kill enough.">this fing kin grow? >so'ts alive?? >cuorr >BEASTY WHAPP getty! >Counts as a weapon of 8Dmg >Does not take up a weapon slot >QM updates pasty and gos napp
>>6139388 Seafood spoils us!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 11 Nov 2024 12:11:26 No. 6139395 Report >>6131792 imma give yez yer Iron Body from Wish™ next post. If majority anons wish for a new martial art QM will grumble and make sumn, but the Dodge, Hit and Dmg bonuses from Carrionpede won't carry over, and Toady will need to train from 0. Only HP bonus carries. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 11 Nov 2024 12:13:27 No. 6139397 Report Quoted By:
>>6139393 Toady deserves it for taking retarded jackpot risks.
>>6139395 >From Wish Is that a Liveleak logo in the corner, or is seafood just happy to see us?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:kun1VrLF Mon 11 Nov 2024 14:09:24 No. 6139426 Report >>6139395 Adjustment of offer terms:
If anons desire a new martial art, full HP bonus and 1/4 of all TSCP bonuses will be transferrable if Toady fights with his new MA.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6139426 we dont want anything else
judging from the lack of replies Anonymous
>>6139426 While numbers-wise that would be better, I typically like glass cannons more than a tank lol
>>6139426 I like Carrionpede.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:J1cG/UOd Tue 12 Nov 2024 07:55:47 No. 6139910 Report >Anons choose to complete the Carrionpede "Tudi. Have you been eating your own kind." It's not a trick question, you think. "<span class="mu-r">Yerz. No point wasten meats.</span>" "And you have suffered no ill effects. No trembling of the palms. Clenching the jaw." "<span class="mu-r">No. I'z allus did vat. Even wivvout eatn meats, juzt buggz.</span>" "Only born filth can so tolerate filth. Come. Shifu has something to teach." He spends a couple Times instructing you how to watch your farts Qi; literal gas, temper, or pressured air while they are still gurgling inside you. Since you have no Alchemic talent, to help you twigg on he stabs you with what feels like a burning needle but is just his pinkie. "Are you still unfamiliar with pain. Endure and attend: I am condensing your polluted Qi here for you to draw. If you don't do you can't learn." You do feel something growing where he pokes, like a bad wet fart after a night munching food wots nearly bad unfit for vertebrate consumption , and you concentrate on pushing it out of you with a "clean" fart. You sweat from the effort. The air starts to stink. "Good. Now do here." Seafood gets you used to the right points on your body in which the bad farts tend to gather, usually from what you eat and where you've been, and pushing them out with good farts. By then you fuggen <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">STANK</span></span>, worse than the stank in your armpits. The sweat that curdles out of you in the process is black, drying up quickly into hard, semisticky beadlets. With these all over your body you look like you're being eaten by mites. Or a plague. "Continue to purge the impurities from your body and live long; at a hundred years you shall keep the strength at forty." You feel loads lighter somehow. The slight, familiar jitters you have after eating Green meat is gone. You consider the clustered coat of black pearls covering your body.>Live long ehh >So datz wad dis is Armor: being hard and bitty they cover over all your tendies nicely: if you wear armor on top of these you won't be getting hurt until your armor's broke. Or you get Zappt. In the mean time you'll juzt smell real bad.>SCUM COAT lerny! >2hrs to activate >gain 1Dmg reduction for 3 days or until lye soap or strong magic attack is used against YOU > -30 to Sneekibreeki if SCUM COAT is on >[THOUSAND-SEGMENT CARRIONPEDE FOURTH MOULTING] getty! >+0(/2)% Dodge, +0(/12)% Hit, +0(/12)Dmg >Gain Killseek 1 at 20/26: +1 unblockable physical damage per weapon >Gain +8HP on completion
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:J1cG/UOd Tue 12 Nov 2024 07:57:12 No. 6139911 Report Quoted By:
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Tue 12 Nov 2024 11:33:05 No. 6140037 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4 = 59 (25d4) Tabulating HLM needed for TSCP4
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Tue 12 Nov 2024 11:37:27 No. 6140046 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1 = 11 (7d2) 2HLM per TSCP IV point needed Now tabulating HLM gained from the Arena. Baldy Buggbutts already counted previously.>Sand Crasha 2D2 >Gray Oggy 3D2 >Wolfy-Stingy 5D2, reduced to 2D2 for using cheaty methods
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Tue 12 Nov 2024 11:51:23 No. 6140065 Report [THOUSAND-SEGMENT CARRIONPEDE FOURTH MOULTING]>+2(/2)% Dodge, +3.5(/12)% Hit, +0(/12)Dmg >Gain Killseek 1 at 20/26: +1 unblockable physical damage per weapon >Gain +8HP on completion >QM forgot LEWT from the Sand Crasha >[Meat-Scale Tally], passive item >provided line of sight for 3 minutes, Toady is able to tell a target's HP and Dur, though not armor quality. >You don't need to fuck around before finding out. Back tomorrow for narrative proppa.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6140065 i would like to bother seafood about our broken helff swigga before we go on our way...
Quoted By:
>>6140087 I think its better we not bring that up considering how we got our first fill up...
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Tue 12 Nov 2024 15:14:49 No. 6140159 Report Quoted By:
>>6140087 noted.
also, surprice tag.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:J1cG/UOd Tue 12 Nov 2024 15:15:48 No. 6140160 Report Quoted By:
writan starts in 12 hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Wed 13 Nov 2024 06:16:39 No. 6140611 Report Quoted By:
It's the next night, and Seafood's getting the nag and wagon to fly again, to drop you off close-ish to va Ork land. Since Seafood is in such a good mood from suddenly getting so many weird noo dedders n gubbins heaped onnim you figger you might prod him a liddle for gibbz. Nuffin reely much, juzt a new [Helff Swigga]: you know you'll be getting in foits alla time, hanging round Oiks. You begin to ply with a good rubdown flattery , quite loudly admiring GOLDIE, your spiffy new noiff. You cook a liddle meat on the flat of it, peel it orf to snakk on, smakking your lips. It tastes kindy sick to be honnist, so you don't take more than a couple narms, but you praise Seafood wiv your meof full. "<span class="mu-r">GOLDIE's roit handy she is. She slashies n slicies n cookies n burnies. Howz yez doit Sweetfudds. Juzt mooshen mettalz inner lumps n fings. Reel spiffy Sweetfudds. Even va Dorfs carnt pull dis shit.</span>" "The stable Desolating Yang can be harnessed to shape both mundane and mystic material; to One in possession of the Creative Principles, Shape can be ordered to reflect or enhance the Inherent Nature. Too high for you, Tudi. Enough to say that your lewting has enriched... us." Yup: all buttered up. Time to make your sell. "<span class="mu-r">Yer know Sweetfudds, Iz been finkkin. I gotz me [Helff Swigga] rekt foitn two whole warbands of Oiks, den I had ter foit allus dedders I brought yez wiv no swiggz. When I get back there va BoogBoss is gunna make me foit again. Mebbe moar n bigger biggy narsties, n Reffs wiv super zappies. Sweetfudd biggy Bosser, if'ts nartny trubble, can I haz a noo [Helff Swigga] for ploz. It be handy. I'z be winnin moar lewtz fur uz if I'z got it.</span>" He considers it. "Dagger. Give." You hand GOLDIE over. He flicks it, rolling it over his palm and backhand. He steps on one of the shrunken heads under his seat with a bare foot, and it blackens, smoking and screaming; GOLDIE shimmers a bit. You didn't even see him fling it, but it's thudded on a wagon-post just at your neck. When you pluck it out the wood you see it's taken a finer, nicer shape cosmetic , wiv gnarly squiggles written onna.>oooo
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:J1cG/UOd Wed 13 Nov 2024 06:47:54 No. 6140619 Report Still working, Seafood takes some shards out of a pouch that look like they came from Glowy, and a small nuggy pinch from the Gray Oggy's goldly lump. Holding them in the left
left; correct by chance hand, he steps down harder on the shrinky hedd, moar smoak, less screamz, and the shards and lumps in his left hand take a new shape. Globby, like a oil saus bottle. Or a Helff Pott.
When the shape's set Seafood brings out some little yellau tissues wiv red scribblies onna n platts them on; they crinkle black and scatter.
He tosses the result at you without looking, its stubby tripod footnubs burn a spinny black trail across the floorboards. It's a Gnarly Potty, wivva Draggy snout spout anna loop taily handle.
"Let the snake-head bite before you are too injured."
>cuorrr >[GIGA SWIGGA] getty! >size smoller 70% size than an M Helff Pott >may be indestructable >0/8 gluggz, 8HP ea, refills 1 per smol Helff Pott, 3 per M Helff Pott, 7 per L Helff Pott >up to 2 gluggz can be swigged per turn >Toady loses 2HP per use. "For this, pay me: the Shammy Boss' head, or his Zappy Staff. Intact."
>nyerrrrrrh >allus sumn >fugg. "<span class="mu-r">Yer gaddit Sweetfuddz.</span>"
You're dropped off just as you start to catch a hint of Oik in the air. Seafood passes you the scrunched up hedd he stepped on, wiv two new pieces of yelly chitty slapped onna.
Then he flings you quite hard out of the flying wagon, a considerable distance, but you don't fall like normal: you almost float, tumbling fairly gently through the canopy, enough to land with a flopp rather than a splatt.
One of the hedd's yelly chitty burnt up in the fall; the other one is kindy a compass, making the wretched hedd scream louder the closer you get to the Oik place.
When it finally quiets and crumbles you dust it orf your hands, less than two Times away from your destination.
>suggz to be you, fuggface. >based to be ME. <span class="mu-s">[WAT DO]</span>
26 Days Orf remaining; Seafood wants va Shammy's Hedd or Zappy Stikk
>Report to Boog direct >Fetch Droogz, set up shop, wait for them to fetch yer >Sneekibreeki: try to scout out the Orc leadership, esp Kuggbal Tortu va ChiefBoss n va ShammyBoss git >Sneekibreeki: scout out the main 'hoodz; Orc sprawls are segregated by function >Sneekibreeki: cause trouble (wat? write.) [Y/N]
>Build Seafood shrine, chance to increase SUS Y/N >Start doing Ceremony, chance to increase SUS Y/N If Y, Toady will attempt it in the forest or underground when needed. Anons may suggest additional safety measures.
[R O L L]
>2D1000 >guess who's baaaack >>6139871 >>6139865 >>6139756 >>6139406 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Wed 13 Nov 2024 06:49:31 No. 6140620 Report Add: Perform {SCUMM COAT} Y/N>1Dmg resist, -30 Sneekibreeki
Rolled 812, 554 = 1366 (2d1000) >>6140619 >Fetch Droogz, set up shop, wait for them to fetch yer >YES SEAFOOD SHRINE >YES CEREMONY >YES SCUMM COAT Seafood wouldn't teach us scumm coat without reason. Do it religiously! It's gonna purify us real good. The damage resist is just a side effect in my opinion. It's our first step towards reel cultivating.
Rolled 167, 744 = 911 (2d1000) >>6140619 >Sneekibreeki: try to scout out the Orc leadership, esp Kuggbal Tortu va ChiefBoss n va ShammyBoss git >Build Seafood shrine, chance to increase SUS Y >Start doing Ceremony, chance to increase SUS Y Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6140620 >>6140643 >Perform {SCUMM COAT} Y NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 117, 614 = 731 (2d1000) >>6140619 >Report to Boog direct >Build Seafood shrine, chance to increase SUS Y >Start doing Ceremony, chance to increase SUS Y in case gui li gets us again, we should fill up our giga swigga...
Rolled 581, 666 = 1247 (2d1000) >>6140619 >Fetch Droogz, set up shop, wait for them to fetch yer >SEAFOOD SHRINE N >CEREMONY N >SCUMM COAT Y NAT 1 Anon
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Thu 14 Nov 2024 04:43:26 No. 6141083 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 303, 459 = 762 (2d1000) GENERAL CONSENSUS>Fetch Droogz, set up shop, wait for them to fetch yer >SEAFOOD SHRINE Y >CEREMONY Y >SCUMM COAT Y BoA 812, 714
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:J1cG/UOd Thu 14 Nov 2024 13:52:07 No. 6141286 Report Rolled 18, 1 = 19 (2d20) Before getting back to camp you head for higher ground, where the trees are sparser. By day this place will get moar sun, so's no Gobby cubbies here; it being a chore to climb with nothing to eat or ræp on top will also keeps looky-loos away. Just to be safe you get Moar Oww out to help you scout. <span class="mu-i">• None living moving in these woods. • </span> he says, after making a short round. You get out Wagon to shift some rocks together for a backing and build Seafood's shrine. Pretty simple: you draw with paint and tailor's wax on a wood plank what Seafood <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">feels</span></span> like to you: big jaggy killies, and a biggy fire everwhere, and a <span class="mu-r">Sord Klowd</span>. Then you light up a bunch of candles on old bottles, and a nice roll-up on a piece of bark with some Greeny giblets on, and you get to prayen. "<span class="mu-r">Oooo Seafoods, oooo Sweetfudds, yer roit Bosser Bosser, killykilly krumpykrunchy, shamwow be yer name. Plz gives uz diz day arr daily zappies...</span>" You keep at it until Time and a half, when yer Trinkkittz feel heavier. To disguise the shrine you have wagon heap moar rocks on until it's buried without being rekt. Best you could do. Next, Gui Li. You've started feeling her lurking again. Haven't seen her, but you know the feel. She wants her dues. The last Marital Home got rekt from you whoopen her azz, so you build a new one, longer in the front, since you're going to put the spiffy shitty spear - your Good Bad-Gift - on it as an offering. a biggy wifey plank for a base, boxform structure, stereotypical triangle roof wivva chimney, and in the "courtyard", two Y sticks for a weapon stand. The spear goes on the two Ys and topples, so you add a third, and make the other two larger. When it's balanced you set out the Oaf Dishies n say the fing. This is the quickest youve ever seen her appear; you don't even have time to get bored. The mutual feeding happens quickly; she wants to get practicing with her new <span class="mu-r">toyyyyy</span> Nope: you exploit her impatience to have many many Ceremonies in a row, enough to last a couple weeks. She slavers, unable to understand why you keep calling her back, unable to disobey her own urge finish it quick so she can go <span class="mu-r">playyyyy</span>.>Yerr we'll see bart dat >Mma wear ya like a hat >bich °°° You pick out where the Foit Pits are and navigate with those as landmarks, sauntering into the Gobby part of the sprawl. Where your pit and tent had been is now a junk and poopy hole. Tent's gone, no use looking. You need a new hovel. You pick one nearby, two Gobbos inside, two outside squabbling over a lizzid onna stikk. "<span class="mu-r">Nice place. I'll take it.</span>" They weren't smart enough to immediately fuggorf when you arsked noice, so you gibbem, make them squee. They die bad. You go in and flop on the snuggly pile, munching yer noice toasty lizzid onna stikk, and go zzz. When you wake up your free Droogz are lounging at the door. You kit them, let em eat yer killz, n wait for sumn ta happn.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:J1cG/UOd Thu 14 Nov 2024 13:56:13 No. 6141289 Report Quoted By:
19 Stuffs used. QM taps out before bad quality happens 14 hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Fri 15 Nov 2024 07:12:34 No. 6141673 Report The start of a scuffle, a lull of quiet, then
"<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">WAAAAAAAAGH! ! !</span></span>"
Sounds like foitn.
>BoA 714 vs 459 >the scrapp royale doesn't somehow drag you in You come out to see four Prod-You-zers coming to blows with three slightly smaller Oiks. Trouble is, the smaller Oiks have like eight biggy black wolves wivvem, now clamping down on the calves and forearms of the Prod-You-zers. Kept from uppercutting the Oiks properly, the Prod-You-zurs are now socking the wolves, trying to smack them orf against the ground.
"<span class="mu-r">Whadzup widdem.</span>"
Uptush twiggs you quickly.
"Boogz' Proddies came looken fer yez; so's Kurruk's Wulvers. Yer famous Bosser. Now err'wun wants a piece."
"<span class="mu-r">Dat roit. Who's Bosser, Boog or dis Kurruk git.</span>"
"Fer foitn n krumpen, Boogerloo, no kesshun. But va Wulvers can do raidz. They zoop farsta, take ordas beddah. OverBoss likes em moar."
The scrum slows then cuts orf when they catch sight of you.
One Prod-You-zur's down, and one wolf is crunched. The wolves have backed orf now, several of them limping. The Oiks have got their shivs out.
The UnderBoss Prod-You-zur, half chewed up, points at yer wiv a heavily ring-nutted fingor.
"<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">Itz nart noice ter drop yer 'pointments wivvout notice, Gobbshit. Mizdur Boogerloo iz <span class="mu-i">vewwy ubset.</span></span></span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Nyerr.?Don't 'member owen Boog nuffen.</span>"
"<span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-g">'Ez givvin yer exposure. Put yer onna rosta. Made yer a staa. Dis how yer repayum?</span></span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Kekk. Shuvv it up yer exposure, fegg. Imma perfeshnal. Tellum cum ged me if he wantz. Wivva beddah up-frunt than a glugg of tommyrott juice.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Come on whoil we still arsken noice, Titch, or yool be sarry.</span></span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Yerr.
? Yer sarry <span class="mu-i">narr</span>, cuck. I'll drop by if I feel like it. Narr suggit ur fuggoff.</span>"
The humorless smirks on all sides widen or a second, then the Prod-You-zurs adjust their red neck-aprons and slouch orf to rat YOU to Boog.
"<span class="mu-r">And what you griggers want.</span>"
This lot kit up in leathers n smell like doggz. A noiff or a smol choppa at the side, and a quaver of long thinny all-metal speerz at the back. War masks wiv feathers on. Built leany, no less tuffy. A different kind of bosser.
"<span class="mu-g">Boss Kurruk's heerd yez a roit killy bastich. Wantzer call yez over-up fer a raid. Fair divvy split, if yer live. Godda ride?</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Yerr. Slow though. Budd it push gudd.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g">Kek. Iv yer slow yer bait, newbie.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">If I keep what I kill ya'll ged nuffin.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g">Big talk, basedboy. Proovit.</span>"
<span class="mu-s">[C H O I C E]</span>
25 Days Orf remaining.
>3D100 >1: -18 Penalty for Seafood Shrine getting found >2: -8 Pen for Ceremony performance being detected >3: Gen roll >>6140634 >>6140643 >>6140717 >>6140810 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Rolled 74, 49, 48 = 171 (3d100) >>6141673 >GO LOOK4SHAMMIES Seafood wants shammie head. He gon get shammie head. AND staff.
Rolled 96, 45, 33 = 174 (3d100) >>6141673 >GO RAIDN Wharcha raidn'?
>>6141286 >shamwow Kek
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:J1cG/UOd Fri 15 Nov 2024 09:01:53 No. 6141722 Report Quoted By:
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
Rolled 77, 40, 69 = 186 (3d100) >>6141673 >GO LOOK4SHAMMIES Anonymous
Rolled 49, 2, 14 = 65 (3d100) >>6141673 Anonymous
Roll you fuggin lurkers, we need a better middle roll!
Rolled 56, 46, 74 = 176 (3d100) >>6142037 middle dis, ya git
Rolled 12, 73, 99 = 184 (3d100) >>6141673 >GO LOOK4SHAMMIES KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Sat 16 Nov 2024 03:09:33 No. 6142257 Report Rolled 79, 93, 79 = 251 (3d100) BoA 96-18=78, 76-8=68, 99
NAT 1 Anon
>>6142257 at least we didnt get a 1...
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Sat 16 Nov 2024 04:42:47 No. 6142323 Report Quoted By:
>Seafood Shrine DETECTED >SUS >Conjugal Ceremony DETECTED >SUS >no immediate consequences, but curious parties are out to make connections You carnt give a toss to Boog's or Kurruk's invitations when your <span class="mu-r">real</span> Bosser already tasked you. On your holidays too, nyerrrh. "<span class="mu-r">Sarry doggfucker, I'z bizzi. N I hate doggz.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">Lal. Whaddevvr, chikkin.</span>" You don't let him havvit, because you know he wanted to say faggit. He's being nice while saving face. You can make an enemy of his Bosser at a more convenient time. You pump your Droogz for as much info as they have on Shammies. Being Gobbs they don't know much, except OverBoss loves them most. They don't have a fixed headquarters, just lurk around the places they're assigned to, practicing their zappies in the capacity of help: they restrain the biggy killy berserk monsters at the Foit Pits, stabilize and patch the krumped losers wots not dedd; do weather forecasts and swole-making zapps for the raiders; keep tabs on all kindsy numbers for OverBoss. The ShammyBoss and the OverBoss hang around lots, a few days here, a few there; there's lots to do, it seems, though your Droogz have no idea what it's leading to. DirtyNuggz and Pork Hos you leave at the hovel, to watch it and take messages while you're out. Uptush, being the savviest of them, you take with you. You head back to the Wich Dok's shop in the bazaar, the likeliest place you know of finding a Shammy. One of the In-Turns has been replaced by a grumpy big Oik wot obviously doesn't want to be here. The other In-Turn's miserable too. He's all gnarled up in burns. "<span class="mu-g">Hey, Reddy. Zup.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Fugg happened to you, dungface. Yer toast like taters.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">Dok closed shop, called us uppa hill vere. Dur wuzza ... fingy inva rocks. Like a smol hous, wivva plank innit wots drarwn on. Dok told us to rekk it, so Breggtuul wuz like, hokay Boss. He took a stomp at it, annit brokt like nuffin. Den he meltid. Like a candle inna fire. He triedda get halp, grabbt me, n I got like dis. Dok n va ovva Shammies jezt watcht. Carnt do shit. Ain <span class="mu-i">werff</span> shit. Tiggy here's got volunteered to be anuvva In-Turn.</span>">Shidd >dey found da Shrine "<span class="mu-r">Anny idees who made va fingy.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">Narr. A few Shammies got put on it, wiv some ov da Wulvies. Dok finks itza Sorsra; might be arr typa people, if we kin find him n bring him round.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Pfeh. Wotza Weak Race got we ain't.</span>" He taps the side of his nose. His burnt fingy has no fingynail. "<span class="mu-g">Majjiks. Beating them out of a WRigger is farsta n moar enjoyble than lerny inventing.</span>" You defer to his expert opinion. "<span class="mu-r">Say I wanna find Shammies. Mebbe lern sumn or sumn. How'd I doet.</span>" Tiggy the Oik brightens up. Dungface you still don't care enough to arsk his name sez dey got a posishun juzt open. You are now an In-Turn.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Sat 16 Nov 2024 07:51:38 No. 6142391 Report Quoted By:
Tiggy buggers orf the moment he has permission; since you're the newbie, Dungface puts you on Peelen Dooty, which he hadnt dared wiv Tiggy. This involves mooshing and scraping and shelling fings wot the In-Turns sent on Curletten Dooty bring back from the forests and mountains. It's dumb needful work; once you get the hang of how it's done, you get Uptush to do it. He has no choice. Dungface is envious you got a Droog of your own. Since you're arsken what else is there to do, he teaches you the Dok's Bizniz. Greenies don't have writing, so there's no tallybooks and chitties like the Weak Races do; the inventory is memorized, pegged at what each should be traded for, and the haul of Stuff received passed back to Dok. It is in the interest of the In-Turns to haggle with customers and not steal anyfin from the pile of Take revenue , because if Dok doesn't like how small the haul is the In-Turn gets a new product tested on him. In-Turns like the Shammies employ are drafted at will, with the ShammyBoss authority. To keep peace Shammies don't usually poach their help from the Warlords and Raiders' troops, limiting themselves to picking smarty Gobbz from among the unemployed rabble. The intelligence test for getting volunteered is as follows: "you gonna work for Shammy X, or do you prefer being turned into a newt?" The correct answer is, "no, newt please," at which they are made In-Turns. Answering "yes" gets you put in a Train Gang, sent to explore where it's too dangerous for the Shammy to follow, or getting spells and potions tested on, or as bait; usually a Bad End for most Gobbs. When you got the inventory down Dungface goes out "<span class="mu-g">ferra smoak</span> and doesn't come back for many many Times 4hrs . You make the trades like you're supposed to, using all your chatty skillz to bump up your takings. When Uptush is worn out wiv Peelen Dooty you send him out to trade some of the take for ovva Stuffs dats wanted, then to fetch DirtyNuggz to do a share of Peelen. When Dungface finally appears again, just in time to close shop for dindins, you punch him inna meof with no explanation, and rob him, putting everything he has on him on the Take pile. "<span class="mu-r">Yer fired. Teach me everfin you know, and if I get in trouble wiv Dok I'mma find yer n skinn yer.</span>" To you you mean bizniz you stab him, half seriously, wiv GOLDIE. Shaking wiv pain he teaches you everfin else an In-Turn should know: how many days Dok usually takes between leaving and coming back, the best selling items, where the In-Turn pilfer stash is. DirtyNuggs, hands itchy to the elbows for making ninyak shreds without glubbz, gets sent to fetch the In-Turn pilferage, all added to the Take pile. Dok will be back either Moon-High tonight or Sun-Drop tomarer 12am or 3pm to check on the shop. Dok doesn't need kip or nosh when he's here, but if you want to butter him up overboil some hake tea wiv sinnimin peppah.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Sat 16 Nov 2024 09:49:40 No. 6142422 Report Just after dindins when you're about to kip in the shop with Pork Hos, someone comes in.
His manner of looking round stops you from telling him the shop's closed.
"<span class="mu-g"> Who's you? N whurrz Buttsmegg and Oyl Tigg? </span>"
"<span class="mu-r"> Buttsmegg fired Tiggy for skivin, n I'z fired him fur stealen. Wanna cuppa, Bosser.</span>" You have the spiced tea recipe crammed in a kettle and ready.
"<span class="mu-g"> I could do. Boil us sum tea, Nooby.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Wotcher.</span>"
Pork Hos gets the fire going and fetches water, while you set out a cleanish cup onna thin plank wiv some chippy bikkies
dried sugar-flour tack biscuits .
You doff up the nicest rag cushions in a pile for him to sit in, give him an account of the daily Takes, fetch this and that.
When the tea's done you strain it through a cleanny cloff like Buttsmegg taught you, hand it over. Dok sniffs, sips, spews his moutful on the floor.
"<span class="mu-g">Yer used the right stuffs in the right pinches; why zit taste wrong? Howdjoo doet?</span>" You repeat Buttsmegg's recipe at him, which you had followed as precisely as you could; you're already fantasizing about turning Buttsmegg into a lampshade.
"<span class="mu-g">Hrnn. Yur sponge got creases in, Redder. Yer did evverfin perfet. But yer cooken's shidd. Itza mirrcle. Never touch the tea again. Narr, wots yur game?</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">Wotchu mean Bosser.</span>"
"<span class="mu-g">No one hands-up to be an In-Turn, and no Gobby runs the shop without pinching Stuffs. Looking by yur kit, yur plenny killy; looking at the Take, yer not arfta Stuffs. Wotsit yur wont, Redder? Stahp baalshiddn or I'll run yur.</span>"
"<span class="mu-r">I'z wanna be a bigjobb. Shammies are the biggist jobbz. I'z fott I'z givvit a fair go. See wots uppy like.</span>" Best not to mention the ShammyBoss at all this early, you think.
"<span class="mu-g">Yerr. We can allus use moar bodies. Yur carnt cook; dat narrows it down.</span>"
<span class="mu-s">[WHERE DOES DOK SEND YOU]</span>
>Yer followen him, personal gofer and buttboy >You'll be hobnobbing among the Shammies; getting clews > -12 Penalty from Seafood Shrine SUS >Bodyguard for lower ranked support Shammies sent out with Wulver scouts > -8 Penalty from Ceremony SUS >Containment team at the Sports Zoo, where the Foit Pit monsters get wrangled >Carrionpede limited to BEASTIE WHAPP only >Assigned to the Red Snots; dunjjonning advance team. >You'll be setting orf unknown traps and weird buggaboos >the noo dunjjon will get mapped based on the wounds on your back, lal [R O L L]
>2D100 >>6142284 >>6142123 >>6142082 >>6142037 >>6141822 >>6141704 42hrs
>>6142422 >Containment team at the Sports Zoo, where the Foit Pit monsters get wrangled >Carrionpede limited to BEASTIE WHAPP only Let the sus die down a bit. Investigatin ain't wise with a -12 SUS penalty and an additional -30 sneekibreeki penalty from scumm coat if we need to be all sneaky like.
Also scumm coat good in case beasties try ter bite us.
I'm also fine with red snots in case of a tie.
Rolled 65, 32 = 97 (2d100) >>6142422 >>Containment team at the Sports Zoo, where the Foit Pit monsters get wrangled >>Carrionpede limited to BEASTIE WHAPP only KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Sat 16 Nov 2024 14:30:32 No. 6142469 Report Quoted By:
>>6142432 no sneekibreeki penalty for hobnobbing.
only for pure stelff actions.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6142422 >Yer followen him, personal gofer and buttboy >You'll be hobnobbing among the Shammies; getting clews > -12 Penalty from Seafood Shrine SUS gotta roll that 100
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 31, 69 = 100 (2d100) >>6142471 in which case i shouldnt forget my roll NAT 1 Anon
>>6142472 i mean... it adds up to 100
kek KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Sat 16 Nov 2024 17:11:47 No. 6142512 Report Quoted By:
>>6142473 QM would just like to say
Copenhagen isn't just the capital of Denmark. Anonymous
Rolled 55, 4 = 59 (2d100) >>6142422 >Yer followen him, personal gofer and buttboy >You'll be hobnobbing among the Shammies; getting clews > -12 Penalty from Seafood Shrine SUS Fagging!
NAT 1 Anon
prediction time: QM will roll 1 dice better than we donot 100% certain on this tho like i was the other times
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:5qOFxAwU Sat 16 Nov 2024 23:46:46 No. 6142736 Report >>6142574 we'll see. Also, wtf. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 18 Nov 2024 00:58:59 No. 6143381 Report Rolled 35, 44, 95 = 174 (3d100) BoA 65, 69 1: Tossup, 1-50 = Sports Zoo, 51-100 = Gofer 2,3: Gen
>>6143381 The AI gave us a fuggin tail!
...Wait a minute.
A tail would be fuggin great for carrionpede.
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6143381 looks like i had the right hunch... KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 18 Nov 2024 02:22:56 No. 6143445 Report Quoted By:
Dok falls asleep weighing the decision. He wakes up and wakes you up with a snort. "<span class="mu-g">Yer goin to va Zoo. Come.</span>" You beg a minute orf him and send DirtyNuggz to fetch Pork Hos, the tuffyest of your three Droogz, to be yer meatbag and buttboy. Leaving Uptush at your hovel and DirtyNuggz minding Dok's shop, you and Pork Hos trail Dok to the Zoo. Dok brings you first to an Outkitter's, where his word to the storedood gets you freebies: some ouchy salve, a weighted net, and a stikk wiv a barby head shaped like a U. You carnt use the net or stikk, but maybe you can swap it later for sumn else. You hand it all orf for Pork Hos to carry. >gain 3D8 Stuffs Then you're led to the Foit Pits works, where Dok hands you over to Gorrlovva, an UnderBoss of the Wranglers, the Zoodoodz who keep the Foit Pits fixed up and full of murderous critters. Gorrlovva looks at you a long moment, because red Gobbys are rare. You wonder why Dok didn't seem so surprised. Maybe he's seen red Gobbos before? Or maybe it's a Shammy fing; see enough weird shit and most shit won't seem weird. Gorrlovva gets the new batch of pensive Gobbos together, equipped mostly wiv stikks, briefs you. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Roit you lot. Lissin up if yez wantz ter live till dindins. We're off to collect from the Sotther Look dunjjon, new lot of beasties. Where the beasties are kippen in the dunjjon have been marked out, and outside the dunjjons are pit traps wiv cages in. You'll see. Yer job is to get the beasties in va cages. Simple enough even for you lot of sorry Gobbz. Va Oiks will do most of the muscle work, dragging them back to the Foit Pits, so no complainan about being bait. Yer go near as yer can to va beastie kipp, and yer say WOOGABOOGABOOGA until they chase yer. Then yer run round out to the open cages, n yer say YURMUVVAYURMUVVAYURMUVVA, so they get angy and charge yer. Pro-tip: try to get out the way, not into the cage.</span></span>">TOADY 9/9Dur (3+ QKA) 30/30HP >{SCUMM COAT} nulls 1dmg per attack received >Permitted load out: Beastie Whapp + GigaGluggz as a bludgeon = 8 + 4dmg raw output >+6% Dodge, + 21% Hit, +18 Dmg from Carrionpede >Total output per turn = 30dmg, + 2 Noxic; knocks out target for 1 turn per 10 Noxic >GigaGluggz has 8/8gluggz, 8HP per glugg >PORK HOS 13Dur (3+ QKA), 16HP, 8Dmg
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 18 Nov 2024 02:25:51 No. 6143448 Report >>6143406 Yerr, it would wouldn't it.
how keen are you on fucked up mutations? Arsken fer a Droog. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 18 Nov 2024 02:27:34 No. 6143449 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 3, 8 = 14 (3d8) Stuffs
>>6143448 The body is born imperfect. It must be refined into a perfection that even the gods cannot fathom. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 18 Nov 2024 02:38:35 No. 6143457 Report Anonymous
>>6143457 Our visions are a little...different
>>6143473 Extra eyes is always a gud iz extra limbz.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 18 Nov 2024 03:32:45 No. 6143489 Report Quoted By:
>>6143477 ...noted.
Pazuzu mf NAT 1 Anon
personally, i like being a goblin
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 18 Nov 2024 05:20:35 No. 6143532 Report Quoted By:
>>6143497 Oi tossa, say I'm not a goblin again! Jus' cus me skins red, and I got a tail for carrionpede, and I opened me third eye, and me scumm coat turned all prickly doesn't mean I'm not a grigger!
>>6143556 Quite like how this one turned out, actually KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 18 Nov 2024 08:18:14 No. 6143573 Report Quoted By:
You see the diggs from far orf: a biggy big icehole in the middle of an arid forest. Weird shidd. One of those allus-bin-dere-since-yestiday places. There's plenny works going on: biggy pits have been dug all around the entrance, and giant cages wiv flop or drop doors have been constructed inside each pit, with pulleys and traingangs ready to hoist the catches out once secured. Gobbz outnumber Oiks something like four to one, wiv Orc Bossers calling the shots on both. The whole front of the dunjjon has been cleared out for ready egress, and there are ropes hanging over the edges of the pits, for any dumb Gobb wot got chased and trapped in by some killy beasty. Not all the ropes are good, and the anchor knots are done everywhich way, but there's plenty enough, at least two whichever corner of each pit you end up. ORCSHA standards. Your briefing is given by a Gobb wiv one arm and one eye. He eats free because he's gone deepest and come back, and the Bossers prefer their me-time to telling the new batch of Gobbshits how not to die every three days. "<span class="mu-g">Wotcherdo is allus space out. Twenny steps away from the next Gobbo in front or behind. Dat way if yez getz jumped dey durnt take down alleryez. If yez get chased, spread out n take different roads if yer can. Same reason. Durnt foit nuffin unless yer at least many-many ter one 8:1 . Yer carnt do shidd. Juzt run. We'z mapped out some of the dunjjon; everywhere yer see black stakes is no traps. Dat don't mean derrs no beasties; some of em roam. The exploras alreddy killt or chased orf everfin dey found in va mainways; dat durnt moar durnt come back. Use yer schnozz lotz: nuffin in dis hole is Gobbish cept yer. Nar smell dis:</span>" He hands round a span of sunned jerky wiv scale-skin on. You sniff it, smakk yer lips to taste the funk of it on your palate. "<span class="mu-g">Das snek. More'n half va biggies innere iz sneks, n mosty most is ice-ish. Yer smael dat or feel colder, git reddy ter run. If yez hear da TeamBoss whissil, feee-fefefefe, jurzt run. Chuck yer kit unless yer in a mobb wot got a chance; yer can allus pick up anuvva set from va dedders wot dint chuck theirs. YOU. Reddy stinky grigger n yer buttbuddy. Most likely the TeamBoss will put yer in frunt, coz the beasties will twigg yer first, on account yer va most eye-sore n schnozz-painz, n also so's yer durnt slow down the rest if runnen's needed. Va prepp grounds there. Durrs old fry-oil inna tunny; wipe yerselves, speshully yer dome, pitz, n jumblies. Ye'll larst longa. Derrs a pile of old raggies n stringz; do up some toe-ragz and foot-binds lark so:</span>" He holds up a foot, two toes missing. "<span class="mu-g">Keeps the cold orf a bit. N marsk up wivva oily banditchief, or yer meofs n schnozzhairs will ice up. Ya'llz have a Time ter munch n kit up starting narr.</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 18 Nov 2024 09:41:25 No. 6143580 Report Rolled 28, 1, 76, 55 = 160 (4d100) A Time's not much to make new kit, considering that the TeamBossers will most likely cut it orf shorter.
You grease up and make foot-binds like the briefer told you. There's unfortunate Gobbos wot got flashfrosted in the dunjjon left in the resting area to thaw. You are motivated not to fuck up, looking at them.
When the TeamBosser Oiks make a long <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">FEEEEEEEEF</span></span> to gather the Wranglers, you're the first to walk up, Pork Hos second. The rest have to be threatened with whips: the TeamBossers each have a stiff thorny stikk-lash along with a wood-whistle as part of their kit. They both got kludge armor and choppas; they're the best kitted out, after YOU. They'll probably try to chopp any Gobb wot tries to run without their say-so.
The bigger Oik points at you.
"<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Red Titchy. Mm givvin yer da salt bag. Arfta da place wiv 3 black stakes, yer start frowwen salt as yer walk everwhere. Make it eazy fur uz behind.</span></span>"
You pass the buck to Pork Hos; you want yer hands free to get killy if yer meet anyfin.
>BoA 65 vs 44 >PASS The first several catches are nuffin, most no bigger than the Oiks, and in ones and twos; with you in front taking the beasties' attention the others are able to flank and net them.
The two TeamBossers make a point of always getting the noose-ropes from YOU just before they reach the entrance. Credit-cribbing faggz.
But you let them bullybugg you, run their moufs; you're running a bigger game than juzt clout. You do nearly snap though: the way them two look at you is like you're a chump. If you still needed to shed Living Blood to train yer Carrionpede them two would already be salsa chunks.
The Teem makes enough progress for Pork Hos and both Oik Bossers to run out of salt to throw. Two Gobbz are sent orf to fetch moar from outside; the rest retreat to a less icy bit of the dunjjon and huddle, happy to wait.
With Pork Hos watching your back, you get out a smol swigg of liqqor to warm you up; pass a generous half to Pork Hos. He's grateful; you just need him pumped and limber if shit happens.
> - 1 Stuffs >BoA 69 vs 95 >FAIL No one notices when the air gets pleasantly - not warm - less chilly. A number of Gobbz, already half-tired, yawn and nodd orf readily. Even the Oik TeamBossers droop a little, sitting against the wall.
The hotty swiggz keep you from dozing orf, so you're mostly awake when something big long and full of spikes comes down the tunnel like a thrashing trout, smashing one Oik nearly dead and starts snapping up the bewildered groggy Gobbz.
Worse: it's walled YOU and Pork Hos in from the way out.
<span class="mu-s">[C H O O S E]</span>
QM rollan 4d100; 1 for Dur, 2+3 for HP, 4÷2 for Dmg
>RUNRUNRUNRUN! DEEPER DOWN! ANYWHERE NOT HERE! >I wuz geddn bored WAITN ON YER, FUGGFACE! >Try to angle past and get out! >-20 Penalty >ELS? [R O L L]
>5D100 >1 for Gen, 2-5 Combat if applicable >>6143559 >>6143497 >>6143473 >>6143448 >>6142736 >>6142515 >>6142437 33hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 18 Nov 2024 09:49:25 No. 6143583 Report Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">}}DIS FUGGEN FING</span>{{</span>>28Dur (?+) , 77HP, 28Dmg >???? >????
Rolled 37, 4, 94, 98, 84 = 317 (5d100) >>6143580 >I wuz geddn bored WAITN ON YER, FUGGFACE! Dat looks like a noice trofy
Rolled 49, 22, 86, 83, 55 = 295 (5d100) >>6143580 >I wuz geddn bored WAITN ON YER, FUGGFACE! Anonymous
Rolled 37, 78, 11, 41, 27 = 194 (5d100) >>6143580 >I wuz geddn bored WAITN ON YER, FUGGFACE! NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 65, 87, 91, 43, 8 = 294 (5d100) >>6143580 >I wuz geddn bored WAITN ON YER, FUGGFACE! i would like to request a 100
its been a while
>>6143587 >>6143673 >>6143676 >>6143680 ADDITIONAL TACTICS:
>open with {SNAPTRAP} Y/N KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 18 Nov 2024 16:31:28 No. 6143688 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 62, 96, 69, 45, 65 = 337 (5d100) >>6143580 >I wuz geddn bored WAITN ON YER, FUGGFACE! >No on snappytrappy NAT 1 Anon
>>6143686 N
the thing is way too big
it could fail
>>6143686 >N Its bretty big.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 19 Nov 2024 01:48:08 No. 6143906 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 (1d2) QM rollan for consequence of DFT's nat1 1: Active ???? is limited to 1 use 2: Passive ???? is limited to 2 turns writan in 25hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 20 Nov 2024 02:07:14 No. 6144492 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 48, 4, 53, 98, 61 = 264 (5d100) BoA 65 || 96, 94 || 98, 84>TOADY 9/9Dur 30/30HP >1dmg resisted per attack received >Beastie Whapp + GigaGluggz as a bludgeon = 8 + 4dmg, +2 from Killseek >TSCP +6% Dodge, + 21% Hit, +18 Dmg >Total 32dmg, + 2 Noxic per turn >[GIGA GLUGGZ] 8/8, 8HP per glugg, -2HP per use, up to 2 gluggz per use >PORK HOS 13Dur, 16HP, 8Dmg > -3 Atk penalty
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 20 Nov 2024 02:19:10 No. 6144494 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 1 + 1 (1d4 + 1) >BoA 65 vs 48>YOU GOT DA JUMP While it's trying to crunch the Oik you close in and <span class="mu-r">GIVVIDIM</span>. Not having all your killyyest weapons attached to the Beastie Whapp is a bummer; you use the torque from the Transformations to land the [GIGA GLUGGZ] like a chain mace SMAKK as hard as you can.>SUICIDEY 96, 94 v DFF 54 >WHAPP X WHAPP >32dmg, 16 Overkill, 4 Noxic >QM rollan for DFF armor
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 20 Nov 2024 03:33:02 No. 6144524 Report >DFF Natural Armor 2+ >-16dur -16hp >DFF 12Dur 61HP Your first full-extension DOUBLE WHAPP landed on the back of its head, the stoppage in momentum allowing you to back-torque in mid-air so that you land a series of smaller whapps right in its mugg as it looks back at the new threat.
Pork Hos takes your cue, drops the U prong and uses his slasha on the tail to get in some cheap hits. Doesn't do much, but the thought counts.
>Pork Hos chips in 8dmg >DFF 10Dur 59HP This biggy bugger has been in another fight recently; got big ripps in its thinny scales. The air around it is sooooper cold. You're kindy protected with your SCUMM COAT, so long as your armor's holding. The leather and rope bits start to stiffen and creak from it through.
>Passive Chill Aura, 5dmg >Toady 8Dur 30HP >Pork Hos 12Dur 15HP >Chill Aura one turn left The Oik UnderBoss wot was getting chewed on is dropped; he starts crawling to make distance. The other Oik starts bawling for the Gobbz ter git back 'ere and throw nets.
All their throws are shit. The freezy air on the Wyrm is no joke when you're a nakey Gobber.
YOU have to settle it.
>Toady 98+21 vs DFF 61 >WHAPPAPPAPP > 32 +10 Dewclaw, 6 Noxic >-10Dur -22hp >DFF 37HP >Pork Hos cheapshotting 8Dmg >DFF 29HP >Chill Aura HITS >Toady 7Dur 30HP >Pork Hos 11Dur 14HP >Chill Aura EXHAUSTED The ice air around the Wyrm suddenly vanishes; the injury from an earlier fight probably did it.
The two Oiks have in the meantime rallied the Gobbz with threats of a sound whipping; now that the cutting cold around the Wyrm is gone, they have no excuses for not throwing their nets properly.
There's sounds of reinforcements coming too: four low ranked Shammies from a safe-point, with zappystikks crackling.
Against this many of you cunts the Wyrm tries to cut and run.
>Active Skill: Breath Weapon, 1/3 of total damage against up to 4 targets in a group; 9dmg >DFF 98+12 vs Toady 84+6 >FOOOSH >gnaaak >Toady 5Dur 30HP >Pork Hos 9Dur 12HP You're flash frozen along with your faithful Droog. With the hot toddy you both swigged earlier you have a better time of fighting off the penetrating chill and break out before the ice encloses you into ice sculptures.
You and Pork Hos are still closest and fittest to give chase.
"<span class="mu-r">Ee'z geddn away! Cmarn Porkholes!"
<span class="mu-s">[CHOOSE]</span>
<span class="mu-i">IF</span> you catch up, wat do?
>WHAPP it dedd! I warnts me TROFERR! >Trophy getty but fail mission >you will be on this assignment for more days >or until Gorrlovva gets tired of your shit and fires you OR
>nyerrrh, fugget. Itz dues; I wanna do gudd here. Jezt bring it darn. OR
>nope, not chasing. Did me bit. MVG, shit team. Da two Oiks are responsible, nart me. >ELS [R O L L]
>7D100 >Bo2 for first 3d100 for the Chase >other first 3d100s are against Encounters >last BoA 4d100 for foits >>6143894 >>6143857 >>6143794 >>6143676 >>6143587 </span> Anonymous
Rolled 63, 33, 66, 4, 93, 48, 4 = 311 (7d100) >>6144524 >nyerrrh, fugget. Itz dues; I wanna do gudd here. Jezt bring it darn. NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 13, 75, 65, 87, 75, 16, 12 = 343 (7d100) >>6144524 >nyerrrh, fugget. Itz dues; I wanna do gudd here. Jezt bring it darn. HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT
Rolled 28, 100, 83, 12, 30, 6, 87 = 346 (7d100) >>6144524 >nyerrrh, fugget. Itz dues; I wanna do gudd here. Jezt bring it darn. Anonymous
Rolled 81, 23, 76, 67, 32, 14, 64 = 357 (7d100) >>6144524 What if... We kill it dead, bag all of it, and say that it got away?
I mean, we did the most and tried to give chase, so it's not our fault if it got away, right?
>>6144524 >>nyerrrh, fugget. Itz dues; I wanna do gudd here. Jezt bring it darn. An ice power thing WOULD be cool but are we really gonna use the Pouch in front of everybody to stow it, I think not, sadly.
Rolled 5, 88, 89, 88, 10, 7, 21 = 308 (7d100) >>6144571 Forgot dices.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 20 Nov 2024 06:36:40 No. 6144595 Report Quoted By:
>CHASE Bo2 63, 75, 66 >ENCOUNTER BoA 81 88(Nat100) 89
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 20 Nov 2024 06:37:52 No. 6144597 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 82, 86, 15, 63, 94 = 347 (6d100) dice didn't gen
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 20 Nov 2024 07:48:36 No. 6144619 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3 (1d10) >CHASE Toady 63 v DFF 7 It's pretty fast for its size, but loses speed on corners and close spaces. You've noticed that the places where it churned on in its passage have better friction; you keep to those where you can. You're catching up. You don't sprint, figgering you need to make a biggy burst of action soon. >CHASE Toady 75 v DFF 82 It knows youre still chasing; around the next corner it starts fogging the air in front of it just before the turn, then converts it to an under-lip jet, letting it turn the corner without touching any part of the walls. Doing this slows it down some, jolly for you - until you reach the bend and see that all of it has been coated in clear new ice, with no rough patches.>aaaah SHIDD You try to scrabble to a halt, half-make it, but then Porkholes skids into you from behind, knocking you both off your feet. >CHASE Toady 66 vs DFF 86 You both keep skidding and flopping in the same place, while the Wyrm picks up speed down the straightish longy tunnel after the bend. Your Dewclaws help you get out of the ice patch farsta. You use your Beastie Whapp to pull Porkholes out after you, and you both run down the long tunnel. You don't really have a hope of catching dat long frezzy wermy bastich now, you're just out of ideas.>ENCOUNTER Toady 81 vs Dungeon 15 >SAFE The end of the tunnel is a split: two ways downish. Empty. "<span class="mu-g">Ey Bosser. Slow up.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Wat.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">Mebbe we shud wait fer bakkupz? Durrz no moar black stakes since back derr.</span>" You slow up and stop, but not because he's right. There's a crumble in the ceiling where the Wyrm brushed on it, revealing thin white ice; flaky chippy. There's a smol passage up. Using your Dewclaws you dig into the walls and start climbing. When you reach the place you loop your Beastie Whapp into a weighty lash and smakk the ice pane. >ENCOUNTER Toady 88 (w Nat100) vs Dungeon 63 >SAFE Just as you thought: it's entry. You enter an empty stone chamber with a frozen pool. Water looks real unhealthy: it's black like deep ocean, and you can faintly see some wrigglywrigglies deep inside, not moving much. Apart from the pool there's nuffin, unless you count the blackky rock set into the ceiling with a silver frame. Without a second thought you get <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> and start cutting into the stone around the setting. When it's nearly all out you hold Pouchy open under it, and with a final <span class="mu-i">tapp</span>, drop the whole thing right in.>CHERNOBERYL Getty >rollan worth in Precious Gems >uh-oh The pool is bubbling just a liiiiddle bit. Time to go!
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 20 Nov 2024 08:32:56 No. 6144635 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7 (1d8) >ENCOUNTER 89 vs 94>FAIL rollan CR
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 20 Nov 2024 09:38:23 No. 6144647 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13, 5, 6, 13, 12, 5, 19, 1, 18, 2, 18, 8, 5, 8, 6, 18 = 157 (16d20) >uh oh When you poke your head back out of the entry Porkholes' out of sight. There's only this guy. Tall, gnarly, ugly. You don't have enough time to duck back in when it swivels and spots you and immediately charges. You scamper back in just in time to escape the horns. The wall of the chamber caves. You think for a moment to retreat further in, but then think again: that way you're cornered. If it has zappies you're cooked. While it's still backing orf readying a second charge you hop out and ready yourself. You've cut orf it's retreat, popping up behind it. Now all you need is beat it half to death and hope the rest of the Teem wont be faggits twice in one day. <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">DAT DAMN FANG</span></span>>2d20 Dur >12d20+20 HP >2d20 dmg >???? >???? >????
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 20 Nov 2024 09:44:22 No. 6144649 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 27, 47, 98, 2, 95 = 269 (5d100) <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-b">}}DAT DAYUM FANG{{</span></span>>18Dur 135HP 24DMG >???? >???? >???? >1d100 for Natural Armor quality >1-20 = 2-, 21-40=2+, 41-60=3-, 61-80=3+, 80+=4-
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 20 Nov 2024 10:28:43 No. 6144662 Report >TOADY BoA 88, 93 || 48, 87 You start spinning your GigaGluggz on the end of your Beastie Whapp just as it charges a second time.
You time the blow perfect: <span class="mu-s">KRAKK</span> right in the noggin, maxxed impact.
>Toady 93+21 vs DDF 47 >HIT 32dmg+7Dewclaw, 2 Noxic >-13Dur -13HP >DDF 5Dur 122HP Then it crashes into you, and you into the wall.
>DDF 98 vs Toady 88+6-6 >GOHH >-5Dur -4HP >Toady 26HP Like that's gonna stop you!
The moment the crushing pressure lifts off you, you start wailing on his fugli mugg, each hand swinging one end of the Whapp into it.
>TOADY 87+21 vs DDF 2 >whap-whapwhapp-whappWHAPPP 32+4Dmg >-5Dur -26HP >DDF 96HP Reacting, it swats at you. The walls hamper its swings, but schrap ice and stones still hurt. And a couple biggy rocks it sent at you in a clutch.
>DDF 95+10 vs Toady 48+6 >PEPPERED 12Dmg >Toady 14HP <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">}}DAT DAYUM FANG{{</span></span>
>96HP, 24Dmg >RAMMM 24dmg; tremors cause -6 against enemy Hit and Dodge for that round >YEEEET +10 Hit, 12Dmg, short ranged >???? <span class="mu-s">[WAT DO]</span>
>Retreat further into the Dungeon >Defensive+ GigaGluggz x 2 for one turn, Attack again >You wanna foit I'zz givez yer a foit: >Defensive+ Glugg x 2 >then BOOM the seething black pool just above you >ELS? [R O L L]
>7D100 >1 gen, if applicable >2-7 combat >>6144572 >>6144569 >>6144555 >>6144539 >>6144528 36hrs
Rolled 92, 38, 5, 37, 54, 70, 67 = 363 (7d100) >>6144662 >Defensive+ GigaGluggz x 2 for one turn, Attack again NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 44, 100, 48, 55, 52, 29, 26 = 354 (7d100) >>6144662 >Defensive+ GigaGluggz x 2 for one turn, Attack again QM needs to stop rolling above 90 already
Rolled 74, 92, 42, 60, 74, 52, 15 = 409 (7d100) >>6144662 >Defensive+ GigaGluggz x 2 for one turn, Attack again Anonymous
Rolled 32, 92, 56, 19, 87, 14, 95 = 395 (7d100) >>6144662 >Defensive+ GigaGluggz x 2 for one turn, Attack again Anonymous
Rolled 25, 24, 11, 60, 50, 26, 61 = 257 (7d100) >>6144662 >Defensive+ GigaGluggz x 2 for one turn, Attack again KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 22 Nov 2024 03:52:19 No. 6145496 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 12, 33, 24, 5, 82, 85 = 241 (6d100) >DEFENSE, GLUGG X 2, DEN GIBB VA MUVVA>TOADY BoA 92 (Nat100), 56 || 60, 87 || 70, 95 <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">}}ÜÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅ{{</span></span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 22 Nov 2024 06:21:03 No. 6145586 Report If it does one more RAMMM you're paste. You're going to dodge and glugg for now. >DFF 33 vs Toady 92+6 >WIFF As it charges you do the same; as you leap it speeds up in anticipation to smoosh you - but then you fling the Giga Glugg off one side to one side at max torque and follow its momentum, and in the freefall yank it back like a yo-yo, catching it in both palms and belly. You press the fanged mouth of the Giga Glugg on bare flesh. The fangs lengthen in response, shivving you. Hurts like expected. Then the Helff Stuff starts going in your innards, and you close up farsta than if you had chugged it.>-2HP >gliggliggliggligg >ahh >TOADY +16HP = 28HP The whole time you've been in the air, changing trajectory either by kicking off a surface or using the Beastie Whapp to snagg or torque. Trying to follow your bullshit works out badly for Dat Fuggen Fang (Toady Nat100): it throws itself off course and crashes full force into a pile of ice spikes.>ooof >DFF hurts itself in the confusion! >-24hp >DFF 72HP, PRONED, 4 Noxic >Come n taste me nastyNASTY >TOADY 87+21 vs DFF 24 >whapp whappwhappwhapp WHAPP 32+4 >DFF 36HP, 6 Noxic It tries to get up while fending you orf with its hands; doesn't work. You take out the worst of your dysfunctional personality on it.>TOADY 95+21 vs DFF 85 >whoopWHAPP whoopwhappWHAPP 32+8hp >DFF -2hp, 8 Noxic You're still beating it when Porkholes comes up, bringing the rest of the Teem with him You nearly round on them before remembering they're on your side. With Dat Fuggen Fang beaten half to death and not having any cold aura, the Gobbs find their gonads and throw enough nets over its back to feel safe. The Oiks come in with chains to wrap its paws together between its leggs, one in front one behind. It looks like it's scratching it's bollz n it's bunghole, lal. The Shammies finally catch up, use a zappy to keep the DFF from dying and wasting your work Spare the Dying . Immediately it struggles to rise again, whereupon you give it anuvva whapp for good measure, just to show who's boss. The stinky ooz slicked over your weapons finally overpowers it Noxic 10 : the frost rimmed eyes glaze and roll up. More rope and nets added; run out of chainz. The Shammies take turns casting zappies for smooth transit Spare the Dying; mage hand x 2; Sleep, Friend, Hold Monster on standby to the cage-pits. From there it's the Oiks' jobb dragging it back to the Foit Pits. You get to sit on the cooly body of the DFF while they do all the work. When that's done and dusted you report back to Gorrlovva. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Noice jobb, Redder. Durrz enuff of va Gobbz still alive ter go again temarrer.</span></span>" You can feel you're being shafted of credit again. "<span class="mu-r">Baalskidd. I pullz the most aggro n deepz, gart yer wun bigg narsty all meself, n yer warntza send me again termarrer. ? Bollarks, chum. Yer makez quotaz, I warntz kikkbakkz.</span>"
NAT 1 Anon
>>6145586 is that -2HP permanent or just until our next long rest?
i initially assumed that toady would just heal for 2 less KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 22 Nov 2024 06:52:34 No. 6145591 Report <span class="mu-s">[BARGAIN TASKING]</span>
Toady is supposed to work 3 more days as Wrangler to impress Dokk sufficiently to work for him direct, with no SUS penalty.
Toady has done well for his first outing. Choose one bargain:
>Offer: I bagg you anuva biggy beastie, you take the credit, but you put in a good word for me. Lay it fikk wiv Dokk, savvy? Work 1 moar day minimum; no moar SUS when dealing with ranked Shammies.
>Demand: I want kikkbakkz. Watchugot. Pick one from below:
>2 x BREEDER TOKEN: one round at the WHORE PITS each >TEAMBOSS KIT: Less risk for you from not being in front, and the Whissil calls Shammies to assist in 2d2 turns. >1/2 of a PREMIUM OUTKITTER TOKEN; magic armor available, high Dur and quality, but no way to repair. Bargain with results for the other 1/2. You work 3 moar days.
>Negrotiate: put me in the Shammy close-protection team; gather info about Shammy habits while mostly skiving 4 Moar Days
>Negrotiate: I want to fightmaxx. Put me on da Hazardz Teem. >Guaranteed fights with full loadout, and DIBBZ rights >engage multiple opponents choking up the dunjjon mainways OR a breakout at the Foit Pits containment facility 2 Moar Days
>Mæk this heartless capitalist exploiter an offer >>6145060 >>6145035 >>6145015 >>6144748 >>6144735 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 22 Nov 2024 06:54:28 No. 6145593 Report >>6145587 it's not permanent, just moar injury.
The intention is, if you use GG at 2or1HP you will pass out for one turn.
>>6145591 >Negrotiate: put me in the Shammy close-protection team; gather info about Shammy habits while mostly skiving KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 22 Nov 2024 07:26:49 No. 6145602 Report Quoted By:
edit:>Offer: I bagg you anuva biggy beastie, you take the credit, but you put in a good word for me. Lay it fikk wiv Dokk, savvy? Work 1 moar day minimum; no moar SUS when dealing with ranked Shammies; +8 ADVANTAGE when dealing with Shammies
>>6145591 >Negrotiate: put me in the Shammy close-protection team; gather info about Shammy habits while mostly skiving Anonymous
>>6145591 >Offer: I bagg you anuva biggy beastie, you take the credit, but you put in a good word for me. Lay it fikk wiv Dokk, savvy? Work 1 moar day minimum; no moar SUS when dealing with ranked Shammies; +8 ADVANTAGE when dealing with Shammies
NAT 1 Anon
>>6145591 >Offer: I bagg you anuva biggy beastie, you take the credit, but you put in a good word for me. Lay it fikk wiv Dokk, savvy? my coomer brain wants to go to the whore pits tho
>>6145593 ah i see
>>6145591 >Demand: I want kikkbakkz. Watchugot. Pick one from below:
>2 x BREEDER TOKEN: one round at the WHORE PITS each Cooooooooom
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 23 Nov 2024 04:57:31 No. 6145952 Report Quoted By:
24 Days Orf Remaining>hunt anuvva biggy beastie @ 1 day x 3 vote >shammy close protection teem @ 4days x 2vote >breeder tikkits @ 3 days x 1.5vote It's a close decision: you warnt ter skive n you warnt ter koom. It'z supposed to be your holidays. But you know at the pit of your tummeh that you're going to get back to the grind after that, fetching n doing for Seafood. The way you maff it, Seafood's already given you a job, and Seafood's prizes are almost guaranteed heaps better than anyfin you can get on your own. Seafood said he would like either the ShammyBoss' hedd or zappystikk; you have an idea that if you manage to bag both you'll be getting kit or skillz or sumn that dishonest work and dirty money carnt buy. "<span class="mu-r">I'z get yer anuvva biggy beastie, n yer put out a good word ter va Dokk fer me. Lay it fikky fikk, savvy.</span>" He takes a long while working his noggin on what should be a simple decision, yes/counteroffer. His eyes got a look in them now, like he thinks he's being cunnen. This grigger out to cheat you. Whatever offer you made him, he would have tried; you asking to work here least just motivates him to think up ways to squeeze you most. You juzt act dumb for now, nodding as he nods. When you two shake on the deal, you both have the same cunnen look. You're both out to fuck the ovva ovah. It's now a matter of who has the bigger dick. °°° Meal's fixed up from Gobby dedders left in the prepp area. You get a Gobby hedd n hang it over a fire to cook while you kludge up a new set of Quality. After dindins you go bother one of the TeamBossers, the one you saved from the Wyrm, arsk him about your assignment for tomorrow. He doesn't like being bothered by a ruddy Gobber, but you have your bossy Whapp in hand, so he tells you, sulkily: Gorrlovva's said to send you in to segments of the dunjjon known to have TWO OR MOAR biggy beasties. You twigg it: if you're sent to face two or moar biggies, it doesn't matter if you only want to bag one; you're going to have to deal with all of them. If you manage it, he'll get moar biggy beasties than you agreed to; if you don't, he can keep you longer; if you die, you might have softened them enough for the Oiks and Shammies to manage. And now that you know for sure he's out to shaft you, you can project that he'll be making up excuses or setting you up just to keep you jobbing for him as long and hard as he can. The only flaw to Gorrlovva's plan was him not telling the Oiks not to tell you nuffin. Now you're not gonna juzt obey. You finna <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-i">succeed</span></span>.>heh heh hehhh
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 23 Nov 2024 07:26:25 No. 6145994 Report Rolled 2 + 8 (1d12 + 8) >QM 1d12+8 for QKA
Going by the staked areas you can see the progression of the dunjjon: small creepy at the start, then trash mobbz, then solo tuffies, then tuffy mobbz, then biggies; the ones you encountered yesterday were rando roamers, not part of the progression.
With most of the dunjjon charted until the biggy mobb areas, you can kindy guess where the DunjjonBosser at.
Every dunjjon has one, either solo or wiv a mob of elite Droogz; when the DunjjonBosser's dedd, the dunjjon stops creating mobbz and starts wasting.
You can kind of figger what the dunjjons are kept around for: an infinite source of Stuffs n joolz n majjic gubbins. The Orc establishment can plopp Gobberz out by the hundreds a day, wiv the Whore Pits; dats free labor
and fudd . Send the Gobbs innada dunjjons to die, and what comes out is savvy tuffy Oiks and cold hard lewts.
<span class="mu-i">Venn</span>, when the Oiks are big enough to go krumpen, send them out raiding against the Weak Races; moar lewts, less moufs.
Those that survive that, proppa Orcs, get sent in to the Foit Pits to work and see death, then to fight and face death; the ones that make it will get even meaner and killyyer. That's the beginning of a Waaaagh Horde.
Course it will take ages, given the attrition involved, and possibly there are other factors at play, but YOU are fairly sure this is a big part of the OverBoss' Bigg Plann.
You're going to throw a wrench in.
<span class="mu-s">[CHOOSE WRENCH]</span>
>Attempt to cause a cave-in, deplete the whole Wrangler force. Gorrlovva's ultimately responsible. >Speed run all the trash mobb n mid mobb sections, and while the Wranglers are busy, go aggro the elite mobbz and/or roamers. >Sneek in right now and plant false stakes, declaring unexplored areas and ways safe. You will be risking traps and encounters, but the Wrangler and Dunjjoneer Teems will fight for weeks over whose fault tomorrow's casualties is. >Pick the deepest area where the DunjjonBoss might be; bait one or two of the Elites into cutting you orf from the other Wranglers. Then attempt to hunt the DunjjonBosser, solo with full kit. >GALAXY SPONGE TIEM; ELS? [Y / N]
>SKUMM KOAT: 1dmg null, -30 Sneekibreeki [R O L L]
>9D100 >first 3D100 BoA for SOOPER plann >6D100 BoA for combat > +15 Sneekibreeki from clearing Rhean gauntlet >>6145748 >>6145686 >>6145682 >>6145669 >>6145600 Anonymous
>>6145994 The fuck does galaxy sponge time mean?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 23 Nov 2024 12:26:37 No. 6146036 Report Quoted By:
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 78, 77, 91, 69, 12, 86, 6, 86, 41 = 546 (9d100) >>6145994 >Pick the deepest area where the DunjjonBoss might be; bait one or two of the Elites into cutting you orf from the other Wranglers. Then attempt to hunt the DunjjonBosser, solo with full kit. if we manage that somehow, we would probably pretty awesome loot. not to mention bagging the boss for seafood
Rolled 66, 24, 6, 16, 5, 52, 63, 22, 24 = 278 (9d100) >>6145994 >Sneek in right now and plant false stakes, declaring unexplored areas and ways safe. You will be risking traps and encounters, but the Wrangler and Dunjjoneer Teems will fight for weeks over whose fault tomorrow's casualties is. >GALAXY SPONGE TIEM; ELS? Y
>>6146026 Only one way to find out
Rolled 1, 8, 8, 30, 96, 67, 95, 49, 44 = 398 (9d100) >>6145994 >Sneek in right now and plant false stakes, declaring unexplored areas and ways safe. You will be risking traps and encounters, but the Wrangler and Dunjjoneer Teems will fight for weeks over whose fault tomorrow's casualties is. >Yesss Scummm Anonymous
Rolled 67, 54, 84, 82, 55, 40, 55, 40, 49 = 526 (9d100) >>6145994 >Pick the deepest area where the DunjjonBoss might be; bait one or two of the Elites into cutting you orf from the other Wranglers. Then attempt to hunt the DunjjonBosser, solo with full kit. >N Anonymous
Rolled 7, 96, 57, 45, 14, 24, 95, 96, 10 = 444 (9d100) >>6145994 >Pick the deepest area where the DunjjonBoss might be; bait one or two of the Elites into cutting you orf from the other Wranglers. Then attempt to hunt the DunjjonBosser, solo with full kit. >SKUMM KOAT: yes LOOOT
Quoted By:
>>6146026 I believe it is an inquiry into whether we have any alternative, big-brain ideas.
I do not believe we do, my good man.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 25 Nov 2024 02:12:03 No. 6146996 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 6, 66, 42 = 114 (3d100) >TOADY stuntn' BoA 78, 96, 91>TOADY Combat 82, 96 || 67, 95 || 96, 49 >Bait Elites as an alibi; attack the DunjjonBoss >SKUMM COAT YES: net -15 SneekiBreeki
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 25 Nov 2024 03:08:38 No. 6147030 Report Quoted By:
>TOADY 78-15 vs WranglerTeem 6 >PLAYED LIKE A FIDDLE, LAL You rest up real good to moon-down, then get to huddling wiv the two Oik TeemBossers. They're willing to hear you out, since you saved the skidmeats of one of them yesterday, and brought hot skull soop wiv you. Wiv their tummies hotted up they take your suggestions onboard readily. "<span class="mu-r">Bossers, I gatza plan. Yesterday was a botch, not counting my catch; va faggy Gobbz are skurrd of everfin narr. Dey need a liddle success, or they'll run from evver liddle fing. So's. We go clear the Ice-Gobby parts first. They'll bullybugg the lot, three-to-one odds. Then, short rest, we do va reel fishin. We won't need that many of the Gobbz down deepish anyway, juzt moar netz; send out the hurted ones, and the rest can carry chainz n roaps and all. I'll go find out sum biggies, smakkem stuuppud, and yer can boss va Gobbz to baggem. Durnt call the Shammy Teem in till the biggies are downed; dat way they carnt claim it wuz dem wot diddit mosty. We'z Oiks garta watch for <span class="mu-i">arselves</span> foist, savvy, nyerr.</span>" "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Hrnnn. Dats nart how we'z doet, Reddy. ShammyTeem allus alert on contact. Itz proddy-call.</span></span>" "<span class="mu-r">Yerr. N Shammies live long, get strong; why. Gobbz die ever free days, n uz Oiks not much beddah. Yez moit be here yeerz, wiv no bigg Stuffs, n no Dibbz. Fugg da proddy-call grigger.</span>" "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Urrr. Budditz da proddy-call...</span></span>" "<span class="mu-r">Alla wanna say izzat day dun relly carr abart uz.</span>" They're brung along to your way of twigging. They prep your strat and get ready for a gudd day. °°° There's plenty of Ice-Gobbies in the first middle zone; too many for the Shammies to waste zappies on, so the Gobbz do most of the bagging and haulage. Wrangler quota is accounted by fightyness, usually a function of biggyness and zappyness. Wrangling one Ice-Gobby at a time isn't much for your Teem, but releasing thirty together plus an Ice Gobber Bosser in one go at the Foit Pitz is a crowd pleaser. Slow and steady fills the cage, nyerr. Your prediction on Gobby psychology bears out: lots of petty victories and bullybugging victims 3:1 gives the Gobby mobb enough morale by lunchies that they only think twice before they obey instructions to get moar rigging and prepp to go deepah.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 25 Nov 2024 03:22:27 No. 6147040 Report Rolled 81, 55, 52, 41, 43 = 272 (5d100) >Toady 96-15 vs WranglerTeem 66>GAMED DA CHUMPZ The masterstroke to your plan is bypassing one of the marked danger areas: a clutch of Icey Spideys. "<span class="mu-r">We'll ged deez buggshiddz termarrer. Wiv flammen oils n stuffz. Duhworrehbartit.</span>" The Oiks take you at your word, looking forward to moar catches termarrer. In the meantime, you've let out Moar Oww at lunchies to go lurk nearby the Ice Spideys, with instructions to bait them out to the back of the Teem once he hears the start of battle: YOU engaging something up front.>Up Front Monster Gen >1d100+20HP, 1d100÷2+5Dur, 1d100÷3Dmg, 1d100÷12Cr, 1d100÷20Qty
Rolled 69 + 20 (1d100 + 20) >>6147040 HP roll
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 25 Nov 2024 06:19:20 No. 6147084 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 62, 76, 1, 87, 34 = 260 (5d100) >2 x 3Cr monsters up front <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-b">PENGURR</span></span>>100HP, 33Dur of 3-, 17Dmg >???? (minor; Cr adjustment) >Too clumsy to gang up properly; Cr adjustment >Toady 91-15 vs PENGURRZ 42 >AMBUSHY SUICIDEY YESS You wave the Teem back the moment you hear ice and rokk grinding up front. Dems bigg, but slow; sluggz compared to the Wyrm and da Horni. You've gleaned some small insight on the critters in the known bits of the dunjjon: despite their size Pengurrz aren't drarwn in red wiv jaggyjags; means they're not problematic, as a rule. Just outnumbering them usually works. You do one better: while the Oikz and Gobbz spread out with nets and ropes ready, you climb up the ice wall to the ceiling. You would normally be doing this with shivvs; Seafood's toof grafts Displacer Beast tentacle barbs and fangs; capable of puncturing steel, per lore let's you do it farsta. In no time you are right on top of them; having sleek layers of white ice for armor they don't look up. You get just above the closer one and <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">leddemhavvit</span></span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 25 Nov 2024 06:21:35 No. 6147085 Report Quoted By:
>>6147081 Sorry, QM was supposed to roll; got help up mid-post KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 25 Nov 2024 07:53:03 No. 6147099 Report Landing a heavy <span class="mu-s">KRAKK</span> on the back of its dome, you use the lull in spent momentum to torque another direction, another full-bodied <span class="mu-s">WHAPP</span>; keep resetting your heavy opener in a slow falling-raver.
Already surprised, it doesn't know which side to guard, always too slow; the cracks in the white ice shell join up until whole plates crash to the ground; enough space for you to dig your Dewclaws into meat
thicky jubbery; feels fatty . Kicking orf you gash flesh, and land another falling raver down the front.
>Toady 82+21, 96+21 vs PENGURR A: 62 >WHAPPP^n X 2; 32+1Dmg, 32+9Dmg >-19Dur -18HP >PENGURR A 14Dur 82HP, 4 Noxic Now that it sees you it rounds on you, swiping a jaggy cutty arm the size of four YOUs at you.
>PENGORR A 76 vs Toady 67+6 >DOOF -4Dur >Toady 6Dur 30HP You return the favor, going for where you think its knees might be.
>TOADY 95+21 vs PENGURR A 1 >Defense crit fail! >KRAKKK 32+8dmg >-10Dur -10HP >PENGURR A 4Dur 72HP, Noxic 6 You manage <span class="mu-i">something</span>: it shuffles back, stepping on a broken piece of its own ice shell and skids; at the same time the ovva Pengurr tries to take a swing at where it thinks you might go, which lands on the broke-open back of your Pengurr.
It crashes heavily to the ground, wowling.
>NAT 1 >-17dmg, PRONED >PENGURR A 0Dur 67HP, Noxic 6 You jump at the chance to finish it.
>Toady SUICIDEY 96+21, 49+21, VS PENGURR A 87, 34 >WHAPPP^n 32+8, 32 >PENGURR A DOWNED >OVERKILL 1 CARRIES OVER QM has just decided that Overkill 1 is too weak; Overkill 1 now inflicts 1/3 of damage and status effects to a second target in range, and 100% of damage if first target downs. Retroactively applied to PENGURR B >PENGURR B takes 5x32Dmg÷3 >-14Dur -13HP >PENGURR B 19Dur, 87HP, Noxic 10 >BLACKOUT You hear the beginnings of a fight at the back of the Teem; Moar Oww's led the Ice Spideys out.
You'd have taken the chance of the second Pengurr blacking out to make your own escape into the deep end of the Dunjjon, but the Oik TeamBossers liked your cunning input so much theyve stuck to you
Toady's Nat1 from the Sneekibreeki portion like boogers under a table; only one Oik leaves your side, blowing the HALP tone on his wissil. You'll have to down the second Pengurr to get the ovva Oik's attention orf this end.
<span class="mu-s">[CUNNEN PLANN]</span>
After getting your two free WHAPPs in, what do?
>Find a nook and regroup with Moar Oww + Repair your QKA to 10Dur, -5 Gen Penalty from fatigue OR
>same as above, but make a new set of QKA >take -12 Gen Penalty for fatigue and seeping cold OR
>Just get MO and push on, no penalty. OR
>Els? Suggest. [Y/N]
>Raise a fire with Stuff and take a short Napp to offset the cold and fatigue >2 rolls SneekiBreeki -15 -8 vs Dunjjon [R O L L]
>6D100 >first 4D100 Combat >last 2D100 for Napp, if applicable >>6146478 >>6146220 >>6146066 >>6146038 >>6146037 >>6146026 Anonymous
Rolled 100, 52, 2, 39, 26, 41 = 260 (6d100) >>6147099 >Just get MO and push on, no penalty. >n Let's do dis.
Rolled 24, 10, 93, 7, 98, 93 = 325 (6d100) >>6147099 >Find a nook and regroup with Moar Oww + Repair your QKA to 10Dur, -5 Gen Penalty from fatig NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 91, 49, 10, 89, 76, 75 = 390 (6d100) >>6147099 >Just get MO and push on, no penalty. >Raise a fire with Stuff and take a short Napp to offset the cold and fatigue >Y Anonymous
Rolled 3, 92, 25, 6, 46, 65 = 237 (6d100) >>6147099 >>6147202 this
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 26 Nov 2024 08:04:18 No. 6147606 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 85, 30 = 115 (2d100) >Toady BoA Combat 91(w Nat100), 92 || 93, 89>Toady BoA Explore 98, 93 With nothing else in your way, you rain air-ravers on the swooning Pengurr while half of the Teem starts trussing up the one wots knocked out. The standing Pengurr being the biggest thing about, you also use it for brakes and kickoffs, digging your Dewclaws in whenever you land.>Toady SUICIDEY TRVE KOMBO >32+6Dmg, 32+6Dmg >-19Dur -19HP >Toady Nat100 >PENGURR B 68HP, Noxic 4, CONCUSSED The ice shell falls off in sheets as you give it da woiks; shouts from Gobbs getting minor cuts from ice schrapp, and the Oik's thorn-whip telling them to tie farsta. Just as your Pengurr starts to come out of the swoon your slimey pitstink sent it, you land a lucky whammer that sends its fluttering peekers crosseyed. It totters backwards, crashing into the rock wall. It was a foit; now it's a beating.>32+7Dmg, 32+5Dmg >PENGURR B DOWNED >8Dmg carried over by OVERKILL You're so focussed on dishing damage the Carrionpede takes over: as the Pengurr slumps unconscious you switch targets without thinking - and <span class="mu-s">WHAPPP</span> a Gobber inna chest, abrading hard enough to take a patch of skin orf. The whole Teem looks at you cagily, at the steam coming off you, the kill-boner look on yer face. Your head clears enough for you to recognize your booboo. "<span class="mu-r">Whups. My bad.</span>" They take an extra beat before going around you to truss up the second Pengurr. Far behind, another Teem has come in to engage the two Ice Spideys. You see two Shammies standing, one downed by webs. Several Gobberz too, by the number of small struggling lumps dotting the ground. The Ice Spideys have to keep spitting, and moar Wranglers are coming in. The greenies will win this one, after a slog. "<span class="mu-r">Ay. TeemBosser. I'z go up frunt some. Fink durrz one moar of deez wunz.</span>" The Oik, now busy with two downed biggies, carnt say annerfin else. Porkholes you leave with him with a nod; part of yer plann. The moment youre out of sight, you sprint until you reach the last black stakes. In a little while Moar Oww rises up out of the floor beside you. Being fully expectant of this, you only need a moderate effort to stifle your yelp. "<span class="mu-r">Yer can twigg out fings wiv breff roit.</span>" <span class="mu-i">• Yes. The living are not hidden from this body. •</span> "<span class="mu-r">Tell me if yer spot mobbz or biggies or speedies. Durnt get smart on me here, Spookface. Tryna keep Seafood happy.</span>" <span class="mu-i">• Yes. •</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Tue 26 Nov 2024 09:02:57 No. 6147642 Report Quoted By:
You get out Wagon to ride on, so that if any traps get sprung the Bugg will take the brunt of it. And also to keep your toesies from freezing. The hard cold wind picks up in the mainways and doesn't get better. Lucky you hadn't chosen to wait; just a swigg of toddy from time to time is enough. >Toady 98 vs Dunjjon 85 >PASS The visibility worsens. Cold, flying fog. You have to keep your banditchief up at all times or your meof n schnozz will clot up ice. You also put a thin cheezecloff veil over your eyes, just to keep from getting blinded by iceflecks. Moar Oww does most of the scouting, pretty easy: trapdoors and rockfalls and the like don't work, he just triggers them and turns spooky. Ambushes don't work neither: they all get spotted and avoided. You don't meet any wakey dedders or robots. Dats gudd.>Toady 89 vs Dunjjon 30 >PASS As you go, you hook up <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>, GOLDIE, n Noiffy on the Beastie Whapp, meditating on how cheap you can get when you finally meet the DunjjonBosser. You can kind of tell when you're reaching the end: the wind calms a lot, no moar ice. Still fog, but slow, low on the ground, not flying. That, and the walls and floor start getting fancy. Lots of carvycarvy everywhere; you don't <span class="mu-i">fink</span> they're squiggles, but they're so fancy you carnt be sure. Moar Oww points out the obvious. <span class="mu-i">• Through there. •</span> A big roundy dorrway, deep blue stone, fanciest of the lot. Closed. Looks like it opens outwards, either as a lid or a drop; hidden hinges. You creep up to the fixtures and insets on it.>oooo >joold knobs n knockers >finna take dhose lader Moar Oww says he carnt feel nuffin behind there; you cut a wedge out of the floor just outside the door, and bore a teeeeeny hole on the underside of the stone door, just enough to peek through with your face pressed in the wedge. The inside of there is sumptuous: everything clear ice or deep blue rock, white ice for furniture. Durrs fudd, mostly dranks n sweetz n freezy fruits on crystal servers. All kindsy other things in the back you carnt make out. goody Stuffs for sure. And it's not empty. There's four biggy floaty icey things standing at the walls, almost full Orky size, wafting cold fog; they're probably not strictly alive, just as they'll probably be very punchy at you. In the middle, lounging on a long chair made of frost-fluff, is a <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">blu-skin sleepy sessy mamma, wiv massive fuggen NORKS</span></span>.>even va nippies blue >like starlight >cuorrrrr You know she's not dedd: she juzt scritched her ass. And wiped it on the chair. You need to play this tricksy.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 26 Nov 2024 09:35:38 No. 6147658 Report [MEAT-SCALE TALLY] :
>BLEW BEWBZ 12Dur 180HP >GOOMBAS x 4; 28Dur 120HP <span class="mu-s">[K U N N E N]</span>
>BOOM the door and get Wagon to barge through OR
>Get Moar Oww to ghost around and try to find the opening mechanism; -15 to get noticed OR
>PILLOWSHEET through yourself; -10 to get noticed CHOOSE 1 BAIT:
>A Dimmy rigged up with BOOMcandles, holding two det-lemons, grinning like a mf; does 6D20 to 1d2+1 GOOMBAS OR
>Moar Oww front and center, riding Wagon, ØØØØØØØ OR
>BOOMz in the doorway or
>Tripwire and Pit Trap, with POUCHY stretched open [R O L L]
>>6147374 >>6147202 >>6147154 >>6147119 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 26 Nov 2024 09:38:39 No. 6147662 Report Edit>BOOMz in the doorway does 4d20 to 2 GOOMBAS or >Tripwire and Pit Trap, with POUCHY stretched open, takes out one GOOMBA, random
Quoted By:
Rolled 68, 41, 78 = 187 (3d100) >>6147658 >Tripwire and Pit Trap, with POUCHY stretched open >Get Moar Oww to ghost around and try to find the opening mechanism; -15 to get noticed >PILLOWSHEET through yourself; -10 to get noticed >Throw saussijs, have Moar Oww open the door, we run through and over/around the trap, maybe throwing saussijs as we go >WHAP anything that gets past the trap Something that leaves smoke in our wake could help too.
Rolled 98, 96, 61 = 255 (3d100) >>6147658 >Get Moar Oww to ghost around and try to find the opening mechanism; -15 to get noticed >A Dimmy rigged up with BOOMcandles, holding two det-lemons, grinning like a mf; does 6D20 to 1d2+1 GOOMBAS >Tripwire and Pit Trap, with POUCHY stretched open Urge to dimmyfy this bitch rising.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 20, 38, 14 = 72 (3d100) >>6147658 >PILLOWSHEET through yourself; -10 to get noticed >Moar Oww front and center, riding Wagon, ØØØØØØØ >Tripwire and Pit Trap, with POUCHY stretched open, takes out one GOOMBA, random >>6147669 >Urge to dimmyfy this bitch rising. i consider supporting this. would that count as boss kill QM?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 27 Nov 2024 00:31:27 No. 6148016 Report >>6147719 >Will this count as boss kill Yes, but with discounts bc using cheaty tactics.
Odds are very low that Toady will make it out without cheating.
If anons choose to pluppen, QM will roll 60% chance to Dimmify, 40% chance of remaining under Toady's control. Mo Ao could not Detect Living because everyone in the room is a magical Outsider. CR ~10 magical Outsiders aren't easy to tame. Other alternatives:>Surrender to Seafood >Surrender to Gorrlovva >Set free for [Tell you when you beat her] NAT 1 Anon
>>6148016 >40% chance of remaining under Toady's control. would that be just straight up mind control? big if true KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 27 Nov 2024 02:49:05 No. 6148112 Report >>6148085 Whatever Toady intends at ~50% of her original power, without top abilities. Anonymous
I would really rather not Dimmify something that is likely much more useful to us with its mind intact. She would a very fine trophy for seafood, IMO Maybe even more so than the shammy
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 100 (1d1000) >>6148230 lets not put the cart before the horse
first we have to get through this fight
but i would take that 40% chance because i think its worth
btw: we could only get her to seafood dead anyway because we cant just put her in the pouch
random roll to test my luck Anonymous
Rolled 80, 89, 50 = 219 (3d100) >>6147658 >>6147662 >PILLOWSHEET through yourself; -10 to get noticed >A Dimmy rigged up with BOOMcandles, holding two det-lemons, grinning like a mf; does 6D20 to 1d2+1 GOOMBAS >Tripwire and Pit Trap, with POUCHY stretched open, takes out one GOOMBA, random KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 01:19:18 No. 6148686 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 52, 17, 56 = 125 (3d100) >TOADY BoA 98, 96, 78>BREECH: Toady, 2.5 votes >BAIT: SUICIDE VEST DIMMY, 2 votes >TRAPP: POUCHY PIT TRAP, 3 votes QM rollan vs DA PLANN
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 01:25:57 No. 6148689 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 12, 6, 9, 1, 1, 16, 10 = 55 (7d20) Rollan number of GOOMBAS hit by SUICIDE DIMMY 1st d20, 1-10= 2 GOOMBAS hit, 11-20= 3 GOOMBAS hit
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 02:47:35 No. 6148736 Report Quoted By:
You make a couple moar teeeeeny holes in the frame of the door, just to get peeksies in; no one seems to notice. You're looking for a crang lever or jool or something next to the stone door that might serve for an opening mechanism. Carnt see nuffins from this angle... There is a floating jool on a stand to the side of the middle of the room; two moar floating joolz, smaller, on little bowls at a side table within arm's reach of <span class="mu-b">Blew Bewbz</span>. Not sure if those are it... You're going to chance it: ghost through the door, try your best. Rigging up the Dimmy with BOOMcandle (x3), you give it instructions. "<span class="mu-r">When this door opens, go fru. When sumn close enough to hit you, squeeze da lemonz.</span>" You're fairly sure it got the instructions: you've given more complicated ones back at Plague Town. You cut out a large chunk of the floor with <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span>, wide enough to fit one Goomba with arms outstretched. Wagon and Moar Oww do the dragging and emptying. After that, you stretch out POUCHY's mouth to fit the pit. For a trapdoor, you get Moar Oww to hold up a wide raggy, spray it with water to freeze into kindy a tile, and place it over the hole. Several moar of these, it's covered; anything heavier than YOU nakeynakey is going to break the tiles and fall in.>3 Stuffs used You brief Moar Oww. "<span class="mu-r">Gonna go in narr. If yer durnt hear nuffin after mebbe half a Time, knock the door real hard. If yer hear sumn, spook fru and try ter bait va Goombas from the back ovva room. If I get the door open, lead as many as you can orf me. Durnt fuck me Spookface. </span>" <span class="mu-i">• Be it far from me, Goblin. •</span> Moar Oww doesn't have a better plan. You chart your route based on what you can see of the interior: the Goombas are arranged two near the door, one at the middle, one front and side of <span class="mu-b">Blew Bewbz </span>, all of them several steps distance from the walls. The ceiling inside is slightly lower than the antechamber outside; that helps. You climb to the highest part of this room that you can, with a rough guage of where the BossRoom's ceiling is, and <span class="mu-b">{PILLOWSHEET}</span> in. As quickly as the <span class="mu-b">{PILLOWSHEET}</span> permits, you get in past the door and the two front Goombas. You keep count of the number of beats since you started, swimming down through the walls and up the floor into cover behind the long narrow banquet table to the side of the middle of the room, just when the warning tingle starts: <span class="mu-b">{PILLOWSHEET}</span> cutting out. You stay very still when you materialize again, breathing shallow. This place is windless but even chillier than outside. You don't hear movement. Peeking between furniture you can see the Goombas haven't moved. You can now see that they're different, under the fog they're constantly wafting: the ones at the door are spikey, white ice underneath; the one in the middle is globey, blue clear ice; nearest, Humie looking, glass ice meatz, black ice dudz.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 03:40:23 No. 6148773 Report After a little bitty observation, you can make out that one of the littler gems on <span class="mu-b">Blew Bewbz</span> side table is kindy the same as the bigger one on a stand in the middle of the room. Their shape samish and float samish. You figger this should be the one for the door; nothing else you can see that might be it. Might as well try.
You creep up, using furniture and decor to keep from line of sight. When you're close enough to the lounge chair you keep still and peeky until the glass ice Goomba drifts a little down and aside, then shuffle behind the throne. Total blind spot.
>Toady 98-10 vs General Alertness 52 >Toady 98-15 vs General Alertness 52 >Toady 98-10-15 vs General Alertness 52 >SNEEKIBREEKI I'Z PUNKT YE The cold of the room dampens your SKUMM KOAT stink somewhat. You figger you can try one moar stunt.
>It'z go time. <span class="mu-s">[T A C T I C S]</span>
>Touch the dark blue jool dat you fink works the door (-8 sneekibreeki) OR
>Touch the pinky pink jool you have no clew ov (-8 sneekibreeki) OR
>Switcheroo one of them joolz with one of your precious gems (which jool?) (-12 sneekibreeki) OR
>YOINK EM BOTH (based) (-15 sneekibreeki) (either Blew Bewbz or Glass Meat will not be FLATFOOTED if you succeed, determined by QM roll; both will be alerted if you fail) OR
>Don't move. Wait out the half-a-Time, let Moar Oww knock the door. Blew Bewbz will no longer be FLATFOOTED. SECOND CHOICE, CHOOSE MAIN TARGET
Both are currently FLATFOOTED.
Secondary target will suffer from Overkill 1
>WHAPP Blew Bewbz OR
>WHAPP Glass Ice Goomba [R O L L]
>7D100 >1 for sneekibreeki >rest for killykilly >>6148266 >>6148250 >>6148230 >>6147669 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 28 Nov 2024 03:43:51 No. 6148778 Report Quoted By:
ADD for>Touch blue jool >Touch pink jool >Swapp one jool the consequence of failing is the Glass Meat Goomba gets alerted.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 57, 21, 37, 29, 82, 93, 33 = 352 (7d100) >>6148773 >Touch the dark blue jool dat you fink works the door (-8 sneekibreeki) lets (hopefully) bring Moar Oww and wagon in here
>WHAPP Glass Ice Goomba leave the best for last...
also: i just now realize there is probably at least 1 trap (the other jool) so best to avoid the center of the room i suggest
clearly, we should have remembered to cast 'TECT ZAPZAP beforehand Anonymous
Rolled 20, 80, 73, 86, 30, 86, 25 = 400 (7d100) >>6148773 >Touch the dark blue jool dat you fink works the door (-8 sneekibreeki) >Whapp Blew Bewbz Anonymous
Rolled 44, 23, 32, 30, 63, 29, 78 = 299 (7d100) >>6148773 >Touch the dark blue jool dat you fink works the door (-8 sneekibreeki) >WHAPP Blew Bewbz I want her alive, but I have no doubt she is the most dangerous of them all and won't go down easy. We can switch targets later after we make her see stars
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 05:24:17 No. 6148826 Report Quoted By:
>>6148809 Noted; did not occur to QM. Will offer a ret-con decision in the next narrative post.
Rolled 52, 62, 87, 14, 6, 94, 82 = 397 (7d100) >>6148773 >YOINK EM BOTH (based) (-15 sneekibreeki) (either Blew Bewbz or Glass Meat will not be FLATFOOTED if you succeed, determined by QM roll; both will be alerted if you fail) >WHAPP Glass Ice Goomba KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 28 Nov 2024 07:20:56 No. 6148873 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4 (1d100) ...what awful rolls. QM will roll vs Sneekibreeki first, and if it's bad for Toady, wait 24 hours from this post.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 08:14:34 No. 6148893 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 72, 26 = 98 (2d100) >Touch the door jool>WHAPP Blew Bewbz first >TOADY BoA sneekibreeki 52-8 vs General Alertness 4 >KEKK You inch slowly, closing on the dainty side table holding the floaty blujool, your best bet. You have no better idee than to just touch it, maybe wobble it a little and hope the door opens. The jool lights up a little on the facet you touch and, intuitively, you run your finger across the facets to the biggest flattest one facing topside. Then you let go, your hand snaking back behind the lounge throne, and yourself under it. The door DOES open, <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">yisss</span></span>, quietly, without grinding or clanking. It just floats inwards and up, settling seamlessly into an alcove in the ceiling. The two White Spike Goombas go on alert, arms up; the Blue Globe Goomba drifts to the middle of the room, forming a second perimeter; the Glass Goomba steps in front of Blew Bewbz throne, all completely silent. Per your last instructions, the Suicide Shirt Dimmy steps in and keeps walking. The Spike Goombas close up in front of it at first, but when the Globe Goomba starts moving Telepathic Bond as a Spell-like, from Glass Goomba , they part and flank the Dimmy from the side and back. All silent. Globe Goomba holds up one four fingered hand in a universal sign for <span class="mu-s">s t o h p</span>, and the other hand couched at the ribs as a fist, universal for <span class="mu-s">o r r . I . s h u l l . s t r i k e</span>. You tense, already in Stance. The massive explosion that shakes the throneroom is your cue.>Toady's current output >Raw Damage: Daggy +3 Noiffy +6 GOLDIE +3, WHAPP +8, Carrionpede Bonus +18 = 38 >+6 Vorpal, 3 Balefire, 4 Noxic <span class="mu-r">WAKEY WAKEY TIME TER DIE PLEEZDTERMEECHA NARR GUDD<span class="mu-s">BIE</span> ! ! !</span>>TOADY SUPERCIDEY 80+21, 87+21 vs Blew Bewbz 00 >TRVE KOMBO 38Dmg, 38+4Dmg >6 Balefire inflicted; 6Dmg, 5 Balefire remaining >8 Noxic inflicted >-12Dur (6+) -56Dmg >Blew Bewbs 124HP >QM Rollan first round vs Blew Bewbz and Glass Goomba, 1 Defense each
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 28 Nov 2024 09:09:42 No. 6148919 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 31, 12, 60, 82, 52, 29 = 266 (6d100) She doesn't even have time to scream: your Whapp full of killy instruments land full toque on her face and body, smooshing her into the fluffy frost, whapp-whapp-whapp <span class="mu-s">W H A P P</span>, whapp-<span class="mu-s">W H A P P</span>. Your body in midair, you contort in Transformation, landing a much lighter <span class="mu-i">whepp-WHAPP</span> on the Glass Goomba as it tries to close. Now reset, you go again, one end of the Beastie Whapp in each hand, blades and weight threshing into her screams>TOADY normal BoA 86+21 vs Blew Bewbs 76 >Normal Aggressive Attack >38+3Dmg, +6 Vorpal, +8 from Balefire >-55HP >Blew Bewbz 69HP, 7 Balefire, 12 Noxic >BLACKED OUT The screaming weakens at some point, not because she's dying, but your pitSTANK has got to her. <span class="mu-r">T R V E K O M B O</span>>TOADY 94+21, 82+21 vs Blew Bewbz 00 >38+7, 38+1, +12 Vorpal, +9 Balefire, >Blew Bewbz 0HP 10 Noxic, 8 Balefire >DOWNED n BLACKED OUT AGAIN >15 Damage carried over Meanwhile the Glass Goomba's gotten out of its funk and has been trying to cast some shit. You make sure whenever you have surplus momentum to follow through your blows, running the WHAPP past Blew Bewb's body to slash at him. >Glass Goomba 28Dur(2+) 120HP >received 1/3 of all damage and status from Overkill 1 >31Dmg, +4 Vorpal, +2 Balefire, +2 Noxic >14Dmg, +2 Vorpal, +2 Balefire, +1 Noxic >28Dmg, +4 Vorpal, +4 Balefire, +2 Noxic >QM Rollan Glass Goomba casting, 2 Defense, 3 turns
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 28 Nov 2024 09:51:44 No. 6148935 Report He tries, but he's out of position: without the other tuffyer Goombas screening for him, the Overkill Carrionpede keeps whapping him and fizzling his zappies.
You're sure the zappies would have been some kind of bad news for you. As is, <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">YOU</span></span> are the worst news.
>31Dmg, +4 Vorpal, +2 Balefire, +2 Noxic >-15Dur, -11HP, >GG 13Dur 109HP, 1 Balefire, 2 Noxic >14Dmg, +2 Vorpal, +2 Balefire, +1 Noxic >-7Dur, -5HP >GG 6Dur 104HP, 1 Balefire, 3 Noxic >15Dmg, 13Dmg, +4 Vorpal, +4 Balefire, +2 Noxic >-6Dur, -7HP; -15HP; -4HP from Balefire >GG 78HP, 3 Balefire, 5 Noxic >OVERKILL 1 CARRIES OVER 15Dmg >GG 63HP, 3 Balefire, 5 Noxic When the Glass Goomba sees its Bewby Bosser toadally wasted
she bleeds a very thin clear stuff that turns to glittery snow when exposed to air its mouth opens and gnashes in soundless anguish.
Then it makes to flee.
<span class="mu-s">[T A C T I C S]</span>
>Chase him down, hollering for Moar Oww >You can't afford to let him rally the ovva Goombas and cast zappies >Outroll him 2 turns to catch up OR
>Stabilize Blew Bewbz; she's at 0HP but the 9 Balefire is still going >If you leave her for 2 rounds, ~40 beats, she's dead >Toady has 8/8 Gluggz to spare, healing 8HP per charge, up to two charges per use, -2HP per use >QM has calculated 7 charges needed to stabilize her at 3HP >Pouchy is more than two turns away and back; can't retrieve Helff Guggz in time OR
>Did Toady cast {'TECT ZAPPY} before breaking and entering? Y/N >if Y, QM will roll what was detected [R O L L]
>6D100 >>6148842 >>6148822 >>6148819 >>6148809 Anonymous
Rolled 91, 86, 47, 26, 83, 30 = 363 (6d100) >>6148935 >Stabilize Blew Bewbz I trust Moar Oww and the small army we prolly left behind the door. Plus za traps. If we're lucky the zapper will land in the pouch. Maybe more than one if we're REALLY lucky and mo ao or our beetle bro throw one in for a quick kill.
>Y on 'tect zappy NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 88, 82, 5, 1, 75, 63 = 314 (6d100) >>6148935 >Stabilize Blew Bewbz; she's at 0HP but the 9 Balefire is still going >>BALEFIRE: Deals 1 Balefire per HP damage, max 3 per turn; each Balefire causes 1 damage per turn, and diminishes by 1 per turn; max 9 Balefire 1. turn: 3HP 2. turn: 7HP 3. turn: 0HP
so unless i read something wrong again we should need 4 gluggz to stabilize her at 0HP
>Did Toady cast {'TECT ZAPPY} before breaking and entering? Y NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6148977 and i even gave -4HP per turn instead of -2HP
>1 again oh bother...
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 14:34:59 No. 6148997 Report >>6148977 maffs
Turn 1, 0HP Balance, (+16-2)from Gluggz, -9 from Balefire Turn 2, 5HP Bal, -8 BF Turn 3, -3HP Bal,(+14) Gluggz, -7 BF Turn 4, 4HP Bal, -6 BF Turn 5, -2HP Bal (+14) -5 BF Turn 6, 7HP Bal -4 BF Turn 7, 3HP Bal -3 BF Turn 8, 0HP Bal (+8-2) -2 BF Turn 9, 4HP Bal -1 BF QM counts 7 gluggs and is not drunk today Ehh, dunworrybardit QM loves you NAT 1 Anon
>>6148997 i see i see
since we do nothing else for quite a few turns could we find out what the other jool does?
for all we know it might even deactivate the goombas
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 28 Nov 2024 15:58:29 No. 6149020 Report Per
>>6149013 Toady is in range of the two joolz for 10 turns total while stabilizing Blew Bewbz; 4 turns spent applying Glugg to Blew Bewbz, 6 turns free.
<span class="mu-b">
</span>>Does Toady toggle the Blu Jool? Y/N >Close the main door; QM 1d6 turns to get the timing right for later Tactics >Does Toady meddle with the Pinky Jool? Y/N >8 facets; Balance Free Turns spent meddling and finding out. NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6149020 >Does Toady toggle the Blu Jool? N if anyone wants to escape - by all means (pussies)
>Does Toady meddle with the Pinky Jool? Y i for one, like mystery boxes (and as a goblin we are required to touch the shiny anyway)
Rolled 48, 59, 1, 87, 61, 64 = 320 (6d100) >>6148935 >Stabilize Blew Bewbz >Yes >>6149020 >No >Yes Anonymous
Rolled 90, 100, 19, 53, 61, 64 = 387 (6d100) >>6149156 forgot my rolls...
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 29 Nov 2024 00:52:01 No. 6149179 Report Rolled 2 (1d3) CALCULATIONS <span class="mu-b">}Spike Goombas{</span> x 2 28Dur (3-) 120HP>Suicide Shirt Dimmy caused 55 Dmg >-14Dur, -13HP For one round of CONCUSSION, Mo Ao did 2x10Dmg to 1 Spike Goomba before leading them off>-3Dur, -2HP; -3Dur, -2HP Goomba 1: 8Dur, 103HP Goomba 2: 14Dur, 107HP <span class="mu-b">}Globe Goomba{</span> x 1 28Dur (4+) 120HP>-11Dur -11HP Goomba 3: 17Dur 109HP One Goomba falls into the Pouch Trap, QM 1D3 Mo Ao led the other two out in a chase for 2 turns while Toady Downs Blew Bewbz. Glass Goomba takes 2 turns to run out, 1 turn to feel safe, 1 turn to cast Telepathic Bond. The two remaining Goombas need 2+4 turns after that to turn back and regroup with Glass Goomba. Total turns the enemy takes while Toady stabilizes Blew Bewbz: 10 Turns; they appear exactly at the door when Toady is done meddling. Writan in a few hrs.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6149179 spare us with the rolls ok? KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 02:06:01 No. 6149234 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 3, 5, 6, 6, 6, 2, 4, 1 = 37 (9d6) >Stabiliize Blew Bewbz>Toady DID cast {'TECT ZAPPY} just now, AND is toggling : rollan first 3d6 for placements of 3 Area spells >1,2: Just behind the door >3,4: Middle of the throneroom >5,6: Near the throne Rollan last 6d6 for nature of spells, investigated for 6 turns by Toady, in sequence to above 1: Reinforcement 2: Terrain 3: Single target offense 4: Single target defense 5: Area offense 6: Area defense Duplicate: High Level of spell type (Not accessible by Toady) Triplicate: Epic Level of spell type (Not accessible by Toady>Toady DOES NOT toggle Blu Jool
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 29 Nov 2024 02:59:19 No. 6149262 Report In between stabbing Blew Bewbz inna titz with your GIGA GLUGGA, yanking her back and forth through Death's door several times, you twiddle with the Pink Jool on her night table.
>Rolled position 4 type 6 >Mid, Area Defensive The first one you trigger starts a continuing howling gale from the middle of the room. As it blows, ice spikes like sords
Blade Barrier grow from the floor, walls and ceiling, snapping when they grow into each other as flying blades.
>This will help. You try annuva one.
>Position 3, Type 6 >Mid, High Level Area Defensive You tap and tap; the Pinky Jool responds with an acknowledging glow when your fingie touches this particular fascet, but when you lift your fingie the facet turns orange momentarily in denial.
You try again, another facet:
>Position 5, Type 6 >Throne, Epic Level Area Defensive This one's useless too. The Pinky Jool got sum attitude.
You try others.
>type 2, 4, 1 >Terrain, Single Defense, Reinforcement The first one after that sleets the whole floor from the door to the middle of the room.
The second surrounds your head and torso with biggy floating pieces of clear ice, like armor.
>QM rollan 1d20+8 of 3+ Ice Armor The last summons a Globe Goomba that looks at you for instructions.
You have no idea what to say to it.
Not having Telepathic Bond or the appropriate language, Toady can't talk to it; this Globe Goomba will act based on default programming: Protect Summoner, Protect Room Right on cue the Glass Goomba, one Spike and one Globe in front of him, show up in the open doorway and advance.
The sleeted floor makes their advance slow.
>Attackers need 4 turns to clear difficult terrain instead of 2 Upon sighting hostile intent, your Globey draws back both hands. Ice-snowballs start to form.
The other Globey and the Glassy prepare to do the same.
It's going to be a yeet fight and you have nothing to yeet.
>Toady BoA 91, 86 || 47, 87(w Nat1) || 83, 64 >one Nat1 and one Nat100 mutually cancelled; not included in above tally <span class="mu-s">[T A C T I C S]</span>
>Wait for the Attackers to krump your Globey and push through the Sordy Screen? OR
>Position in front of Sordy Screen right now to support Globey when the Attackers get in range; no damage from Sord Screen if you do this now, but if pushed back into it later, you will take damage. OR
>Toady has 4 Turns to wait while they advance, and two facets of Pinky Jool not yet meddled with. Meddle Y/N? >>6149157 >>6149086 >>6148977 >>6148956 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 29 Nov 2024 03:07:17 No. 6149267 Report >>6149202 If you are asking for QM mercy, QM has always nudged on the side of mercy. NAT1s have never killed anyone; they just anti-helped significantly. If you are asking for dice not to be used to generate battleground scenarios, no; RNGoblins come up with more interesting setups than QM. See the 6,6,6 just rolled: it has narratively established Blew Bewbz as an Epic Level boss, AND tactically denied Toady the use of her low-to-mid level spells. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 03:29:00 No. 6149278 Report Quoted By:
NOTE <span class="mu-b">PER WoTC RULING</span> Projectiles and spells cannot be cast through Wall spells, including Blade Barrier; other sources say 75% cover. QM rules 80% cover. They need to yeet 80+ to get through, AND Toady uses his rolls to dodge if he is behind the Sord Screen. Toady will not be harmed in the yeetfight if he stays behind the Sord Screen; unless the Attackers can somehow dispell it, they have to push through and take 6d10 damage per turn; two turns to get through due to Difficult Terrain from another Pinky Jool spell.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6149262 >Wait for the Attackers to krump your Globey and push through the Sordy Screen that jool did more than i could have hoped for (which is why i often choose the more interesting option instead of the likely safer one)
like going to the boss in the first place >Toady has 4 Turns to wait while they advance, and two facets of Pinky Jool not yet meddled with. Meddle Y so lets do it again
>>6149267 yeah i am just afraid you get a NAT 100 again, like it often was when we got a NAT 1 (i dont want to always live up to my namesake) does Epic Level mean she just has higher level spells, or something else? Anonymous
>>6149262 >Wait for the Attackers to krump your Globey and push through the Sordy Screen? >Toady has 4 Turns to wait while they advance, and two facets of Pinky Jool not yet meddled with. Meddle Y KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 06:19:36 No. 6149332 Report Quoted By:
>>6149294 >Afraid of QM's Nat100 Then pray to RNGzus QM keeps rolling Cursed1s, lal.>wazzit meen, she'z Epic Level? Epic is an imperfect word, but QM has no ready alternatives. For now, means she has some Level 9 Spell-likes, and much better drops. ~36% chance of rolling trips in 6d6. Anonymous
>>6149262 >Wait for the Attackers to krump your Globey and push through the Sordy Screen Is the blade barrier something we can yeet saussigs over/through?
>Meddle: Yes KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 08:17:02 No. 6149360 Report Quoted By:
>>6149357 >can we yeet sossijiz fru va Sord Screen No, bc your prelit sossijiz are in the Pouch, which is the key component of Pouch Trap.
Even if you had things to yeet, the 80% difficulty of throwing through the Sord Screen will apply, without the Carrionpede Hit bonus, and Bo2 per yeet. Yeeting is not Toady's specialty.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 08:24:08 No. 6149361 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 1, 4, 1 = 8 (4d6) 3 anons have itchy fingers and have voted to bunker down until the Attackers come in to get Toady. QM rollan what the additional twiddling triggers. Rolling 4d6, the first non-6s are valid.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 29 Nov 2024 09:31:12 No. 6149364 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 4, 11, 5, 7, 2 = 37 (6d12) The moment they're through the threshold, the Spike Goomba with the Globe Goomba, followed by the Glass Goomba, your new Globey hench identifies them as <span class="mu-b"> t r s p s s r s</span>. With no countermand from YOU, it starts materializing rockballs of ice and chucking them down range. For their part, the Spikey goes up front, tanking, while their Globey just has ammo ready, advancing instead of yeeting to close distance. You carnt really see much from behind the Sord Screen, but you imagine its going to be slow as fuck. There's still two facets on the pinky Jool you haven't smudged. Not willing to wait until they get here, you smudge one when you make out that Glassy's in the room proppa.>Rolled Terrain The air mists suddenly from unseen water sources, and as quickly every surface is freezedried white. Then gapes and mirrors open up in the ceiling and alcoves, letting in cold light from a foreign sun. Even from behind the Sord Screen it's almost painful to look at: a featureless glowing white, that if it hadn't dropped the temperature even more you might have supposed it was metal hotted melty.>Previously Difficult Terrain increased the turns needed to reach the Sord Screen from 2 to 4. >Ice Blind just doubled it to 8 turns distance You can no longer tell what's going on, only head the methodical <span class="mu-b">d u n k . w u n k[/b:lit] of YOUr Globey firing blind into the enemy. >kehh heh heh >narr ter make it woise You press the last untouched facet of the Pinky Jool.>Reinforcement There's moar hard thunks, further off. You try listening harder but hear nothing. Oh wait, something: YOUr Globey's stomping about. Closer. It's gone <span class="mu-i">inside</span> the Sord Screen. >nerrrr >fugg >QM rollan 6d12 damage for Globey moving through Sord Screen</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 29 Nov 2024 09:42:48 No. 6149368 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 15, 19, 21, 11, 13, 46 = 125 (6d100) <span class="mu-b">}GLOBEY{</span>>28Dur (4+) 120HP >Sord Screen deals 37Dmg >-7Dur, -7HP >21Dur, 113HP Rollan for Breath attack x 1 followed by aggressive Melee x 2.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 11:37:56 No. 6149387 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 4, 5, 10 = 19 (3d12) You flopp Blew Bewbz over onto the floor, smear her purddy nose n meof with your armpit sauce to keep her swooned, then topple the couch over her; keep her down and covered. Globey breaks through the Sord Screen and lets out a freezing blast from its mouth. >GLOBEY 19+8 vs Toady 86+6 >MISST You duck behind the couch handily, then near immediately vault over when the gust peters, your Beastie Whapp all coiled and bunched up in one hand. With a leap and a noice ringing <span class="mu-s">W H A P P</span> you stab <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> into the top of its nog, then drag yourself into its zone. <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> comes free easily, almost obediently into your hand; your other hand finds GOLDIE, and Noiffy goes into an elbowcrook. You hit this traitor Globey with your best closework, then use a hard Whapp lash away while kicking off for momentum as it raises its fists to smoosh you, then use the distance gained to send another WHAPP into its bodyface while you reset.>Toady 91+21 vs GLOBEY 15 >HIT 38+6, +6 Vorpal, +3 Balefire; Balefire does double damage to freezifaggz >-6Dur, -10Dur, -10HP >GLOBEY 5Dur 103HP, 2 Balefire, 4 Noxic Only on landing do you feel something's off: your hands and feet, even with the Dewclaws, have a harder time catching hold. You need to really flatten and dig in to skid to a stop.>nerr >shidd >Attack and Dodge rolls -8 within Globey's <span class="mu-b">{HOAR AURA}</span>>Rolling below 50 results in PRONE GLOBEY va Traitah doesn't like GOLDIE's majjic hotts very much lal; you can see the beginnings of fear in its semi-dumb face. You swing both ends of the Whapp, opposing torques, leading your body into a twisting blur as you charge. <span class="mu-r">C A R R I O N</span>>TOADY 87+21-8 vs GLOBEY 11 >HIT 38, +6 Vorpal, +5 Balefire x2 >-5Dur -39HP -10HP >GLOBEY 64HP, 4 Balefire, 8 Noxic You land, skidding, then flopping on your face, still skidding. As it happens, GLOBEY was aiming for your face and completely misses.>GLOBEY 21 vs TOADY 47-8 >MISST >TOADY PRONED BY {HOAR AURA} That's all the good news; the bad news is, your <span class="mu-r">J O Y H A V O Q</span> frenzy had a lot of momentum built up unspent. You are carried, still scrabbling desperately, into the Sord Screen. >ohnonono >TOADY NAT1 >Rollan 3d12 SHREDDY
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 12:20:19 No. 6149393 Report >-4Dur, no dmg thanks to SKUMM KOAT >Toady 2Dur, 30HP, PRONED >One turn full defense to get up GLOBEY comes after you, stomping down an easy target.
>yer WISH >GLOBEY 46 vs TOADY 83+6-8 >MISST You're not the dodgiest fuck there is, but the Carrionpede at Third Moulting gives you enough of an edge: you kick off and Whapp off walls and furniture enough to keep skidding, faster than the stomps. When you need to make a turn GOLDIE and <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> come equally handy.
When you've got enough leadroom you hack both into the ice wall to haul yourself up proppa.
>TOADY 64+6-8 >Recovered from PRONE >GLOBEY -8 from 4 Balefire x 2 >GLOBEY 56HP, 3 Balefire, 8 Noxic >Noxic removed from now on; Ice Elemental template has Paralysed and Unconscious immunities, among others <span class="mu-s">[T A C T I C S]</span>
Second GLOBEY and one SPIKEY will break through the Sord Screen in 5 Turns.
Unknown what the additional Pinky Jool Summoned creature is.
>Attack GLOBEY SUICIDEY, Aggressive, Defensive? >Attack the next two SUICIDEY, Aggressive Defensive? SECOND CHOICE
If/after this GLOBEY is downed, wat do?
>Barricade the Sord Wall if you can; keep them in as long as possible. 3 Turns needed to stall them 1 turn. >Y/N; if Y, state 1st 2nd 3rd priority >Hide behind drapes, under carpet, overturned furniture or sumn. Ambush the closest; QM will roll. Both will attack you in one turn after ambush. >Y/N, 1st 2nd 3rd? >If N, you will stand in the open with optimal positioning. You will WHAPP the one you want first, 3 turns before the second enemy shambles round to YOU. >ELS? [R O L L]
>11D100 >Last d100 in case anons choose to ambush >>6149357 >>6149327 >>6149294 >>6149157 >>6149086 36 hrs.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 80, 59, 55, 50, 75, 5, 47, 73, 23, 83, 70 = 620 (11d100) >>6149393 >Attack GLOBEY SUICIDEY >Hide behind drapes, under carpet, overturned furniture or sumn. Ambush the closest; QM will roll. Both will attack you in one turn after ambush. N perhaps we can even kill the one before the other catches up
what are moar oww and waggon up to btw? (you rolled really low surprisingly hehe)
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 29 Nov 2024 13:59:05 No. 6149401 Report >>6149397 >What are Mo Ao and Wagon up to? Wagon, since he is not deployed and can't be commanded by Mo Ao, is inside Pouchy. Mo Ao <span class="mu-i">was</span> leading one Spikey and one Globey off into the safe passages of the dungeon, but then Glassy came running out from behind, Telepathic Bond-ing them to u-turn and <span class="mu-i">resolve</span> that horrible barbarous <span class="mu-i">rancid</span> red creature that dared lay hand and violence upon Her Grace. Mo Ao, regularly stopping to let the Goombas catch up, notices he's no longer being chased and U-turns as well. He is currently 52/66HP, {SHROUD}ed and hiding in the floor/wall/ceiling behind Glassy and the new Summon, waiting for an opportunity to help the Lord's Goblin without getting himself exorcised. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 14:17:14 No. 6149404 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13 + 8 (1d20 + 8) QM lapse: rollan 1d20+8 of 3+ Floe Armor, gained from meddling with Pinky Jool
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 14:19:06 No. 6149406 Report Quoted By:
RETCONNED: Floe Armor now 17Dur Toady's QKA now 6Dur
NAT 1 Anon
*realizes that if she used the pinky jool toady would have been in trouble* good thing we cheesed it
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 29 Nov 2024 16:56:42 No. 6149446 Report >>6149414 Blew Bewbz and Glassy can regain control of new Summons 1 per uninterrupted turn. Yes, you would have been digging your own grave with an excavator. Anonymous
Rolled 18, 78, 27, 70, 9, 87, 23, 68, 45, 4, 77 = 506 (11d100) >>6149393 >Attack GLOBEY Aggressive >N NAT 1 Anon
>>6149446 can we see their skill sheets after the fight? KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 30 Nov 2024 02:12:52 No. 6149636 Report Quoted By:
>>6149628 Sure. Will post their combative and key utility spell-likes that will have been used if Toady had fought them face on. Anonymous
Rolled 92, 77, 32, 49, 63, 76, 48, 77, 96, 20, 51 = 681 (11d100) >>6149393 >Attack GLOBEY Aggressive >N Anonymous
Rolled 46, 6, 6, 21, 61, 72, 51, 93, 1, 86, 49 = 492 (11d100) >>6149393 >Attack GLOBEY Aggressive >If N, you will stand in the open with optimal positioning. You will WHAPP the one you want first, 3 turns before the second enemy shambles round to YOU. Anonymous
Rolled 74, 60, 78, 83, 23, 11, 40, 47, 32, 64, 67 = 579 (11d100) >>6149401 Wagon and the fully dimmy army shoulda been deployed to aggress these fuggers once they get to the other side of the trap. Wouldn't have been hard to deploy them with the time we had prior to going through the door. I can't see any real reason why we wouldn't want to deploy them all prior to this, since we were engaging on our own terms. >>6149393 >Attack GLOBEY SUICIDEY, Aggressive, Defensive? Aggressive.
>Barricade 1st >N on hiding KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sat 30 Nov 2024 06:46:44 No. 6149776 Report Quoted By:
>>6149763 Wagon and Dimmies are not fully autonomous; they need Toady directing them to be of real use past 1 turn. Including the Suicide Shirt Dimmy, Toady only has two Dimmies at this time; three got left behind in the Ancient City, still harvesting mushrooms when the Weapon Facility selfdestructed. Meaning currently there's only one Dimmy to deploy, 12HP. Dimmies also move at walk speed, have only one roll per turn, and just 12HP; they can't attack or bait properly, which means it will still fall to Mo Ao to do the job once they get krumped. Wagon might last a good number of turns before perishing; not sure anons would want to risk their current ride for this. Assuming the Dimmies manage to aggro and hold One GLOBEY and one SPIKEY without dying, this will still be cut short when Glassy Goomba rallies them with Telepathic Bond. Aggroing them after that will mean Dimmies + Mo Ao + Wagon VS an elemental melee, an elemental short range tank, and a sentient elemental caster commander. Horrible odds. If you insist, make a post and QM will extend a ret-con choice:>MoAo + 1 Dimmy + Wagon vs current enemy Backline Y/N Anons will see what Toady additionally summoned if they decide to do this. That seems to be the only benefit. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 01 Dec 2024 02:19:36 No. 6150339 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 89, 23, 23, 57, 17, 6 = 215 (6d100) >TOADY BoA 92, 78 || 78, 83 || 75, 87 || 51, 93 || 96 (Nat1), 86>Attack GLOBEY Aggressive >No ambush; direct attack. You have to bash this one quiet before the others get through. You kick off from the wall - to another wall, then behind furniture, wall, wall, and at GLOBEY again. You can't do a completely wormy Carrionpede because of the floor around the GLOBEY getting glazed, but it's still highspeed and hard to track.>zipiddyzippidyGNYARRRR >QM rolls GLOBEY
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 01 Dec 2024 02:38:31 No. 6150352 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 11, 4, 9, 8, 10 = 44 (6d12) >GLOBEY DEFENSIVE from instructions by Telepathic Bond!>TOADY 92+21-8 vs GLOBEY 89 >WHAPPP 38+2, +6 Vorpal, +6 Balefire x2 >-40HP, -6HP, -12HP >GLOBEY -4HP, 5Balefire >DINT HELP, LAL Okay! Downed! Immediately you get to pushing every piece of furniture you can to barricade the entry of the Sord Screen. There's not much you can shift: one armless chair, two side tables, and a dainty fancy snakk cart You help yourself a handful and a swigg; very mincy eats. Drank’s faggy thin and sweet. Pehh. Nuffin speshul. , with a heaped up carpet bracing the back. You have several beats to spare catching your breath when two moar Goombas start pushing through the Sord Screen.>QM rollan 2 turns getting shredded >6d12 for both Goombas
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 01 Dec 2024 03:18:59 No. 6150367 Report Rolled 353 (1d1000) >SPIKEY 8Dur (3-), 103HP
>NUVVA GLOBEY 17Dur (4+), 109HP >SORD SCREEN DOES 44Dmg x 2 >SPIKEY -8Dur, -8HP, -20HP; -44HP >SPIKEY 31HP >N. GLOBEY -9Dur -8HP; -8Dur -12HP >N. GLOBEY 89HP TOADY is 17Dur (3+), 6Dur (3+), 30HP
<span class="mu-s">[T A C T I C S]</span>
>SPIKEY >NUVVA GLOBEY >>6149397 >>6149464 >>6149723 >>6149759 >>6149763 If responses are fast and circumstances permit, QM will attempt a second post.
QM rollan 1d1000 for ????, Toady has no way of knowing.
Rolled 633 (1d1000) >>6150367 >SPIKEY Down him first and the overkill will start damaging globey most likely. Less fuggers to gangbang us.
No clue if we gots to roll against your d1000. if so then use this! if not then ignore it, fageet.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6150367 >SPIKEY i was about to go AFK... Anonymous
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 01 Dec 2024 03:48:58 No. 6150393 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 28, 70, 67, 29 = 194 (4d100) QM rollan SPIKEY Toady has 3 turns to down it; attacking N. GLOBEY before then will make the first turn defensive with 1 dice.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6150367 does your roll have to do with our NAT 1? (ignore this if you answer this in your next post) KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 01 Dec 2024 06:07:56 No. 6150460 Report Quoted By:
The SPIKEY has been fru shidd: lots of spikes broken, cracks up and down, a whole mess of chips and scours from pushing fru the Sord Screen. On its last legs almost, compared to the Ovva Globey. Easy choice. <span class="mu-r">henlo grampa WATS FA SUPPA</span>>TOADY 83+21-8 VS SPIKEY 70 >HIT 38+2, +6 Vorpal, +3 Balefire >SPIKEY 28 vs TOADY 78+6-8 >MISST >SPIKEY DOWNED >balance damage carried over by OVERKILL Everytime you land the middle of the Beastie Whapp on Spikey, the end of it swings at Globey; when you yank it back to razor Spikey down, the end of the Whapp takes another free swing. The aim and impact are reduced lots, but every cheapy hit helps.>TOADY OVERKILL 83-8 VS GLOBEY 67 >HIT 13Dmg, +2 Vorpal, +1 Balefire x2 >N.GLOBEY 72HP The moment Spikey's fists unclench and go limp you run up 'im; by the time it starts to topple you're over the top, landing your finisher into Globey.>OVERKILL 13Dmg, +3 Balefire x2 carried over from SPIKEY >N.GLOBEY 53HP, 3 Balefire Now reset, you take Stance to start again. Spikey and now da Ovva Globey have been fighting defensive. Dunjjon creeps aren't usually faggy this way; this is the Glassy 'Un's doing. In a delayed, removed way, he's watching you. You give Dis Globey a sneer and the bird. You point at a blue skinned foot peeking out under the toppled couch. Then you make a rumpypumpy motion with your hips. And, putting your thumbs and poities together to make a diamond shape, you stick your tungg fru and waggle it about hungrily, obscenely as you can. You might not know any language spoken by IceCube people Unduan, Aquan, Auran , but Gobbz can mime Universal. Not a bugg; izza feechur. "<span class="mu-r">Tell vat ter yer Bosser, nyerrr.</span>" It probably does; one beat pause, and you both pounce.>TOADY 87+21-8 VS N.GLOBEY 67 >WHAPPP 38, +6 Vorpal, +6 Balefire x 2 >MELLLT >N.GLOBEY -3HP, 5 Balefire >GLOBEY 29 VS TOADY 75+6-8 >MISST >N.GLOBEY DOWNED There being no one else visible to wail on, you land your finishers onto the walls and floor, breaking shit. It takes you a tremendous amount of will not to land your fatty gashy whapps into Blew Bewbz; you are very aware of how stupid it is to waste her after you've spent so many gluggs just stabilizing her, but you need to consciously force yourself not to look her way. The <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Carrionpede</span></span> is not happy, but fuggit: YOU are the boss of YOU. For now. You wait, ready for any new bugghole wot wants sum. A while. A long while. ... A quarter Time already, nuffin's steppt fru. All three Goombas have crumbled and melted down and refroze in lumpen messes, and nothing has stepped fru. The white glow is still going, as is the Sord Screen. Zappies should stop sometime; you just don't know when that is. You keep your armpits on Blew Bewbz face as you think on your next move.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 01 Dec 2024 06:20:16 No. 6150468 Report <span class="mu-s">[T A C T I C S]</span>
>Keep waiting, keep your stankpits in Blew Bewb's face; light snooze, if at all. >Penalties involved. OR
>Time to Sneekibreeki >The Floe Armor can tank the Sord Screen; once you're past, just keep to the walls. >Everyone will be as blind as you are anyway. >CHOOSE DESTINATION: Middle of the room (4turns) or Entrance (8turns) [R O L L]
>8D100 for sneekibreeki, -15 from SKUMM KOAT >>6150384 >>6150379 >>6150369 >>6149397 >>6149464 >>6149723 >>6149759 >>6149763 min 20hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 01 Dec 2024 06:21:32 No. 6150469 Report NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 82, 90, 27, 38, 99, 82, 67, 9 = 494 (8d100) >>6150468 >Time to Sneekibreeki: Middle of the room (4turns) our summons should still hang around here somewhere. lets retrieve pouchy too
>>6150469 will we find out or not because you rolled too low? Anonymous
Rolled 7, 54, 61, 51, 18, 73, 53, 40 = 357 (8d100) >>6150468 >Plupp blew bewbs. If they're gonna keep you waiting, you might as well have fun waiting. MO AO, REPORT IN, FAGGIT
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6150474 no need to rush fren
we want to savor this
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 01 Dec 2024 06:33:56 No. 6150477 Report Quoted By:
>>6150472 Your second summons have very likely turned against you and is obeying Glassy now, just like the GLOBEY you first summoned.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 01 Dec 2024 06:36:28 No. 6150479 Report >>6150472 Find out @ after vote. : D NAT 1 Anon
>>6150479 that ":D" makes me just more uneasy (oh bummer i hoped to keep our summons) Anonymous
Rolled 51, 91, 73, 93, 95, 80, 8, 79 = 570 (8d100) >>6150468 Can Moar Ow keep watch while we handle some chores (build shrines, recharge zaps, pleasure ghouly, sort through loots, etc.)?
If not;
>Sneekibreeki I'm sure glassy isn't being idle, so neither should be, either.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 01 Dec 2024 07:44:14 No. 6150504 Report Quoted By:
>>6150496 Mo Ao will contact Toady if Toady decides to wait out the spells. Advice from his superior general knowledge will be available.
However Mo Ao cannot effectively report on enemy movement while the Snow Blind spell is up.
Mo Ao is unable to {Sense Living} any of the current enemies; his version is limited to biological life.
Rolled 20, 22, 14, 86, 28, 78, 70, 52 = 370 (8d100) >>6150468 >Time to Sneekibreeki >CHOOSE DESTINATION: Middle of the room KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 02 Dec 2024 01:53:23 No. 6150954 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 26, 41, 63, 96, 83, 35, 64, 80 = 488 (8d100) >Sneekibreeki>SKUMM KOAT -15 >WHITEOUT -50 (applies to all) >TOADY BoA 82, 91, 73, 93, 99, 82, 70, 79
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 02 Dec 2024 02:02:15 No. 6150961 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 9, 3, 5, 4, 3, 4 = 28 (6d12) damage from Sord Screen
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 02 Dec 2024 02:49:47 No. 6150996 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 7, 3 = 10 (2d10) No sense waiting overlong; without Pouchy at your side you can't make fire. If you stay here until the spells wear orf QM 1d1000 = 353 minutes; nearly 6 hrs you might be too fugged up from cold and fatigue to fight. These freezy bastitches don't look like they eat or sleep. Might as well get on it while you're fresh. Finishing the little drank remaining on the toppled small cart, you wrap your hands to the elbow and legs to the knee in cushions tied with strips of carpet. That done you pess on them, glazing the front side of them with yellow rime. Smearing your armpits on Blew Bewbz face one last time, you go on all fours and brace your feet on the toppled couch. Taking the best aim you can, you kick off into the Sord Wall and huddle into the smallest lump you can, hoping to skate fru. The flying sleeting blades come in at random, chipping and picking at you from all directions. Your skate stops not even midway through from the weight of abuse and you are forced to crawl your way through the worst of it. Your preparations made a slight difference; at least you're not fully chewed like the Goombas were.>28Dmg from Sord Screen >-7Dur >Toady 10Dur, 6Dur, 30HP The moment you're past the Sord Screen your world goes painfully white. You drape a second thinny banditchief over your eyes. It barely helps: the high contrary winds carry swirls of snow in curtains, reflecting the hard cool bask coming in from the ceiling and alcoves. It's blinding. You keep your face down, eyes mostly closed, crawling steadily to one side of the room. In the howling white come thumps, first here, then there. They don't sound like steps; too long between thumps to be footfalls. You've decided to crawl >to the middle of the room, 4 turns. If the Ovva Ovva Goomba you called up has been taken over by Glassy, most likely it's waiting there, ready to move in on you once the Sord Screen and the White Out zappies run out. None of these Coldies mind the cold; waiting you out would have been best for them. Well, now they're just gonna get jumped. Itz weird: you don't remember the walls being so cluttered with biggy blue rokkz conjured sapphire when you first <span class="mu-b">{PILLOWSHEET}</span>ed in here. There's much less snow clotted on them than the floor; they're new. And different amounts of snow between patches of them too: they appeared at different times.>nyerrr >cheapy zappy fukks You're not sure this is Glassy or va Ovva Ovva Goomba's work; probably both. It doesn't seem to be detecting you, lucky. Better to keep away all the same...>DETECTION >TOADY 82-50-15 vs General Awareness 26-50 >PASS >91-50-15 vs 41-50 >PASS >73-50-15=8 vs 63-50=13 >FAIL Just as you pass the halfway mark and start going towards the middle of the room, a part of your SKUMM KOAT makes a rubbery squeak on an especially clear stretch of ice. You roll to the side on instinct, and a new blue rokk thumps down near where you had been.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 02 Dec 2024 03:18:15 No. 6151006 Report Rolled 39, 78, 22, 17, 93, 99, 1, 79 = 428 (8d100) >Toady remaining combat BoA 51, 93 || 96 (Nat1), 86 The blue rokk dint get you. Then it explodes and <span class="mu-b">does</span>.>BLAAAGH >Toady 8Dur 6Dur 30HP Shit! Deez fingz explode! N they're everywhere! Whatever YOU called up spent the last quarter Time 10+ minutes, 30+ rounds just seeding the place with boomjoolz, and now they's setting them off wherever they fink you might be! Plan's the same, findem n krumpem, but <span class="mu-r">farsta</span>!>Toady 96-15-50 vs General Alertness 93-50 >FAIL >GAAAT >Toady 6Dur, 6Dur, 30HP >Toady 99-15-50=34 vs GA 83-50=33 >PASS You're now in the middle of the room! Square middle! There's still THUMPs n KRAKKs going off here and there near you, so the jool-shittig faggit's still about! Carnt be far! You can bet Glassy ain't here; prolly need line-of-sight to make zappies. >itz 1v1 bich! >I wanchor AZZ >Toady 82-15-50 vs GA 35-50 >FOUNJERR >QM rollan monster gen and two turns >1: +80 =HP >2: ÷2 =Dur >3: ÷12 =Dur quality >4: ÷10+10=Melee base
NAT 1 Anon
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>>6151006 NAT 1 vs NAT 1 lol
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 02 Dec 2024 05:06:28 No. 6151063 Report <span class="mu-b">}JOOLIE{</span>
>39Dur (2-) 119HP 11Dmg >YEET JOOL >BUST JOOL >???? You waste no time:
>TOADY 93+24 (HHLM added to TSCP) vs JOOLIE 99 >WHAPP 38+8, +6 Vorpal, +3 Balefire; Immune Noxic >-22Dur, -18HP >JOOLIE 17Dur, 101HP, 2 Balefire She's got a lot of shell on, but it'z full of white air pockets; crumbly. You'll be fru this in a jiff.
As you crash into her, she has her blade-fan hands out just nice to shred you.
>JOOLIE 93 vs TOADY 51+6 >KASH 11dmg >-3Dur >Toady 3Dur, 6Dur, 30HP Doesn't do much; Floe Armor soaks it.
You go again!
>gyrrAHHH >TOADY 96+21 vs JOOLIE 79 >KRSSSH 38+8, +6 V., +5 B. >-17Dur -29HP >JOOLIE 72HP 4 Balefire >JOOLIE 1 vs TOADY 86+6 >LAL You hit her so many times in the space of 10 beats she manages help you to hit herself.
>Nat1! >SMAKK >JOOLIE 63HP 4 Balefire You were just laughing at her when you fumble catching your Whapp Swing.
Unlucky for you, <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> and GOLDIE come in facing the wrong way and shank you.
>+6 Dmg Vorpal, +3 from Balefire >TOADY 2Dur, 30HP, 2 Balefire. You both steady yourselves and pretend your fuck ups didn't happen.
<span class="mu-s">[T A C T I C S]</span>
You have engaged JOOLIE; Glassy knows her position and your position relative to her.
YOU are one turn from the entrance, JOOLIE is one turn away from you.
GLASSY at half HP when you last saw him
>8D100 >>6150639 >>6150496 >>6150480 >>6150474 min 20hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 02 Dec 2024 05:10:00 No. 6151068 Report Quoted By:
edit>JOOLIE 61HP 4Balefire
NAT 1 Anon
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Rolled 58, 44, 10, 59, 47, 18, 93, 16 = 345 (8d100) >>6151063 >JOOLIE if we disengage now she will just give cover fire to glassy
so no reason to let our work go unfinished
(please guys no NAT 1 this time. i cant take it anymore) Anonymous
Rolled 34, 52, 5, 62, 72, 46, 14, 3 = 288 (8d100) >>6151063 >>JOOLIE Are multiple 1s ok?
Rolled 22, 92, 56, 90, 26, 39, 48, 77 = 450 (8d100) >>6151063 >JOOLIE Anonymous
Rolled 2, 43, 31, 44, 22, 20, 51, 30 = 243 (8d100) >>6151063 >JOOLIE She seems to be less adept at melee, so let's press our advantage and take it down first.
Though, if we take down glassy, would we regain control of joolie?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 02 Dec 2024 10:45:39 No. 6151168 Report >>6151143 >if we beat GLASSY first, can we get JOOLIE If you beat GLASSY first, you can shove JOOLIE functional and docile into Pouchy.
Rolled 36, 1, 73, 22, 17, 78, 95, 45 = 367 (8d100) >>6151063 >JOOLIE NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 82, 2, 25, 80, 60, 63, 46, 66 = 424 (8d100) >>6151063 >GLASSY Fuck you I want that glassussy.
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can we just have a regular attack fail for that 1? you have to admit it is getting insane
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Tue 03 Dec 2024 03:58:10 No. 6151562 Report Rolled 1 + 1 (1d2 + 1) backlogged roll: how many settlements to get through before reaching the access point of the [[Heist]] location
NAT 1 Anon
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>>6151562 crazy how we still arent in arc #2 technically
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 03 Dec 2024 05:12:53 No. 6151600 Report Quoted By:
24hrs QM busy
>>6151143 >>6151168 If it's still possible, I'd like to switch target to GLASSY.
Having JOOLIE place explosives everywhere just sounds like too much of a good time
lumberfewt DIS, fugging binnies Anonymous
sure i switch my vote to glassy too watch us somehow almost die with our current luck
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 04 Dec 2024 01:39:14 No. 6152033 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2, 2, 4, 2, 7, 6, 5, 6 = 34 (8d8) >GET GLASSY>TOADY BoA 82, 92(Nat1) || 73, 90 || 72, 78 || 95, 77 >Toady 2Dur, 30HP, 2 Balefire You're close enough to the entrance! You figger if Glassy's the one hijacking GLOBEY and JOOLIE, shoving <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> in him several times viciously should improve matters. <span class="mu-i">You'll</span> feel heaps better, at the very least. You take two steps back and the last of JOOLIE's outline that you cannot see fades into the WHITE OUT. You get crawling towards what you think is the entrance.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 04 Dec 2024 01:54:46 No. 6152043 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 26, 14, 50, 19, 53, 67, 37, 12 = 278 (8d100) Before you make any progress there comes a violent blast of cold that buffets you to reeling.>GLASSY used CONE OF COLD >8d8= 34Dmg >QKA soaks 6, SKUMM KOAT soaks 8 >Toady 20HP, 2 Balefire You bite down, don't cry out; Glassy marked and zapped you because you tussled with Joolie. You're not giving the bastich any moar help marking you again. You crawl, head down, stabbing the GIGA GLUGGZ fangs into your stomach as you do. Figger you'll be needing it.>GIGA GLUGGZ 0/8 >Toady 24HP, 1 Balefire >Toady BoA 89, 93(Nat1) You crawl a good long while before you reach a wall you weren't expecting.> >SHID! You've fucked up AGAIN! This is the wrong way!>QM rollan Joolie
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 04 Dec 2024 04:42:13 No. 6152137 Report Quoted By:
>TOADY 2 TURNS FROM ENTRANCE >QM lapse: TOADY 15HP 1 Balefire since last turn >JOOLIE 26-50 VS TOADY 92-50+6 >MISST A crash at your side behind you tells you that Joolie is chucking joolz again, and *that* was your approximate last position. Then the sound of galeforce filled with glass, scouring roughly the same place. GLASSY's blindfiring, hoping to get you again.>GLASSY 50-50 VS TOADY 82-50+6 >TRY AGAIN BICH >TOADY 15HP >TOADY 1 TURN FROM ENTRANCE You get crawling. It carnt be far. It shouldn't.>JOOLIE 67-50 VS TOADY 78-50+6 >MISST Glassy's holding fire since he hadn't hit you; there's a limit to his zappies, like every cheaty zappfagg. You're here! You fly through in a <span class="mu-r">BLITZ</span>! The first thing in front of you <span class="mu-r">GETZ IT</span>>TOADY 95+24 VS SMOL SNO A 37 >KRSHH >38+9Dmg, +6 Vorpal, +3 Balefire x 2 >SMOL SNO A (30HP) DOWNED >OVERKILL 29 Dmg Carried Over Your KOMBO doesn't stop just because the first one's dedd.>OVERKILL also causes 16dmg, 2 Vorpal, 1 Balefire x 2 >SMOL SNO B DOWNED As easily, the second one folds, and Glassy right behind with an >ohnono look on his face. He eats the Finishers, <span class="mu-r">BAMM</span>>OVERKILL AGAIN >19Dmg Carried Over >GLASSY 57HP from earlier >GLASSY 38HP He knows he carnt beat you, turns to run as you reset. And Moar Aww appears in front of him, no {BEDSHEET}, grappling him in a mess of pale tenti-fingies.>GLASSY DOWNED >JOOLIE POUCHED >QM takes a break
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 04 Dec 2024 07:15:12 No. 6152177 Report Rolled 25, 28, 19, 94, 87, 90, 59, 59, 44, 15, 99, 93 = 712 (12d100) First things first: lewts.
You use <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> to cut out the melty messes that remain of the Goombas off the floor and chuck em in.
Then you sack the rest of the place. It takes a doozy time because of the WHITE OUT, but you, your remaining Dimmy and Wagon manage. Fixings, furnishings, food, everfin.
>rollan LEWT >first d100 determines how many following d100 to be considered; 1d100 per 10 from the first d100 >last two d100 to count semi precious and precious jools looted >1 semi precious jool per 10 for 11th d100 >1 precious jool per 20 for 12th d100 >JOOLIE CAPTURED >0/39Dur (2-) 51/119HP 11Dmg >SPIKEY CAPTURED >14/28Dur (3-) 107/120HP, 14Dmg >GAIN 2 HHLM FROM DOWNING BLEW BEWBZ >GAIN 2 HHLM FROM DOWNING GLASSY Moar Oww doesn't know any language Glassy can speak. All he can tell you is Glassy is Alley Mental and a spell-carsta.
"<span class="mu-r">Fat gudd yer arr.</span>"
He releases Glassy, bound in rolled carpet, for you to guard, the Whapp around the neck and <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> under the chin, while he ghosts through the Sord Screen to have a look at Blew Bewbz.
He comes back with a small lidded gold cup, with a lip and a beeswax light coming off the tip, no wick. He says this is Blew Bewbz: lifting the lid he pours pours out nightblue glittery smoke that assumes the form of Blew Bewbz, in a weakened daze.
<span class="mu-i"> • A Genie or Efreeti, from her manner of dress and flesh. A proud enslaving race that as vehemently resents enslavement as enslaves lesser beings for granted.
Popular legend supposes that such as she are able to grant wishes, though stories equally abound of wishes being flouted by their letter, and the wisher ending in woeful state. •</span>
"<span class="mu-r">Nyerr. Her titz as blew as muh ballz. How's Jeenys n Fritters for pluppen. Any gudd.</span>"
<span class="mu-i">• Sources have described them as alluring and voluptuous, their menfolk as large tyrannous; few speak of union with mortals even in suggestion, none that outcome offspring. If you manage insemination with your virulent fecundity it may be a first. •</span>
"<span class="mu-r">Common, UncleSukka; do you speek it.</span>"
<span class="mu-i">• Having carnal relations with her may or may not succeed in breeding. •</span>
"<span class="mu-r">But I <span class="mu-i">cans</span> plupp her.</span>"
<span class="mu-i">• Yes. •</span>
"<span class="mu-r">Dat all yer needed ter say. Wanksheet.</span>"
<span class="mu-s">[HUR HUR HUR]</span>
>PLUPPENING Y/N >Turns her DIMM if QM 1D100>40; 60% odds >If DIMMed, Toady gains control if QM 1D100>60; 40% odds You are going to surrender GLASSY to Gorrlovva, to keep up your end of the bargain.
IF Blew Bewbz remains unDIMMed, who do you surrender her to?
>GORLOVVA, try to squeeze moar out of him (what want? Write in.) >Seafood. He'll know what to do. He always knows. He'll just take a cut, like usual. >No, no, nuh-uh, she MINE. Dis "Wish" fing sounds verrrr innerestun. >>6151628 >>6151808 >>6151398 >>6151242 >>6151102 >>6151091 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 04 Dec 2024 07:18:24 No. 6152179 Report Quoted By:
>47 Stuffs GETTY >10 Semi Precious Joolz GETTY >5 Precious Joolz GETTY
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 04 Dec 2024 07:49:50 No. 6152184 Report Quoted By:
>>6149628 <span class="mu-b">}}BLEW BEWBZ{{</span>
>Dark Star; radius of 40ft, 8d10 Force damage and Darkness effect >Investiture of Ice; immune ice, resist fire, gain a 4d6 ranged attack, gain 10ft radius difficult terrain >Prismatic Spray, 10d6 of a random damage type, with 12% chance of 20d6 >Temporal Shunt, lose turn if you fail a Wisdom roll; -30 Penalty for this roll. utilities
>Geas: obey a 1 minute instruction for 30 days or take 5d10 Psychi damage >Planar Bind: force an already summoned creature into service >Legend Lore: immediately get a lore summary of a legendary name; person, place or thing. <span class="mu-b">}GLASSY</span>
>Cone of Cold; heals Ice Elementals. (JOOLIE is a Gemstone Elemental) >Conjure Minor Elemental: CR 2 elementals, 1hr >Ego Lash: Toady rolls -15 to resist with Intelligence; failing causes -20 to all rolls until next turn Anonymous
>>6152177 >PLUPPENING (NAH) >Seafood. He'll know what to do. He always knows. He'll just take a cut, like usual. Turning her into a DIMMwit would be a terrible waste, and at this point I think we are experienced enough to know not to roll the dice with a non-friendly zapzap caster.
>>6152177 >No pluppin. Not unprotected at least. Don't want her to become a DIMMwit. >Seafood. He'll know what to do. He always knows. He'll just take a cut, like usual. NAT 1 Anon
>>6152177 if she became a dimmie would she just be a like the others or would she keep some of her abilities?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 04 Dec 2024 15:32:21 No. 6152326 Report Quoted By:
>>6152309 She will keep Dark Star *or* two other combat spells, and Planar Binding utility spell.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6152177 >PLUPPENING Y we even have favored odds and the reward is well worth it. seafood will be jealous
>No, no, nuh-uh, she MINE. Dis "Wish" fing sounds verrrr innerestun. imagine what WE could do with a wish. getting rid of gui li comes to mind. perhaps even kill seafood when the time is right (we dont want him to be our master forever right?)
what we cant do is give seafood a wish. he could just wish to be able to kill us. (as we know hes looking for a way to do that)
>>6152333 Seems logical. I support this.
>>6152333 Legends say that they are able to grant wishes
Legends also say the wishes tend to fuck the wish maker over something fierce
You DIMM her and you'll have control over her only at the pleasure of the DIMMU queen. You get rid of seafood and we'll be at her mercy as well (unless you want to cut your cawk off).
NAT 1 Anon
>>6152463 killing seafood would be something waaay into the future
we leave it to him to kill the dimmu queen, which he also wants to do eventually
i know wording is very important with wishes, but something as simple like killing someone shouldnt leave a whole lot of room for fuckery
and we might even have more than 1 wish
how can we not take a 60% chance to get the most powerful spell i ask you
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 05 Dec 2024 00:23:12 No. 6152525 Report >>6152474 60% x 40% = 24% of clearing both rolls. Just saying. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 05 Dec 2024 00:50:19 No. 6152540 Report Quoted By:
>>6152463 >you'll have control only at the pleasure of DIMMU QUEEN Odds of retaining control represented by 40% QM 1D100; if Toady beats that, he will have control, no ifs or buts, effective immediately.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6152525 if we clear the first roll we dont have to clear the second one tho even if we fail i am more than happy with what we got out of this
i mean 2 elementals (golems?) at our command is really huge
so its not like we lose anything if we try to take control of blew bewbz too
instead, we have so much to gain
NAT 1 Anon
should you somehow roll a NAT 1 or 100 will it have an impact in any way? (just so that front is covered for this unlikely occurrence)
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 05 Dec 2024 01:33:00 No. 6152559 Report >>6152543 Note the IF. Retaining control is a problem that arises after DIMMifying. A DIMMed magical being capable of level 7+ spells is at least as desirable to Dimmu Queen as a pair of perfect blew norks is to Toady. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 05 Dec 2024 01:37:54 No. 6152561 Report Quoted By:
>>6152554 >will NAT1s or NAT100s have special significance Always. A traumatizing bipolar tradition.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6152559 excuse my retardedness, but i understand it that if she doesnt get DIMMed toady takes direct control of her like you said initially when this was first brought up. so is this still the case or would just nothing happen instead? KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 05 Dec 2024 01:50:57 No. 6152569 Report >>6152565 if pluppening happens and she doesn't get dimmed, she remains a hostage, and will at some point attempt to negotiate her freedom. NAT 1 Anon
>>6152569 this is what i referred to btw in case you forgot >>6148016 and >>6148112 last question: would we still get a wish if shes dimmified? (i assume not) KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 05 Dec 2024 02:25:40 No. 6152587 Report Quoted By:
>>6152577 If merely Dimmified, no. If Dimmified AND under Toady's control, yes. By then you'll have deserved it. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 05 Dec 2024 02:28:19 No. 6152589 Report Quoted By:
>>6152577 QM apologizes for not communicating terms clearly. Current terms are as originally intended. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 05 Dec 2024 02:38:39 No. 6152596 Report Current tally:
>PLUPP YESS >>6152333 >>6152395 >PLUPP NOO >>6152192 >>6152246 Anyone who hasn't voted, 24hrs, or QM 1D2.
NAT 1 Anon
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>>6152596 you know what? i change my vote to no plupp
i want that wish no matter what
>>6152177 >N >No, no, nuh-uh, she MINE. Dis "Wish" fing sounds verrrr innerestun. NAT 1 Anon
>>6152596 can we at least molest her a bit? KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 06 Dec 2024 07:48:32 No. 6153169 Report Quoted By:
You grope Blew Bewbz blew bewbz while you think it through. She lets you, only trembling when you start playing with her nipnipz; <span class="mu-b">Daggy's</span> hilt deep at a stroke into the solid rock ground between her legs, right at the thigh gap. pewbz like mountain snow. Huh. Gobbz mime <span class="mu-i">guuudd</span>. When you reach your decision you tweak a nippy; squeaky gasp. You turn your ovva wrist absently: <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> slides free from the ground, while Beastie Whapp closes around your body instead of hers. She manages to stay still, knowing how destructive you are with your strange weapon. Her not being harmed now is a demonstration of finesse. You hold up the gold teacup Moar Oww gave you, angling the lid open with a thumb. "<span class="mu-r">Yew. Inn.</span>" She gets your message, dissolving into a blue sparkly smoke that swirls itself into the cup. When it's all in, you close the lid, and a small, heatless almost lightless blue flame spouts out of the dainty lip. Without a second thought you chuck it into Pouchy, looking up to see Glassy cringing in Moar Oww's grip. "<span class="mu-r">Watz widdim.</span>" <span class="mu-i">• Fear of death. Enclosing dimensional spells and artifacts within one another usually entail catastrophic spatial adjustment. •</span> "<span class="mu-r">Wat.</span>" <span class="mu-i">• Pouchy bag thing or zappy inside Pouchy bag thing or zappy makey likey boomboom biggy. •</span> "<span class="mu-r">Fugg yew kunt, we durnt talk lark dat.</span>" <span class="mu-i">• And yet yew knew it wurz erbert yew. •</span> "<span class="mu-r">Yer muvva.</span>" °°° With Wagon clamping Glazzy and Moar Oww leading the way back out, the journey is as comfy as you can expect: swaddled in new carpet, swigging the fancy faggy drankz n snakkz from Blew Bewbz' personal buffet, you feel like a gorrillion golds, top shape. It would have taken at least 3 armed Gobbz, 4 to be safe, to handle a particularly sloppy newb Fighty, and now look at YOU: on solo, half rekt kludgewear, and you just topped 5 Alley Mentals, a zappfagg, and a zappysuperfagg, on just one sip of Helff Pott wot you didn't really need. The way you figger, all the Fighties in Plague Town would have gotten wiped if they tried, even in top shape with Pottz n Healz. And now, if Moar Oww ain't hamming, youz got a <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">W I S H</span></span> loaded and ready to cook.>Toady me Gobb >Yerz winning biggly You're rested well enough to swagger when Moar Oww detects the off-hour Gobby watchteem: Wagon and Spookface go into the Pouch, and you lead out Glassy gagged and chained, the Whapp snarled around his neck. You wake the first snoozy watchGobb you come upon with a kick. "<span class="mu-r">Oi. Fetch va Shammies and who evah's handy out. This unz a zappyfagg. Hurry it.</span>" Netting something like Glassy gets you so much respect everyone just take your orders. You like the fuss and chatter: <span class="mu-r">Gorr Wokka</span>'s back from va Deep End! Baaased. When you get to Gorrlovva's tent he's already awake. Pity. You'd wanted to kick him awake too.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 06 Dec 2024 08:32:41 No. 6153180 Report Quoted By:
"<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">So itz Gorr Wokka narr izzit.</span></span>" "<span class="mu-r">Yew knowwit. I've kept up me end. Bagged yer a bossy zappah from va Deep End. When's Dokk commen by. I warnt me rekkmendashun.</span>" His voice goes a little softer. Cautious. Git's tryin sumfin. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Day arfta. Mebbe day arfta dat. While yer waidn we can put you on eazy street: overwatch the pitz for breakout. Tower top view, no one bothering, nosh brought up twice a day. Do me solid; I'll round yer performance appraisal roit up spiffy.</span></span>">Dis fuggin git. You take a deep breath as an alternative to taking his tongue. "<span class="mu-r">I'z werked one day and night already; double shift, double risk. Pluz termarrer, pluz day arfta arfta, makes five days. I wuz spozed to werk wun. If yer warnt me clocking here four moar days, make me happy <span class="mu-i">till venn.</span></span>" The moment his hand even half consciously drifts to the axx under his crate-n-plankk desk, you thrash it to driftwood. When he opens his eyes <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> and GOLDIE are right over his eyeballs, and Daggy right under his ovva wuns. "<span class="mu-r">Good word. Dokk. Termarrer. Teafast. Or I'z show yer wot I <span class="mu-s">REELY</span> did.</span>" The mad light in your eyes persuades him chopsweet. °°° You spend a couple of hours boasting and showing orf, telling the Gobbz n Yobbz about all your adventures in the Deep End. In your telling there were three pairs of blew bewbz, each melon bigger than your whole nogg, nippies twinkling like starlight. And there were <span class="mu-i">four</span> Glassy Goombas; you only managed to catch the weakest one alive. And many many lots Sordy n Rokky Goombas, each one like, like, the size of a <span class="mu-s">Ooger</span>. Most of your listeners take you at your world, totally absorbed at your audacious kunnen killyness. The Shammies think you're hamming; it carnt be possible this little titch took on that whole lot. It's only your elaborate descriptions of decor, items, zappies and all that make them doubt themselves. When youve finished your epic telling the fires have burned low; it's near sun-up. Strange: the winds have picked up. Colder too. You watch as the ice from the Dunjjon mouf slowly, visibly creeps outward, about half a thumbwidth every ten beats. You know in your gutt: itz the Dunjjon. It's lost its DunjjonBosser, but she's not dedd. The Dunjjon is confused. And <span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">uPsEt</span></span>. The next shift of clearers and wranglers don't go in: too dangerous with this wind. They want to wait see if it calms down; no sense wasting oil if it does. You have an idea it won't calm down. In front of the Shammies you pretend to be puzzled with the rest of them. Of <span class="mu-i">course</span> it wasn't you. DirtyNuggz comes to fetch you before teafast; Dokk got a heapy bigg Well Done from the Wrangler UnderBoss Gorrlovva, said YOU cleared 2 weeks quota of Bigg Catches in two shifts. In two weeks your numbers will be legend: no one else managed to catch anything on account of this storm.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Fri 06 Dec 2024 09:15:33 No. 6153192 Report Quoted By:
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sat 07 Dec 2024 09:40:50 No. 6153561 Report Quoted By:
"<span class="mu-g">Sez here. Two bolgiewagz; main contriboota. Two webjumpahz, ice, present. Two saves, no capture, when jumped by large whippet drake, ice. Eight scarotuurz, main contriboota; six white shaggerz, one alpha inclusiv, main con; three zerk merfs, young herd mom inclusive, main con; da da da da, and a glassy zappy. Muh Shammies say da glassy un's a command carsta; theyre having him tame big problem icies caught up from va Deep End of Sotther Look. Very useful. Yer work roit gudd, Reddy. Got a proppa name?</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Toady, Bosser.</span>" Dokk smiles Shammie-ly, like one who knows things. "<span class="mu-g">Juzt for yer earz, Toady. Gorrlovva ratted yer in hiz revoo. Sez yer incited sit-in mootny wiv da Gobbz, durnt take ordaz, crib triple rasshunz, skive like a dry snail. Sez it would straighten yer if I'z sent yer wiv da foot scoutz. I darnt warnt yer ter go settle up widdim, cause I get better work outta him if he keeps finking he'z got my ear, and I'm finna do just as he sez, so happens. I believe yer much gudder than he sez, to rustle his jimmies this much. Siddarn. I'll broo uz a sip.</span>" You watch him clear out a smolly cauldron, size of your belly, chuck a bunch of grass herb and dried fruit inna, bring it just before boil, and pour it out strained in a wide clay plate, into which he adds peppery sugar and fans cool before pouring in two smol bowls. Dis ain't the tea the In-Turn taught yer. Dokk showing roit respect. Of course that prolly means he's gonna ask fer sumn hefty in a bit; doesn't stop you feeling gudd about it. Tea's very gudd. You savor it. "<span class="mu-g">Heard of da foot scouts, Toady.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Nar. Heerdy va Woof Raiderz tho. Allus figgered demm da scouts.</span>" You speak honestly; Gobbz can be expected to be ignorant of all things. Acting stupid enough and you might draw out information from people correcting you out of frustration. "<span class="mu-g">The Raiderz iz farst scouts. Galloppy farst. But farst ain't thorough. Farst <span class="mu-i">spots,</span> doesn't <span class="mu-i">nootice.</span> Used to be we had mobbz of foot scouts. Skulker n creeper specialists. Gudd at nooticin. Go out down among the weakies, scope their towns and stashes so we can hit em goolies gudd. Pretty tuffy lot, good at losing and confoozin chasers innawoodz. Bart two Suns Solar year ago a verrr speshul Scout comes along. Name of Sordo at first, then Lukky, then Fly-Bite; Clewfinda, now. Smarmy git. You'll hate him. Dulugtangor, our ShammyBoss, gives a good word of him, so he gets to Boss a troop of foot scouts. He jobz gudd, lots lewts. Weird how little raepen n killen there was in his raidz, but also no dedd griggers. OverBoss likes dat. Big numbaz gudd, numba go up gudd. So he gets moar n moar scout mobbz to run. They go raiding furva, furva; da scoutz start taking numbas. No wounds, only deffs, and lotsy deffs. The places Clewfinda keeps hitting are loaded with Fighties. </span>"
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 07 Dec 2024 11:20:38 No. 6153581 Report Quoted By:
"<span class="mu-g">Yer might fink dats bad roit? No: itz gudd, sez Dulugtangor: now we got Majjikk Matts. Make lotsy zappies. Train up a Shammy Mobb. OverBoss likes the sound of dat. A Shammy Mobb. Used to be us greenies have one Shammy or suchlike in a whole biggy mobb. If we haz a <span class="mu-i">Shammy</span> mobb we'll be a roit bossy waaagh, wouldn't we? Sounds gudd. So the scouts keep dying, and Dulugtangor gets his Shammy Mobb, until there's no moar scout mobbz left, juzt Clewfinda by his lonesome. All the scouts wots left slouched off to the Scrappa Krewz or Woof Ridaz or Lab In-Turnz. And Clewfinda still alive, still scouting raidz, doing the same numbaz. Makes yer fink if he reely ever needed the scout mobbz widdim. Makes yer fink if he didn't lead em into no-out Fighty jumps jurzt ter kill em.</span>" You think like he tells yer. You reely fink. Dokk pours moar tea. Crumbles dry bay leaf inna, for posh. "<span class="mu-g">I know yer not frum uz, Toady. Yer nart normal. Yer running a game here. Durnt know what ittiz. Durnt care. I juzt know you're not wiv Dulugtangor, or he wouldna thrown yer ter Boog; and I know Dulug darnt fink yer much a threat, or he woulda kept an eye on yer. And now I know yer kunnen, n killy, n klevvah. Mebbe krazy too, n mebbe dat ain't bad. Keepz people gessin. I wantz yer ter trail Clewfinda. See what he does scouting solo. See if he talks to anyone wots not Green. If he jumps yer, do yer fing.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Killem.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">If yer can.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Watz he got. Kit. Tricks. Zappies.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">He's got a elf-scale undershirt. Rare metal. If your uzing cuties, don't go for the body; face, neck, below knee and elbow, all open. He gotta leaf-noiff, pretty sharp, goes light white glowy when he takes it art; gotta zappy, makes him poof disappear, even his smell. He might have moar, unknown.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Wuzzee look loik.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">Loik yer, a Gobby; an old, uggo Gobby.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">I ain't old.</span>" Dokk's eyes twinkle fiercely. "<span class="mu-g">Egg<span class="mu-i">zact</span>ly. Derr <span class="mu-i">are</span> no old Gobbies. Gobbies grow up to Yobbz, Yobbz to Oiks, Oiks to Orcs, Orcs to Oogerz or Twollz or sumn else. Gobbz darnt <span class="mu-i">gett</span> old. Even a Red Green loik yer is less weird than an old Gobb. I'z sussen he ain't a Gobb at all.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Zat roit. Where yer plantn me Dokk.</span>" "<span class="mu-g">Gityeeta'z my ladd from the foot scout days. Bosser of a mobb of Axx Chukk Oiks now, supports the Woof Ridaz. He knows what's up. You won't be close to Clewfinda straight orf, but he'll be abart. Stay onnim. Report back if yer find anything.</span>" "<span class="mu-r">Yer ain't skurrd va ShammyBoss twigg on dat it'z yer prodding me. ? </span>" Dokk tapps the side of his schnozz. "<span class="mu-g">If he do, den he in cahootz wiv Clewfinda. Carnt do nuffin anyway: wiv the Shammy Mobbz supporting, we can keep harvesting majjikk matts out of the dunjjons, keep breeding Gobbz out ovva whorepitz. We durnt need Clewfinda. If Dulug angy, Dulug does."</span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 07 Dec 2024 11:57:35 No. 6153587 Report Rolled 11 + 8 (1d12 + 8) <span class="mu-s">[UNDAKUVVA]</span>
After linking up wiv Dokk's ladd, Gityeeta, wat do?
>Stikk to him, wait for him to point you at Clewfinda. >High chance for both Toady and Clewfinda to nootice each other. OR
>Follow the mobb without being part of it, try to guess where Clewfinda's leading and try to head him orf. >Likely to succeed and may catch Clewfinda fully offguard, but you will gain fatigue penalty -15. OR
>Join the main mobb, follow stupidly. >When Clewfinda calls for backup before the raid proppa, volunteer and get ready to get jumped. >You may not catch Clewfinda himself, but you *will* kill his frens, heh heh OR
>Big brain time. >Write in a plann. [Y/N]
>BUILD NEW SEAFOOD SHRINE AND PRAY UP, Y/N >2Days needed to do this far enough from the Orc settlement to be semisafe. >SKUMM KOAT Y/N [R O L L]
>12D100 >6 Gen/sneekibreeki, 6 Combat >>6152699 >>6152677 >>6153026 >>6152463 >>6152395 >>6152246 >>6152192 36hrs.
Also, start discussing what you want for <span class="mu-b">{WISH}</span>.
General parameters of DND 5e <span class="mu-b">{WISH}</span> apply, but Droogz may ask for anything else.
QM's ruling: if it is under 7 words, it will be granted at full reality-bending power; every 5 words after that reduces its power by ~15%.
There are no game-breaking wishes, only unwise ones.
The Efreet will grant the first wish with minimal illwill, because she was semi-fairly conquered without raep.
>QM rollan new QKA Anonymous
Rolled 99, 59, 87, 1, 8, 5, 26, 37, 56, 43, 25, 12 = 458 (12d100) >>6153587 >Follow the mobb without being part of it, try to guess where Clewfinda's leading and try to head him orf. >Likely to succeed and may catch Clewfinda fully offguard, but you will gain fatigue penalty -15. as long as we dont keep getting 1s it should be fine
>BUILD NEW SEAFOOD SHRINE AND PRAY UP, N >SKUMM KOAT N the extra stealth penalty would be detrimental
>WISH as mentioned, this is the best way to get rid of gui li. else she might never go away...
what is better tho: giving toady magical affinity. can we do that QM?
and also: could we ask for specific magic items? NAT 1 Anon
>>6153630 >as long as we dont keep getting 1s it should be fine EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Anonymous
>>6153630 >Want Majjikkal yes yes? Yes you can. Word it.
Rolled 68, 6, 7, 41, 31, 49, 20, 92, 93, 39, 38, 13 = 497 (12d100) >>6153587 >Follow the mobb without being part of it, try to guess where Clewfinda's leading and try to head him orf. >BUILD NEW SEAFOOD SHRINE AND PRAY UP, Y >SKUMM KOAT Y >WISH I wish for zappy powers
NAT 1 Anon
>>6153648 does "i wish for..." or "grant me..." count towards the word limit?
>>6153650 :| Anonymous
>>6153657 Slight discount, "gimme" counts as one word.
Seven words total.
Attempt to be specific or risk disappointment.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6153664 i already have an idea then ^^
could we theoretically also wish for the ability to level up? (if so this is a strong contender for second wish) Anonymous
>>6153587 Can we ask her to read our mind when granting our wishes? Because that's how you get an entire and fully fleshed idea out without using words. It also relays intent, which is important for a wish.
>>6153587 >Follow the mobb without being part of it, try to guess where Clewfinda's leading and try to head him orf. >Likely to succeed and may catch Clewfinda fully offguard, but you will gain fatigue penalty -15. >BUILD NEW SEAFOOD SHRINE AND PRAY UP, N >SKUMM KOAT N >WISH Gimme another dick for makin goblin babbies.
Make us a proper goblin again.
>>6153804 Maybe the wish turns out well and we end up with two dicks.
>>6153587 >Follow the mobb without being part of it, try to guess where Clewfinda's leading and try to head him orf. We should probably recharge our helf squigga before we head out.
>BUILD NEW SEAFOOD SHRINE AND PRAY UP >YES Haven't talked to Seafood lately. Maybe check in with him and use up our stored zapzap before recharging anew.
>SKUMM KOAT >No Do you think this git has a nose like a real gob? Getting a proper ambush on him might be more valuable than a little bit more armor and damage, considering he supposedly can go invisible.
As for Wish, I actually like having Guili around, and I think eventually we can reach an understanding with her. For reality-bending, something basic would be like being able to gain levels and have classes. I don't know much about DnD, but IMO something that fundamentally changes our nature and how we exist in the world is better than something like an item, skill, or attribute.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 08 Dec 2024 00:33:59 No. 6154012 Report >>6153739 She can simulate the Detect Thought spell.
If Toady keeps a vision of his intent strongly in mind, she will make it out, among other things.
Anons will roll Bo3 -35 to simulate Toady's Wisdom in conjuring this vision; that will be the power level of the WISH's outcome using this method.
To use a live example: having no idea what magic really is or works, Toady says "gimme zappy powwuz" (QM using previously suggested utterance, to avoid interference), and thinks of bright purple lightning coming out of his hands. That looks Bosser as fuck, to someone with no clue; the WISH then gives Toady the ability to cast Lightning Arrow (lvl3 spell) and a few other level 3 spells. Unimpressive, and may be considered a waste of a WISH. This is the -35 Wisdom roll at play.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6154012 do we have to formulate the wish in toadys manner of speaking and does it have to be something he would think of?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 08 Dec 2024 01:03:46 No. 6154027 Report Quoted By:
>>6153687 "level up" is too meta, and Toady hasn't actually seen it happen: the Adventurers he's met have either chased him off or died. He hasn't been with any Adventurer party to see that kind of growth, nor is he very interested in lesser races except in terms of lewts n raep. Thus, "wanna be able to level up" is too meta for Toady to ask for. Anons have to make a solid case and/or word it well for this to be permitted. Anonymous
You know, I think we could just wish for Immortality or something like a dragonball villain. The ability to be literally incapable of death is always good. Alternatively: "Gimme regeneration; fastest and perfect." Perfect means it wouldn't give us cancer or anythin like that. Fastest means the fastest regen she can manage with the wish. Perfect might also let us regenerate as long as one cell is still alive, if we're lucky. Should also improve physical gainz and stamina. In fact, that exact wording is my vote.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 08 Dec 2024 01:39:53 No. 6154048 Report >>6154024 no need to do it gobliny, no need for strict grammar.
letting the Efreet do Detect Thought on Toady is a tradeoff of power for accuracy; Toady will still be wording it, but now with mental illustrations
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 08 Dec 2024 01:41:27 No. 6154050 Report Quoted By:
>>6154037 noted.
will be offered for voting
Quoted By:
>>6154037 Actually I can improve this.
"Gimme fastest, perfect, endless regeneration".
So it doesn't expire.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6154048 we can say Mo Ao helps toady with wording
"gimme high magical affinity, potential and proficiency"
the intended outcome would be that toady can learn any spell of any level
(of any class, but for balancing reasons i can understand if not) with no side effects like exhaustion or misfiring. he can identify items, use items normally only magic class creatures could and cast cantrips right away. (among other things)
i avoided to wish for "power" because that can and likely will lead to fuckery of some sort. same with invulnerability or immortality (also it wouldnt be that fun)
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 08 Dec 2024 03:27:46 No. 6154103 Report Quoted By:
>>6154088 noted.
slated for voting.
>>6154088 You could word it as "Gimme Maximum Potential in Everything!"
Five words. Covers all yer bases. Since it's just potential you gotta work for it still. But it should help us unlock other kinds of cultivator training with sifu, and leveling stuff.
Quoted By:
>>6154149 Or unlimited instead of maximum. Food for thought.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6154149 because we dont simply cast wish, but be dependent on a genie for it, we shouldnt be that greedy since blew bewbz will fuck us over in some way if we are.
my wish is already pushing it i feel like
btw you still need to vote/roll
as well as
>>6153804 and
>>6153920 Anonymous
Rolled 58, 1, 15, 22, 16, 13, 6, 35, 31, 16, 42, 41 = 296 (12d100) >>6154164 Going over five words is going to start drastically reducing the amount you get from it.
First wish is going to be in our favor, stated by QM.
Trust in the five word one. Removing the limits on our potential in everything is going to go well.
I ain't got thoughts on current vote. Too busy wishmaxxing. But here's a roll, faggit.
Wait, under 7 words for full power. After that and every 5 after reduces by 15%. So 6 words or less is full power. I can modify my shit with an extra word. "Gimme nondraining, fastest, perfect, endless regeneration" to make sure it dont consume all our calories in three seconds. "Gimme un-limited beneficial potential for everything." So we don't increase our negative potential. "Make Luck always in my favor!" Is another good one. Hard to misinterpret or twist. Longterm and shortterm benefits. At 100% strenght unlikely to get cucked effectwise. "Gimme ability to permanently steal abilities!" Is also nice. Could possibly use it on an adventurer to gain the ability to level up?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 08 Dec 2024 12:15:51 No. 6154246 Report >>6154221 to clarify, equal and under 7 words for full power.
"permanently steal abilities" will get you their class features, feats, spell-likes, and similar.
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6154187 QM said wish will be granted with minimal ill will (so still some ill will) and that just means she wont try to outright kill us with our first wish. that doesnt mean we get exactly what we want, especially if we word the wish very broadly.
normally i am the one misreading things Anonymous
Rolled 24, 26, 74, 4, 76, 1, 27, 80, 18, 5, 49, 90 = 474 (12d100) >>6153587 >Stikk to him, wait for him to point you at Clewfinda. >High chance for both Toady and Clewfinda to nootice each other. >No >No Anonymous
Rolled 20, 32, 22, 39, 83, 86, 42, 66, 83, 93, 1, 45 = 612 (12d100) >>6153587 Forgot my roll
>>6153920 NAT 1 Anon
so we got like 4 1s? i guess thats how odds work? (inb4 QM gets 2 100s simply because fuck us)
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 09 Dec 2024 02:32:56 No. 6154584 Report >>6154537 ImproAizen Quest stole all the 100s, and Goblin Cultivator attracted all the 1s. Having rigged and cursed odds is Goblinslayer appropriate. NAT 1 Anon
>>6154584 excited to see what you do to us QM (how about we wish for NAT 1s not being crit fails anymore?) KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 09 Dec 2024 05:54:54 No. 6154667 Report Quoted By:
>>6154599 "Make Luck always in my favor!" will correct this with interest. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 09 Dec 2024 06:34:42 No. 6154681 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 82, 54, 54, 99, 58, 10 = 357 (6d100) >>Follow the mobb without being part of it, try to guess where Clewfinda's leading and try to head him orf. >BUILD NEW SEAFOOD SHRINE AND PRAY UP >N >SKUMM KOAT >N >Toady Tracking, Sneekibreeki BoA >Day 1 99, 59 (Nat1) >Day 2 87, 41(Nat1) >Day 3 83, 86 (Nat1) >+15 to Sneekibreeki (second roll of each pair) from not using SKUMM KOAT >-5 General Penalty cumulative per day from fatigue >Toady COMBAT BoA 42, 92 || 93, 93 || 42 (Nat1), 41 >QM rollan environment and sneekibreeki, 3 days >+20 to Sneekibreeki from specialization
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 09 Dec 2024 09:57:24 No. 6154713 Report Quoted By:
23 Days Orf remaining>Toady 19/19Dur (3+), 21/30HP, GIGA GLUGGZ 8/8 >Toady gets 1 Medium Helff Pott from Dokk as "operating expense", used to topup G.G.; current balance of Smol Helff Potts 6 >3 Stuffs deducted for natural healing aids. Using DirtyNuggz as a runner, you coordinate with Gityeeta: the march out starts at moonup, so you’ll need to be within sight of the rally point by sundrop. The Wulvers will be mustered back and flank from the footers, and Gityeeta's mobb the outer flank of that. To get him to mark himself out you pass him the remains of Sordyfagg's distinct baccy to smoke away from the mobbz every dindin and teafast, and to carry a longy stabbstikk on his back. In return he passes you a brass toota, a spare signalling device the Wulvers use to coordinate their screening mobbz, like the Axx Chukks; you won't have the tone-codes for the toota, so if Gityeeta hears a retard sounding in the wind he'll always know it's you and try to help if he can. How convenient. After a quick napp, a swigg of Dokk's cold tea he's long gone already; Dulugtangor's TallyBossers expecting numbaz reportz , you leave your three Droogz to In-Turn at WERKZ OV EVVIL and head orf to the rally point. °°° You don't join in the noisome mass, much as you'd like to: from Dokk's briefing this self-proclaimed Clewfinda, aka Jinx Finx by infamy, is a roit sneeky bastich. Yes it's his jobb to be sneeky, as Bosser of the Foot Scouts, but his naychurr chose his jobb. You with your red skin and stanky pitz are an easy mark if you ever appear in the open. You're going to have to kip in the forest damp, no cookfires, no info except what you already received from Gityeeta beforehand, and what you can collect with your eyes. The last raid of this size was of the beginnings of a Dorfy fort; Gityeeta supposes it might be the same one this time, or stockpile nearby. Jinx Finx usually hits the same area twice in a row before switching targets. You haven't been through this patch of country before, but Gityeeta's passed you a scratched plank for reference through DirtyNuggz: >dis double fikky lines ≈≈ is the rivvah; heers va dropp of it ≠≠#= into quikky wataz >here's biggy buggholes @, @ @, @ @ @, weak crawlies come art, but theys lots >hillmound, ∆, hillmound, ∆, wots called Pammie's Paps, anna trapwater swamp starts behind here, called Tommy's Lee >deez [π] iz Dorfy Fortz; if the deep soil's suddenly stone, start smellern for hardened iron, shea oil and jojoba. beard pomade bases Spotting the main mass of the rally you skirt the flanks until you smell doggz, and keep skirting until you see the Axx Chukkaz mobb flagg: three yeet axxs choppt inna skull. The Orcs among them have uniform fashion: double bandoliers holding yeet axxs from hip to shoulder, a large choppa or paired axxs across the back, and furcussins in their tuckeroos that they slip on their feet prefight. Holdover habits from the defunct foot scouts.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 09 Dec 2024 12:18:33 No. 6154750 Report Quoted By:
You take a vantage where you can see all of the Axx Chukks and make a short, soft <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">skuu-orrnk</span></span> on the toota. Sounds like a dying duck got stepped on. A few of the Wulvz swivel your way uncertainly, but their handlers rein them in; too close to march-out time to break formation for every little thing. Someone comes along, smoking a dogend; dat gudd Stumpy leaf mixed with poorman's blend. He comes to the tree you're on and starts pessen. He's got gudd ears, to mark you at this distance. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">So yer va bloke. Wotcher, Killer.</span></span>" he says, low voice, not looking up. "<span class="mu-r">... Wotcher.</span>" "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Order of move is Footy Scoutz, Axx Chukkaz front guard, first main mobb, waggonz wiv Wulvers aside, second main mobb, Gobbo scavvers rear guard. Yer can tell yer posishun and where we're hedded by va march ordaz.</span></span>" "<span class="mu-r">Fort all da foot scoutz is dedd.</span>" "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">They iz. These new un's ain't scoutz, theys fodder Oiks; no chopz, no killz, do nuffin, lern nuffin, juzt stand under are old flagg waiting for dibbz. They won't grow to reach Orc, dat lot.</span></span>" "<span class="mu-r">Normal innit. Being at the front means first ter get choppt.</span>" You wonder how long he's going to keep pessing. No signs of stopping. "<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-s">Yerr, usually. Under Jinx no one gets one scratch moonturns at a time, denn everun dies at once. Real normal, vat. And everwun dying less oftener ever since we'z started callern him "Jinx Finx". Dats roit normal too. Sleep lightly, liddle fren. Darnt get yer froat cutt.</span></span>" The pessen cuts orf like a faucet. You take a peek: he's been dribbling a stream out of his waterpouch, the sneak. He flicks the dogend. It lands far, smoldering. >QM break 14hrs
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 10 Dec 2024 05:04:51 No. 6155113 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 53, 2, 91, 50, 2, 81 = 279 (6d100) You don't like it: the way the Greenies are doing it is all wrong. The main mobbz aren't well-enuff armed: one choppa or basha each, most of them, and scrappy armor even for kludgewear. No bows or yeetstikks in the lot, but everwun got a doublesize swaggbagg around the neck or the back of the tuckeroos. And rope. They're snakking n swigging n chatting on the move too, more than a few of them visibly swilled, extra loud and jokey. They're practically begging to be jumped. And the leading's awful too. You begin to understand Gityeeta's sus: the whole force is led on open roads and stay on them, even if there's full forest cover on either side. You might believe they're trying to get someplace farsta by forgoing stelff, but they're not hoofing it either: YOUre making better speed going alongside them on a forested incline. >Day 1 Environment 82 vs Toady 99 Round about moondrop it starts to drizzle. While the Orc force squats for shelter under the trees it'z juzt drizzles yer faggz dafuqq you keep going until you reach the head of the force. Carnt see any of the flaggz, but you're fairly sure you've found the Axx Chukkaz acting as front guard. >??????? 54+20 vs Toady 59+15 >PASS >NAT1! >FAIL You go further up, following the road at a distance. The <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">Carrionpede</span></span> perks you up, sensing prey, or danger. The drizzle masks sounds a little, but leaves mud, and you find prints: a little shorter and wider than your own, no toes showing; might be wearing furcussins. And all of a sudden you find nuffin. Like your noticing got noticed. You keep still, schnozz dribbling. No other movement. When the rain stops it's near sun-up, so the force raises up kips by the road and starts cookfires, like absolute morons. It gets humid after the drizzle; flies and little bites start finding you attractive. You keep still until about midday without seeing anything before feeling safe enough to sodd orf, just in case you're being watched.>additional -5 fatigue Under shelter you scrub your pits with wet sand to get the worst of the seepy stink orf, get a cold snakk and a few hours napp before the march out starts again at moonup. At least the noise they make is loud enough to rouse you, the gitz.>Day 2 Environment 54 vs Toady 87-5-5 Everything still damp, light wind. Not unpleasant. Behind you, the first main mobb; the Wulvers far enough away that you carnt smell the doggstank. Theyre still keeping to the roads, looks like; Pamm's Papps coming up far distant, should reach it by the end of the night- You <span class="mu-i">feel</span> the arrow coming before hearing the twang.>??????? 99+20 vs Toady 41+15-5-5 >FAIL >NAT1 >FAIL BADD
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Tue 10 Dec 2024 07:45:53 No. 6155152 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 (1d8) You just begin to throw yourself flat into the undergrowth when it lands.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Tue 10 Dec 2024 08:20:54 No. 6155161 Report >QM rules that Toady wore light kludge armor to maxx his stelff bonus of +15 >8dmg from longbow >-4Dur -4Hp >Toady 4Dur, 20Hp, 8/8GigaGluggz >ooof, it hit. >deep. >ugh. You crawl from your original position, thinking what to do next.
<span class="mu-s">[J U M P T]</span>
The usual range for biggy bows is around 250 steps (160ft); that's 5 full breaths (5 turns) in a straight line.
Wat do?
>Duck and try sneek orf. Not doing this. OR
>The arrow flew straight, I fly straight. I'z killt killyyer shootaz before. 1D3+2 turns. OR
>Ziggyzaggz fru covah. >Enemy gets -10 to hit. 2d3+3 turns OR
>Moar Oww comes out to play peekyboo while I try to close >distance 1d3+2turns, enemy distracted for 1d3 turns; need to chase them down when they flee SECONDARY STRAT
>Make it most of the way, then pull Wagon out to advance with cover, 1 turn additional OR
>Make it most of the way, then have Moar Oww and Wagon to flush the enemy, 2 turns additional OR
>ELS? [R O L L]
>10d100 >just in case >>6154599 >>6154536 >>6154519 >>6154221 >>6153811 >>6153651 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Tue 10 Dec 2024 08:22:15 No. 6155162 Report Quoted By:
additional option:>SWAP TO QKA, 2 turn additional, Y/N
Rolled 48, 68, 5, 55, 30, 29, 79, 79, 38, 56 = 487 (10d100) >>6155161 How does our magic work again?
What if we break line of sight then PILLOWSHEET through concealment to him while MOAR OW flanks to cut off potential escape?
No indication that the arrow are magical, so we should be able to phase through those too if he's somehow able to see us and draw a bead on us.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 10 Dec 2024 09:18:41 No. 6155187 Report Quoted By:
>>6155178 because slight majority chose not to build a new shrine and pray up, {PILLOWSHEET} now has no charges.
You have {SNAPTRAP}, which will use up one target's defense roll to break out of; meaning that Toady can combo SNAPTRAP with a SUICIDEY attack to one target with no retaliation
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Tue 10 Dec 2024 09:41:38 No. 6155195 Report >>6155178 >how's our majjic work Toady is wearing a collection of Trinkkittz, picrel
that have been Cursed so that they stick to his flesh; narratively because his Master is Evil, mechanically so that Toady cannot be disarmed of his spells each with their own spell charges; he needs to pray at a Shrine to Seafood for an hour to get his daily recharge, like a Cleric.
The shrine is Obviously Evil, so having it found by almost anyone makes things difficult.
All of his spells at this time have 1 max charge each.
Wordsearch {{Spell List}} here for a full breakdown: NAT 1 Anon
>>6155161 >Duck and try sneek orf. Not doing this. how many rolls for that? if not less than option #2 i take that instead
if theres a NAT 1 again i will refuse to roll next time NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 20, 68, 59, 83, 54, 10, 42, 25, 89, 54 = 504 (10d100) >>6155227 >proceeds to forget to roll KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 10 Dec 2024 13:50:54 No. 6155265 Report Quoted By:
>>6155227 1d2+1 combat rounds to just duck and retreat.
the enemy will keep shooting at a -12 penalty.
Rolled 96, 35, 7, 21, 98, 4, 90, 36, 93, 23 = 503 (10d100) >>6155161 >Duck and try sneek orf. Not doing this. Anonymous
Rolled 10, 60, 91, 90, 93, 53, 21, 37, 31, 46 = 532 (10d100) >>6155161 >Duck and try sneek orf. Not doing this. Anonymous
Rolled 85, 91, 78, 42, 15, 4, 9, 54, 92, 30 = 500 (10d100) >>6155161 >Duck and try sneek orf. Not doing this. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 11 Dec 2024 04:25:28 No. 6155683 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 2 + 1 (1d2 + 1) >fugg dis, sneeking orf.>QM rollan turns needed to get fully out of sight
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 11 Dec 2024 04:43:34 No. 6155695 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 20, 51, 46, 55, 92, 67 = 331 (6d100) >QM rollan shootah 3 turns
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 11 Dec 2024 07:40:38 No. 6155773 Report Quoted By:
You're bad at this range; you're not going to charge up and get riddled like a porcupine. Snapping the tail end of the arrow orf for now, you get crawling away from where the arrow came. They shouldn't be hearing much at this distance, and you're betting on most WRiggers not having Dark Peek.>??????? 51-12 vs Toady 96 -5 -5 +6 >MISSD >??????? 55-12 vs Toady 91 -5 -5 +6 >MISSD Yup, they're WRiggers and theys guessing. >??????? 92-12 vs Toady 98-5-5+6 >MISSD When you feel you have enough tree trunks between you and the original line of fire, you get on two feet and make distance, running towards where the first main mobb is camped. The shoota doesn't attempt to follow. °°° Even though no guard is posted to keep watch, you don't enter the camp and mingle. That might be what the shoota wants you to do: corral you back into the mobb, make you manageable. You get Moar Oww to pluck the arrow out your back with some old pliars. Looks like a longbow arrow; not Dorfy then; thems use cross- and winch bows, if at all. You remember the length of it before you broke it orf; shouldn't be Rhean either. With a pair of old pliars you get the business end out of your back: plain iron, no engraving, fikk diamond profile; not Binny. You think most likely it wuz a Humie wot shot you. You'll have to arsk Dokk if there are any Humie places in this country. There shouldn't be, from the way things look.>Day 3 >Environment 58 vs Toady 83 (-5 -5 fatigue from day 1) (-5 fatigue from day 2) >PASS Good weather continues. The Orcs tromping through the country and hunting smol eats by night scares orf all the prey. You subsist on snakks from Pouchy, watching the gits digging up buggs and fighting each over over unripe fruits n nutz. Some have started to chew leaves for water. During one of the short rest stops you cross the middle of the Orc force, just to look at the wagons. See whats up with the nosh that Oiks have started chewing plants. No one stops you, just glances, which is odd: the store of Stuffs should be closely guarded, especially from thieving Gobbz. Hand wagons, with crasha spikes on the backboard, mostly empty except for ropes and nets. All the numbaz reports that the UnderBosses are so busy about, and no one accounted for nosh or war-Stuffs. The sus-stank is getting badder and badder. You go through the middle of the force and start following it from the other side. You shouldn't encounter your shoota again. You will be past the Paps in a couple Times; the beaten Dorfy fort should come within sight after that. If you draw a straight line from the first main mobb and the foot scout flagg, and assume that the Orc force won't go up the Paps, you can guess the rough area of the next stop-march. While the Orc force keeps lazing by daylight you eat up the distance.>??????? 10+20 vs Toady 86 -5-5-5+15 sneekibreeki >PASS >Toady NAT1 >wups
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 11 Dec 2024 09:22:17 No. 6155788 Report You reach the Dorf fort: occupied. Not as well-built as the one you scouted out ages ago: this one has no staggered stone blocks in a perimeter, no rooftop barbaque going. You carnt tell if there's underlevels in it or not, but no one's coming in or out.
No Humies you can see.
Going around it once you find wheeltrails through the greenery; you taste the soil on each one until you find one that's very faintly salty: used fairly recently.
You follow that one until you smell iron, then go quiet. Iron, leather, shea.
You're almost surprised to spot them, they're so quiet: no smoke, no convo, almost no unnecessary movements.
Humies in green hooded cloaks; longbows, quivers, sabers. Fighties. Standing guard over uncovered wagons hitched to old moomoos.
The wagon loads are odd: you smell rust iron, coal, salt lard, Toe Bend's Thin-It Ide, all in big quantities. From certain bag piles you smell.... rokks, dafuq.
You wait, watching.
The green cloaks get tense as the night sets in. They don't smoke, don't make fire; they crunch dry bikky, sip water. Take turns napping.
>Toady's Nat1 Jinx Finx doesn't appear. You're uneasy.
Toady has been detected and observed. Past high-moon a long hornblast comes up from the direction of the Dorf fort.
A hurried whispered discussion between the green cloaks takes place, then as one they all fade into the forest, leaving the loaded wagons.
<span class="mu-s">[WAT DO]</span>
>Chase the Humie green cloaks to: >Kill? >Capture? OR
>Head towards the Dorf fort to: >help the ruckus there, if you can? >Observe? OR
>Stay still here, watch the lewt carts, see what happens. OR
>ELS? [R O L L]
>2d100, general >>6155577 >>6155530 >>6155447 >>6155228 >>6155178 Anonymous
Rolled 47, 39 = 86 (2d100) >>6155788 >Stay still here, watch the lewt carts, see what happens. Well, if we've been noticed, our two good options are to either break contact to try again later or to play dumb and set a trap.
Hopefully we're done with NAT 1s for now...
Rolled 17, 62 = 79 (2d100) >>6155788 >Kill? Those yer friends, finx?
Think they'll make good cloaks.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 34, 67 = 101 (2d100) >>6155788 >Head towards the Dorf fort to: >Observe to prevent jinx from potentially ambushing us himself lets move somewhere else
damn you NAT 1s Anonymous
Rolled 84, 88 = 172 (2d100) >>6155788 >Head towards the Dorf fort to: Anonymous
Rolled 75, 98 = 173 (2d100) >>6155841 +1
Lets go with that
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 12 Dec 2024 12:55:14 No. 6156425 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 93, 93 = 186 (2d100) rollan General
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 12 Dec 2024 13:41:11 No. 6156439 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 73, 11, 100, 15, 81, 36, 46, 10, 90, 53, 70, 14, 71 = 670 (13d100) rollan Green Cloak gen 1: 1 opponent appears per 25, in sequence, rounded up. R1: 2: +12 =HP 3: ÷3 +2 = Dur (2+) 4: ÷6+6 = Ranged dmg, +15 Hit, + Slow Has Cure Wounds, Dark Vision R2: 5: +12= HP 6: ÷3 +2 = Dur (2+) 7: ÷6+3 = Ranged, +12 Hit, Has Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike F1: 8: +20 =HP 9: ÷3 +9 = Dur (3+) 10: ÷6 +9 = Melee Second Wind: regains 1d10+6 HP Protection Fighting Style: Shield gives +10 Dodge to self, -10 Hit to enemy Action Surge x1: non magical action; +1 additional Def dice for one turn, can attack and do an action F2: 11: +16 =HP 12: ÷3+6 =Dur (3+) 13: ÷6+6 =Melee Second Wind: regains 1d10+6HP Extra Attack: 2 Attack rolls per turn Action Surge x1: non magical action; +1 additional Def dice for one turn, can attack and do an action
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 12 Dec 2024 14:07:14 No. 6156446 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d3) >Genroll 1>Toady 84+5-20 (cumulative gen pen total) vs The World 93 >QM rules that Toady has swapped out to QKA since watching the lewt wagons. You feel so uneasy you can't stay still. Between Jinx Finx not appearing and these Green Cloak Fighties guarding wagon loads of garbage Stuffs, it's smelling sussyyer by the second. You're out of here. Unluckily, you run into a bunch of Green Cloaks who are also on the retreat. You both become aware of the other one beat apart. No sooner than you twist through the undergrowth that you hear the creak of drawn bowstrings, barked orders. >QM rollan 1d3 which Green Cloak is physically closest >1= R1, 2 = R2, 3 = F1 >Toady is 1d3 turns away from the closest target >R1 and R2 are spreading out, one turn apart >F1 is going to screen whomever Toady attacks first Encounter Green Cloaks R1: 23 HP 35 Dur (4+) 8 Ranged dmg, Longbow +15 Hit, + Slow Has Cure Wounds, Dark Vision R2: 93 HP 14 Dur (2+) 18 Ranged, Shortbow +12 Hit, Has Cure Wounds, Ensnaring Strike F1: 30 HP 39 Dur (3+) 18 Melee Second Wind: regains 1d10+6 HP Protection Fighting Style: Shield gives +10 Dodge to self, -10 Hit to enemy Action Surge x1: non magical action; +1 additional Def dice for one turn, can attack and do an action
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 12 Dec 2024 14:38:38 No. 6156454 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 13, 2, 73, 59, 39, 65, 55, 50, 44, 5, 76, 68, 37, 88, 89, 58 = 821 (16d100) >Toady 19Dur (3+) 25HP>Toady COMBAT BoA 42, 92 || 93, 93 || 42 (Nat1), 41 First come, first served! While the shortbow archer runs for position, the one with the longbow starts loosing on you. The nearest Green Cloak brings up a round wood shield and a saber. He actually beckons you, tapping the front of his shield with the blade. If you want to get at the other two you'll have to get fru him. "<span class="mu-r">Nart a <span class="mu-s">prablam</span></span>.">1-6 = R1, 3 turns >7-10= R2, 2 turns >11-16= F1, 3 turns
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 12 Dec 2024 15:15:23 No. 6156458 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 8 + 6 (1d10 + 6) >Current TSCP bonuses>+6 Dodge, +25 Hit, +18Dmg >Weaponry: Daggy +3 +6 Vorpal, GOLDIE +3 &3 Balefire, Noiffy +6, WHAPP +8 >Total 38 melee dmg, +6 Vorpal, 3 Balefire/turn, 4 Noxic/turn >TOADY 92+25 (TSCP)-10(Fighter's Style: Protection)-20(accumulated fatigue) VS Fighter 73 >HITT The moment you're in range he hunkers behind the shield, covering almost his whole profile, saber drawn back aside and under the rim. He'll take whatever you got on the shield and push back just as you hit, then his saber will thrust at you, a static target. >Dats it, roit? >Yerr, dats it. You switch it up: <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> snaps into your hand as you leap, and you sink it with barely any resistance through the middle of the shield, right into his arm. While he's busy crying out the other end of the Whapp goes over the rim of the shield, sending GOLDIE and Noiffy into his back.>-6Dur -12Dur -12HP, -1Dur From Balefire >FIGHTER 20Dur, 18HP, 2 Balefire He follows through with his original strat, using the shield to hamper you while slashing and stabbing from the rim. His swordwork is decent; the Carrionpede isn't built to dodge.>FIGHTER 59+10 vs Toady 42+6-20 >GHAT >-4Dur, -4HP >Toady 15Dur 21HP The longbow dood sends an arrow into you while you reset; he's tracking you, an easy target. >-2Dur, -2HP >13Dur, 19HP The shortbow has taken up position, reaching into the quiver at his side. >Gutta wrap dis. >QM rollan FIGHTER Second Wind
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Thu 12 Dec 2024 16:08:01 No. 6156470 Report >QM miscalculated previous turn damage against FIGHTER >Recalculating You rush again, this time leading with long sweeps of the Whapp close to the ground, to get at his shins from under the shield.
>Toady 93+25-10-20 vs FIGHTER 88 >HIT >-6Dur, -10Dur, -10HP; 3 Balefire inclusive >+14HP from Second Wind >-6Dur, -10Dur, -10HP; 5 Balefire inclusive >FIGHTER 7Dur, 24HP, 4 Balefire, 8 Noxic He crouches instinctively, dropping the shield to cover his legs. The Whapp manages a light gash with Noiffy before the shield blocks off its movement; with a Transformation the Whapp changes direction, <span class="mu-b">Daggy</span> and GOLDIE coming in over the top.
He brings up the shield just in time, saving his face from the blades; the bottom end, with Noiffy on, Transforms again, landing on his back.
When you're reset the shield is half gone; you'd bet that the back of his banded iron shirt is just as tore up.
>FIGHTER 37+10 VS TOADY 93-20 >NOPE Then the arrows start coming in, hitting. The Shield Dood is taking up all your focus, keeping you in position; the shootas just need to lead their shots a little to hit you on your resets.
>LONGBOW 73 VS TOADY 93-20-37-10 >GAKK >-2HP, -2Dur >Toady 11Dur, 17HP >SHORTBOW 55, Toady has no defense >9 Dmg; (original rolled 18 Dmg for dual wielding) >-2HP, -2Dur >TOADY 9Dur, 15HP >BAD BAD BAD They're going to end you at this rate. Have to use the GIGA GLUGGZ.
Toady would have missed anyway, with his 43 vs Fighter's 89. QM twiddles narratively. On the bright side, that's the last Nat1. Oof. >Toady tries to use the GIGA GLUGGZ >FUGG >NAT 1 >FUMBLED >YOUR NEXT TURN MUST BE SPENT DODGING Your hands are so slick with your own blood you fumble the GIGA GLUGGZ. In the meantime, shield dood comes for you.
>FIGHTER 58+10 VS TOADY 41+6-20 >-4Dur, -4HP >Toady 5Dur, 11HP >SHOOTAS auto hit >-4Dur, -4HP >1Dur, 7HP <span class="mu-s">[TACTICS]</span>
Shield dood on his last legs, still keeping on your ass.
Do you:
>Just down him n bugger orf OR
>Gibb everwun here. No witnesses. >I'z be taking Helff Pott topups from their bodies OR
>Dump 2D2 Sossijjiz to throw orf shield dood and fugg orf as is >need to outrun shield dood 2 turns to escape OR
>10D100 >first turn pure dodge due to your last Nat1 fumble >>6156330 >>6156034 >>6155841 >>6155824 >>6155792 Anonymous
>>6156470 >>Gibb everwun here. No witnesses. >>I'z be taking Helff Pott topups from their bodies Nice schtuff joo gotz thar.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 76, 54, 49, 27, 72, 54, 62, 89, 14, 71 = 568 (10d100) >>6156470 >Gibb everwun here. No witnesses. >I'z be taking Helff Pott topups from their bodies only if we can heal before (and we dont get another 1)
i am afraid to roll at this point >>6156509 get us that elusive NAT 100 fren
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Thu 12 Dec 2024 18:26:36 No. 6156533 Report Quoted By:
>>6156520 Toady will GLUGG on his penalized turn.
Rolled 90, 12, 79, 17, 96, 83, 43, 61, 27, 86 = 594 (10d100) >>6156470 >Gibb everwun here. No witnesses. Anonymous
Rolled 86, 14, 33, 86, 25, 38, 76, 77, 74, 69 = 578 (10d100) >>6156470 >Gibb everwun here. No witnesses. >I'z be taking Helff Pott topups from their bodies Enough bullshit. I'm rolling a nat 100 here and now.
Rolled 87, 46, 12, 35, 48, 3, 56, 5, 91, 18 = 401 (10d100) >>6156509 Anonymous
>>6156470 >Gibb everwun here. No witnesses. >I'z be taking Helff Pott topups from their bodies Anonymous
Rolled 63, 24, 5, 88, 77, 99, 11, 10, 87, 17 = 481 (10d100) >>6156724 NAT 1 Anon
what if we die? (because of course that will happen)
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Fri 13 Dec 2024 12:43:50 No. 6156951 Report Quoted By:
14 hrs. Beat.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 14 Dec 2024 04:24:08 No. 6157405 Report Quoted By:
Rolled 62, 69, 91, 39, 18, 92, 93, 53, 70, 20, 65, 85 = 757 (12d100) >Toady BoA 90, 54 || 79, 88 || 96, 99 || 76, 89 || 91, 86 2 Turns 1,2 || 3,4: Fighter 5,6 || 7,8: Longbow 9,10 || 11,12: Shortbow
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sat 14 Dec 2024 04:49:28 No. 6157415 Report Quoted By:
>Bad bad bad bad bad The shootas are going to tag you, and you are going to die. You curl into a ball and tumble, disengaging from the Shield Dood. At the same time you stab the GIGA GLUGGZ fangs into the side of your thigh. >Toady 1 Dur 7-2+16=21HP Sensing weakness the Shield Dood moves in after you, rapier leveled for the thrust.>FIGHTER 69 VS Toady 90+6-20 You've grown sloppy from having to stay up and sleep rough for so long; you manage to dodge the rapier with a little to spare. You know the arrows are coming.>LONGBOW 92+15 VS Toady 54-20+8 >HIT 8dmg >Toady 0Dur 20HP >SHORTBOW 70+12 auto hit >Toady 11HP You have to do it again. >Toady used G.G., 11-2+16=25HP >G.G. 4/8 >FIGHTER 91 VS Toady 88+6-20 >HIT 18Dmg >Toady 7HP >LONGBOW 93+15 VS Toady 79+6-20 >HIT 8Dmg >Toady -1HP The arrow hits you: you look at the arrowhead jutting out from your chest, the same type that you plucked from your back. Everything's too heavy suddenly. You can't get up. You sink to the ground, but it feels like the world is sitting on you. °°°
NAT 1 Anon
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 14 Dec 2024 05:14:43 No. 6157425 Report You wake up inside a sack, wrists and ankles bound. The outside of the sack is bound again, just to make it harder on you.
You're in motion right now, so you guess you're not being transported.
Without moving you glance down and around, just your eyes.
The Whapp and everything attached to it is gone, of course. So's the Giga Gluggz.
So's Pouchy.
Only the Trinkkittz are on you.
>fugg. Toady 3HP/30, -18 Gen Pen, 19 Days Orf remaining.
<span class="mu-s">[WAT DO]</span>
That went very badly. Failures and consequences stack.
Choose from the following shitty options.
>{POPUP} to Seafood >He probably won't kill you. OR
>Use the dewclaws between your fingies and toesies to: >Saw bonds? >Poke a peephole? OR
>Wait for your captors to deal with you. >Since they didn't kill you, they want to talk. OR
>3d100, general >>6156795 >>6156726 >>6156654 >>6156615 >>6156592 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sat 14 Dec 2024 05:15:44 No. 6157426 Report Quoted By:
edit NOT in motion right now.
NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 62, 79, 92 = 233 (3d100) >>6157425 well we will need our stuff back so {POPUP} isnt an option
>Wait for your captors to deal with you. do this and try to convince them we didnt mean 'em any harm (after all, one of them just shot at us and we even disengaged)
maybe (if they dont work with jinx finx) we can convince them we that we arent even a goblin
for that we would prolly need a NAT 100 tho so say goodbye to that idea Anonymous
>>6157425 >Use the dewclaws between your fingies and toesies to Saw bonds Anonymous
Rolled 82, 4, 45 = 131 (3d100) >>6157425 >Poke a peephole? Anonymous
Rolled 55, 26, 90 = 171 (3d100) >>6157425 >Use the dewclaws between your fingies and toesies to: >Poke a peephole KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 15 Dec 2024 00:26:59 No. 6158008 Report Rolled 83, 72, 25 = 180 (3d100) 1: attempt 2: environment 3: enemies
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 15 Dec 2024 02:06:23 No. 6158072 Report >Toady Attempt 82-18 vs 83 You can't quite hook on to the inside of the sack. It's grease-cloth or something, no grip on the inside. If you jostle any more you're going to be obvious.
>Toady 79-18 vs Environment 72 You try to sniff through the sack for any tells; whatever they treated the sack with is interfering with your schnozz. Or maybe you've just got a cold.
You also feel around the floor of the sack for anything on the ground that you might be able to use. Sand and twigs thin as birdbone. Not even a pebble.
>Toady 92 vs Enemies 25 This whole time you've heard nothing. No movements, no chitchat. You don't think you're attended. Maybe they think they've fixed you. That's good.
Maybe if you keep quiet they might forget about you.
You're thirsty. You're hungry. You're sleepy.
First two being out of the question, you take the opportunity to kipp a little, fix the third.
It's dry, you're covered, and no one's out to get you, on account of you already been got.
You lean back against the tree. This is the most comfy you've been in days.
<span class="mu-s">[VOTE AGAIN]</span>
Good thing your captors are busy. Try again.
Toady 4/30HP, -15 Gen Pen.
>{POPUP} to Seafood OR
>Dewclaw: >A peekhole? >Your bonds? OR
>Full rest. Wait on your enemies. >all gen pen removed OR
>Napp Moar >Each successful roll removes 3 General Penalty [ROLL AGAIN]
>3D100, as before >The "Enemies" roll is now +15. >>6157436 >>6157470 >>6157703 >>6158008 >>6157461 NAT 1 Anon
Rolled 13, 92, 62 = 167 (3d100) >>6158072 >Full rest. Wait on your enemies. >all gen pen removed we might as well. theres no way we roll a +30 difference here
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Sun 15 Dec 2024 02:32:22 No. 6158092 Report >>6158085 Toady does not suffer -15 gen pen vs Enemies; this is pure luck vs luck.
Rolled 19, 68, 32 = 119 (3d100) >>6158072 >Full rest. Wait on your enemies. >Play dead when they open the bag for maximum surprise. Anonymous
Rolled 79, 93, 8 = 180 (3d100) >>6158072 >Full rest. Wait on your enemies. >all gen pen removed KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 15 Dec 2024 05:17:22 No. 6158189 Report Quoted By:
You give up struggling and take as good a napp as you can. You wake when you're hauled up. The sack is turned about, inspected for damage on the move, heaped onto the back of an animal. Smells like horse. Mare. No speaking you can hear. The galloping is a little muffled, slower than it can be. You suppose it might be a pony, not a war horse. It doesn't take long for you to be handed over. For sure you smell iron: lots of it. A short whispered conversation later, your sack is dunked repeatedly into a horse trough; emptied, refilled, dunked again. You get your gulps in. While you're still sputtering the sack is suddenly cut open and a mess of light is shoved in your face Dancing Lights cantrip . It disorients you just enough for Y-headed iron stikk to hold your neck against the ground. Iron shackles made for Human wrists are fitted on your ankles. When you try to struggle you get bonked. Your hands get chained, a heavy padlock put through the links, latched; another padlock hooks through the leg shackles, then the padlock on your hands, latched. The air around you is now thick with mineral oil and leather polish. The ground that you can feel is cold, rough, solid. Stone. Now that you are fully secured, they feel safe enough to take a shrubclipper to your tuckeroos. They are disgusted at what they find; you get another cold rise in the crotch, and another. There's a whispered protest that water's not cutting it, and a whispered growl about protocol. Finally they fill a leaky tin pail with moar water, and throw a small piece of laundry soap at you. "Wash your cock." At the threat of bonk you do as you're told. You do your best, at least. They give up on you before you do: the bucket is taken away, and something else is thrust at your face: a copper toob. There's a receptacle under it: a big wood tankard. Smellz hott n yum-yum. Bready muttony. "Soup. 30 seconds." You slurp, burn your lips and meof, slurp moar, hurriedly, reaching the bottom just as his count ends. A big piece of bread is offered, crammed in when you open your mouth: salted hard loaf, stale. With your mouth helpfully wedged, your captors bind it with a banditchief, muffling you. Then you are hooded with a dark cloth hood, drawstring closed and tied. You are moar fukt than before, but at least you're no longer hungry or thirsty. You go to sleep again.>All gen pen removed. >Interrogation begins in 20 hrs.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Sun 15 Dec 2024 06:18:52 No. 6158205 Report <span class="mu-s">
</span> Questions are coming. How will you answer? Write in your own suggested answers, if any. POSTURE:>Completely honest. >Technically honest. >Deceive to intimidate. >Deceive to curry favor. >Deceive to confuse. >Mute. EXCUSE:>Coincidence >"Told to." >"Phat lewts." >"Felt like it." >"Killykilly." ALLEGIANCE (professed):>Greenies. >Boogerloo. >Seafood. >ME. ALLEGIANCE (true)>ME. >Greenies. >Seafood. [R O L L]>3d100, only for anons who didn't roll the last round >Current BoA 79, 93, 62 >>6158085 >>6158092 >>6158099 >>6158117 >>6157436 >>6157470 >>6157703 >>6157461 20hrs Anonymous
>>6158205 >Completely honest >Wanted PHAT TITTIES and GUD PUSSI >Allied to whatever gets me da best pluppin >ME. NAT 1 Anon
>>6158205 >Technically honest. >Coincidence >Seafood.(but tell them hes some kind of entity possessing us. which is why we are red/different) >ME. Anonymous
>>6158351 +1
dont talk too much
Rolled 68, 64, 16 = 148 (3d100) >>6158497 forgot to roll
Rolled 17, 29, 77 = 123 (3d100) >>6158205 >Completely honest. EXCUSE:
>Coincidence ALLEGIANCE (professed):
>Greenies. ALLEGIANCE (true)
>ME. KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 16 Dec 2024 06:46:32 No. 6158848 Report Rolled 77, 30, 29, 70, 92, 3 = 301 (6d100) Toady BoA 79, 93, 77 TOSS UP>1st D100, POSTURE: 1-50= Completely Honest, 51-100 Technically Honest >2nd D4, EXCUSE: 1-25= PUSSAH N BOOBAH, 26-100 = Coincidence >3rd D4, ALLEGIANCE (professed): 1-25= Whomever can gives me CUNNEES N TETTENS, 26-75= Seafudds; he bulli mi, 76-100= Greenies >True allegiance, unanimous: ME. >4th-6th D100 is the Enemies rollan against Toady BoA
NAT 1 Anon
>>6158848 as per
>>6155195 say our trinkkitz was cursed as we carelessly put it on and now we cant get it off
now we have to consume blood to keep the entity in it from killing us
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 16 Dec 2024 07:52:17 No. 6158898 Report Quoted By:
>TECHNICALLY HONEST >COINCIDENCE >SEAFUDD IZ MUH BOSSER; he bulli mi >ALL INTERROGATION ROLLS PASSED The jangle of fat keys wakes you. Without releasing your hood, you are picked up by your cuffed wrists and ankles and carried like luggage elsewhere. It's still stuffy, but airier a little. You smell melty candlewax. You hear an iron door close and lock while you are plonked on a wooden chair. Your feet don't quite reach the floor. The hood is loosened, lifted. There's a feeding mug held out to you, same copper toob. You slurp it: just water this time. There's no natural light in here, just oil lamps outside, a short wooden candle-cup in the cell. Your interrogators are Dorfs. That explains the jojoba. The one speaking seems to be the younger, though you can't really tell. His beard is less awesome, less weaves and trinkkittz in. He's got paper and engineer's ink pencil ready; going to do squiggles on paper while you talk. The one that seems Bossyyer is just going to watch. Pervert. Both are armored in steel, both have punch-truncheons in the belt, no sharps. Theyve both left their helmets outside the door, on account of them having pointy bits.>Technikkly Trewff iz va bezt kindy Trewff >Carnt blame me for yez being too stoopud to tell "Name?" You do your best to stifle your Gobbyspeek habits. You consciously insert question marks. "<span class="mu-r">Reddy.</span>" "Race? Species?" "<span class="mu-r">Nart zure. Got some katt n dogg n bugg in me, I fink. I'z might be an mmfibbian Imma Toady n Mm fibben, lal . I'z hang around Rheaz zumtimez, Uorcz zumtimez, Humarns sometimes. Spookyface, Bluddslutt, and Guilty count, nyerr. Gart frenz everwhurr. One of me bezt Dorf frenz izza Dorflal</span>" "Place of origin, creation, or birth?" "<span class="mu-r"> I caem frumma dunjjon. Juzt de uvva day, lal Nart zure it hazza naem. Everwun uv me famms n frenz got killt vo. I'z a greenocide survaivah. lal </span>" "Purpose upon detention?" "<span class="mu-r">Ny...mhMH. Wuzzat meen?</span>" "What were you doing when you were captured?" "<span class="mu-r">Minding me own bizniz. Having a shidd inna wuddz. Den sarnly durrz Greenies behind muh, so I goez up frunt; and ven deez Green Coatz come up muh frunt n started shootn, so I getz me cutties out. Dey beat the snot oudda me free-on-wun, shuvt me inna sack, and here I iz.</span>" "You were very well-armed at the time of arrest. Explain?" "<span class="mu-r">I'z in Greenie country. Of curz I'z pakkin. If I wuz bigger I'd carry moar, even.</span>" "Where did you get the Vorpal weapon?" "<span class="mu-r">Wot goes <span class="mu-b">nnnn</span>? A dunjjon. Unnerground. Gart Templez, and mobbz of Dimm creepz. I gart lukky. Nearly died ferrit.</span>" "So what were you doing in Orc - Greenie - country?" "<span class="mu-r">Juzt passen fru. There's a biggy mess wiv Rheans n Dorfs n Buggos foitn everwhur else about. I'z figgurd in Greenie country it'z juzt Greenies, so't'z safer. Guezz nart.</span>"
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 16 Dec 2024 07:53:21 No. 6158899 Report Quoted By:
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 16 Dec 2024 09:16:08 No. 6158913 Report Rolled 1 (1d6) "Are you registered with any Adventurer's Guild?" "<span class="mu-r">Fort abart it. Figgered if I'z go roaming by muhself I'z get a biggyer cut. Anyway, yez smelled me: no wun'd party up wivva stinker like me anyway. I'z payyen da Geeld feez fur nuffin.</span>" "What about the Magic Item you are wearing? Did you get it in a Dungeon too?" "<span class="mu-r">Narr. Got dis frumma liddle-gurl-wich. Wun Eeeevil muvva, all sortza puwwuz. She putzit on me, narr I'z carnt taek it orf. I'z gotten haunted too: durrza liddle-gurl ghost hanging on me back since and before since, but fuggedabouddit, lal too. Ghostbich tries to kill me in muh sleep ever week. I gatza make offerens n keep me cutties under me pillow, or I'z dedd.</span>" The seated interrogator glances at the standing one, who says nothing. "This little girl witch. Gotta name?" "<span class="mu-r">She gotts Lott's. Diffrent everwhurr. I'z carnt member em all.</span>" "What can you remember?" "<span class="mu-r">careful here. Dedd Queen, Redd Goddess, Wyyrd Muvva, Maggoth Eetah, Superrest, Gool Slittah... all kindsy fings. I'z finks she juzt makez shidd up, meself, Bart I ain't arsken.</span>" "What race or species?" "<span class="mu-r">She <span class="mu-i">lukks</span> Humarn, but ain't. Might be frum... summere els.</span>" "Do you know where she is?" "<span class="mu-r">Narr. Been tryn ter get away frum her since I'z met her. I'z juzt busted free too, couple weeks before now.</span>" "So you worked for her?" "<span class="mu-r">Had ter. She'd kill me els.</span>" "What kind of work?" "<span class="mu-r">Mostly stealen. Zappy stuffs. Strange stuffs. And fressh dedder. </span>" "Mostly. Kill anybody?" "<span class="mu-r">Sometarms. Buggz, Oogerz, Gobbos, Uorcs; fingz lark me, mosty nart countn Fighty Whities ; dunjjonny fingz. Da wich killz who she wants on her own I give the bodies barely cold; dat counts roit? . Likez em fressh. Sez va bluddz garta be fressh.</span>" "She... drinks blood?" "<span class="mu-r">Mebbe. I durnt see what she doez, if I can. I durnt fink I'z evah see her narm reel fuddz.</span>" "Do you know where she is?" "<span class="mu-r">Narr. I took orf frum her when the Buggos and Rheas started foitn for realsies. Nart goin back tharr. Gart bigger shiddz to stirr, lal " "What about the black bead chain?" "Gart it same place as the Voor-pall noiff, az yer call it." "It seems to be made in the same fashion as the cursed necklace you're wearing." "Ah. Wuppz. I'z found it inna dunjjon; da Wich fixed it inter sumn I can use." "Interesting way of fighting. Where did you learn it?" "On me own. Figgered it out as I go. Lotsy practice. Comes in handy, foitn da gurl-ghost. If yez wuz gettn haunted in yer dreemz alla time yez gett gudd too." They finish the grilling, repeat a few questions to see if your story changes any, but you don't slip. They keep you half a day moar then release you with all your things. </span>
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Mon 16 Dec 2024 09:31:38 No. 6158922 Report >The Dorfs wasted one day additional. >17 Days Orf remaining >Toady 15HP. They give you a biggy lead coin and a warning. "Your likeness has been registered with the Peacekeepers as a trespassing non-belligerant. In view of the improper handling of your person and the extremity of circumstance, you are free to go. Exit the Orc occupied zone immediately. Present this token and report for corrective probation and registration at the nearest Adventurer's Guild within 60 days, this day inclusive. If you are detained again you shall be considered a belligerent partisan. Do you understand?" "<span class="mu-r">Gaddit. Bye! </span>">SUKKAZZZ The newly rotated troops at the Dorf Fort were not briefed properly by Key Operators in the area, and got bamboozled by YOUr fasttalk. They have followed other standard reporting procedures, however. The next time you come into Peacekeeper custody without clearing your name will result in -25 to the Interrogation process.
>>6158913 Damn, these dorfs aren't just reasonable, they are actually pretty nice (that dorf smiff back then was pretty chill, too).
Not too sharp, though. I was expecting beatings at a minimum to start with, and continued observation to see if we're telling the truth about the ghost BS we fed them. I mean, we're clearly not someone who's going to be missed, so there is little harm in doing some experiments in addition to pocketing some VERY nice lewts.
I like em.
>>6158922 >improper handling of your person >Your likeness has been registered with the Peacekeepers Ah, well. Maybe we can change colors again at some point...?
I wonder if the humies were just simple mercs working for dorfs, or something more. I don't really expect dorfs to have an asset like Jinx Finx.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Mon 16 Dec 2024 10:06:18 No. 6158926 Report Quoted By:
>>6158923 >thought the Dorfs would beat the truff out of Toady >esp the ghostbich part They had a low level Chaplain/Cleric look at you as part of the intake process; Dancing Lights in your face was from a similar utility/support caster.
They know Toady is cursed and haunted as fukk; his testimony corroborates, gaining a bit of sympathy.
Because he told the semitruff about things, they also wrote off his magic items as par course: lots of semipro Adventurers got magic items.
The Vorpal Knife and Bag of Holding are obviously valuable, but within reason for a dangerous dungeon drop; it will take a seasoned Wizard-equivalent to recognize that the both are Legendary.
>Didn't think that Dorfs would have an asset like Jinx Finx This much has been established by narrative: Dulugtangor has strong connections to Clewfinda aka Jinx Finx; Jinx Finx may have connections to the Green Cloak Rangers; Green Cloaks connection to Peacekeepers CONFIRMED.
QM signing orf, back tmr.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Tue 17 Dec 2024 13:11:32 No. 6159545 Report The area in front and some distance from the Dorf Fort is black with dead blood. Old kludge bits rusting and rotting in the sun. There's muck heaps around, burned bodies: lotsy lotsies
80-120++ , all Greenies.
Further out from the field are Greenie dedders wot managed to crawl orf before bleeding out. Most of these dont have chopp or bashh wounds: they have big burny pokes in and fru em, bigger than an arrow, smaller than a spear, no sign of either.
Youre supposed to be a harmless doofus in front of the Dorfs, so you don't stick around to get spotted being curious.
Heading the rough direction of the road the Orc force was travelling on you see wagon tracks. So they captured the cars the Green Cloaks were guarding.
That the Green Cloaks left for them, more like.
You make a day's distance from the Dorf Fort, make sure no one's about, and start setting up a Seafood Shrine.
Done, you set Moar Oww on watch for non-dedders and pray up.
You wouldn't have gotten in such a pinch if you still had your zappies and weren't worn out from camping rough. Now that you're saddled with the Dorfs' lead coin you're going to have to be careful. Turns out you carnt jurzt kill all your problems, no matter how <span class="mu-r"><span class="mu-s">killy</span></span> you get your Carrionpede.
>bekhh Pouchy getting taken away was a scare, too. Your <span class="mu-b">Weesh</span> was in there.
>nyerr >mebbe I shudd cash it before anyone else do °°°
It takes you two days to tromp back to the Orc Settlements. By then you've made up your mind.
<span class="mu-s">[TWIGG]</span>
>I'z had enough of this holla-die >Calling it quits here. >Dis hole place can sukkit OR
>Call on Dokk, tell him your findings. >Dint catch Clewfinda at anyfing >But va Dorfs n Green Cloaks r cahooting. OR
<span class="mu-b"><span class="mu-s">{{{WEESH}}}</span></span>
Moar Oww has coached you on the best possible wording for your <span class="mu-b">Weesh</span>. You got this.
QM makes utterences Gobliny for fluff effect only >"Gimme high magikkal a-fatty-nifty, potent-all n profit-sensy" OR
>"Gimme fasttyyest, powfattest, endless regennyratgun." OR
>"Gimme un-limited benefitty-all potent-all for everfing." OR
>"Make LUKK always in me favor!" OR
>"Gimme ability ter permanently steal abilities!" OR
>nerr. I durnt gaddit. Needa fink moar. CHOICE 2A
>Resolve in your heart: release Blew Bewbz when she has granted your Weesh, Y/N [NO ROLLS]
>>6158923 >>6158862 >>6158839 >>6158523 >>6158209 KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Tue 17 Dec 2024 13:12:33 No. 6159546 Report Quoted By:
add:>15 Days Orf remaining
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6159545 >Call on Dokk, tell him your findings. >Dint catch Clewfinda at anyfing >But va Dorfs n Green Cloaks r cahooting. explain that we we think clewfinda works for/with the green cloaks. our working theory is that he is tasked with thinning out gobbo ranks by leading them to death, preventing the build up of a large enough force that could take over the dorfy fort. we suggest to cast detect/dispell magic on him because he might very well be one of them in disguise, judging by his skill set
>"Gimme high magikkal a-fatty-nifty, potent-all n profit-sensy" >Resolve in your heart: release Blew Bewbz when she has granted your Weesh, N we can squeeze one more out of her
Quoted By:
>Call on Dokk, tell him your findings. >Dint catch Clewfinda at anyfing >But va Dorfs n Green Cloaks r cahootz >"Gimme ability ter permanently steal abilities!" >Resolve in your heart: release Blew Bewbz when she has granted your Weesh Yes. But only AFTER we use our new power to steal her abilities, kek kek kek. Also we can probably find a rhea to steal Halfling Luck from them. Free reroll per critfail? Yes please!
NAT 1 Anon
i feel like we need a new thread again because the replies have been lacking as of late. we are page 10 too
>>6159737 It wouldn't be a bad idea to do wish vote at start of new thread, yeah.
Also, to argue for ability stealing:
Regeneration, luck, blessings, magical ability, class features, all of that and more become in our grasp. But it still requires challenge to acquire. And it'll let us get special features without seafood performing back alley surgery on us and mutating us into a freak.
Quoted By:
>>6159737 noted.
will migrate sometime today
NAT 1 Anon
>>6159752 i see too many things that could not go as intended with your wish, but maybe its just me. wanting too much could be bad in this case. if we were the ones casting wish i wouldnt be as apprehensive (even my well, but certainly not perfectly worded wish can be messed with depending on QMs mood. but my believe is that my wish is within reason so he wouldnt feel the need to give us a major debuff, so to speak) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6159804 QM is a rare platinumfoiled QM who will not fuck you over with <span class="mu-b">{WISH}</span> qua <span class="mu-b">{WISH}</span>.
The only term is 7 words.
Narrative consequences will happen anyway, since something like Toady was never supposed to get something like <span class="mu-b">{WISH}</span>, so you may as well Weesh BEEEG to prepare yourself.
NAT 1 Anon
so we could just steal seafoods abilities? seems kinda OP what could even be a threat to us then?
>>6159849 Depends on the method of stealing.
We might have to defeat them.
Or eat them.
Or Kali-Ma them.
And with Cultivators, you want to be careful. Because their power is gained through hard work. What is lost can always be gained again. Think about how far he came from being mortally wounded and trapped in an unsuitable body.
>>6159849 you might be able to steal ONE if you plan real gudd n jump him while he's struggling with something, but he <span class="mu-s">will</span> immediately kill you with the 40+ he can readily use in the Pall Body.
YWH didn't get to where he is by sitting still and getting chumped.
>>6159849 to steal all the gudd shidd from YWH you will need him fully restored AND fully suppressed.
You will need to help him get back to his original body AND conspire with several powerful actors and bodies against him. They, of course, will have their own ideas...
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 18 Dec 2024 01:26:41 No. 6159872 Report Quoted By:
>>6159870 >>6159871 QM speeking.
Got toggled.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6159854 yeah if we have to drink their blood or something i would be fine with it
>>6159870 just to be clear: would we be able to steal spell casting ability, like what i intend to attain with my wish?
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 18 Dec 2024 01:39:23 No. 6159880 Report Quoted By:
>>6159875 You will be able to steal his intrinsic affinity with certain schools of Martial, Alchemic, and Sorcerous Cultivation, one at a time, by % chance, most of them of Deviant/Chaotic Evil nature.
You will still need access to Secret Manuals or Teachers to make any real good out of this theft; muddling about even with a godlike knack will only get you so far.
YWH will also *immediately* notice that one of his foundational key cheats he banks on is gone.
Your insurance coverage better be tremendous.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 18 Dec 2024 01:44:21 No. 6159882 Report >>6159875 QM understands "steal" as "steal".
Victim loses [stolen] and Toady acquires [stolen].
And now that QM has tipped its hand, this wish will ever be [steal]; amending to [copy] now impossible.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 18 Dec 2024 01:50:08 No. 6159885 Report Quoted By:
>>6159875 and yes, casting ability within that school comes with it.
Guess what happens to your dear old Master and postulate how mad he will be.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6159875 good to know
but i mean in a general sense
like if we encounter a wizard, could we then steal his spells and use them ourselves permanently?
that would then just be better than my wish
NAT 1 Anon
Quoted By:
>>6159882 i somehow replied to myself KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 18 Dec 2024 02:06:45 No. 6159900 Report >>6159886 say Toady jumps a caster capable of Wizard level 5 spells, cuts his hands, legs, tongue, eyes out, packs him in a cellar somewhere and starts stealing his abilities in the course of a year.
Toady will gain, by %, the ability to learn wizardry level 5 spells, that wizard's spell slots, Metamagic feats, and so on.
He will not get the actual spells the Wizard knows, because he only steals "ability" not "knowledge" or "skill". Ability is best; imagine stealing knowledge without ability.
Toady will still need to learn the spells themselves from Schools or Scrolls, and he will need a Spellbook just like a typical Wizard.
Toady STILL can't read, so learning from Scrolls will be... frustrating; he must be tutored.
If Toady then acquires a caster capable of Sorcery level 2 and steals this ability, he will be able to cast without a Spellbook up to level 2. Spell slots total remain the same, unless he found someone with a superior spellcap than either of his victims.
Now let's say Toady then captures a Beholder. Lots of Beholder abilities are spell-likes in the form of gaze-rays. Toady will gain gaze-ray X... and the relevant eye somewhere on his body.
TLDR: Spell-likes, class features, feats count as abilities. Spells as such, no.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6159900 thats more or less what i thought
so we cant steal the ability to read, because we technically have that ability already just not the knowledge to do it correct?
>in the course of a year. sounds like this would be tedious. another reason i like my wish more
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 18 Dec 2024 03:01:50 No. 6159926 Report >>6159904 >course of a year sounds tedious Up to three attempted thefts a day, for as long as the victim doesn't die, lose their mind/soul or find some way to resist. Hint: comatose.
QM will poll again in the new thread.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 18 Dec 2024 03:24:43 No. 6159942 Report Quoted By:
>>6159904 >what about reading If you steal, say, a Language, and spend some time with a Tutor or a community of speakers, you will pick up verbal and written of that Language. Taken as is, stealing the ability of Language gives you an intuitive grasp of it, enough to order a semisatisfactory meal and start a fight.
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 18 Dec 2024 03:30:45 No. 6159949 Report Quoted By:
>>6159904 in Toady terms, about half a day after stealing a Language and listening to it spoken and read, you can reliably say and write
>yer muvva a unhappypottymus It will be half garbage, but natives will know what you intend.
Spend a few days with a Tutor with magical training and you can start to read Spells written in that language.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6159806 do you stand by your choice?
as long as we are with seafood we cant just keep someone somewhere to slowly extract their abilities
and we cant store living things in pouchy
so making use of our power will be quite situational i believe
with my wish we can cast cantrips/sense magic etc. right away
>>6159545 >>Call on Dokk, tell him your findings. >>Dint catch Clewfinda at anyfing >>But va Dorfs n Green Cloaks r cahooting. Seafood will beat us good if we don't get that Shaman.
>"Make LUKK always in me favor!" We are rolling lots of 1s.
>>6159952 Yeh, I stand by my choice. Because we have several undead to steal shit from right now if we want. And bluebewbs, who is likely using Innate Magic that dont require booklearning. And seafood lets us rampage quite often, so for racials we can try on several different targets before we killem each. And for more desirable targets, we can sneekibreeki it. Will be way more viable once we get mindrape abilities, storage for living creatures that dont killem, and alternative methods of imprisonment. All in due time.
And if we can nabs blueboob's wishy wishy ability...the sky is tha limit.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6159964 how realistic is it we could steal blew bewbz' abilities QM?
we really have no way to subdue her i can think of
also QM said
>Up to three attempted thefts a day, for as long as the victim doesn't die, lose their mind/soul or find some way to resist. here
>>6159926 leading me to believe that we cant steal from dimmies or the 2 elemental golem things we got recently and for sure not from moar oww
>>6159979 >we really have no way to subdue her i can think of We literally did this to get the wish to begin with
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 18 Dec 2024 05:53:39 No. 6160027 Report Quoted By:
>>6159979 If you don't immediately release her after she gives you your wish at full power, per traditional usage, she will likely quickly turn malicious and/or belligerent.
QM already mentioned that Efreets hate to be slaves; might as well have told her to pick cotton.
If Toady then manages another subjugation at full power, alertness, and motivation, he can force another wish out of her, granted at ~50% strength. Be advised that she can cast <span class="mu-b">{WISH}</span> on herself if left out of Pouchy unguarded for 20seconds, 1 combat round.
Forcing any wish after the one gained by a second subjugation will very likely be the traditional Evil Genie wish.
>but can we steal her abilities? Yes. Subjugation and suppression first; difficult to do to an immortal magical being by a mortal non-magical one. Toady will need to work and scheme for it. This is a whole quest arc by itself.
Stealing her <span class="mu-b">{WISH}</span> Spell-like will immediately destroy her, and it will be under the usual limitations of the DND <span class="mu-b">Wish</span> spell, the most significant being a 33% chance of never being able to cast it again.
NAT 1 Anon
>>6160007 sure but she can just cast spells at us now that she isnt caught off guard
that wont be pretty
and even if we manage to get her to 0HP again we need her to be physically present in order to steal abilities which might take a very long time like QM said
in that time she will recover and escape (we have to leave her unattended for days at a time) and we will have a vengeful genie after us
a wise man once said that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
waiting on QM clarification (he just replied as i was typing the captcha) Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6159545 >Call on Dokk, tell him your findings. >"Gimme ability ter permanently steal abilities!" Resolve in your heart: release Blew Bewbz when she has granted your Weesh, Y
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:KEXpEeyy Wed 18 Dec 2024 06:26:23 No. 6160056 Report Quoted By:
>>6160030 Toady can keep her contained in the Pouch, as it is a quasi-timeless dimension. She can be pissed all she wants, she's suppressed in there.
She will heal her Dur and HP with time, and Toady can't steal anything while she's in there.
He will need to contain her while she's out of the Pouch to do the ability-steal.
Unless Toady is confident of bringing her to 0Dur 0HP in one turn while outside, she can tank everything and gain distance by flying.
That is... bad.
>>6160007 >>6159955 >>6158923 >>6158839 >>6158523 NEW THREAD UP HERE:
>>6160017 VOTE AGAIN. (sorry).
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2
KinoPhageQM !!BO3J8tDyWd2 ID:DIkHoj2w Wed 18 Dec 2024 08:13:48 No. 6160123 Report Quoted By:
>>6159979 for clarification:
Toady CAN steal from Mo Ao, since mind and soul are intact; can steal from the Spike Goomba, Joolie, same reason.
However, whatever spell-likes you take that is linked to their physiology will also change yours.
Can't take from regular Dimmies: no mind or soul to speak of.
Wagon, special case: Mouf Calipers is available.
QM looks forward to a growing collection of fucked up improvements.