>>6151353>>6151400The Zar's rookery that night had overloooked the long shadows cast upon the valley below, the Wicked Moon even higher overhead. The man himself spent the evening with blood, wax, & the feathers of ravens. The Unbearable One's message was penned by his own hand, then copied by his attendants in the dialects of the Tahmak & Kul, the runes of Norsca, the talismans of the Fimir, the letters of the Reik, the backwards runes of Kislev, the scratchings of Beastmen, & even the strange calligraphy of Hung & Tong:
"To all those who follow the True Gods of Chaos, to all those who hold sacred the site of Chamon Dharek, & to all those who hold in their hearts a hatred for the perfidious Aeslings!
The High Zar of the Wheatlands, King of Ivanoslav, Dragon-Prince of the Melniboneans, pens this letter to you:
Blasphemers against the Great Four seek to sack the holy Kurgan-mound of the Golden Winds. News of this alone should spur those faithful to the Divinities of the North to action. What's more, the cowardly Aes sold their honor to stop the march of our hordes into Kislev, failing in the attempt, but making clear that they are enemies of all Northmen. To deal with these threats I invite ye to Castle Ivanoslav in the Blyat Pass of the Goromadny Mountains as my honored guest, where feasting, drinking, & slaves will be provided. Peace within my realm shall be upheld for all those under my protection, with the ever honest Khorne as my witness. Solemn oaths between our Great Hosts, glory before the Gods & Ancestors, the wealth of conquests, high station for those lacking it who prove themselves worthy, & bloody revenge I offer ye. Make your journey before the next changing of seasons so that a Pact of the North may be discussed.
So say I,
Ivan Dolgan the Unbearable"
These letters were then sent by way of horse courier, mountain traveller, sorcerous transmission, & aloft wings of black birds to a great many places:
Northern & Southern Dolgan tribes
Riders of the Tahmak & Kul
Khazag Mammoth Tamers
Kurgan further upon the Steppes
Baersonlings & their Ulfhednar Villages
Survivors of the Sarls
Norscans beyond the Sea of Claws
Cults of Kislev & the Empire
Kyazak bands of Troll Country & the Mountains
Tong & Marauders of the Chaos Wastes
Hung of the Eastern Steppes & Vinland
Fimir of the vast Marshes & Bogs
Warherds in the Great Forests of the Old World
Lacking any to translate into their strange tongues, a few letters were also sent to the mythical lair of the Troll King, the Ziggurats of the Chaos Dorfs, the distant Chaos Ogres, & the rumored Goblins who worship Khorne as an Eight-Armed Aspect.
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