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Tyranid-Girl Quest #2

!!yhDW9T3WWhk ID:i01jNdgF No.6157506 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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“It has been… Sister Celestine.”

Celestine eyes drifted toward the thing. Should she be in a different location, she would have cleaved the thing in half. Seeing that the thing was inside the most holiest of places with Chaplain Gabriel, she doubted she was facing a foe.

“And what is this?”

“Subject Ninety-Nine, creation of Ordo Xenos under Lord Inquisitor Kryptman to combat the ongoing tyranid invasions.” Chaplain Gabriel said. “She is here as the conclave is being prepared.”

“I see.” Celestine said.

“On what mission have you been sent to be summoned in Terra?” Chaplain Gabriel said.

Celestine’s beautiful visage twisted into a holy hatred in her worrying grimace. Ninety-Nine flinched at the bright searing light emanating from Celestine. The light that touched Ninety-Nine did not damage her, but the warmth of the radiance instead swelled her heart with an energy that she did not understand.

“The heart of Terra is in danger, a great calamity will occur and the threat is within the Imperium’s high command. The God-Emperor has sent me to find the heretic shrouded by foul magic.” Celestine said. “I suppose I will be needing your assistance once again, Chaplain.”

“Then it will be brief.” Chaplain Gabriel said. “I am here to represent the Chaplaincy of the watch fortress I reside in in this conclave.”

“What is the conclave about?”

“Imperium Nihilus, and who shall be sent to investigate the lost inquisitors. Perhaps there is corruption within the inquisition, those with vile intent influenced by the dark powers.”

Celestine glanced at Ninety-Nine.

“Yes… it will not be the first time an inquisitor has been tricked into creating something that would condemn billions of souls when it was meant to save the Imperium.” Celestine withheld a sigh. “But I also know there are righteous inquisitors as well. I will first speak with the Lord Commander.”

Celestine noticed the intense focus of Ninety-Nine.

"What is it, Subject Ninety-Nine?"

>“I like your wings!”
>“You’re very pretty Lady Celestine!”