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Deities Adrift, Chapter One (Multiplayer God Game)

!LgVIETBtfI ID:3m5Oopn2 No.6168593 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The Void is infinite. It is perfect Entropy, bringing an end to all eventualities.

Chaos and Order, Time and Space, Life and Death. All are extinguished.

Inside its vastness, there's no possibility of anything existing. Yet...

Sometimes, something does.

A new bubble has emerged. In its paradoxical, protective shell, a new reality is taking shape.

You are one of its shapers. Most would call you a god and most would be correct. The power to create or destroy is yours to use as you see fit. Just remember, the bubble is more fragile than it seems, and for all of your differences, you and your fellow gods are an existential family.

>God Sheet
>Name: Your chosen identity. This can be anything, including a title or nothing, but nicknames from others are likely.
>Visage: Your chosen physical form. This has no effect besides first impressions.
>Goal: Your plans for this reality. While this also has no direct effect, it's probably important to you.
>Domains: The concepts you have control over. Choose 1-5. They, too, can be anything. The more you have, the thinner spread you'll be.

It's been too long since a god game and I figure New Year's is as good a time as any to start a new one! There will be some crunch but not much. Major Updates will be weekly. I'll be accepting gods until Saturday. This should be fun to see.