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One Life #5

!!KtjNTJjhIVj ID:gGaiw7QQ No.6169408 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Your name is Johan, a taxi driver that unfortunately attracted the strange and bizarre. And you were currently on a date. Or what may as well be one.

A certain playful and mischievous mime, whom you happened to meet by chance a couple of days ago in a carnival, was sitting on a chair close to your own, you were both on a table for two. Her name is Mimi. The two of you seemed to bond well, despite not knowing each other for long. This may not be much of a surprise, considering you escaped a fiery inferno with her.

<span class="mu-g">"Johan?"</span>

And yet, here your mind strangely wandered. It went to the past, one perhaps not too far away. You recalled a melancholy smile that greeted you, a woman with golden hair, and a box filled with ammunition.

<span class="mu-g">"Johan!"</span> a hand's waving calls you back to reality. You stare at a fair skinned young woman, two green eyes stare back at you with some concern. A frown adorns her thin lips.

"My apologies," you said "I must've been lost in thought."

It was a bad habit of yours to do that. You hoped it didn't mean anything serious. <span class="mu-g">Perhaps you should start eating more</span>...

You both smile at each other, and she giggles silently. A thought emerged--why did she tend to be so quiet? She was energetic in basically all other things.

You push the thought aside as you dig into your mean. The food was, some cinnamon bagels and coffee, quite nice. The coffee in particular was spectacular, the aftertaste didn't leave much to waste. Much better than that sandwich from earlier. <span class="mu-b">Did she not consume your uneaten half of it? A rather rude act.</span> <span class="mu-r">Then again you did begin eating without her, no?</span> <span class="mu-g">Nonetheless, it seemed like she didn't have many qualms about sharing food and eating before others arrived.</span>

A pleasant silence befalls you both. You think about something to talk with her about.

>"So, you work here part-time?" A relatively safe topic.
>"I've noticed you're pretty dedicated to being a mime. What got you into it?" You could get a better look into her personality this way.
>"How are you feeling?" She looks fine today, but last you saw her her eyes seemed tired and sad about the place she pantomimed in going up in flames.