>>6173800Hey you hypocrite, it's been a week. You don't get to tell me I give QMs a bad name and then bail uncalled. You've hijacked the thread without permission to shit on me. Now follow through.
>>6172643>"Players rightfully are used to QMs flaking all the time."That's bullshit. It's on them if they can't not get invested for one single day. You mean you guys couldn't just ignore the thread until it was more polished? Like twelve hours or so? Then that's on you, not me. No one was deceiving you here. You people just love to gang on others to feel part of something bigger, even when that something bigger is mean-sprited.
>"oh you'll get the rest of the actual story later teehee!!!!"Keep trying to belittle the fact that 'later' was just 'next morning'. It's not working yet.
>>6172494You guys shit on me for being fussy about your reaciton, but what about your own reaction isn't fussy as well? Giving me advice and belittling my methods simply because they don't resemble yours. You people are so focused on the 'how' that you forget the 'why' entirely, when the 'why' was me willing to suck it up for two months to make you people happy. But no. How I did the OP is more important than that, apparently. Because it's not perfect and not the way you do it.
I don't feel fragile, and I don't feel fussy either. I feel like I rightfully called you out on your nonsense. Your willingness to judge me completely by what little you can garner from my posts, as if you could define the personality of others just from that, only fuels my resolve that I made the right call in calling it quits- just like dumbass NotQM here.
>"Are you one of those auteur types who huffs his own farts? That's how you're acting."Like this guy over here. It's completely arrogant. Keep trying to pin me to one category or other like this, I don't give a fuck about your opinion given how superficial it is, but god I do so hope for your own good that you don't do this in real life. People are more complex than that, and your willingness to judge nilly-willy can and will backfire on you.