>>7652465I bought all of these on pre-order today. Storm wasn't really a character I gave a shit about, but that Mystique is way cooler than I expected, so I ended up getting all three.
The Dark Phoenix is probably my favorite Barbie doll of all time, only competing against LITD Midge and Supergirl Barbie, so I'm considering getting a second to keep boxed.
I guess my question is, since I've only been in the game for five years or so, are these going to skyrocket in price and become ultra-rare? Should I buy a second Dark Phoenix and keep one boxed?
For whatever its worth, I don't display anything, I'm just a comic book nerd with a terrible fetish. I have probably $500-$1000 boxed up dolls that just sit in a dark closet that I keep saying I'll sell some day.